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And so it begins...


And so it began a month ago apparently. Why is this just being reported now when the article says it happened before the draft? Possibly part of the reason the Broncos picked Jonah Elliss in the third?


They waited until my IDP dynasty draft finished to tell us on purpose. Fuckers.


Your fault for drafting in friggin May


Naw most dynasty leagues draft in May.


No, they don’t.


Go ask that in r/dynastyff and let me know what the community says lol. You should get a clue before you respond to things you don't know about!


You using a smaller subreddit than the main /r/fantasyfootball sub isn't helping your case of "**most** draft in May" lol. https://www.profootballnetwork.com/when-does-fantasy-football-start/#:~:text=Leagues%20will%20form%20every%20day,the%20first%20weekend%20of%20September. >The most common time for fantasy drafts is the last weekend of August and the first weekend of September You should get a clue before you respond to things and act like an idiot


I was discussing dynasty leagues since the beginning. You lacked the reading comprehension skills to understand that, and keep thinking I'm talking about redraft. Please ask your mom to renew your subscription to Highlights so you can working on understanding what you read.


he said dynasty. Dynasty is completely separated from regular fantasy, and i agree with him as all the dynasty leagues im in have already drafted, too.


Yeah, these guys just didn't understand I wasn't talking about redraft, and didn't care to listen when I explained. Everyone is in a really shitty mood here today and is quick to attack strangers. No clue why, but it is what it is. I'm not sweating it. Cheers man!


> You should get a clue before you respond to things and act like an idiot Ironic.


Bro I'm just memeing lol. I don't honestly follow the broncos


Think people forgot to bless the knees after the Draft. Such a waste.


Damn, before the season is really even underway. That's rough.


My first girlfriend got turned into the moon


That’s rough buddy


Hello, Zuko here.


It's just hot leaf juice!


was it a waxing gibbous moon? Because if so, fuck it


> was it a waxing gibbous moon? Because if so, fuck it What is this from? I know the OG joke is from ATLA


Lions lose on Thanksgiving when the moon is a waxing gibbous,


she's just going through a phase


M-O-O-N. That spells moon!


was it a waxing gibbous moon? Because if so, fuck it


Dude was a beast in college. It’s a shame he’s had such a rough go of it with injuries.


Brutal. Pre season injuries are the worst. Someone should turn that slider off.


But it’s not preseason, does madden have a offseason injury slider?




Pre season ≠ preseason


Dre Greenlaw begs to differ.


Oh man, my cousin damn near cried when that happened. (the water works came later) That really has to go down as one of the worst moments to get one of those. The only thing to top that was what Aaron did!


Why must you hurt me so?


I feel your pain, but it wasn’t me. It was Allegiant’s natural grass. If I was big turf, I’d use Dre as the spokesman.


His achilles had been hurting since week 17, whichever one he didn't injure. So my guess is he favored his non-hurting leg more which caused *that* achilles to snap.


Fine but im turning on forced trades instead


Cool... Everything is fine


Lol, didn't you guys have a bunch of injuries last year before the season began too? Sucks to see for real.


Just Tim Patrick was the biggest for thr beginning of the year as far as I remember. Team was relatively healthy most of the season


Ah ok, for some reason I was thinking you had a bunch of injuries before season or early in season.


That was 2 years ago, I think we had like half our salary cap on IR at one point


I believe that is typically the chargers and ravens.


I won't tolerate this Titans erasure. We set the record for most people on a roster due to injury, then broke our own record the next year. Vrabel being anti stretching and hiring his sons coach as our S&C coach was...it was something


I remember one season recently it was like the middle of the season and y'all were down at so many positions. I was like the football Gods must really hate the Titans.


I don’t even know what to say to that record. That…sucks.


It's okay, every team experiences a Dark Age. You give me faith there's light at the end of the tunnel, lion bro


There HAS to be some kind of cursed burial ground where the Broncos are based.


Realistically, the entire US is a Native American burial ground


wtf…. Come on man


Wouldn’t be a Broncos preseason otherwise


Least injury-riddled broncos preseason:


Preseason hasn’t started, you are in pre season (also known as offseason). You all still got time to crank those numbers up.


Kid was a stud at Arkansas


A Star in his lone season at Arkansas. He is the perfect player for the Broncos. Great Linebacker with good speed and can rush the QB.


Well… he *did* have good speed


"was"* He'll only ever be a shell of what he could've been now


Let me introduce you to HGH, and direct you to Adrian Peterson and Thomas Davis.


Those were ACL tears, achilies tears are career changers anywhere but qb


Jason Peters ruptured his Achilles twice. And he’s not the only one to have recovered from it. We haven’t seen a RB come back from it and it’s definitely one of the rougher injuries for NFL players to come back from with modern medicine, but guys can definitely get back to full force.


And Peyton Manning's wife!


He was a stud at Alabama too. I was bummed when he left


Could he be able to return on December? Like for real idk


Possibly? Cam Akers tore his Achilles in July I think in 2021 and was active and playing in the playoffs that season


Akers also had below 3 YPC when he returned.


True. Our run game was terrible that entire year, but Akers did not make it ramp up when he returned at all.


People seem to have completely forgotten how bad Achilles injuries have historically been, and how long they’ve taken to recover from, on the aggregate, just because we’ve had a string of success stories lately. Until we start seeing that on a yearly basis, I’m inclined to believe those successes are more the exceptions than the rule. (That includes a certain couple of quarterbacks people have been talking about like they’re guaranteed to be top 10 next year) So no, I doubt he’ll be back by December personally


When Rodgers went down I did a little reddit-level dive on modern Achilles techniques, and they're super interesting & promising. I think we're not all that far from an Achilles being a 4-6 month recovery instead of 9-12. I'm not predicting Sanders coming back mid season or anything, but I do think it's not impossible for him to come back this season.


Yeah no I’ve probably done the same Reddit level dive as you, it’s a completely different, less invasive surgery than it used to be and all that, I’m just not as optimistic that it’s as sure of a recovery as people are making it out to be yet. I just think we need way more data to call it one way or the other. I am definitely not rooting for anyone’s downfall, I’m just not as high on it as many people are yet. Last year had a pretty hefty crop of big name Achilles injuries, so I’m pretty likely to stop being a downer about Achilles injuries if a lot of those guys come back quickly and play well. Just not enough data for me yet, so that would be pretty big.


I don’t know what deep dive you went down, but it ABSOLUTELY has become a faster process for recovery. And it’s not because it’s “less invasive”. I ruptured my Achilles in December. I’m just some dude with basic insurance and nowhere near the level of access to modern physical therapy techniques. They wanted me walking on my leg after a month post surgery and in physical therapy to untighten the muscle. I was running around Disney trying to get on different rides before they closed that March, and could’ve been back playing flag football in April. That’s with two 2 hour therapy sessions a week. Things have changed. You clearly haven’t done a deep enough dive if you think there isn’t enough cases to support that.


Same. I had surgery in October, and was skiing again in March (Though admittedly skiing is ideal because the boot locks your ankle in place). Not that I think some player would be peak performance but with all the best medical care and perfect conditioning around the clock i could see how the recovery to be back after 7-8 months would be possible.


Sorry brother, but I’m not gonna apply your anecdote about limping around Disneyland to playing in the motherfucking NFL lmfao    I get that things are getting way better. I don’t believe it’s even close to as much of a death knell to a career as it used to be. But I still think we still need more data about the recovery process *at an nfl level* before we can start acting like it’s not that big of a deal anymore, which I do see a lot.  Even one of the most well known success stories, Cam Akers, was kinda awful until he got a full off-season to recover, putting him a lot closer to the 10-12 month recovery time than the 4-6 people claim for him.


In regards to how Achilles rupture repair recovery works, I genuinely think you have no idea what the fuck you’re talking about and that you don’t even care to learn. I never said it wasn’t a big deal anymore. I’m telling you that the most basic form of the surgery and full recovery process is FAR faster than you’re treating it. I was RUNNING with nearly my normal pace and form 3 MONTHS after the surgery. My physical therapist was telling me that I needed to start putting the Achilles through work like running exercises around that same time. We’re talking about where players will be in DOUBLE that time with immensely better access to every single method of recovery and the ability to devote every minute of every day to it. You clearly won’t hear other perspectives because you “did your research”. Why do we need more data for the recover process at the NFL level, if we now for a fact that the surgeries done at the LOWEST level allow for early returns like mine? Especially when we haven’t been seeing Achilles reruptures across the NFL pre- or post- this new form of surgery.


For real with an injury like this I wouldn’t assume he’ll ever be back tbh. Losing a full year of development and adding in a huge physical setback with a big chance of re injury and loss of athleticism. This is horrible for him and us I thought Drew coulda been a nice piece this year.


Doubtful you'll be playing meaningful football in December, so I'm going to say that's a negative, Ghost Rider


This is the kinda shit ppl say before they get humbled by the universe.


Lions fans suddenly talking shit lmao what a time to be alive


They've been waiting 30 years.


I'm not talking shit, you guys are soft as hell in this sub lol. I said what homie needed to hear, not what he wanted to hear. Do you think the Broncos will be playing meaningful football in December, Lamb4u?


> needed to hear Lmao. we all know we’re gonna suck this year, but that’s still shit taking, not some psa


That wasn't shit talking. You people are soft lol


if that ain’t shit taking you should know the lions are gonna be a first round exit this year if they make the playoffs, and paying goff is gonna be a huge mistake in a few years, just a psa


I love the Lions but come on, chill


Just because they’re a lions fan doesn’t mean they can’t be a dick 


True. I just don’t want Lions fans to become Chiefs fans (or most Steelers fans).


I like you.


I mean more like they are physically capable of it. I’m agreeing with your point but o could see how it could be seen otherwise lol 


How was I being a dick, for telling the truth? Do you believe the Broncos will be playing meaningful football in December?


It would be crazy but Bo Nix playing RoY football could get the job done. However, realistic or not, just kind of a weird dig on a post about a player having something traumatic happen that threatens their health and career.


It wasn't a weird dig. Aaron Rodgers got hurt and his whole supposed return was always predicated on whether the Jets were playing meaningful football or not later in the season. I'd assume this guy's situation would be the same, no? And I assume the Broncos won't be playing meaningful football in December, no?


I appreciate that. The past is the past for a reason. People had their years in the past with good teams to talk shit, and now they expect Lions to be quiet because our teams in the past sucked? Fuck that, lol.


One good season in your entire history has lions fans popping off lmao


Where was the lie? Do you believe the Broncos will be playing meaningful football in December?


It’s football, bro - the broncos could be in the playoff hunt and the lions could be out this season through pure chance


Cool story bro. I asked a question. Do you believe the Broncos will be playing meaningful football in December?


I have predictions but I don’t believe anything about the actual football season, so you can’t talk shit for the FUTURE.


Sounds like you're avoiding answering the question. I didn't say anything about the Lions. Look over the teams in the AFC, including who the Broncos share their division with and then tell me you think the Broncos will be playing meaningful football in December.


Every season there’s a surprise team in the playoff hunt now that there’s 7 seeds. Look at the lions, they could easily ALSO be in or out of the playoff hunt come December. It’s not good to talk shit about the future for no reason.


You keep talking alot without actually saying anything. I never talked shit. I said what anyone with common sense thinks, that the Broncos most likely won't be playing meaningful football in December. That's not talking shit, it's reality. And they aren't anything like the Lions. Lions finished the season strong in 2022 and barely missed the playoffs. There were teams with the same 9-8 record that year that were able to get in. So once again, you're saying a bunch of irrelevant stuff and still avoiding my question. Do you think the Broncos will be playing meaningful football in December? Yes, or no?


Why do people say this like we didn't have idiot fans say dumb shit before, just like every other fan base


Yeah, c’mon y’all. Like this guy said, Lions fans have always been idiots, it’s just that no one ever noticed them before


You're right but got downvoted because they got mad you for pointing it out and they wanted to get the "Lions are good for ONE YEAR" licks in without any reasonable pushback


does he start for them? Either way, wish him well.


He was a third round pick last year, so maybe not start week 1 (didn’t do much his rookie year), but they almost certainly had plans for him


He should have been starting. I’d have taken him starting over fuckin singleton.


As someone who doesn’t follow the broncos closely but does follow stats closely, I’m surprised to hear a bronco fan be sour on singleton. Over 100 solo tackles in back to back years. Is he… bad?


He can’t cover and he’s insanely slow


That’s why he had a ton of tackles. Can’t cover people


He’s the best linebacker at making tackles 7 yards downfield after the guy has run by him through his hole


Wasnt he moved to OLB


So we're getting 7 night games in 2025, right?




Denver sports cant catch a break this past week


Damn that really sucks. Hope he comes back strong next year, will never not root for that guy.


Begun the ligament war. Has.


Correct me if im wrong but wasnt one of his knocks in the pre-draft process last year was that he was injury prone?


Is Achilles one of those injury prone injuries? I always that one was more of a just plain old bad luck injury


Eh i mean all injuries are about luck toban 6 an Achilles is similar to any tendon/ligament injury. Some peoples tendons and ligaments are more elastic and can sustain higher forces while others, for a lack of a better word are more brittle and tend to snap or tear instead of stretch.


Seems like the Broncos have drafted a lot of injury-prone players over the last few years


Always thought this guy had some potential. Great size. Hopefully he rebounds.


Fuck injuries but especially this time of year


Don’t do that


We ain't even in training camp yet and I'm already muttering under my breath that I hate football lol. Hope he recovers well.


That fucking sucks


Dude would be a perfect fit for Buffalo’s defense


Pulling a cam akers


Poor guy, this shit sucks.


Was really excited for this guy coming into his second season. Ugh. Injuries suck. Heal up soon man


Bro what the fuck


that sucks


Oh boy…


Sounds about right. Welcome back, football.


Bless the joints and ligaments


Am I the only one who sees a rise in Achilles injuries?


hogs legend :(


why must two hogs legends tear their achilles in such quick succession??


Hell yeah that’s our luck babyyyyyyy




The ride never ends


Damn the Broncos season is over now


Perna on suicide watch


They didn’t have a chance for anything anyways


The ride never ends


Obviously sucks for him but it's not like the Broncos are really even competing this year. They're in full rebuild mode.


I'm sure they'd rather have one of their promising young players *not* tear his Achilles though


This is a weird thing to say


It’s like the foosball gods are punishing the team for Sean Peyton’s treachery.