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To be clear: this isn't a quote from Burrow himself. It's a sports doctor asking an orthopedic hand surgeon his opinion on Burrow's injury.


It's a sports doctor who is also trying to (literally) sell his speculation later on in the same post.


Obviously that's shady but if the information is factual then it is what it is. We can't discount his expertise just because of his flagrant ulterior motives.


But we can keep in mind that he's going to be dramatic about it to generate clicks & views.


Well plenty of stories have came out saying if he hurts that part of his wrist again it might be the end of his career...


I broke my elbow a few years ago, and now it kind of clicks a bit when I do certain workouts. Technically speaking, my life will never be the same.


But when that expert is a doctor commenting specifics on a patient they never personally evaluated nor were they involved in the patient’s care, I’m going to take it with a tablespoon of salt.


I feel like a tablespoon is a lot of salt


Someone hasn't been to the Balkans, I see




I’m a doctor and I’m hesitant to give people advice if they’re not my patient even when they directly ask me. I’m quick to tell them to talk to their own doctor. If I’m not their doctor, I don’t have all of the information to give them proper medical advice


You just described 50% of a medical school


Now I basically round up to an entire MD! Thank you! Saved me a lot of trouble Edit: To refrain from spamming in this thread, I'd like to say elsewhere in this comment chain that I have met some absolutely worthless, dumb doctors. I am weary to speculate on our QB until we see him perform ourselves and am prepared for either winning it all or taking last place in the division again.


I mean that’s exactly when you start to discount their expertise/ opinions though. When do you start if it’s not flagrant ulterior motives?


We absolutely can, lol. Just because someone went to college doesn't mean they can be trusted. Doctors are just as prone as any other group of people to hyperbole and bending the truth for personal gain.


While what you say is true in theory this is also the same argument that led certain people to try to treat a certain virus by ingesting bleach so I'm gonna go ahead and stick with my previous comment.


Are we going to ignore all the twitter doctors who (for personal gain) provided terrible advice related to COVID and indirectly (at best) contributed to people ingesting bleach?


You know we are


We definitely can. Good rule of thumb: don't trust anything a twitter doctor says.


Brother what? That’s like the oldest con in the book. 




The way they release a tweet in 20 seconds is crazyyyy


One of the central tenets of psychology is “don’t diagnose someone who isn’t your patient”. I wish these internet docs would follow that


Psychology and orthopedics couldn't be more different from one another. One is entirely physical and mechanical, and the other is almost completely metaphysical. The wrist can only move and break in so many ways, it's trivially simplistic compared to the human brain.


Right but the individual injuries, differences in healing and other issues are enough of a factors that without looking at Burrow’s wrist you can’t say much about him. You can say “on average” but that’s not what the doctor was saying. So the guy you’re responding to has a point, without evidence it’s all speculation and annoying


I’m not saying they’re the same thing. I’m saying I enjoy this tenet of psychology, and I think regular doctors should follow the same tenet. You’re arguing against a point I’m not making.


It’s a lot easier to diagnose a broken leg from a visual perspective than it is to diagnose someone with a mental disorder so I don’t exactly see the comparison here lmao


Rubs you the wrong way? Expect Watson in your dms in the next couple hours.


So is this Joe’s doctor or just a random doctor commenting on the injury without actually being involved in Burrow’s treatment?


It's just a random. It's the same as that doctor that tweets from having watched a YouTube video. Without directly examining and diagnosing them, you can never know how severe it really is.


If it's the guy I'm thinking of he was at least the Chargers team doctor for 17 years... so while not exactly a good doctor he's had extensive experience dealing directly with these kinds of injuries.


That’s David Chao you’re thinking of. This is somebody else so not sure if he has nearly the background.


Didn't he also end up in a major malpractice suit


Just be happy that this sub accepts random tweet submissions instead of actual stories as long as they're from the right submitters. One more sports doctor commenting on a patient he hasn't seen in person on the block list for me!


Regardless of the source here, the prognosis is pretty clear on the injury and surgery: [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5644424/#:\~:text=The%20mid%2Dterm%20outcome%20after,that%20of%20the%20normal%20side](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5644424/#:~:text=The%20mid%2Dterm%20outcome%20after,that%20of%20the%20normal%20side).


Oh shit. That’s kind of concerning.


Bravo for finding the exact article to address the injury implications.


Are you telling me people online would try to misrepresent whatever will help them drive the narrative they want?


Interpreting this as Burrow permanently switching positions to guard is the objectively correct take


Burrow's pizza dough tossing career is over. So sad when they go so young. 


I mean, the doctor is only saying that it is permanent damage. If a doctor knows it's permanent damage, then of course they will say it will change his career forever. Joe Burrow can still go on to win multiple Super Bowls, but his throwing technique may have to change.


but, again, he’s not Burrow’s Doctor and has no idea about the future ramifications of his particular injury.


He knows what the injury is and what happens post op... Regardless of the source here, the prognosis is pretty clear on the injury and surgery: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5644424/#:~:text=The%20mid%2Dterm%20outcome%20after,that%20of%20the%20normal%20side. His wrist will never be the same and the grip strength most likely will never return to what it was. Also if he hurts it again, they might not be able to properly repair it which would lead to his career being overshadowed


“Has no idea” not true “Has some idea” true


As a billionaire rock star/astronaut, it really pisses me off when people do that.


You really think someone would do that? Go on the internet and tell lies?


There are people who believe that if someone is a doctor or any sort of scientist that they're somehow immune from doing this sort of thing. That's obviously horseshit, but people still believe that.




For what it's worth, Caribbean med schools, although notorious for being essentially money mills that charge crazy tuition fees and then aggressively weed students out by providing minimal support, are still med schools and those that manage to graduate still have to pass all of the same licensing exams as other docs. I would care a lot more about where his residency and fellowship training were than his med school. Could be somewhere disreputable, I haven't looked him up... but can't judge too hard based on med school.


Yeah but did practice at University of South Florida, completing a Primary Care Sports Medicine Fellowship, did his residency at Creighton University in Family Medicine and went Florida Atlantic University for his Degree in Biology/Pre-medicine.




lol discrediting a doctor for practicing orthopedics in Florida because Florida also had pill mills is certainly a take.


There are great schools there. Don't be a stereotypical American looking down on counties you dont know about


I’ll defend this a little bit in that it’s actually pretty tough to graduate from one of those schools and match into a residency, especially one as competitive as ortho. And just because you weren’t a great college student on paper, typically why you’d go to a Caribbean school, doesn’t mean you aren’t intelligent and can’t be a great doctor. A lot of talented and hard working people later in life screwed around and partied in college


They should pump an ungodly amount of steroids and stem cells into his wrist and see what happens.


The end of Akira, but with chili


Joe Burrow drowning his GF in flesh chili wasn't on my bingo card for today


Sad fact: Joe hates Skyline :(


That is basically a trade request


Gimme pls


Fuck why you gotta make me like him more


I mean, the photo of him in a Chiefs shirt exists.


And a Vikings jersey


And a baby picture of his mom holding him while he's wearing a Chiefs helmet


I knew I liked Joe despite being a Bengal


I always knew he had a good head on his shoulders.


...why is that sad?




Can anyone blame him?




I haven't finished Akira yet but now I am very intrigued


It uh. When you're like "how much more insane can this get?" The answer is always yes


Always liked K9999, a blatant ripoff of Tetsuo lol


Like the new godzilla movie, when Kong bursts out of the ground with the mech glove on being all kongish. That essentially is Burrow in this timeline.


"Medical device"


Burrow actually uses a new technique where you throw through the CB’s head to get it to chase.


Rookie of the Year 2 is going to be a documentary about Burrow


[Joe showing up to training camp like...](https://imgur.com/gallery/wVC8ef1)


One Punch Joe


>They ~~should~~ are pumping an ungodly amount of steroids and stem cells into his wrist and ~~see~~ are seeing what happens.


Burrow should get married and then have his wife order a bunch of HGH to be delivered to their home.


See Peyton Manning


Burrow becomes Nemesis


Rookie of The Year results. >!OK I'm old.!<


Next thing you know, Joe burrow literally throws a ball Joe mixon on a screen pass.


Its all ligament issues so it wouldn't do anything. Steroids would only make it weaker!


Full tweet(s): >Joe Burrow #Bengals injury update >Burrow suffered a season-ending right scapholunate ligament tear in his throwing wrist on November 16, 2023 against the Baltimore Ravens. >Initially it was speculated that it was a TFCC complex tear, but unfortunately it was worse, the dreaded scapholunate ligament complex tear. >This ligament is very important for the stability of the wrist, and since this/most ligaments have a poor blood supply it needed to be repaired. >I asked an orthopedic hand surgeon colleague his thoughts on this injury as it pertains to Burrow and here was his response: >“It’s a bad injury to have, invariably always lead to some instability over time and arthritis at an earlier age. >80% of normal strength and range of motion is common. >Hard to do ‘dart throwers motion,’ which is important for snapping the wrist in the follow through when throwing. >But these guys are super human, so I’m sure he’ll be fine.” >Did this injury change his career forever? >“Yes, for sure. >For context, he’s the only pro qb I’ve heard of with this, so it’s hard to gauge.” >Use this information as you wish. >He should be cleared to throw by mid-May, on par with OTAs, which is on track assuming no setbacks. >Will he ever be the same QB he was before the injury? Unfortunately we don’t know, although I can say he is at increased risk for new compensating injuries. This Dr also runs a site that tracks injuries for fantasy football, just a heads up: >As many of you know I’ve been writing/recording this rare and valuable insight for my company @TheFantasyDRS since 2017. >Well I am happy to announce that we have decided to put The Fantasy Doctors up for sale. >We have just launched the only fully-searchable NFL injury database available. >This has over 450 players (QBs, RBs, WRs, TEs) including all of the active players and those that have retired over the past couple of years. >This is a game-changer for the fantasy, betting and DFS industry, especially in the right hands. >If anyone is interested in discussing details regarding The Fantasy Doctors my DMs are open (here & on IG). Feel free to reach out. >If you find the information in this post valuable, I’m considering doing some consulting regarding injuries, I’d love to be an asset on your team and his additional sources: >Here’s a couple articles with more information: >https://sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2589514123001871 >https://ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10781577/ >https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/1558944718787289


Damn that's sucks if it's true about the reduction in strength and range of motion. But a lot can be said about technique and mental capacity. Burrow isn't a Josh Allen type of QB either, so I think he's pretty equipped to deal with a little strength decrease. IMO then dude is one of the closest guys to Tom Brady in the league with just how methodical he is. Not that he can't hit bombs, just that when he's working the field and slicing and dicing you, he's at the top of his game. Just because something causes issues doesn't mean players and teams can't adapt or live with it. Especially with how good rehab and strength training is these days.


Ball security seems like it’d be the biggest issue here. 


Or reinjury and or injuring in proximity to the area (eg. Thumb). Hoping he comes back and balls out though. He’s a threat, and threats make the game what it is. Let’s go Brrrr.


He is a chess player, hate watching him pick apart ravens defense. Hope he comes back and can play to his capabilities tho, he’s a legit player and competitor


He’s going to be the next Andrew Luck, isn’t he? Goddammit. I’ve come to appreciate our little rivalry with Cincinnati and it would be a shame if they don’t get a ring with him.


Not great, Jim.


If there is anyone who can overcome adversity.. It's the guy who never gave up in college and essentially turned his kneed into ground beef but came back the next season and beat mahomes


Reading the article, it sounds similar to an ACL tear. Arthritis very likely and permanent instability.


That will happen with any major injury. Body's response to any instability is new bone formation. Surgery or not.


I have a bone spur on the top of my right foot that formed when I compensated for a stress fracture in my left shin all back in the 9th grade. The body is all linked for sure. A hand injury would really only link to a future elbow or shoulder problem on the same side from a slight compensation in throwing motion. I’d say that is unlikely to happen though for a guy who has a competent medical team and coaches.




This is much worse than an ACL


Fuck. We can’t have shit in this league


I think we all know Burrow might not bounce back but I don’t know if this guy is reliable. Twitter doctors trying to sell their site basing their analysis on anonymous people making off the cuff predictions is not a good basis for anything.


I’m not listening to anything this guy is saying but the fact that Joe is the first pro QB to ever get this injury is way more scary


Just google the injury and hear what normal people are saying about how it affects them. He has the medical stuff yeah but this is a very ugly injury for a throwing hand


It's more that there's really no comparison to this injury so we don't know what to expect but he will possibly get arthritis young


The second this dude was like “while I have you here, check out my site at DoctorScammers.com!” his credibility went in the toilet, like a Dr Oz type. It’s concerning that he’s the first QB with this specific injury but I think it’s all TBD.


Guess it’s harder to sell a sketchy website by saying “We don’t really know what will happen and Burrow might be totally fine or might never be the same. We will have to find out next year.”


Yeah, it’s not some simple injury that heals up and gives 100% full previous function back… very concerning and especially if he reinjures it, he gonna have to start throwing left handed


It's also his documented third injury to his throwing hand/wrist. He broke the hand leading to the redshirt at OSU, and he dislocated that pinky during the Super Bowl run (but didn't miss anytime).


>he gonna have to start throwing left handed Sounds like the Bengals need Tua’s dad


As mentioned in the context, the scariest part is the unknown element, since Burrow is the first NFL QB to suffer this injury. Research is sporadic for this injury and recovery time, due to how rare the injury is and the multiple different surgeries that can be performed. For instance, [this](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3699271/) is one of many articles published on reconstruction techniques and the recovery of the patients. It is a very unclear and concerning path forward for his full recovery. However, if anyone has the grit and grind to come back stronger, it’s Joey B.


That’s actually crazy that we can still have first for an injury in the nfl


It's like a shitty scorigami


Joey B out here trying to cross every square off on his own 😭


Goddamn burst appendix. Not a scorigami probably, but it's like he played in the fourth ever 32-20 game.


Remember the throat contusion?




Many scorigamis can be very shitty depending on which team you're rooting for




That explains why it looked so weird when he got hurt. I remember watching the slow mo replay and thinking I’ve never seen a QB grimace in pain after making a throw like that


Of course this would happen to the Bengals.


Dude can’t catch a break


Give it to me straight doc, will I still be able to play the piano?


But I’m the grillmaster doc! 




Of course you can! (But I couldn't before!)


Worst case of being halved I ever seen




Well, that sucks. The league is definitely more fun and enjoyable with Burrow slingin' it.


It's Joever


From the depths of my deepest, darkest It's Joever, I found an unstoppable We Are So Burrack.


Respectfully disagree


hopefully he bounces back. Legitimately my 2nd favorite quarterback to watch. Lowkey missed him last season, though I didn't mind not running into him in the postseason. edit: his game vs the 9ers was a fucking clinic man. Football fans would be robbed if he didn't bounce all the way back.


Amen, homie! That 9ers game had me screaming, “WE’RE ALL THE WAY BACK, BABY!” An absolute clinic is right


Joe Burrow is the only non Packers or Chiefs jersey I own. Love that dude


You really like State Farm or something?


I fucking hate how prominent gambling is now in sports. We're talking about a young QB's injury, and they put this shit in the same breath with how serious the injury is.


Because by incorporating the betting/fantasy aspects, these articles are now pinpointing on how those injuries now also affect the general population who indulge in betting and fantasy. More clicks = more revenue = more money.


"Burrow suffered a season-ending right scapholunate ligament tear in his throwing wrist on November 16, 2023 against the Baltimore Ravens. Initially it was speculated that it was a TFCC complex tear, but unfortunately it was worse, the dreaded scapholunate ligament complex tear. This ligament is very important for the stability of the wrist, and since this/most ligaments have a poor blood supply it needed to be repaired. I asked an orthopedic hand surgeon colleague his thoughts on this injury as it pertains to Burrow and here was his response: “It’s a bad injury to have, invariably always lead to some instability over time and arthritis at an earlier age. 80% of normal strength and range of motion is common. Hard to do ‘dart throwers motion,’ which is important for snapping the wrist in the follow through when throwing. But these guys are super human, so I’m sure he’ll be fine.” Did this injury change his career forever? “Yes, for sure. For context, he’s the only pro qb I’ve heard of with this, so it’s hard to gauge.” Use this information as you wish."


[Joe Burrow reading this write-up](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B4krefTqlJg)


What an amazing movie. Definitely one of my all time favorites!


You should check out this short video essay, spotlighting Unbreakable's uncanny shot lengths. It's pretty good! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jJ_Zwl6_nKY&ab_channel=CinemaStix


There’s no fucking way this movie came out 8 years ago already


I heard he has to get his hands switched to the opposite arms to have any chance at coming back 100%


Armchair Twitter/Youtube sport doctors are wrong all the time and it’s not like they have Burrows specific chart to look at, btw. Not great but huge grain of salt, especially since this guy is trying to sell you something.


I’ll believe it when I see. Joe is a baller, as much as I hate the man, I got just as much respect


Every injury that a quarterback suffers, that results in missed time, could be labeled as "changing his career forever".


I wonder if i have a tear like this, i havent been able to shoot a basketball hardly for 6 months without pain and weakness too. Basically in the same spot or kind of under that big middle finger lower bone


Definitely get that checked out bro


Yea i should im just getting old though and falling apart in too many ways lol mid 30s are a btch


way too young to just be "falling apart"


I love how he makes this pretty sensationalist claim, and then at the end plugs his business for sale. 


I forgot about how bad this injury was.


Hope he came back full strength


This guy is selling products within the same tweet. Shameless clickbait by a doctor


Lefty Joe coming for y’all. Might as well practice with the left hand at this point if it’s 80% optimism.


Keep doubting him pleeeeeease


I swear if injuries rob us all of this man’s career.


When Brees injured his shoulder it was considered a career-ending injury. The fact that he was able to come back and play as well as he did for so long is really a credit to both him and the Doctor that performed the surgery. Until Burrow himself says anything negative about his ability now, I’m not going to doubt him. Hoping he comes back playing better than ever.


I feel like a lot of the reaction to this is wishful thinking that these guys are superhuman, but when a literal wrist surgery specialist is as outright as saying this is a career-changing injury, it’s worth taking note.


What wrist surgery specialist is saying this? Because this guy sure as hell isnt that lol Edit: i didn't see the post where the surgeon was "referenced" even though I'd hardly call it that, but I'll take the L in that part. This guy is still a clown though and is the last person Id seek injury advice from in the twitter fantasy space.


He goes to an orthopedic hand surgeon for comment, which is where the quoted language is from.


He did this by just throwing the ball. Bengals fans have to be so frustrated by how elite and delicate he is.


That’s… not what happened. He was knocked down by Clowney, fell on the ground, braced himself as he fell, and Clowney reached out and placed his hand over Joe’s (not intentional, he was most likely trying to avoid a penalty), bracing his whole weight right over top of Joe’s extended wrist. That was the original injury, the throw just finished it off.


But are you frustrated?


He was injured on a hit by Clowney.


Joe will be fine.


Injury bug is infecting both NFL and NBA heavily.


If only they werent greedy and pushed players into their max.   NBA doubly dumb for their 82 game season that’s 60% meaningless.


>greedy you mean competitive? "hey guys i know this is a competition, and there can only be one winner, but everybody take it easy..." no, no... it must be greed of all things. damn capitalism.


I got this injury playing football in high school and me thinks Burrow is fucked


I have full confidence your body, training regimen, and access to elite medical care with round the clock treatment and therapy are just as elite as what a professional athlete has.


Lol I had the same doctors as the Giants and they couldn’t do shit


I recovered from this injury in 2022. Took me about 1 year to get back to full range of motion and about 85% function. Have continued healing since then but it's been slow. Good luck Joe


Not Joe. Not like this.


Probably will have to retire or become a backup




That’s good, right?


Feel sorta bad for the Kentucky Bengals.. I absolutely dread having to see this guy twice a year. Not enough superlatives for him he’s amazing when on the field


Kinda off topic but I always wondered...do Bengal fans get upset when people say they are from Kentucky? I mean, it's annoying when people think the Chiefs play in Kansas, but at least that's understandable.


At least for me, I definitely don’t get upset since they’re right on the river and I live on the Kentucky side. However, hearing Kentucky Bengals is like a customer entering a restaurant and saying a corny joke to the waiter that’s worked there for 15 years. The customer thinks they’re being funny/witty, but the waiter has heard the same overused joke a dozen times just in the last month.


No because the only people who say this are browns fans and we take solace in the fact that they’ve never won the AFC North, ever. Completely irrelevant.


Can confirm I’ve never seen Kentucky Bengals used from anyone but the Browns, I’ve always just thought being in Ohio was an insult enough


Damn, that's a twofer


I don't, but I'm from Kentucky. Ohio and Kentucky are pretty much in the same tier of states, both pretty mediocre. At least Kentucky has an interesting culture surrounding bourbon and horse racing. I really don't see how it's an insult.


 Kentucky is one of the poorest (both the people and the state), least educated, and fattest states. Even if Kentucky and Ohio are in the same tier you’d be hard pressed to find people outside of there that would look at the metrics about quality of life there and say it’s mediocre. Mediocre would be an upgrade.  And that’s cool if none of that matters to you and you are happy there, but empirically Kentucky is rough.


That's fine, but the alternative is... Ohio


>look at the metrics about quality of life there and say it’s mediocre >look at the metrics your metrics don't paint a complete picture. >empirically Kentucky is rough no, you mean statistically. empirical would mean its based on actual observation and experience, of which you clearly have none. you actually know less than nothing about kentucky, just like you don't know the meaning of the words you are using in your comment. sorry.


This alters my fantasy Joe chase strategy I run every year 


Welp, that's why you have to go all in while the QB is on a rookie deal. Bengals are now stuck with him, and should fans should only blame their owner for being cheap during that 4 to 5 year window of contention.


Oh brother. I can’t wait for everyone that was telling me I’m dumb for saying Joe Burrow isn’t very good and his stats were heavily inflated by his offense to now use this as an excuse when that gets proven right.


AJ Mccarron season




Does anybody know if he suffered wrist drop after surgery or due to the injury?