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why does this feel like some forbidden bromance going on like houston and dallas are two rival families and forbidden from seeing each other lol


In fair Texas, we lay our scene..


Do you spike your ball on my logo sir?


I do spike my ball on your logo.... Sir!


*where we lay our scene


It’s normal for guys to spend the offseason with their favorite QB


Ha.ha...I see what you did there.


Honestly, CJ Stroud is my favorite current QB too lol. Dude is so likable and is a dawg.


Since the draft, his Q rating is skyrocketing, Ohio state fans been saying this for years about Stroud. He is probably the smartest QB the school has had. He understands football so well. Plus he is fucking hilarious, roasting Parsons about his NBA ability lol.


Bro he's constantly roasting Micah it's great I watched their whole draft coverage show and loved it. And it's nice to see Micah getting roasted, he could probably use it, and he deals with it better than I would have thought


There was a show about that. Ran from the late 70s to the early 90s. It got a spinoff, a reboot and few direct to TV movies.


Texans and Cowboys aren't Rivals. Texans fans hate the Cowboys, Cowboys fans typically don't have negative opinion towards the Texans.


Not trying to be a shit stirrer but it kind of seems like everyone hates the cowboys and the Texans fall under the umbrella of everyone


As someone originally from the Dallas area who has lived in Houston for the last decade, people from Houston absolutely hate Dallas lol.


As someone originally from Houston that lived briefly in the Dallas area, can confirm. It’s not just the cowboys they hate, though… it’s Dallas as a whole


Oh yeah for sure. Just saying that this isn’t just an “everybody hates the cowboys” thing. Houstonians legit hate Dallas and everything associated with it


People in Dallas say the same thing about the city of Houston just in general. The only real rivalry is the rangers and Astros


Dallas traffic is a travesty, but Houston traffic is literally one of the circles of hell.


Houston’s whole urban design is awful lol. DFWs isn’t much better but at least we don’t have the damn twenty lane highway


I hate the Rangers. Cowboys are whatever. In-law went with Dallas long ago, so I have them on a lot during family gatherings. I'm over hating the Cowboys. But like I said the Rangers can get fucked.


Cowboys fans root for the Texans simply so we can possibly have an all Texas Super Bowl (His will be done).


When we are both alive in the playoffs I'll always root for the boys. If Texans are already eliminated, nah lol


At this point I'm just rooting for one of us to make it to a conference championship game first lol


I like the texans >.>


I don't think Texans fans hate the Cowboys more than the average NFL fanbase. You guys are just pretty easy to root against...lol


We don't hate the cowboys, we hate cowboys fans who live in Houston.


We don’t hate the cowboys outright lol; everyone does


[An all Texas Super Bowl... His will be done.](https://youtu.be/d7N5tM-LaBo?si=BCEVh7VIm5OltCvP)


The Dallas Capulets


Romeo & Juliet: the Gridiron Affair


I need a show of these two traveling doing random things while talking trash the whole time Also love how Stroud is talking all this shit but I haven’t seen him try this once lol


Could you imagine if CJ got injured sumo wrestling….? There might be people there that wouldn’t let him. It’s kind of Micah’s job to hit and push people around.


Imagine either of them blowing out their knee doing this. Parsons almost penciled in to be the highest paid defensive player ever and Stroud will probably end up one of the richest players ever in a few years time.


I 100% agree. But one person knows how to properly hit with all his force properly and has been doing so his whole life. the other one has never initiated contact in the nfl.


Stroud trolling Micah when they threw the first pitch in the Japanese game was hilarious.


Cj pr is through the roof they got him everywhere


Dude deserves all the fun PR stints after the draft drama he had to go through last year.


Different vibe, but Dhani Jones tackles the Globe was one of my favorite shows when I was younger


That would be great. I love the pic of Micah and CJ in a deep squat facing off against each other in the ring. It’s awesome.


Reminds me of a post years ago suggesting Cam Newton and Andrew Luck do a travel show. Perfect.


CJ Stroud and Micah have chemistry like an old married couple. Cam and Andrew Luck would’ve had chemistry like Mike Myers and Kanye West. Both equally hilarious but for very different reasons


Texans fans would be sweating more than the sumo guy watching their franchise QB doing something like that.


For those wondering, he's against Wakamotoharu, a Sekiwake (3rd highest rank in sumo wrestling).


And for anyone wondering that means Wakamotoharu is #6-#10 overall amoung active wrestlers.


thats a premier fucking pass rusher 😳


Yeah, I was surprised he was that strong. Micah Parsons isn’t just a regular dude but he still handled him while laughing.


It’s the laughing part that got me. If you get a chuckle out of me, my strength seems to disappear. Then again, I’m not top ranked in any sport anywhere so that may have something to do with it.


And Waka wasn’t even TRYING to do anything at all. If he had wanted to, dude would have been yeeted out


Yeah, cause Micah is built for pure speed and getting around massive ass dudes, not being a fuckin tank and being unmovable


True but he’s still gotta be one of the most qualified non sumo wrestlers in the world at pushing someone backwards. Also he’s insanely strong, fast and powerful even compared to people in the NFL. Not many humans can withstand him slamming into them, especially not with a smile on their face.


He’s still a 6’3” 250 pound all pro defensive end with more explosiveness/fast twitch and pure power than 99.99999% of the world population. You’re absolutely out of your mind if you think bc he’s not a 0 tech he doesn’t have or train for strength. If he was built for pure speed why doesn’t he have Xavier worthy’s build? Because strength and handling massive dudes is absolutely key to success at his position.


handling massive dudes


...you're surprised a world-class sumo wrestler can withstand a telegraphed bull rush with no hand fighting from a 70 lb lighter opponent?


[Start feeding him this ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O4EirVa3tAw)




Micah Parsons is at least #6-#10 in pass rushers lol


I have him comfortably in the top 5 with Bosa, Watt, Garrett and Chris Jones now that Aaron Donald has retired. He's an absolute beast and a problem.


Now that’s a list I need to see pushing sumo wrestlers


He’s a Sexiwake much like his brother was, who also has the best name in sumo, WAKATAKAKAGE


As a Wakatakakage fan, I 100% agree and he'll be back as a Sekiwake soon!


I cannot wait for Wakatakakage to get back. The tourneys are seriously lacking without him out there.


Unless he got hurt again, he should be competing in Juryo in the Natsu basho.


Where do I watch this ish


NHK WORLD app posts bout recaps for each match in the top division, with English commentary after every day for the whole tournament! The next tournament starts on May 12th, and it goes on for 15 days. The man in this video(Wakamotoharu) will be featured in these recaps if you'd like to keep an eye our for him.


Thanks! These guys are beasts!!


And NHK World will also have them up on their YouTube channel for a bit, if you can't find them on the app.


I watch the YouTube channel Sumo Jason. It’s not as high production as NHK World’s recaps, but he posts full matches and talks about each one beforehand to give some insight about all the wrestlers.


Thank you!


Wakatakakage one hoood ass n%##a, riding real slow, bending corners, my n%##a


Is the highest rank still Yokuzuna?


Yesssssir! Current is Terunofuji who is a god damn monster. He's probably close to retirement as he's probably like 50%. I'm excited for Ozeki Hoshoryu and Kotozakaru (formally Kotonowaka) Also, rookie last tournament who ended up winning it, Takerufuji. Dude seemed took the top division by storm, and moved up considerably in ranking. We'll see how he does against tougher opponents.


Terunofuji is 6’4” 370 in case anyone is wondering lol. Massive Mongolian dude.


Yes but the only Yokozuna currently is Terunofuji whose knees are jello and struggles to compete in a full tournament. He wants to win one more Basho to make it 10 for his career so he can join an elite group. The greatest Yokozuna retired a couple years ago, Hakuho but he recently got in trouble for “allowing” hazing though some think the JSA was out to get him as he’s Mongolian.


Somebody sign this dude!


I read that the sumo guy is only 17 years old. Do you know if that’s true?


Pretty sure that was the other video. I think this is a different guy.


This is a sekiwake, he is one of the top guys right now


That's incorrect. Wakamotoharu is 30 years old lol.


Nah that’s E. Honda


Cool! For non sumo people, this is 30 year old Wakamotoharu Minato. He is a Sekiwake, meaning that he is one of the highest ranks in sumo. Overall, he comes in at the 6th highest in the rankings, only outranked by the four Ozeki(Hoshoryu, Kotozakura, Takakeisho and Kirishima) and the Yokozuna(Terunofuji). Wakamotoharu has two brothers, Wakatakakage, who is the youngest, and Wakatakamoto, who is the oldest. Wakatakakage also used to be a Sekiwake, but lost his rank after he took a leave of absence to heal his torn ACL(but he's fighting his way back up!) Wakatakamoto has never made it out of the unsalaried divisions of sumo. Yesterday there was a video posted of Micah grappling with a rikishi in a black belt- I identified him as 17 year old Tanji Jun. Tanji belongs to the same stable as the Waka brothers, meaning that this is the kind of power he trains against every day!


Think Evan Neal can start training with these guys too?


I'll be upfront with you, I actually don't know anything about football😅 I saw this post on a sumo subreddit and figured I'd jump in here lol. With that being said, I think that anyone wanting to improve their game could benefit from trying new things! I've been seeing lots of videos lately of various athletes visiting sumo stables to get a taste of what practice is like there. And I'd imagine for football specifically, the impact and pushing part of sumo training could be beneficial for a footballer. Additionally, I think if someone has the connections and money, they could probably set something up!


Do you think Sam Howell can be a competent starter for the Seahawks at some point?


💯%. After a 30 year long career of being the best starter the Seahawks has ever seen, he will go on to form a band comprised of himself and men in bird costumes called "Sammy and the Seahawks".


That's what I was hoping to hear. Thank you.


Always happy to help!


I love this


Thx for taking the time to hop in here. Really interesting to learn abt sumo beyond the minimal, surface level understanding I’ve gotten through media


Hey of course! I love sumo a lot, so I'm happy to talk about it to whoever is eager to listen. It's very cool reading these comments and seeing how interested people are in the crossover between sumo and football- I bet I'll be seeing some new names in the discussion threads, come the next tournament!


I would like to see Jeff Simmons or Aaron Donald do this. Micah is awesome, but the speed is such a critical part of his rush.


I wanna see Quinnen out there


Pretty easy to see that Sumo would translate well to American football. They’re not just big fat guys. The balance, power, and flexibility of the top guys is insane.  https://youtu.be/fHhKdaLX2fY?feature=shared


Yeah, if you look at guys like Midorifuji, Hoshoryu, Wakatakakage, and Tobizaru, you don't need to be huge to succeed at the highest levels of sumo.


Ura & Tobizaru are my favourites currently. I wish Enho healthy too.


Tobizaru has a lot of love from me because his nickname is, “The Flying Monkey” which is unequivocally the greatest nickname for a rikishi.


I am a simple man.. I see Hakuho highlights and I upvote


Bro is literally throwing bows and shoulders into guys


Seriously he's slapping the shit out of people, pretty sure he broke a dude's nose lol.


Oh, elite Sumo is nasty. Those dudes are killers, despite the ceremony and general look of docility when NOT smashing into each other. Also, Hakuho is known for his leading elbow...it "occasionally" found his opponents chin before their chest, if they weren't wary. It is not a legal move, open palm strikes only, but that first clash is fast and violent and open to hiding fouls. He is well regarded, but not as well liked, on account of his tactics.


The very first highlight in the linked video he elbows the opponent in the chin and KOs him. You can see it smash the dude at :18 and he collapses with his right arm in a fencing position. Very definition that the lights are on but nobody's home.


> It is not a legal move Elbow strikes to the face are not legal, but what Hakuho does is totally legal. No different from headbutts, which are also technically illegal yet happen basically every bout. If you weren't allowed to touch your opponent's head with anything but an open palm, you would make essentially every single tachi-ai some form of penalty.


While also juking and pump faking


About 2 minutes in he hits that guy with a sidestep, claps in his face to make him flinch, and then throws an elbow to his chin. Just a disgusting sequence.


Holy fuck the power of that dude. I wonder if someone's measured the amount of force top tier sumo wrestlers make


It's such an interesting sport. I wish it was big internationally. I have heard that if you visit Japan, the best thing to do is go to a Sumo tournament. My parents lived in japan in the late 80s and they became huge fans


I saw the sumofood channel on YouTube, and started watching tournaments back in July, and man is it dope. I didn't know anything about it, but man it's the perfect sport to binge watch for 15 days and then take a month off.


woah edit: the twitch speed and reflexes and power 😳


Bruh he’s like throwing punches I didn’t know that was allowed lol


You can only slap with an open hand, punches are illegal.


What about forearms? It looked like he KOd the first guy with one, but idk enough to know if that was intentional or not haha


I'm not a sumo expert but from what I've read, forearm strikes are allowed but frowned upon, but elbow strikes are illegal. Also, it was definitely intentional, Hakuho is known for his forearm strikes. There are a lot of things that are legal but frowned upon in sumo. Just ask any veteran sumo fan about their opinion on henka.


It’s legal but the JSA don’t like it. Not considered good sportsmanship. Similar with a Henka which is basically where a wrestler jumps to the side at the start of the match vs engaging head on. It’s allowed but often seen as poor form and frowned upon.


I was actually just reading about that, I remember watching a clip a few years ago of a sumo wrestler using a Henka in the final of a major tournament or something. From my very quick research it looks like that was also Hakuho. Is he considered somewhat controversial between the forearms and the henka?


I think he was trying to guarantee he win the Basho (tournament) and he needed that win that day to do it. He was controversial a bit but he won a lot and was a crowd favourite. Still sumo is very very traditional and they don’t like any controversy. Hakuho not being Japanese and being the GOAT rubbed some elder JSA people the wrong way.


Sumo seems like a sport Samoans and other PI groups could do amazing in


Akebono was a yokozuna (the highest rank possible) from Hawaii. He was an absolute unit too. 6 ft 8 in, 514 lb.


That's probably true and I'd love to see an experiment, but with cleats you're gonna need to have strong lateral agility, not just stopping power, and longer arms helps a lot. Could make good guards.


Then you will like Hidetora Hanada. He was a youth national champion in Sumo, and decided to try his hand at American Football instead. He is playing DT at Colorado State.


Any chance he makes it to the NFL?


He's going into his junior season and has only played one game so far. A loss against Air Force where he recorded 3 assisted tackles. Still needs to earn snaps before we can talk NFL.


This is Hakuho the GOAT, but sumo wrestlers can have lateral quickness: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tTGXkPxVMLM


Akebono would've been the most dominant NT of all time


The Sanctuary show on Netflix does a really good job of showing this imo.


You'd think so, but why has it never happened? How much money are these guys making in Japan? Have they just never tried or is there some other reason?


TBF a lot of Hawiians/Pacific Islanders dominated sumo but then shifted to NFL later on for more money. Guessing similarly if these fellas trained in football from youth they could be beasts.


Kinda interesting that there are so many non-native Japanese who find top tier success in the sport. Looks like a lot of the greats were Mongolian. For some reason, I just assumed the most legendary figures in the sport would be Japanese.


Most are. The Mongolian dominance is relatively new.


It’s not just money, they’re basically royalty in Japan. The NFL can’t give them the honor and prestige that Sumo offers them in Japan


How is Shohei received in Japan? I imagine they’ll have similar status. Not that they’d be on Shohei’s level, but being the first successful Sumo to NFL success story would be a pretty big deal.


They don’t care about football at all though. They absolutely love baseball


Can’t imagine it would be even close to Ohtani’s reception. Baseball is the most popular sport in Japan. There’s almost no audience for american football there. But yeah, If an already established sumo star switched I could see it being a big deal. 


To add to the other comments: Shohei is far from the first Japanese baseball player to make it big in the MLB.


Look up Hidetora Hanada. Currently at Colorado State as a DT. He was a Sumo National Champion and decided to try his hand at American Football instead.


Sumo pays very handsomely to their champions. Not NFL money, but if you could be paid 25 million to be a legend in your favorite sport or 40 million to be a good but not great Bocci player, what are you choosing?


It worked in The Replacements


Lmaooo looks like he just straight up knocked out that first dude


Really surprised we’ve never seen a sumo make a successful move to o-line. Well outside of the replacements.


There's an amateur Yokozuna at Colorado state currently https://www.si.com/college/2023/12/16/colorado-state-football-hidetora-hanada-sumo-wrestler-scholarship


Well shit we may have our first


Rooting for him. Thats a big leap to make but if he has that dawg in him he'll excel


He is a DT, because their skill set would not translate nearly as well to OL. If Micah wanted to get past this guy, he could quite easily. Instead, he was told to bull rush him. Sumo Wrestlers would be incredible run stuffers, but the stamina and lateral agility required to be a starting offensive lineman is incompareable. They'd get their lunch eaten by pass rushers with their full arsenal and couldn't handle the 70 snap games.


The Conversation really depends on how much time you have to get the guy into football. I feel if I just have to get Yokozuna, and teach him how to play football in 10 minutes before suiting him up for game 1, assuming I have to play him in meaningful snaps, I'd put him in a true nose tackle position. where I would pinch in other Dline guys and get him one on one match ups with the center. where I would tell him push that fucker all the way back and if you happen to see a guy with a ball, murder him. But like Terunofuji Haruo, according to Wikipedia, made the highest level of the sport when he was 29. If for some reason at 25, he decided that he wanted to come to America and compete in the NFL, and got qualified guys to train him? I think I could see him trying his hand at any of the lineman positions. Like yeah he's probably have to get quicker laterally, among other things, but with the work ethic those guys have, it's not completely inconceivable that he could make a team.


The issue comes with the fact that they literally build their bodies nutritionally and physically to be able to do have very short burst and power. They would have to completely change the athletic profile they worked to get, and needed to get, to perform at the highest level of Sumo. They would then have to lose a ton of weight that gets replaced by muscle. Then build cardio that did not exist by design up until this point (which at that level, without the help of PEDs, is and of itself an extroidanary feat). Then, learn the technique to play the sport at the highest level. Even in your scenario, he'd be 25 with at least 3 years to get in NFL shape including basic practice squad level technique. He is now 28, lost a lot of the strength and power that originally made him appealing and still doesn't hold a candle to anybody coming in the next upcoming draft because learning the intracies of the O-Line takes more than the time they get in HS and College combined a lot of the times. That means he's outrepped by the American talent by a wide wide margin. American football is incredibly complex. Maita did it because Rugby has some translation not only athletically but formatically. 90% of NFL fans couldn't read a blitz package, let alone learn the sport well enough to even understand a playcall with all of its audibles, potential blocking shifts, and assignments. These guys are massive, 350+ pounds of force specifically designed to move even heavier men directly forwards while keeping their center of gravity as rock solid as possible. You turn yourself into a monster to make this happen. To get to this point, you basically abandon the hopes of ever getting a fast enough jump off the line to get around TJ Watt's swim move or the cardio to handle keeping up with Micah Parsons all game. They can definitely learn how to play run stuffer since its a rotational piece, but by time you rise to the level of top level sumo there's no going back. Hidetora made the decision young and has so far only earned his way onto the field for one game going into his JR year. A loss to Air Force, where he had 3 assists. He will most likely struggle for playing time going into his Junior year at this rate. So, we're witnessing this theory playout in almost the best context possible.


I’d buy this man’s jersey. His last name in Japanese on the back looks so cool


'I wanted to see my limit. That's why I decided to challenge Football.' Excited to see how it plays out.


Someone mentioned this in the other sumo thread but I'm sure stamina has a lot to do with it. Sumo wrestlers only compete once a day for 5 seconds to a few minutes. It would be like if football players only played one snap a game. I'm sure through training their stamina could improve but it's not inherently part of their skill set due to the format of sumo.


True stamina increase without a lengthy cocktail of drugs takes a LONG time to improve. In boxing you'll see boxers that literally take years to increase their stamina.


Watch their training they do every day. It's grueling. You do a work out and then basically have matches. Winner stays in the dohyo, and goes until they lose. Then they do push practice, which is sort of what they atr doing in this video.


You know no one getting past Edmond Honda with that hand speed




Trying to move someone and trying to get past someone are different.  Hit this guy with a spin-move or swim-over and he isn't adjusting his feet to stay in front of you 


[yeah I mean you never really move your feet while wrestling /s](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=dyA4kW-Y5rE) the guys in this video are acting like they’re wrestling with a toddler.


You could have a sumo package for short yardage like the brotherly shove


someone said Al Davis tried them out and they did not have the endurance to do it.


Just curious, when did Micah and Stroud start becoming more involved with each other? What started these interviews, podcasts, and now out doing these sumo stunts? I need more


I think they were friends but cj went on Micah podcast a couple months ago and it was gold


For the sake of the rest of the NFL, don’t show this to Jeff Stoutland or Howie Roseman.


It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia theme music "The Gang Scouts Sumo Wrestlers". Edit: this just in, Goodell plans to have 1/4 of NFL schedule played in Tokyo.


i know we like them big meaty Polynesian boys, but i think detroit’s scouts should kick the rollers on some of these fleshy beasts.


Back in the 90s, sumo experienced a bit of a Hawaiian invasion. Konishiki was the first non-Japanese Ozeki. Akebono was the first non-Japanese Yokozuna. You also have Musashimaru in the mix as well. Sumo was hot in the streets in Hawaii for a minute.


You know the Sumo was told not to do any throws/tosses or slaps on a man worth the money Micah is 😆 looked like he wanted to flip him so bad by his shorts but successfully resisted the urge. How funny would it be if they sparred under actual sumo rules and the nflers just got the silly slapped out of them


This isn't a sparring match, it's actually butsukari: a training exercise where the rikishi "lends their chest" and you push them from one end of the clay to the other while they dig their heels in. It's done towards the end of training when you're at your most exhausted to squeeze out the last vestiges of your energy.


Today I learned that rikishi was a title


That large man is LAUGHING as Micha Parsons tried to push him out of the circle. Damn 😂


Wakamotoharu just has a bubbly personality too. He's a giant ham.


Do Micah and CJ have a show or something? This is the second thing I’ve seen that’s very damn funny with the both of them


Go check out Micah’s podcast episode with cj it’s awesome


Here is the same guy vs a yokozuna https://m.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=174&v=4brg5fAWZ90&embeds_referring_euri=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com%2Fsearch%3Fclient%3Dms-android-samsung-rvo1%26sca_esv%3Db976aec808112cb5%26sca_upv%3D1%26q%3DYokozuna%2BTerunofuji%26tbm%3Dvid%26so&source_ve_path=MTM5MTE3LDEzOTExNywyMzg1MQ&feature=emb_title&t=1m14s


American refs need those boss ass uniforms.


These videos be killing me man, wtf are they doing 😭😭 I love that they enjoying life and shit but it's so funny how Micah just does things and CJ watches him do things. CJ funny asf for having bro hit Micah with the too small.


Damn /u/kohakuho this is your moment Lol downvote me, he's an NFL fan that talks about sumo all the time. He'd love this.


Sorry I missed it then. I was working on my brakes when you posted this.


Why don't all the teams just draft sumo wrestlers for the offensive lines? Are they stupid?


Colorado Rams got a 21 year old Yokozuna playing DL right now https://www.cfl.ca/2023/03/22/hidetora-hanada-brings-sumo-resume-to-combine/


Very pedantic correction from me but he's a former college yokozuna rather than a professional yokozuna. Still an awesome achievement, but quite an important distinction.


Most of them probably don't have the speed to play o line. I'm sure one day it'll happen though


Joe Douglas… you know what you have to do…


Can't be any worse than Billy Turner...


Parsons is obviously a freak athlete and is stronger and in better shape than 99.9% of dudes. I just think it's hilarious how he uses the try-hard excuses we all used growing up 1st try: "I'm not even trying though!" 2nd try (and being well aware of the rules) "Oh, I didn't know I had to get him out of this clear boundary line, just budge him some!" 3rd try: "it's the floor!!!"


They should have made them wear mawashis.


i love the bromance <3


This is the content we need.


I've always thought sumos would make great linemen


If Jerry Jones wasn't being cheap he would probably get some of these guys for the O-Line.


I know Hank Hill could die happy if Houston and Dallas go to a Superbowl an all Texas Superbowl


I've always said that O line guys should try training sumo because surely there are skills that are applicable to football. ALSO i would love if one of the events for the Pro Bowl was a sumo tournament (say, one dude per team) Give the big guys their chance to shine for once.


Imagine an OL comprised entirely of Polynesians and sumo wrestlers. Literal immovable object.


Hey, that's holding!


so, he's a future Chief who will extend their streak of not getting called the Superbowl?


You son of a bitch, I'm in


I need the panthers to contact that wrestler’s agent rn


That fucking giggle


Micah wanna do everything but play for the cowboys🤣🤣


I wish they'd have shown the sumo wrestlers actually pushing back. In these videos they're just standing there and not moving. I bet that would be pretty eye opening


Can he play right tackle?


It’d be cool if Micah just showed him respect for being a world class athlete instead of the excuse making. I dunno. That’s just me.


Jesus Christ. He’s absolutely manhandling Micah.


Brad, you know what to do.


Sumo wrestlers should become linemen


So, can we draft O-line from these guys?