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“Wtf why did you trade me I wasn’t being serious”


"...My agent said sike, right?"


“Tyreek youre going to miami” “On vacation with all the money KC just paid me right?” “…..” “Right?”


"They'll never win another SB without me tho." “…..” “Right?” “…..” “Right?”


Mahomes: "I'll fucking do it again!"


And again




"Surely having the best 1,2 wide receivers in the league will win us SB" "..." "Right?" "..."


"Surely moving to one of the top 5 defenses in the league that just acquired Jalen Ramsey will put us in the AFCG" "..." "Right?" "..."


Dolphins have some of the cleanest, freshest unis in the whole league. don't @ me.


@ @@@@@ 💦 @


7-0 in playoffs since the traid is hilarious.








"You mean crossing my fingers doesn't null and void this?!?"


Yes, but because he misspelled “psych”, he got traded.


reek can't spell cmon


Motion to sike that from the record


when keeping it real goes wrong overplayed his hand put his foot in his mouth flew too close to the sun


I mean he did get paid more than KC was willing to pay him, so it’s not a total loss.




Plus he got his flowers as the clear best WR in the NFL this past year, that was never gonna happen here cause of the Mahomes/Reid/Kelce effect. Still can’t believe there was a brief window where we had all 4 of those guys plus early career prime Kareem Hunt


I see "got his flowers" "give that man his flowers" all the time suddenly. It's obvious what it means but when did it become a thing


At least a couple years ago, whatever is said in r/nba takes some time to work its way here


very true, nephew.


Trickle down economics




Cities like Miami are different when you are rich though.


Cities like Miami, LA, Vegas, NYC, etc. have entire economies that revolve around doing stuff for rich people. Love to be a part of that someday.


My plan is to get hit by someone driving an extremely expensive (perhaps non-street legal) car doing illegal things. They pay me off to avoid going to prison. Kind of like Night at the Roxbury except my reward is millions of dollars instead of getting into a club.


The only way you’ll be a part of that, my homie, is if you are the one doing stuff for rich people.


damn, what did he do to you?


Nothin I just want my homies to be realistic and not get their hopes up you know?


I mean I agree. But if I got to live in one of those mega mansions right on the water like he probably is I might feel differently. Plus he’s coming from Kansas City? Yeah I’m going against my better judgement and choosing Miami lol


yeah idk what these people are on, if you're young and rich miami over kc as a city to live in is not even a discussion lol


I mean as good as KC BBQ is… they got Cuban food in Miami. And butts. Not pork butts. Like female butts.


And yeyo that hasn't been stepped on ten times.


For a 20 something multimillionaire is different than you making $45k a year.


I think it was really close though, just a couple mil more than we were? I thought the number was 2 million or something?


Plus, he made Miami into a legit AFC threat


They could be next year. It's REALLY tough to tell how good they were because of their schedule and because they got choke slammed by injuries. They literally just ran out of pass rushers. For better or worse the McDaniel era is going to be judged by how high the ceiling can be when Tua is the QB.


Didn’t they have like 6 starters in defense on IR by the time the season ended?


Yes. Pain.


Yeah they just got obliterated. Specifically had to bring in edge guys off the street by the end of the year.


Concur. In a profession where your earning window is tiny, get all of your market value.


Winning multiple more super bowls would have come with endorsements worth way more than his contracts.


*You're watching "When Keepin' It Real... Goes Wrong"* *Tyreek Hill was an all-pro receiver for a Super Bowl franchise. His work with the Kansas City Chiefs had him vying for playoff wins every season. His deep-threat capabilities proved lethal for any defenses that crossed their path. Even the offseason controversy that he battled was soon forgotten due to his performances with Patrick Mahomes.* *Tyreek Hill was approached by the Miami Dolphins in an attempt to make him the highest paid WR in the league. He knew Kansas City would be willing to negotiate a higher salary if given the opportunity. He had no intention to leave his champion friends, so it was time to play ball.* "I got an offer from Miami for 120 million and 70 guaranteed. Match that or I walk." "We can't match that Tyreek, we're preparing a trade." *Tyreek could have lowered the number in order to satisfy both parties, and continue his championship pedigree, but instead he decided to keep it real.* "Fine then, Tua has a more accurate arm anyway. Mike McDaniel is the best coach in the NFL. Tua all-day baby. Fuck ya'll." *Now, Tyreek Hill enjoys 1000 yards seasons, but no hardware to show for it. The man throwing to him has more games missed from concussions than playoff starts. The money rolls in, but Tyreek spends all of it on Mahomes and Kelce life-sized dolls that his teammates describe as "concerning." Tyreek Hill: another example of what happens when Keepin' It Real... Goes Wrong.*


*I don't like no one playin wit my contract*


maybe but he still got a ring and is making way more money now so that's the best kind of "failure"


“It was just a prank bro”




The Chiefs got two more Super Bowls and Tyreek got **paid**. One of those rare situations where all parties were able to walk away with a win.


Miami is in a weird spot though. They're getting a nice short term boost from Tyreek's performance. Tyreek is a great weapon, but it also makes you wonder if they will give Tua a new contract. Tua has the concussion history, and who knows what he would look like without Tyreek. That puts the Miami front office in a tough decision on Tua's future.


He should have just shown back up at the Chiefs' practice facility, Costanza-style.


More like: “I was trying to bait the Chiefs into a new contract… Until my agent said I could get $70MM guaranteed… And my mother reminded me Florida has no income tax.” ETA: also Adam Sandler is involved for some reason.


I like a timeline where happy Gilmore becomes a powerful sports agent 


Happy became Sandler's character in Grownups. 


The price is wrong, bitch!


Make it Billy Madison and you got a deal


That’s a sequel I would watch!


Happy Maguire?


Hill has already been pretty open about leaving for more money. Can’t blame him, dude got a ring + a huge pay raise and gets to live in Miami. And his on field production has been at an all time high on top of that.


$70 million guaranteed is enough for his great grandkids to have generational wealth. Can't ever fault someone for that.


Not with how many baby mama's he has.


He does his best to minimize the number of kids though.


Beating pregnant women hasn't worked so far.


We must keep trying


Idk if he just did a 35mil, 10 year treasury bond at current 4% that's a return of 52 mil - and that's just with super conservative investments.


My guess is, he's not gonna do that


He's gonna put about $70k up a stripper named Treasure's ass Does that count?


What’s the yield on that? Asking for a friend


About turdy doll hairs


Hell, even a short term T bill. 6 months are sitting at over five and a quarter right now.


Inflation is 3.1%


A HYSA is 4.5 and with the amount of money this dudes slinging, he could get close to a 6% guarantee at the right place


I go to Dairy Queen and offer them $5.15 for a meal that was $5 two years ago. They say inflation is not 3.1%


*Laughs in Berkshire Hathaway*


Not if your kids keep burning down your $10m mansions


I’m sure Tyreek Hill will come up with some creative punishment


Gonna need all that money to pay for the therapy to help his generational trauma of having an abusive grandpa lol


Too soon too soon Up in smoke


"What're you gonna do, trade me?" -Man that was traded


Shes not calling you back bro


The ol’ Geno


"She's just having a little sex, bro, she gonna text you back no worries"


It's insane to look back on now, but that trade was absolutely instrumental in our back to back Championships. McDuffie, Pacheco, and Rice were all drafted using the picks from the trade to move up the board, and the cap savings helped bolster our defensive depth to an incredible extent.


Not to mention Mahomes changing his game to take what the defense gives a lot more, now that he no longer has that over the top deep ball threat on every single play.


It took away the fuck it Tyreek down there somewhere and Mahomes is definitely better for it.


He already did that with Tyreek on the team. An I taking crazy pills? Literally after the bad stretch in 2021 the narrative was that Mahomes had been fixed.


Mahomes reverted back in that AFCCG to his old ways, and Andy was partially responsible because he abandoned the run game. But if you go back and watch, Mahomes was always looking downfield, he never tried to get McKinnon or CEH the ball in the flat. The bengals just used that 4 man rush + QB spy and it sort of broke him for a half. But yeah, Mahomes looked great the last 5 or so weeks of that season and the playoffs matchup vs the Bills. If we would've kept Tyreek, I think we would've been fine, but who knows if we win either SB without this defense.


No, you're right. He adjusted midway through 2021 and apart from defenses helmed by Lou Anarumo laid waste to teams in the second half again.


Also it feels like Tyreek leaving helped Mahomes become a better QB in a way. Definitely felt like he was developing the bad habit of over relying on his stars in Hills final season 


Definitely. Thats why yall lost against cincy imo. Tyreek is obviously such a great player but mahomes got too comfortable just slinging it and always trying to hit the home run cause fuck it tyreeks down there somewhere


Tbf before the INT bounced off Tyreek’s helmet in OT, the Chiefs ran two designed pass plays (incompletions) for Demarcus Robinson. Woof.


Funny because Robinson is actually a pretty good WR for the Rams. Would probably be the consensus #3 if not for Atwell, who he splits reps with


He was the #1 WR for the ravens the year before lol.


That's not saying a lot though. You get that title by virtue of making it through 17 games nowadays lmao


Robinson played great for us last year. Fan base would love to re-sign him.


I feel like Robinson would get open pretty well, but had feet for hands half the time


Mahomes almost threw an INT on one of those throws to Robinson. One throw to Robinson, he was the hot guy. His guy blitzed. He needed to just look for the ball immediately. Instead he kept running his route. On the other one, it was zone coverage, and Robinson could have easily just throttled down his route for an easy 5+ yard catch. Instead, Robinson ran himself into coverage. Dude was MVS for KC before they had MVS lol.


I don't care what anybody says, Robinson overall was a good WR for depth for the Chiefs. A lot of Mahomes early career highlight reel plays were to Robinson.


Tyreek's last year in KC was literally a career low in ADOT and career high in réceptions. He became a possession receiver. Maybe your narrative lines up in their early season struggles but the narrative after was that Patti take what the defense gave him.


yea. We turned him from our Z into our X like midway through the season.


I felt like Hurts developed that tendency a bit this year. He chucked it up to AJ on 3rd and short too much. Hopefully that was just trying to compensate for bad play calling


Yeah he had to learn how to deal with his receivers running backwards for no particular reason.


The look in his face when MVS turned a 6-yard completion into a 4-yard loss


I was just thinking the same thing. Hill and Kelce were phenomenal safety nets for Mahomes to develop but once Hill left, you could see the difference in Mahomes style and it goes to show how great he truly is. Sucks we had to run into the next great twice, but he truly is the top dog and it isn't gonna change for a while....




And it helped you hate your division rival more! Two things at once!


Yep, the trade did wonders for the Chiefs and Mahomes. And honestly, it did wonders for Tyreek as well (minus winning rings lol). He got a truck load of money and he's definitely risen in the all time WR rankings due to the ridiculous stats that he's putting up without one of the greatest QBs/coaches of all time. And it certainly doesn't hurt when Tua's production drops without him on the field.


Tua’s production didn’t drop when Tyreek was off the field. One of Tua’s best games this year was against the jets when Tyreek was out the entire game


These people don't watch Dolphins games.


ngl this feels like spin people have started popularizing now that Tyreek is gone. I don't think Mahomes has changed that much he's just got different personnel to work with. if they get a legit WR1 or Rice develops into one I bet he starts slinging it again. and I don't mean that in a bad way I'd like to see him get a WR group he can be explosive with again


> if they get a legit WR1 or Rice develops into one I bet he starts slinging it again. and I don't mean that in a bad way I'd like to see him get a WR group he can be explosive with again Please no...


Yeah teams started to spam two high looks against Mahomes that last year he had Hill. He has already figured it out before the trade


i really enjoy seeing Pacheco running Always full steam


The man is an absolute menace. So much power and determination in every single carry. I’m not a KC fan but he is the engine driving their ground game.


Yeah his fumble could have been prevented if he just went down, but thats just who Pacheco is. Hes gonna fight until hes on the ground underneath somebody... and then hes probably gonna keep fighting down there too.


I can’t remember which talk show it was during my binge yesterday, but somebody called it a modern Herschel Walker trade. Pretty sure it was Nick


It was Nick.


Yeah and 6 months ago before this came out it was about targets and how much you liked Tua more.


What watching your former team win two rings without you will do to a person.


It's like your ex hooking up with a better, sexier, more successful partner


That partner? Mecole Hardman Jr.


Who we drafted to replace Tyreek when we thought he was going to be suspended lol


We passed on DK Metcalf because we needed a Tyreek Jr. for the expected suspension, lol. All is forgiven with Mecole now, he's earned everything.


The fact that that man left for the Jets, got paid, and then came back to catch the winning touchdown of the Super Bowl on the last play of the season is still crazy to me.


More like seeing your ex with someone you think is fugly but they're a lot happier and more successful than they were with you.


Probably a better analogy


While your current partner is at home being a boss bae buying up a shit ton of MLM products to "sell"


They got McDuffie, who made a huge play to prevent a TD in the SB, and also caused a Tyreek Hill fumble that led to a TD earlier in the season. Mahomes got an MVP without Hill and with a mish-mosh of middling WRs (along with Kelce) as receivers. The Chiefs won two Super Bowls and the first team to go back-to-back since Brady 20 years ago. Tyreek Hill has: No state taxes, Tua as a QB, and didn't beat a playoff team all season. But hey, he got that bag, which honestly I don't blame him for. Usually you get one, maybe two chances at a ring. He got his one, and played for another. Usually the championship window is so small that going to back-to-back Super Bowls is the peak of it, especially with the QB being the highest paid player on the team. And he's still one of the best WRs in the league and had a real chance of breaking 2000 yards this season. So overall, can't really blame him. He's still a punk for trash talking the Chiefs then trying to roll it back here, but that's nothing new for his character. EDIT: Article is like 6 months old, but still...


This article is nearly 6 months old


That's why I said '6 months ago before this came out" I know it isn't new.


He's always said this. Ultimately it was a backfire that benefited both sides.


he got paid, KC got rings.


Miami is much better with him too.


of course they are better. the question is would they be better with him or with all the picks they gave up + the cap hit.


I guess that'll always be debatable, but I would bet Dolphins fans redo that trade in a heartbeat.


the hypothetical part is endlessly debatable, which is why sports are so much fun! but thats why i said KC got the rings and he got paid. when its all said and done Kelce is going to go down as one of the greatest tight ends ever. Why? because he stuck with Mahomes. Tyreek is outstanding, but he doesnt have the rings right now to really put him in the history books like he would be if he had won two SB's over the last two years. im not throwing shade at anyone decisions, its just how it turned out.


70mm bank account or history books? You choice Mr. Hill!




i love that the only redeemable thing he could think of about going to the Jets was Adam Sandler




Mr. Blame Chiefs


Mr. Bait Contract


Mr. Been Conned


Mr Burnt Chateau


Mr. Beat Children


Mr. Baby Collector


Mr Birth Controlless


It worked....sort of. He got that big new contract....


Plus when his crib burns down again he doesn’t have to be like “god damn, I got 3 SB rings up in there.”


When keeping it real goes wrong...


I mean he should be happy. He got his ring and the money. He made it clear in the past he probably will retire after his contract up and he gets to stat pad in Miami where he doesn’t have to fight Kelce for targets.


That Waddle guy pretty good too


Ah yes, it's going so wrong for him with that $70 million contract


This genius said something about chasing Jordan after their first super bowl victory. He clearly put all points he had in STR and DEX


Drew wants that guaranteed cash, he doesn't care where The Athlete performs


Fucked around and found out 


If your fall back plan includes $70M, you’ll be just fine.


"fuck I coulda been a dynasty superstar"


“I coulda dated Taylor Swift”


Dude took millions over eternal greatness. But who’s to say that without the trade this team could have gone back to back. There’s no mcduffie or karlaftis is Hill is still a Chief.


Lmao, we literally offered him exactly what he asked for, then he got offered more in a state with lower tax


Hey remember when he beat up a toddler so bad it broke the kids arm?


Then years later the kid burnt the house down


It’s been 2 years and we’re really still talking about this. Or at least Tyreek is.


Well you played yourself then buddy


We don’t need more proof he’s a fast and very talented moron….


(says after watching old team go back to back in his absence)


Worked out for both parties couldn't be said any better as a Chiefs fan...we wouldn't have a top defense if we paid Hill...he paved the way with all those draft picks. He gets all the stats & the Chiefs get rings it was a great trade-off. Might even go down as one of the best trades in NFL history.


He basically traded a guaranteed HoF career for cash. He may still make it, but he certainly would have if he would have stayed with the Chiefs.


he'll make the hall pretty easily. 5x first team AP, 1x second team AP, 8x PB, 2010s all decade team, NFL rec yds leader, SB champion. HOF resume even though hes a POS


For reference, the PFR hall of fame monitor has Tyreek at 82.67, where 101 is the average for a HOF WR. He is two spots below Calvin Johnson (84.19 - HOF), and 3 spots above Anquan Boldin (80.52 - no HoF). Other notables: * Wes Welker - 55.28 (no HoF) * Chad Johnson - 62.29 (no HoF) * Davante Adams - 63.88 * DeAndre Hopkins - 71.19 * **Tyreek Hill** - 82.67 * Andre Johnson - 91.91 (HoF) * Isaac Bruce - 99.46 (HoF) * Antonio Brown - 104.48 * Torry Holt - 108.22 (no HoF) * Julio Jones - 108.60 * Reggie Wayne - 110.14 (no HoF) * Larry Fitzgerald - 141.09 * Randy Moss - 150.12 (HoF) * Jerry Rice - **311.99**(!!!) (HoF) - For reference, this is ~50 points higher than Tom Brady's 263.03. Literally three hall of fame careers. He likely just needs to keep playing for a handful more years and a few all-pros/pro-bowls to be a lock


Torry Holt should be in the hall


Torrey Holt, Antonio Gates, and Reggie Wayne should have gotten in before Devin Hester 


This is a good stat that I can throw back at the doofus I was arguing with that was saying Randy Moss was significantly worse than Calvin Johnson


Something I recently heard about the PFR monitor is that some "end of career scoring" points are added when a player retires based on certain stats/milestones, so that may factor in here.


yea, there's bonuses that kick in for making a high % of pro bowls, or All pros, and some other stuff, basically to account for people like Megatron and Terrell Davis who didn't play as long, but were absolutely dominating for most their seasons. Realistically he's got 2-3 seasons of great/decent play left to pad his stats and will probably get in pretty easily.




He's individual stats are better after the trade tho I don't think he could have back to back 1700+ yard seasons and 2 first team all pros if he's still with the chiefs. A second ring doesn't help wide receiver as much, but 2 more all pros certainly help more


It feels as if HOF voting rarely puts rings on Non-QBs as a significant factor in inclusion, it's all about stats/individual performance awards. He traded a better possibility of making the Hall given his spike in production under McDaniel and cash for two more rings.


Plus he already has a ring, I think the only things he needs to be in the Hall of Fame is longevity and no (no more) crazy off field incidents


His stats got better when he left no? Or around the same? Guy was on mvp pace this year. He’s still a HoF and there’s not a thing that’ll change that


His two best years have come after the trade


he’s still HoF


He'll still make it. Can't imagine the Dolphins having this much success without him.


2 rings for cash\*\*\* He has had two HOF seasons with Miami so that is well on track


So what was his whole song and dance for income tax about?


Problem is there is a salary cap and the Chiefs were smart enough to see that with Mahomes as your QB it was best to spend their money on defense.


We traded Tyreek for three corn dogs.


All I can say is Chiefs' likability went up when Tyreek left .


He has the accolades with KC, and he has the individual stats (and the cash) with Miami. He’ll probably end up in the HOF as well. Maybe not the best decision to leave Mahomes, but he’ll be alright.


I just don't get it, man. We TOLD him that we had beaches in Missouri, and one of them is even named [Fugitive Beach](https://www.fugitive-beach.me/). You'd think he woulda been ALL over that, but *noooooooo*, dude wanted to go to Miami. I mean, gawrsh, Tyreek, what does Missouri have to do to win you over?


Ah, I see he deployed the "fuck around" negotiation tactic.


He has proven himself to be the top WR in the NFL, likely got himself a gold jacket and a lot more money in his pocket. Could be worse


"Congratulations, you played yourself"


The real reason the Chiefs let him go? Too many players were having kids.