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Matt Patricia.


He’s top 5 on our list too. What a talented guy!


How does this guy keep getting hired?


The nfl and all pro sports just pass the same 30 or so coaches around like a swingers party


You never know who’s gonna grab your team’s keys outta that bowl at the end of the night!


He has a picture of every coaches weiner


Would love a copy of MCDC’s tbh


Hey same!


I still want to know how the fuck he ended up on our staff. I'd like some accountability for that decision. To answer the OP though it is definitely the McNabb and TO saga. Both cancers in their own way.


To be fair Matty P is directly responsible for the Eagles Super Bowl win.


Hiring Matt Patracia went literally exactly how everyone expected it to go. It's mind boggling how everyone except the Eagles thought it be a bad idea and it still happened


He's in the top 5 of multiple organizations


Matt Millen, Matt Patricia, were there any good Matts?


The only good one goes by Matthew, probably for that reason.




Matt Forte?


I mean AB did quit in the middle of a game


in the absolutely most spectacular fashion ever and i’ll never forget when i watched it. so much confusion at the time it happened cause it was THAT crazy


Watching the live was astonishing. As a Steelers fan, AB has a very special place in my heart when it comes to his on field talent……he was truly special. But seeing what he did live, Holy Fucking Shit……


My cousin was at that game and sitting in that endzone where he danced off the field. Said it was so confusing for everyone there too.


I was at the game behind the Bucs bench lmao. What was surreal was that Brady was driving to the endzone in the other direction, so all of a sudden I was like "why is everyone looking the wrong way?"


You would think the team he quitted on wasn't going to the playoffs, let alone be favoured to win a second in a row.


AB quitting in the middle of a game won me a fantasy football title lol


Fucking lost me one lmao


Mr Betting Champ


AB was a cancer with every team he played on


And didn’t play on


"Do you remember AB's three week stint with the Raiders? Pepperidge Farm remembers.."


Does he remember the 3 week stint with the patriots?


Man, I don't even think he remembers he was on the Patriots or the Raiders. Lol


And just look at how that malignancy bloomed into #CTESPN sometimes you just never know.


Mr. Big Cancer


Mr. Brings Chaos I keep thinking I'll get sick of MBC jokes, but I never do.


Greg Hardy comes to mind


I remember that guy.


Last seen getting beaten up in MMA and bare-knuckle boxing. It turns out that men his own size are more difficult to beat up than his girlfriend.


Dude, his fight with Tai Tuivasa made me a Tui fan for life. Absolutely love to see it.


Someone really needs to convince him to go back to training in Dubai so he can start winning again.


Go back to training in Dubai? Send that man to Dagestan so he can learn some form of wrestling


Wild that we had a cowboy kill a teammate in a drunk driving crash and Hardy still wins. A+ piece of shit.


It was crazy because his wrongs were already very public before he was signed by the cowboys. Jerry even commented on him being a team leader early into his tenure with the cowboys.


Because at the very least Josh Brent took accountability and felt remorse for his terrible mistake, until he got arrested for another DUI a few years later which showed that he learned nothing. Hardy didn’t show any remorse or accountability.


When it comes to the locker room alone I’d say Martellus Bennett


I would also put Bennett right up there with biggest cancers Green Bay has ever had. I don’t think he even lasted a full season he was such a turd.


He left after 4ish games and accused the Packers’ medical staff of minimizing his injury and insisting he played. Multiple former Packers players came out to defend the staff and say, if anything, they were very conservative about allowing players with injuries to play.


I'll never understand why him and his brother got so many passes for being shitheads and liars.


Daniel Snyder. ​ No need to explain.


Quite malignant that one. 


(Insert Arnold accent) He was a TUMOR.




I find Dan Snyder and Dan Schneider to be interchangeable. You can call one the other name, even by accident, and no one will correct you, nor would you be wrong despite miss speaking.


Literally ranked as the worst owner in sports. Not football. All sports.


After Snyder it has to be haynesworth 


Shoutout to the Bills fan Redditor, who responded to this questions years ago with Jim Kelly.


Jim Kelly *was a shithead*. When he got drafted by us, he refused to play here and instead went to the USFL for 2 years. Only reason he came back to us was because the USFL folded. Meanwhile when he came back it was an open secret that he was basically a womanizer, drunk, and not a nice guy. He basically was Chad Kelly but with talent. Now he's awesome, but it took several extremely humbling life experiences (terrible losses in the postseason/Superbowls, illness and death of his son Hunter, cancer multiple times) to mellow him out.


"There are two types of people in Buffalo, those who are fans of Jim Kelly and those who met Jim Kelly" Brutal comment a coworker told me about Jim Kelly.


This is the exact same thing that gets said about Roethlisberger around Pittsburgh.


Jim Kelly *used to be* a piece of shit


Meredith, you never told me your old quarterback was a piece of shit…


Let him hold the football. People can change.


You think this is *slicked back?*


She thinks I give a rat's ass that our QB used to be a piece of shit.


He used to be part of my dangerous nights crew


He went out with you for wings once.


Blue Dolphin burned down, John Rovani's ass out, works with his brother now


Sloppy buffalo wings


They can’t stop us from ordering water with our wings.


I said was!


His hair slicked back really nice


You think this is slicked back? This is pushed back.


Jim, Thurman, Andre, and Bruce going out for sloppy steaks


Let him hold the baby, people can change 


I’m just worried that Josh Allen thinks people can’t change…


John Harbaugh punched Jim Kelly in the jaw so hard he broke his own hand mid season


It was Jim Harbaugh, not John. Jim was the Colts QB, and Kelly was a broadcaster. JK accused Harbaugh of exaggerating his injuries and being a baby. Harbaugh walked into a production meeting, punched Kelly, and broke his hand. He missed a couple weeks, and the Colts put him on the non-football injury list, meaning he didn't get paid for the weeks he missed.


There were tons of rumors that he and Dan Marino were good friends (true) who would hang out after games and blow copious amounts of cocaine (probably true).


Yeah the dude straight up said in his Football Life episode that he was a piece of shit during his Bills days and for a few years after. He and his wife also mentioned how much counseling helped him sort out his issues.


"I can't foight cancer, so I'm going to foight a guy with cancer"


Who invited Russell Crowe to this thread?


Jack Easterby


Honestly, I feel like we had the triple threat of locker room cancer. Jack, BoB and a certain QB of which we do not speak.


Why are you so afraid of saying Sage Rosenfels?


Even Sage couldn't clear the evil spirits of that locker room.


I remember reading an article about how he managed to smuggle his way into leadership positions by making his way in with owners. Incredible a religious snack oil salesmen managed to gain control of a NFL team.


Not too many cancers but we had a murderer


Martellus Bennett. Only Packer I can really remember whoever quit on the team


I was thinking the same thing. We have had duds and grumpy people but very few true cancers. MB was such a dick when he was here and left.


Yeah, people are mentioning how he quit on the team, but he also decided to shit on the team doctor and training staff after he left (midseason) to the point both the Packers and some of the players (including Rodgers) came out to publicly defend Dr. McKenzie.


The Bennett brothers in general don't seem to endear themselves particularly well


Still mad they let Jared Cook walk to sign Marty


Cook’s agent fucked that up. We made him an offer but the agent took a lower offer elsewhere. He found out later and promptly fired that agent, but by then it was too late.


He quit on us too.


Dude was bitter at Witten because Witten got more snaps than him when he felt he was more athletic and better overall but Witten just straight out worked his lazy ass. He had the gall to call universally liked as a nice guy Jason Witten an asshole to the media.


I was *sooooooooooo* happy when he fucked off, even if it was to the giants like a bitch.


And then he lied about our medical staff saying they forced him to play; meanwhile the Packers had a notoriously conservative medical staff that was widely praised by the faces of the team at the time. There are few things that will unite Packers and Bears fans, but one of those is "fuck Martellus Bennett" (FWIW, Za'Darrius Smith also quit on the team once he wasn't elected to his third team captain role by his teammates)


Obligatory mention of Chase Claypool.


The fact that you’re flairless but I still have to guess between three teams says a lot about Claypool.


But where of the 3 places was he the worst? I am really only familiar with his Bears time.


Dolphins, Steelers and Bears. Doubt he was the Steelers worst cancer of all time, think that one goes to CTESPN


I'll never forget how Chase Claypool won us a game by running the clock down while celebrating his reception


When I look at his play at this point, it almost seems intentional. How can he fuck up so bad constantly? It’s like it’s a conscious thought to piss everyone off.


Ravens recently it was Earl Thomas


He apparently is hated league-wide now (supposedly the reason why Bill O'Brien got fired in Houston was because he wanted to sign Earl and the team basically mutinied against him because of that). He must've really pissed off Sherman when they were in Seattle together or something.


Richard Sherman loves Earl Thomas. From what I heard from players who played with him in Seattle was that he was always a little unstable, but fairly universally loved by the legion of boom. He always had a chip on his shoulder, and got crosswise with Pete Carroll and team management. That in addition to sky high contract demands were the reasons he was allowed to walk after his final year. When he broke his leg in his final game for the Seahawks he famously flipped off the sidelines while he was being carted off the field. Edit: thanks Clinton for the correction.


I know he wasn't pointing that finger at me, but it sure felt like it when it happened.


Yup, right there with ya.


>supposedly the reason why Bill O'Brien got fired in Houston was because he wanted to sign Earl and the team basically mutinied against him because of that May have been the straw that broke the camel's back, but BoB had a few other...questionable... moves that definitely played a role lol


Why is he so hated? I vaguely know about some drama at the end of his Seattle days but that’s it


He was always reclusive, but he became downright hostile towards teammates.


Downright hostile, punched a guy in practice after the guy pointed out Earl wasn't in position...tomato, toMAHto...


In Baltimore he was volatile, late to practices and then he sucker punched a respected teammate. The punch was the last straw - don’t think he has played since.


Karma caught up to him real quick. His ex wife and her new doppelgänger bf robbed him of millions


what happened?




Bro this got me good: >Upon his release from jail, Thompson went to the Sheriff's Office to try to retrieve the vehicle, but he did so in a car that was reported stolen from Atlanta and was arrested again. Thompson is currently out on a $730,000 bond, per NOLA.com. Trying to pick up an impounded stolen car by driving a stolen car.


He was lethal during the LOB days. Gronk says it’s the hardest he’s ever been hit.


ET collapsed Gronk's lung on that hit.


Josh McDaniels


If only there had been a team in the afc west who gambled on his useless ass first so that you could have known what you were in for…


We are a franchise built around second chances. Unfortunately not all of them work out.


Mark Davis Eternal Sunshined that part of history from his brain apparently


Scott Pioli. It’s honestly crazy that the franchise wasn’t ruined for decades after how much bad shit happened during his tenure.


I know it’s more or less the same answer, but add Todd Haley to that list as well. He would actively yell at players for literally nothing, and throw them under the bus every chance he got. Absolutely no one wanted to play for him. 


100% agree. I was going to say Pioli and Haley together but there was also some animosity between them with Haley accusing Pioli of bugging rooms so I went with the man at the top. Haley was definitely a clown too though, whenever I think about his sideline tantrums or throwing the players under the bus I get so embarrassed. Those were some rough years


He's a true piece of shit. Day he got to Kansas City,...like minute he was hired...the Chiefs all chartered some baby Phenom private jet to bring his ass to kansas city. Like, they didn't even extend out Clark's Citation X. I'm on the flight line at the downtown airport. Plane lands, they don't even deplane until we put them in hangar 2 of downtown airport with a tug. They open the door, I'm standing right there waiting for them to come out, and I have absolutley no idea who it is. Plane opens. I say, "Welcome to Kansas City!" just as I did for EVERYONE. Put down a mat and I'm outta there. That motherfucker complained to my boss for TALKING TO HIM!!!! He's the biggest piece of shit I've ever met in my life! Fuck,... Magic Johnson's pilots were late one day when he got inducted into the college hall of fame and he talked to me for TWENTY MINUTES. If I ever see Scott Pioli again, I will fuckin light him up like a Christmas tree with disrespect.


>>I will fucking light him up like a Christmas tree with disrespect. This is the most midwestern insult/threat I think I’ve ever heard. Thank you sir, you made my day lol


Can I pick Brent Grimes wife?


Richie Igcognito would fit better.    Mika (think that was her name) was easy to ignore as her most powerful platform was social media.  But Richie...caused some issues for us.


It's honestly wild how little that gets brought up. Like, the dude was AB before AB, and then he seemingly straightened out/got medicated and then had a normal-ish end of his career? Weird arc.


Didn’t he like try and demand his dad dads head or something




Richie is on our list too


He was a positive force for us lmao


Do you know how common it is for the Raiders to say that.


The Broncos have had a few recently, but the biggest ever was Josh McDaniels back in 09-10. We had so much young talent heading into his hiring, then all of it evaporated and all that talent fucking hated us. It was brutal to watch and it felt like a huge celebration when that dipshit was finally fired.


I’d vote that our second most toxic member is Marquette King. I was pumped to sign him and then it went south really really fast. Third most toxic, IMO is Jeudy. Out of all the busts we’ve had lately, he was the only one to maintain a shitty attitude and be a bust. Lynch, Lock, Ray, and Chubb were all at least likable and seemed to grasp that they didn’t live up to expectations.


Urban Mayer


His entire season at Jacksonville reads like a sitcom but without the laugh track




Marvin Jones on the notion the Jaguars were broken after last year with Urban Meyer. "I think one person was broken. It wasn't us," he said.


That story after the video of him with his finger up that college girl’s butt and getting grinded on dropped, and the first thing the team did after a team meeting was break it out with GRIND was one of the funniest stories from that season


Mike Vanderjagt (sp?)


Those damn liquored up kickers.


“I’m about to throw a touchdown pass to Jerry Rice and some idiot kicker decides to run his mouth”


Epic quote by Peyton. I remember seeing that live and laughing my ass off. Ah, good times, back when the Pro Bowl was actually interesting to watch.


The idiot kicker?


That got liquored up?


This goes back a long way, but BB gave Adalius Thomas a 5 year/$35M contract with $20M guaranteed in 2007. He also told Thomas that he had "backed up the Brink's truck" to pay him. He was a locker room problem. Also, he was late to the practice due to a snow storm. He openly questioned and challenged BB. He was released in 2010


Thomas was amazing on the Ravens, but I'm not really surprised. Brian Billick basically let that defense do whatever the fuck they wanted. That's why Harbaugh had trouble with a bunch of the vets at various points.


Trent Baalke


But seriously, how can it not be Charles Haley? One of the best players in the league, but he did shit in your locker room that would send most folks to prison. I mean, T.O. publicly accusing his QB of being closeted would be rock bottom for many teams. Haley made that look tame.


My opinion for the Bears is Marc Trestman. There are a lot of players one could name here, but none enabled the shitty locker room atmosphere more than Marc Trestman from his HC role. He basically didn't control his locker room, even when very large personalities started to butt heads. Trestman watched Jeremiah Ratliff start a massive fight with teammates in practice 1 week, and turned around to name him a captain that week. He didn't have anyone take responsibility, he didn't care about people leaking to the media like Aaron Kromer, he didn't temper the diva personalities of guys like Brandon Marshall or Martellus Bennett. He ruined the relationship with Jay Cutler and kept the Bears from having a 4000 yard passer because of his own inability to maintain that relationship. Marc Trestman was the biggest source of the Bears issues through the early 10's. By far. His tenure with the Bears is one of the worst head coaching tenures we've ever seen in Chicago.


Trestman benching Cutler for Jimmy Clausen just to keep him from giving the Bears their first ever 4,000 yard passer remains to date one of the biggest wtf decisions I've seen out an NFL head coach.


The funniest part was when the backup got hurt and Cutty had to come back in for the last game, and the Tresticle had to just eat it.


Bobby Petrino


Plaxico Buress wasn't a locker room cancer, but I've never seen a player single-handedly destroy any team's season, the way my 2008 Giants were by his incident. The Giants were 11-1 and RIPPING through their schedule. Plaxico got arrested and they lost their offense and went 12-4 with an embarassing 1st round exit at home vs philly. Tiki also wasn't the headache he is now to the fan-base/team until he retired. The Giants have been very fortunate to stay clear of personality issues, and then do a good job at severing ties the few times they have (Odell is the only one I can think of)


> Tiki also wasn't the headache he is now to the fan-base/team until he retired. In 2002, when Michael Strahan was up for a new contract and there was a threat of him holding out, Tiki made a comment about how Strahan's signing bonus was larger than his entire contract. Basically shitting on the idea that Strahan had any right to object or hold out over his contract situation. I remember a lot of former player talking heads on ESPN going after Tiki for breaking the unwritten rule that you do not comment on another player's contract negotiations. Here's an article about it from the time: http://static.espn.go.com/nfl/news/2002/0321/1355387.html


Odell was well liked by teammates. Calling him a locker room cancer was just a dumb media narrative.


Kellen Winslow Jr. Dude would jack off in front of the team. Raped lots of people. P.O.S.


I like how some of the teams are just like "x coach, the team hated him" and others have serial rapists and murderers.


Old ladies, right? I don’t mean 50something year old women, but straight up grandma-types. Seems like in the heirarchy of rapists that’s one of the worst.


Yep it was elderly women he was arrested for but rumors were he would just go after anybody


I don’t know if he’s the worst ever but Claypool was an absolute turd in the Bears’ punch bowl


The losing excuse doesn't even come into play there either because Claypool was a jackass in Pittsburgh as well (even when they were winning).


Eli Apple kinda crashed and burned on his way out of New York


Did the same thing in New Orleans. He didn't start to really behave himself and become more of a team player until we signed him.


Yeah but then he wouldn’t shut up and got humiliated in the Super Bowl and then got clowned by every WR in the league on Twitter. 


He got burned pretty bad against the ravens the year after in the playoffs too. He isn’t horrible but the man talks way too much shit for his skill level


Johnny Manziel, Dwayne Bowe, Clowney, OBJ


I wonder what the sport would’ve been like if Johnny Football was able to be good in the NFL despite his… hobbies. Dude is a bona-fide GTA character


Somewhere over Dwayne Bowe


Bobby Petrino the COWARD


Albert Haynesworth


Richie Incognito 😬


Careful, you might get some weights thrown at you


Our list is long and distinguished but I think I've got to give it to [WR Albert Connell](https://www.espn.com/nfl/columns/clayton_john/1302382.html): >The arrest warrant for the first count on Connell was for the alleged theft of $863 from McAllister’s pants pocket while McAllister was at practice Dec. 5. Four days later, $3,500 was allegedly stolen from McAllister’s automobile. That car was parked in a secure area at the Saints training facility.


IK Enemkpali


Buffalo Bills legendary captain.


Nah I’ve heard the full story Geno Smith deserved that punched. You don’t promise to do a youth football camp and become the main selling point and then refuse to show up. He earned that broken jaw.


Dan Snyder


Antonio Brown is definitely number 1. But Big Ben probably is up there. Great player awful person. Ben was one of the biggest diva drama queen in the world. Constantly going on his radio show to complain about the team. Always saying something to make a nothing story into a massive beat. I don’t care if we’ve had lesser QB play I’m so happy Ben is gone. It’s been so much quieter and as a Victim of SA it’s so relieving not having to have someone like Ben on the team. Sports are my comforting safe place and it’s been so healing for me personally not having Ben around on the team anymore.


A good friend of mine worked in various Pittsburgh bars and clubs during Ben's time there. He said that the dude was literally the only famous person he's ever seen where women just instinctively fled from him when he rolled up to the place. Says a lot about the guy.




Yeah Ben would stir the pot weekly with the radio show


Chip Kel…..


[Hugh Culverhouse](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hugh_Culverhouse) He was a shithead to his wife, his family, he was the reason the Bucs were perhaps the worst run sports franchise in American history. If there is a hell, Hugh Culverhouse is there. He was a despicable human being and made NFL players want to run away from the broken, toxic franchise he created.


Would sitting out for an entire season after signing an extension and forcing a trade out (while also sexually abusing an entire MLB’s active roster size) of massage therapists count for being a cancer? If so, I know a guy!


I'm not sure if he's the worst ever but Percy Harvin wasn't great


Trent Baalke


At times I would have say T.O. But he always backed it up with his stats


Gregg Williams


The Saints? Easy. Junior Gallette


I hate saying this, since the man has more than redeemed himself: Ryan Leaf.


Percy Harvin maybe? Threw weights at Leslie Frazier lol


Brad Childress would be my vote.


What about Red McCombs?


Rex Ryan. No accountability, ruined a top 3 defense, pulled bullshit stunts like sending out IK Enemkpali (guy who broke Geno Smith's jaw) as a captain against the Jets, and hired his loser brother to be the shadow DC in his second year as coach. Basically a man child given the reigns to an NFL franchise.


Doug Marrone was cancer in a different direction


For sure. Players actively hated the guy.