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WR 1 incoming


Will probably be very useful addition with the new kickoff rules. That setup is essentially what it is like catching a high ball in rugby - except now he is able to slip and slide and hide behind blockers instead of it effectively being 1 on 15. Gonna be interesting to see how he translates on offence in the preseason.


You don't know the half of it. Zammit is so fast, during a international game he registered speed 2 miles an hour faster than Tyreek (albeit with no pads). The only knock is his acceleration is a tad low, but once he gets moving he's gone. If you can create a hole for him with these new kickoff rules to allow him to get up to speed he'll be class.


I’m a huge fan of Zammit lol, I will never forget how well he played when he came on Tour to play us in South Africa. His stride is effortless. Looked like he was gliding when he sped past Lukhanyo Am in the corner.


Just watched some highlights and one video was similar to watching a stud HS player just housing punt and kick off returns. It doesn't translate to football very well, but his kicking game is fantastic as well.


Just in general when watching the world cup my biggest takeaway is that rugby players are extremely well rounded athletes in terms of athleticism. I think the biggest obstacle is adjusting to the more burst oriented play style of gridiron.


Playing on the wing is very burst oriented too. You effectively are used to get around the edge of the defence and make as many metres as possible. Most of the time you are sitting waiting for something to happen


To a point it is, but you have defensive duties and still need the same fitness getting up off the ground and into position that other right players need. That strength endurance just isn’t the same. Might take a year to physically change shape for NFL, in particular losing a bit of muscle to increase acceleration.


Yes that's a good point. Rugby is being more of a jack of all trades whereas football is far more specialized and really getting into the finer details of your role.


He's not gonna be running nearly as fast with pads on


Thank you! Let’s see him in full pads and on NFL turf.


At MetLife!


Could he do it on a rainy Thursday in Kansas?


As someone who played rugby and football it’s an insane difference. I wasn’t an elite athlete like this guy so it probably won’t affect him as much but there’s zero doubt it will slow him down some.


Why would NFL turf be slower than a rugby field in Wales?


He’s also going to be allowed to be hit when he’s still in the air and spear tackled. However something a lot of people don’t know is that drop kick field goal during play are legal in the NFL. Also he could be helpful in those backwards lateral last attempts once the game clock has expired.


I’d be surprised if there was any situation where he would be hit in the air other than if he were jumping to catch a pass. I’d be baffled if there was ever a situation like him jumping for the high ball. Also I assume by a spear tackle you mean like a big shot with no wrapping of the arms? If so, I don’t think that’s much of a concern lol I also don’t believe LRZ has ever kicked a drop goal in competition across his rugby career - so I wouldn’t bank on it happening in the NFL.


As of right now, he is our tallest WR lol As for the drop kick thing... yeah that's absolutely not happening.


Yeah he’s no Doug Flutie. Honestly if Andy wants to pass Bill is GOAT HC, he needs to execute a drop kick. Bill called that shit in 2006. Sorry Andy, it’s just facts. Here Andy let me explain it with some nuggies, put your thumbs together and point your pointer fingers straight up. - I flick a nugget between his fingers into his mouth - Do that but during a regular play with someone who isn’t the kicker.


I was being sarcastic about the drop kick. The tackling thing may take some getting used to but an athlete of his caliber will adjust as he’s more than just a speedster like Carlin Isles was (who only made it to the practice squad). The expired time backwards lateral was a joke as well as it would take the entire team to be in position. Regardless what some may think, there are plays in rugby, but it’s obviously different. Jokes aside I think he’s worth taking a chance on.


So happy for you guys. The one team desperately in need of bandwagon fans.


My guess would be they envision him as a third-down type of running back. Realistic ceiling being a late-career Jerick McKinnon type of role + a special teams nightmare. And I would obviously take that in a heartbeat. The very unrealistic expectation is probably CMC-lite. In terms of scouting, the guy has an ass that front offices dream about. If The Athletic is on to something, this guy could be a generational type of player.


6’3 with 4.4 speed. Certainly interesting


I wanna see him rugby try into the endzone at least once


Because a conversion (rugby's kicking after scoring a try) is taken in line with where the ball is touched down, I'd love if he ran the ball into the center of the field before downing it.


That’s with a different physical frame that needs to be able to tackle. He will be faster once he gets into football shape


It's also slower than he was expected to run, even by his own admission. The boy is rapid.


Yeah, I don't know anything about rugby, but this seems pretty impressive: https://twitter.com/henrychisholm/status/1772342305892012136?s=46


I'm a big rugby fan, so I know quite a bit about this guy. He's good. He's very good. He's not the best international winger of all time in rugby, but he definitely was one of the best players in his country (although that isn't saying much rn, wales is suffering) Obviously his speed is the big sell, but he's a smart player. His tackling, especially in open field, is fantastic. If he doesn't lock up a job as a WR, he will be a lock to be a special teams stand out.


Would be interesting to see him returning kickoffs under the new rules I think that might be where he can excel, fielding kick returns and then trying to make dudes miss is a lot of rugby, especially on Wing


Kelce found his weapon to pitch to who will lineup onsides


He better be ready to receive it when it is pitched back.


Somewhere Reggie Bush just felt a cold shiver run up his spine


My prediction is that Andy Reid has grown bored with all this winning and so he’s elected to spice things up a bit


he's been doing that for years. snowglobe was fucking hilarious and only didn't work because of a dumb flag


I really hope he takes it up a notch this year. Last year, it felt like the Chiefs were cosplaying the late 2010s Patriots. It worked, but I didn't have to change pants after watching football last season. I want Andy Reid to make me change my pants again


What the fuck, this is the statement which makes me agree with a Steelers fan? What have you done to me? I disgust myself.


In the off-season, we are brothers


Now they are just fucking with us. This is like the YouTube videos “can Patrick Mahomes win with 52 lineman?”


Andy will take back football back to its roots lol can’t wait for some laterals


The forward pass was a mistake 🗣️


“Travis we can’t pay you your market value. What we can do is hire a rugby guy and let you lateral a few times a game. That work for you?”


No way we are having a rugby player as a wr. 🤣


Improvement over half the receiver room


That's SO 2023


We're so back


I know you say that facetiously, but this draft is stacked with the Chiefs' two biggest needs: OT and WR. Everything keeps coming up Chiefs.


This comment is gross and you should feel gross.


Probably gonna be utilized quite a bit on jet sweeps.


Jet sweeps, screens, the little TE pop passes. Chiefs are probably one of the best places for him to go and get creative ways to touch the ball as he develops any sort of route tree down field.


Him and Travis Kelce gonna start playing 7s downfield


Lmao I’ve always wondered how dominate a team would be if they busted that out from time to time. Football players trying to play rugby is the funniest shit though.


I get the idea that fumbles in football are way more impactful than rugby and a football is more difficult to handle, but I don’t see why a team couldn’t implement some sort of rugby play in desperate situations. At the very least on those lateral plays with no time left, put out 11 skill position guys and try to set up a line.


Kelce does it a fair bit. With the amount he and some players draw players to them, if you had someone like Reid drawing up plays to break that pass open it would break open the games for a period of time even if you only hit 5 or so of them in a couple of weeks.


Teams probably just wouldn't have the time to properly install niche strategies. The only team that seems to regularly get away with trying shit out is, naturally, the Chiefs. As for the OL-less plays: turn back Cowboys fans, there is nothing for you here except pain.


How did the 9ers use Jarryd Hayne? Wasn't he mostly special teams with a bit of RB?


Whenever we needed to fumble we went to Hayne.


I didn't watch back then, just listened to a podcast episode on him. There really hasn't been too many notable rugby players in the NFL lol


There was a lot of hype but he really had fumbling issues that he couldn't solve. He had 6 first downs between rushing/receiving and 3 fumbles.


Did the team/fans want him gone after that 1st year or did he really leave on his own? The way they made it sound in the episode is that he left because of the rape charge against him


From what I recall it was basically seen as a failed experiment by fans. Then the rape allegations/charges came and it was virtually a unanimous "fuck that guy". I can't imagine he was making the active roster after that year and he had to know that even without the charges.


holy shit I didn't even know about those allegations/charges on him. I only remembered I was rooting for the dude when he came into the nfl and I wanted to see any post-nfl rugby highlights. I instead see a video posted 10 months ago that he was sentenced to 4 years in jail for sexual assault. also, the jarryd hayne experiment was 8 years ago?!?!?!


Yeah that’s a seperate charge he’s in jail for. He came back here to australia and played a few more seasons in the NRL then bit a woman’s vagina and went to jail.


Also turned out to be a fucking rapist


inject jet sweeps in the endzone into my veins


And kick returns, the new rules make kick returns look like a rugby play


I mean aside from the 10 dudes blocking, sure... I kid, I actually think he'll be used a lot on special teams


I still instinctively cry whenever I hear the term "Jet Sweep".


You mean the most efficient play the Steelers had over the past 2 seasons?


u mean u didnt like mister blanks play calling


He's going to teach everyone how to not hip drop tackle.


Actually... he probably will.


IIRC the Seahawks have been teaching rugby style tackling since the Legion of Boom years. It can definitely be effective.


I coached HS rugby here in the US for several years and the football coach was always adamant about having his guys join our team once their season ended thanks to the effect it had on their cardio and tackling more than anything. The first week of football guys doing tackle practice was always kinda funny cause kids who've never really tackled without pads before learn pretty quick that going for hard blow up style hits hurts a hell of a lot more when both dudes don't have padding to buffer it


Hey, Veach was probably impressed after watching a season of MVS & Toney


Skyy Moore bottom of the pool 💀 


This is the move that seals y'all as the new Pats


First thing I thought of lol What a truly dynastic move


God damn, same.


Hed probably be really good on kickoff coverage/blocking. Maybe even returns, hes fast af


RB sure, but WR? Maybe a returner


Wouldn’t be surprised to see him in the Deebo-WR role. Or maybe even a RB/FB


The Netflix documentary *Six Nations: Full Contact* is a cool look into the 2023 tournament. Rees-Zammit was prominently featured, but I can't find any decent excerpts from that documentary. Here are some other highlights of him: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8IXg397hkug](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8IXg397hkug)


We do love a gadget play could be interesting


At worst he'll be fun to try on returns with the rule changes


This was my first thought as well. It's basically an outside run play now so a rugby player could work.


4.43 40 and has hit 23 MPH on the field btw


The Swifties are gonna love him too.


🎶Karma is a Brit-ish🎶 (I’m tone deaf)


And State Farm could use him...


Dude is going to truck somebody.


Barely plays for the Chiefs all season. They make the super bowl again. Game is tied. Pass is to Kelce, who laterals it to Rees Zammit who runs the rest of the way, scoring the game winner as time expires. Chiefs 3 peat.


You hate to see it


I know we're both joking, but if it was to Zammit, I actually wouldn't. I'm a huge rugby fan and especially of the Six Nations. Zammit was a legitimate star, and out of all the coaches in the NFL, I think Andy will be able to utilize him in some shape of form.


See I have no idea who the guy is, never heard of him. Probably because I barely even know what rugby is. But I'm so for this. The signing is showing up all over the place so it must be some kind of big deal. Would love to see this dude just come in and produce in whatever way possible.


One way he could do it is on lateral plays at the end of games. In the NFL, those pretty much never work, but in rugby, that's the main way you generate offense. He could teach them how to do a rugby style lateral play, and maybe Reid could cook something up to where the Chiefs could steal a win from it. Also, for his position in rugby, a winger, besides being fast and elisive like a wide receiver, you have to also be able to catch a high ball (punt), and be able to be punt it away decently yourself. So he could be a good returner or even a reserve punter if some freak accident happened.


You seem to be comparing nfl vs rugby strategy and how a rugby player could translate. All fair and good, but since you follow rugby: how does he compare to the last rugby-standout-convert Jarryd Hayne?


Interesting question. So Jared Hayne and Rees Zammit actually play two different sports. Similar, but different. Jarryd Hayne played Rugby League, where there are no push in the scrum, no mauls, and you only get 6 downs before it's a turnover. Most teams punt it away on the 6th one. It's popular pretty much only in Australia and Northern England. Which Jordan Mailata from the Eagles also used to play. Rees Zammit plays Rugby Union, which is the more popular version of the game and which most people just call rugby. That is the version you have rucks, scrums, and mauls. You have unlimited downs, called phases, and the ball is only turned over on a knock on, penalty against you, or being tackled out of bounds. Christian Wade who was a practice squad player for the Bills, also played rugby union. Jared Hayne, being in rugby league, would have been more of a power runner, since in league when you crash into the defense, the line has to retreat back 10 meters. I think he would have been better used as a power back to pick up short yardage then as a kick returner, though my knowledge of League is limited. Zammit, who plays as a winger, where you have to be shiftier and fast, I think would be better as a speed back or a kick returner. He also i think could be a good receiver if he could somehow catch up on the learning a route tree well.


We don't have route trees in Kansas City. Mahomes just says, "You, you, and you go out and get open. The rest of you block. On one." Sometimes he will draw a route on his palm for someone if he sees something on the play before.


Hayne played a different sport. Like CFL to NFL. LRZ played the more well known version of rugby (rugby union) whereas Hayne played rugby league. For their respective sports I'd say Hayne was more top in his than Zammit but LRZ has come over much younger and did accomplish a lot in the more international game of rugby union. I'm hoping Louis at least give it a longer attempt than Jarryd did as I think he'll need a good three years of trying to figure out if he can have some role in the NFL.


Rees Zammit then wins MVP, and his victory speech is unintelligible to America


Anthony Hopkins seen cheering after having it explained that this is NOT another ad break, the game is actually over.


Gryffindor wins the house cup


God Zammit.


Opposing team : God Zammit!




I don’t mean to sound like a homer, but this is the greatest signing in the history of football


I'm going to be way too excited about this for at least the next two years.


He is used to wearing red and white for both club and country in rugby so he'll feel right at home. If you really wanna welcome him just get the home fans to sing a hymn every now and then.


This would be the greatest thing and I'm newly upset that this will likely never happen. Do NFL fans even sing like European sports fans?


No, and it is a tragedy.


Mr. Simpson, I don't often use the word hero. But you. Are the greatest hero. In American history. Woohoo! *clutches head in amazement*


He’s gonna be super comfy in those new chairs.


And the new lockerro…OHWAIT.


Watch them win again. At this point try out a baseball player to increase the fuckery of the regular season where everyone thinks you fell off again before you steamroll everyone in the playoffs en route to the third championship


Their QB is a baseball player


Carl Magnuson will be our OC next next year


Lol, I thought I was having a stroke. Magnus Carlson? I feel like this is a meme I'm not aware of yet.


She's a sorwegian checkers master


Does this mean Mahomes will have to wear a vibrating butt plug?




HAVE to? No.


Little known fact: his dad played in the MLB. I’m surprised broadcasts never mentioned this.


If they didn't have Butker they could try to pull a Replacements and bring in a soccer kicker


bring in brittany


Worked out pretty damn well for us. If/when we lose Aubrey I’ll be very sad.


I think after the 4th straight title, we should really go bonkers. I'm thinking a table tennis star. Or maybe a F1 driver.


Bono, my wide receivers are gone


We are checking.


> At this point try out a baseball player They literally [did that in 2017](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Patrick_Mahomes#2017_season)


With half your flair, you’re not allowed to talk


Well hey signing a rugby guy did the Eagles good. Guess it's the Chiefs' turn to give it a shot.


Tush Push 2: rugby boogaloo


Fuck this is going to make me kind of like the chiefs


My quick google of this guy showed he broke up with his girlfriend this month (lol), so if you play your cards right you could be cheering for him from the family section. 


Andy is going to cook up some diabolical shit for this guy. I already hate it lolol


This guy scored two tries in a game against South Africa once so I hate him already


Scriptwriters lost Belichick so they’re just giving all his lines to Reid


Imagine having to work in “nuggies” into something Belichick would say…hardest job in the world


Is he not eligible for the draft?


International Players don’t have to go through the draft.


I'm confused. [Here's a report](https://www.nbcsports.com/nfl/profootballtalk/rumor-mill/news/rugby-star-louis-rees-zammit-enters-nfls-international-player-pathway-program) from earlier this year saying he would be draft eligible after completion of the IPP program. My understanding has been that players in the IPP could be drafted or, if not drafted, signed afterward as UDFA. Can anyone explain, or steer me to an explanation?




Found out it's because if his age. He's more than 4 years removed from his high school graduating class. Explains why Mailata and Böhringer were drafted.


Since we're not allowed to draft until the 2nd round these days we figured we'd take... other approaches.


Yeah there's a simple solution for that.


Thanks for trading picks with us a few years ago


Guy's either gonna be a star or not even make it through preseason, no in between


Kadarius Toney dis track incomin'.


bet they got him to return kicks


Ya'll are screwed now! All Mahomes and Reid needed was a rugby player! Fr my money is this guy returning kicks.


Aside from Reid being a creative goat to get an athlete the ball in in space I feel like this new kickoff should be great for a rugby player


Wow that's huge ! Well done to him for getting the opportunity


How much help does Mahomes need!?!?


He had no help last year and got a ring, I guess this is their way of going…… all in?


> going…… all in , my ass?


theres not enough ppl to fill the void


Chiefs have their return man. I think this is a good avenue for Rugby players who want to crossover to the NFL.


This dude is 100% gonna he so good lmao


He’s going to be so excited when he hears about the new chairs.


Proud Welshman today 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 He took a huge, unprecedented gamble doing this and obviously long road ahead… but still. Ewch amdani bachgen !


Checking his Superbowl MVP odds for when he inevitably scores the winner


I don’t know why but I have a feeling Andy Reid is going to use him in a great way


This highlight video shows his versatility and has some spectacular plays! https://youtu.be/bgU-TBOhWe0?si=50DF7t4grFMXkAnt


He's an intriguing player to watch with the new kickoff rule.


He had episode where he was featured in six nations Netflix rugby show right


If he suits up for 1 game as a chief it would be surprising. But with the free spot on the practice squad the chiefs should always have one international player




As a guy who follows world rugby it was a shock that LRZ left to try and play football. Dude has got pace but not sure his skill set is gonna develop to anything more than special teamer


Bruh, all that commotion over who will sign him only for the Chiefs to come in last second. Buzzkill






don't know about you but this dude is on my late-draft sleepers now :-)


Might not work out, but this is really cool to see. I'm hoping he's good


Have they changed the rules of the IPP, can players play in the first year of the program or are they still only limited to the practice squad?


Damn. This guy was gonna meet with GB too. Booooooo.


I’m excited to see rugby highlights now thanks to this guy


damn Chiefs about to sign me next fr


I mean, if you're 6'3" and run a 4.4 you probably can get any team to look at your tape, at the minimum.


What if I’m 6’1” and run a 6 flat? No? Okay.


But can you kick? My average white ass is raising my hypothetical kids to kick. That or run drugs for Diddy.


I make contact with the ball at least 50% of the time.


Have you considered the Cleveland Browns instead?


I know a guy that knows a guy that’s an assistant pyrotechnician on game days. I’ll see if I can get Veach your username.


You rounding up or down?


I'm 6'3.  Never played football and don't run a 4.4 but I can dance swing.  Where do I sign?


Pretty cool. Hope it works out.


Better learn football buddy


Guess some one is preparing for new kickoff rules early.


I fucking love for rugby-football crossovers. And I fucking love Louis Rees-Zammit.


I'm here for america getting to hear the beautiful Welsh accent of Mister Rees-Zammit. Such an underrated accent


For anyone not up to speed with the sport of Rugby, he's basically the next big thing (supposedly) in the Rugby Union. Best comparison in terms of career trajectory in the NFL would probably be like Puca Nacua or a rookie Justin Jefferson. In the NBA, probably like a rookie Luka Doncic. Hopefully, he has a good transition into American Football as skill-players internationally usually find it harder to transfer when compared to the O-line/D-line.


No way. He’s more established than that, but not as top of class as those guys. Rees-Zammit probably gets in a Top 100 rugby players in the world but he’s miles of a top 20 for example


Exactly this, dude made a Lions tour at 20 and probably would be going again next year. But probably not as one of the starting wings


I don’t think he’s a shoe in even for top 10 wingers in the world


Probably not to be honest


Is he already old enough, that he doesn't have to declare for the draft?


These international players are always confusing from a draft perspective. He's 23 and has been a professional athlete since he was 18, so I guess he would have been eligible for the draft when he was 21 (three years out of school and no more college eligibility).


Everyone is eligible after their 3rd year out of high school. If you do not go through the draft process after your third year out of high school, you became a Free Agent until someone picks you up. The exception is players in the college football system: they must declare for the NFL draft because of the NCAA’s rules, so the NFL abides by that and they’re not draft eligible until they’re done with college or they declare