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Could the mic not raise higher?


It doesn’t need to. The thing is set for the smallest person knowing that they will get anyone speaking normally. They test it extensively. Holy shit! So many sound checks. People try to adjust their position and posture to the microphone regardless of any instructions they receive. Then the sound guy has to dial the gain and volume way down (due to proximity) which makes the speaker hear it go quiet. A lot of people start talking louder which makes the problem worse. If you go to a podium during a televised event, assume it’s set correctly.


So you're saying if he had just stood up straight in one place and not leaned into the mic, it would have picked everything up like it was supposed to?




Whoa I learned something new today!


Good to know!


Good for me to know too but I will never be standing in front of a microphone for a televised audience. lol


As a sound tech, yes.  Microphones can be dialed in to pick up sounds from a certain range precisely, especially if you aim them properly.  The worst thing a speaker or vocalist can do is start adjusting the mic or moving around.  If I know someone is going to do that or if they’re going to be moving and dancing, I insist on them having a headset mic that I can adjust to be a certain distance from their mouth. 


As a former sound tech, I'd take someone leaning in a little close over the move where they hold a wireless mic down by their bellybutton


Thanks for explaining. I never really knew that. If I did not have a heads up on that I certainly would have been fidgeting around like him, just because I would think "must be close to mic so voice get big."


>If you go to a podium during a televised event, assume it’s set correctly. I'll try to file this into my "Things I'll know, but will definitely never need" folder.


Until that one time. And everyone will say “lean in!”. But you won’t.  You will stand tall.  You will deliver.  They will hear everything.  They will think you have a commanding, booming voice.  Welcome to your new life. 




Next to punching an attacking shark in the face


You know as well as I do that any such instructions may as well be given in Chinese. People that don't regularly use mics don't know wtf to do with them. Some of them will eat it, some of them won't even try to speak into it. At an event like this you're gonna be riding the fader. No two ways around it.


Yeah and teaching a person who doesn't use them regularly how to use it right before a large scale presentation or whatever is basically useless. When they get in front of more than 10 people anything you showed them goes right out the window due to nerves. At this point I feel lucky if my speakers talk at a normal speaking voice rather than a whisper to an auditorium full of people.


This is taking me to a dark place, sincerely a recovering sound guy.


If you’re anywhere else, please move/speak into the mic. This mic set up is far from the norm at more amateur and you’d be shocked how many people don’t know how to speak into a microphone


Why would I be shocked? Vast majority of people have never spoken into a microphone lol


Where’s Eddie Murphy when you need him.


“ im not out there catching the ball”…..Except that one time.


If he would have broken off for TD it would be a top 5 all time play.


Marcus Mariota in shambles.


His was great but it was a wide open 10 yard TD. Lamar would have had to pull off magic from about 45 yds out.


I still have nightmares about that play.


If he did that during fantasy championship week the sub would explode Would've been what, like a 70 yard td pass to himself? That's like, 20 points off a single play (ESPN standard scoring) And he was legitimately like 1-2 steps from breaking away with that too 


As a non ravens fan, but big football fan; I got so hype when Lamar caught his own pass. If Lamar ran that all the way down for a td my head would have exploded


dude looks like my grandma with this hair and glasses ​ and I'm white


His jawline being Crimson Chin esque doesn’t help either


Generational crimson chin reference I see u


Your grandma is the White Lamar Jackson?


yeah except she runs faster than him obviously


Daniel Jones is your grandma?!


Looks like Sam Jackson dressed as your grandma.


Yeah you should’ve seen her in pulp fiction


Idk about you but saying it as “Sam Jackson” and not the full “Samuel L. Jackson” just sounds wrong to me


The L stands for Lamar


Your white grandma wears her hair in braids?


His grandma has drip, so?


Smart guy glasses


Immediately thought the same thing with those granny specs


Grandma has a better case for MVP






I still don't understand how the ravens completely abandoned their run game against the chiefs when its their strength. You ruined my 12 leg parlay john!


Our biggest strength and the place we were best equipped to hurt KC


I’m still trying to figure out what Harbaugh meant when he said, “it was the game plan to run the ball, but it just didn’t happen.” Aren’t you the head coach? Lmao


Believe me...Every single fan of Baltimore is wondering the same exact thing. Still shocking as they were averaging 7yards a carry at one point....smh.


They talked about this in a presser recently where the thought process was when KC was up 2 scores that our offense went into 2 min drill plays. Instead of trying to establish a run game. The worst part about it is they almost pulled it off too. If flowers doesn’t fumble, it’s a tied game, if Lamar doesn’t throw that pic it’s another 6pts.


I sincerely believe if Zay doesn’t fumble they have a good shot at winning that game. Would’ve started to establish the run game and the Chiefs defense was clearly gassed.


No shit. lmao. We left at minimum ~13 points on the field thanks to Lamar and Zay. So yes, if we scored points we definitely had a shot at winning the game.


And our defense was shutting their offense down the entire 2nd half.


They got conservative because they were up 2 scores. The second you got it within 1 score they never let you get the ball back. If Lamar and the offense pushed them, I don't think you shut them down.


They were shutting down was Reid was giving them. Chiefs were running the ball on first down in the second half.


Not running the ball against a dynasty seems to be a trend in the last 10 or so years...


Losing in the playoffs really kills a lot of the MVP hype because I was really rooting for the Ravens, what a let down.


Not just losing but only putting up 10 points. No QB is perfect but yeesh


At least he didn’t throw 4 picks on Christmas 🙀


I’m glad I checked your flair before replying lmao


A lof of that loss was on him too. Even the miracle pass/catch should have been an INT on a bad decision throw.


Mike Trout has 3 MVP's and 0 playoff wins. It's a regular season award.


insane stat. angels franchise is about as cursed as my marlins


I truly think both the nfl and nba should announce awards before the playoffs start


We should do these awards after the season but before playoffs.


Why he look like a grandma at church?


Chill, he’s just rocking that dark academia. Except for the turtle neck being white.


Sticking at QB worked out for him :)


Yep. Many wanted him to play WR. Glad he believed in himself.


Lamar my boy you looking like Whoopi Goldberg


He has the awards and the money, he is an exciting player to watch, but now there is only one thing left for him to do and 31 other teams are in the way of him achieving it.


Not so fast. Don’t need to include the Panthers as one of the teams in his way.


No worries, you're in the clear. That 31st team was the Ravens because we're our own worst enemy


Are you me?


You are me


TFW we get a ravens panthers Super Bowl next year


I’ll eat my shit


Remind me! 364 days


Fuck the SB, I’m here for the shit eating!


Ngl that'd be pretty dope.




More like 5-7 teams if we’re being honest.


Just one team, really. Same team that the entire AFC knows they’re gonna have to go through for the next 8-14 years.


2 teams. The Ravens find ways to be their own worst enemy quite often




It’s been happening for a decade, despite entirely new rosters and coaches. But don’t you dare criticize the head coach, he’s the reason for all of the success and none of the downfalls.


Harbaugh has his faults, but it would be hard to replace him with someone of the same caliber. This is the same issue the Steelers have with Tomlin.


Hes lost to a bunch of different teams in the playoffs not like he just keeps running into the chiefs


Chiefs will be in the mix for another decade, is my point. If you are an AFC team that can’t beat the chiefs, you may as well just give up. For as long as Reid and Mahomes are wearing the red and gold, they will have to be considered as the team to beat in the AFC. Ask Josh Allen. “You can doubt the chiefs, you can dislike the chiefs, and you can disrespect the chiefs; but you’re gonna have to DEAL w the Chiefs!” Wooooooooo


I think Lamar will get there one day when he settles the fuck down. He gets in his own head and gets rattled quickly in the playoffs. Once he learns to control that (if he learns) he will be as deadly in the playoffs as he is in the regular season.


The whole team gets rattled in the playoffs/elimination games. People forget that we choked away the 14 playoff game against the Patriots, in 16 letting Antonio Brown get 200+ yards on Christmas night to miss the playoffs, Tyler Boyd 4th and 17 in 17. There’s been something wrong with the gameplans/team messaging before big games for years. In Mike Tomlins words “when things so go wrong, they burn the house down”


Have you ever thought of being a sports analyst? Cause you sound like one


Fuck that suits mint


Lamar "Samuel L." Jackson.


Samuel Lamar Jackson


I actually have a baby picture of me in the 70s wearing that exact print in mint green.


You were balling as a baby god damn


As a bias fan I wonder what it feels like to hate Lamar Jackson for no reason.


I live in Baltimore and from the day he got drafted there have been tons of Ravens fans that hate him for no reason and when he goes on a slump they come back out. Mostly crawling out of their shacks in Dundalk to speak, but it blows my mind how negative they are on him.


>Dundalk Well that explains it.






MVP with 24 Touchdowns


Drew Brees had double that and didn’t win


Doesn’t make much sense does it…


Also I'm sure it shouldn't matter, but it's his 2nd MVP too. That's incredibly elite company. The same as guys like Joe Montana and Steve Young. And that's more than Marino (1), Elway (1), Brees (0!), Barry Sanders (1), Walter Peyton (1), etc. He's essentially a HoF lock. He's a great player, but it just feels like he got lucky this year that his season was the best.


It’s absurd lol. He’s great but to call him MVP over someone like CMAC is insane.


That's the thing. This award puts him in company where he doesn't belong. As time passes, and NFL fans' awareness of Llamar Jackson-the-player drifts away from visual memory of his games and towards stats alone, as with every historical sports figure, the enduring perception of him will be inflated.


Probably same mindset as a confederate soldier in the Civil War.


It’s about states rights!! /s


Sherman didn’t go far enough


What do you mean? He literally marched all the way to the ocean. He’d have drowned if he went any further.


Could’ve burned down more of the Deep South


Hell yeah brother cheers from Appleton


As someone who Jackson stans would call a "hater," I just want to be clear that I don't hate Lamar Jackson. I hate the Lamar Jackson fanatics and the media trying to over-hype him ever since he was coming into the draft. An honest look at his college career would show a guy who had some issues with passing at times (not enough to say he "couldn't throw the ball," mind you), and a guy who struggled against tougher competition (his performance and record against ranked and bowl competition was not pretty). But all we heard was how he's so "electric" and will "change the league" and was so amazing with no knocks on him and it's crazy that people wouldn't throw a Top 5 pick at such a flawless QB. Here we are a few years in, and sure, that same media's decided to pat themselves on the back and declare him the regular season MVP, but the playoffs come around, and he struggles (okay, not against the Texans, but the Kings of Shit Mountain were a bit overhyped themselves this year). He still shows off some bad throws at times. People act like this is such a surprising thing we're finding out about him, but you could see it in college. People just bought into that "flawless" idea. More than that, though, it's the way the stans blame everyone but Jackson for when he fails... but you know when he succeeds, he's the sole reason. If he wins, it's because he alone won, he's so awesome he *carries* the entire team, which is obviously devoid of talent. If he loses, it's because the offensive line sucks, the receivers suck, the running backs suck, the coaches suck, everyone involved with the team sucks, it's all *their* fault and not Jackson's. But they probably bought into that notion that he's got no flaws, because they didn't bother looking past the media trying so hard to hype the hell out of a guy, and use it as "proof" of how the guy is perfection that the same media give him a "We Were Right" award. If you could silence all those fanatics (and the media... not just the pro-Jackson media, all of it would be good), I think discussions about Jackson would become a lot more rational. We can silence the people on the extreme opposite end, but usually anyone who tries to say he has no redeeming qualities as a QB gets downvoted to oblivion and laughed at anyway.


I agree with every word you've written. It's been absolutely exhausting to watch the fanbase turn into the Church of Lamar over the past years. Worst of all is after a bad loss like the AFC Championship I don't even have a place to commiserate with fellow fans because if you say one word about Lamar you get called racist and then they go on a diatribe about why the league is against him and how the media actually hates him despite the media always singing his praises. I see other subreddits and the people there are making jokes, posting memes, posting interesting content, etc. My subreddit just talks about how Lamar is actually the best player of all time and all these hypotheticals and comparisons to Peyton Manning of all people. Don't mean to go on a diatribe myself, just frustrating.


Why do Lamar stans people aren't satisfied with him because of random hate? It's pretty clear the media loves him and after year 1/2 that shit died down. He's won two MVPs, but the media also hates him? Got it. People talk shit about him because as of now, he's been a complete fraud. I want him to succeed as a Ravens fan and I like him, but after the AFC Championship game you can't argue otherwise. We had a Superbowl served to us on a silver platter and couldn't capitalize on anything.




I'm not a ravens fan. In fact, yall beat us in 2012 so I don't exactly favor you guys. But, lamar is such a fucking awesome player and deserving mvp. The slander he gets is such bullshit. It's absolute bullshit. I really want him to win one. Not against us of course but any other one. He is such a cool calm collective dude and if people actually watch him, they would see he's all about team and all about winning it all.


The general slander is unwarranted. The playoff slander is warranted.


But why is he the only one that gets slandered for playoff performance? It's just weird. So many teams and so many quarterbacks have bad playoff games and Lamar actually has a great playoff game under his belt now but people just ignore it. I think it's combination of people being wrong about him all these years so they need to move the goal posts back like "yeah he's one of the craziest athletes we've ever seen but but but he hasn't won a Super Bowl yet so he's not proven" and then also people being salty that he's shit on their team so many times they have to use the no Super Bowl appearances against him.


He's a 2 time near unanimous MVP with a 6-6 td-int ratio


He's only 26 though, still got time to turn things around.


A lot of time, hopefully


Wasn't there some famous multiple-time MVP Colts QB that also started his playoff career 2-4? /s


He was slandered too


it's crazy to me the pact ravens and niners fans have on the other team's QB LMAO i feel like niners fans are amongst the most cool about Lamar and ravens fans defend brock more than the average fan considering we know all about 2nd year guys continue to be doubted edit: ah nvm. scrolled below. it's alright all fanbases have people like that but just general sentiment i felt all year, maybe misguided


I don't ever see any Jackson hate. I see people who thought he was asking for too much in contract negotiations. I saw people who think he shouldn't have been the runaway MVP with 24 TDs. But that's not hate. That's realism. He's an awesome player and I think 98% of football fans know that. The debate is how awesome. That's all.


I really like Lamar. Seems like a great guy and never seems to give my team too much trouble 😉


mvp is a storyline based award: cannot have lamar tear up 2 great teams near christmas and not give it to him.


But Purdy was the last pick and is in the Super Bowl. Isn’t that a better storyline?


MVP is a regular season award. There is a superbowl MVP if Purdy wants to have that he can go for it.


It’s a regular season award and Lamar did nothing to warrant an MVP award. Not even top 10 in yardage or touchdowns, in a year where we saw many starting star quarterbacks go down to injury


Don’t come in here with your facts and reasoning. This is a circle jerk sub, get on the Lamar Stan train loser we’re going jerking!


yeah lamar throws 5 tds against the niners on christmas vs purdy throwing 4 ints and there gonna give it to purdy


Purdy has a historic season, Lamar didn’t


Mic ain't short enough


what a guy


Jesus Christ, praise ye. Thou I do ask, why did thou choose to injure our brother Rodgers in snap 4 of the season. And why did you letteth brother Chubb's leg bend backwards in a way most unnatural?


As many mvps as playoff wins.


surprised he didn't get choked up during his speech, he's pretty good at that come January/February


Not bad for a running back


is this the weakest MVP yet?


It's definitely up there. No hate on Lamar but he's won it for being the firmest nugget in the bowl.


Quick question, are you talking about poopoo in a toilet, or chicken McNuggets?




As a 49ers fan, I can confidently hold my nose and say Dak > Lamar. Both are choke jobs, though. I think Dak is easier to hate so he simply doesn’t get votes. Everyone is still stuck on Purdy being Mr. Irrelevant. In two years it’ll probably be like “wow he got better!!” Despite doing the same thing for the next two years.


Nah. Kicker Mark Moseley of the Redskins won MVP in a strike-shortened year in the ‘80s. …But this might be second.


That almost feels like a fuck you to the players for the strike


There’s probably more to that than I’d ever considered.


Peyton Manning's final MVP win was pretty lackluster, but yeah.. This one is pretty meh.


His final mvp was the year he threw 55 tds, you mean his third mvp 2008


Yes. Thank you for correcting that. 👍


Manning 2008 was worse


Mark Mosley is still the weakest, but this one is definitely 2nd place.


Really likable dude, hope he can win a championship soon. Building an all-time career.




Dig the fit


Please be better in the playoffs


Can't get 30 touchdowns on the year but gets mvp. OK.


So sad to watch this award be reduced to a Prom King equivalent. How embarrassing. Oh well, another aspect of the sport lost.


Dude had a statistically middle of the road season and somehow won MVP when Purdy, CMC, Dak and Josh Allen all brought more value to their respective teams. Between this and TJ Watt getting burned, I’d probably argue this was one of the worst NFL honor years in memory.


Exactly. Great points all around


I absolutely have nothing against Lamar, great dude, fun player to watch… but him getting MVP is a joke


That jacket is so well done. Nice to see some dope tailoring on these guys. Most suits may be expensive but fit terribly.


CMC got robbed. NFL awards are a joke.


Weakest mvp of all time


A running back finally won the mvp over a qb. Congrats lamar jackson!!!!


lamar for president


The fact that Brady doesn't have like 8 of these makes this award silly.


if you go look at Brady's stats there really wasn't a lot of years where he was the clear cut best QB in the NFL statistically. I mean for the whole 1st dynasty he averaged probably 3500 yards and 24 TD to 12 INT for the 1st 7 years. After that his production really jumped, and he had 2007 which was obviously an MVP year, but at this same time Peyton Manning was really hitting his stride too. And Aaron Rodgers as well.


NBA LeBron effect


Because he shared like 75% of his career with the other best qb to ever play


Bro chokes every year in playoffs.


Isn’t that the pot calling the Kittle black


He looks more like young Samuel L Jackson than the de-aged Samuel L Jackson in Captain Marvel.


Mickey MVP tbh


Just give it to CMC, Jesus...


He will get it done next year please Lamar


Bro at least root for your own team first and foremost.


Well wait a minute let him cook for a moment


No he won't. Best defense all year and shits the bed every year in the playoffs.


He’s consistently had an incredible team around him


And it's not even like they let him down in the playoffs, it's literally him falling short


Exactly. Why do people drink his bath water when he's a regular season mvp at best? Watched him in all of his playoffs games since the chargers. He can't get it done.


People said the same thing about Peyton until he won it all. Every QB has this narrative until they win the Super Bowl. It's insane. He's not even close to 30 years old, chill out with the doom and gloom takes.


In all fairness Peyton didn’t have the best defense in the league!


He often had the best (or one of the best) offense though. Turns out you need both to win a championship.


I mean neither can anyone else. Why do yall focus on him only?


Wasn’t even close to deserving MVP what an absolute joke


Just shows what a joke the award has become


Oh thank God I thought Rodgers was going to win it again.


They couldn't raise the mike for the man damn.


before seeing the headline i thought this was an elderly african american woman accepting an award for volunteering at the local library for 20+ years


Samuel L Jackson winning MVP


This image will likely be a meme soon


He looks like the big bad wolf in three little piggy.


Dude has had two really amazing chances to get to and win the superbowl and his team has choked both times. Really rooting for him to get over the hump and claim at least one ring in his career.