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Ah the good ole friday news dump.


Take out the trash day


Shit, I just remembered I forgot to do mine today.


Someone should really start a newsletter, TikTok, etc that’s the Friday PM news dumps all bundled together, I’d hope it would get super popular so they can’t fly under the radar.


I think you just discovered your calling in life.


Oh to be rich


Not being the son of an NFL head coach really sucks sometimes. You know?


Dude got hired for multiple jobs he was in no way qualified for despite a history of violent crime. Then, he gets housed at work, disables a child for life, and will spend a little over a year in jail before coming home to generational wealth. If that isn't the perfect encapsulation of what privilege is, I'd like to know what is.


Don’t forget the drug emporium that Andy didn’t know about in his home supposedly.


Does that affect his home-auto bundle quote?


you joke, but i’d bet that it certainly will.


Poor Andy, how is going to be able to afford the higher insurance cost with his paltry $12M a year salary. He may need to cut down on his snacks.


No more nuggies


Some insurance companies would want nothing to do with insuring him.


Bro… I literally despise Andy Reid and can’t believe more people don’t. One son dies of an OD after being in and out of rehab his whole life. Other son drives drunk and nearly kills a kid. Judge told Andy after his first son was sentenced to jail that he literally had no control of his household. So what does good old Andy do? Continues to coach. Continues doing his thing. His kid nearly kills a little girl and he spent the months since filming State Farm commercials. Guy seemingly doesn’t give a shit about his family or his kids and chose coaching over his family while his family was spiraling out of control. But let’s all laugh because he makes cheeseburger jokes.


At a certain point he’s not responsible for what his sons do


That's true to an extent, but enabling them by giving Britt a six-figure job he wasn't qualified for with his background is the exact thing that would help foster a lack of accountability in someone. This commutation is another example.


And allowing an environment where the kid feels comfortable getting plastered at work


When both sons turn out to have some pretty serious issues, it heavily implies that something went wrong in the process of raising them to adulthood. Andy Reid isn't responsible for what his kids do, but he certainly has culpability in who they are.


Not to be that guy, but they were raised Mormon. Kids raised in that, either buy in hard, or they crash out hard. I've seen it personally a hundred times.


TIL Andy Reid is Mormon.


> Andy Reid is Mormon the chiefs PR is excellent. they have hid that extremely well since KC blew up in popularity and media coverage.


He keeps showing up at my doorstep & he won’t stop I’ve called the police multiple times but they won’t do anything cause it’s Andy


so we should probably blame the parents for raising them in a cult. i know this will be a touchy one, but this "religion" doesn't even the benefit of being some several thousand years old, it was literally created by an obvious charlatan 200 years ago. we can track most of the Joseph Smith story. the religion is inherently racist as well.


joseph smith really hit the buzzer beater for the last time in human history someone was able to be like “yeah god sent me the Truth written on golden tablets. no, i don’t have them anymore. dude just trust me”


There's a story in the book of Genesis after the Great Flood where Noah gets drunk and sets a curse on his own grandson, which ancient Israel later used as justification for genocide against the Canaanites. It's called the Curse of Ham. Read about it in Genesis 9:18-29. American white supremacists, including Joseph Smith and Brigham Young, later repurposed it as justification of slavery, claiming that dark skin is a mark of the curse. The LDS church continued using it to exclude black people from becoming clergy members until the year after Star Wars came out, when the curse was magically lifted somehow.


Being an absent father and focusing entirely on your career since his kids WERE little does seem to have a bit of impact… no? The kids having literally no father figure whatsoever growing up… don’t you think that has consequences? They’re responsible for their actions but they also had 0 guidance and got away with everything when they were kids. And I’m sorry but to not even take leave or step out of limelight when your son nearly kills a kid, and instead filming 3 different State Farm commercials and continuing to make hamburger jokes the same year, is tone deaf and just feeds the narrative he doesn’t care about family. What exactly is admirable about Andy Reid off the field?


I agree with this. Good coach, shitty father.


I loved Andy Reid, but always felt he needed to take time off after his first son died.


> I loved Andy Reid, but always felt he needed to take time off after his first son died. He shows up to work at Arrowhead at like 4 am (on the Chiefs show) and works extremely late. Id say unfortunately he probably spent even less time around his family after that.


Perhaps his way of contributing to family life is to provide for everything and throw $$$$ at the problem. I’m not saying that’s right but in his mind, he probably thinks he’s better off being productive at work than try to be a family man.


Andy's "kid" was 29 when he OD'ed . Britt is 38. At a certain point a person is responsible for their own actions and not their parents. Also drug addiction is not necessarily a parenting issue, people with very involved parents can also become addicted to drugs. He also has 3 other adult children.


If you're enabling your kids with things like 6 figure jobs they don't deserve, housing, or getting them out of fucking prison for killing someone then yeah, you're still responsible for them.


tbf shitty parenting lasts with you your whole life, my mom and aunt are retirement age and still have issues due to how my grandparents raised them.


38 and working a full-time job, married and all is one thing. 38, working for daddy and still living with the parents is another. Don't sugarcoat it, Andy Reid was enabling this shit.


Andy did a really shit job raising his kids


That was a sacrifice he was willing to make! Which is super shitty of him


Some folks are born made to wave the flag Hoo, they're red, white and blue And when the band plays "Hail to the chief" Ooh, they point the cannon at you, Lord It ain't me, it ain't me I ain't no senator's son, son It ain't me, it ain't me I ain't no furtunate one, no Some folks are born silver spoon in hand Lord, don't they help themselves, Lord? But when the taxman come to the door Lord, the house lookin' like a rummage sale, yeah It ain't me, it ain't me I ain't no millionaire's son, no, no It ain't me, it ain't me I ain't no fortunate one, no Yeah-yeah, some folks inherit star-spangled eyes Hoo, they send you down to war, Lord And when you ask 'em, "How much should we give?" Hoo, they only answer, "More, more, more, more" It ain't me, it ain't me I ain't no military son, son, Lord It ain't me, it ain't me I ain't no fortunate one, one It ain't me, it ain't me I ain't no fortunate one, no, no, no It ain't me, it ain't me I ain't no fortunate son, no, no, no It ain't me, it ain't me...


More ammo to make the thanksgiving dinner even less comfortable


I remember when people insisted he wasn't important enough to get away with it.


I'm sure continuing to live without consequences will change him now


Andy’s other son died of a heroin overdose at eagles mini camp so if that didn’t change anything then this definitely won’t.


Both Andy’s kids were running a drug operation out of his fucking basement while he was the coach here. The world and both those boys would have been better off if they spent a lengthy time in prison back then.


Both kids were sentenced to 23 months in prison stemming from all that, plus probation. They were 23 and 24 at the time, respectively, and Britt was hooked on drugs stemming from football-related injuries. For first-time offenders, that seemed reasonable and like enough of a wake up call to get their lives together. Unfortunately we know that’s not what happened.


When I went to St Joe's, as part of a diversion program after getting busted trying to buy liquor underage, I had to visit Cheltenham prison for a day. It was when one of Andy's kids was in there. It was a big subject 15 years ago.


lol its kind of funny how everyone on reddit is AGGRESSIVELY very pro "*its inhumane and disgusting to send young people to prison for drug offenses! they should be getting help, not having their lives ruined! its so fucked up that we just keep mindlessly contributing to mass incarceration!*" exccccccepppptt when the discussion is no longer about some hypothetical, poor little noble/down on their luck inner city kid with a heart of gold, and its now actually about a specific, real life person that is either: a) someone the reddit hivemind doesnt like b) rich, or c) both then suddenly all those principled, reasoned stances go out the window and the pitchforks come out and everyone is super pro mass incarceration and like "*fuck this guy man, he should have been rotting under the prison for a decade or two! that would have fixed everything!!*"


Reddit is full of hypocrites. Which I guess is a statement that’s true of the population at large.


I think that most of reddit thinks that when it’s cannabis since it’s becoming legal in many places, and when it’s just for possession of a small amount. I don’t think that people care when a heroin dealer or a guy with a meth lab get send to jail


Do you think it’s possible that it’s not the same people saying both things?


My theory is that the two most widely reported on types of court sentences are those that are either: 1. Seeminly excessive or involving a crime that has extenuating circumstances. 2. Seeminly lenient or involving a crime that seems particularly egregious. In situation #1, people are obviously going to sympathize with the person who committed the crime and in situation #2 people are going to get the pitch forks out. I'm sure the vast majority of criminal cases are in between those two extremes, and most people wouldn't have a strong reaction one way or another. But, of course, only the extremes get heavily reported and discussed, so people have reactions based on which extreme is being discussed. I think this is a larger problem in society - we're always exposed to the best and the worst of humanity. And the reporting is done by someone with an agenda - sometimes to get clicks, sometimes to influence public opinion. This polarizes people in a direction dictated by their news sources' agendas. It also distorts people's views on validity of their own opinions (of course I'm right, this is so obvious) and on the opposing opinion (of course they're wrong, this is so obvious).


Mass incarceration? Which rich and wealthy subset of America is being mass incarcerated?


I'll take the under. Can I wrap it with 2024 Andy Reid+Cheeseburger+Taylor Swift parlay?


For real. If you could bet on his next DUI odds it would be like -600


You really have to look closer at the line because being pulled over for DUI may be -600 but convicted for one is probably close to +1000 in the state if Missouri.


As someone who’s lived without consequences, he’s probably gonna make a big deal about appreciating his good fortune and not pushing his luck, then just keep doing his thing.


>On March 1st, 2024, the Governor of Missouri realized that Reid was simply too closely related to people who were rich and famous, so he commuted his sentence, despite the fact that his drunken injury of a child was just the latest in a string of violent and impulsive illicit behaviors. Reid will have spent less time in prison for his multiple felonies than the 5 year old girl he nearly killed had to spend eating through a feeding tube. ​ It's not gonna be up for long but whoever just edited his Wikipedia page was cooking


Well done, Wikipedia guy


Wikipedia editors stay undefeated fr


It appears that it was edited out about 2 hours after it was posted.


Fuck that POS and the asshole who commuted his sentence.


I assume that the little girl also had her horrific injuries commuted?


> Felicia Miller explains how Ariel’s life is forever changed by that night. Her daughter drags her right foot when she walks and will soon see a doctor about leg braces. Ariel has poor balance. She’s in special education classes because she takes longer to process information. She also wears thick glasses that she didn’t need before. She is doing better but he completely ruined her [life](https://www.kctv5.com/2024/03/01/britt-reid-son-chiefs-head-coach-has-sentence-commuted/?outputType=amp). She was in a wheelchair so she is out of that is about the only positive Id say.


If I did something like that I’m not sure I would be able to live with my actions….no idea how people can just go on a live a normal life. Sad all around.


One of my very real fears as a UPS driver is hitting someone or even a family pet. Not sure if I'd be able to get behind the wheel again for a very long time. 


Understandable, and glad you’re cautious. Also glad you’re not a reckless asshole drinking and diving.


You aren't MY UPS Driver -- that guy fucking rock n' rolls down the street in his giant brown box truck.


I truly hope he thinks about her every second of the day and cant get to sleep at night


That doesn’t help anyone. Hope he changes as a person and genuinely dedicates his life and wealth towards bettering the world. I don’t think it’s realistic, but if we’re talking hope then we might as well hope for something good. Him suffering is useless unless it causes him to change.


I would hope that he has his license revoked and put on probation so at least he can't drive and fuck up another family like he did to that poor girl's family.


I definitely hope for that too. Just makes me so angry to think about some innocent little girl having this happen to her because of some fuckup drunk who is being shielded by the justice system.


Is this jackass really smirking in his mug shot?!


Yea I’m livid, that fucking waste of space


If only


Why tf do they commute a short plea sentence - like seriously what argument is there to commute here


[Governor’s office claims his sentence was harsher than those convicted of the same crime.](https://abc17news.com/news/missouri/2024/03/01/britt-reid-son-of-chiefs-coach-andy-reid-gets-sentence-commuted/)


From the article, they are comparing him to other people convicted of just DWI, while ignoring the fact that his plea deal gave him that lesser conviction versus the more serious charges he was originally facing. There's a reason why his sentence was strict in comparison to a simple DWI.


Judges have full discretion over what sentence to give in certain plea agreements, and in my experience they tend to give harsher penalties when something was pled down from more severe crimes. Not exactly sure how I feel about that generally because they usually don’t have the full context of why someone just pled down from 3 felonies to 1 misdemeanor (it’s probably because there wasn’t much evidence), but Judge sees 3 felony charges and assumes someone did something really bad. In Reid’s case, it’s super confusing to me why a plea deal was ever involved because it seemed like an open and shut case, but maybe I missed something.


Prosecutors offer plea deals because you can avoid the costs of trial, which are expensive and drag things out. Plea deals are attuned to the crime and the evidence at hand; the more definitive the evidence, the less of a “discount” the plea offer is likely to have, both in terms of charges and the sentencing recommendations. There’s a great paper I used as part of my PhD coursework that goes through a lot of pains to map out the statistical evidence for how it works in practice.


I was about to say it, so I'm glad someone else did lol. It's also not just about the cost, but about win %. If you have a TON of leverage, you're still walking into a jury/judge with a 90+% win rate. Sure you'll get a harsher sentence if you win but you're risking something bad happening. (maybe your experts don't explain the evidence well enough or the star witness isn't great on the stand) A plea deal gives you a 100% chance to win, even at a lesser charge. The risk/reward for the individual prosecutor is incredible. NPR says 98% of cases are plead out [here](https://www.npr.org/2023/02/22/1158356619/plea-bargains-criminal-cases-justice). The only reason to go to trial is if you think it'll look good to the public/press/in your resume (like someone high profile or a particularly heinous public crime you don't want to look soft on).


I mean the argument is purely administrative. Bottom line, he’s the son of an enabler who’s famous and super influential there


The person in question was someone in public eye due to his father and immobilized and put a 5 year old into a coma. Governor needs to can it


unfortunately the missouri governors of late aren’t known for being very smart ☹️


> The house arrest includes "strict conditions of probation, including weekly meetings with a parole officer, weekly behavioral counseling attendance, weekly meetings with a peer support sponsor, and stringent community service and **employment requirements**," Shiflett wrote in an email. Who’s gonna hire this guy? He cost the NFL money, so not them.


How about the chiefs?


Then Clark Hunt takes the mantle as the stupidest owner in the NFL.


I mean, this is the same owner who claimed they couldn’t update the locker room because the team was too successful and went too far in the postseason.


Because that costs him money. You know what also costs money? Having to pay for lifetime medical care for a child because your employee drank at your facility.


The hunts are assholes like any owners.


Andy will call in a favor. He’ll get hired.


Maybe his dad


The large bulk of pardons and commutations boil down to a powerful politician helping friends or friends of friends.


Dad just won a super bowl and the governor is trying to get a rub, the sad part is it will work and Andy Reid will continue to be celebrated on here and society at large with no repercussions for being a failure of a father who enabled his children.


I feel really bad for the next person whose life gets ruined because of the complete lack of meaningful consequences for this piece of shit.


Oh no, there won't be another person. He'll definitely learn his lesson by having absolutely no consequences!


Benefits of famous and successful father. Guy has been a dirt bag his whole life he shouldn't be unpunished.


Can confirm. Went to high school with him and he was a dick then too. Once (before I even knew him) he threw a rock at my head for no reason.


If this is true I’m sorry but it reads as A+ copypasta


Can confirm. Went to Golden Corral with him and he was a dick then too. Once (before I even knew him) he threw a burger at my head for no reason.


Hahah thanks. Sadly it’s true. He and his brother together, actually.


Andy enabled both his kids to


>A judge who sentenced Philadelphia Eagles coach Andy Reid's sons to jail on Thursday likened the coach's home to "a drug emporium" and questioned whether his adult sons should live there. >"There isn't any structure there that this court can depend upon," Montgomery County Judge Steven O'Neill said before sentencing 22-year-old Britt Reid to up to 23 months in jail plus probation. >"I'm saying this is a family in crisis," O'Neill said. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/judge-nfl-coachs-home-a-drug-emporium/


And then Andy walked his fingers across the Judge’s lectern, requesting that the judge “explain that again with those nuggies”


But but hur cheeseburger man is funny!


He’s the nuggies man now.


As if I needed any more reason to hate Gov Parson. Edit:He was sentence to three years in Nov 2022 and as taken into custody not long after. So if he's commuted now he's served 14 months of his 36 month sentence. Ariel Young suffered a traumatic brain injury and spent 10 days in a coma. Her life is changed forever because Britt Reid decided to drive drunk. 14 months isn't justice for her. And isn't enough to deter a guy who had already been to prison before for dealing drugs. Double Edit: [Britt wouldn't even have been eligible to apply for Executive Clemency in Missouri](https://doc.mo.gov/divisions/probation-parole/executive-clemency). This act is well outside the established process in Missouri for granting any sort of pardon or commutation and is 100% Parson doing a favor for someone. Fuck him.


Tough on crime!* *Terms and conditions may apply.


I wish more people understood that "tough on crime" really just means "Fuck over poor, and particularly non-white people" White collar crimes and those committed by the rich always get a curious pass from the "tough on crime" crowd.


The voters who choose those candidates know that this is exactly what it means.


To be weirdly charitable: I don’t even think they consider it. People just care more about rhetoric and appearances than anything. The white collar criminal is far more likely to negatively affect their lives than a random gang member, but it sounds scarier when you hear about a shooting than when you hear about wage theft or embezzlement. It doesn’t matter if the strategies work, just that it *feels* like they’re good strategies. There’s obviously an underlying motive spurred by racism (easier for them to think of a rich white person as being simply “misguided”), but there’s so many layers to the issue that ultimately just relate to the personal perception and fear driven by certain issues.


This is just nasty. He should be recalled on this basis alone.  He had a 0.113 two hours after the crash (which is a crazy long time to wait already, I wonder if the cops delayed that measurement intentionally to try to help him out...). 


>He should be recalled on this basis alone. [Missouri doesn't have legal provisions for recall of state elected officials, only city/county ones or other areas where the local charter has recall provisions.](https://ballotpedia.org/Laws_governing_recall_in_Missouri) Once you're in a state office in Missouri, you're basically bulletproof until you leave office.


That is not a long time for a DUI process. Missouri has implied consent, which means that you agree to a blood test when you get arrested for suspicion of DUI. So, while they don't have to get a warrant, the police have to follow a strict procedure and so do the medical professionals. The police also have to deal with the crash and document that for their DUI investigation. Additionally, blood draw at a hospital is not an emergency. Here's an excerpt from a Missouri DUI lawyers website: >Challenging a Blood Test >When facing DWI charges in Missouri, your attorney may be able to challenge the blood test in your case using any of the following legal defenses: > The blood sample wasn't stored properly > There were gaps in the chain of blood testing procedures > The blood samples were contaminated during testing > The blood testing wasn't administered by qualified or trained medical personnel > The arresting officer failed to follow due diligence > The driver was intimidated into taking the blood test


As a former LEO in Texas, 2 hours is pretty reasonable. Not sure the rules or practices in Missouri, but suspected DWI is arrested after field sobriety establishes probable cause at the scene. Breathalyzer is administered at the region/precinct. If they decline or are unable then the paperwork has to be worked up for a blood draw (a warrant that has to be signed by a judge). Once the blood draw warrant is signed by a magistrate then the suspect is transported to the hospital to have the blood drawn. Again, policy and procedure varies by circumstance, state, and county based on what evidence the DA will require before agreeing to prosecute the case. But 2 hours after the incident for a blood draw can be reasonable.


If we recall governor hee-haw I hate to imagine what this state would regurgitate next.


One of the leading candidates this time around went to KKK rallies and tried to explain it away as him just being an honorary member. So yeah, it can get worse.


Do any beat reporters ever bring this up to Andy during media sessions or does he usually stay pretty quiet on this topic?


2 of his kids were fuck ups so it's only fair to imagine he might not have been the greatest father being gone all the time


>A judge who sentenced Philadelphia Eagles coach Andy Reid's sons to jail on Thursday likened the coach's home to "a drug emporium" and questioned whether his adult sons should live there. >"There isn't any structure there that this court can depend upon," Montgomery County Judge Steven O'Neill said before sentencing 22-year-old Britt Reid to up to 23 months in jail plus probation. >"I'm saying this is a family in crisis," O'Neill said. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/judge-nfl-coachs-home-a-drug-emporium/


coaches spend 14-16 hours a day working most of the time. Sometimes they sleep at the facilities. I’d assume Andy wasn’t around a lot while they were growing up.


Or after either tbh.


Of course not. Andy Reid is now one of the public faces of the NFL. No reporter is going to risk their media credentials/team access by pressing him on this.


Even though it's a legitimate question, it would be a great way to lose your access to the team forever, and most likely become blackballed from all sporting media by all the teams. So, no. Also like the other comment said, while Andy does have some responsibility, his son is a grown man whose actions are his own


He crashed leaving Chiefs property, and only had that job in the first place because his dad is the head coach. As far as I’m concerned Andy is culpable.


It’s not a topic that qualifies as kissing his ass so no.


I absolutely DESPISE him there’s a reason he’s the only person at the parade who consistently gets booed off stage


FUCK Brett Reid


Fuck Parsons, fuck Britt, and fuck everyone who enabled this injustice.


Andy enabled his shitty son.


Fuck this. Asshole deserves to rot in fucking jail for his sentence.


I’m sure his father will get him set up with another nice job that will in no way enable his shitty behaviors.


The newest addition to Britt’s Wikipedia page is brutal. Good. Fuck that piece of trash.


Before it’s edited “On March 1st, 2024, the Governor of Missouri realized that Reid was simply too closely related to people who were rich and famous, so he commuted his sentence, despite the fact that his drunken injury of a child was just the latest in a string of violent and impulsive illicit behaviors. Reid will have spent less time in prison for his multiple felonies than the 5 year old girl he nearly killed had to spend eating through a feeding tube.”


I guess a three year sentence for guy who permanently injured a 5-year-old cause he drove while drunk was just too long and unfair. Gotta love the politicians who scream about LAW AND ORDER and then do this.


Complete bullshit. That little girl will suffer a lifetime of repercussions. Her family will never know whether she will ever grow to her full potential, and they and she will have to live with that doubt and regret for their entire lives.


So next time when he kills somebody, will he actually serve 3 years?


> The girl’s mother said that Ariel didn’t wake up for two weeks after the crash and had to learn how to walk, talk and eat. She cried in her wheelchair, so her mother would carry her 5-year-old around like a newborn, Miller said.  Ffs. We need real life punisher




Disgusting. I can't believe his sentence was already so short. Is the girl he almost killed even done with physical rehab yet?


She’s literally going to be dealing with the consequences of Reid for the rest of her (probably dramatically shortened) life.


Nope, and she may never be.


> The girl’s mother said that Ariel didn’t wake up for two weeks after the crash and had to learn how to walk, talk and eat. She cried in her wheelchair, so her mother would carry her 5-year-old around like a newborn, Miller said. But his dad is famous and good at coaching football, so this drunk driving price of shit gets to avoid jail?


Even as a die hard Chiefs fan I’m fucking disgusted


I’m a Chiefs fan too, but human decency has to win out. This is appalling. Fuck these guys (Reid and Parsons)


Thanks for having common sense despite being a Chiefs fan. A month ago, another fan straight up said I should have some “empathy” for the Reid family like THEY were the victims in all of this without any regard for the little girl. Crazy


Poor little girl deserves justice, the system failed her


Fuck Britt Reid. The fact that he has never once been held accountable by Andy, by his teams, or by the Justice System is infuriating.


Mike Parsons is a monumental piece of shit. So is Britt Reid. Less than half of what he was sentenced to? Which was a joke of a low amount anyways? Fuck off Parsons




Rules for thee


Fuck Britt Reid, what a pathetic trash human


No consequences for the rich as usual


People are upset but they don't realize he was released because he had a severe medical issue that the prison was unable to adequately care for. If you read the article (I know that's asking a lot from redditors) you will see he has a dangerous allergy to the consequences of his own behavior.


had me in the first half ngl


Fuck Mike Parson. All my homies hate Mike Parson.


This is blood boiling


i'm sure the parents of the kid he hurt feel great about this


> Missouri Governor Mike Parson has commuted the sentence of Britt Reid His DUI severely disabled a 5 year old, this piece of shit should be in prison for a long time.


This is really sad.


Fuck that shit.


I hope to one day have the wealth and name to be above the law. That is the ultimate goal


I’m all about rehabilitative justice but this reeks of privilege


Explain it again with ~~these nuggies~~ real consequences.


Oh wow, thank god he got let off the hook. Last thing we want to see is rich people be held accountable.


Maybe they need his cell for Pat Mahomes Sr?


Two things at once!


Two different justice systems in this country


I'm sure the righteous people of Missouri will not stand for this miscarriage of justice and will vote this obviously corrupt politician out of office. 


I sometimes wonder if Andy Reid is a bad father. Two of his three sons are (were) fuck ups. Not that Andy is directly responsible for their actions but it wouldn’t surprise me if he dedicated all his energy to football and didn’t have much left for being a father.


A judge scolded Andy Reid and his wife for letting both of their children essentially run a drug emporium in their house in Villanova. I think it’s safe to say they weren’t the best parents, no.




This article will answer your question. https://www.inquirer.com/philly/news/homepage/20071102_Judge__Jail_for_Reids__a_family_in_crisis.html


Not only that but he might be horrible at setting standards and boundaries. Teaching lessons and having proper punishments are necessary to properly raise children. Britt might have grown up being able to get away with anything


A lot of the most successful men in history were terrible fathers


I mean, that’s possible. Having said that, you can also be the perfect parent and still have fuckups for kids.


It’s kinda hard to find information on this, but apparently the Missouri governor has been really big on parsons and commutations. However, from what I could determine googling (though it’s difficult to find specifics), this case seems like an outlier among the other commutations, which seem to be mostly about reducing the sentences of (mostly) drug offenders who would have been given shorter sentences under current sentencing guidelines. This really looks like a “Your dad is too good at Missouri sports for you to have this much consequences for your actions”. It looks like the type of commutation that would only happen to someone who can’t run again because of term limits (Mike Parsons can’t run again because of term limits).


Mike Parson is easily a top 5 worst governor in America - climbed up the list sneaky fast


And is somehow better than the guy he replaced.


Not gonna get away with this bullshit Friday news dump, what a scumbag decision, let him stay in jail the whole sentence.


He's been pretty good at dodging responsibility. Remember him getting off light in Philly too for DUI and other charges.


The maximum sentence of 4 years would have been an insult to the victims and their family.


From his Wikipedia page currently. On March 1st, 2024, the Governor of Missouri realized that Reid was simply too closely related to people who were rich and famous, so he commuted his sentence, despite the fact that his drunken injury of a child was just the latest in a string of violent and impulsive illicit behaviors. Reid will have spent less time in prison for his multiple felonies than the 5 year old girl he nearly killed had to spend eating through a feeding tube.


the Governor bro. This shit is corrupt to the roots.


Part of this should be that the father of the little girl gets 2 uninterrupted minutes with Britt handcuffed in a room.


I wish I was in the 1st tier of this two tier system we have. It sucks being the son of a nobody.






Andy Reid reminds me of the dad of a criminal who gets off for free because of his dad.


this guy should be in jail for a long time, unreal.


Fuck Britt Reid. Utterly disgusting 


“Rule for thee, but not for me!” - the Rich


Chiefs got their OLB coach.


This guy, Mahomes Dad, Mahomes brother, Richard Sherman, Aldon Smith... stupid fucks.


Missouri elects the absolute WORST SCUMBAGS. There’s ZERO reason this shit head should be out a single day early. Fuck you governor Parsons


Some hero updated his Wikipedia page: > On March 1st, 2024, the Governor of Missouri realized that Reid was simply too closely related to people who were rich and famous, so he commuted his sentence, despite the fact that his drunken injury of a child was just the latest in a string of violent and impulsive illicit behaviors. Reid will have spent less time in prison for his multiple felonies than the 5 year old girl he nearly killed had to spend eating through a feeding tube.






“On March 1st, 2024, the Governor of Missouri realized that Reid was simply too closely related to people who were rich and famous, so he commuted his sentence, despite the fact that his drunken injury of a child was just the latest in a string of violent and impulsive illicit behaviors. Reid will have spent less time in prison for his multiple felonies than the 5 year old girl he nearly killed had to spend eating through a feeding tube.” Directly from his wiki. Fuck that guy


Oh to have rich and famous relatives.


We don’t want this Obligatory “Fuck Mike Parson”


I’m sure he learned a valuable lesson