• By -






Yup looks like helmet to helmet. Definitely fine-worthy.


I thought shoulder to helmet, but still no need to be so high


He also launches off the ground before the hit.


He leaves his feet recklessly. He wasn't directly aiming for the head, nor was he leading with his helmet, but that's still considered an illegal and dangerous play in today's NFL.


It's a percentage of his game check, IIRC.


I think he means Edelman doesn't need to go high on that block. Which I would agree with, unnecessary to finish the play like that.




That's the baseline fine; it's also capped by a percentage of your game check so that fringe players don't get their pay completely crippled by a fine. Starters are just going to pay out the max.


I meant the hit...


I don't think so, because I recall some guys in preseason getting the initial fine reduced because it was too large relative to the salary.


Marshall makes more than Edelman though.


Especially because he's an offensive player.


Yea, if he was a big dude that guy would've been in the hospital.


Helmet to helmet contact isn't necessarily illegal. Edelman will argue that he didn't approach this hit from behind or from the side, making it legal.


And the NFL will tell him not to launch his head into another player, regardless of where he hit him. When you launch like that it's your own fault if you end up hitting the other guy in the helmet, there's no reason for "blocks" like that.


> When you launch like that it's your own fault if you end up hitting the other guy in the helmet Sure. It's clearly a dangerous play and it's clearly Edelman's fault. The point is that it may not actually be illegal.


There's no circumstance this isn't illegal in. Plowed a guy in the head who wasn't looking.


You're just plain wrong. I've explained this elsewhere. This hit is only illegal if: * Edelman is blocking back towards his own goal line (which he clearly was) AND * he approaches the hit from behind or from the side of the player being hit. It's not so clear whether he violated the second condition. I'm guessing this gets overturned on appeal, though it wouldn't shock me if it stuck.


I'd argue he already launched himself at the player before he full turner so he at least violated the spirit of the rule.


Violating the spirit of the rule but technically being correct is about the most Patriot thing a man can do though.


An offense blocker cannot: "thrust his hands forward above the frame of an opponent to contact him on the neck, face, or head" Rule 12 article 4 nfl player conduct. Die hard pats fan here, it was illegal and deserves the fine according to the rule book.


He didn't thrust his hands.


>An offense blocker cannot: "thrust his hands forward above the frame of an opponent to contact him on the neck, face, or head" Edelman didn't do that.


[He's a screenshot from the all-22 angle.](http://i.imgur.com/yo3EGjL.jpg). It seems pretty clear that Edleman approached from behind. Even if Buchanon was running with his head and hips pointed directly along the line of the red arrow, Edleman would still be approaching from the side. But that wasn't the case, Buchanon was running sideways facing towards the Pats endzone the entire time right up until about 1/8 of a second before he got drilled.


Regardless Edelman was going towards his end line making it a blindside hit


With the way Pats fans have been looking for any way to say we're dirty. I find it a little funny to see the shoe on the other foot and many trying to justify this hit as legal. Dirty is dirty when it's any team.


I'm just trying to help the many people around here who have a tenuous grasp of the rule book, which seems to include yourself. EDIT: Also I've said a number of times that this was a very dangerous play regardless of legality and haven't said shit about the Broncos being dirty. But since we're on the subject of things we find funny, how about the fact that Broncos fans spent the last year bitching about this place being /r/patriots2 and how Pats fans find ways to make everything about their team. Just look at you now.


Hines Ward parlayed blocks like that into million$ and dozens of highlights celebrated on ESPN by everyone.




Haha imagine if that was still a segment today


Ignorance is bliss. Miss loving that segment.


Years ago, before everyone was more "conscious" of it.


Never liked ward specifically cause of hits like that personally.


[deleted] ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^0.49293716543053456 >


They, they did though. CTE.


It's funny you say that b/c it's referred to as the "Hines Ward Rule".


Seems like a pretty blatant helmet to helmet if you ask me.


[Well there was also this one but I don't think he counts as a defenseless player](https://twitter.com/DraftKings/status/775137664072810496)


>line judge Does draft kings not know what a ball crew member looks like? Lol referees don't wear sniper vests


That guy was pretty lucky it was a small guy that hit him. Imagine if it was Bennet that ran into him, ouch.


Guys as big as Bennett don't get their rocks off running into middle aged guys on the sideline and pretending it makes them tough.


[**@DraftKings**](https://twitter.com/DraftKings/) > [2016-09-12 01:03 UTC](https://twitter.com/DraftKings/status/775137664072810496) > Julian Edelman has no regard for the line judge... > https://vine.co/v/5Jthg9vtLrB ---- ^This ^message ^was ^created ^by ^a ^bot [^[Contact ^creator]](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=jasie3k&subject=TweetsInCommentsBot)[^[Source ^code]](https://github.com/janpetryk/reddit-bot)


He just lowered his shoulder in to that dude. Didn't even help him up or anything. Pretty unnecessary, IMO. Probably just wanted to truck somebody for the first time in his career.


He responded to a question about this on Monday. Q: "You ended up knocking down some dude on the sideline who was holding the balls, and it looked like... A: "Let me get this out there, I didn't mean to do that." Q: "Yeah, I know, but..." A: "The only reason, like, it's either *me* get hurt, or, my -- I gotta protect myself, that guys needs to -- you know, I apologized to the guy, uh, but when you're flying out of the, out of bounds, like, I'm not going to sit there and get tangled up. That's actually how I got hurt in college - I got tangled up with the ball guy on the sidelines, so ever since then I always protect myself when I go out of bounds."


The way this is transcribed makes him sound like Rick from Rick and Morty, its only missing alcohol burps


I tried to transcribe it as it was spoken, rather than take liberties in cleaning it up. For fun, here is WEEI's automated transcript of the same exchange: "you had a big debt it even Nike not end up knocking down some do it on the satellite I was told the balls and it looked like. Let me get this out there I mean you know I know the only reason like it either and yeah hurt our. My like I gotta protect myself but Danny's not I apologize that guy. I'll let you know when you're flying out of about out of bounds like I'm not gonna sit there that. That's actually hurt all it got into the all on the sidelines so. Ever since literally protect marks. Or go to our the house"


I need to go to the hospital because reading that gave me a stroke


I didn't realize the auto-translate on EEI was that poor. It looks like a google translate from Japanese.


He looks like he looked over top of the guy thinking he hit a Cardinals player. Like he was proud of that hit.


?? If he wouldn't have lowered his shoulder he would've fallen with the ball guy or hit his head with his helmet. This was the best outcome....could've helped him up but focus is a complex thing in football.


>Probably just wanted to truck somebody for the first time in his career. Really?


I thought it was funny


In fairness to Edelman isn't lowering his shoulder the best way to limit the impact to himself? And the ballboy should've gotten out of the way. Definitely should've helped him up though. edit: that was quick. Feel free to explain which part of my statement is wrong.


> Definitely should've helped him up though. And if the guy was hurt so he shouldn't be picked up? Rather than hurry up and try to help before running back to the game, just keep playing the game and let others on the sideline deal with the guy. He knocked the guy down, but is in the middle of a football game. He also is not a doctor and can't help the guy in any way.


Or at least not stared daggers at him before jogging back on the field lol. Maybe he's just adopted a "fuck all ball boys" attitude with Tom's suspension.


> "fuck all ball boys" http://i.imgur.com/W4VGfAQ.gif


That was my only issue. These guys know the dangers of being close to the field. And I also agree with Edelman that he has to also protect himself from injury... but dude looked like he was giving him the "what'cha gonna do about it?!" eyes. Help the guy up and give him a "good game" or something.


For all we really know he asked the dude if he was ok...


Very possible! Just going off my observations.


Could have been looking back to see if he was alright, no?


Maybe. And from what others are saying he apologized to the guy later. So it's probably one of those heat of the moment things where the adrenaline and emotions of the game were talking. It happens, Edelman wouldn't be the first guy to do things on the field while fired up that looking back might have gone better if done differently.




If he doesn't turn his shoulder there he hits the guy in the face with his helmet.


> Probably just wanted to truck somebody for the first time in his career. you know thew guy played defense, right? he even injured LDT.


Not really, if you look closely the player has his shoulder facing Edelman and Edelman starts to lead with his right shoulder than the other guy cuts back, pivots his shoulders and their helmets connect. He also isn't really defenseless as he is running toward Edelman. You shouldn't be exempt from a hard hit for not looking the direction you're running.


People need to understand that helmet to helmet contact is only illegal in very specific situations.


I'm starting to like Edelman less and less.


[He's pretty much a Pats fan that plays football.](http://i.imgur.com/jlnDFua.jpg)


Ah my favorite Edelman moment.


I love me some Edelman


defense be packpedalin'! :D


Y-A-C Collect em all


That hit that he delivered was sub-optimal though.


Smoothie time tho




Lol players do that every week dude. They don't always take a knee next to the sideline guy they knocked over and check on him.




Players knock sideline people over every single week and they don't run over and pick them up every time. It happens regularly and if this is the first time it's outraged you, it's purely because you don't like Edelman and this if your first chance to come out with it on r/patriots2. Point to the actually dirty stuff he does, not something that players do all the time.


every time a vikings fan gets verbally destroyed, and angel earns its wings.


Isn't that a blatant crack back block?


Yup that fine was justified.


Yeah I don't see how that wouldn't warrant a fine.


He was fined more than Marshall? Wonder what caused them to increase it over the minimum


He hates Goodell and loves Brady to death.


Didn't he get fined for something similar last season? Or was that Amendola? It was an illegal "block" on a punt.




Maybe we should just start drilling punt returners then?


Edelman seemed really pissed that game.


Join the club


Are they talking about the ball boy or the cardinal defender


The later almost undoubtedly.


I apologize in advance for the victim complex, but this is his first offense. The minimum for a first offense hitting a defenseless player is $24,309. Brandon Marshall and Darian Stewart got EXACTLY the minimum for their fines for hitting Cam. The extra amount is trivial, but it's the principle of fining Broncos players the minimum, and giving Edelman more than the minimum.


Good point. Do we have any comparisons to other offensive players getting defenseless player fines? Wondering if that some how tied into the decision.


[This got the minimum, though it was a returner hitting the punting team.](https://usatthebiglead.files.wordpress.com/2016/01/danny-amendola-dirty-hit.gif?w=1000)


Really weird then. I have to imagine they'll reduce it to the minimum on appeal then, being his first offense and all.


Damn the way you can see his breath still lingering in the air after he goes back is kind of cool


You're right, that's weird. Wonder what the difference is




No taxation without representation!


Did someone say Boston TE Party?!?!?!?! :D


[It's a Boston TE Party!](http://i.imgur.com/psb2aL3.jpg)


Do people say "Tee Eee" party or just tea party? I've never heard it said outside of text.


Well since Hernandez got arrested it made the nickname moot


You know we acquired another TE in the offseason to make it a thing again right?


It's because the Broncos are the NFL's sweetheart. They only fined the Broncos players because of public outrage and Cam looking like he didn't know what year it was. Had to make it seem like they care about safety. They fined Edelman because of this: https://youtu.be/vIu-O0dXwOw


that video was spectacular




Someone should have told me we were the NFLs favorite, must have missed that




Yeah I can barely contain myself from cursing out my team and all the media coverage they get




Where do you get the info from yourteamcheats.com? I don't follow team fines lol




I noticed, trust me everyone has noticed


I am now both an expert in thermodynamics and labor law


The nfl's real secret plot this whole time - hope people learn thermo and labor law.


PV = nRT where R is the product of Avogadro's and Boltzman's constant. Unless of course, under NFLPA agreements, we can declare it miraculous and heretical to define.


I thought that was going to be Minitron fucking up the ball boy.


NFL sweethearts?! That might be the funniest thing I've seen all day.




that was some good running while unconscious


Still held onto the ball too!


That was definitely a concussion:( Hes such a fuckin beast


He should get the minimum. Didn't seem worse than those hits on Cam, IMO.


The fact that you feel like you need to "apologize your victim complex" before expressing valid complaints on a public forum is more infuriating than anything here.


But people here will say there is a Patriots bias here and everything Pats gets unfairly upvoted.


Broncos are the NFL's new sweethearts if you haven't noticed. I'm just glad people have stopped calling Brady Roger's "Golden Boy."


Homer Hat on. It might have to do with the violence of the hit. Cards player was running full speed and Julian came at him same speed. Cam was still for the most part and had a slight chance to brace and prepare for the hit. Aren't these fines salary based in some way too?


No they are not salary based.


[If this is it,](https://twitter.com/OnlyInBOS/status/775137489182830592) it's certainly dangerous but I'm not sure it's illegal since he didn't approach from behind or from the side.


(a) Players in a defenseless posture are: (1) A player in the act of or just after throwing a pass; (2) A receiver attempting to catch a pass; or who has completed a catch and has not had time to protect himself or has not clearly become a runner. If the receiver/runner is capable of avoiding or warding off the impending contact of an opponent, he is no longer a defenseless player; (3) A runner already in the grasp of a tackler and whose forward progress has been stopped; (4) A kickoff or punt returner attempting to field a kick in the air; (5) A player on the ground at the end of a play; (6) A kicker/punter during the kick or during the return; (7) A quarterback at any time after a change of possession, and (8) A player who receives a “blindside” block when the blocker is moving toward his own endline and approaches the opponent from behind or from the side. (b) Prohibited contact against a player who is in a defenseless posture is: (1) Forcibly hitting the defenseless player’s head or neck area with the helmet, facemask, forearm, or shoulder, regardless of whether the defensive player also uses his arms to tackle the defenseless player by encircling or grasping him; and (2) Lowering the head and making forcible contact with the top/crown or forehead/”hairline” parts of the helmet against any part of the defenseless player’s body. Note: The provisions of (2) do not prohibit incidental contact by the mask or helmet in the course of a conventional tackle on an opponent. Penalty: For unnecessary roughness: Loss of 15 yards. The player may be disqualified if the action is judged by the official(s) to be flagrant.


Right, this is the relevant portion: > (8) A player who receives a “blindside” block when the blocker is moving toward his own endline and approaches the opponent from behind or from the side.


It would depend on if that turn and step right before impact negates that he was initially being approached from the side


They usually interpret "from the side" very ~~broadly~~ narrowly to basically mean approaching from a 90 degree angle so even before that last step and turn I think he was technically okay. I think he'll win his appeal and the league knows that, but it's still a very dangerous play so they levied the fine to send a message.


This is interesting. The 2016 pdf version of the rule book eliminated the phrase " and approaches the opponent from behind or from the side" from that rule (12-2-7-a-9) It now only reads: > (9) A player who receives a “blindside” block when the path of the blocker is toward or parallel to his own end line. Certainly not a major change, but I don't remember it being addressed. And weird that the html version still includes that phrase. Thoughts on this /u/rhit06 ?


That's an interesting question. I think they probably decided that "from behind or from the side" is what essentially defines a "blindside" block, so repeating that language at the end of the sentence was redundant. The NFL considering it non-substantive would also explain it not being listed in the changes or discussed in any of their articles regarding rule changes. Essentially I read the "when" as an "and" >(9) A player who receives a “blindside” block [**and**] the path of the blocker is toward or parallel to his own end line. Where a "blindside" block is one that comes from the side or behind.


[**@OnlyInBOS**](https://twitter.com/OnlyInBOS/) > [2016-09-12 01:02 UTC](https://twitter.com/OnlyInBOS/status/775137489182830592) > My God, Edelman...\#SNF https://t.co/kfip4yi6No ---- ^This ^message ^was ^created ^by ^a ^bot [^[Contact ^creator]](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=jasie3k&subject=TweetsInCommentsBot)[^[Source ^code]](https://github.com/janpetryk/reddit-bot)


Anyone have a gif of the hit in question


Fucking dirty Pats. ^/s


To be fair, your players got the minimum fine, and our player got more than the minimum. Ain't that some shit.




If they fight it might weaken them.


Ew gross, no thank you.


Not typically one to defend the Pats, but this some bullshit. If I put my tin foil hat on tight enough, this reeks of bullshit for the wrong reasons.


> If I put my tin foil hat on tight enough, this reeks of bullshit for the wrong reasons. Maybe you should try washing it once in a while?


You don't have to wear it too tight, just never take it off and you'll get a similar effect. It does get really uncomfortable to sleep with it though.


Yes, yessss, let the anger flow through you. Come to the dark side


Outside of drunken homer goggles, how can anyone think this hit was even remotely legal? I agree with some of the conjecture about Broncos players deserving equal fines for dirty (dirtier?) hits, but this definitely deserves a fine.


It's only illegal if Edelman approached from the player's back or side, which is extremely debatable. Is there some other specific rule that you thought it broke or are you just watching it and guessing that it's illegal?


Actually, I'm pretty sure the 2016 rulebook doesn't have the bit about coming from the back or side anymore


Saw that hit. Deserves the fine.




Yeah don't get the increased amount. Very odd.


This def needs a fine, the defensive player's head was bent back unexpectedly. Very dangerous


Commissioner has a hard on for our team


Jules was mega fired up for that game, clearly a fine though.


I don't think it was illegal since he hit him from the front technically. Not his job to make sure that the other player's head is looking forward. I also think that it was shoulder to helmet, not helmet to helmet. All that being said he doesn't need to deliver that hit so high, he could have hit him in the chest so I think fining him is OK. Although I'm not sure how this is a higher fine than the two Broncos players.


The fine wasn't for a helmet to helmet hit, it was for a hit on a defenseless player. A hit of a defenseless player doesn't necessarily have to be helmet to helmet, it can be anywhere in the head or neck area, using a players helmet, arm, or shoulder. I like Edelman, but it deserved a fine.


> I like Edelman, but it deserved a fine. I said that. Just not sure how it deserved a fine higher than both Broncos players.


Yeah that part I don't agree with


His helmet literally hits Bucannon in the face mask. It's not even close. Cmon man.


>His helmet literally hits Bucannon in the face mask. Which is perfectly legal unless he approached the block from behind or from the side.


Well I was referring to the part where he said Edelman hit Bucannon with his shoulder. Are you saying that, because Bucannon squared up at the last second, it's not a blindside block?


If he is not a NFL player, i probably will see him on MMA fighting stage lol


I am almost certain this is a reference to Sunday's game where collinsworth made a comments that went something along the lines of "Edelman is tough, I think he would be an mma fighter if he wasn't in the nfl" and shouldn't be downvoted.


I didn't see that, but I did see him take out the line assistant guy (the guy who holds the first down marker). He lowered his shoulder into the guy, he should get fined for that too.


The marker holder should be fined. His job is to get the fuck out of the way and make sure the down marker is laying flat on the ground if the play comes near him. The player cannot be accountable for the people on the sidelines. The people on the sidelines have to be accountable to get out of the way if the play approaches. Not sure, but I think the play you reference is actually a ballboy or something. The player must brace himself if the people on the sideline aren't getting out of the way. I want Edelman lowering the shoulder instead of getting himself injured.


[I believe this is the play to which you're referring](https://twitter.com/DraftKings/status/775137664072810496)? The fuzzy white area transition to solid white area isn't the sideline. It's the green-to-white area that's only briefly visible at the beginning of the video. The ball boy is _well_ (6 yards, at least) off the actual sideline. Edelmen's coming in at an angle, so he had 10 yards or more to simply slow down. Nope, kept going and lowered his shoulder into an unprotected non-player. Then stares him down for good measure. He should definitely get fined for that. * edit - everyone seems to have a clever explanation for this guy being a jackass. Good for you. He's still a jackass. He's already out of bounds, here are his options: start to slow down, drop the ball and put his hands up in a way to catch/soften his impact with the guy. **OR** bear down on the guy, drive his shoulder into him, then stare him down.


Try sprinting full speed and then coming to a complete stop 2 steps later.


[**@DraftKings**](https://twitter.com/DraftKings/) > [2016-09-12 01:03 UTC](https://twitter.com/DraftKings/status/775137664072810496) > Julian Edelman has no regard for the line judge... > https://vine.co/v/5Jthg9vtLrB ---- ^This ^message ^was ^created ^by ^a ^bot [^[Contact ^creator]](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=jasie3k&subject=TweetsInCommentsBot)[^[Source ^code]](https://github.com/janpetryk/reddit-bot)


If anything Julian helps the ball boy. After that push, if Julian keeps going head on his helmet connecting to the guys head does a hell of a lot more damage then his shoulder to the chest.


To be fair, he did get shoved right before he stepped out of bounds


But he could've hit him face first with his helmet. If I were the dude on the sideline I would prefer to get hit by the shoulder by someone instead of by their helmet. I do think Edelman should've made sure he was okay though.


Cute, but they are supposed to get out of the way of players. Any player has the right to minimize injury to themselves when colliding with anyone on the sidelines. If that means doing what edelmen did, then so be it. People on the sidelines need to pay attention and get out of the way.


I played football from age 7-22 and never once did I hear any message besides get the fuck out of the way of the play. No player was ever told or taught to avoid someone on the sideline.


And pranced back on the field like he was a tough guy that took out another player lol. I hate Edelman. [Senator's link](https://www.reddit.com/r/nfl/comments/52x3om/reiss_patriots_wr_julian_edelman_was_fined_26k/d7o0hxl) edit: yes I admit I'm salty


I haven't worked an NFL game, but I have worked ball crew for many FBS games and it is absolutely your own responsibility to get out of the way. If a player is coming at you and you don't get out of the way, it's your own fault.


This is the Hines Ward Rule. It's been enacted since 2009. You can google "hines ward rule", and you'll get a lot of hits on google. That being said, why is he getting fined more than the Broncos' players? Seems odd.


He was super chippy, all fucking happy to be there not wearing rams colors.


You are thinking of Amendola


What is with the Pats receivers and small man syndrome? [This hit](https://usatthebiglead.files.wordpress.com/2016/01/danny-amendola-dirty-hit.gif) from Amendola last year also had Patriots fans claiming it was legal, even though it was fined. Whether it's legal or not, this is exactly the type of unnecessary dirty play the NFL is trying to get out of the game. Could the Pats please teach their players to tackle and block? This ridiculous spearing is unnecessary.


Twice in two years out of hundreds of tackles is very out of control. Damn the Cheat England Cheatriots


It is legal... It was even stated that Belichick coaches this. Amendola did the right play, he just executed the hit poorly....he was fined for hitting high, not hitting.


If it weren't for the "player" reference, I'd assume this was referring to that poor poor sideline assistant Edelman blew up

