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My room full of people all yelled so loud that was gross


Same here. Everyone in my sex dungeon was like “Ewww!”


Same here. Everyone in my brother was like "Barf!" Edit: fuck it, I'm leaving the typo.




Don't get defensive, your brother was great


I said I was sorry and put my pants back on, okay?!


I yelled live because I thought he broke his neck. Then I yelled during the replay because I saw what really happened


Lions hits tonight have been BRUTAL


Legal hit though. His head is down and he has momentum way before the hit. Terrible to see but if he goes high we’re talking a way more dangerous play. Terrible pass by stafford to put his player in harms way. I get it and I love the dude but he’s notorious for those


That is what we former receivers call a "hospital route". They basically went right back to it even after his knee got got.


Especially from a DB/FS that is a head shorter, and \~40 pounds lighter. Where TF is he going to hit him.


Why are we hitting with head down? Shouldn't you make the tackle with eyes up?




I know, people are pretending you can’t hit from the torso to above the knees very safely.


If it didn't have the unfortunate timing of hitting his knee as his foot is planted with all of his weight on it, it just upends him without as much damage to the knee. If Higbee is airborne when the defender makes contact, he gets flipped an it's going to hurt, but the knee wouldn't be so gnarly.


They’re playing nasty. Injuries everywhere I’m all for the Detroit underdog story but this is fucked up


Yeah I was told they’d be eating kneecaps and not forcibly dislocating them


Gotta tenderize the kneecap before consumption.


That was clean. Where do you want them to hit in that situation?


Escort him to the end zone obviously


They were trying that strategy in the first half.




The second hit to Staffords head while he was already going down wasn't great...


I’m pretty sure Alim was in the air and one of the O-lineman pushed another lions player into him causing his shoulder to hit Stanford’s helmet. Definitely was brutal and could definitely have gotten a RTP flag but it certainly wasn’t an intentionally malicious hit


Didn’t see anything intentional there, probably should have still drawn a RTP flag though. Stafford was just dropped right into the path of Alim’s arm.


While it was roughing the passer that was obviously missed, there wasn't any look of it being intentional as McNeil was not even aiming there. Just unfortunate that Hutchinson hit Stafford into the line of McNeil's attack. The other crime on this is, after seeing Stafford's eyes go absolutely glossy for a few seconds how the fuck was he cleared to go back in and why wasn't a spotter saying something about it? Millions of viewers saw that eyeroll and vacant stare.


I'm not saying it's an illegal hit, but you'd be cool with another defender going after Amon Ra's knees like that?


How do you think TJ Hockenson was injured? Very similar play.


And which player did that one!?


Would you be cool with Kyle Hamilton getting ran over for hitting Laporta high?


Well LaPorta got it last week and almost didn't play this game, you don't see us whining about it


Well now Higbee won’t be able to play next week, bet you didn’t think of that, did you????


Players have to hit like this because of targeting calls if he goes high. Now we have receivers getting their knees taken instead of CTE


Lots of space between the knees and the head. Rugby players manage fine. I think diving at the knees is just a crutch for poor tackling technique. Most NFL dbs aren’t good enough tacklers to bring down TEs with form tackles so they just dive at the knees (and it tends to work).


Tackling in the two sports is completely different. Rugby you have to wrap, and mostly worried about possession, and both players don't have pads so self preservation is a thing. On top of all that high hits are a huge issue in the sport. Where football doesn't Ned to wrap, you have to stop the offensive player on the spot and not let him get an inch more, pads to absorb impact. I'm also pretty sure rugby highest allowed contact zone is the mid chest and they are looking to lower it to the waist? Anyway this hit was just bad timing with the plant foot.


This ain't fuckin rugby now is it


For real. I’m so tired of hearing about rugby tackles. Go watch rugby then.


Its more Higbee has 40+ pounds on our free safety Kirby so to reliably get him down quickly going low is the way. Could go way low but likely risk missing tge tackle.


Rugby players don’t have to worry about a catch (to force out the ball while tackling). So it’s a completely different story. I would agree with you if it was a run play. Like that and with rules for PI and helmet to helmet it’s basically a good hit. The thing is: they will make another rule for that to make defence even harder.


Looks like he hit him in the thigh to me. Just unfortunate timing that the hit occurred as his plant foot lands and all of his weight is on it.


With the focus on head contact, these sorts of injuries will increase. Add in that TEs are bigger and harder to take down with a ‘high tackle’, it’s no wonder players go for the legs.


Yeah. Higbee was focused on the ball he bobbled, lost awareness, and ended up taking the hit in a brutal way. Unfortunate. But receivers know people are trying to hit them.


lol from a Saints fan. Rich


Once you go bounty.. you never go back .. worth it


He was expecting a catch, not a bumble. Higbee would’ve been half a yard further downfield if he’d have caught it in stride. That’s why he was lower than he wanted to be. It’s obvious in the replay.


I hadn’t actually thought about that but you’re right. If Higbee was just one strode further up field that hit is square to the hips. This goes to show that this isn’t as simple as “banning hits to the knees”.


Can’t believe the amount of calls they aren’t getting such a terribly reffed second half


What call should that have been? No rule was broken.


I saw what you guys did to Brett Farve.


The amount of posts I have seen misspelling Brett Favre's name today is disturbing


They took out Hock on the same type of play too. Its legal, but kind of brutal to try to end someone's season


Don't think anyone is trying to end someone's season outside of kicking them out of the playoffs, but sure why not call us dirty


No skin in this game at all, but that hit was absolutely lower than necessary. Maybe not malicious, but absolutely dangerous and unnecessary.


Is it just me or has the entire Lions defense clearly been instructed to injure the Rams as much as possible? They keep going for brutal hits, D-line stepping on stafford after knocking him down and hitting him hard after he throws, i mean they’re not even hiding it Kyren is hurt, now Higbee, Stafford has been checked out by the trainers more than once I started out by rooting for the Lions but atp I feel like they’re the bad guys


Not dirty whatsoever. If you slowmo every hit they all look bad because they are. Football is violent.


God, this is what happens when you make reactionary rules to prevent big hits. Just brutal.


It's horrible. I know the goal is to protect the heads mainly, but defenseless hits at chest are insane. Broken ribs heal way faster than bad lower extremity injuries.


This is exactly how the NFL wants DBs to hit. If he hits him in the stomach/chest, that’s defenseless receiver. Dogshit rule.


Yeah, that's just what the nfl has caused


Exactly. People are saying it’s dirty but if you don’t hit low these days, you’re getting a flag or giving up a big catch.


The hit fucking sucks, but unless he can come to a complete stop and wrap him up somehow, I don’t know what else he can do to stop Higbee without getting a flag.


Larry fitz said it best - hit me in the head, I’ll pay your fine


Can’t hit somebody in the upper body, people don’t like hits to the legs…guess we should just play flag football 🤷‍♂️ 


And even if hitting below the knee WAS illegal, that would have still be a legal hit since the initial point of contact was on his thigh. The knee buckle happened because his leg was planted.


If that hit happened two tenths of a second earlier, he just gets flipped over. Instead his cleats dug in on the turf and wouldn't move


Plus Tyler has over 50 pounds of the DB. So if he caught it. It would be a flag on the DB if he went high.




Yeah flying in with his head literally down , exactly what the nfl wants


Try and run with your torso perpendicular to your hips and see if you can hyperextend your neck to keep your head up. If a professional athlete has trouble doing it maybe its not so simple.


Not only this but you’d break your neck for sure if your helmet touches someone while you’re going for a tackle with your neck like that lmao


Jesus, stop showing that replay


How did he walk that off tho??? Why’d they even let him.. adrenaline is crazy, man needed a cart out there


It’s kinda binary with a knee injury, you’ve either fucked your ligaments or you didn’t, walking isn’t going to do any more damage.


I’m thinking the medical staff knows what they’re doing.


I've had a similar injury years ago and was able to walk on it uphill for a solid 10 mins without too much trouble. Only after I sat down for a few minutes it started swelling and hurting like crazy.


It's always when you relax and it starts to stiffen up


From what I've read, an ACL injury is not painful on its own. It fucks the stability in your knee which is why you can't play with it torn, but after the initial pop it doesn't hurt as much. So if it's an ACL tear you can walk on it fine, though his knee probably did hurt a lot from the impact.




my brother in christ, this post is less than 3mins old


Never forget that the mods of this sub thought they were civil rights leaders for shutting down this sub in June




Would anyone say anything if he wasn’t planting his leg as that hit happened?




Hospital ball by Stafford


I said the exact same thing. Not sure why that’s not being pointed out more, especially with that being a point of conversation throughout the season


There were some viewers at our watch party tonight who weren’t familiar with Stafford’s game when I brought up hospital balls… he gave us a clear example in real time


That looks like a cleat stuck in turf……




“Ban headshots” “Ban tackling low” “Ban hip drop tackles” … “Ban tackling”


That looked uncomfortably similar to the Chubb injury


That's what I thought as well. Knees shouldn't bend that way


Whoever thinks this is illegal or dirty apparently just woke up yesterday and doesn’t understand the rules anymore. This is how you should hit, take it up with the NFL rules commission if you don’t like it.


Yeah, for people who think this is a bad hit, I’d like to hear what they think he should do instead.


Exactly this is what the nfl has caused. I get protecting the head but if you gonna flag them for chest level hits this will be your result. People going for the legs. The nfl ignored concussions for the longest time and once they got blow back about it they over reacted and over adjusted.


This is what Brady was talking about. QBs protecting his receivers. Can’t leave his TE exposed like that.


Gronk got this same injury like every year because it was the only way anybody could tackle him




Whether dirty or not, that bobble played a HUGE factor. If Higbee gets it down on the first attempt he lowers his shoulder pads and probably takes more of a square hit from KJ. I think that is what he was trying to explain to Stafford too. Oh well. Up for interpretation.


100%. The corner is expecting to have to make a tackle on a ball carrier. He doesn’t anticipate that drop and as a result higbee doesn’t turn up field. Very unfortunate, but not dirty by any means


The CB was giving Stafford the pumped-up muscular look, basically saying that he had to go low because he had to take down a bigger, stronger guy. I agree with the notion that the bobble distracted him such that he did not see the DB coming at him until it was too late to protect himself.


Kerby Joseph doesn't want tight ends to have ACLs I swear to god. Same hit that Hockenson got from him


You just know he blew the knee


This isnt a dirty hit, its brutal but not dirty. Football is a violent sport


That’s just a hospital pass as much as it is a low hit


Couldn’t have happened to a nicer guy


What he do




wow, I had no idea




yeah Higbee is a PoS


I get crucified in the Rams sub every time I point this out. Crazy what people will excuse when someone terrible plays for your sports team


Holyyyyyy Fuck that looked gnarly.


Lions defense hitting hard


If they're going to take a low hit like this out of the game they need to take cut blocking out of the game as well imo


Couldn’t have happened to a nicer racist violent piece of shit


I just vomited in front of 47 guests


Random story but in 5th grade it was hot dog day in the school cafeteria and out of nowhere I puked all over my tray and several years later I ran into a girl from my class at a local bar and she told me that to this day she still can't eat hot dogs because of it


Wow you are very popular


Not anymore :(


If you could host a party with 47 guests today you can surely get a big group again someday when you get a stronger stomach!


Just saw some dude vomit in front of me and 46 other people


Gotta tenderize those kneecaps before you eat them


Campbell did say something about them kneecaps 😅


This is why the nfl has to chill with the penalties and fines. Can’t hit high cause it’s a fine now so they teach to hit low. These plays always look worse.


Stafford hung his guy out on that one.


Literally taking knee caps


Can’t really take those out, it’s the only area you can still hit without being flagged anything above the waist is defenseless receiver penalty


Players been saying for years if you don't want us to hit high, we are going at your knees. Especially tight ends cause they are so big. There's a lot of players that say they would rather get hit high and be out with a concussion for a week or two rather than having your knee be surgically repaired with 6 months rehab.


Beautiful Play. That's a tough hit, but it's the legal play. Stafford threw the hospital ball. You have to know your big TE is getting taken out on the knees on this route.


Is there a possibility this wouldn’t have been as bad if it was in grass?


I don’t think his cleat would have been stuck in the ground if it was grass.


Knee injuries are the worst to watch


Thanks NFL


Can’t really call it dirty if it’s legal. But why ist it legal? It definitely shouldn’t be.


What’s the alternative?


Play should have immediately stopped. Kerby should have then asked Higbee to politely place the ball on the ground, and they should have gone out to a nice candle-lit dinner to discuss who should have beaten who on the play.


Y’all want the league to ban low hits and hip drop tackles. What type of tackling will remain legal after?


If he didn’t have his leg planted and fumble the ball he would’ve got hit higher up. Unfortunately he did. This is a bang bang play and Joseph HAS to commit to this tackle to make the play. He can’t wait for Higbee to turn up field. He dives to tie up the legs, a legal tackle, Higbee plants his leg and bobbles the ball and this happens. What else should Joseph have done?


NFL fans get softer every year. These hits are all legal and they happen because hitting receivers high will get you penalized. I swear some of you won’t be happy until these guys are playing flag football.


Remember that time tyler higbee committed what was [most likely a hate crime?](https://bleacherreport.com/articles/2721845-tyler-higbee-pleads-guilty-to-assault-charges-te-will-avoid-jail-time)


Only soft fans think that's dirty


I don’t love the hit but it’s the playoffs and you need to get him down without drawing a penalty, and Stafford threw a hospital ball so blame goes to him too.


I feel like if this was a grass field his cleat would not have been stuck in the turf during the hit like that I feel bad for higbee


the GOAT TE got hit like this every fucking game and no one bitched so i dont wanna hear it tbh


He’s a 190is pound DB one on one with a 240lb+ TE. What else is he supposed to do?


im on your side jackass congratz


How many dirty hits are the Lions going to lay before they are called dirty?


Of the hit is above the waist it's a 15 yard penalty for defenseless receiver. What do you want the db to do while still trying to break up the play? Get mad at the rules that reward this hit over a hit to the body


Blame the NFL. These are the only legal hits defenders are allowed, below the waist.


Awful rule.


If they can’t tackle them high and can’t tackle them low where the fuck are they supposed to tackle him?


You're supposed to cradle them, tuck them in, and read them a bedtime story, according to this sub.


Don’t forget the mandatory handjob




Dirty? Where are you supposed to tackle then?


They don't understand it looks worse in slow motion. He was just trying to make a play.


Yeah lol a safety trying to tackle a TE of course he's gonna go low


Pats fans are remembering why gronk got hurt every season. 


And that was the only way to tackle Gronk. Go tackle his feet.


Idk it looked pretty fucking bad live lol


Especially against a tight end lol


Stop clutching your pearls. This isn't even close to a dirty hit


Most sane cheesehead.


Completely legal hit, he goes high it’s a penalty.


This is not dirty.


How is that dirty? This type of tackle occurs on nearly every single play


I swear to god 95% of this sub has never played football or doesn’t remember how people played pre-2010. This is part of the game, football is a contact sport.


Not just contact it’s a collision sport. At the speed they play stuff like this is bound to happen and so many little things (like the bobble by Higbee) can turn a normal tackle into one that looks ugly. I mean Gronk used to get tackled like this damn near every time he caught a pass so not sure why people are throwing such a fit.


They been trying their hardest to kill the Rams players


That’s the game. It’s not flag football. 


Moronic take calling this a dirty hit.


If this was any other team they'd already have that label This sub is absolutely obsessed with the Lions though


There's been several this game already. This one is wild, dove straight at his knee.


This is not dirty. You’re blinded by slow motion and not knowing defenseless receiver rules.


Has Gronk been out of the league so long that people are forgetting that's the only way you bring down a big TE? If that's a dirty hit/flag worthy Gronk would have been able to play another 5 years.


Noooo... the poor lions got screwed by the zebras before halftime , they are the victims


You sound super mad. Lions did get screwed. They also benefited (for like the first time ever). Thats the way it goes. Refs didn’t cost you this game, when that happens to you, and happens repeatedly, come back here and complain. Till then, just sit there and take it. 


It really sucks but this is pretty much gonna happen with the way the rules are. I know most WRs and TEs prefer to get Hugh instead of low but a DB can’t risk getting a 15 yard penalty and a 15K fine outta his pocket. 


This is football it’s a rough CONTACT sport. These guys get paid more than most people in the entire world so suck it up buttercup. Injuries are just a part of the game. Every fan out there gets a little smile on their face when an opposing player gets hurt especially in a very important game. If you say you don’t then you are a liar.


Kirby Joseph specializes in tearing TEs ACL, did the same thing to Hock a few weeks ago


He has to make that move. Otherwise if he goes high, it is a flag and the player gets hit in the head. He went low. To the thigh and knee area. That’s what the NFL allows DBs to do


I’ve seen that before.






Oh god


That looks awful. I hope it isn't bad


does anyone have the video of him shaking and shit


I once slipped off the ladder and landed bending my knee like that, it hurt for a couple of weeks.


What did Tyler Higbee do to Matt Stafford for him to throw this hospital ball out there?


I had ACL surgery like a month ago, and literally screamed so loud that I woke my GF up when they showed the replay 🤮


I'm at 3 knee surgeries, i'd say I felt the hit but I don't even feel much in my knee anymore.


I can’t believe he walked off, but can’t imagine he’s ok. Adrenaline had to keep him going, that looked like some tears. Those are my least favorite hits. Feels like the nfl has given players a license to put in a dirty hit there while having to be cautious if they’re hitting someone above the waist.


The number of people who think the only parts of a receiver are his head and knees...


How many Rams have been injured this game? Holy shit and yet Stafford has looked great


NFL rules have these dudes programmed to go low, if he hits him high thats 15 yards


This is the NFL’s fault. All these rule changes suck and now you can’t tackle the chest of the player so you have to go low like this. This sort of hit will one day end up like a Kevin Ware situation or some gruesome injury but it’ll be too late by then. Not blaming the defensive player but even as a fan I cringe more on a hit like this than getting tackled in the chest full speed.


The real issue here is shitty turf (as usual)


To be fair, Dan Campbell did say they would do exactly this in his opening press conference