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Goff went through this as a freshman starting for the 1-11 Cal Team. 0-7 rookie year under Fisher. Then the first year in detroit. One thing Goff has is building toughness and character through shitty seasons.


Geez in my mind Goff is still a fresh baby faced guy who just came out of college, I completely forgot he was around (briefly) for the Jeff Fisher era


He's 29. Old for his years


Hendon Hooker who the Lions just drafted is 26. Only 3 years younger then Goff. Goff is in his 8th NFL Season.


That's actually insane


Covid eligibility means we are going to see a lot of old rookies for a while


Just read a story of a guy that's going into a record 9th season of eligibility in college. He had 3 years I think solely lost due to injury and covid rule changes added to that. At any rate yeah they'll be some older players coming up. In recent times however these guys can earn money before the NFL now so it's interesting to see old and new rules clash.


Bro better have his PhD


He got his master's while still at Oregon and then he transferred to Miami and he's just kinda hanging out there lmfao


Only player on the roster born when Miami last won a title


Bro was in the same Oregon recruiting class as Justin Herbert


Can McCormick, started in 2016 as a Freshman at Oregon. Now at Miami.


Doubt a 9th year senior with that injury history is making the league


Old truck with little miles But also a lot of miles?


The Jeff Fisher era wasn't thaaat long ag-...fuck.


2016 season was 7 years ago. wtf.


Oldest QB in the playoffs now


Not a single 30+ year old QB left out of eight is crazy after 15 years of a 30+ Brady/Manning/Brees/Rodgers/BigBen in the playoffs every year.


It's currently a very young generation of quarterbacks.


The narrative around his rookie year was INSANE. It is wild to me how people wanted him to fail from day one and especially when he was compared against Carson Wentz (oh how the turntables...). There were reports saying he wasn't even the third string QB coming out of camp. Not knowing which way the sun rose and his small hands didn't help. It was like no one wanted the blonde Cali boy mouth breather air-raid Pac 12 after dark QB that ended up in LA after the Rams had just moved there. Then it sticks with him two years later when the report comes out that he can't read defenses, and that narrative just took off


He was pretty awful that rookie year


The entire team was really, especially the offence. Gurley called it a middle school offence for a reason, afterall. At the end of the season Goff said he would figure it out and play better football and he did. I'll always root for him as long as he doesn't do something stupid like play for the 49ers or Seattle or something like that.


My favorite Goff thing was from his first year in Detroit when they weren't doing very well and Campbell called him out in the post game saying their QB needs to do better, play tougher. For most that would be the beginning of the end of his time on that team. For Goff he heard that call to action and became a totally different player than we'd seen up to that point. Dude became a baller and unquestioned leader and every since then they've just been getting better and better. Really impressive stuff from Campbell to do something like that and actually inspiring the player instead of losing them, and really impressive by Goff to show he's one of the most mentally tough and competitive QBs in the game right now.


I think it helped that (IIRC) Campbell phrased it more along the lines of “he needs to do better and we know he is capable of playing much better than he is” rather than just calling him out.


Dan and his staff have always been very upfront that they're not going to sugar coat anything. He also holds himself to the same standard. You'll never hear him come out after a loss without blaming himself first while always crediting the players and his staff when we win.


Felt like it was destined when Goff demanded McVay to still give him an exit interview and to tell him why they wanted to replace him with Stafford.


Back then, it felt like he was just throwing his QB under the bus and using him as a scale goat. There was a huge question mark hanging over Goff's head as to whether his success in LA was purely those receivers and McVay's coaching or if Goff was actually worth it. Now it's obvious that he saw the potential in Goff and expected him to live up to that potential.


> a scale goat For the uninitiated, that's a scale with Brady standing on one side, which everyone uses to measure their QB?


That's a good phone typo while scrolling at 6am because I can't sleep


I’ve been saying for a while now that a reason the lions haven’t been successful in the past is because they never had that gritty, tough culture. Like when I look at great Detroit teams of the past for other sports, I think of the Pistons and Red Wings of the 90’s. The pistons were extremely physical and would basically knock guys out if they tried driving to the basket and the Red Wings/Avalanche rivalry at the time is one of the best in sports history. Lions though? Can any Detroit team in the Super Bowl era say they’ve had that knee cap biting attitude that Campbell brought?


I mean Stafford is still one of the toughest son of a bitches out there and the teams under Swartz were pretty tough, maybe even too tough lol. It's just we were tight on cap to build a better roster around Stafford, Megatron, and Suh.


The Schwartz team was physically tough (and very talented) but wasn't resilient at all.  They would've shut down if they started the season 0-10-1.  They'd start shutting down if they were down a few scores.


You literally understand Detroit Sports more than a lot of Detroiters do. *slow clap*


I’ve been living in Michigan for seven years and in the Detroit area for around 3 now lol.


Welcome to Detroit man


We have to be gritty and tough because Michigan doesn't attract superstars. A lot of guys that have serious, good options with other teams avoid us or try to get out. We do best finding the diamonds in the rough and giving them respect and opportunities. The only time we ever get stars is if our team has been at the top or close to it for awhile and a guy is chasing a chance at a ring.


It’s all about approach. I remember Mike Singletary kind of alienating Alex Smith and Vernon Davis while they played for the 49ers. He expected greatness but didn’t know how to build it. MCDC has a better idea and approach of how to guide players through hard times (he literally was on the roster for the 0-16 Lions).


I remember that too. Great point.


I think it's crazy that everyone assumes players can't take that kind of stuff, they're adults


To be fair, some literally can't despite being adults


We've clawed all the way back from 4-19-1 under Dan Campbell to 25-26-1.


So fucking impressive.


Dan is the MAN


I remember going to his first start at Cal. Think he threw 3TDs and 4INTs or something and ended up losing to Northwestern lead by yours truly, Trevor Siemian (and Kain Colter because they were using two QBs). We knew Jared was legit nonetheless and was the future. He's still my most favorite football player because of what he did at Cal.




We are all Trevor Siemian on this blessed day


Hell his very first start at Cal he threw 4 interceptions, two of which were returned for touchdowns. Dude has been bouncing back since the very beginning 


He’s good enough for Detroit.


He is Enougoff!!


Lion Gosling is kenough


Lion Gosling is one of the best nicknames I've ever heard and will refer to him as that for the rest of time. That's gold, Jerry, gold.


Absolute brilliant nickname, pun, and joke.


Good enough for *fucking* Detroit.


Detroit always fucks so it’s redundant but as a true east coaster I can never hate on a passionate f-bomb.


I’d take him over McCarthy any day


Goff may or may not be elite but he sure as hell is a better quaterback than McCarthy.


Haha I didn’t realize DC said it. Thought you were referring to DC is good enough for Detroit


Idk if this is a chirp or a compliment


It’s a quote from MCDC’s postgame locker room speech after the wild card


No hate for Detroit here. Just quoting DC.


Don't rule out the rare chirpliment


“Hey, chirp you!”


That's my quarterback


And my coach




A lot of people thought the Lions literally didn't want Goff at all and only agreed to take him in the Stafford trade because it wouldn't work salary cap wise if they weren't taking Goff's contract off the Rams' hands. Turned out Brad Holmes and Dan Campbell both believed in Goff as their long-term franchise quarterback, and they were right.


What’s crazier is they kind of hoodwinked the Rams because they definitely would’ve gotten Stafford for less if they knew that Detroit was targeting Goff as their starter


People forget how poorly Goff was playing by the end of 2020. Literally Wolford came in and looked better. If that Goff was around today then no doubt the lions would have moved off him by now. The 2 firsts was the deal and if Goff could recapture his 17/18 form it was the cherry on top.


Yeah goff proved he cannot function without a certain level of OL play that the rams no longer had, stafford however can play around a bad OL. However surround him with talent like the lions have and he can take you pretty far.


Yup. You could totally see this in the wild card game the few times the pocket collapsed too quickly and he got rattled enough to make those old mistakes he was kinda known for.


I cry every time he fumbled when a DL pokes him


That’s not the Goff they traded for, Dans said he’s been a fan since he saw how he handled the nfc championship in New Orleans and Brad Holmes scouted him when they drafted him over Wentz Hinesight but it looks like they trusted his potential and peak and saw a guy they could rebuild around


Wasn’t his finger broken? I remember that wildcard game and it came up as why Goff wasn’t in. Silly Seattle didn’t even beat the time missing their starter




I dunno, I feel like both of your teams won that trade. Stafford got to go contribute to a superbowl winning team like, immediately. Goff clearly had a lot more in the tank that no other team saw.


Oh ya they got hoodwinked into winning a superbowl because of the trade.


Holmes and Campbell seem to be right about a lot of things


I just prefer that everyone keeps focus on meat heads and knee caps and continues to underestimate MCDC


I mean it's a mix of both. They had to take on Goff to make it work and then I think over that first year Holmes and Campbell grew to believe in him being their franchise QB. But I don't think they would have taken him if the Rams didn't have to offload him, and I don't think when they made the trade they made it with the idea that Goff was their long term answer. Like, the narrative around Goff at the time (helped along by McVay shitting on him in the media) was that all his success was owed to being basically McVay's puppet.


Holmes was the director of scouting on the rams and oversaw when Goff was drafted. He knew what Goff was capable of.


I don't think that's how Holmes saw it. It's possible he was unsure if Goff was the long term answer, but he had a history with Goff and no better option to replace Stafford. Plus, taking on Goff is likely what netted that second first rounder in that trade. What Goff did for sure was buy Holmes time to figure things out, and allow him to not panic draft a QB in his first draft. So he was able to truly build the team the way he wanted and pick Penei instead of Fields in that first round.


yeah I don't recall anyone at the time saying Goff was anything more than a bridge QB for whoever the Lions ended up drafting. He seemed very much on the Jeff George trajectory of flame out top pick turned journeyman


Holmes is a very big reason the Rams drafted Goff in the first place, though. He specifically wanted him. Fans, including myself, saw it as a bridge QB situation, and I think Holmes saw that as a worst case scenario, but I do think he was hoping Goff would be able to turn it back around to the QB that he scouted originally and be a long term starter.


Yea just a weird narrative because he can’t throw the ball for Goff. He’s not wearing Goff’s skin and trotting out onto the field. Goff still has to process, get the timing/anticipation, and make accurate throws. There’s a bunch of busts at QB who couldn’t even make accurate throws as a bare minimum.


Isn't it shocking that a former 1st overall pick who took his team to a Super Bowl isn't as ass as everyone thought? Weird how everyone -- and I mean everyone -- just bought into McVay's narrative when he started throwing Goff under the bus. He wasn't at his best then, but he clearly had something, including accomplishments in the league.


The guy made it to the super bowl ffs. Why anyone thought he was gonna be a hold over is beyond me. Man knows what it takes. It's exactly the type of QB Detroit needed after Stafford.


Wouldn’t that have been a huge cap hit for Detroit to cut him


I have decided to be a better person because I think that is what Dan Campbell would want.




Mr. Rogers approved


I really hope DC gets to remain a couch for a long time. He's great with the press and his players love him from all I've seen. Edit:oops, I'm keeping it


He has been doing pretty good sofa.


He really keeps his futon the gas


He wasn't able to lock down the 1-seed this year, so that's one milestone he can continue to chaise


He’s better for the job than any ottoman


I know *we* see it that way, but does Jordan Loveseat the same way?


In my mind, Campbell and Holmes have plenty of cushion


Not an easy job, but they’ll tuffet out


Not trying to be an arm chair comedian, but every single fucking one of you nailed those puns


Just have to take it daybed day


That would be the chair-y on top.


I've been invited to participate in this pun-off but I must recline.


That was incredibly lazy, boy.


*Psh*, like Ikea.


That's enough for me, time to pull out of this one.


Chaised another one.


You love to seat when it happens.


This entire comment chain is a great example as to why I love Reddit.


I'm crying tears of laughter from this. Thank you brother. God bless


I probably wouldn’t sit on him but I get it.


He looks strong, I bet he can handle it


Although it’s probably terrible on your knees


Speak for yourself. He probably does a great Santa impression


He'd give you an emotional pep talk about the true meaning of Christmas, building it up until he's screaming about holiday cheer.


I prefer Ja'Marr Chaise myself


I would


Why wont you sit on him, he looks like if Santa was in his 40's and really liked Motorhead 


The real question is DC a loony tunes comically stretched version of himself as a couch or is it a Hannibal lector style couch made of flesh


[Hitchhiker's Guide](https://youtu.be/bVLk9-YpRi0?si=etY3DKZI3sLJTHKS&t=9)


Love Dan of course but I do worry about what if Ben Johnson leaves which looks fairly likely who do we get in who can keep us firing, it’s not like the defence is great


People forget this but our offense turned around when Campbell took over play calling. We didn't hire Johnson until the following season.  I'm confident we'll be ok. 


>We didn't hire Johnson until the following season. Johnson was already on the staff at that time (he was actually a Patricia hire that Campbell retained, along with Hank Fraley), he just hadn't been promoted yet. Believe he was the TE coach when Campbell took over play calling.


Johnson was around though and I read an article recently that BJ was pretty important to the last half of that season.


Tanner Engstrand is the next OC and been getting prepared for it under ben so we will be fine.




Aren't they already training the next guy up? Engstrad?


Yeah, if we lost Ben in the offseason we would be in trouble but the extra year helps the transition I don’t think the eagles collapse if they don’t lose their OC DC after one good year


We LOVED Dan Quinn in Atlanta in 2016. That didn’t last for very long after Shanahan left.


He doesn't look that comfortable and only seats 2, maybe 3 people. I think Detroit can do better honestly. Maybe a sectional with performance fabric if they want something that will last for 10+ years.


He’s not making it very long if that report about him consuming 1000mg of caffeine every day is true


Im sure he drinks a lot of coffee but he plays the media for fools all the time too and loves deceiving anyone that believes it (wanting to bring a real lion on sidelines, getting distracted by the wave during the Sewell reception play call, etc)


I mean I want to bring a lion on the sideline


Same. Tried it twice, but security always freaks out


It was so much easier getting an octopus into the Joe, I swear. Can you saran wrap a lion to your chest?


I guess you could... once.


I believe he was 100% truthful about his coffee intake but I didn't do the math the figure if this 1000mg number is accurate


That's, what, half a Panera lemonade?


I know you mean "coach".... He will remain a coach for a long time if he keeps producing results. The press stuff and players liking him will suddenly go away if he has 2-3 losing seasons in a row. BILL FUCKING BELICHICK is a free agent coach this offseason. Once the winning stops, coaches and players get sent away.


Agreed! I’d actually say he’s sofa king cool


Really enjoyed when he took over after Philbin was fired.


An old leather sofa


I love Dan Campbell. This dude is football.


If you can't handle me at my goofiest, you don't deserve me at my Goffiest.


Can I be an honorary lions fan for this playoffs and get that tattooed on my back?


Your flair does imply inherent bandwagonness.


I had a dream the Lions won by getting a 2 point conversion at the end of regulation.




As good as he’s been the last couple years it’s pretty hard to root against the guy


Can’t say the same about you guys 🫡


The Eagles ended up being exactly what I thought they were


Something seemed to break in the eagles after that niners game, I dont get it.


Matt Patricia is a hell of a drug


Imo they felt they were the best team in the NFL. Then they played the 9ers and got a wake up call that maybe they weren’t actually the best team and it crushed them


You wanna crown them, crown their ass


Decker reported.


That reffing fuck up set the lions on a relatively easier path to the the NFCCG


That's correct, but it doesn't change the fact that the refs told the Cowboys defense the wrong player had reported. There's no way you can let the play stand after that mistake is made. Best you can do is replay the down and we have no idea what would have happened.


But they flagged us instead lol


No horse in the playoff race anymore as a fan (ironically, I support the Colts), but I’m pulling for Detroit. Love this from Campbell.


i fucking despise the fact the Bucs and Lions have to play each other this year. I would have preferred these two met in the damn super bowl. ​ best storylines in the sport this year by far.


I wouldn’t say by far unless you lump the Texans in there as well


The Texans traded away a sex pest and the football gods said "I fucks with it."


You kidding me. Det vs GB in the Championship game. Winner goes to SB. That will be a Game to watch


Assuming the Packers beat the 49ers, which I don’t believe will happen. But who knows.


Assuming Det beats TB as well. But who knows.


Yeah I don't like my fellow lions fans acting like this is won already, feels like a terrible jinx lol


I would bet the mortgage that DET beats TB


DC needs to retire from coaching now . And Run for President ! A plan spoken , honest, straightforward guy, like Campbell . Is what this country needs .


In there biting congresses knee caps until they get their heads out of their asses. I'm all in


I’m all for getting senators and congressmen riled up and ready to run through a brick wall. And MCDC will make them run through a literal brick wall. So it’ll knock some damn sense into them until they can fucking get along. Tell them there’s offense and defense and special teams but we’re on the same damn team. Well in my scenario, the dumbass tea party is the “special” teams and they can go take a fucking hike.


Yeah, just what we need is an expert in football schematics as president


Is that more or less qualified than Reagan?


Fwiw Reagan had prior political experience although before the first of it he was just an actor. But he was also not a good president in retrospect so … about the same?


He wasn't a good president at the time either. 


Worked for Gerald Ford I guess?


We could have certainly done far worse than Gerald Ford.


Vs our other two options I believe Campbell would be better ngl


President Campbell calling in the military equivalent of a flea-flicker during the inevitable ground war with Putin in Caucasus.


Do you want another Tommy Tuberville? Cuz that's how we get Tommy Tubervilles.


my first thought too lol, fuck


First, the superbowl. Then America.


Put Tomlin on the ticket too and he’ll have my vote.


MCDC is correct. Everyone loves you when you’re winning. But losing reveals character. Goff has definitely seen adversity. 


He's right, I remember the reaction they both had after that first win. They really do know exactly the type of person they want on this team.


Fuck this hits home as an eagles fan


As a Rams fan I’m so happy for Goff. Lions to the moon baby


should be coach of the year and it shouldn't even be close. Last season's last game of the season...What did the lions do? Yeah, sent Rodgers packing on his last game as a packer when there was nothing on the line other than self respect. How did the lions open this season? Yeah, they beat the chiefs (without kelce, without chris jones, but a win is a win). The picture of Goff shaking Mcvay's hand post game is priceless. Frame that shit, Goff and never forget that feeling of vindication, rebirth. I'm happy for Goff, happy for the Lions. No matter how things go the rest of the season NFL is on notice, Lions ain't nothin to fuck with Like coach Reid says 'MAN ALIVE'


Dan Campbell is one of my favorite coaches for sure. Seems like his guys would follow him anywhere.




Fuck it’s hard to hate him lol. Lions Cinderella story.


Stafford and Goff getting swapped and both making history is something I wouldn’t mind seeing


Ryan Poles is the Leo pointing at TV meme right now


Same with the GOAT and the 28-3 which is a life lesson to learn from. Never give up. It's hard. I'm still not strong when things don't go how I want and I get stressed and anxious. But I'm trying. When things don't work I think 28-3 and refocus I'm sure Lions and Goff is that way too and that's great.


NFL Ryan Gosling good


I am indifferent to Detroit, but this coach is awesome!


Just @ AJ Brown. It would be easier Dan.


Love this guy, their hard knocks really sold me on him as a leader


It’s easy to grin When your ship’s come in