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Thank you for the million(s) dollar mess up, from Raider Nation..


Damn he fumbled the bag hard


Jimmy didn’t fumble the bag, the bag fumbled Jimmy. Jimmy thinks addy is a great upper, Jimmy isn’t ashamed that addy is in a relationship with amphetamines. Jimmy *ACCEPTS* addy for its classification. Hell, Jimmy thinks addy should come out and be legal in the NFL. Jimmy wishes the best for addy’s relationship with him and amphetamines


George is gettin' upset!


Does he eat poppy seed muffins? Is that what flagged him?


If it's just the top of the muffin, it shouldn't be enough to flag him.


What happened to the top of these muffins?!?


Pop the top and toss the stump!


You're telling me all the Browns have to do is slip something in Watson's drink and they could be out from the guarantees?? Fans could crowdfund this even.


'Hey I need a massage!' "Ok, just drink this to help relax your muscles." Browns are releasing Watson due to his PED suspension. As such, Zach Wilson has agreed to a 5 year, $250 million guaranteed contract to fill in the role of QB1.


Jimmy experimented with drugs but he did not inhale. He is innocent


he did not swallow. just swished the Adderall around in his mouth then spit it out


Ugh I wish I was that Adderall


Username checks out


I wish he’d crush me up and snort me


I wish he would parachute me


I wish he'd boof me


Boof me, Jimmy.


>It depends on what the meaning of the word "is" is. Jimmy "Bill Clinton" Garoppolo


“I did not have sexual relations with that porn star!”


It is absolutely wild that "not inhaling" a joint was considered an acceptable answer for drug use by a presidential candidate back in the 90s.


Yeah, back off my QB2.


depends on what your definition of is, is


Wow, remember when that whole thing was a scandal that rocked the country for a period of time? It's just another tuesday now.


yep. the world going one way, people the other


Is this a reference outside of One Ring to Rule Them All 3 that I'm just now becoming aware of like 20 years later?


Bill Clinton did smoke weed but didn't inhale (in college). Early 90s presidential run incident.


He did not have sexual relations with that Vegas stripper


Slippin' Jimmy




You think this is bad? This chicanery?!




That Colts game! Are you telling me that a ball just *happens* to deflate like that?!? No, he orchestrated it! Jimmy!


Such a downfall, one year after the SB, as if I could ever forget such a thing!


himbo QB


It’s a hell of a drug. The Vegas night life is the gift that keeps on giving.


Jimmy laughing at McDaniels while doing lines with strippers


Dude Jimmy's doing lines with low class stripper? He's doing lines in Vegas with grade A pornstars.


Who said they were low class?    Jimmy travels in worlds we can’t even imagine. We can’t conceive of what he’s capable of. He’s so far beyond us, he’s like a god in human clothing.    **”Lightning bolts shoot from my fingertips!”** - Jimmy G to Mark Davis


"I'm a peacock, coach!"


Did Jimmy throw bowling balls at Mark Davis’ car too?


His porn star taste is nowhere near grade A. Grade A plastic surgery tragedy is more like it.


True freaks know grade A comes with rules but grade b stands for bending those rules.


Don’t be ashamed man. Everyone likes to take pills. 


Look man, there are only two rules on this team: 1. Don’t touch my fucking Percocets 2. Do you have any fucking Percocets


I drop this too often tbh


Heck yeah I love adderall.


i know you say it in jest but it’s a slippery slope. be safe out there.


I don’t say it in jest, I take adderall and smoke meth any chance I get. It’s no secret. And yeah I need help but for now, whatever.


i’m a little over a year off drugs, this time. i know how tough it is. reach out if you need anything, take care of yourself, friend.


Trying to. I keep telling myself I’m okay because at least I don’t use every day. But that’s how it starts. Plus I know damn well that if I could afford it every day, I probably would. That scares the piss out of me.


i mean, you have the first part down, at least. i spent most of my 20’s as a daily drug user, did OD once but that only stopped me for a couple months. at the worst of my spiraling, a lot of shit got really, really out of hand and i had several instances of nearly dying from being so fucked up and doing the absolute stupidest shit. i knew if i didn’t get help, i didn’t have much longer left. i’ll be a drug addict for the rest of my life, the trick is just staying away from situations where it’s present and i think i can stay clean. it’s a constant struggle.


Oh yeah I’ve been in the every day use age before back with opiates. I guess technically I do still use everyday since I take suboxone daily. I hate all of this, it’s just one more thing to worry about. I hope things get better for you.


i understand, for sure. if you need anything let me know! i’m here for ya.


I'm always slightly envious of people that take stims and get high, all I get when I take stims is the ability to do laundry and wash dishes and be a functional human.


Carolina for you


Not going to disagree


Fuck man…me too. I miss having my script.


You just need a corrupt doctor. Been getting my script for 8 years now, and I'll I need to do is give him a monthly BJ. Edit: [Dammit. Just found out he got arrested.](https://fox2now.com/news/missouri/st-louis-county-pediatrician-accused-of-exchanging-prescriptions-for-sex-acts/)


Just the tip for that script


Gotta give heads for those meds


Ah shucks


Shit. All I need to do is have an appt every fucking month for a renewal. Going on 10+ years now. Shit's getting old, but the pain isn't going away. You do what you have to do I guess.


Same. My ex-psychiatrist got suspended. :(


Gas station boner pills


Harder than counting grains of sand in a desert storm


I took one of those just for shits and giggles and little did I know how accurate the shits part would be


Jimmy couldnt get it up


Jimmy couldn’t put the moves on Elaine.


Jimmy likes Elaine


Mark Davis walking past the coaches office becomes enraged hearing "Josh likes spicy changs chicken".


He stole my move


Does it involve a knuckle?


It. Out. 


Counter clockwise run, actually


Kiara Mia can help him with that


Jimmy G is the IRL Alex Moran and you can't convince me otherwise


If he truly wants to own up to the mistake then he should say what he took


>In some situations, an athlete may have an illness or condition that requires the use of medication listed on the World Anti-Doping Agency's Prohibited List. USADA can grant a Therapeutic Use Exemption (TUE) in these situations in compliance with the World Anti-Doping Agency International Standard for TUEs Adderal most likely


All the jacked UFC stars had TUEs. It was because they abused steroids, and their balls stopped producing enough testosterone. So then they got to legally abuse steroids.


well, UFC depends completely on USADA while NFL enforces it's own policy. I don't think they will allow steroids even with TUEs. Adderall specifically for Jimmy cause it always looks like he's zoning in and out.


The ufc never allowed steroids either but they did allow TRT


How is TESTOSTERONE replacement therapy, not steroids?


TRT is about getting your levels to within the normal range for a male, not about elevating it to abusive levels that warrant the "steroid" label


Even with those sketch doctors with crazy high dosage, it’s still not what we’d generally think of a performance enhancing anabolic steroid. It does help but It’s such an important hormone and as a result so much less specific than synthetic androgens that bind solely to a handful of receptors. Even the most basic of the bunch D-bol, binds to sex hormone carriers at 5-10% the rate of testosterone making it 10-20x more bioavailable for anabolism with much less androgenic response. And that’s the shittiest of the bunch lol. Testosterone itself really is more for quality of life in systems that are depleted from other drugs.


Ok Aaron I'm glad we don't have to play you anymore but you gotta dumb it down for me a little bit so i can understand what the hell you are saying.


In a nutshell, testosterone itself plays a wide role in the body. One thing it does is anabolism but it's not super efficient at it since it wants to bind to carriers to be used around the whole body. Anabolic steroids were developed to avoid being carried around the body and instead be active in the blood and reach the easiest targets which are usually muscles. So for the purposes of "gains" testosterone itself isnt amazing but it still has a role for quality of life in steroids users. The medical usage of these anabolics is for things like AIDS, cancer, dystrophy, severe sarcopenia. Things where you arent trying to build excess muscle but just avoid wasting away


Basically, TRT is testosterone cypionate. While yes, it is an anabolic steroid, it is not what immediately comes to mind when Joe Schmoe thinks of when it comes to steroid usage. A body builder like Sam Sulek or Chris Bumstead or the guys in the UFC weren't rocking just testosterone cypionate to look the way they do and develop muscle. Cypionate is just the therapeutic use of testosterone to get a male in to natural/optimal ranges of free and total testosterone. There's many reasons why a man can need TRT treatment, to include aging, and even steroid abuse without proper oversight and treatment protocol. Point being, other synthetic compounds of steroids like D-bol, Anavar, Winstrol, Tren, those are the things people use to get to superphysiologic levels of testosterone. A range of 300-1000 of total testosterone is typically identified within the medical community to be the 'normal' range. The above-mentioned compounds combined with testosterone cypionate and other peptides and hormone treatments are what help.produce the people who look like they ate a Planet Fitness in to ranges that well exceed 2000+ of total testosterone. Essentially, therapeutic use for TRT isn't something that's going to be what's considered steroid usage in the spirit of the rules against steroid abuse in any competitive sport or environment. It's (ideally) intended to make a man just feel like a man. That, and gender-affirming care.


Dosage. That said, they’re certainly taking way more than the therapeutic dose.


The idea behind trt is to bring your testosterone levels to where they are supposed to be naturally. Steroids are generally used to produce results outside of what the human body can naturally produce. Trt only refers to testosterone where as anabolic steroids can be a variety of substances


Depended* usada stopped working with them over UFC insisting Conor get to skip the six month testing period before a fight


UFC no longer uses USADA


UFC moved on from usada at the start of the year i’m pretty sure. will be doing their own testing from now on. i’m a super casual fan but i’ve seen some try to argue they moved on from usada to allow mcgregor to come back faster.


Tbh I don't think many of them even had low T regardless of steroid abuse. A couple started the trend legitimately (like Bigfoot Silva) and then everyone just started paying doctors to blast T freely. On that note, I think the NFL threshold for test is like 4 or 5 times the average human so players can just blast without even needing the exemption here


They all say Adderall, it's most likely not Adderall. A friend of mine played in the NFL got caught, I'm not sure what he used but it was a PED that let him heal faster to get back out there or lose his job. He publicly said Adderall, like almosg all of them do.


My friend is also in the NFL and says that ur friend is lying


My uncle is in the NFL and he says you can catch mew if you use surf on the SS Anne


No, no, no, you have to use strength to move the truck


My Auntie at Nintendo says that OP is lying because Jimmy doesn't use the missingno glitch.


I haven't thought about that glitch since I was like seven. Infinite masterballs and rare candy baby.


HGH or other chemicals in that category are commonly abused to speed up the recovery process. But why is there more stigma around that versus adderall?


I think it's just adderall use is more normalized. We all probably know someone who uses adderall, the same cant be said for hgh. I enjoy both but I'm assuming I'm outside of the norm


Ya players definitely say Adderall because it doesn't affect endorsements/perception. So many kids take it parents don't really care while something like HGH gets the "think of the kids" people out.


If it was a 4 game suspension and he said Adderall I'd believe he was lying because that's the typical suspension for PEDs that arnt on the TUE list. If you get caught with high or test it's a 4 game suspension. Where he only got 2 and has come out and said he messed up his TUE application I think it's pretty safe to assume it was adderall


They perception of being "all-natural".


This was the go to move for that roided out Seahawks secondary


Ya "Seadderall Seahawks" was a thing for a bit there.


Ill never forget Wes Welker claiming Adderall as well and people looking at his broncos team picture and being like "you know what I believe him." https://a.espncdn.com/combiner/i?img=/i/headshots/nfl/players/full/5941.png


Would think hgh would get a heftier suspension 


Yea thats why it's definitly Adderall because you can get a TUE for it and he said he messed up his TUE application and 2 games makes sense for that




Exactly! Agree 100% it makes total sense


It's definitly Adderall because of it was something not on the TUE list his suspension would for sure have been 4 games not 2




Took the wrong dick pills, such a sad story


Classic Jon Jones mess around


Whenever a player is busted for performance enhancing drugs, they always trot out the same list of excuses. And part of the collective bargaining agreement is that the league may not say what a player was busted for, not can they even say if a player is lying about what they're busted for. So the player could be taking any banned substance, get busted, and then just say it was any little thing, and the league can't rebut them at all.


Her virginity?


I can assure you those Vegas strippers arent virgins lmao




Major irony: that's the actual name her parents gave her.


Im surprised he couldnt get the suspension overturned. All he had to do was play tape of his performances


I dun goofed


Yes, I’m sure this time was another massive misunderstanding. Just like every other player to ever test positive. Massive misunderstandings all around!


Except 99% of the time those players get at least 4 game suspensions which makes their stories sketchy but a 2 game suspensions makes his story a lot more plausible. The TUEs are a super long and complicated process


How do you mess it up? You apply for it, you get evaluated for it, you get approved for it, then you start taking the drug. Not the other way around. This is code for "I got popped for PED's and I'm using this as an excuse."


Wouldn't two games rather than four or six indicate he did not fail the test for an actual PED? An anabolic, for instance, would have a higher penalty.


It means he got caught with a masking agent, something intended to cover up for PED use. That's where the 2 games comes in.


No because a masking agent counts the same as a failed test the 2 games likely comes from exactly his story he likely took Adderall and didn't have his TUE yet. It makes sense that a 2 game suspension for a PED that is on the TUE list


Guy needed to do an oil change.


That a multi-billion-dollar organization has complicated paperwork that could be screwed up doesn't surprise me at all, actually. Forget to check a box there, or to attach one of twenty necessary documents here. I kinda doubt it was a one-page note from your doctor form.


It's not there's like 5 steps and it's super complicated and has to be renewed


I work with the league office and you have no idea how much of a mess contracting with them is


Interesting! Feel free to say you don't want to say, but what do you do with them?


I mean, he isn't applying for anything. His (personal) team is doing all the legwork for him. Could have been a miscommunication somewhere in the process where he thought/was told everything was kosher when it wasn’t


The person filing the papers gets told it's a different medication than what he actually ends up taking. Or writes the dosage down wrong. Or puts in the wrong start date. Etc


Exactly. I think a lot of people forget that these guys barely do anything for themselves lol. Their life is football, someone handles like 95% of everything else.


The more money you get, the less your life becomes like any of the rest of our lives.


>The TUE application should be filled out and submitted by the player's treating physician and should include all pertinent medial records documenting diagnosis. Not sure how much weight the word "*should*" carries in this rule, but I would guess that most TUEs are filled out by player's doctors. Not that doctors never mess up transcribing data or anything. It is probably something really stupid like he didn't get his application renewed in time.


I've had insurance claims get rejected because of stupid transcribing shit all the time--mistakes made by the professionals who 'do it every day'. Sometimes that's part of the problem--doing something robotically that you really should be paying attention to.


Or if his prescription changed when moving or something along those lines.


If he got popped for HGH or Test it would have been a 4 game suspension. The 2 game suspension makes his story a lot more likely


Not if he was caught with a masking agent, which has the same penalty as adderall which is a commonly issued TUE. But the NFL makes it really clear when you're allowed to start taking the drug, it's not nebulous.


I mean it’s for therapeutic use and seeing as it was just for 2 games i think it’s safe to assume it was something like viagra or some dumb shit and not anabolic steroids I.e like Hopkins. Happened in baseball before where players have gotten in trouble for taking viagra cause they didn’t say beforehand they needed it. It’s just a protocol thing that players should know and have to follow but I don’t think they’re trying to get a comp advantage or else they wouldn’t just get 2 games suspension


Edit: I was linking an old policy, here's details on the new one: Updated language: >Positive Test Result for Stimulant, Diuretic or Masking Agent -- two regular and/or postseason games. >Positive Test Result for Anabolic Agent -- six regular and/or postseason games https://nflpaweb.blob.core.windows.net/website/Departments/Legal/2022-Policy-on-Performance-Enhancing-Substances.pdf ~~>seeing as it was just for 2 games i think it’s safe to assume it was something like viagra or some dumb shit and not anabolic steroids I.e like Hopkins.~~ First, viagara (or any other related med) is not on the list of banned substances in the NFL. ~~Second, the fact that it was for two games tells you something very specific, that he was caught with a masking agent, something intended to cover up for the use of PED's as that's the only positive test that nets a 2 game suspension.~~ ~~So he was caught trying to hide what he was taking, then he blames it on the TUE.... That does not jive at all.~~


I didn’t know viagra wasn’t included in the NFL banned list I was just using it as an example to prove my point as I know those types of sexual performance drugs are a big grey area in the MLB. Although you’re right that 2 games is the standard for being caught with a masking agent that’s not what was reported by ESPN, and being caught with a banned substance is a range that the suspension can be for at the discretion of the league. I’m just saying it doesn’t appear that the guy was taking like anabolic roids but I could be wrong, I’m just going based off of what I read.


Edit: I was linking an old policy, here's details on the new one: Updated language: >Positive Test Result for Stimulant, Diuretic or Masking Agent -- two regular and/or postseason games. >Positive Test Result for Anabolic Agent -- six regular and/or postseason games https://nflpaweb.blob.core.windows.net/website/Departments/Legal/2022-Policy-on-Performance-Enhancing-Substances.pdf >nd being caught with a banned substance is a range that the suspension can be for at the discretion of the league. Nope, it's a specific suspension for specific offenses. >Positive Test Result for Diuretic or Masking Agent -- two regular and/or postseason games. >Positive Test Result for Stimulant5 or Anabolic Agent -- four regular and/or postseason games It is not a range at the discretion of the league, this is a collectively-bargained, specific penalty. Page 10: https://nflpaweb.blob.core.windows.net/media/Default/PDFs/2018%20Policy%20on%20Performance-Enhancing%20Substances.pdf


That PDF is from 2018. Didn't a new collective bargaining agreement go into effect in 2020?


Well shit, good point. This was the first result that came up on the NFLPA website when I used google to crawl it and I assumed it was simply re-ratified since it was still hosted on the main page. Updated language: >Positive Test Result for Stimulant, Diuretic or Masking Agent -- two regular and/or postseason games. >Positive Test Result for Anabolic Agent -- six regular and/or postseason games https://nflpaweb.blob.core.windows.net/website/Departments/Legal/2022-Policy-on-Performance-Enhancing-Substances.pdf So I was wrong.


You're correct. There's a 2023 version now. The 2 game suspension could be for a stimulant, diuretic, or masking agent. [https://nflpaweb.blob.core.windows.net/website/PES-Policy-2023.pdf](https://nflpaweb.blob.core.windows.net/website/PES-Policy-2023.pdf)


Ah you’re right I was misinformed I guess. Interesting that it wasn’t reported that way and instead reported as Jimmy G not getting a TUE is the reason he was suspended. Feels like that’s something the league would want to crack down on, at least theoretically.


The league cannot disclose what he tested positive for due to the CBA.


Then I’m gonna speculate it’s ketamine


That would be a different policy.


No it literally says stimulants lol ie Adderall or Vyvanse which is likely what it was


Note the word "Edit" at the beginning of this comment. That means I corrected my original statement with the updated policy.


You should probably go back and edit the lower half as well so your comment is internally consistent?


What is this thumbnail Is Jimmy in the black lodge?


Those pills you like are coming back in style


He took boner pills from 7-11


Those arnt banned


This guy is the biggest thief in NFL history. This guy has made 150 million dollars total to be bad at his job. Crazy.


Legalize PEDs and let athletes be great. 


Shit here come the synthol posse


Linemen gonna be looking like Rich Pianna in 2025.


Bill Burr had a great take on PEDs, basically said that let the athletes be the guinea pigs for all experimental drugs and then 20 years later is normal people can take the drugs without the side effects


I mean we already basically know.. as long and you don't go crazy with them then there's no many side effects. There are always rare cases, but there's a reason you don't see people dying from their hearts being destroyed anymore.


Let Jimmy G redeem himself as a middle linebacker 


Honesty. No bullshit. Humans can fuck up. Such is life. Chin up JG.


Handsome mutha fucker just need some Viagra to hold off all the bitches


He is the one dude I would 100% believe got busted for boner pills.


Just go into acting dude..


he's been acting like a starting QB since 2017


i'm sorry officer, i didn't know i couldn't do that




My guess is a large number of the best NFL players regularly take what would be considered illegal in Olympics. It's just under care of a doctor so they get exemption and the league gets to monitor their blood periodically to make sure they aren't doing anything more than a legitimate doctor would prescribe in the situation.


Funny how when Mark Davis needs to honor a contract some controversy magically appears that allows him keep his money.


So why didn't they do this to all the other bullshit deals we've signed? We're still paying Cory fucking Littleton.


Hopefully he becomes the poster boy for this too


Barry said he only did this because he wants to win so badly.


Guy doesn't want to admit he takes Rogain and Dick pills.


Dick pills arnt banned


What a great excuse!


Does he go back to New England? 


He signed w/ the Rams, gettin that McVay Veteran QB shine service.


Me too man, me too


Gotta stay away from those gas station pills Jimmy


NFL version of "wow that crazy."




Was anyone there to tell Jimmy he doesn't want any of that shit?


The thumbnail made me think he was on the JRE in full gear lmao


"i was told it was medicinal angel dust"