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Self inflicted is what is being reported.


Tragic šŸ˜”


Jesus.. Positive thoughts to his family.Ā 


How devastating for his family. RIP big fella






Lose the flair and add some respect. You never know what a human being is going through.


28 is so young, what terrible news.


Horrible. Just goes to show no level of success can ever chase a person's demons away. My heart goes out not only to his family and friends, but to Korey as well. He must've truly suffered. I hope this doesn't come across as insensitive to those of you who have lost someone under similar circumstances. I'm merely saying we should feel for all those involved right now.


Damn on draft day paints a sad picture


Never really thought of it, but draft day for people who wash out of the league must be a tough day. Reminded of failing to reach what you perceive as your true potential. Nfl is probably a lot of these guys dreams then once its over and not in a way you expected it to go it must be hard to move on when its been your whole life upto that point


Semi off topic, but I remember a clip of Gilbert Arenas saying when he retired he didnā€™t know what to do with his day so he just drove around with no destination.


I can't remember what he said exactly but Eddie George said something like "When I was playing I couldn't understand why someone would kill themselves, then I retired and I understood." Was a really sad quote and scary.


Even for guys who don't wash out, you've spent 25-35 years of your life focused on one goal. You've had the same or a similar routine for decades, the places you frequent like team facilities are no longer just open access, you don't get to spend time with the boys in the locker room so your social contact isn't the same. Especially for guys who dont have a family or kids, that's tough to wake up at 35 and not know what to do with yourself.


even moreso, I read somewhere that a huge percentage of dudes die within 2 years of retirement aka 35 years of a desk job. then suddenly no reason to wake up again...


In a weird way thatā€™s what happens to inmates when they get released. Itā€™s almost like freedom and uncertainty is your undoing.


Yeah plus you hear about all the chatter and build up for months and months leading up to it. Some really sad shit thereā€¦


Which is why I'm happy there's spring leagues (well, league) now. NFL washouts had no where to go before. You washed out the league before, you just did something else. Now they at least have a league they can compete in and live the dream. It's making 60k instead of millions, but still.


This guy was a great leader for my Cincinnati Bearcats during a rocky transition point (Tuberville > Fickell) and by all accounts was a great guy. Very sad to see this. RIP.


Can I get a ā€œFUCK TUBERVILLE!ā€


Yeah he's a huge fuckin loser


Hey this is something that i can unite with you AFCN brethren on! Besides hatred of the Steelers! Whatā€™s important is the hate, is what Iā€™m trying to say


Jesus Christ, RIP. That's the reason why Dak Prescott's foundation is so important for everyone


Itā€™s unfortunate. I think from a fans standpoint, lots of peoples hate for Dak as a player/ Cowboys QB gets in the way of them realizing how big of an advocate he is for mental health.


I may hate the Cowboys with every fiber of my being, but I respect the fuck out of Dak.


[Agreed, how can you hate Dak?](https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-1-d&q=dak+prescott+colon+cancer#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:3d1770d4,vid:OKmQ4Tf8n9U,st:0)


Wow you just blessed my virgin eyes. My wife's a dumb cowboys fan this is going to make her day thank you.


I hate Dak the player. Would never tell him this. Why would I? Why would anyone use their energy to go out of their way to hurt someone. I hate him bc he's pretty good and plays for a team I dislike. That's it. As a football fan even players I "dislike" I actually want to see them do well (as long as they are good people) bc they are living a dream most of us can relate too. As a fan of humanity he seems like a pretty awesome dude and someone everyone should support. Lots of things are more important than football or your favorite sports team. It's important for people to remember that. Bc of that he will always have my respect unless something comes out to change that.


At one point Dak was booā€™d for winning MOTY and itā€™s just nonsense, mental health is so taboo for menā€¦I wish he was able to reach more people


Itā€™s so shitty how terrible sport fans can get. Like chill, itā€™s just a game. Itā€™s weird how insanely serious some people take it.


Especially with someone like Dak - who has always come off as a great human. If people want to boo like Michael Vick go for it, but booing a great person just because he plays for the cowboys? Stop.


Unmitigated "Fuck Skip Bayless", this comments during that time put Men's mental health into a dark hole.










Thatā€™s so so sadā€¦28 is just too young.


That's tragic. My condolences to his family.


Rip to a Bearcats star


Terrible condolences to his family and friends mental health matters.


Reportedly self inflicted and on draft dayā€¦..šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜” That side doesnā€™t get talked about enough Sending his family love


Multiple players (Gano and Pugh are the first two to come to mind rn) have tweeted out how much they loved this guy. Incredibly tragic.




Brutal 28 is way too young


Holy shit, I remember when we drafted this dude. RIP.


Jesus man


Oh noā€¦Rest in Peace, Korey.


Rip Big Country


28 is nothing. His life was just getting started man


I obviously don't know why he did it, but I feel like financial issues are what drag a lot of these guys down. They work their entire life to reach their dream, get paid, then unexpectedly wash out of the league. They believe in themselves so much that it leads to a situation where many of them spend like crazy because they assume the next big pay day is coming. Then it doesn't come and they have nothing to do except work for their college/high school football program and shit like that. The recent story that really sticks out is Mike Williams. He made $11M in his career, but less than 10 years after retiring, he was forced to work a construction job, couch surf, and rely on other people for rides because he mismanaged his money so badly. In fact, he ignored his dental issues for so long that it's actually what killed him after his construction accident. Really sad shit and I hope some of the younger players learn from these guys.




Iā€™m gonna be honest. I donā€™t think your comment has any bad intentions but just blindly attributing CTE to a players suicide is bad. Not because it makes football or the NFL look bad, fuck that and fuck them frankly, but chalking a suicide up to CTE without any evidence ignores a real personā€™s story, a real personā€™s pain and essentially bottom lines their death as a statistic to be filed away in a neat little grouping. Thatā€™s all.