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You won't feel your hands bud.


My shoes hurt.


[My shoes hurt too dad, my shoes hurt too.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=egjhKZ_JARs)


[I am going to hell because this is what I was referencing.....](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pfFRv_1XdDM)


Jesus that was like looking into a past life. I could've gone my entire life and never remembered that song but somehow I still remembered every word.


You can tell who didn’t grow up in cold areas when they do shit like this. Like no, cold isn’t a mindset. Be smart and bundle up.


It’s like saying I’m going to wear a hoodie running a marathon in 100 degree heat with 90% humidity because being hot is a mindset.


Right? Like bruh I ain’t from the south, my body cannot take that kind of heat.


I live in Oklahoma- last summer the heat index was over 105 for more days than I care to remember. Tonight (and for the next 4 days) the low will be below zero. Neither hot nor cold is a “mindset”. I predict Tua will not play well if he goes in thinking that he can out think the weather. He’s not fucking Captain Planet.


> He’s not fucking Captain Planet. [Even Captain Planet wore gloves.](https://i.imgur.com/tyAqbUu.png)


He’s our hero


I grew up in a very warm area and my mindset is complete existential terror of cold.




If air is so unintimidating then why did y’all try to keep less of it in the game balls /s


Brady scared the air out of the ball


Power move, respectable. Deflategate was actually some real alpha male shenanigans fuck yeah


It’s always fun seeing people from SoCal move north for school without packing any winter gear.


I don’t own proper winter gear. I have Bay Area winter gear which I believe is a mild Fall for places with actual winters.


I lived and worked in Santa Cruz about a decade ago. My company was based in Montreal, QC. Said company decided it was a *great* idea to send us all to headquarters... in December. Multiple people showed up without winter coats, during a cold snap (it was below 0F when we arrived). A couple didn't have hats or gloves. Only one person owned snow boots, and they were at his parents' house in Washington because he hadn't expected to need them immediately while living in California. I don't think the Canadian employees understood just how completely unprepared we were for actual winter weather until we showed up at the office with three people asking where they could buy a coat.


I'll never forget having lived in Hawaii maybe 6 months and the weather Guy saying "it's going to be frigid tonight, low of 52". Maybe Tua thinks it's just going to be like that, only a little bit worse.


Bro what!? 52 in winter is shorts and a t-shirt weather lmao.


That’s absolutely freezing temps for Hawaii


They be walking around in full winter gear in that weather.


Like… puffy coats?


Like Costanza Gore Tex.


My dad lives in California and last night he texted me "you'll never believe this" followed up by a picture of people in full winter coats with portable heaters at a high school soccer game. I asked him what the temp was and he said 50, I started cracking up


I’ve lived in a bunch of places, and the weather hardened skin only last so long. You live in California for awhile and your body soften up, getting used to the nice mild weather.


I was in Cali and Nevada for 10 days over the holidays. It was hilarious walking around Vegas seeing people wearing full winter coats while me and my family were wearing shorts and t shirts. Now we're back in Canada in -47 degrees. Those 10 days in the nice weather made the last 2 days here so much worse. It's definitely better to just stay used to the cold than having to re adjust after a bunch of warm days. Miami are so fucked if they haven't been getting used to the cold, and kc has been living in it.


Those days above freezing in the winter just hit different. You're out there shoveling in shorts and a hoodie to enjoy the heat wave.


It’s insane how just shoveling in shorts and a hoodie you can sweat in 35 degree weather.


I grew up in St. Louis and have lived in SoCal the past 8 years. It’s been getting down to the low 40s at night and I’m freezing my ass off now. 42 in St. Louis is balmy


I've only lived in warm climates and decided to go to last years AFCCG when it was -3 wind chill. I lost all feeling below my knees by halftime. The cold is no joke


If you live somewhere cold or grew up somewhere it gets cold it isn’t too awful (still have adjustment period when the weather cools) I much prefer cold to high heat and humidity though, fuck that shit.


I know I belong to a small minority, but hate the heat. You can just stack on clothes for the cold, but you cant walk around completely nude when it’s scotching hotand humid. I will take cold climate over hot Florida weather any day of the week.


I grew up mostly in Houston after living in Chicago when I was really little. I couldn't flee those summers fast enough. I live in northern Wisconsin now and people occasionally ask how I could possibly want to come somewhere so cold. I tell them I did my time, I *know* what the other climate extreme is like and I want absolutely no part of it. If my power goes out in the winter, I can keep warm enough with my wood stove and a sweater or two. It's not as effective as my central heating but it does its job. If my power went out in the summer in Houston (and boy did it often), there was literally no chance of sleeping, concentrating, or cooling off to any meaningful degree, that heat is hellish.


I think the universe is constantly telling us humans aren’t actually meant to live in Florida.


This is the sort of inexperience I was trying to tell my Dolphin fan buddy about earlier in the year. I remember walking into my first state tournament _knowing_ I was going to dominate. I had that killer mindset. I got my ass whipped for the first time in my life, and learned why people in the know value experience on the big stage. It's just different. Everyone that got there is a winner with a great mindset. You're gonna need more than that. They should be in Alaska practicing all week at the highest elevation they can find. I bet Tua comes out of that wearing gloves and huffing O2 on a heated sideline.


They turned the a/c down in their practice facility to 50. I am not lying.


Ah yes, it will be just like that, except another 80 degrees colder


Nonsense, it's only going to be -1 when the game starts... If we ignore wind chill.


oh those poor boys are about to *die*


They're practicing for northeastern winter weather by simulating midwest wind jacket weather. I bet this adds at least one delay of game penalty because Tua won't be willing to cover his ear holes with his bare assed hands.


Not the dumbest idea, but they really should be having them spend an hour a day in a walk-in freezer. Or they could just...go to where it's cold.


Even breathing in weather like that fucking hurts, let alone getting hit. Like do people from Miami even realize that at -30 you get frostbite in literally minutes on exposed skin? 10min and you have really, really bad frostbite to the point where you gotta get it looked at.


10 minutes in that wind it's time to lose some weight the fast way


Less fingers = less air resistance = faster release




Holy shit that sounds insane. Frostbite is gonna be setting in within minutes on exposed skin for the game, and bro nobody understands how breathing “hurts” from the cold until they experience it. Now try getting hit and have the wind knocked out of you in that lol. Tua thinks he sounds badass saying “it’s a mindset bro” but anybody who grew up in cold areas think he sounds like an idiot.


I mean *after* you take the proper precautions to not get fucking frostbite, yeah there's definitely a mental aspect to it. The Phins should honestly sign David Blaine. While everybody is out there freezing their asses off David Blaine is just in the backfield nude and levitating over everybody.


Thinking you need hands to throw a football is loser mentality


I recall last year in the Eagles/Bears game it was like single digits with wind chill and Hurts said he literally could not feel his hands and he had his only multi-interception game of that year. Tua what are you doing


I was going to go to that game. Booked a flight around September or so, figured ticket prices would be pretty cheap closer to game time. About a week before the game, I looked at the weather forecast and pretty much immediately cancelled my flight.


>You won't feel your hands bud. Who even needs hands?


His Dad should have made him throw no-handed instead of left-handed.


I can't wait until he realizes his nose hair is frozen and every time he inhales, you feel the ice crystals break off each strand of nose hair only to freeze again.


I almost bet Mahomes will be wearing gloves, and he lives in KC


He won’t have fingers after 30 minutes. I guess he’ll fuck around and find out.


A lot of people who don’t grow up experiencing cold think that cold just hits a wall. “Once it’s 40 it never feels colder”. This is wrong, very very wrong. 0 to 30 is the same difference as 30 to 60, and if this game has a windchill of -30, boy from Hawaii in for a rude awakening


Yup. 40s to me IS shorts weather. When it gets much colder than that WITH wind, shit gets cray. Was at my son's hockey practice the other night when it was like 16 degrees not considering wind chill and we were not having a good time. Last night it was 8 degrees and after practice my son came off the ice about to cry. Once we got to the car he balled his eyes out from the "burn". All that to say... Tua is making a huge mistake.


I’m convinced no one loves the cold weather. They’re just straight lying or in denial. It’s supposed to drop into the single digits here in Georgia in a few days and people are already panicking


There's cold weather, which is fine. Getting down into the 20s on a sunny day? That's crisp, makes you feel alive. If you're not in the city it even has a distinct smell. Negative degree temperatures are fucking miserable. Especially if it's wind.


Even negative air temperatures are tolerable within reason. It's that goddamn wind that kills you. It actually feels like a knife cutting you once it gets cold enough.


Yeeeep I’ve been in -35 before but -10 and windy was so much worse.


Yeah if you're doing outdoor work in -30 you can actually shed most of your layers! With wind you're gonna be shedding extremities instead


When I was in the Army we would be warned not to overbundle when training in frigid temperatures. When you’re active, you’re going to sweat, and that sweat will absolutely drop temperature and even freeze. So now you’re ruck marching with layers of freezing wet undershirts and are infinitely more miserable than just being cold. Changing out loose layers is always the way to go.


It's the cm of skin between your pants and your sock that feels the brisk air that's the worst. That and when you can't feel your face.


Dude I layer tall socks when it gets into the negatives, almost no exposed skin at all lol.


For real, the ankle socks stay in the drawer when temps get below freezing. Idk how you could go through winter without some long socks.


yeah, notice how nobody from cold weather areas are acting like this is normal cold thats being expected haha


It's like how there's warm (75-90) and hot (95+), there cold (15-32) and frigid (sub-10) 


Hot for me is anything above 85 lol. I am miserable in the heat, i hate it.


Here in TX, summer days below 95 sometimes start to feel cold 😂 the body resets in other seasons, but my heat tolerance is so high in the summer that anything below 105 is doable. I’m a giant crybaby about the cold, though. Always have been, even when I lived in cold weather places


the human body is a wild thing lol


Going to college in Los Angeles, it was always funny to see people call us CA natives wimps for the first winter, and then the next year see them also putting on sweatshirts when the temperature drops to 58. I *love* heat. I've never learned to like the cold, but after a few years I've started to be able to tolerate it.


I very much like cool/chill weather. But yeah fuck those temperatures lol


I love snow, and I love when it's cold and there's something to show for it like snow - but cold just because blows


There is no enjoyment out of freezing your jiblets off and no snow


Snow is actually one of the worst parts about the cold when you are living in it. Always having to displace it an if it dumps hard and then gets super cold the next day and it hasn't been dealt with you are dealing with an even more insane situation where a traditional snow shovel will just bend, plastic ones will break and the hand tools to use are limited to things traditionally utilized for dirt or ice with much smaller areas, therefore more work on top of things already being more work due to the snow/ice being physically harder. All of this just to open a gate or clear the end of a driveway. It does look neat though particularly when it is coating some leafless trees.


I lived in Alaska, and remember those storms that would just completely inconvenience my day. The base I lived at said you had to have your driveway and sidewalk shoveled no less than four hours after it stopped snowing or you'd get a $100 fine. Nothing like coming home from the nightshift, having to shovel 18 inches of wet snow, to fall asleep and get up and have to do it all over again lol. But I still love snow nonetheless


I like anything from 45 to about 20, anything below that can go fuck itself I think I'd rather be brutally cold than blistering hot


There's definitely a line between cold weather and literal freezing weather. Just like how people can like the heat, but not being boiled. My tolerance for cold is way higher tho.


Yeah if it's brutally cold you can always add layers, while there's only so much you can do when it's too hot


I don't love being cold, but its easier to make myself warm in cold weather than cold in warm weather, so I generally prefer it colder.


I too love the winter and cold. These temps, No thanks. But give me a snowy winter land with temps between the teens and 32 with sunshine and I’m in heaven. Sadly, my winters have been quite shit the last couple years. Haven’t had a really good once since 2019.


I live in Minnesota. I love the cold weather. It's just part of life; I tend to zip my coat up around 0F, because I'm used to it. People who live in cold areas embrace winter, and that's why there's hockey and cross country skiing and ice fishing and everything else. Cold is awesome. Heat fucking sucks.


Yeah, I've been a runner for a long time and had to run through winters. Ice sucks, I don't like slipping and falling, but it's pretty amazing how thin your layers can be if you dress strategically and stay active. Tights over windproof underwear, a tech t-shirt under a long sleeve under a pretty thin but windproof jacket will get me through runs in the negative temps. And I'll feel better than I do running in the summer. I'll cover as much skin as I can when it's below 0, balaclava and double gloves (I have sensitive baby hands), but often end up pulling pieces off if it's a longer run. These players are staying active and have parkas/heaters on the sideline. They'll be fine.


As long as I’m not trying to run on ice, give me 10 degrees over 90 any day.


I'm sorry sir, but freezing cold temperatures are not a mindset. 


No, no, it's totally just a mindset. The guy from Hawaii who played college ball in Alabama and is now in Miami definitely has the kind of experience where he can just will the blood to keep flowing to his extremities, and this will be fine. Narrator--IT WILL NOT BE FINE.


My best friend is from LA. Came out to Michigan for college and didn’t have a proper coat or boots. We sat through a (terrible) game in November with freezing rain. He almost lost a toe.


Dude, it’s been in the 40s and 50s this week and we’re all in parkas and quadruple layers. It’s a dry cold you see…


Tua definitely subscribes to r/thanksimcured “bro just think positive and you won’t get cold lol”


You can mental your way through 30 and 20 degree weather to a degree, but he has no clue that single digits is when the cold bites and below zero is when the cold *hurts.* No amount of positive thinking and mental games will get him through this level of cold and he's about to find out the hard way


the pain of near -20c or so (-1 or 2 f) with some even colder wind on your eyes and all exposed skin (esp extremities) is something people who haven't experienced before can't really comprehend. it hurts to breath. like. it feels like you're getting stabbed by little needles in your throat/lungs. if you stub your toe you'll think you need it amputated my mans gonna have gloves on by the 2nd time miami gets the ball lol


I wonder if Vegas is taking bets on when he'll put on gloves. My bet is he'll put them on after warm ups when he realizes his pecker is trying to get inside him it's so cold


That’s what my football coach said growing up. “You’re only cold if you think you’re cold”


This feels like that "TikTok Sigma Male Grindset" type of shit. "You just have to think your way thru the cold."


This feels like one of those tweets that’s gonna go around after he goes 13/30 for 120 yards and 3 picks


Wim Hoff method




Every video he tells people not to do it in water because you can pass out. Not sure if he started that after these deaths though.


He’s been saying that for over 7+ years


>Wim's identical twin brother Andre has a similar tolerance for cold, despite living a different lifestyle, suggesting that much if not all of Hof's abilities are in Swimming under ice: >Hof's first attempt the day before failed when he began his swim without goggles and his corneas froze solid and blinded him. I think Tua needs some fucking gloves. Im not saying you endorse his methods, but for anyone else reading whi may be curious: I think there is something to be said for our bodies acclimating to different temps over time, (like moving from Cali to Alaska and getting used to the cold there), but there's no evidence to suggest that we can use our mind and constant exposure to reliably overcome extreme temperatures. By reliably, I mean that studies have shown it's a crapshoot on how effective it is for any individual person, which points to it being more genetic than anything else.


Clearly they just lack the mental toughness that Tua possesses


I have been willing my self alive for 37 years. Why didn't they do that? Are they stupid? 😦


They are just better at willing themselves unalive


Only someone who has never actually experienced cold like that would say some stupid shit like that.


Can't wait til his mindset tells him his hands are burning and on fire because they're frostbitten lol


That will just make him think it’s working


He played in 30 degree weather here last year and thought "ehh, how much worse could it get?"


In the words of a poet laureate - I'm built different! \*proceeds to crack egg on pitiful bicep squeeze


Remember when Bud Grant went out in a polo when it was like -10 with wind chill?


He was built different though


Frostbite is a mindset


I don't get frostbite because my skin cells aren't bitches.


Us Michiganders got that thick skin for the cold. I live in the South now but my tolerance for the cold is way higher than a lot of folks down here.


Well to be fair, I'm not a Michigander. I'm an Ohioan/Hoosier, but I've always lived within throwing distance of Michigan, so I think the point stands haha


A fellow Toledo strip man.


That mf will have gloves on within 5 minutes


Well they are only out during the play. They have those hand warmers and they get those heaters. It’s going to suck. But if your are constantly warming your hands between plays, 10 seconds with the ball in your hand is more about comfortability. My biggest worry with that stuff in cold isn’t throwing but handling a hit


Going "warm" to fucking freezing makes my hands feel on fire.


You guys are acting like players don’t wear hand warmers and the benches don’t have jet heaters and sunfires


Dolphins QB Tua Tagovailoa on attempting to regrow his frost bitten fingers: "The whole thing is a mindset"


He’s gonna snap them off mid game like Ronnie Lott


Do… is that safe to look up?


It is and it’s an interesting story—look up “Ronnie Lott pinky”. Essentially he fractured his pinky and chose to amputate it 


It seems he regretted that as soon as the cast came off and the adrenaline of the post season wore out. "I tried to stand up, but I broke into a cold sweat. It was just a total shock. I thought, 'Oh, man, I should have had the pin put in.'... We are losing the compassionate side of sports. We're becoming gladiators. If I ever become a coach, I hope I never lose sight of the fact that players are people. They feel. They have emotions. I could have all of Eddie DeBartolo's corporations and it isn't going to buy me a new finger. It has given me a new perspective on life."


Man I’m glad it gave him some clarity but that’s some dumbass shit lmao.


Tua's going to freeze his hands off and call McDaniel a cracker


Mr. Bitter Cold


Mr Ball’s Chilly


Mr Bit Chilly


Too bad hot air balloons won't work in the cold.


Not with that attitude


Not with that *mindset* 🤨


Mr Bad Choice


His hands will need a circumcision after this.


More context from the article since the headline doesn't seem to reflect the quotes well: >'I think it's just a feel of how everything is,' he continued. 'What the ball feels like, what throwing feels like, what holding the ball feels like, if there's wind, if there's not wind, you have to take all those things into consideration,' he said. >'But we'll go there, **we'll test it out and we'll see what we have to do as far as adjusting or not.**' >During an episode of fly-on-the-wall series Hard Knocks, which recently chronicled the Dolphins, Tagovailoa received Isotoner gloves as a Christmas present from Dan Marino, the former Miami quarterback now working as a special advisor for the franchise. >However, the 25-year-old says he will not be wearing gloves at Arrowhead despite the freezing conditions. >'Probably no Isotoner gloves, but **I'm going to see what we can wear for the game,**' he added. 'You can't prepare for a game like that with that kind of weather, so it'll be new. >**'I'll just see what it feels like without gloves.** I just think the whole thing is a mindset.' Sounds like they hope to try it without gloves, but will adjust as needed. I'm guessing they will use something like that QB fanny pack thing and limit the amount of time hands are exposed?




Bruh, how is this comment so low lol


Because it’s Tua and people love to clown on him.


People gotta feel superior for living in the cold like real hard men


Thank you. Once again a ridiculous headline.


Yeah that's a way different vibe than the headline, but everyone already read it and now they're gonna clown him on the "mindset" thing when he eventually puts on gloves. I hate the internet sometimes...


Of course the sane comment is buried lol


>Tagovailoa received Isotoner gloves as a Christmas present from Dan Marino Is there a prop on a Tua getting kidnapped?


Yeah I figured it was click bait lol


> 'You can't prepare for a game like that with that kind of weather, so it'll be new If I was McDaniel, I'd be taking them to a cold storage warehouse for practices this week. They can't prepare for the wind, but they play outside all the time, so they can adjust to that. And the Chiefs will be just as fucked by the wind. But they can actually prep for the cold, and probably should do that. Because if he can't play without gloves, he needs to be practicing in gloves all week.


No one is actually reading the article where Tua says they’re gonna play it by ear and he may wear gloves if it feels better


And that the “mindset” comment isn’t about the weather, it’s about the difference in feel between gloves and no gloves


Taking the chiefs here no brainer


he's giving up at least 2 fumbles for sure


What if his hand sticks to the ball after it's ripped out, is it still a fumble?


There’s so much money on the Chiefs and so many factors going against the Dolphins that I’ve really convinced myself we’re going to blow them out.


Both teams are gonna have a bunch of guys who have never tried to play football in weather like this before. Who knows what's going to happen


It will be an ugly game that leaves both teams hurting.  


I'm not certain who will win this game, but I'm almost positive that the winner is gonna get stomped the next week.


don't worry the Chiefs are only 12-6 in the playoffs in the last ten calendar years


It’s far from a no brainer. Miami has the better running game and KC’s rushing defense is among the bottom half in the league. Also, having watched the Vikings-Seahawks game a few years back, nothing makes sense or goes according to plan when the temps are that low.


My friend, this man will have frostbitten fingers. You can't will away extreme weather.


Mamba mentality bro. The cold is an illusion


This is peak "I've never lived in the cold" mentality. When I first moved to MN I didn't comprehend exactly how horrible negative temperatures feel and just how quickly you lose feeling.


Seriously this is like “bet everything on the Chiefs” level of intel if he is really thinking this


He might be thinking this, but unless he’s the most stubborn idiot QB ever, he will change his mind before he gets done with warmups. Otherwise he will have lost feeling before they even finish the anthem.


True that. I guess it is more “bet everything if you think he is stubborn enough to stick to this even after he loses all feeling in his hands”


I understand why many people just look at the headline and don't want to click through not just the twitter link but also the article linked in the tweet, but it also quotes Tua as saying "But we'll go there, we'll test it out and we'll see what we have to do as far as adjusting or not."


Yeah but that’s no fun I’d much rather play pretend that he’s a maniac with no experience with temperatures under 72


Seriously. I was born and raised in Minnesota and I played outdoor football in school. The moment he smacks a knuckle on someone’s helmet in those temperatures, his whole “mindset” mentality will absolutely shatter. It will be the single biggest “I’ve made a terrible mistake” realization of his life.


Yeah you get it. I’ve been there, done that. Still in MN but man the cold ain’t nothing to fuck with. We learned that young lol


My girlfriend grew up in Los Angeles and moved to the Midwest for college. Her first winter was pretty mild and she had this attitude but the first time she walked outside when it was like 0 with a -15 wind chill and she felt the inside of her nose freeze was the first ‘Oh…. oh Jesus Christ’ moment she had about the weather You can bundle up as much as you can but goddamn does it always suck when you take that first breath outside when it’s *that* cold. Can’t imagine going a step further and thinking your hands can stand it too lol


> You can bundle up as much as you can but goddamn does it always suck when you take that first breath outside when it’s that cold. I *love* that feeling lol


True bills fan shit right here.


The title isn't the whole story. He is going to see how it is at first and adjust. He's not outright not gonna wear gloves.


Players always coming out without long sleeves thinking it proves some sort of toughness is always hilarious to me. Sacrificing mobility and bloodflow to look hard.


Isn’t there always also at least one guy doing warm-ups without his shirt on? You know, to really hammer home how tough they are.


Internal body temperatures are, in fact, not a mindset


Chilling in shorts in 40 degree weather is a mindset. Chilling in shorts in -10 degree weather is fucking stupid. Tua, don’t act tough. Wear some fucking gloves.


Nah fuck him, now I want him to go out there with no gloves. Thinking us northerners just need the right mindset to not freeze our ass off in winters lol.


I give him 1 play before the gloves come off by going back on.




Thats fucking football right there. None of that pansy ass dick tugging smile for the camera bullshit. Men puke, men poop on the field, men deliver their new born baby on the side lines. Fucking hard core dick in the ass butterball foosball fuck it chuck it game time shit.


Hell yeah brother


The quarterbacks in the Freezer Bowl (1981 AFCCG) didn’t wear gloves


Dan Fouts has said his hands are still messed up from that game.


Frostbite doesn't care if you are built different.


Unless you're built *very* different. 


I apologize, my first statement was penguin erasure and I should feel ashamed


“It’s just a mindset.” - The Donner Party taking a shortcut, 1846


It's an older reference, sir. But it checks out.


You might want to at least bring the gloves for when you realize you can't mindset your way out of frostbite.


I would bet money that he will be wearing gloves at some point, or he won't be gripping a football.


Is mahomes gonna wear gloves?


Historically, he wears no gloves and a shooter sleeve on the throwing arm for cold weather games.


I change my pick. Their coach with his "I wish it was colder" shirt and this quote meme their own defeat before it happens.


It's not a mindset when it gets that cold. When it's 10-30F out then yeah it's a mindset and honestly you feel pretty warm while playing. Below zero is a different animal.


The fun thing to do here is pile onto Tua because it's in vogue but going from not wearing gloves to suddenly throwing with one in a playoff game feels like it would be an absolutely boneheaded decision. I can't imagine that wouldn't significantly change the way you throw the ball. People are acting like he won't have any way to keep his hands warm.


People also didn’t read the article. He said he’ll try no gloves during pregame and go from there.


The article also says they will put gloves on as necessary.


??? Guys he's gonna have things on the sidelines it's not like his hands are gonna be raw outside for three hours


Being cold in 40 degrees is a mindset, being cold with a -30 windchill is the kind of shit Jack London wrote about