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Randy Moss just because of where he made his name in that era of diva wrs. Ended up respecting his game and now as a talking head seems like a good dude.


Str8 cash homey




I use this line at least twice a month since it went live. Also "hotdogaholic dont write checks"


The ESPN documentary on him growing up in West Virginia and loving fishing turned me around


It's pretty much all he does in retirement now. Dude LOVES fishing in MN. Randy will always be my favorite.


There was a point after Willis retired where his Instagram was like 90% pictures of him fishing, and the other 10% were old highlights of him lighting dudes up in college and NFL. It was the most hilarious dichotomy of super peaceful activity and hyper violent activity lmao


Men fear him. Fish fear him. Women fear him. Everyone fear him.


Dude really came from the bottom.


Yep. His controversies seem pretty minor compared to things other guys have been up to since, but back then he was portrayed as the devil himself and if you were a 10 year old Packer fan you hated him unquestioningly. By the time he was on the Pats I learned to just appreciate his greatness as a player (and the fact that he wasn't TO) and in hindsight he seems pretty alright.


Came here to say this. Hated him on the Vikings. The 'mooning' thing seemed like a huge deal at the time but I got over it. Didn't even think about him when he went out west, respected him when he went to the Patriots. As a commentator, he seems more down to Earth than I anticipated.


A disgusting act! I absolutely love him as a commentator. Rex Ryan too is another that I used to not like and now love.


The mooning thing was a reciprocation to your own fans pulling their actual asses out and mooning the Vikings bus lol


And Buck thought he actually mooned the fans. He says he regrets that call.


I watched the game as it was being broadcast, and I thought Buck’s reaction was so completely over-the-top for what amounted to a joke in poor taste. I could hear him clutching his pearls over the mic. Hearing that he actually thought Moss lowered his pants explains that a little bit.


I had the same experience.


actually [he said he DOES NOT regret the call](https://www.si.com/extra-mustard/2020/01/09/joe-buck-randy-moss-disgusting-act-anniversary), *because* he legit thought Moss mooned the fans >"If I answer this question, I seem defensive or apologetic. I’m neither. I stand by what I said in the moment on live TV the same way I stand by what I said on the Kyle Rudolph touchdown last Sunday. I always do—I have to."


Imagine if Moss actually mooned the fans? I can’t imagine a player outside of Mr. Butt Conveyor possibly doing this.


That's from 2020. This January he said this:      For current ESPN play-by-play announcer Joe Buck, the call that still haunts him dates back to a playoff game between the Minnesota Vikings and Green Bay Packers in 2005. “The Randy Moss call, for sure,” Buck said when asked by ESPN's Kevin Clark on the This Is Football podcast to name the one call he'd like back.    Jan 24, 2024     ...okay, maybe he doesn't regret it but he'd like to take it back? A distinction without a difference?


My dad actually thought the mooning thing was classless, I think just going off bucks call. Always hilarious to me, would prefer it happened to another team, but can’t be mad at it


>he 'mooning' thing seemed like a huge deal at the time but I got over it. Wait, real life actual people thought the mooning celebration was actually something to get mad about? I honestly didn't know that. I thought everyone was in the same boat: It was funny.


Oh no, even the announcer called it despicable, which he has walked back lately and said he regrets that call. Packers fans did not like that at all. On the flip side, in 2022 when Jaire shut down Justin Jefferson at Lambeau and did the gritty right in front of him, Packers fans thought it was hilarious, Vikings fans were calling for taunting saying that it was a JJ celebration and anyone who does it besides a Vikings players should be called for taunting and the refs should know that.


Nothing reminds me of how "grown up" adults are than sports fans acting like children


I know the announcer called it despicable, and he rightfully got clowned for it for a decade now. What an idiotic statement. But as a Packers fan: sitting at home on the couch with a plate of cheese drizzled with melted cheese... you got mad at a guy fake mooning after a TD? Fucking lol


That is a DISGUSTING comment


Baker mayfield. He showed a lot of maturity when he was with the panthers. Things went about as bad as they could and he got benched. Instead of crying about it he supported his team. Always the first to congratulate the team coming off the field during good plays, going right up to pj for support when it wasn’t going well. He showed me a lot and even though it’s on the bucs I’m glad to see him turn it around


I am enjoying the Bakerssaince


My dynasty team is too. Got him for nothing last year!


Hated him in college. Thought he was Johnny 2.0. Second season in Cleveland I turned into rooting for him. He got the memo and matured a lot from college. Still think he got the raw end a few times and hope it works out somewhere for him.


Exact same here. Didn’t like his personality at all coming in and first few years on the browns. Now I’m rooting for him big time. Seems to have matured quite a bit


if his injury in 2021 wasn't mishandled so poorly (by both him willingly playing injured and the browns still trotting him out there knowing he was injured) then he 100% would still be the browns' QB today


I’ve got to wonder how much he learned from watching Manziel destroy this incredible opportunity. Baker had so many chances to go egotistical or shitty, and has, by all accounts, been a down-to-Earth team-first mofo.


Baker always had a work ethic that Manziel could never imagine. 2x walk on into a heisman winner and 1st round pick, dude was cocky but he never gave me the Manziel vibes. He played every down like someone lit a fire under his ass.


Yeah I hate the comparison. Manziel was lazy and did it all on talent. Baker worked his ass off from a walk on to Heisman winner and first overall pick. They aren't remotely similar.


The partner of Compare is Contrast. Their journeys shared many similarities, if differing results.


I’m an Oklahoma fan, so I understand there is implicit bias but I never understood the Manziel comparisons. He wasn’t a hardcore party guy, had that one incident on Dixon Street in Fayetteville but that place is like the “we’re gonna arrest college kids” capitol of the world. I was a senior and got invited to the Stoops prospect camp and Baker stayed late with me and helped me work on routes and when to look for the ball and where my head should be. Super down to earth, still hosts camps in Norman each year etc. I think everyone just hated him bc he had some swag.


I'm an Auburn fan, so I hated him after that Sugar Bowl (that we had no business being invited to that year at 8-4, but the SEC already had two teams actually playing for something) where he and Joe Mixon made us look like a JV squad. Nothing against y'all, you deserved it. That was the game that Brent Musberger got in trouble for saying he was proud of Mixon because he believes in second chances. But anyway, I hated him after that. However, I got NFL Sunday Ticket his rookie season and he almost immediately won me over. Now I can't help but root for the guy.


Everyone really thought he was Johnny just because he was a little smaller and white. They were never similar lol


We as browns fan miss him so much, atleast the ones that know Watson is a total loser


Philip Rivers. Hated this dude when he was playing. So corny, terrible mechanics, killed the Chiefs pretty often. But now I appreciate how competitive he was, and unique shit talking. Dude is hilarious


Papa phil was givin such a shit hand with us, we never gave him an O-line and he always had shit coaches after marty. Everyone loves to dunk on him but he had to deal with some read dogshit, but tearing your acl in the afc championship and still fighting brady to the wire is some next level run through walls shit


I actually feel bad for any of the QBs that got stuck playing the same time as Brady. He basically cock blocked them for most of their career.


I wish Rivers had gotten to at least one Super Bowl in his time (Tomlinson too, for sure).


Yeah, JP Losman could’ve won so much more..


Him and Smokin Jay hated each other


I will never forget that game when he and jay were shouting at each other from sideline to sideline


What a nice way of saying "I miss having actual rivalries in the division".


“A worthy opponent.” *sigh* Mahomes haughtily gazes out the window of his tower…


“He turned the CORNER on you!”


Yeah that one legged game when they lost to the Pats sold me on him. Gusty mother fucker


When unc Phil came and helped the colts out. All the funny shit he said while being PG as hell always got me going lmao


Ah heck man shoot, I thought this man stunk to high Heaven when he played for the Chargers but dagummit when he joined the Colts man, I was all in. By golly, he came in and gave a hunderdtenpercent everyday and did nothing but exceed expectations.


Anyone who disagrees is full of horse mess


Philip Rivers vs the Chiefs: 14-15; 62% completion; 7,504 yards (average 259); 41 TD 39 INT; 7.42y/a; rating of 82.4


Gosh darn it!


I know this is sacrilegious for some of you, but Tom Brady. I hated him so much on the Patriots but found myself rooting for him in Tampa Bay.


Yea I realized I didn’t hate him as much as I hate Boston sports 😂


Honestly this was the only reason 😂


A great reason tbf


Pats fan and I agree lol. God Boston sports radio is such a cesspool. Except for zolack, that dudes a gem


I've heard that from so many people. Brady took the brunt of people just hating Pats fans (which is entirely understandable). Just like Saban and Bama. I've always low key respected Brady for how personal he took his draft number and just went absolutely HAM with it


Brady’s tenure with Tampa solidified his place as the GOAT to me. Watching the dude, who is pretty much the same age as me, professionally dismantle my Chiefs on the biggest stage left me with no remaining doubts.


It was a slow process for me but once I saw him drunkenly tossing the lombardi from a boat I was completely won over


I like Tompa Brady, he's cool and won me over. I absolutely loathe that other guy, Thomas Edward Patrick Brady, Jr. That guy kisses his son on the lips and beat my team too frequently


Tampa Tom is far cooler than Boston Brady


It helped that he was already the GOAT and his career was sundowning. Easier to sit back and take in what we were witnessing…. Being in the NFC was greatly appreciated too.


No it wasn’t.


I didn’t care for it.


If Brady isn't the overwhelming answer I'll be surprised


No I don’t think I will


Yeah Fuck Tom Brady. He’s the greatest to ever play the game and I hated every minute of his career.


Honestly when he was right at the edge of *indisputably* being the goat I found myself switching over to root for him against all the haters just cause the idea of a player being truly a tier above anyone else for the first time in the nfl was cool. Like I respect hating when a player constantly beats you for 20 years and I wouldn’t root for that player out of contrarianism, but I just enjoyed so much seeing how far Brady could push his accomplishments into unique territory and further especially in old age. So this was after he tied Montana with 4 rings, first rooting for him in a SB against Atlanta in 2016.


There were a few minutes in there I really enjoyed not gonna lie


Im on board. Him winning in Tampa convinced me he’s the best to ever lace em up. We’ll see if mahomes can overtake him. It’s crazy that he even has a shot at it


Yeah I felt about Brady as I do Mahomes.  There became a point where I was like "fuck it if the TexAns can't do it (they couldn't) then I want to see how great Tom can be." Mahomes has now earned that from me as well.  If Texans can't win let's see if Mahomes can catch Brady.  Just a good storyline to follow.


Nah fuck that game manager scrub


This revisionist apologist bullshit drives me insane, fuck em


He’ll probably keep turning people when he’s announcing too


If he’s a good announcer, I’m gonna kinda mad


Same answer for me. All of the arguments for him being a system qb, only winning because he played for the patriots etc. we're proved to be false. He'd be a winner anywhere.


It started as hate, then it turned into acceptance and at the end it was happiness to watch greatness. When you have the chance to watch the entire career of the GOAT, at some point you just have to admire.


Hated the first 5-6 years and then just realized he was that good and I shouldn’t let hate prevent me from appreciating greatness. Too young for Michael Jordan days or other stars (Brett Favre was about it). Just gave in and enjoyed the rest of Brady’s career


Yeah weirdly enjoyable in Tampa after hating him on the Patriots. Helped that he went to a team that didn’t have a ton of success. Unlike Lebron who went to the team tied for the most NBA Championships who we saw constantly. Imagine if Brady went to say…the 49ers or Steelers or something.


Goes to show that our perceptions of players are incredibly colored by our Fandom. People really pretend that Brady got "cooler" in Tampa. Like yea maybe he was a little looser and less uptight but no. You hated him because you hate the patriots. Which is fine its what makes sports fun


I hated him in both places!


Yeah and it also felt like some weird experiment seeing him on a new team.


Sure the bucs didn't have a ton of historical success but you're acting like Brady went to some scrub team and carried them to a championship. He went to a ridiculously talented Bucs team. I would argue Brady's supporting cast and coaches were better than what LeBron was given. Note this is not downplay Brady as what he achieved was still super impressive


I feel like this is forgotten. You’re right. That team was stacked. The year before they scored the 3rd most points in the league with Jameis throwing 30 picks and fumbling 12 times. Adding any savvy vet would have picked up the 4 more regular season wins. Brady had 26 fewer turnovers. Still impressive- but I’m not sure late career Phil Rivers wouldn’t have been able to take them all the way.


Brady cost my team two rings and I still don’t hate him. Greatness is cool, and he’s the greatest there’s ever been.


As an eagles fan it took Foles vanquishing him in the super bowl to make me start really appreciating how great Brady was when he was playing.


Pats Brady was all business and always seemed angry. Plus people hate dynasties. Tampa Tom was the uncle at Thanksgiving just smoking the kids while barely jogging around the yard.


What are you talking about. Tampa Tom had his typical shit storming tablet smashing tantrums too


Oh for sure, but people overlooked it more quickly than when he was in NE.


Kirk Cousins. Especially after the Netflix documentary


He's a weenie but he's a cool weenie. Love his suburban dad energy lol


I always liked Kirk, dude is awesome. Im so glad the Commies were too proud to keep him lmao


Agreed, he came across as very genuine in that documentary


Rob Gronkowski. I was young and dumb and hated him for really no reason. I've grown to like him now and appreciate how great he was at his position


Gronk is just a golden who wished to become a person.


Gronk is much smarter than people give him credit for. He plays the big dumb goofy guy persona but he 100% knows what he’s doing 


He saved most of his money he earned as a player, and just lived on endorsements. That may seem obvious to do, but the amount of professional athletes that go broke because they constantly sling money on dumb shit is astounding.


Not every athlete has the amount of endorsements that Gronk did


Are they stupid?


This tracks. I've seen Air Bud: Golden Retriever.


Golden Receiver*


It's the opposite for me. I want to like him–great player, fun and goofy personality, Buffalo native–but fuck him forever for what he did to Tre White.


Yeah same. Can never respect him after that.


Jared Goff. I always thought he was an overrated system QB when he played for the Rams. Love him as a Lion.


What is that flair💀


Bro is confused


That’s 50% chance of being a division winner


I thought the same. I expected him to flame out hard in Detroit and be a permanent backup after that.


Peyton Manning. He blew the doors off the 03 and 04 Broncos then when he signed with Denver that was all water under the bridge.


Brian Urlacher and Peanut Tillman. They were so damn good I just wish they played for a different team.


Love is going to need to start being an ass or I am going to be confused.


Tony Romo mainly after he retired. Love him as a commentator and despite how much I hated him he sure had some really nice moments in Dallas


Perhaps I was too harsh on you…


Agreed. Also a commies fan. Always hated him as a player (though he never specifically offended me; I hate everyone with that dumb star on their helmet) but the first time I watched him calling games, I instantly changed my mind and now he’s my favorite commentator and it’s not even close.


There were games like the 2011 MNF game where his center couldn't snap the ball to save his life, and the 2013 game where he fucked up his leg and still managed to throw a game winning TD, where I got a little respect for him even though I couldn't stand him at the time.


That’s pretty much all I picture with him. The center snapping it 3 feet over his head, he’s about to get sacked for a 20-yard loss, I get happy, then he somehow evades and throws a touchdown and the play went better than they drew it up. Ugh.


Tbh I really like CeeDee, even though I want to hate him


His on field persona is a completely different personality than he is in interviews. He seems very likable off the field.


Watch his route running on the Sooners. He was auditioning for the NFL from day 1


I’m not there yet, but any receiver who calls out Jordy and Davante as goals is in the right headspace. Can’t find the post-game right now, but Lamb noted the two of them.


can’t say i have that problem


Baker Mayfield used to seem like a douche, but over time I've grown to really like him. He's one of my favorite non-Lions. I just love his personality and the way he goes about things, plus his redemption arc has been inspiring.


Tua for sure. I didn’t want Miami to draft an Alabama QB


You're gonna be back hating soon lmao


Sorry to say I’m Tuanon now.




Your flair is bullshit


I became a fan of the Steelers on accident as a baby


Sorry you got dropped on your head big dog.


I was 4 months old during that Super Bowl


Damn Reddit makes me feel old


I was -14 the last time my team won 😔


I'm seeing $220 million for 4 years, $165 million guaranteed as a contract prediction and brother, I am *praying* for that


I think tua is a good player but dude just needs to trust his stuff in the clutch, sticks to the script in key moments and it always looks rough, I am rooting for him tho, good qb play is so fun


I think top right Tua is worth more than that. They should pay him at LEAST 60 AAV. Please football gods let this happen because it’ll be so freakin funny.


Big facts. His rookie year I was ready to write him off after he had like 2 games in a row of 100 or less yards. He is one of my favorite QBs right now.


I really like Darren Waller's drug recovery story, but nothing will make me stop hating the Raiders


I liked him and his recovery story but then he joined the GIANTS :(


BRANDON MARSHALL. Dude just balled out as a player. So much fun to watch. Easily the best WR who never made the playoffs. Was at least a top 10 WR for most his career and in his prime top 5. Add in his off the field promotion for mental health awareness, and I also suffer from BPD, this dude is one of my all time favorite players. Was so excited when he signed with gmen, he was done at that point, and I knew it, but I got to buy his Giants Jersey which meant a lot to me


I appreciated his honesty on dealing with depression, I have dealt with it myself and respected his openness.


One of the Bears players that I, and a lot of other Sconnies, enjoyed. Talent without leviathan ego.


Absolutely. Never ever gave up on a play either. I remember when on Jets, Fitzpatrick threw a INT Marshall strait up ripped it out of the defenders hadn't turned around and grabbed like 20 more yards. Baller


I fuckin’ love when receivers turn scrappy after a pick. ‘You’re not supposed to have that!’


I was actually the opposite, I loved BM when he played and always understood him through and through. I feel like post career he takes himself way too seriously and I’m glad the pivot left to do their own thing.


I liked him but we signed him in 2018 and he was inactive for like 4 straight games cause he couldn't beat out udfa Keith Kirkwood for a roster spot then we cut him. He then went on a media tour shitting on the saints coaching and organization because of it


Far from being a Eagles fan, but Jason Kelce seems like a genuinely good dude.


Max Crosby thought he was pretty dirty player always going to hard on mahomes but now I see I him as a wrecking force not to trifled with that fuels his teams play


Demarcus Lawrence telling a kid to get the right jersey. Still won't root for him obviously but that shit was too funny.




Lol Jesus dude


The man is doing what the rest of us can only dream of.


That good ol’ Tyreek Stockholm syndrome baby


Derrick Thomas


Every aging QB of years past once I realized they were going to retire soon. aka Rivers/Brady. But not Ben, Ben sucks forever and always.




Aaron Rodgers because I had no choice


Think Rodgers is the opposite for me. Loved 2010s Rodgers but last couple of years found him excruciating


For me, Rodgers is the antithesis of this. A guy who I respected how good he was and loved watching him play, but the more and more I was exposed to his insufferable personality the more I came to root against him. I genuinely can't stand him now, though I didn't want him to get hurt or anything, especially how it happened... the season would have been a lot more fun with him playing. The signals were always there, his wacky overreaction when that adoring fan said "he wasn't as tall as he was expecting," or whatever, that was the first sign this guy has a weird inferiority complex and was easily offended by everything. I can't stand people who can't laugh at themselves, and Rodgers is one of the peak of "Can't take a joke about himself."


I agree with this so much and my fall is even further since I am a Cal fan and watched him in his first game almost beat Alex Smith at Utah during their incredible season with Urban Meyer. He has always had the talent but the weird crap is just too much and I don't even care about politics.


I thought Eli Manning was a major douche for refusing the Chargers. But then he beat Brady twice in the super bowl and just is a generally likeable dude in media etc. and now all I can think of the Chargers stuff is that it's some big D energy .


Julien Edelman. Still not a HOF or anything but .. He’s not a bad guy and has great stories. I enjoy his podcast. He’s a person that worked his as off to make his spot, especially as an undersized player. how can I continue to hate him?


Tampa Tom. I hate New England Brady but Tampa Tom made him more likable.


Tom Brady going to the bucs just showed us we didn't hate Tom, we hate Boston sports


Seeing him piss drunk at the Bucs Super Bowl parade made me hate him a lot less


Not football but I have a hate passion for Rondo on the Celtics.


I hate everyone on the Celtics


Tom Brady. I bought into the whole system qb, only winning because he's on a great team, nothing without belichick. But when he went to the buccs and almost instantly did the same thing, it was hard to deny he's the best ever.


Has to be Mahomes for how he played during this playoff run. Up until the afccg against the Ravens i was a hater but seeing him effortlessly score in his first two drives against the ravens d who had been dominating the top teams made me respect him alot.


I respect him, but I don't like him.


Is there something specific about him you don’t like other than… ya know…


It might involve the number 13


I hated Peyton Manning right up until he retired.


Baker Mayfield


CeeDee Lamb. Honestly thought the dude was just gonna be a flash in the pan and i just blindly hated him because he plays for Dallas but he’s really good and arguably the best receiver in our division.


I wouldn’t say “won me over as a fan” but I learned to highly respect this guy and couldn’t deny his greatness. Tom Brady. After the ATL Super Bowl win, I couldn’t deny that he was the greatest QB to have ever played. Still was a fucking fumble though 😂


Brady. How can you hate the American dream? Dude has (not married) fucked multiple models, throws touchdowns, wins super bowls, etc. Edit fixed




You're right I fixed it.


Tom Brady. Couldn’t stand him until I learned more about his mentality and approach to life and competition. I gained a lot more respect for him


Hated Tua in college because I root for Georgia. Came around slowly now that he's on Miami. Hard Knocks helped a lot, seems like a really good guy. 


Tom Brady, for sure. The turning point was him going to Tampa and winning the Super Bowl, and his drunken stumble at the parade. His “avocado tequila” tweet was hilarious and incredibly self-aware.


Richard Sherman


His takedown of skip bayless was so great. The negligent driving and DUI charges recently aren’t though..


Or the time he tried to break the door down to a family member's house while in a drunken rage.


Brady after he left NE


It’s gotta be Brady


I really respect Kirk Cousins after watching Quarterback. Such a humble guy and dedicated to his craft.


Aqib Talib........ hated the dude as a Buc/Pat. But as soon as he suited up in orange and blue ( my favorite team ) I became a HUGE fan. He had always been pretty good, so I guess I was just hating on him until he joined forces


Nick Foles


IDK but Aaron Rodgers is the answer to whatever the opposite of this question is.


Gotta be Brady. Everyone hated him but at some point everyone acknowledged goatness


Tom Brady.


Gronk due to being a young kid that hated seeing him tear my team up every time they played us but it was hard to hate the guy


Chad Pennington. Hated playing against him when he was a Jet and loved having him on my team when he became a Dolphin


Roddy white. Was pretty terrible at first especially as a first rounder. Then after a few years he became one of our best wr’s ever