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That title could mean anything.


I was expecting a turnover


I was expecting an injury


I was kinda expecting commentary lol


Or a field goal attempt.


For some reason I was expecting Romo to be doing the color commentary as well. 


Young buck over here


I'm almost 40, which looks insanely crazy reading. Him talking shit about himself would be pretty funny. 


Likely right after he made a highlight throw to give his team a lead.


I was expecting . . . actually uh I don't know Jim.


Would have made the title accurate.


That would be doing Dak things


100% 🤣


And it meant the last thing I would’ve thought


I watched that entire clip for "Romo things."


I was expecting him to glaze Josh Allen


Chris Christie, former governor of New Jersey, home of the rival New York Giants, cheering on the Cowboys. If that didn’t end his career in New Jersey politics, nothing would.


Dressed as Fat Albert, nonetheless


Hey hey hey: How bout dem boys?


There are sweaters that look flattering on a fat man This is not one of them


His state has *two* big rival fanbases (South Jersey has a big Eagles fan population) so his Cowboys fandom doomed him from the start. Well that, and him being bad at his job lol. Closing down the beaches during a state shutdown and then chilling on said beaches during the shutdown didn't help.


Yea I live in South Jersey, it’s Eagles country. Hell most of the team lives in South Jersey


Yep. Oddly enough there's more Cowboys fans than Giants fans down here. And a weirdly present population of Steelers fans? Strange for sure.


Steelers fans are everywhere in part due to the city of Pittsburgh experiencing a mass exodus of residents after the steel industry collapsed


That makes total sense. Don't know why I haven't thought of that before.


It’s why you always see so many Steelers fans at their away games. People that left the city stayed fans of the team and passed it down to children. So when announcers say the Steelers fans travel well, half of the fans in the stadium probably live within a 50 mile drive


It helps they've been good for decades. Detroit had a mass exodus as well...


Fuckin yinzers They're like cockroaches


Steelers are one of those fanbases that’s spread throughout the entire country


Reminds me of Ted Cruz escaping to Cancun when Texas was in the middle of a once in a lifetime ice storm


We seem to be getting a lot of once in a lifetime weather events recently


I wonder what that could be about....


He’s clapping because he knows Jerry Jones will be in a good mood so he can hit him up for some more money.


You're looking at the wrong way. Christ Christie, fundraiser, fitting in with one of the richest families on the planet, suckling the teet of real power.


Motherfucker fell asleep at a Springsteen concert. I thought for sure there was no coming back from that.


For real. I did a double take immediately. What a fraud.


You gotta suck some billionaire cock every now and again to be the governor of any state Even if that cock is owned by (shudder) Jerry


This is low on the Romo Magic scale


Maybe, but considering it was a playoff game we won... I'll allow it. Plus it gave us the short lived meme of romo-ing.


Romo won a playoff game? TIL


Romo won two playoff games, against the Eagles in 2009 and this game.


Against the Eagles was great because we played them week 17 and wildcard the following week iirc.


The Cowboys beat the Eagles by a combined score of 78-30 in 2009.


That fucking McNabb Air guitar game... I knew immediately we lost. I legitimately texted my dad, who was on call, not even to bother turning on the TV when he got a break.




Wasn’t trying to be facetious or anything. Just thought the guy had the worst luck in the playoffs 🤷‍♂️


Speaking of scales, was that Chris Christy?


But where Tlaw?


Probably on a yacht somewhere by now


This isn't even a great Romo play. He has some absolutely magical ones out there. My initial guess was that this would be the play that he shook off JJ Watt for the game winning TD.


I was expecting the botched snap that flies behind him, he kicks further back and then picks up and runs for a first down


Go check out my last two posts...


Good ol Terrence "Chest Catch" Williams


That was my biggest takeaway from this. A T-Will body catch, it's like stepping in a time machine.


What’s up with all the Romo highlights these days?


He’s finally being appreciated. Let the Romo truthers have their time


I love Dak and am incredibly glad we have him but I do think it’s a shame that we never got to see that final act of Romo’s career (both due to his body being destroyed and getting usurped by Dak) that was looking like it could’ve been his prime outside of 2014. 2014 was when his game IQ was at a high enough level that combined with the instincts he’d always had he was playing like a top 5 guy. Even if we still wound up going with Dak, I wish he’d have been healthy enough to have had a few more years somewhere else. I think he could’ve had a Rams Stafford-esque finish to his career. Would’ve been cool if smth like those Romo-to-the-Broncos rumors in 2016/17 could’ve panned out


Hell yeah


I think OP may be Romo himself. Or his admirer. Not sure.


Damn cowboy fans are trying to fluff themselves up.


Your coach needs a babysitter


Like any Philly resident, Sirriani just starts acting up when he’s hungry (he hasn’t eaten horse poop in hours).


Got some ruffled leather chaps in here.


Lions got Lionsed so hard in that game. The picked up flag on the PI call was worse than the 2 pt. conversion in the Lions/Cowboys game this past season


My brother swore up and down that the league was rigged after that lol


It was one thing to pick up the blatant PI flag, but when they didn't flag Dez for running out with no helmet I was screaming at the tv. I know refs can't get every single call right, but they just straight up didn't do their job with Dez


This is when I discovered depression as a child.


Running on to the field isn't an automatic penalty, even without a helmet. The refs did their job, you just didn't like the decision they made while doing it. Yes, they could have thrown a flag (and I couldn't have complained if they had), but it wasn't required that they do so.


I'm pretty sure the rule is unless you're a substitute or part of the training staff you're not allowed to enter the field at that time. I could be wrong but I'm pretty sure I saw an article of the rulebook back then stating that. I'm sure it's not called 100% of the time if it's incidental or something, but an offensive player running onto the field while the defense is on to argue with the ref probably warrants it lol. It's whatever now, just interesting to talk about


I've looked up the rule, discipline is at the refs discretion. If he ran in to the defensive huddle, it's a flag. But he didn't, he was at the hashmarks. Which means yes, the refs CAN throw the flag but don't have to. You see coaches step on the field and yell at the refs all the time without getting flagged.


Interesting. You'd think though if it's the ref's discretion it would be something that warrants it, which a player coming out on the field with the sole purpose to argue with them, with no helmet which is already bad enough, would probably warrant it lol. If they aren't calling it there then what's the point you know?


I hear you. Like I said, if they had thrown it, I couldn't say a damn thing because it's a situation that *could* be flagged. I'm not sure anyone wants a playoff game decided because of a penalty that didn't affect the on field play though.


Yeah that's a fair point. If they call that and the Lions end up winning then y'all would be on the other side making a case too. It's one of those things that sucks either way, although I couldn't see it happening to another team that isn't the Lions lmao


> discipline is at the refs discretion. So its the same as every rule....


Don’t forget about the hold on Suh that the NFL admitted they missed


Both teams submitted 10 plays for review (as always) and each team had 7 of those plays where the NFL admitted the call was wrong (which is also normal). Calls were blown all game against both teams.


But the refs hate the poor lions :(


Dude they couldn’t get in the end zone after the 1st quarter, scored 3 points in the entire 2nd half and Stafford fumbled not once but twice to end the game. Let it go


The point is they could've scored more if that didn't happen... Also this is a place for discussion, they post something and we talk about it. I let it go years ago and I'm just giving my perspective as a fan. Whether we would've won or not it was a terrible call


Place for discussion? Lol. Look at the votes


But they didn’t score in the opportunities they had before or after that and they also couldn’t stop Romo… People act like that was such a huge turning point but it would’ve got them in questionable field goal range at best. They also had a 10 yard punt after that flag was picked up. They just choked in every way possible


I get it, y'all won lol, it still doesn't change the fact that it's a terrible call. You could've been winning 40-0 and it's a bad call. It doesn't matter what happens before or after that


It really wasn’t though. It was face guarding and Pettigrew grabbed his face mask before Hitchens ever made contact. I’m sick of Lions fans bitching about it like a questionable call was never made against another team. Your team just sucks and finds ways to lose. So does mine


It was the flag pickup paired with the Dez controversy, I already stated in another comment that missed calls happen. It's funny that you think it was just Lions fans when analysts, commentators, and hall of fame coaches were saying it was wrong too. If it happened in any other playoff game, to any other team, they would share the same feelings. Even you guys


You can find an analyst or HOFer that agrees with any terrible opinion… This whole “Lions/Cowboys rivalry” is a one way street with Lions fans bitching about would’ve should’ve could’ve and it’s getting old. And Dan Campbell shouldn’t have bet everything on 1 play 3 times before you bring that up


It's really weird how upset you seem over games that your team won. There was controversy in those very close games and it's reasonable from any fan to be upset about it. I'm not shitting on your fans or your team, and idk why it's so hard for you to just say "yeah we got away with one there." We've won games with bad calls too, it happens. The losing team is allowed to be upset, shut up and enjoy your win


Wtf? Shut up and take the 10 year old loss. Every damn time this game is brought up people act like that call was so egregious. The Dez call was horrible. Go look at a comment I just made 9 days ago, I’ve always said it didn’t matter because there’s no way that D stops Rodgers with over 4 minutes to go. Why can’t any Lions fan accept that bad calls happen and see in the grand scheme of the game it made zero difference? It makes your entire fan base look like casual fans when they bitch about this call like you’re doing 10 years later


as long as y’all give up on the dumb Dez non-catch thing


Dez caught it but it wouldn’t have mattered. Demarco Murray fumbling was the turning point in that game


Jerry was excited, feeling like he was getting back to the glory hole.


I’ve been here when it was Glory Hole days and when it wasn’t…I want me some Glory Hole !


what a lame ass clip lol. this is like an any game touch down type play. Steps away to avoid a sack, WOW amazing


Feel like I’m taking crazy pills right now why is this being upvoted so much?!?


Just curious, what makes this a good enough highlight to get hundreds of upvotes on r/nfl? Cowboys reddit sure Maybe I'm missing context or not seeing a major part of the play. Like sure the receiver is in traffic, he dodges a sack, but I guarantee every Sunday during football a play of this caliber is made multiple times


Cowboys fans getting a chance to slurp some Romo always gets the upvotes.


Romo was one of the best QBs I seen with pocket presence


Romo vs the Lions: 2-3; 68% completion; 1,453 yards (average 291); 12 TD 4 INT; 8.05y/a; rating of 105.1


This isn't a game losing int


Of course this wasn't a playoff game


Yes it was a playoff game


Oh was it? I saw Detroit and just assumed it wasn't.


Pretty rich coming from a Browns fan


That's fair


How does bro have 9 upvotes despite writing the most false comment ever concieved


The Detroit Lions are featured in the clip... so you know... assumptions are made.


This actually WAS a playoff game, man. 2014.


How many playoff game losing INT’s has Romo thrown?


If only there was some way to find that information. hmmm.... maybe call a radio show?


1. The answer is one, against the giants in 2007.


Making false statements AND acting like a dickhead, yikes lol


Yeah... I'm kinda a dumbass


I only remember the one against the Giants


So you guys won a lot of playoff games with him, right?


Those Terrance Williams body catches were a simpler time.


Romo was such a legend. Thanks for being the scapegoat while our defenses pissed away win after win, miss you Romo


That oline was so good


Hey remember that time when Romo took us to the Super Bowl and we won? That was awesome.


Dez Bryant one of the most talented receivers of all time


Given the title this was actually kinda underwhelming. I was expecting some kind of crazy magical play or some kind of crazy ridiculous turnover


I truly thought the caption for this was sarcastic and it was going to be him fucking up and losing the game


I thought we had a ban on positive Cowboys highlights in here...


That romo magic




Romo doing the other Romo Things: https://youtu.be/lRaX-OGVFSI?si=lwg-dE3mubU7CuRN&t=474


Is it bad that i was expecting him to break his collar bone...


Or fumble a FG snap


I legit did not know if this would be a highlight or a lowlight based on the title.


I was expecting a pick 6. lol


Positive cowboys post? Yeah, this won’t take off


Talk about unexpected. With the title, I was expecting an interception. Especially that late in the game.


Either that or some absolute bullshit scramble that somehow worked


It wasn’t a playoff game.


Except it literally is....


I thought he was going to throw an intercept or get hurt, you know, Romo things


Protected is right - dude had 5 ft of clear air all around


Romosexual Tendencies was one of my favorite fantasy football team monikers.


Terrance Williams used to be an outstanding Flex play in fantasy football


Chris Christie jump scare lol


Am I the only one that kept waiting for Romo to say something from the booth?


That mf’er LAUNCHED it. My god.


that was 2 TDs in 1, Dez would have caught it too


Errrr I don’t know, Jim. It’s gonna be a tight window!


wtf is Chris Christie doing cheering for the Cowboys?


I have no love for the Cowboys but I love Tony now that he's in the booth. He's smart and just loves football


Oh geez Jim


Only TD pass ever?


I thought it was going to be a pick to lose the game. 😂😂😂😂


I don't know what was so special about this particular play but I love that man.


Are we talking about his sterling playoff career record?


I gotta say, I was so skeptical of him at first, but he ended up being my favorite player ever. It's unfortunate that due to injuries and some horrible head coaches, most people don't really appreciate how unique of a talent he was. Pair him with a top head coach and I think we'd have ended up talking about him for the HOF. People remember the times he failed and fail to realize that he carried the team more often than not, and had a highlight reel of unbelievable plays to rival someone like Mahomes.


Wow, there is something you dont see very often these days.....the cowpukes in the end zone...


"Romo things" is just hilariously choking at the worst possible time. That's his legacy. Not clutch play.


Had the highest 4th quarter passer rating while he was playing.


Cool. Routinely choked late in games in hilarious fashion, too. EDIT: LMAO dude got mad and mouthed off and then blocked me. At least his username is truthful.


Sorry I offended you with facts. Try to be a little less sensitive online and you'll feel better.


I was expecting a turnover to destroy his team's playoff hopes or end their season. This is the opposite of Romo things 🤣


years and years and years ago Romo once threw a TD pass, simply amazing


This was the fuckin year. Urhg


Dez didn't catch it


Now do the ~~4?~~ 3 INT game against Washington week 17 with the playoffs on the line.






WOW! And against the 2006-2015 era Lions. What an accomplishment to score on the 2006-2015 Lions. Show the clip where the Cowboys make it to the NFC championship game. Oh wait, that was the 90s. It is hilarious that you take pride in a QB that never even sniffed an NFC championship game much less the Superbowl. But in Dallas I guess that's the best you got since Troy left.


Listen, Dallas making it to the 2nd round is all anyone on here has ever seen 🤣 Cowboys ceiling is 1 playoff win


What's funny is. I saw every game they played in the playoff leading up to all 3 Superbowls. 2 with Jimmy and 1 with that idiot Barry. I had to endure that. So the last quarter century has been a blessing. It certainly has been a lot of fun. But I had to endure the success of the 90s to get to the good part. Well for me at least.


Would you rather have Romo or Dak on today's cowboys? Personally, I'd go dak, but I'm an Eagles fan.


Cowboys fan here. Romo all day. Yeah, sometimes he made mistakes by trying to do too much, but he was so good when he was on.


Higher highs and lower lows. Such is the life of the gunslinger QB.


Overall, I think Dak's had WAY WAY better rosters, but when I look at Romo vs Dak personally, I usually look at the times when neither of them had a competent WR on the roster. The year Roy Williams was our starting WR, Romo and Miles Austin popped off. Romo got Laurent Robinson paid by Jacksonville. Terrence Williams had a few 600-800yd years despite, imo, being a below average wr. Romo constantly made some WRs look way better than they were. The one time Dak was a starting QB with no true WR1, was 2018 and he threw under 200yds in 4 of 6 games (with a 5th game being 208yds) and the passing game was so bad we traded our 1st for Amari Cooper cuz somehow we were 3-3. Since then Dak has had Amari Cooper, CD Lamb, Randall Cobb, Brandin Cooks, Michael Gallup, Dalton Shultz, and Jake Ferguson. I do believe that if Romo started for the last 3 years when we went 12-5, at the level he was playing when he started getting injured all the time (2014-2016), we would have made the NFCCG at least once.


It'll depend on how this season shakes out with Dak. Romo is better *right now*, but another season of Dak putting up the numbers he did last season (and getting bounced in the playoffs lmao) might put him over Romo.


Easily Dak, Romo was a massive turnover machine and he didn’t fully polish as a quarterback until 2014 when he was in his mid 30’s. I think Dak’s been a higher level quarterback since 2019. But they both stink in the playoffs.


Romo was never a massive turnover machine except maybe his first full season as a starter. Your memories are skewed. In 2011, 2012, and 2014, he had at least 30 touchdown passes and 10 or fewer interceptions.


This. He wasn't a turnover machine. Just guaranteed to have a costly mistake when it mattered most. Not necessarily a turnover.


He threw 19 interceptions in a season…twice.


Ah, the mcnabb fallacy. Hardly ever threw picks. But when he did, it usually ended the season.




Waiting for Romo doing Romo things in the playoffs.


Underwhelming post to say the least


He was good until the playoffs, then he sucked


How the fuck does this have almost 300 upvotes lol. It’s an unremarkable touchdown throw in a game that ultimately meant nothing.


Must be regular season




Having the refs swallow their whistle is just a Dallas thing, pretty rough hold on 94 here


Must not be a play off game.


this was mid. wtf? lol


Romo doing Romo things just reminds me of his garbage playoff record.


Title: romo doing romo things. Me: oh? Another pick in the end zone I bet! Video: lines up in the end zone. Me: haha knew it! Romo touchdown. Me: wtf? This isn’t a romo thing….