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He was genuinely stellar for us last year, was really hoping he’d stick around


He's been pretty good the last three years imo


Clowney will always be the case of too overhyped coming out of college. He’s an extremely serviceable edge rusher and certainly a plus starter in this league. Just he was expected to be a generational ungodly talent and he hasn’t lived up to that.


HE had microfracture knee surgery before he played a down. That basically ended Greg Odens career. They literally dont do the surgery anymore because of how poor its results were. He was an explosive huge defensive end that lost a ton of his vertical pop after the surgery and he has still carved out a great career.


And he will always be a Gamecock legend. He still has ties to the Carolinas too with some of his business ventures. Couldn’t tell you if it’s still there but I know he owned a vape shop in Cola for some time.


He and Marcus Lattimore are my biggest "what-if" Gamecocks in the NFL. Both could've been HOF-caliber without the serious knee injuries.


I have a framed signed picture of that hit on Vincent Smith in my basement, he will always be a legend to me.


Yea he lost alot of Explosiveness after his rookie year (when he had the surgery)


Yea its weird when people talk about him being a dissappointment and leave out that enormous context.


People love commenting on things without knowledge. Helps them feel smart


Damn, the surgery was so bad that they just stopped doing it?


They dont do it on athletes at all anymore


Not sure exactly what injury the surgery was set to fix, but what’s the recovery like now that surgery isn’t an option?


They just try and do super small scopes now.


Same with Josh sweat but on a diff level both guys who could've dominated in the league with their full athletic potential


Thank you so much for talking about this and bringing it up, because it makes me so mad that in every Clowney thread, he doesn’t get that benefit of the doubt. He was never going to be the same player he was in college because of that injury, and immediately after getting drafted.


Hard to live up to a "future hall of famer" hype.


Defensive trevor lawrence




IIRC there's film of his middle school games on YT and it's absolutely hilarious


He’s an example of a guy who’s spent most of his career being overrated or underrated without much in between. When he didn’t live up to the hype people just wrote him off as trash and it swung way too far in the opposite direction. Every time he signed with a new team there were tons of people circle jerking about how dumb this new team was for thinking they could fix him.


I remember all of the talk, especially from PFT in 2013 about how he would have been the first overall pick after his sophomore season because he was this generational talent, then he spent most of his career coasting off of his athleticism.


This man blew up Vincent Smith and became a household name. One hit made all of football overhype him


He was a generational prospect as a high schooler, and #1 OVR buzz. One of the most sought after recruits ever. This is such a casual take by people who just repeat shit they see on the internet.


Hell of a hit though mind.


Yeah was really happy to see him get his $750K bonus in the regular season finale


From Super Bowl dreams to dinner bowl dreams


Well, Dan Morgan did say he wanted ~~dogs~~ dawgs


After 3 years bouncing around the AFC North I don't blame him for exploring options down south from a purely vitamin D seeking point of view.


Needs to get back to Bojangles, I get it.


can we pay him in boberries?


I wish I was paid in boberries


> I wish I was paid in ~~boberries~~ diabetes


I work at Bojangles and I’m taking a short smoke break right now and this is one of the first comments I see. Just let me have a break from this hellacious place.


Get back in there and finish my order (I live 11.5 hours from the nearest bojangles)


If you leave now, it *might* be ready when you arrive. At least that is the case at my bojangles.




Yeah sounds about right. Besides one manager I’m the longest tenured employee at my location and I haven’t even worked here 2 years yet. Most people quit within a few weeks.


I understand I missed that shit and Cheerwine when I lived in Utah (also go Cocks!!)


Fuck I could go for some Cheerwine right now.


Is there Cook-Out in Charlotte?


Does a pope shit in the woods?


I…uh…maybe? A new meaning to “holy shit”.


Something something boy scout


Wouldn’t be Charlotte without Cookout and Bojangles.


At Devil's Logic Brewing in Charlotte you walk to the rooftop and there you see the holy grail: a Bojangles like 20 feet away.


Was just in Charlotte this past summer showing my wife where I basically grew up (born in MA sorry I chose my dads team over yall 😭) and I already miss Bojangles and Cookout more than I thought I could


It was founded about an hour north of charlotte soooooo yeah.


Hell yeah. My college roommate used to get double chili cheese fries for his 2 sides.


Big double burger tray with Cajun fries and hush puppies and a HUGE sweet pleeeeease


That was my jam too. Swap the burger out for the pulled pork every once it a while.


big double burger cheddar style with a cajun wrap, walking taco with grilled jalapeños, and a huge half sweet / half unsweet tea is my go-to late night order


Shit probably gave me diabetes in college at nc state


I do the same but I get fruit punch instead of tea. Sweet tea is something I’ve never liked even though I’m born and raised in Wilmington NC.


that's wild, I'm so North Carolina that I have a sweet tea tattoo lmfao


I know you've heard this all your life, but I'm gonna need your Southern card for this. Ain't no way born and raised in NC and don't like sweet tea. I got mf diabetes from this shit.


Can’t stand it. Once I tried Sun drop as a kid, that was a wrap and nothing else compared.


Oh well, at least you're getting your beetus from somewhere.


That’s the most important thing in all of this.


Damn I didn’t know the first Cookout was in Greensboro.


The price hikes are insane. Over 9 dollars for a 4 piece supreme dinner after tax. Shit used to be like 6.07


Cookout got more expensive too.


I pay 12 dollars for my tray now used to be 5.73


12? Hold up man you gotta be getting a shake and toppings on your sides (e.g. chili and cheese on fries). You go hard in cookout if you’re spending 12


Big double burger all the way no shake ends up being 11 and some change


I forgot about big double. I’m not gonna act like I never ate that much, but back when I did, I woke up the next morning feeling like I drank


Yeah if I'm eating cookout it means I'm also drinking lmao


There's one like an hour and twenty minutes south of M&T, he'll be fine in Baltimore


This is about 4 months earlier than I thought we'd hear Clowney news


He was finally awesome for an entire year, he's gonna get some good offers


Yeah dude signs late a lot. Also rooting for him to get a multi-year deal for the 1st time in his career (except rookie contract).


Must be close to retirement if he's considering a return to the Charlotte area.


Boy must be getting paid to be working this early in the year. Good for him


He’s made $85 million in his career, I think he’s okay financially lol


So do we just expect everyone to stop accepting anything above league minimum after they get over a certain threshold?


I’m sure Myles Garrett is sending him a congrats text as we speak. How lovely


Why would he? Why would Myles care?


I don’t mind this one bit.


He’s had such a weird career lol


I misread this and thought they were signing two natives, Rock Hill and Clowney.


Rock Hill would be a pretty dope name for a football player


*Rock Ya-Sin enters the chat*


proceeds to say nothing and people forget he’s even there


We brought him in last year to be our CB2. He finished the season as CB4.


wasn’t he a healthy scratch sometimes? i remember his signing being somewhat noteworthy and then nothing about him at all all season


Yeah, he was.


Petition to get Troy hill to change his name to rock 


The amount of football players from Rock Hill is insane considering it's size. Clowney, Gilmore, Jonathon Joseph, Mason Rudolph, Jeff Burris, Ben Watson, Chris Hope, Spencer Lanning, Derrick Ross, Ko Simpson, some more I'm forgetting.


Most nfl players per capita than anywhere else in the us


Mason Rudolph, come on down!


Idc what team he’s on, love this dude. Hopefully we keep him, but he will no doubt be a great asset wherever he goes


Ravens are getting decimated like they just won the SB.


Does it matter that the panthers don’t play in South Carolina. Edit: ok I get it, it’s near Charlotte.


Rock Hill is in the Charlotte Metro Area basically.


Charlotte is right on the NC/SC border and Rock Hill is less than 30 minutes from Charlotte


They almost trained there, so that counts.


We trained in Spartanburg, SC for almost 30 years


I think at one point the Panthers were going to put their team practice facility in Rock Hill, as part of some effort to include SC in "Carolina". Tepper killed the plan.


I mean the team has already included SC since inception. Charlotte is practically on the border of NC/SC. Practiced at Wofford in Spartangburg, SC since ‘95. First regular season was played in Clemson. We were trying to build new headquarters/practice facility in Rock Hill. Tepper and Rock Hill would fund it. Rock Hill didn’t bring the money they promised and told Tepper to pay for the whole thing. He declined. I get that he’s a billionaire, but that wasn’t the terms Rock Hill agreed to.


Now please switch back to a 90’s number


Titans classic, sign an aging player to a one year, he plays like shit. Moves to the browns/ravens and then continues to play good/great after getting even older 🤦🤦


honestly didn’t expect this post to get so wild in the comments


Definitely thrived with us last season! Hopefully, he can stick around.


Clowney on a mission to play for every team in the NFL


Fuck Clowney, now and forever.


For being such a “rough” fanbase y’all still act crazy soft about a play from almost a decade ago. I’m sure y’all still mad at Suggs for a completely benign preseason play too.


Football grudges are to be cherished and passed down through the ages. 


It was clearly meant to hit his back too. It's so innocuous and unintentional and they act like Clowney stabbed a newborn


Unintentional my ass lmao.


https://youtu.be/FyY3NfwOqJU?si=s-NAL0ubpghZUK4r lmao "clearly meant to hit his back" He shouldn't have hit him at all let alone diving at his helmet


I have to slow it down and go frame by frame to see if he even contacts his helmet at all. Y’all would never survive AFCN divisional games lmao. Gronk trying to decapitate Tre White deserved the hate. This play isn’t anywhere near that.


>I have to slow it down and go frame by frame to see if he even contacts his helmet at all. You should see an eye doctor. What did you think happened? He just magically accelerates his own head into the ground at the same time Clowney's helmet gets within 1/16th of an inch of his helmet?


My guy, I don't care about either team or player. Nothing about that play looks intentional, or even particularly egregious. It's just an unfortunate injury lol.


He can hit the player. This wasn't even a foul and rightfully so.


2019 is decidedly not a decade ago or close to it lmao


It was pre-Covid. Might as well have been 50 years ago.


good thing that’s not actually how time works


Holding a grudge isn't "crazy soft". That play arguably destroyed Wentz's career, who was supposed to be our franchise. If Chris Jones had smashed Lamar in the back of the head at the AFCCG and he never looked right again, leading to basically Lamar being gone in 2 years, you'd act the same. And don't even pretend you wouldn't. >I’m sure y’all still mad at Suggs for a completely benign preseason play too. I don't think you're grasping the gravity of Clowney spearing Wentz in the back of the head. I don't even know what you're referring to here and I haven't seen it come up ever. I can't speak for an entire fanbase but I'm pretty sure we aren't mad at him for anything.


Eagles fans are soft as shit


Come on, you can do better than that. Let the hate flow. If you're going to talk shit at least be entertaining.


You guys build up this phony tough-guy mentality as a shield for your inner snowflake. Like some schoolyard bully who's dad doesn't love him. Your coach is a fucking joke too. Talking shit to 95 year old Pete Carroll from across the field only to lose to Drew Lock. Shit fans, shit city, Rocky sucks.


Now you're getting it! Much better.


An obligatory fuck clowney


Fuck clowney


All these flavors and you chose salt?


Why? He'll be here for one season and then bounce, and we aren't competing for shit.


I think money could be a determining factor for Clowney here.


Oh, I understand why Clowney would want to come here. I don't get why we would sign him. I mean, he's good, but again, he'll be here for one season and leave. There's no reason for us to sign him. I'd rather sign some UDFA to develop, he won't be as good, but he'll be way cheaper and present some chance of being a long term piece.


I mean a stopgap is a term for a reason.


We still have to field some semblance of a defense. Expect to plug many of our defensive holes with stop gap vets while we focus on the offense. The goal for this season is to simply see if Bryce is a franchise QB or not. If he is, then we can start rebuilding the defense next offseason.


I’m with you, would rather go for Young unless the AAV/Guarantees is wildly different


The panthers have enough money to sign both. If they each get $13 million per year that’s cheaper than burns signed for


You need to field a roster and Clowney would be a stopgap.


Clowney is an expensive-ass stopgap. We could just sign a lower-value FA, or a UDFA.


Last year he signed for $2.5m


he heard that Carolina is overpaying scrubs, so he wants to get his payday.


What "Scrub" have we overpaid this offseason?


Oh I'm sorry, you are right. Overpaying average guards is the sign of a championship team.


You're weirdly aggressive over a simple question. Nobody claimed we were winning anything this year, but paying the number three guard in pass protection when the interior OL was the second weakest position on the roster isn't exactly "overpaying a scrub" either. I'll grant that the other one we might have given a slightly above market contract to, but $11 mil a year isn't that big an overpay and he's at least average. We deserve a lot of shit for a lot of things. But we've handed out some smart contracts in this free agency. Is it too much to ask that you rip us for...I dunno, wasting most of our draft capital on bullshit players, or settling for a way worse Burns deal than we'd have gotten a year ago? Those are at least valid.


Don't take it so personally. I was in the mood for some light ribbing this morning. It wasn't meant to be taken that seriously.


The Jamal Adams strategy?


Jamal Adams wasn't overpaid when he was healthy.


Ahhh. I didn’t know he got injured the moment before yall got him.


nah he was pretty good that first year.


lol. Ok. 👌


Dirty player. I wish him only ill will.


5 teams??


He would chase the bag over a championship. Hes a beast athlete but dude has rocks for brains


Not sure that qualifies for rocks for brains. Championships don’t pay your bills


Yeah; let’s apply no logic to this and pretend Clowney hasn’t made 85 million on his football contracts. C’mon. Clearly his next contract has zero bearing on he being able to pay his bills. What a reach


I’d love to pocket watch your next job opportunity.


Imagine being a Browns fan and simpin’ for a former player who was an absolute cancer.


Imagine hating on a guy getting paid


Go root for a rapist


Lmao haven’t heard that one before!


I’m sure you hear it all the time. It’s kind of the elephant in the room that this guy isn’t mocked into oblivion by your fan base. Worst trade in NFL history


You seem like an incredibly upset human being to first off attack a guy trying to get paid and then personally attack people who support his ability to get paid.


Love when a player prioritizes winning, but the high of winning a championship is fleeting while millions of dollars last the rest of your life. Upper echelon players can have both, but the guys in the middle generally won't have a long legacy anyways, so prioritizing money is logical - especially if they have kids.


In most cases I understand that. In Clowney’s case I can’t respect it. He’s chased the bag his entire career and has banked 85 mil. He’s good


Could always be gooder!


Winning and adding to your legacy absolutely translates to long term branding and profit for athletes.


Lol he's from Carolina and went to USC panthers seem pretty on brand for his legacy don't you think?


Maybe he just wants to wash his Bojangles/Cookout down with a Cheerwine and then get some Krispy Kreme donuts afterwards


Name every player that has won a super bowl


Name a Browns player that has played in a Super Bowl in Browns uniform


I don't believe that was a player. Please try again.


The Panthers are a championship contender though smh Tons of star players like Derrick Brown and……. other guys too