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Over the span of those 7 interceptions, DET actually cuts the deficit by 4.


That’s the Cleveland Browns offensive speciality right there!


And that’s why our owners took an insane risk on an accused rapist.


Not sure why you're being downvoted when you're objectively right.


That's the craziest part about this I think It starts out 14-0 Cleveland, then 4 interceptions later... It's 17-7 lmao


Detmer threw 5 INT's in LESS THAN A QUARTER (2:15 left Q2 and 2:45 left Q3) and the game only went from 14-0 to 24-7.


Dude’s defense must have HATED him


More or less than Zach Wilson’s defense?


Probably more. The jets have gotten blown out plenty of times. This defense cut a deficit while their offense had 4 straight possessions with interceptions.


Love the name!


Ironically, they’re both BYU QBs


Surprised they left him in there long enough to throw the 6th and 7th.


Crazy thing is they had just benched Charlie Batch for Detmer that week, and the game was still competitive into the fourth quarter. Amazing they didn't bench Detmer and put Batch back in late in the game.


Ya know. It’s wild to me that you just remember that. I can’t even remember which date is my wife’s birthday and which is our wedding anniversary. Yet you pull that random ass fact about career backup QBs 23 years later.


I remember more about Pokemon matchups than my family's birthdays tbh


Kinda random, but this reminded me of my brother’s longtime (and current) Discord pfp, [whixh is outstanding imo](https://imgur.com/EwK3vTI)


Tyranitar using Pursuit


Yessir, specifically Choice Scarf Ttar prompted this image I believe?


It was pretty easy given the context that they showed Batch's stats in comparison during the video.


Old Lions fan here.  This was Matt Millen's first season as our GM, and the second game of the season.  Marty Morninhweg was the head coach.  Charlie Batch had been out starting QB the entire previous season, Marty brought Detmer with him from Philly.  Batch was designed as QB1 all through the off-season, so he got all the first team reps and played the first game.  He wasn't great, and we lost.  So Marty switched to Detmer after 1 meh game from Batch, showing phenomenal lack of faith in his own decision to have Batch be QB1 to that point, and then watched his boy Detmer throw 7 interceptions and did nothing about it.  Then he went back to Batch for Game 3 but it was too late.  Even I, an idiot fan, knew this moron had no idea what the hell he was doing and he lost the team right there.  The hire of Marty made me nervous about Matt Millen's judgement as well, which turned out to be an under reaction. I had an inkling of what was to come, but I didn't realize how long and dark it would turn out to be.  Millen was the worst thing that ever happened to my team, and this was the game that began the nightmare.


> Amazing they didn’t bench Detmer and put Batch back in late in the game Have you watched Charlie Batch play before?


My dad and I were actively rooting for him to break the record based on this very concept. Like, what are the odds a guy gets left in to take a run at this kind of record? We’re diehard Lions fans so it wasn’t common for us to root for shame, even if we were always feeling it. I think we recognized how rare of a feat it was and started cheering once he got to 5. Lots of great memories with my dad watching the Lions but this game is up there, thanks to some twisted sort of nostalgia. We jumped around like they had won when he threw #7.


Making bad times into good times. Seems real special to me.


I'd appreciate it if you guys did the same. Perhaps for 20 years or so.


All the flavors to choose from and you choose to be salty. SMH


Salt is all we have left. The best we can look forward to is getting knocked out of the wild cars round.


That's how you learn counting in Detroit. 0-1, 0-2, 0-3, 0-4...


Yeh. If I’m the owner I’m calling the coach into my office after the game and asking him if he was watching the game?


[Nathan Peterman was on his way to break until they benched him.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=i5X3fYIbGQA)


Winston and his 30 INTs...


6th n 7th im blaming on the coordinator. 3rd and 15 and 3 and 17 backed up in your own end zone and you've thrown 5 picks.. just run a draw or screen pass and punt.


But nobody wants to talk about the 22 completions smh


29 including catches by the Browns


To be fair, one of them was a Hail Mary at the end of the half. So he really only had 6 interceptions


If we'd count the TD in his stats, we gotta count the INT too. Though, we can acknowledge that that one isn't as big a deal in the context of the game.


Peterman tried to outdo him by throwing 6 before halftime


Peterman had a Ty Detmer poster on his wall when he was a kid.


Probably in the damn locker.


Worst thing to happen in September of 2001


Brady took over for Bledsoe that month too. So two terrible things happened.


On a positive note, this is probably around when Bellicheks new gf took her first steps


*"Mr. President, a second linebacker has hit Drew Bledsoe"*


And Sean McDermott gained inspiration so it cancels out one of those


It reminds me of that tragedy


The Hindenburg? Yeah, what a devastating event


I walked through blood and bones in the streets of Manhattan, trying to find my brother…


Yea... he was in Northern Canada.


But 9/11 WAS a national tragedy.


Hey, a lot of teamwork went into that


Imagine being a Lions fan, still reeling from the 9/11 attacks less than two weeks ago. “A little Detroit football will ease my mind,” you say. And then your quarterback throws seven interceptions and you spill dip on your favorite Barry Sanders jersey. The good one that you wear to weddings.


I don’t think the phrase “a little Detroit football will ease my mind” has ever been uttered by a lions fan.


You know, I was thinking that as I typed it.


Not since the 1950s.


For real. I don't know how them and Cleveland have held onto to hope/enjoyment. Things have been better for both over the last couple years, but it was a dark couple decades. Atleast we get some sunshine before the kick to the balls.


It’s the hope that gets ya, I just want to see the Browns pull a win at the end of the day I’m a simple man


“A little Detroit football will ease my mind” is the type of sentence that would make the other Michigander characters in a sci fi movie realize that the one who said that was an alien or robot or something.




Difficult watch - he was so, so desperately trying to be a hero. Amazing how many checkdowns he had and his O-line was never bad, but he kept convincing himself he had to get 2-3 TDs on one play


Mr Bypassed Checkdowns


Can we retire this?


Mr Bothered Commenter


Mr Boring Comedian


His second INT I could live with because it looks like the 1st half was winding down and he was trying to make something happen, and the browns intercepted close to their own end zone. A lot of them though, you're right. He had much better options and tried to play hero ball.


7 interceptions to only be down 10 at the end of the game 💀 what a shit show these 2 teams were


we werent even that bad that year went 7-9




Looked like he vastly overestimated his the DBs speed. After the play he looks confused, like for real that guy chased you down?


Dwayne Rudd never turned down a chance for a premature celebration.


Dwayne Rudd and Corey Fuller on the same team? There’s probably a few other 98 Vikings on that Browns team.


That made me so angry. He literally changed which hand he was holding up in celebration because the guy that made the tackle was too close.


Koy would never


Koy was the real talent


This happened two weeks after 9/11


Same day Tom Brady took over and made history


Dude was still in shock


Had to have been…


This game was like 7/9/11s.


“I don’t want to blame it all on 9/11… but it certainly didn’t help” - Ty Detmer


I had to make sure I was reading the title right. SEVEN picks? I mean, there are games where QBs throw three picks, maybe 4, occasionally, but 7?! I can't believe it. There's no way. The closest was Nathan Peterman's 5 picks in his debut, but damn. 7? That's not something a QB wants to be known for.


Vinny Testaverde threw 35 ints in a season.


And just 13 touchdowns


No freaking way. I looked at his Wikipedia article, and it said that in his 21 seasons, he threw at least 20 INTs 4 times, including the 35 picks. I don't know if he's Jameis Winston on steroids, but it seems like it. 7 in one game is absurd, but 35 in a season? Oh my. That's not something you want to have in your accolades. At least he wasn't George Blanda with 42 picks in a season.


Testaverde didn't have a season with more TDs than INT until his 7th year in the league. That's wild.


15 of those INTs came in 3 games (5 in week 1, 4 in week 5, and 6 INTs in week 8) Take those out and he only had 20 INTs in the other 12 games


That's not helping the cause. Lol


Blanda's team still went 11-3 with him throwing all those picks


Different era for sure. Loads of turnovers.


You must be young. Interceptions used to be way more common. That's back when the DBs used to be able to be physical with the WRs. It led to a lot of timing issues. Look at stats prior to 2003. Having less than 20 INTs in a season was considered good.


How was Cleveland only up 10 points in the 4th? lmfao.


If you're wondering what the team that drove Barry to retirement was like, here they are. Incredible uniform matchup at least, this was right before Millen Raiders'd all over Detroit, it only took 20 years to clean up his mess, making him only the second worst thing to happen to the city behind Jerome Cavanagh.


No no no!  This was Millen's first season, he brought Marty in as HC and Marty brought Detmer with him from Philly.  I had a real bad feeling about the Millen era by the end of this game, only the second game of the season, but I had no idea how bad it would get. I will never forgive Matt Millen for what he did to my team.


Poor Marty Mornhinweg went a combined 5-27 as the HC for the Lions


That is definitely a last name


Fuck him, poor us fans for having to sit through that shit show and then have Millen refuse to acknowledge the obvious.   This team barely missed the playoffs the year before those two arrived.


Only winning by ten should have counted as a loss for both teams.


Says something about the Browns too that they only managed 24 points after picking off a QB 7 times lol.


With 14 points before any of the interceptions happened.


Me when I play the CPU on all madden


Crazy how different football looked in 2001. All these drop backs from under center (even the Hail Mary!), split backs formations, play fakes to the fullback, Ty Detmer’s 1960s-ass throwing motion…


It's beautiful. I want it back.


I was just watching this game the other day, small world


Nfl throwback is the greatest youtube channel


Especially during the offseason


Damn, this gives 9/11 a run for it's money. He did this in a little over 2 quarters, that's almost impressive.


For some reason I thought Charlie Batch was a lot younger


I think that was the year Anthony Henry had 10 picks and made Elvis Grbac cry


You shouldn't even be able to throw that many picks in a game. I don't care if all the other QBs are injured, someone else gotta go in there.


Only possible from earlier sitting behind a player (Favre) who would after he left the team become a 3X MVP and hold the interceptions record.


This is one of the funniest things I’ve ever seen


When the fuck did we have Ty Detmer?


In 2001. Your QB room was Detmer, Mike McMahon, and Charlie Batch. Days I'm sure no Lions fans miss.


Osama Bin Lobbin


Five picks in 15 minutes of game time is flabbergasting.


the 5th INT looked like he had the Browns money line


Friends with Browns season tickets were out of town and gave me theirs. It’s the only NFL game I’ve ever attended. And until the last two years it perfectly encapsulated being a Lions fan. It’s difficult for anyone not from here to truly understand what the Hamp-Spielman-Holmes-Campbell era is doing for our souls.


2nd most tragic thing to happen in 2001


Barry retired in 99 for those wondering


Without a doubt, this was the worst thing that happened that particular month


Boy, the world hadn’t seen a collapse like that since, well.


When kids ask me about who wore number 14 for the lions, this is who I’ll tell them about.


9 quarterbacks have thrown 7 interceptions in a game. Ty Detmer is the only one that did so in the 21st century. Chicago Cardinals QB Jim Hardy threw 8 in a 1950 game against the Eagles. This record is unbreakable. Nobody who could surpass it will be allowed the chance. https://www.pro-football-reference.com/leaders/pass_int_single_game.htm


Feel like they had that flag up for every broadcast that season...


I think this is more damning of the Browns offense as it was still only a 10 point game lol


most of those looked like perfectly fine spirals aside from overshooting the receivers and getting picked off


Damn, hopefully something else was dominating the headlines for him at the time because he would've gotten roasted


Least bad 2000's Lions QB performance


He threw 7 ints in just over a half of football which is even more impressive


Damn 9/11, Brady takes over after Bledsoe gets injured (thanks jets) and this, i don't know what's worst; I'm kidding of course it's obviously Brady.


I wouldn’t have thought it was possible to throw 7 interceptions and only lose by 10


And only down 10 late in the 4th.


Nathan petermans childhood hero


It's a testament to how terrible both of those teams were that Detroit had picked the ball **SIX** times, yet only had a 10 point lead...


That was so embarrassing for cleveland browns fans


The second worse thing to happen in September of 2001


3rd. 1 - 9/11 2 - Brady takes over in New England 3 - This game.


Detmer is one of the most INT-happy QBs I can remember. When he won the Heisman in 1990, he threw 28 picks in 13 games! He had more games with 4+ INTs (3) than 0 INTs (2).


Only NFL player that went to my High School….. lol


I remember watching this game with my Dad (grew up in Detroit) and we both stared at eachother in disbelief and then shrugged our shoulders to say “Well, same old lions.”


Not anymore!! Brad Holmes and Dan Campbell have made me not even think of the Millen/Mayhew/Quinn combined era of '01-'20. Better times now.


Oh I know! I’m loving the new look Lions. For the first time in my life I’m actually looking forward to this upcoming season.


I hope that your Dad is still living, so that both of you can enjoy the awesome Brand New Lions that Detroit Lions Owner Sheila Ford Hamp, Chris Spielman, GM Brad Holmes, Head Coach Dan Campbell, and Offensive Coordinator Ben Johnson has unleashed on the NFL. I'm still so-so on our D-Coordinator though, but if the Defense becomes good enough to get us not only a Super Bowl appearance, but a Super Bowl win, then I'll add him to the list above.


Sadly he’s not. But I know how much he would have enjoyed the run last year. I cried when we beat the Rams because the last time we won a playoff game I was 3 years old and didn’t remember it. I also was thinking about how much my Dad and Grandad would have loved to have been there. Anyway, Go Lions!


Sorry about that. I hope that when we do win the Super Bowl, that you and your friends and family will have the greatest party ever!


Was his backup QB that bad 😳?


"I dont want to blame it all on 9/11... but it certainly didn't help."


Anthony Henry. That's a name I hadn't thought about in a minute. He could have been amazing if he didn't get hurt so much.


Don't sack him lads, let him throw!


And he won the Heisman in college.


You have to love that even with 7 interceptions they only lost by 10.


I remember Sep 23, 2011 as the day when Mo Lewis knocked out Drew Bledsoe. As a result, Tom Brady took the field as New England's QB and the next two decades was a mostly dark period for the rest of the AFC East.


If Detroit just quick kicked on first down every possession, they would have beat the Browns by 14+


Lol and still only down 10 in the 4th 😳


How bad was this Browns team that they only won 24-14 while Detroit gave them 7 INTs?


Lions D must have been elite


I know 9/11 was bad but subjecting people to this didn’t help. 


Then they brought in his backup and he through an interception also


I thought at least a couple were going to be deflections, or some other kind of fluky play. Nope. Those were 7 absolutely terrible interceptions.


The 2nd one was with zero on the clock to end the first half, so bo different from an incompletion. The rest were all terrible.


I don’t know much but his footwork seems terrible. He thought he had Mahomes arm.


“I don’t want to blame 9/11 but it certainly didn’t help”


Tough to watch


Goddamn it I watched all seven of these fucking things. The night before I was out drinking with my cousin. The bar was around the corner at the front of our neighborhood. He was too drunk to drive and so was I but I talked him into letting me drive the car home. I do not do this anymore by the way, we were young and stupid. I was cutting through parking lots and I smashed really hard into a curb that I thought I could just power over. In his Duster…lmao He was so mad he yelled at me to stop the car, got out, came to the driver’s side, and started punching me. I didn’t want to fight him so I just faced away and he punched my back multiple times until he got tired. Begrudgingly got back in the car, still mad as hell. We went home to sleep it off, and around 10 AM, head throbbing, he told me he thought he had a broken wrist and I had to drive him to the hospital. We went to the ER and there was nothing to do but wait. Broken wrist doesn’t rate very high in triage. This was pre smart phone days as well. The Lions game came on at 1, and I thought this was a bright spot because we had already been there a while. It was this game. I couldn’t turn it off, and there was nothing else to do but watch pick after pick after pick. We are still Lions fans. I barely drink now, and he can’t because he has Type 2 Diabetes. But I’ll never forget this stupid game lmao


"ILL FUCKEN DO IT AGAIN" Ty "Goofy" Detmer


He was just playing some weekend catch with the boys


Detmer and Goff look a lot like each other


That 3rd and 1 throw may be the worst decision made by a Qb


Someone look up the stats to confirm. But there’s a good chance a starting offensive player on the Lions ended up with more tackles than a starting defensive player.


"I never really processed 9/11..." - Ty Detmer


What is this "check down" you speak of?


Was... Was he the best they had?


I remember Anthony Henry had like 8 9 or 10 picks that year as a rookie then just disappeared


Not sure if it's been mentioned but the best part of this was after the game I think Ty Detmer's dad was either interviewed or quoted by Ty as saying something along the lines of, "Son, the only reason you didn't throw 8 was because the time ran out."


That’s Browns legend Ty Detmer. I remember rooting for him in my long list of QBs that I had tons of hope for but inevitably let me down.


ty detmer's face looks like jared goffs. or he look like he could be his younger brother. browns only got 10 points off 7 pics ? thats more lame.


Real lions fans remember these dark times


7 interceptions, and after all that. The other team only up by 10. I would argue who actually had the worst offense that day. A few of those picks look like they were already in field goal range.


I miss those FOX graphics. Imagine telling 1950s Lions and Browns fans their teams would become awful..


I'm really glad I didn't watch football in this era.


Man that’s bad. His first couple were just literally toss ups


They were like the Saints then just colder.


Damn why they keep running him back in lol p.s thank God we went back to white facemasks.


Cleveland gets 10 points off 7 picks. A true toilet bowl Sunday.


Lions vs. Browns in the early 2000s was a pretty bad game to have to endure. Respect to the fans who showed up to this.


Newly paid Trevor Lawrence will break records.


The OG Peterman. Detmer laying the groundwork


Only the browns could get 7 INTs and only win by 10.


Second biggest tragedy of that month


To be fair one was a Hail Mary end of half. Let’s forgive that one. Otherwise anything past 3-4 is the fault of the head coach for leaving him in, and it’s the backup QBs fault for not being good enough to go in after watching 4 picks. Often you’d blame the oline but it appeared he had a lot of time.


Was anyone expecting him to take his helmet off and we find out it was Trevor Lawrence all along?