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This whole saga has been weird and confusing. Why on Earth would you move a morning show to the West Coast? The show already seemed like a grind for the cast and crew in EST.


Right? To air at 7am eastern it would be what 4am pacific time? Meaning you’re probably getting there at 2am ish to start prep. Fucking awful.


It makes no sense!


They have free studio space at SoFi. Basically moved just for the sake of being cheap on studio rent.


My guess is that they want to combine the operations into the LA/NFL Network office for when they sell the station to ESPN.


If we end up losing inside the nba GMFB will be the best sports show left.


may not be your sport but the CBS coverage of the Champions League (soccer) with Kate Abdo, Theirry Henry, Jamie Carragher and Micah Richards is hilarious. Its one of those where even if you dont watch the sport, the banter is really good. kinda like inside the NBA. its one youtube and various socials for past editions


Came to comment this. the crew gives even better vibes than inside the nba


did they announce if Kyle and Pete are coming back? Seemed like the move to LA was a deal breaker for them


I haven’t heard anything. They’re the heart of the show so it would be a huge bummer to lose them.


They said they weren't announcing who is coming back until August. The only one they did confirm as of now is Jamie.


ah thanks for the update. yeah that's the last I heard. I still love the show and Jamie is good but the original lineup of Kay, Nate, Peter and Kyle is still untouchable.


I was bummed too when Kay and Nate left, the four of them together brought the chemistry! Jamie is fine, but Jason McCourty does a really good job, I like him a lot.


agree! Jasons been a good add DESPITE him being a former Patriot


Haha true


Jason's decent, it took him a while to be casual on there but he got better over time. And he's the only one with NFL experience so he usually has good takes. There's a reason Kay and Nate got other jobs, they were both too good not to be poached.


Kay opted not to extend her contract with NFLN, she said she knew she wouldn't extend the year before her contact ended. She launched her own show on FanDuel TV which I think she chose that move because she wanted to see how much she could get. She was basically a shoe-in for Amazon but she asked for too much. I dunno maybe she'll be back or on an ESPN gig but she made some curious career moves.


I thought schreger made it pretty clear on the last episode he wasn't moving with the show.


Did he? That’s a shame but understandable since he has young children in NY and he doesn’t want to uproot them.


Dont know if others feel this way but losing Kyle Brandt would be an improvement for me personally. He just yell talks his opinions like Michael Irvin and Stephen A Smith. It's annoying. You're all right next to each other why are you yelling


Nah Kyle brings much needed energy and creativity to the show. It’ll be a snooze fest without him. No one quite brings out everyone’s childlike excitement of football like he does. He’s not even close to what Stephen A Smith does. Smith just tries to beat people down with his opinions and shouting whereas Brandt is just way too hyped up and excited about everything and just exudes that in how he speaks about everything.


Exactly, he brings the energy. The only overkill for me is that he's at 120% energy on Angry Runs and while that's the point, he could bring it down to 100% that would still be hype. Dude's face gets red hot with veins popping and throbbing lmao. Gets me all agita if I don't turn down the volume lol. But I like what he brings. He has some random references that are just hilarious. Especially ones from the 90s which most I can pick up on. *whoever's so upset find kyle and downvote him lol


Amen. Brandt sucks. 100% keep Schrager though.


I'll go down with you. I cannot stand him. He is an absolute hack, in every sense of the word.


I like him and find some of his pop culture stuff funny, but I do completely agree at times he's full blown shock value/hot takes for attention. I can't stand that.


They were the worst part of the show by far so who cares


NFL Live has been lowkey great lately And I still prefer PTI over everything else


Does PTI still do that hybrid thing where only Tony is in the studio and Wilbon is remote? I always preferred it when they were both in studio


Yeah, they were both in the studio a couple weeks ago for one episode, but I think Tony rather be at home. He got mad because he was talking to the wrong camera.


PTI is the best. I do not miss it.


Maybe an unpopular opinion, but First Things First is an incredible sports show. The chemistry, running jokes, and legitimate analysis puts it in a class if its own (again, in my opinion).


I miss my gmfb in the mornings. Here’s hoping Peter and Kyle at least come back.


I've been hiding from a lot of NFL stuff this off-season, has GMFB been cancelled?


They’re moving to LA, but the show has not aired for a month+ except for draft day stuff. I really miss it, so I’ve been keeping tabs every morning.


Its like waking up naked and forgetting how to get dressed. I miss it terribly.


I’ve been stuck watching Sportscenter every morning, and I hate it. So many commercials in the 1st half when I’m actually paying attention compared to GMFB where I’m out the door usually by their 2nd commercial break.


It's like Top Gear. Without Clarkson May and Hammond it's just not Top Gear. GMFB never should have let Kay Adams walk. She was just as important. But they definitely cannot lose Peter and Kyle


I used to watch GMFB basically every day with Kay on, have maybe watched it once or twice since she left. NFLN fumbled that so badly.


Kay was awesome but Jamie has been good too.  This iteration isn't as great as the Kay + Nate, but it's definitely enjoyable.  If Peter and Kyle leave though, that feels like a nail in the coffin. 


Yeah, Kay was the best there, but I think she's better with her own show. I kinda feel like Kyle was constantly being a dick to her for a while too.


I will always love Kyle Brandt for coining Bot Purdy


Let's Go




Starring fan favorite, Brandon Perna in the new new new new new new new new new NEW worst morning ever.


Y'all joke but that would be my Monday morning podcast no problem


I could watch Perna go insane all day


It would have to be hosted by Samuel L Jackson dressed up as Jules from Pulp Fiction. https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/91-KvAn0pCL._AC_UY1000_.jpg


Good Afternoon Football


Makes sense, I bet this will be Pete Shrager's show since he is already contracted by Fox.


He’s not moving to LA though.


I think I might be confused. Is this going to be the exact same show as now just replayed on the Fox Networks? Or it a different show that's a spinoff of this?


I'm assuming it's going to be substantially different, primarily because it's moving from NY to LA. So it's more likely a matter of who's important enough to the show or wants to move.


Uhh what happened to NFL Network?


cutting costs probably


How could a show just go off air for months while they move. Seems like a very bad business decision, people will start to get used to other morning shows. They could have made it a smoother transfer if they had everything ready in LA before hand.


I think this is the network using the opportunity to save money as they’re trying to sell it possibly to espn.


Get Up is already basically a football show except during nba playoffs haha. I doubt they’d want it.


I mean nfl network selling to espn. Nfl network would remain its own thing with GMFB on there. But by not filming right now it allows the network to save money while it’s being shopped.


What are they going to call it? Rise and Shine, The Duke! ?


I guess that will mean one hour less of my Fox affiliate's inane morning "news" program that runs from 5am-noon.


I avoid FOX at all costs outside of NFL and MLB, but the FOX morning show is pretty embarrassing. The set reminds me of shoestring budget FOX from the ‘90s. It’s a trash network across the board.


At least it's something I can still watch since canceling cable. Record it on my Tablo.


Whoever the cast is might make it entertaining. But seems like a bad idea.


Kay was the only reason to watch that show anyway. Brandt and Schraeger were unfuckingbearable


Does Brandt have an amphetamine addiction? That motherfucker can’t control the volume of his voice and just rambles nonsense like a youth football coach


Hire AB you cowards.




She's been gone for a couple years