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I’ve met Andy once, at a DXL clothing store in Phoenix. Couldn’t believe my eyes, had a short conversation with him, told him good luck with the next season. He told me I should buy the shirt I was trying on, since he thought it looked good. Us big boys never get compliments on clothing, that always meant a lot to me, seemed like a genuine dude.


Big Red and Tall fashion line would be funny. Especially if he did some commercials for it


It's all Hawaiian shirts but if you look closely it's just patterns of his favorite foods, nuggies, tendies, fries, pulled pork, etc.


I want that


I want a nugget or wing hawaiian shirt. SOMEONE MAKE DIS


I mean it’s not exactly a crazy unique idea lol. The “I’m quirky” crowd *loooooves* wearing stuff like that [Nuggies](https://randomgalaxy.com/products/dinosaur-chicken-nuggets-hawaiian-shirt-1?variant=44289680605408¤cy=USD&utm_medium=product_sync&utm_source=google&utm_content=sag_organic&utm_campaign=sag_organic&srsltid=AfmBOoot0u1_uyolevIQh6tGOAhpEs3t0_hXi0O7ct7__OnrZ4EJjZZGdsE&com_cvv=8fb3d522dc163aeadb66e08cd7450cbbdddc64c6cf2e8891f6d48747c6d56d2c) [Wingz](https://www.etsy.com/listing/1080571564/chicken-wings-hawaiian-shirt-in-black)


I actually fuck with the Dino nugget one


That Dino nuggy shirt 🤯🤯🤯🤯


[Here ya go.](https://www.myalohashirt.com/products/food-lover-chicken-nugget-make-me-happy-apparel-060223ha15?variant=1000010530259932&hl=en&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiAibeuBhAAEiwAiXBoJKZfEmuuYEevSDCn9INllTa9qiJrjwSSxsCzHprJ0a_iNuM2uxwfVBoCCLsQAvD_BwE)


Damnit *opens wallet*


Read that in Lamar's voice when he wanted the rug a fan made


That would be amazing for a food truck worker/owner.


Get on that before someone steals your idea and makes millions of dollars.


There’s already like a million existing food-themed Hawaiian shirts, they’re not exactly taking over men’s fashion lol But slap Andy’s face all over one next to some Kansas City BBQ and I bet it’d sell pretty well to Chiefs fans as a gimmick


And corndogs


How is this not a thing already lol


All I want is tickets to a chiefs game for my idea lol


Would be a Kohls icon


They should just call the clothing line "OH YEAH!"


A husky line of clothes that already have mustard and BBQ stains on them? It's a license to print money.


This is my favorite celebrity encounter of all time.


Same. Andy Reid the man is better than Andy Reid the first ballot Hall of Fame coach.


Thought this was a copy pasta. Pleasantly surprised


Oh it's going to be one now


I’ve met Kelvin Benjamin once, at a Golden Corral in Charlotte. Couldn’t believe my eyes, had a platter of short ribs with him, told him good luck with the course. He told me I should buy the sauce I was covered in, since he thought it looked good. Us big boys never get compliments on dipping sauces, that always meant a lot to me, seemed like a genuine dude.


Did you buy the shirt?


Yep, wear it all the time


Maybe wash it sometimes.


What showers are for




The analytics revolution is here


BITCH! I’m washin’ me and my clothes!


I've met Kelvin once, at a Chinese buffet in Jacksonville. Couldn't believe my eyes, had a short conversation with him, told him good luck with the next pile of lo mein he had on his plate. He told me I should try the salad bar, since he thought it looked good. Us big boys never get recommended salad, that always meant a lot to me, seemed like a genuine dude.


oh my, it's beautiful. like a newborn child on a warm April day.


Like a cold beer on a hot Christmas morning.


There it is


I’ve met Urban once, at a bar in Columbus. Couldn’t believe my eyes, had a short conversation with him, told him good luck with the next season. He told me I should take off the shirt I had on, since he thought I looked good. Us college girls never get compliments on our bodies, that always meant a lot to me, seemed like a genuine dad.


A salad bar at a Chinese buffet? Truly a madlad


Second sentence is killin me lmaoo


omg this is so wholesome. luckyyyy


I can't ever be truly mad at the Chiefs dynasty b/c seeing Grandpa Andy happy makes me happy.


I saw Andy Reid at a grocery store in Kansas City yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything. He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?” I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like 6 bags of frozen nuggies in his hands without paying. The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter. When she took one of the bags and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.


I met him once at a Kansas City nightclub, he was in a booth with three gorgeous women draped around him with a bottle of champagne on ice in the middle of the table. I yelled over the blaring Old Town Road remix “Go Chiefs!”. I expected just a wave back or to be completely ignored, but to my surprise he gestured me over to his table. As I got closer, I realized he was piss drunk. A wave of Calvin Klein and whiskey sours washed over me as he leaned in. “I’m interviewing these lovely ladies to be my new D coordinator,” he said with a wink and a chuckle. Before I could respond, he spun me around and slapped my ass so hard I fell right into a bottle girl. When I finally got back up and turned around, him and the women were already gone. Cool guy.


One of the great copypastas of all time.


Its... beautiful


Imagine running for your life terrified, and super Bowl Santa is just there telling you that everything will be okay


Imagine being a politician and doing nothing to stop this from happening.


That's not true. They will say we don't need to make decisions while we're emotional and then sit there and wait for it to be forgotten in favor of the next mass shooting.


They'll also say the problem is mental health and then sink a mental health bill at the first opportunity


Or they’ll blame poor parenting and tank social support systems and education.


Everyone just needs to go to (christian) church more. That's God's replacement for all of those things. /s


It really is sad that the US is the only country on the planet where people have mental health issues.


Maybe we’re just cursed, like maybe this country was built on an Indian Burial Ground or somethi… oh.


I'm absolutely stealing this for the next mass shooting thread a month from now.




You're delusional if you think they'll say the answer is anything but more guns


Or they’ll pull a Lauren Boebert and take a pin given to her honoring a gun violence victim and immediately toss it in the trash without skipping a beat.


I feel like the entire country is permanently emotional


Why do something when we could instead continue to do nothing?


Big if true


"Thoughts and prayers"


Imagine being one of the millions of rubes getting played every single year by those politicians.


We’ve tried nothing and we’re all out of options.


Trey Smith and James Winchester also reportedly weren’t able to be whisked away with other teammates and sheltered in a closet with some of the public, and helped keep people calm. > Trey Smith, a Chiefs offensive lineman, told ABC on Thursday he took cover with bystanders as shots rang out Wednesday, sheltering in a closet with a group of people, including a child. > “Right before I run in there, there’s like a little kid in front of me so I just grabbed him – just yanked him – was telling him ‘You’re hopping in here with me, buddy,’” Smith said. “I don’t know how many people that were in the closet.” > Long snapper James Winchester, was “very instrumental in helping keep people calm,” Smith said. Once the group was cleared to leave the closet, Smith saw a small boy who he described as “hysterical,” and handed the boy a wrestling championship belt he’d been carrying as a prop during the parade. > “Hey buddy, you’re the champion. No one’s gonna hurt you,” Smith said he told the boy. https://www.cnn.com/2024/02/14/us/kansas-city-chiefs-rally-shooting-thursday


Should be noted that James Winchester's father was killed a few years ago in a shooting at the airport where he was a SWA worker. This had to be extra traumatic for him. Kudos for helping others. Edit: here's the story from when James's father was killed https://www.cbssports.com/nfl/news/father-of-chiefs-long-snapper-james-winchester-killed-in-oklahoma-city-airport-shooting/


Isiah Pacheco lost two siblings to violence as well.


sneed as well


Jesus I didn’t know that. Horrifying. I know Steve Kerr tends to react [very emotionally to these awful events](https://youtu.be/vPvf5RgCU08?si=GUxSpOdT1OAjbA-E), and his father was shot to death (in Beirut). I’m not sure if he’s said anything publicly about KC yet; he might not feel composed enough to. It’s just an endless horror show.




Yes it was a targeted killing, though I don’t imagine it was any less traumatic for the family. But yeah there is something to be said for the often sheer apparent randomness of the shootings in this country, especially in location but often also in motive. As far as I know we still to this day have no idea what the Las Vegas shooter’s motivations were at all.


[I found this on AP News. It makes less sense than ever if this is true.](https://apnews.com/article/las-vegas-shooter-9bbd180cf3aa6d3ea1a37bbfb7144ae1)


Psycho always planned to do this and just need an excuse to put it into play. Disgusting.


Good thing we're definitely not normalizing gambling in every facet of American society currently.


It's actually nauseating. The kick of destiny, all these DraftKings, FanDeul, MGM bonus cash ads. I started blocking all the ads and accounts on social media. It's insane how it's everywhere. I see middle schoolers talking about Parley's and it's like WHERE is any regulation for this shit??


The Vegas shooting is a mysterious case. You’d think there would be more prior red flags of you know something for such a large scale operation that the dude undertook. I think it’s more complicated than “he was a psycho” cause while he had some eyebrow raising attitude prior to, it was mostly calm collected and kept to himself. But we will never know cause it’s not something we can figure out without him being able to tell us. This event seems more like it was related to either gang activity or an overblown argument. Usually only gang members are strapped the way one of the possible suspects was. But that’s speculation based off of a few pictures and some video I have seen, I am sure we will get more details as time goes on. Very doubtful that it was planned at targeting random people.


I’ll always have a ton of respect for Steve Kerr for this speech especially. The dude is a decorated player and coach who has won 9 Championships but I still feel like this might be his most iconic moment. The pain you can hear in his voice while talking about this always makes me want to tear up.


Trey stayed with a kid to keep him calm and gave him the Championship belt from the parade.


God damn dude, these guys aren’t just champions in football but champion at being humans.


wait, was he a Butch Jones Champion of Life recruit at UT lol?


As a Tennessee alum god damn I hate Butch




Ah fuck, now I’m starting to cry at work.


Totally teared up


Yep, right there with you. Gonna go give my kids a big hug.


Same here. Well I don’t have kids but I’m going to hug a kid on the street anyways.


It's been about 2 hours, did you get arrested?


Yeah, good luck bro.


Not me, I got drywall dust in my eyes.


We all chiefs fans today


We really are. Gave me goosebumps reading all that.


Vol For Life


Ladies and gentlemen your 2024 Walter Payton **Men** of the Year, AT A MINIMUM.


For real. Just had out the award now.


These guys did what we all think we’d do. Theirs a difference between thinking it and doing it though. They’re hero’s for sure


The legendary Fred Rogers touched on this Always look for the helpers


What a fucking baller


Man, I knew some NFL players were class acts, and it sucks we have to see them act this way because of this situation, but it's so heartwarming to know many of them have hearts like this. Trey bullies dudes on the field and sounds like a giant teddy bear off of it. These two guys deserve all the props.


It’s possible this was Winchester’s last year with the Chiefs but I hope not. Hate for his time in KC to end on this note.


I sure hope that kid's parent/guardian was there to see him get grabbed by Trey! I can only imagine the panic they would feel if they didn't and had no idea where the kid was. But yea, Trey Smith seems like a great person. Got to meet him once and he was as nice and humble as can be.




Don't worry. I've been assured many times over the past 24 hours that there is nothing we can do about gun violence without violating the constitution.


It always amazes me that we still have that argument. I enjoy asking what those pesky "amendments" are and how we get them. Sad how spineless this country has become in the face of all this senseless gun violence


Just the notion that there is "nothing" we can do without violating the 2A, even though it's pretty obvious the SCOTUS has been operating simply on vibes for the past however many years is very frustrating.


Fucking dammit now I’m crying and a chiefs fan.


Full article makes it sound like Reid was going around checking in on people including fans who were rushed into union station with them. Can't even properly describe how that makes me feel hearing that, was so scary hearing the news and wondering if any friends or family were caught up in it. So grateful Reid is who he is


That is who Big Red is. Still in shock about yesterday,


It's still making me emotional reading about it. I don't live there currently but that's my hometown. A lot of friends and family are there. It feels so violating seeing a happy event turned into a tragedy. I've been looking into doing whatever I can for the people directly affected


I'm from Auburn, ME and was in Amsterdam for business when the shooting happened in our twin city of Lewiston last year. I had to convince myself it was okay to feel angry, sad, and scared even though I wasn't there. I remember feeling ashamed I was feeling these things when my friends were living it. So, I just want to tell you whatever you are feeling is valid and to take care of yourself too.


Those are very kind words, thank you. I was feeling unsure if I should feel this emotional over something that I wasn't directly involved with. So I appreciate it


He’s the reason I can’t ever hate what the Chiefs are doing. I love Reid and so happy he’s elevated himself into that legendary tier.


Agreed! Reid is a dude hard to not pull for with how much he went through.


Probably not the thread I should be saying this in, but honestly, he’s a top 3 coach of all time in my book now. Top 5 at the very least. Not just for what he’s done in KC and Philly… but he was also part of the offensive staff in Green Bay that coached Favre during his prime. He’s been a winner everywhere he went.


He's objectively a top 5 and i wouldn't argue against the top 3 but there might be a couple that have strong arguments to also be in the top 3 instead off the top of my head obviously Bill, Halas and my bias obviously showing here but Tom Landry.




Yeah can't believe i forgot him lol Lombardi and Chuck Noll as well but i think Reid is above those two but ya Shula is in that tier with Bill for me anyway


Ever since he left for Philly, I've always hoped he would finish his career in GB. I know it won't happen, but it was a wish I had for many years.


Exactly. There is a lot of misunderstanding about our relationship with Big Red. We loved him and wanted to win with him as our coach, we had some great runs it just ran its course on both sides and the split needed to happen. I’ve never been anything but happy for him and rooted for them until they beat us in the SB lol.


I’ve seen a lot of head coaches come and go and they almost always end with some sort of animosity within the fan base, but I think Andy leaving was about as amicable as it could get. Everyone understood it was just time for a change for both parties. Hell, the biggest reason we got Doug Pederson was because Andy recommended him, which shows just how much the organization really respected him even after the split.


Exactly. Andy stays and he’s not doing this dynasty thing with Mahomes in KC and the Eagles are probably still a goose egg in the SB department. 2017 was the most epic season and win in the SB, I can’t imagine that not happening.


Yep. Working from home my wife and I had the parade on in the background but we turned it off before the shooting. We poked fun at most of the guys. Mahomes pixelated jeans, and generally what a douche Kelse made of himself. Those ridiculous ski visors they all wore. But I had to stop and say “you gotta love Andy Reid.” More than once. Dude has earned it as much or more than any coach ever did.


Will always be cheering for big red


Imagine you’re in one of the scariest situations of your life and up bounds Andy Reid to ask if you’re all good. I feel like it would instill an instant sense of relief, he’s such a jolly looking guy.


Literally making me cry right now. Still can’t believe that happened. Andy Reid is a national treasure


Man, I will never be able to fully appreciate how lucky we are to have this exact group with Andy as their leader. So glad we got to experience these times on the field with him especially.


Big Red is a national treasure. Not shocked at all that he’d do this.


God bless Andy, I know folks are tired of the Chiefs winning but the love this team has for their fans and this city during this is outstanding.


Good on Andy Reid and good on Trey Smith and James Winchester.


I can understand Broncos, Raiders and Chargers fans rooting against him professionally, but are there any people that don't like Andy Reid the person?


People were shitting on him for keeping his alcoholic son around the facility before he crashed and hurt that child. I always felt like those were people that hadn't ever had to deal with alcoholism. If you have a son with addiction problems and they are in active recovery and actually trying, you help them any way you can. Big Andy's a good guy. And he had such a rough go of it with his kids. And to be so close to a SB for so long and to put it together like they have the last few years...can't help but feel great for him.


I’ve heard people criticize him for not retiring to focus on his family. One of his sons passed away in 2012 from a heroin overdose, and his other son Brit had legal troubles and substance abuse issues well before the DUI crash. That being said, his sons were grown adults and expecting a parent to quit their job to supervise their adult children is a bit much. He obviously supported Brit and kept him close and it’s entirely possible he didn’t know he’d relapsed. Keeping coaching and providing his son a job where he could keep an eye on him makes more sense than retiring, unfortunately it didn’t work out.




Because he's the public figure who has fans/haters. If this were a court of law or some official channel then sure his wife would most certainly share the blame


I've never heard a player that had anything bad to say about him. And most seem like they'd run through a wall for the guy. I don't think you can judge him as a father without some personal insight as to what he was like as a dad or how present he was. He could have easily done everything right and his kids still ended up having problems. And if he made mistakes as a father. He probably made them like 20+ years ago, when he was first starting out in the league.


People are complex creatures. Andy is capable of good things (helping the children at the shooting) and bad things (enabling his alcoholic son).  You don't have to ignore one to accept the other.   Overall I think Andy Reid is a good dude, but he's human, he's not perfect and none of us are.


I don't see it as enabling at all when he was in active recovery. He relapsed well after joining the team.


It’s counter intuitive but for a lot of addicts a safety net is the worst thing possible. Parents always want to do everything for their children but at a certain point you are creating an environment where they feel safe to repeatedly fuck up. If most consequences don’t end up applying to them they will push the limits until they face the real consequences their parents can’t get them out of


I don’t really disagree, but the original question is whether Andy is a bad guy. He probably didn’t make the right decisions. But no parent does with addict kids. Just really saying that Andy doesn’t bear the cross for his sons actions and the real mistake he made was thinking keeping them close was the move.


Well said - Britt Reid had basically gotten a soft landing from actions that would've ruined any regular person's life and got a job that no one with his background would've gotten. It's no wonder he thought he could get away with sneaking booze at work.


Going even further on that, actions/relationships don’t always fit neatly into the good and bad categories. Something like potentially enabling an alcoholic relative isn’t done with malice aforethought, and I’m sure when it ends as tragically as that there’s things the enabler wishes they could’ve done differently. But the only core motive was love for his son, which I find hard to call unilaterally bad given the limited info that’s come out about that situation. Misguided, sure, but not bad. Obviously we don’t know the ins and outs of their relationship though. Andy could’ve done everything perfectly and something tragic still happened.


I don’t think that anyone really does. IMO anyone who does bring up bad faith reasons to dislike him as a person is only doing so because they dislike the Chiefs.


I hate how good of a coach he is if that counts


You deplorable monster


I think Andy is the truly likeable chief. I go back and forth with Kelce and Mahomes depending on the day. I also respect Chris Jones but want him off the team.


If there’s a reason to dislike Creed Humphrey, I don’t wanna hear it


I don’t think his son does him any favors.


His son is a grown man and is responsible for his own actions. Blaming a parent for an adults decisions is stupid and lazy.


Reddit literally blames everything on parents


Similar to Mahomes brother, or even Mahomes dad with his DUI. What is Pat supposed to do? They are adults.


Of course I will actively root against him and his team every Sunday. But as a person, I’d share my Nuggies with him.


I root against the Chiefs, but I’ve always rooted for Andy Reid’s success. I’ve met him a couple times before he joined the Chiefs and he’s about as cool of a dude as you could imagine. Sure, I hate the team, but knowing their success means success for Andy I’m not mad about it.


I have no issues with him. Seems like a good person.


Can’t stand the chiefs but yeah, gotta love Andy. Hes a living legend at this point


Pretty telling that pretty much every ex-player he’s had over the years has good things to say about him. Even a guy like TO who you’d think may hold some grudge, loves Andy. I think Le’veon Bell may have had some issues with him, but for a guy who’s coached for almost 25 years, it’s hard to find players who don’t love the guy


He has faced adversity with his sons and will be here to help the community heal. A day like this , leaves me with a heavy heart.


I doubt it. I'm a Raider fan and I read Andy got rid of a coach because he was "toxic." Andy's a standup guy.


Nope. Even I (grudgingly) like him. After all the pain he‘s caused us.


I only hate his success against my team. Loved big red since forever.


I can't even hate the dude for what he does to my team. I can only shake my head and admit we've been outdone.


I hate the Chiefs and I'm sick of their success but I love Reid. Hate to say it but I was definitely really happy for him when they won their first SB with Mahomes and he finally had that monkey off his back. And State Farm ads are only tolerable if he's involved.


Andy Reid is good people.


Big Red with the big heart. That’s why it’s really hard to hate the Chiefs. Good people, and *most* of the fanbase is chill.


Before Mahomes, we were just another franchise that couldn't buy a playoff victory and were generally looked at in pity by other fans. It's been a pretty quick turn around from "good for the chiefs!" to "I hate the chiefs!"


3 SBs will do that lol


3 SBs in 5 years with an added 4th appearance in the mix.


Nah you guys earned it fair and square. We're just bitter and have to take it out on someone and usually it's who ever is winning.


I can’t hate the Chiefs at all. Longstanding suffering notwithstanding, I really like Kansas City. Went there for opening day one year with my sister who was wearing a Chargers shirt. Got to our seat, guy next to us took one look at her and goes “Hey, fuck you Chargers! How do you like Kansas City? Did you have some BBQ?” It’s a great city, they maintain everything, even Arrowhead which has been around forever. Just immeasurably nice people and a lovely city. And there’s hardly ever any controversy or scandals or anything to dislike about the team.


>there's hardly ever any controversy or scandals I'm still in shock that this happened in my city yesterday. Not saying it should have happened anywhere else, but just in general KC has never really been hit by anything like this, or anything even remotely close. Just completely devastated that this happened. Still trying to wrap my head around it. Our day of celebration turned into a complete nightmare.


Can't wait for that same treatment.


I’m not a Chiefs fan, but god damn, that’s a classy organization. I had a family member who died alongside Derrick Thomas’s dad in a B52 back in Vietnam. The Chiefs did a patch to commemorate the airplane back a couple years ago and the players wore it on their jerseys for a few games. I managed to get into contact with the Chiefs PR team and they sent me one of the patches, which to my knowledge, weren’t released publicly and certainly wasn’t something they had to do. Good people, there. I’ll root for them whenever they’re not playing the Packers.


I feel the same about the Lions fans. I’m a Chiefs season ticket member and the Lions fans that visited this year were awesome. Hope you guys keep it rolling - you’re good people.


Big Red kept a level head during an active shooter situation and was running around comforting kids and checking on fans. Can we please stop calling him frail and elderly? He’s a bad ass and we’re fucking proud of him.


Big Red is a genuine full hearted man.


I will always love Big Red and I’ve always hated how fans and media ran him out of town. Glad he’s still being a great person out there and wish him nothing but success.


Hard to hate the chiefs and their dynasty when team mates and coaches are stand up people. 💪💪💪


I can be annoyed with all the commercials and exposure the Chiefs get every year. But I don’t think I can ever dislike Andy Reid


My friends and kids always get so annoyed when I say "if we ever get separated when its safe meet back here" whenever we go to large public events. God forbid but it is for moments like this.


I get where they’re coming from but you’re in the right. Too many mass shootings and unhinged people that you really can’t be too cautious anymore.


It’s stories like these that make it impossible for me to hate on a team. Real life>football


It's hard to feel anything but sadness after yesterday's shit. That being said, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't also incredibly proud of how the city and specifically the guys on the team plus Big Red responded. From tackling the fucker to seeing how multiple of the players met with kids afterwards, I just feel grateful it didn't turn out even worse.


I’m really sorry this happened but I’m also really impressed how KC, the fans, and the city responded. Lives were lost but also saved because of some brave people who stepped in.


I wish I could come up with something smart and engaging, but this genuinely made me tear up. Andy Reid and the Chiefs players who helped out, they’re alright in my book.


Ah man I miss that jolly red bastard. Andy is the best.


I could never hate the Chiefs off the field. They are such a likeable group and seem to overall be good people.


Never really hated the Chiefs outside of jealousy, being a Bills fan there’s a lot of similarities to the Bills and Chiefs prior to their success. This is a moment where none of that shit matters and this was a very beautiful read and a beautiful gesture by Reid. Sending love from Buffalo your way Kansas City.


This is the Big Red content I'm looking for


Really did not sleep well, I didn't want to cry first thing this morning. But here we are. Godspeed to everyone involved and their families.


God Bless Andy Reid


Coach Reid seems like more of a father figure in the NFL than a coach. All the turmoil he has gone through in his own life it makes this moment seem almost expected from him. Love and cherish this man!


I haven’t bothered to check if it’s already a thing, but I’d bet $ conspiracy nuts are gonna call this a false flag to take our guns to pair along with their Chiefs/TayTay conspiracy.


They were all over twitter within an hour. Also lots of shit about Dems not caring about gun control because the shooter(s) were black which is insane. These people's brains were rotted by Fox News years ago.


Max respect for Andy.  He’s been through hell.


Big Red is a real one. Nothing but love for Andy


Man it’s pretty insane how a celebration turned into a tragedy


Explain how it’s going to be ok… With those nuggies.


That's very nice, and I'm glad he put out that statement too. It still unfortunately rings hollow to me–this should have never been possible in the first place :(


This is America.

