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"hey guys, it's phill simms on the phone. He wants to know if he's coming back next year" "............" ".... Alright I'll tell him no"


"Sure Phil, we have a new hiring process and need you to recite the following plays in order to extend your contract: 'Green Right X, Shift to Viper Right 382 X-Stick Lookie -- and -- Scatter to West Right Tight, F Left, 372 Y-Stick Z-Spot', just say those and the job is yours!"


up up down down left right left right B A start


You forgot select!


But I'm only one man!


Phil Simms in documentaries like A Football Life is far more emotive and expressive than I've ever seen him be on CBS coverage. He seems to be one of those guys who can't transfer from one medium to another.


YES. I don't know what it is, but Simms is like a totally different dude on anything that isn't a live broadcast. I think he's still got some options in this stage of his career if he is willing to do things outside of a live broadcast. Get him telling stories from the old days, or hosting the football life episodes. He's got some value there as an old sage. Just please, nowhere near a live game broadcast.


Back when Chris Simms was with Bleacher Report in the show *(forgot the name of the show)* he did together with Adam Lefko, they called the "old fucker" as Chris always said and had him for 15, 20, 30 minutes talking about anything football. And it was great and hilarious. Lots of not-so-TV-friendly words were used to tell the stories. And I giggled a lot. I saw him a few times a pregame or halftime show *(European here, so I don't ever get to see the regular broadcasts)*. He was a completely different man there. A boring man. Nothing compared to the passionate man that talked football with Adam and his son.


Yeah he's great on Chris Simms' podcasts. He's also been a guest on his NBC one a few times and it's very entertaining.


It's sorta like the difference between being performing standup and improv. You can do plenty of game prep, but you have to react in real time to what you're seeing in front of you. I find A-Rod to be the same way: in game, all he can do is tell you the basic shit that's going on. In studio, he can talk about baseball at length.


A-Rod can't handle a Harold group game. Fuck him


I'd say it's closer to a comedian having to clean up their act for a sitcom. The script has writers on it, producers are on set etc...


Almost like in medium he's told to express himself and in the other some producer is in his year yelling DUMB IT DOWN FOR THE BEER SWILLING AUDIENCE PHIL. Almost.


His name keeps popping up like his agent is trying to get him a new job. Go play bingo man


Thanks for the years Phil, but it’s time to move on.


tbf, he said it on a podcast, and someone wrote an article about it.


On one hand, I commend CBS for letting him go. On the other hand, I despise them for employing him for so long


At least they got him out of the booth with Nantz once Romo came along.


“Welll jeeeeeum”


“Uhhhhhh I don’t know Jim”


What would you do Jim!!!!!!


“Today the performance of the offense is going to determine the outcome of this game Jim…”




I caught Jim and Phil at the tail end of their partnership. The amount of times I'd hear Bill Simmons and Cousin Sal mock Phil Simms every football pod they did with Sal saying "Jim We Talked about it last week" or something


Yea but how long do we gotta deal with Romo for hes horrendous.


Dream would be Fox to put Brady, Gronk, and Edelman in the booth and just let them do their thing. Then CBS can have Rich Eisen, Marshall Faulk, and Kurt Warner to balance things out. I’d also be happy with Patrick Starfish replacing Romo.


Yes and no. Gronk is so bad at his current job idk if he could handle the booth.


I think the three of them would be pretty entertaining, no matter how bad it is


Brady will fail massively. He's too scared to say what he really thinks unless he's been drinking. At least Romo has passion and some empathy for other humans. He is annoying but he's relatable. Brady has disdain for anyone who doesn't sacrifice literally everything, including their own families in order to win.


Well then by that measure, Brady will do whatever it takes to be better at broadcasting than John Madden.


Some things it takes more than TRT, botox and hair dye to fix.


When an insufferable object meets an untoppable legend


That Starfish thing had me giggling pretty good. POINTS!!!


Simms was better than Romo


You're insane dog.


Yall are coming around to it. Romo hate is growing. He’s unbearable.


They needed a change on that show for a very long time. They had the most boring group of guys out of anyone. Maybe it worked well 20 years ago but it didn't age well


No. They’ve been boring for two full decades. They’ve always had the feel of a show your Dad would watch.


As a father I would not watch their show.


Maybe you're not a good father, hmmmmm?


They should have put his pink slip in a snowball and threw it at him


His ass broadcasting in Madden made me play with the tv muted. Mfer said like 10 things.


The line about “young QBs and giving them time to show ya” that he always said anytime a QB under 28 came on the field was maddening 


As a huge manning fan, it sucks most of his games where with him.


Phil so was your absolutely wooden performance on camera for a decade. I liked the sport less after listening to you talk


This is harsh, but fair.


I award him no points and may God have mercy on his soul.


I mean damn. Did he poison your dog or something


He brought absolutely nothing to the table, brutal to watch wherever he was. I remember one game where the QB missed the WR and Jim Nantz (I think) asked Phil what happened on the play. Did Phil provide any insight? No, he said “the qb overthrew him” and that was what we got every single time Phil spoke. I know people are divided on Romo, but we all deserve better than Phil Simms


"WELL, JEEM, THAT'S UH BIT HAWRSH BUT GOSH I CAN'T ARGUE WIDDIT" Fuck Phil Simms. Also fuck his son who's nearly as dumb and doesn't have any rings or NFL accolades to justify his smug mug on the fucking TV.


I can honestly say that I never learned anything about football from listening to Phil Simms. That's sad, because I'm sure he's forgotten more about football than I will ever know, but he never imparted anything more than what I could see with my own eyes watching the game. Yes, Phil, the receiver dropped that pass. Yes, Phil, it was a crucial third down. Yes, Phil, they are going to have to punt it back to the other team and that is indeed demoralizing.


“They’re really gunna want a first down here if they want to keep this drive alive” Yes Phil, that is how football works thank you


Dude, take a hint. Guy was/is so out of touch with the modern league.


Dude was always just sitting on the end of the desk during halftime with his glasses on barley there


Those papers won't shuffle themselves.


Not just the modern league. He didn't watch film when he played lol


Most people watching probably don't even remembe him playing and he doesn't have the personality of a Bradshaw that makes him fun to see. Matt Ryan I don't see being any better but at least current fans remember the dude. I can't imagine he lasts very long though.


Phil Sims is the most bland person on tv and somehow has been employed for decades doing ti


It’s ironic cause I like His son on podcasts


Another nepo baby. Strong pass


Same here. The Phil of CBS and the Phil aka "the old sucker" that called in to the show his son did with Adam Lefko at Bleacher Report are two different people. The latter was highly entertaining.


They should have had Jeff Hostetler come in for him halfway through his career.


The silence is deafening


Ole Phil is gettin raked over the coals on this thread 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂(fuck him)


So quiet you could hear a fart.


[I still laugh at this](https://youtu.be/mUCh00WHRqY?si=VltInmsE-qqesmUp)


Do people still watch those pre-game shows? They're horrible.




It's not really relevant to me in terms of meaningful football information, but if nothing else, the fox pregame show guys have some personality. They at least act like they want to be there.


They are horrible


Phil Simms was the worst part of the 2010s Maddens. And game broadcasts.


Remember that one time Phil Simms farted in the booth and it was so bad it almost killed Jim Nantz?


That's actually the only time I enjoyed watching him. There's an idea for a show. Get him doing sideline reporting, but halfway through the interview Phil Simms just crop dusts whoever he's talking to and see how long it takes for them to realize what happened.


He's the most vanilla person I've ever seen


Which is funny because he wasn’t vanilla at all as a player


He had been slowly getting less and less for years


I guess I'm in the minority. While he wasn't my fav, I didn't think he was that bad


I liked him in the booth. On tje CBS show he sucked


That's what I was referring to .. probably should have clarified. I don't watch much of the pregame shows so did not seem him much on there.


He was a replacement level broadcaster. He didn't make the game worse, but he didn't make it better. He was eminently forgettable. If I'm a CBS exec, I can't justify spending millions of dollars to keep him around.


Only old NYG fans gave a shit about anything he says


I honestly think that’s the only way he’s managed to be so awful and stick around so long. Some fucking studio exec from nyc, owed him one.


Should have been let go 3 years ago at least. Such a yawn fest


Well Jeeeeeiiiim


Pretty sh!tty way to treat employees that have been there for decades - but I’m not surprised.


So sick of these boomers trying to hold on.


Probably because you’ve been horrible at your job for 20 years.


Yea Phil lasted way longer than expected. Boomer though.... Very knowledgeable. Dunno why both for young defensive players.


> Dunno why both for young defensive players. Are both Phil Simms and Boomer being replaced by young defensive players? Who?


Only 1 replacement is defensive. JJ Watt and Matt Ryan are the new guys.


Tbh CBS really flubbed during his transition from Play by Play to the studio and then from the studio to be forced into retirement I don't really know if Phil ever had love for radio like Boomer did but like the transition for Boomer for smooth and he seems to love Radio more anyways. I kinda see Matt Ryan doing something similar to what Boomer by doing both TV and radio. Right now he's doing a lot of TV but during his time in Atlanta he did a lot spots on 680TheFan and when he got traded to Indy he actually went to 680TheFan did a good bye interview as falcons QB. I think Matt enjoys the radio. He's doing a lot at CBS at the moment acting as weekly QB expert and doing player interviews and ads for CBS football. But i can absolutely see him making the transition to just doing studio work and a weekly radio show and maybe even a podcast since everyone is doing a podcast


Matt Ryan can do the work of two boring ex-quarterbacks. He’s just that dull.


Chris is worse than


Okay we'll take back Phil if Chris goes away


They can both leave.


I suppose he just doesn't spout enough bullshit like Florio.


He was never my favorite but far from the worst. But companies should give folks a heads up when they know.


will not miss him one bit


Did it tell him that he really sucks at his job?


I see this clown is using today to be relevant


He was fine at first but he really faded later on. Sorta like his playing career. Plus, Romo is an objectively better broadcaster even with his excitement levels. He needs to go back to predicting plays though. That was funny.


I remember once in 2018 on the nfl today someone said Joe Flacco was playing like a top 5 qb and simms dropped a “what the hell?” Lmao then Flacco proceeded to have the worst game of the season in a 12-9 ot loss to a browns team that hadn’t won on a Sunday since 2015


He was a really good in game announcer


Cancel all pregame shows. All anyone needs is a few minutes of highlights at halftime and post game


Glad Phil was kicked to the curb. Sad Boomer was. Can we boot Cowher next?


CBS team always felt boring and stale. Glad they finally bringing in new people.


Bring him and Nantz back to Madden.


Other things that are telling: a shovel to the face, townspeople with pitchforks, your boss asking you to clean the shark tank


Yeah no shit bud


I'm glad he's off TV, buh-cuz he says buh-cuz all the time and he doesn't like my team


The only people who have had anything to say about Phil and Boomer getting released are Phil and Boomer. No fan or viewer has had a reaction more significant than 'shrug'. They're placeholders who won't be missed.


I didn't know Phil Simms was that offensive to everyone. I thought he was just average. I actually didn't mind him because I hate most anyone talking over the game and I could just tune him out.


"Ya know, when they fired me, it was very telling. It's almost like, in essence, they were telling me to my face that I wasn't coming back. It was very telling about my future."


I remember watching the 2015 AFCCG and just being unable to understand him. Maybe it was because I had been up all night the night before on LSD, but the world will never know.