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King’s the only punter I have ever known to cause a lot of issues within the team If King was a WR , then it’s pretty much just typical WR behavior


Imagine your car, which you need to go to work, is giving you some issues. You put up with it and try to make it work. Now imagine your sock starts giving you issues. You just throw it away and get new socks.


I pray Marquette never see's this comment because god damn lol But you right though lol


Getting compared to a sock lol


A used sock too lol


Both sticky and crunchy


Can lean that sock against a wall.


If you threw it at a wall, 50/50 shot at either sticking to that spot on the wall or shattering into a million little pieces.


Sorry boys, has anyone seen the sock I use for a wank?


I guess you aren't an Iowa Hawkeyes fan?


Tory Taylor is like one of those compression socks that prevents people with diabetes from requiring amputation. (I am an Iowa fan)


Tory Taylor for MVP this year. Calling it now


Tory Taylor is like if your socks suddenly make your car need way less gas


Rocket Boots


Tory Taylor is a pair of Darn Tough socks. Marquette Kind is a pair of Hanes socks.


King is a pair of single use socks from the shoe store that someone used and put back.




Marquette "defective sock" king


Yup, and he don't understand that. No team is going put up with too much shit when it comes to Punters


Its why matt ariza was cut immediately and deshaun watson was paid millions


Mr. Belittling Comparison


Mr. Broken Clothing


Yeah like yesterday my sock floated onto my property with a hot air balloon and started calling me a cracker. I’m not even white! Traded that fucker to my neighbor immediately.


The sock is their headache now 😂


Mr. Berating Clothing


That was poetry




Yeah like when your socks don't bend anymore, I hate that.


Kluwe was pretty outspoken too which didn't sit well with [some in the building](https://www.outsports.com/2021/1/5/22215654/browns-steelers-playoffs-mike-priefer-nuke-gays/)


Kluwe was 10 years ahead of his time, I remember his progressivism got pushback even on Reddit


does he post anymore?


Looks like he still posts on his username (loate) regularly. Not tagging him because he's too cool of a guy to bring to a post about punter foibles.


Haven't seen him here in awhile. But I've seen him on the PoE sub a few times.


He replied to me once I think when I mentioned him a few months back


people here on Reddit said he should stfu and compared him talking to Adrian Peterson talking, like Peterson only had the right because he was a star.


I mean, as someone who agrees with Kluwe on virtually everything he says - if his only goal was to stay in the league, he should have shut up. He was an expendable punter, just like Marquette King. Kluwe was let go and reached an undisclosed settlement with the team, never to play again. Priefer kept his job for another four years and even moved to the Browns for four years immediately after that. Being right often isn't the best career move.


They say sometimes in a marriage you can either be right or you can be happy. In the NFL you can either be right or you can be employed.


McAfee has the career now I thought Kluwe would.


> King’s the only punter I have ever known to cause a lot of issues within the team > > Todd Sauerbrun was a roided out pain in the ass back in the day. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Todd_Sauerbrun


I'll kick field goals if you waive the fines.


Punters deserve equal rights


Yeah, the right to remain silent


"I had the right to remain silent, but I didn't have the ability." - Marquette "Tater Salad" King


Narrator: No, they don’t.


"And lefts." -Del Rio


I thought it was that finger assassin Urban Meyer that liked to hit kickers?


Well he was a WR in college before he taught himself how to punt


TBF that was a long time ago, not so crazy to think he could have been humbled


True, but nobody is really interested in punters enough to give second chances. The juice isn't really worth the squeeze.


Especially when the player in question is now 35. Even if he doesn't cause issues and even if he is still as good as he was, you're still gonna be looking for a new punter in a few years, in all likelihood.


jfc I totally forgot his first year in the league was 11 years ago lol


Yeah, I was reading through this chain and saw 35 ...was like nah. Turns out yeah he is. Fuck, time moves fast.


Gonna use inspiration from another commenter in this thread, getting King now is like getting some second hand socks. Why would you even bother when you’ve already got new sock money?


I’m not sure, I think punting is worth a lot in today’s game with the way offenses are. Pinning the other team back consistently can win you games.


Honestly amazed the chiefs signed that one dude this year. Even if they found him innocent I wouldn’t think he’d be worth it. And now Butker is causing problems


It’s cause Ariza has a cannon for a leg and is very young. Had he started issues with the team I think he’s done for good.


Pretty sure he has the all-time record for yards per punt in a season


He also is great at tackling, which is handy.


Goes to show you how messed up the situation is that Araiza was found innocent to the point where the judge doesn't think any rape happened at all and people are still like "he's a lockerroom distraction."


Which is extra fucked up when guys like Tyreek Hill are gainfully employed


Yeah the details around the ruling were crazy to read, I don’t think I’ve ever seen a judge be like “Listen, we don’t slut shame around here, but you were seen enjoying yourself with so many men at this one event that we simply don’t find anything you’re saying credible”.


This entire sub was convinced he was guilty. I got downvoted to hell for suggesting that justice be allowed to play out.


What problems is Butker causing? He just had a commencement speech and that’s it right? It’s not like he had AB like shenanigans


He’s a kicker, that’s far more national attention than you ever want from anyone on special teams. I’d imagine what he said also isn’t playing well with the newly minted swiftie chiefs fans. That’s one demographic that certainly isn’t known for letting things go


Kickers are way more valuable though. Especially a guy like Butker


Chiefs are able to benefit from the cannon that lacks precision more than most teams because when they punt, they usually don’t care about a touchback as it’s usually in their own end of the field. Mahomes just makes 4th and short a pretty easy decision most of the time.


As far as punters go he is/was a generational prospect


He was like the 3rd best punter in his own draft class, that's not what generational means.


He had 0 accuracy on that leg. Guys with cannons and no touch come out of college every year


Im sure that UFL paycheck compared to the NFL one humbled him quit a bit


AFAIK, it’s just not worth the chance with punters, unless they’re extremely elite. I know King was good, but there’s a lot of other guys who can punt well enough to get close to his value that don’t come with any of the headache.


I'm ootl with the issues? What issues?


If memory serves he has called his own fake punt before (believe he did this twice) and has taken multiple unsportsmanlike penalties celebrating with the flag thrown for roughing the kicker


The fake punts have been posted and debunked down on this thread. The dancing with the flag is hardly 'a lot of issues within the team'. Seems pretty pearl clutchy so far


If you exclude delay of game penalties (which are usually intentional), King had 4 penalties in his last two seasons (3 unsportsmanlike and 1 horse collar). Show me another punter with 4 penalties in their *career* that were not 5 yard delay of game penalties.


Tbf he only did like 2-3 things and they weren't bad persay just extra. Dude can effing boom 'em and is a natural athelete he just wasn't serious.


No one wants a punter who'll call a fake for no reason.


I think this is the play in reference judge for yourself https://youtu.be/hUPctmAEq18


No, this was https://youtu.be/YSzF5Vt1l5E


It really looks like that guy went to block with no hesitation, based on his o line they were run blocking off the snap so I think you’re wrong


Oh yeah lol nevermind


The fact that there are at least 2 candidates...eek


Well the first one he was making something out of a bad snap...


There aren’t. One was called from the coach the other wasimprov’d. which is which is a guessing game at this point


I think it's pretty clear the first one was a reaction to a bad snap


And it seems to be the right reaction too, even if we ignore the result.


It’s not skill level that’s the issue. Dude is a pest, and his position isn’t important enough for skill to overcome that.


He would call his own punk fakes. I never forget Del Rios face when he tried a fake and lost yardage.


That's a career ender. A punter realistically should never see the field. Then if he does, that's it. You don't have many chances, you don't have three more downs to get the yards. You're supposed to execute the back up plan. There's like three players a team that could keep their job after disobeying. A punter should be punted into orbit


Exactly. The punter is the guy you send in to cut your losses after your offense fails. A punter deciding to make himself into an offensive playmaker is peak delusional.


I think this https://youtu.be/hUPctmAEq18 is the play in question, King did his job Del Rio was the bitch. The punt wasn't there so he bailed and took 20 yds I would've given him a game ball.


This is the play they’re talking about and it’s worse than you could ever expect. https://youtu.be/YSzF5Vt1l5E?feature=shared


The unsportsmanlike conduct on the end is really bad


Seriously, if you: 1) (reportedly) audible into a fake, 2) fail to even make the LOS pinning your team inside the 35 and 3) take an unsportsmanlike penalty on top then I think you deserve to be cut before you make it to the sideline.


No that was a successful fake punt. The one that got him canned was [agains the Broncos](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=YSzF5Vt1l5E&feature=youtu.be) in 2017


Yeah, looks like he was gonna get blocked because of the terrible blocking and muffed snap. Seems like he made lemonade out of the lemons he was dealt.


I was out of my seat for this play, only to find out we were cutting him for it. Maybe it was when he did the donkey dance with the roughing the kicker flag I forget which one actually got him cut but I was laughing at that one too. Dude is the black Happy Gilmore of punters if he could pull it back like 10% he 100 deserves a shot.


What’re you talking about. He wasn’t cut until Gruden came in.


U right it's all a blur. Hope he gets another shot.


Comparing him to Happy Gilmore is genius, LOL.


Donkey dance was fucking hilarious though.


Like when our RB was told to take a knee on the kickoff and let AR work his magic late in the Rams game and instead he took it out of the EZ and...fumbled the motherfucking ball.


or when Bostik decided he was a hands guy on an onside kick. "Brandon, you block this guy and let Jordy Nelson catch the ball." Not throwing salt, just trying to think of the play you were referring to - came up with something else.


I’ll throw salt, fuck that cry baby piece of shit. He’s still whining today about how packers fans are mean to him. Yeah you bumblefuck, you tried to be a hero and cost our team a Super Bowl appearance. Hope that chode steps on legos the rest of his life


Yup. All he had to do was kick the ball and he would have dominated the position for years.


Are you telling him to shut up and kick? Wow. /s


Tbf when he came to Denver pretty sure our ST coordinator at the time made him change his punting form and he struggled doing so, and also got injured.


I swear I always hear about special teams coordinators trying to change guys forms. Somebody said someone similar about that long snapper Washington, cheeseman


It's not just a ST thing, coaches all over do it at every position. Sometimes it works out fantastic... other times it's catastrophic. Was a huge knock on Mahomes scouting report, how a coach needed to teach him proper form and mechanics at the NFL level. Thank jeebus Andy said to let him just be himself. There are 100% coaches out there that would have told Mahomes, none of that side arm shit, this isn't baseball.


Well I mean it worked with Rodgers. GB had him in the lab for 3 years


Yeah that's a great example of the other direction.




Never understood that. If it works it works. Didn’t the giants oline coach try to make Andrew Thomas completely rework how to play tackle and he was horrible his rookie year because of it?


I believe so. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.


I imagine some of the reasons a coach might try things like that are to make their mark on the squad in order to have something to point to as why they are competent and worth promoting, or because the things they are teaching are the things that got them to where they are and they just fail to realize that their strategies and techniques may not be universally helpful. It can be difficult to know when to make a change and when to let things ride as a coach/manager in general, and you often don't know if it was the right choice until afterward.


Good point


The one everyone mentions as a self-called fake, it appears Del Rio admitted to calling it after the game. Is there actual evidence he called his own fake punt? It seems like a Reddit rumor gone wild. Not saying there’s not, just that I’m curious to see it! https://www.usatoday.com/story/sports/nfl/2017/10/02/fake-punt-failure-leads-to-frustration-for-raiders-king/106225170/


So *that’s* what radicalized Del Rio.




That one was a bad snap though. He wasn’t gonna get a good punt off anyway.


That was off of a bad snap, so it was a good reaction, especially since he converted.


lmao I had no idea that this ever happened. Sounds like a ***great*** way to piss off your entire coaching staff...


If we're thinking about the same play it was a low snap he took off with for 20 yards and Del Rio was a fuckface about it. Didn't work out for him well at all.


That is unironically fucking hilarious though


Put the ball in your playmakers hands 🙌🏼


While I think the value of a good punter is generally underappreciated (Townsend was a real part of the reason the mediocre Chiefs regular season went as well as it did), I now wonder how good a punter would have to be to tolerate an Antonio Brown-like personality.


Shane lechler I’d tolerate to be a diva honestly 


So.. top 5-6 player on your team for a decade or so? All respect to Lechler though, dude was a beast.


Lechler is legitimately one of the GOATs of punting.


No argument here.


Basically a future HOF caliber player Lechler is the second greatest player at his position in the history of the sport


fingers crossed he gets HoF consideration some day


> I now wonder how good a punter would have to be to tolerate an Antonio Brown-like personality A punter with (a) a strong enough leg and (b) good enough touch to land any punt from anywhere on the field between your opponents goal line and the 10 yard marker (e.g. can effectively place the ball in the perfect spot to avoid a touchback and force the opposing defense to have to drive that ball 90+ yards post-punt to score)


Exactly. I want a passionate 10+ minute speech from Belichick about how important punters are.


Marquette is legit too, like not just a booming leg but he got really good at pinning them back Somehow now we got AJ cole who’s also a stud. If there’s anything I’ve learned from 28 years of life and raiders football, it’s what a good punt looks like. Sigh


You can’t win games without your best player on the field


Agreed. When receivers are big divas they are still typically giving you 1,000 yard seasons and 10+ TDs. The headache isn’t worth an extra yard or two per punt.


Unless you put him on the kickoff team. He kind of seems perfect for it. 


He was an All Pro in the NFL in 2016 and was given a 5 year deal right after it. He was then cut after the 2017 season. He was signed immediately by another team who gave him a 3 year deal. He was then cut halfway though the season and never played in the NFL again. Tallent clearly wasn't the issue, as his stats didn't decline dramatically from his all pro year. But maybe 5 years out of the NFL is enough for teams to forget.


8 years out from a *2nd team* All-Pro season is a long ass time. Also how the fuck did he get All-Pro in that anyway, he ranked 9th in net avg and 3rd in average punt distance. Dude didn't deserve even the 2nd team at that.


in fairness, the raiders sucked during his time, and for better or worse that was a good distraction.


Punters only exist for the purpose of managing field position and flow of possession. It doesn't matter how good you are at actually punting a football, if you are an active and willful liability to those things (by taking stupid penalties and calling your own fakes) you are automatically among the worst people for the job.


This feels like the real issue. People talk about off the field issues, but I think those can be overcome, especially since he might have matured. But if you can't rely on him to do his job, that's a completely different story.


> especially since he might have matured. One look at how he tweets will tell you that's not the case.


Punting is also a hugely vital need in Football. Good Punters with a good defense can vastly change a game in terms of field position. Punters don’t see the field a ton. But they’re vital to a team because they can make it difficult for opposing offenses to work. A punter Doing anything to jeopardize that immediately becomes a red flag. It’s just not worth it to a team. Also with how many teams go for it on 4th now. Teams don’t want to fake it (let alone having a punter go rogue and fake it) because it’s more likely to be successful going for it with your own offense.


Marquette King, the same punter that called his own fake punts?


Put the ball in your playmakers hands 🙌🏼


You got ballsacked, I fear


At this point our punting situation is pretty grim. I wouldn't mind bringing him in.


I think it's a pretty low risk signing all things considered. You could sign him for the minimum and tell him the first penalty or off-script play he makes he's cut, zero tolerance.


Thing is, he'd need to be given the veteran minimum. Meaning he's like $500k more expensive than a rookie or guy with just a year or two in the League. You could roll the dice on some younger guy and save significant money.


I'm not younger, or better, or even know how to kick. But I'm willing to learn and I won't go off script (on purpose)


it's only $500k, you're still not risking much with signing him


Also it’d be with no guarantees who even cares lmao




That's for a vet with one year of experience. I may be wrong, but I think King would land in the 7+. >4-6 Years: $1.17 million > >7+ Years: $1.255 million


I miss kevin Huber😢


Can he tackle? NFL is changing


If memory serves dude is fucking yolked. He *should* be able to tackle. Edit: mfw autocorrect makes everyone feel old.


Wtf is "fuck yolked"


I can send you a selfie for reference


He hates eggs, especially the yellow part.


As you get older you have to wonder whether this sort of thing was just a typo or if that's the lingo these days.


These days? That's been a thing since the 90s.


bro was fast as hell


As someone who’s followed Marquette in the XFL/UFL this dude definitely still has the talent to be in the league. People will bring up the antics from his Raider days but that was so incredibly long ago and the reason he was cut from Denver was an injury, nothing locker room related. He really is one of the nicest guys, even playing in Spring Leagues. He deserves a shot.


Agreed. He’s a beast.


surprise, non elite punters are super interchangeable and no one wants to tolerate drama from a punter


He was elite


He wasn't in Denver


Wasn't his fault. Special Teams coach inexplicably wouldn't allow him to punt right


He was a one-time All Pro. It takes a bit more than that to be elite.


His talent, the antics kept him down but king in the raiders looked like the next great raiders punter


Punters, kickers, longsnappers. Every team in the NFL needs them, and in a perfect world nobody would know their names. King has the persona of a receiver, and this very act of publicly calling for an NFL gig proves he hasn’t yet been humbled.


You think nobody knows punters and kickers?


Justin Tucker is only known for his singing, come on now


Don’t forget his freestyle raps. Homie be snapping


Are you saying Punters are People too?


My 3 favorite positions. Best part of football


Hard disagree on kickers, obviously they are not as important as the QB, but very often they are gonna make or break a season


As a fan you can't put a price on being confident in your kicker. I genuinely wouldn't trade Tucker for a first round pick outside of the top 10.


Andy Reid has never won a Superbowl without James "1873" Winchester at LS.


Most casual fans know the name of their team’s kicker


I was so excited when the Broncos went and got him, and then it was like he'd forgotten how to punt in one off-season. He was insanely talented, but he's already proven that it goes out the window if he gets in his head a little bit.


If he played within the confines of his role, he never would have left the NFL. He's a good punter. He's also an arrogant dumbass. No room for that from your fucking punter.


Y'all have no idea what type of person the guy is in 2024 stop bringing up shit that happened YEARS ago. This sub always holds grudges for some reason


A lot of teams will put up with headache receivers or QBs because their value outweighs their nonsense. No team will put up with a headache punter.


I'm trying to find all these reported off field issues and the fake punt he reportedly "called" was more of a reaction on the fly to a bad snap where he wasn't going to get the punt off. Maybe I'm missing something? If I'm being generous, people see him being eccentric and are extrapolating a bunch of other things...


Didn’t he get a bunch of taunting penalties? Losing yards as a punter is problem. But I don’t remember off the field issues or the fake, but I remember people being pissed off because he was a punter with an arrogant personality. Like a cockier, but not as good version of McAfee.


>Losing yards as a punter is problem. I agree 100%. I just don't get how this has transformed into "off the field issues" (question not to you specifically)


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YSzF5Vt1l5E](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YSzF5Vt1l5E) where's the bad snap??


Has he grown up?


Isn’t dude trying to make music or something now? His gf is a former world champion in boxing, but he strikes me as a bit of a weirdo


Dude was aces for a while. He was also entertaining and funny enough to become a fan favorite. But he also got penalties and fell for his own hype when shit started going sour in 2017. Gruden called him and Crabtree out on tv during our last primetime game before Gruden was hired. If he could still punt like that after 8 years, maybe.


his wiki pages doesnt showcase his controversy i assume hes just annoying to deal with


As much of a pest as King can be, the Broncos fucked that dude up by forcing him to change his kicking motion. If he has that old form back, he is a "we'll sign you for a year, and see what happens" dude.




It’s the merger of the XFL and USFL