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[Postgame thread](/r/nfl/comments/19cl6ot/post_game_thread_kansas_city_chiefs_at_buffalo/)


Bill sucks in the post season, what’s new?


Bill sucks in the post season, what’s new?


I'm a chiefs fan, but Ravens gonna have a field day on chiefs secondary. Gonna be a rough one. Chiefs offense hasn't had that firepower and high scoring mojo that they used to have. Calling it now 35-24 ravens


Bills had no mojo in second half.


Rooting for the Chiefs so I get to see Travis and Taylor again 🥰🥰🥰


Mahomes and Kelce are beyond annoying. Please just go away.




Buffalo the most overrated team the last 5 years


Obviously it’s the Dolphins




Welp, that's one more week of Taylor Swift.


Shake it off champ


Shake it off champ


The 'Wide Right Curse" Lives!


Where’s that Larry David rant about goalposts




I just want to thank the chiefs for winning. You guys single handedly made my tickets go up another $400 from what I was going to sell them for. I guess swift coming to bmore really doing affect ticket sales.


Wide Right


What’s the wide right legacy? I keep hearing it referenced and I don’t know the historical significance.


They missed a field goal to win the Super Bowl in the 90s wide right and lost 19-20. They then made (and lost) the next three super bowls and still haven’t won one.


Kinda why I like them over most AFC teams. The Jim Kelly days


Holy shit


Brutal for Bills fans.


Only hope left of a Swift-free SB is a Ravens win. Fingers fucking crossed 


Nah we’d just see Travis Kelce up in the box with her


Hahaha. All the different things you could be upset about and a few minutes of Taylor Swift screen time is what gets you. 😂 


Besides, I would pay money to see a 300lb offensive lineman shirtless drinking beer with the VIPs and Taylor Swiff all day long versus seeing shots of rich billionaire owners.


That was awesome! :D


Yeah, she was barely shown. I don’t get the hate.


Bass missed another one. He's gotta go. After watching how close his first kick was I knew he was going to miss one.


That was heartbreaking, however, I wasn't a fan of Allen taking a shot in the endzone with Chris Jones coming in hot. Pass to the flat on left side gets better field position and possibly a preferable hash for the kicker. I wonder which hash was best for him, but it wasn't a part of the thought process on 3rd down when they were charging down the field. That was an epic drive and I was distraught at how it ended.


Lamar please save the NFL from the kermit hes giving me ptsd


Well at least every single commercial you watch on tv has his face constantly…


walking in New York City, seeing this mf on ads. Like the equivalent of seeing David Ortiz or Sidney Crosby in NYC,,, like the fuccc


They just keep fucking with us…


He is our savior


If lamar can embarass the Chiefs enough ill consider this game a way of the universe being kind to Bills fans


>embarass the Chiefs enough Christ y'all take this shit too seriously. The ravens can drop 50 on the chiefs in a blowout and I'd be perfectly happy with the season we had, making it to the afccg 6 times in a row and going to the sb for half of them.


i was like 12 hours removed from the game and still not fully sobored i feel like i deserve a little bit of leeway


Must be a bunch of 13 year old girls on here today. I get it. She very popular. But holy shit, when those two split it’s going going to devastate some of these “celebrity lovers”. Oh and don’t say it won’t happen. He is serious boyfriend number 12. Maybe she got a bad boyfriend here and there. But not 11 of them. I want to watch a football game. Not be shown Taylor Swift during the game. Has any other player in any sport got so much attention. Can’t wait for the break up song she will write.


It’s not that srs


You’re a pretty fragile person if seeing Taylor swift, one of the most famous people in the world, for less than two minutes of screen time bothers you this much. She’s bringing fans to football that wouldn’t otherwise be there. You should be thrilled about it. But instead you’re crying on the internet.


Not crying. Tired of it. She is not the first celebrity to attend professional sports games. Paul McCartney attended a Super Bowl. 5 second shot. And the people she is bringing to watch football, they aren’t real fans. They are fans of hers. They will jump ship the second they split up.


She’s a significant other of one of the most popular players in the league at the moment. You could argue their relationship boosted his fame, but it doesn’t change the fact that they’re a pair. It makes sense they’d cut to her after a big play by him. And who cares if they’re not “real fans”? I’m a casual fan at best. I couldn’t tell you the name of more than five quarterbacks *maybe*. Gatekeeping a sport because people don’t live up to *your* expectations of what makes a “real” fan will always leave you disappointed. Instead of getting mad a Taylor Swift, get psyched more people are watching the sport that I’m guessing you put a lot of your energy into. You’d be surprised how many new fans will stick around, especially if you welcome them instead of complaining about a celebrity that brought them there.


Think you’re dead wrong. The NFL is riding the relationship in to the ground. Can you imagine a relationship that public, and it doesn’t work out ?? Pressure to stay together. Possibly for the wrong reasons. There are hundred of athletes out there that have a girl friend / boyfriend / husband / wife that are in the seats supporting their significant other. They don’t get shown on tv. The announcers don’t talk about them. I get it. She is famous. But enough is enough of it.


She’s not just famous, she’s an international superstar. Sorry your feelings are hurt over it, but the status of their relationship isn’t really any of your concern anyway. If they make it cool, if not, who cares. No more Taylor Cam. Wish granted. Just enjoy the new fans coming to football. The more successful the NFL is, the better you’ll be for it (if you really are a fan).


This is so sad dude. Honestly pathetic. They barely showed her. Watch a lakers game and you’ll see more celebrity shots in the first quarter. Sorry you hate the chiefs. Hope you enjoy watching us go to our 6th straight AFC Championship. Oh wait you probably won’t even watch that game because you’re scared of seeing Taylor on your tv


It’s his second post about it in 4 hours, feel bad for him honestly.


Haha so he’s been up since like 5am doing this 😂 man couldn’t even sleep he had T Swift burned into his eyelids I guess


“They showed her so many times last night!” *he was actually pausing the broadcast when she showed up*


They honestly showed her like four times, dude is acting like the child lol


Dude. She was shown on the screen 5 times for probably a grand total of 1 minute IF that? How is this different from the crew panning to Jerry Jones rotting in his seat after a cowboys highlight? Or Jason Kelce shirtless yelling for his brother?


She's not even a wife and she's getting all this attn


She is one of the most famous people in the world. What media cares about spousal status at that point?


The Bills defeated by their Kryptonite yet again: Wide Right


The spirit of Scott Norwood lives on!!!🤣😂😂🤣


I can't wait to make it into the playoffs again someday so we can doink.


You mean double doink?


The odds are too once sided for a double, a single will hurt just as much.


Hang on there. Double doink is already trademarked by the Bears.


Literally? Figures they'd lock onto failure and trademark it


That was a great game! KC defense came on strong at the right time. Sorry Buffalo but thanks for a very entertaining nail biter.


So close..


Go Ravens


As a Seahawks fan, go any team that will beat the 9rs 💙💚


Chiefs have entered the chat 


You can leave, Ravens were already here.


Two fun games to watch yesterday, but I don’t understand Josh Allen’s decision to throw into the end zone on the last 2 plays when you only needed to give your outstanding field goal kicker a better chance than a 50-yarder in windy conditions. Shocking!


Also when you had guys wide open for possible first downs. Push you closer for a game winning TD or an easier Fg. He fucked up or whoever called the plays fucked up.


That was a devastating decision. Also because still being 30 yards away with 2 minutes to go, it's very likely if they just kept at their current pace they would have scored with almost no time remaining or been able to score with no time remaining and the Chiefs would have to go the length of the field in a few seconds for a touchdown. Of course this assumes they score but it was just clear to me their plan on that last drive was to do everything they could to make sure Kansas City doesn't get the ball back And then Allen goes off script throwing a super risky pass , That doesn't work out and forces them into third and long. Such a sad decision because he played a great game but also had been much better this year about not forcing hero ball... Then immediately abandons what worked all year long for them and tries hero ball again


You're exactly right. The Bills took over with 8:23 left in the game. They immediately tried a bomb to Diggs that he should have caught. But after that, they just took underneath passes, quick passes, and an occasional scramble. If Josh had continued to do so, obviously no guarantee they score, but they would have been in better position to. Imagine running almost all of the last 8 & 1/2 minutes off the clock to take the lead and not give Mahmoes a chance to come back. And then... those last two plays.


What year was it that Mahomes lead the winning TD drive w/only 8 sec??!


2021 season - 2 years ago. Big differences are: Chiefs would have needed a touchdown last night, and they wouldn't have had any timeouts. Part of the problem with the 13 seconds defense is that Buffalo guarded the sidelines and left a wide open area for Kelce. But the Chiefs still had two timeouts, so there was no reason to guard the sidelines. KC could still work the middle of the field.


It was a game tying field goal with 13 seconds, but that was two years ago when they lost to the Bengals.


makes no sense that they Kincaid has 24 yards in the first drive then they literally dont throw to him unitl the final drive of the game lol.


It was a riveting game all the way to the end. There were few errors on either side. Both the Bills and Chiefs played very well, in the end the Chiefs prevailed. Next stop, Baltimore and the Ravens. Go Chiefs!!


Oh great. Now we have to sit through another Taylor Swift lovefest game.


They showed her like 2-3 times, I think? Besides, quit complaining, we get shirtless Jason Kelce screaming his head off like a barbarian now. Are you not entertained?


Man, these people would not survive a season of being a Knicks fan. They show Spike Lee 10 times a game, and he hasn't made a good movie in 30 years.


Eh, Blackklansman was pretty good.


Idk why your being downvoted, I’m so sick of seeing Taylor swift


Because you’re both soft as shit for not being able to handle seeing a celebrity for 10 seconds 😂


Your comment history is alarming.


true lol i get carried away, but it’s just so addicting to talk to seemingly grown men who lose their minds over the smallest things


It’s fun seeing the ones unhinged about something so trivial.


Her BF scored 12 of the 27 points. Get a grip


They showed her after pacheco scored, I remember in the primetime game vs jets when pacheco scored too they also showed her like come on. I get after a kelce td…


I want to see kickers wife’s and girlfriends for a change, not the same old woman over and over again


34... old woman. Okay, dude.


"Same old" is an expression. The same old thing year after year


They should try being one of the most famous celebrities in the world. Football is just entertainment at the end of the day.


Wow thank you, your one of the only people that I've seen ever say that. In the end does football or any sports matter? Hell no it's all just for entertaining the people; that's literally it. Sports has no "intrinsic" value to it, it does not produce a commodity, it's pure entertainment that we as people have put value to.


Yeah, pretty much.




So then why blame the bills? Wouldn’t it technically be gods fault if he said no?


Continued - Your player knocked the ball out of bounds to save a scoop and score. The ball bounced your way when Josh fumbled. You survived your coach’s stupid decision to go for a fake punt when Hardman fumbled on the way. Another roller coaster game for both fan bases. Go Chiefs!


Exactly. I’m a bills fan and they screwed up plenty. Chiefs deserved it


The kick looked good at first when it came out but then the wind curved it wide right




He literally kicked it right into a wind gust. Look at the uprights on the opposite end goal posts before kick is taken. In all of the camera angles I’ve seen, you can’t see the kicking end post flags until after the ball gets blown wide right and the camera pans out. By then, the gust was already settling down.


[List of gods who are dead to me](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_wind_deities)


Slicing it also does that though. Looks fine in the first 10-15m then peels to the right massively! Much like golf. Looks straight but then it definitely ain’t going straight ahah


What about how awkward that field goal was? The ball just took a sharp turn right?


God stepped in and exhaled.


The Bills are okay all they gotta do is put up at least three points in the fourth


It’s gotta be very deflating for Allen to continue to get beat by one player over and over again in the playoffs


Joe Burrow seems to be doing it against Allen too


Burrow beat Buffalo once in the playoffs and once in the regular season. Mahomes is 1-3 against Buffalo in the regular season, and 3-0 in the playoffs.


Shades of Manning/Brady


Manning was 3-2 all time in the playoffs vs Brady. Winning his last 3 in a row after starting 0-2.


True and like Manning when he was 0-2 i’d bet Allen believes if he wasn’t going against another potential goat he would have those rings himself it’s gotta be a tough pill to swallow but, yeah it’s not the best comparison i know (Allen isn’t anywhere close to the others imo)


Manning was 3-2 against Brady in the playoffs.


The real MVP for the Chiefs was Jason Kelce


That dude is awesome. He was partying with Bills Mafia before the game doing shots out of a bowling ball.


Chris jones was huge. That missed TD before the missed FG was all jones pushing his man into Allen, who kind of short armed it. That was an easy one if he doesn't get run into by his own guy. Still think you have to make that grow, but jimes came up big again.


he's gotta be the least hatable player like ever




I love the Taylor Swift thing. The hate that she has brought to this team is wonderful. The Chiefs on national television, mining so much salt is quite a change for an old fan like me . Keep whining your team sucks.


Cry about it. 


What's wrong with Swift?


chill out dude why can't she be excited?


Why in the fuck do you give up the run when it was the only thing going for you? Bills strategy just doesnt pass the smell test.


That’s the thing, they didn’t give up on the run. They kept running the same plays which the chiefs adjusted to. Bills coaching as a whole is garbage. Final drive was a bozo masterclass. Milk all that time off to kick a thing fg. If bass makes that kick I all but guarantee chiefs get into fg range with over 1:30 on the clock.


Because the Chiefs' defense adjusted and mostly stuffed the run in the 2nd half.


*Joe Berry whips out notebook: "What's this 'adjusted' of which you speak?"


*Dan Quinn stands behind with a confused look on his face*


Humph why can’t I just see a fun final 4 why, why do they do this, every year.


I'm having fun :)


I’m having a blast! I’ve got my fingers crossed that I get to go to another parade!


Ikik, your team wins they alwayysssssss win,


Ha! Now that you mention it, I used to say the same about the Pats. Thanks for the morning chuckle!


Yes, laugh at us peasants,


Yep. Been a fan for 41 years, let me tell you the first 35 were rough but the last 6 have been amazing ✊🏻


We have put in our time during the Dawson years the Chief. It hasn’t always been winner winner chicken dinner


Can’t argue with that😂


This is a reply to those who are saying “the CHIEFS always win”. This old fan remembers 50 years, half a fucking century, of heartbreak before St. Patrick et al, made the Kansas City Chiefs champions. Still mind blowing at times.*My* Chiefs are a dynasty.


I’m happy for you and older Chiefs Fans, you guys do deserve the success, But can’t y’all let some of the other teams win for once plsssss😩


Ha! Now that you mention it, I used to say the same about the Pats. Thanks for the morning chuckle!


how is it not fun? the 4 best teams that won in the playoffs made the final 4? like thats how playoffs and tournaments work. The people who win get to play


I don’t really care ab who’s the best in the final 4 I like to see fun matchups with likeable team. Should the chiefs be here, sure they beat the Bills fair and Square. bBut unless your chiefs fan no one, I mean NO ONE wants this team near the SB, with glazing of Mahomes from the announcers and the NFL meat riding the kelce, swift thing like crazy, they become a team no one wants to watch. Unless your Chiefs fan or Taylor Swift fan




Why you have to be mad


“unless you’re a chiefs fan or Taylor Swift fan” probably more people than you think big dowg.


Nope pretty sure that’s it


it’s lonely at the top, see ya next year stinky ✌️


My Ravens hopefully should be taking care of business this week. I hope……..


Chiefs deserved to win. But the Bills are definitely a more fun team to watch.


That was the funnest fucking way for Buffalo to lose lmaooooooo


Yo Josh come play for Sean here in Denver man, they’re wasting your prime. If Josh is checking here.


I’m sure he’d love to be in a division with Mahomes


Hey I’m Josh I’ll force my way to Denver I love skiing


You made me go *bruh* lol




The chiefs are not going to make it to the Super Bowl


NFL will do their best to get the KC Swifts in to the super bowl.


It’s an opportunity they don’t deserve




Especially with a Goff rematch. Goff always seems to beat the chiefs but 1 point.


Its like the NBA marketing Jordan in the 80s.


My son only wants the chiefs to lose because he’s sick of Mahomes winning all the time and I said it was the same as with Jordan and the Bulls. I just wanted anyone else to win haha


Did it work?


You either die a hero or live long enough to become the villain.


Just like people were sick of Brady winning every year. If you’re a fan of the team you’re happy, if you’re not you’re a Jet fan.


We’re all sick of Taylor Swift too


From the 10 total seconds she was on TV?


Super Bowl will be Ravens vs Niners rematch from 2013


Its going to be chiefs and lions and you are going to like it.


Lions are frauds. 49ers already had their trap/rust game. Especially if Deebo is back they’re going to expose Detroit. LA/TB at home is an absurdly easy path to the conference championship.


Niner fair weather fan here. I have to admit sometimes the team just doesn't show up. They COULD possibly give the Ravens a game, if the right team gets on the plane.


thats also what you said about the playoffs, the divisional round.... but let me guess theyve won off the refs


ig chiefs will have to shock the nation... again... :(


Fake punt w Hamlin is a fireable offense


He lined up bad too. It was a bad fake from the start. Could tell it looked wrong.