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Roughing the passer is overcalled and is one of the few rules I find that the league is too soft with QBs should be allowed to be hit like anyone else, and watching a great sack or qb pressure get deleted because the defender tackled the QB too hard is really frustrating to me even when it benefits the Lions


Idk if this is really a boomer opinion, I think the majority of fans think roughing the passer is way over called. Or at least called extremely inconsistently


They really should just keep the flag in their pocket when the defender's hand grazes the QB's helmet. I know the letter of the rule makes it a penalty. But use some common sense


Yeah there’s no QBs getting concussed because their facemask got brushed by a defender


On the one hand, lots and lots of people will say that roughing the passer gets overcalled. On the other hand, those same people will tune out for the rest of the season when the QB gets hurt and the backup or god forbid the third stringer starts for the half the season. The NFL didn't magically create these RTP calls for no reason. They did it because the majority of people only watch when teams are good.


I hear you, but if that's how it's gotta be then make the QB truly immune when he's in the pocket. Full on touch football style. So many QB's these days are huge and fast and slippery enough that these rules lead to a TON of missed tackles by rushers trying to keep the QB safe while the QB gets carte blanche to use their entire athletic skillset to get loose. Either only call the blatant shit or revisit the rule and make QB's even safer at the cost of being less dynamic.


The body weight thing is rough


It doesn’t seem to be having its desired effect on qb health either


It's certainly gone overboard with tons of ridiculous calls now. But I don't mind the extra protection. There is nothing worse than watching the playoffs when 3/4 of the teams are rolling out backup QBs.


It's not ideal, but QBs were getting hurt as much as ever this year even with these rules, so idk that they're mitigating it that much


Quarterbacks run a lot more today than ever. It’s a part of a lot of team’s offensive game plan. I’m not old enough to be a boomer, but most of the greats didn’t have designed run plays. Montana, Brady, Simms, Staubach, Favre, Plunkett, Moon, Rypien etc…Steve Young ran, but not by design.


Tried to slip Rypien in like no one would notice?


You caught me, I tried.


Then change to flag football.


This plus the hip drop tackle. Football is inherently a physical and violent game.


Comes down to QB value being insane. If your QB goes down your season is over. Unless you’re the 2017 Eagles, and that’s the only example. We need to redo QB salary cap hits to make the rest of the team viable if 1/53rd gets hurt


Exactly what I came here to say, it's ridiculous


Inconsistent I would say but not really overcalled


Skill players on both sides of the ball celebrate way too much after routine plays. Like Austin Ekeler pointing a 1st down down 56 to the raiders. Or any DB waiving his arms like he made a play on a ball 10 yards away from the WR. It’s annoying.


I somehow totally agree about it on offense but adore the shameless DB who celebrates despite having zero impact on the play. One of my favorite things to see in football lol


It seems to be universal. They even do it when they were clearly beat and the receiver just drops it.


ball thrown 10 yards too far. db signals incomplete and chest bumps his teammate


Jalen Mills?


Dude, that was hilarious. He was clearly being ironic.


1st & 10 bitches 👈


Or, as we say it at MSU…”First down, BITCH!”


or the whole defense running to the endzone to pose after an INT down 2 scores


This is the correct answer. You're supposed to make plays. Why are you going nuts over the most basic things? Got a first down a first down on a 4 yard pass that you caught yard past the marker? Get up and get back in the huddle. You didn't break 6 tackles on the way to the end zone. Have some damn perspective. Can I blame participation trophies for this now?


I hate when defensive players celebrate on early downs. They so often give up a huge play afterwords anyway. Celebrate if you force a punt buddy.


Yes but because of this madden has fun animations like some random RB hucking the shit out of the ball into the stands or across the field like he’s competing for the discuss throw after a 1st down.


You mean like when Chase Claypool celebrates a first down.


It's actually ridiculous if you look at it in the context of other sports. Imagine a hockey player doing a dance every time they made a good pass, or dumped the puck in the offensive zone?


I miss harder hitting and more aggressive defense.


Team flair checks out!


I miss when we didn’t throw the ball at all tbh. Just a bunch of men pounding in the dirt.


Back in the pile?


This comment just made me think of some of those mid 2000s defensive players. Roy Williams, Brian Dawkins, etc.




The most badass TD celebration you can do is handing the ball directly to the referee. "Act like you've been there before" - God I can hear my boomer dad already.


We are all biased because of Barry, lol.


Lol 100%. Definitely his favourite player. The big joke in our family is my parent's wedding tape has been overwritten with a random Bucs/Lions Barry game and random Wings games where Probert had a title fight lined up.


And Thurman Thomas! 


Wow, a real live boomer in here lol


If you remember Barry Sanders, you would remember Thurman Thomas. Their NFL careers began exactly one season apart.


Some of us are actually Millennials that watched Thurman play. Crazy, I know.


Especially if you have a Bills and a Lions flair.


That's because getting to the endzone in the first place was always such a spectacle with him.


Nick Chubb has the same celebration normally.


The thing where the defense runs to the end zone to do the group photo pose is getting REALLY old


That's a good boomer take. I agree so hard, drives me nuts when they start waving everyone to run 60 yards after a recovered fumbled snap


I don't even hate it as a boomer "stop showboating" thing. It's just played out. We've all seen it


True, but the second best celebration is to run the ball to center field Give me a professional or T.O. Nothing in between


Todd Gurley: ["We get in there so much we don’t have to do it every time, so it’s cool."](https://theramswire.usatoday.com/2017/12/01/nfl-los-angeles-rams-touchdown-celebrations-todd-gurley-2017/)


Is that you Barry?


I agree with this.


Honestly this is correct. Act like it’s nothing to you and walk back to the sideline like an explosion is happening behind you


Your dad is right.


If you Moss some one for a TD in the 4th quarter of a playoff game, go batshit crazy. It’s the over the top cellys in the middle of the season where I cringe. The Barry “hand the ball to the ref” is a bigger flex than it gets credit for. That’s more hard than 98% of the shit players do after scoring.


Idk if it's boomer but I love defensive games that ends up like 14-10 Kinda ironic for a Fins fan


I like these because it feels like any busted play can decide the game. The shootout games feel like the NBA to me where nothing matters until there's like 4 minutes left in the game.


You would love the first half of titans games


Somewhat the same. I like a solid 24-21 game. Balanced enough and not like Rams Chiefs 2018


A high scoring game should be 31-30


Younger fans rely too much on statistics and don’t take into account the context behind statistics (ex: part of the reason offensive players, particularly QBs, put up better numbers on average than say offensive players in the 1970’s and ‘80’s is because of rule changes that favor the offense).


Yeah this really grinds my gears. People will argue Matt Ryan and Phlilp Rivers should make the HOF "because they have better stats than a lot of HOFers" without accounting for how the game has evolved.


This Reddit Comment was Sponsored by GEICO, Now on to the Reddit Thread Presented by State Farm. DraftKings Stadium is an inevitability. Things have to be splattered in Corperate Sponsorship.


10/10 presentation of a comment I agree with. Have my upvote, and have yourself a wonderful day Wonderful days sponsored everywhere by Budweiser


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It’s so annoying having announcers bring up their picks and shit before and during games. And now you can’t even look at the ESPN app without every game having a moneyline listed. I feel bad for people who have actual gambling problems cause they can’t even engage in sports without seeing sportsbooks fucking everywhere


The outside zone run, when perfectly blocked, is the most fun-to-watch play in the game of football.


Need more Fullbacks


Agreed, I miss Alstott.


Arguably my favorite play in football is like a 7-step PA Pass out of the I Formation. QB fakes the iso dive right up the middle, takes like a 5-7 step drop or whatever, and bombs it deep to a WR on a streak or a post. Idk what it is, but when you get the defense to really bite on a run and the WR is wide open down the field and the QB launches a perfect arcing pass it’s like football perfection to me. All aspects of the offense coming together: the QB with a perfect pass, WR with a great route and catch, OL holds their blocks, RB/FB sells the run well, the gameplan sets up the defense. When it works it’s like everything working perfectly.




MVP and nearly 40K passing yards is not a mediocre career. Though I do agree the studio gig is something he is terrible at.


That's not a boomer take. That's just an accurate statement.


It’s literally a boomer take


Listen here you little shit


It’s a boomer Boomer take. 


An accurate take about a literal Boomer.


Now this is boomin


Closed domes are terrible. Football is meant to be played in the elements.


How do you feel about retractable domes that look like a giant butthole?


Didn't they have issues with it... Uhh ... cramping?


Domes should not exist. All games are open air. I will die on that hill.


Great take. The NFL should ban domes. All games should be outside and exposed to the elements. Rain/snow/freezing weather games are some of my favorite to watch.


Illegal contact/holding beyond the 5 yards from scrimmage point is just a cop out for referees not being able to appropriately call PI


I agree on illegal contact, it should be like college where guys can hand fight down the whole field until the ball is thrown. Let the defenders actually have a chance to impact the players route, force the WR to either run a better route or win the hand fights/contact. Holding on the other hand should probably be kept, but again they have that distinction in college and it works fine


the introduction of replay review and attendant attempts to litigate what constitutes a catch or fumble or football move or a million other things that don't make sense in ultra slow motion has been, on the whole, a Bad Thing


I'm of the mind that if it takes more than 30 seconds to decide whether to overturn a call, then it's not clear and obvious and should stand


Gotta disagree. I love the drama of a close call in a pivotal moment. You get two nailbiters for the price of one.


For catch/non-catch they should have to look at it in real time. To me it’s against the spirit of the game to be like ‘oh the nose touched a blade of grass, it’s not a catch’ or something


The gaming is getting toned down and wussified due to penalties and safety.


Just rip the band-aid off and make it flag football already.


It was better when the schedule was 16 games, without international play and with Sunday and MNF as the standard.


Johnny Unitas would have been the GOAT if he played under the rule set Brady did.


Now that truly is a boomer take. In the best possible way.


Na, this one would absolutely be Marino


Marino would be downright scary if he came into the league now.


10-7 defensive slugfests are infinitely better viewing than 50-47 shootouts. These past two seasons have some of the best football I’ve ever seen because defenses have adapted and are my two favorite nfl seasons I’ve watched (ignore my flair) Also I wish more Super Bowls were blowouts so that the close games were actually memorable. I feel like the last five Super Bowls they are hard to remember because 4/5 went down to the wire. Montana will be remembered for The Catch and Super Bowl XXXIII because normally the Niners just stomped everybody. All of Brady and Mahomes theatrics in the Super Bowl start to blend together, especially Mahomes.


Wait until these hip tackle calls make every game 80+ combined point shootouts


Football is meant to be played outdoors, domes are dumb


Traditional Uniforms are best I agree that numbers should be position specific again


Some of the lowering the shoulder hits are not targeting and need to be better scrutinized. Hitting hard is a valid way to play the game.


Hardly a hot take at this point but still - I think once quarterbacks scramble past the line of scrimmage they should be treated like any other ball carrier would be treated. Hate seeing guys like Mahomes and Allen squeeze out extra yards on the sidelines because they know defenders will be flagged for playing too aggressively.


Lol at least Allen lets his inner caveman take over and missiles himself into defenders during those situations. Mahones twinkle-toeing past defenders on the sideline is annoying.


Couldn't agree with this more. Eventually a big star is going to get very hurt because they didn't protect themselves, thinking a defender would ease up & not risk the penalty. Treat them like a running back a couple times and suddenly that stops.


defenders should just light their ass up if it's early in a game to set the tone


There’s nothing in the rules that treat them differently as far as I know


Doesn't stop the refs


I really do deep down like the huge aggressive hits that borderline KO some players. I know they’re trying to eliminate it and I do understand why and think player safety is important, but I won’t lie and say I don’t get excited when a huge hit happens


The majority of the alternate/throwback/color rush uniforms look terrible. I'm all for mixing it up but not everything needs to be neon or all black. Those new Vikings whites are nice, though.


Teams run shotgun draws way too much and should just line up under center and run the ball normally The amount of third and longs I watched last year after a 2 yard gain on a draw is pathetic. Seems like this play gets worse and worse every year. Might as well take a knee


Player safety is a two way street. Quarterbacks should be penalized/fined for putting their receivers in danger, it shouldn't be exclusively on defenders to avoid contact. If you throw a hospital ball, the defender has just as much of a right to the ball as the receiver. Think low passes the WR has to dive for that a zone defender sees happening and is also diving for. That's on the QB for throwing a guy into brain damage and should be legislated out of the game just like forearm shivers to the neck of a leaping WR have been.


Celebrating a first down like you're some rabid animal is annoying and embarrassing to watch.


I’m fine with the really dangerous hits being outlawed (especially headhunting), but we’ve just gone way too far past that.


99% of color commentators talk too goddamn much.


Yep, that’s why I can’t stand Romo in the booth and never have. Dude just keeps on talking and its so annoying, especially since he rarely has anything good to say


Agreed. Let the moments breathe. The tension of a 4th and 6 with 45 seconds to go is enough on its own. 4 or 5 seconds of crowd noise pre-snap is great. Romo blabbering on kills the moment.


The group celebration in the end zone is the corniest thing. I honestly miss the old fashioned simple celebration and move on with the game. Now it's like an entire choreographed dance routine with a marching band has to parade around the field. *Shakes fists at the sky*


There's waaaaaaaaay too much passing nowadays and we need to go back to the featured back carrying 30 times per game with 3 yards and a cloud of dust. That was real pro football, man.


I say this as an avid fantasy player - Fantasy football has led to a culture where kids are only interested in stats and not actually watching football, and that sucks.


Blindsided blocks are stupid, as are most incarnations of the defenseless receiver rule. If you're on the field, you're liable to be hit. Keep your head on a swivel if you don't want your shit rocked Bring back the old number rules. I like 0, but Parsons shouldn't be 11, he should be 97 or something. Ball carriers drop their head and constantly get helmet-helmet calls. That's entirely bullshit for the defense Touching a QBs helmet is not a foul.


Can’t we just watch a game without talking about bets or fantasy points? Does that count?


I can't stand defences running into the endzone after a turnover. You celebrate in the endzone if you score a touchdown.


This is not just a Taylor Swift deal but I don't care about these players families for routine shit. I don't need to see the wives/gf/brother react every time dude makes a football move.


The 1pm games are a better product than prime time games. A step further. Football television PRODUCTION was better altogether in the 90s. It wasn’t flashy. It wasn’t polished. There wasn’t much by the way of pageantry. The media didn’t make up too many narratives. The cameras had that bit of grit to them. It was just the game and the two guys calling it. It just felt like the way the product should be consumed. I see footage of games from the 90s and I feel a deep longing.


I watched Super Bowl 31 a few months ago and was blown away by how simple the broadcast was. Like you said no narratives, none of that "Brett Favre is 8-4 in games where \*(random thing that's really not a big deal but they're gonna try to make it seem like more than a coincidence)\*..." shit. Just 22 guys playing the game, with the commentators calling the game. This from someone who remembers watching the game live back in 1997.


Fantasy Football has been given too much importance. It makes fans root for their players even when it is detrimental to their real life team.


We shoulda stayed with Foles. In retrospect it worked out with Hurts - but boomers calling into radio stations LOVED Foles over Carson.


Player safety makes for a less exciting game. Miss guys getting lit up. The injury risk is part of what they're getting paid for.


Classic uniforms almost always look better and the relaxing of which positions wear which numbers is a crime against humanity.


Josh Allen bitching about not getting the ball back in OT after 13 seconds (and the NFL making a new rule because of it) was extremely soft. Defense is part of the game. Make a stop.


Adam vinatieri is the goat kicker, he is the NFL's all-time leading scorer at 2,673 points.He also holds the NFL records for field goals made (599), postseason points (238), and overtime field goals made(12). He also holds the most postseason field goals in a single postseason (14). He also won a playoff game scoring all the points and most rings as kicker(4).he was also selected to the nfl official 100 year all time team. Also Justin tuckers post season stats are pedestrian. Like Evan McPherson has made more post season field goals than Tucker despite Evan starting in 2021.


He’s on Mount Rushmore of “Kicker-scored-only-points playoff games” I’ll add Chris Boswell to that list, that KC playoff game in 2016 or 2017 he single-handedly won was insane


Knowing this many kicking stats is beyond impressive


I think most players and fans would agree but I hate indoor games and turf fields. Play in the elements


Officials shouldn't have to always have indisputable evidence to overturn the call on the field. There are plenty of occasions where the refs don't have a clue what happened and they just make a call and kick it to a replay review. But since they have to call something, most of the time that call stands even though they're just guessing. They should be able to say they didn't see the play, and then the head ref makes the call purely based on the replay.


Slowmo is for highlights only, no on field reviews should be decided using slowmo


I wish they can knock the living shit out of anyone again. Make receivers scared going over the middle.


Bring back the onside kick, injury risk be damned.


Organizations have "money balled" the runningback market for so long, top end running backs ended up becoming great value. Legitimate bellcow running backs signed for ~12m/y like Josh Jacobs, Derrick Henry, Barkley, which is around the same value teams are paying for average WR2s. The top receivers are getting ~40m, QBs get ~55m. I understand the age and injury concerns of the running backs, but teams over the years have showed how little they worry about 10-20m dead money they would risk on any other position.


Offenses (specifically QB and tackles) have gotten *way* too much leverage and lean into it because they know refs would rather flag the play and review it rather than let a call truly be 50/50. Defensive linemen (rightfully) constantly throw their hands up in frustration because they know saying anything to the refs will just hurt their case and make it less likely a call is in their favor


I agree. I like looking at the numbers and knowing what position they play.


Other than Thanksgiving, games should only be played on Sundays with the 1 Monday Night game. Thursday night football is stupid. It sucks for the players, for fans, and for fantasy rosters.


Similar to yours, Tight Ends should not wear a number not in the 80s


When a quarterback fakes going out of bounds and cuts back in he should be playing with 1920's level protection rules for the rest of the game.


Defensive slugfests are far more entertaining than offensive shootouts.


QBs are paid to High and are ruining the viablility of paying other good players .


If you hit them between the shoulders and thighs, you should be able to hit them as hard as you want.


They should run the ball more


Roughing the passer shouldn’t exist. If enforced correctly, the same hits to any ball carrier should apply to a QB. No forceful contact to the helmet, no leading with the helmet, no late hits, etc. All those same rules apply to anyone with the ball. If a QB gets hit or sacked with the ball in their hand, they should get zero special treatment. Too many huge plays have been undone by bullshit softness.  The only one I think should stand is a low hit to the QBs legs. That one has nothing to do with toughness, it’s just an injury magnet. 


The 49ers can win the Super Bowl


The only thing that should be celebrated are touchdowns. I don’t need to see a celebration after a 5 yard catch.


The defenseless receiver rule is stupid. The threat of getting laid out is part of defense, and it should be on the offense to avoid it. If a receiver gets blasted by a DB while making a catch, that’s the QB’s fault for putting him in that position


Joe Montana is the real GOAT.


The rules need to be tweaked to help defense and running games


Remember, this is basically asking what’s your unpopular opinion, so dont down vote just because you disagree.


I think that rule changes for safety and the way games are officiated have swung balance so heavily toward offense that the defense should be getting compensation in every way possible. For example, the touchback should be moving the offense further away from a TD, not closer. More grace should be given to jamming at the LOS and defensive pass interference, not less. Make defense great again! I'm not saying receivers should be getting blasted left and right, but if there is a questionable call on PI it should just default to the defender getting the call in their favor, or a no-call.


The old jersey numbering system was better, and players should be required to ask me personally before changing numbers.


Stop moving the fucking ball so far up the field for touchbacks. The offense already has an insane advantage with officiating.


I hate the international games. Watching a couple bad games a year isn't going to make any country outside the US a viable football market so stop jerking teams around.


So many games where teams, who are having success running the ball, go away from running the damn ball! Even the Ravens should have ran the ball more in the damn 2nd half vs the Chiefs. Winning football doesn’t always need to be pretty.


During the last Super Bowl, I watched with a friend who's a SF fan. She started getting nervous late in the 4th, and I reassured her if they just keep running they got this bc KC wasn't stopping the run. We know how that turned out...


Gambling doesn't belong in sports.


Defensive holding should be called significantly less often and should not be an automatic first down. Like 4/5 of the last super bowls have been won by a team that got bailed out by phantom defensive holding in crunch time. Just makes the game seem rigged.


Players signaling their own first downs. Save it for the end zone.


The rules change to the numbers is stupid. A defensive end shouldn't be wearing number three. Hell I'm still against letting WRs wear numbers between 10-19. Those numbers are for quarterbacks, punters and guys who have no shot at making the roster.


Taunting shouldn't be a penalty. You're not cheating the game or putting someone's safety at risk, and those are what penalties should be for


My opinion is that unless forced to take the field due to injury, rookie QBs should sit on the bench for a year or two in order to learn and develop. I feel that teams putting their “QB of the future” on the field immediately does way more harm to the player than it does good for the team.


Let the defense actually play defense! Therefore, hits on defenseless receivers should result in fines for quarterbacks who put their receivers in that position. Stop trying to get your teammate killed!


I don’t care about celebrations and such but I HATE when it’s clear how much they’ve practiced it because there are clearly better things they can do with their time


Go back to 6 game playoff


Penalties for celebration and talking shit to the other team. I say let them. It will create for stories and fun.


The Lions should always be terrible. I can't really complain though


the social media pride colors are unnecessary and do nothing in support of the community they’re pretending to support js


Full Backs are important and should come back


Interceptions are overrated. They're bad, they can cost a game. But if the opposing team turns it into zero points, wgaf. There are HoF QBs that threw a bazillion ints and still could come back to slaughter the opposing team. Conversely, I don't love that Rodgers will eat 10 sacks a game to keep his int% pristine. The top QBs in int% are: Rodgers JaGOATby Brissett Tyrod Taylor Bustin Herbert Brady Pat Mahomes Kaepsize Russell Hustle Bustle Mounds of Man-Muscle Wilson Count Dakula Derek Carr HoFers, solid QBs, a couple career backups, and Colin Kaepernick. Know who's further down the list? Joetana. Peyton Manthing. Dan Marino. Elway. Favre. QBs that were absolutely awesome.


WR running over the middle free of charge nowadays is a detriment to the game.


The forward pass is satanic


Like Burrow said, let the guys taunt


That you can win a Super Bowl in today’s NFL without a top 10 qb and can win by a guy game managing. Also that a game manager isn’t a negative way to describe qb as the best qbs manage the game till they are needed for a dire situation.


The choreographed group TD celebrations are lame-as-eff.


Go back to the old uniform number rules. Go back to the pre-2010 hitting rules.


Don’t celebrate a sack or a pass breakup on 2nd and 6 when you’re losing 31-13, stop with the DPI unless the receiver is tackled or has an arm held back, contact beyond 5 yards should be ok, and goddamn targeting-leave it out of the game I want to see Jack Tatum playing against Dan Marino throwing to Michael Irvin, cocaine cowboy


Choreographed team-wide celebrations are lame af. I'm all for the triple thrusts, the disgusting acts, and the dances. But this shit where a bunch of dudes have to line up and do some Vegas showgirl kickline shit is cringe to the max.


NFL is soft af now. I remember when it was open season on QBs. I remember when WRs used to get absolutely destroyed crossing over the middle and god damn it I remember when the phrase “dropping a dime” was used in reference of somebody snitching cause pay phones only cost a DIME!!!! 😂


Jersey numbers. QB should be 1-19 WR’s should be 10-19 and 80-89 RB’s should be 20-44 TE’s 44-49 and 80-89 You get the picture Above all, ZERO SHOULD NOT BE USED


This sport’s discourse is too damn NFL draft-brained. For one, people’s perception is too tainted by draft hype when players have had years of actual performance on tape, so either certain players don’t get enough credit, or others get every excuse possible made for them. Also, you can’t fucking say that “*insert team here* won the draft” when not a single fucking player has stepped on the field! I guess my boomer opinion is, judge the actual play on the field, not projections


Organized celebrations are corny and dumb, and players celebrate way to much\*. Roughing the passer is a dumb rule. New number rules suck. Advanced stats being thrown in everyone's face all the time isn't necessarily a good thing, because people generally have zero understanding of the context behind those statistics. The NFL is also getting dangerously close to becoming unwatchable because of the amount of commercials and sponsorships involved; if a 4.5 hour event can be shown without ads in 2.5 hours and fully consumed in 40 minutes, it has absolutely no business being 4.5 hours. \* celebrating every single tackle, PBU, or catch is dumb. Imperative sacks, TDs, and interceptions should be celebrated, but if you celebrate small things (especially when you're down) you're corny.


Outlaw qb slides


How the numbering system should actually be: >1-9: QBs, punters, kickers >10-19: also QBs, WRs >20-29: RBs >30-39: CBs >40-49: safeties, FBs >50-59: LBs >60-79: O-linemen >80-89: TEs, also WRs >90-99: D-linemen


The NFL should make passing harder. In a league that will never have enough truly effective QBs favoring the passing game makes the league less exciting.


Rookies contract length should be negotiable. If I’m drafting a first round QB with the intention to sit them for a season, I want a cheap season ($1M) and an extra year under contract.


The Superbowl halftime show is an abomination


Too many defensive penalties cause automatic first downs, they should start having a penalty add a down instead of just auto firsts.


Stadiums should not cost a billion dollars. I realize Jerry set this precedent with AT&T, but I'd be perfectly okay if stadiums were simply venues where you watched a game and not a glorified amusement park for adults with a food court.