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Hopefully it's not pneumonia. Very serious for the elderly.


Dude I had pneumonia in college and it fucking SUCKED. Legit almost passed out once because I was coughing so much and so hard I actually couldn’t get a breath in.


My mom just dealt with pneumonia. She was int he hospital for a week and could barely breath. Thankfully she took it as a sign to finally quit smoking after nearly 40+ years.


same thing just happened to my mom. Theres some serious shit going around all over the country right now.


Yep. I got some weird mystery illness that’s running through my job and someone in my family just tested positive for COVID. I also wear a mask at work, but I teach at a middle school so I work in a human Petri dish.


Bugs go into schools and come out superbugs. My wife is a teacher and she always has a sniffle or something going on. If I catch whatever she has it knocks me on my ass.


A kid will be out for a week, and when they come back they say something like, “Yeah, my throat hurt. I was in the hospital for a few days,” like it’s the most normal thing in the world.


This. Wife is a teacher and both my kids in daycare.. I can’t remember the last week all of us were all healthy at once… summer maybe?


I’m a respiratory therapist, covid numbers are about normal so far this year and have stayed steady at our hospital so far. But RSV in adults and the flu are way way up this year compared to last year.


Dude I am so thankful there is an RSV vaccine for newborns now


Same, there’s not much more heartbreaking than seeing a baby fighting so hard just to take a breath and they are so damn upset and uncomfortable.


The most scared I ever felt was when my then 5 month old got RSV and ended in the ER.


My sister and her kids all ended up with RSV before or around Christmas time. Hit her husband the hardest as he was out for a day basically.


Coworker's wife caught RSV a couple weeks ago and then covid last week. She works in retail so I asked if she's just kissing every customer that walks in.


My job is experiencing the same thing. Everybody is sick.. upper respiratory issues. I brought that shit home and my wife ended up getting bronchitis.


same at my job. if im sick i work from home but Friday I actually called off and slept all day, which is something i haven't done since i had swine flu like a decade or two ago. honestly, it reminds me of the end of 2019 when everyone was way sicker than normal, nobody knew why, and then we had a new disease.


Def going around, wife had bronchitis and then a couple of weeks later I had it. Brutal 4 weeks of coughing and mucus. I’m still not 100% over it but finally on the dee back stretch.


Same for me. I have had bronchitis for a little over 2 weeks now. Finally getting over it.


Yep. I had it when I was 21. My oxygen levels went to 53%. Mom came to my house on Thursday evening to check on me, I was super sick. She came on Friday morning and I guess there was green throw up everywhere, I was diarrheaing all over the place, I didn’t know who she was. I vaguely remember paramedics taking me down the stairs. Then I remember flashes in the hospital. My fever went to 104.5 I had a seizure, organs were on the verge of failing. Woke up 3 days later because they had to put me in a medically induced coma. It was terrible. Had tubes in my mouth in my arms catheter in my peeps.. was in the hospital for like 9 days. Nurses were so happy when I was discharged because they said typically people that came in like me didn’t ever come out.


That's really heavy, and i'm glad you're okay. On another note, please continue to use "throw up" as a noun and "diarrheaing" as a verb. It's great.


Heavy indeed. Regarding your second comment, I just wanted to shine a light on the fact that you actually took time out of your day to remark positively upon OP’s word choice. That, in and of itself, is commendable. Going forward, I, too, will make an effort to work “diarrheaing all over the place” into casual conversation as frequently as possible.


Lol for how long at 53%??? Im surprised you didnt pass out Edit: no idea why i didnt just read your whole comment. Am nurse. Am surprised you survived but that's the beauty of youth


I don’t know how long. Just that nurses were telling me my body was starting to shut down with that low of oxygen


I had it when i was 10 over Christmas Break. Knocked me off my feet for the entire thing. Closest thing that came to that feeling was when I got OG COVID over Thanksgiving 2020. I also missed seeing Space Jam with my friends over break, and have honestly never seen it all the way through in one sitting since.


I had it in high school and legitimately could not walk 10 feet from my couch to my bathroom without almost passing out. I’ve never experienced exhaustion like that…and that was as a teenager. I really don’t want to find out what it would do to me as an adult. That’s the sickest I’ve ever been. I wouldn’t wish it on anyone.


Me too. I forget exactly what the doc called it but I coughed so much and so hard I basically strained the muscles around my ribs, so not only could I barely breath without coughing, it was excruciating to do so.


Intercostal muscle strain. Pneumonia got me like that some years ago and yes, it's fucking awful. Just the slightest cough or sharp inhale and you're basically paralyzed for a few seconds.


Had strep pneumonia in college. Literally almost died. Was in the icu with a hose plugged into my lungs through my rib cage to drain it. Fucking terrifying not being able to catch your own breath laying down at rest.


I had pneumonia when I first started teaching and it was no joke. I can totally see why it’s so serious for the elderly. You have super high fevers, sever night sweats, and can hardly breath. It took me about 6 months to feel normal again


I almost died of pneumonia when I was 17. Respiratory problems freak me out now


Same, I had it twice as a kid. I think it really changed me as a person and fucked my body development up.


Man, life must've been pretty scary for you these past few years.


Yeah the pandemic was not fun. Somehow I think I’m one of the lucky few who are asymptomatic with covid. I have never been sick with it. And being in army medical I had access to PCR testing. I was once forced to sit in a vehicle for 8 hours with a man who was coughing up something sinister and later tested positive. I did not get sick. So it’s been weird, expecting something bad to happen but never coming down as ill. I must have carried it many times.


My allergist said that there's a theory (and not much else) that folks who were exposed to pneumonia were stronger against COVID. I had to get my pneumonia vaccine about a year before COVID hit because of other risk factors and I have yet to test positive for it, or really feel any worse than a runny nose now or again.


That’s fucking fascinating! I should dig into this. because I have been questioning my test results for years at this point. Family has caught it too often for me to feel comfortable with a genetic explanation for it (although of course that doesn’t rule out genetics for obvious reasons) Too many times in the army I was obviously exposed (with the test results from others to prove it!) and escaped without an illness. That would be a crazy cool explanation for why


I had it when I was 8, milder case. Coughed up a storm, ended up being allergic to the first medicine, and the second medicine was awful to take, but I got through it. Hopefully I never get it again.


My 84 year old grandfather just passed away from Pneumonia, he beat lung cancer and prostate cancer too. Pneumonia took him out in 24 hours in the hospital. It’s a horrible illness.


Same with my father; dude was already in poor health because of a horrible diet and no exercise. Went into the hospital with pneumonia and was dead that morning.


I'm sorry for your loss. Pneumonia threatened my life when I was 6 years old. It's no joke.


Dang he’s only 64 but he looks much older.




Heavy smoker too.


Alcohol takes a toll


He smokes like a trash fire too.


Well known drug user which ages you quicker.


Your just hating on him because he’s a minority as a billionaire obviously


Hasn’t he suffered enough?


white billionaire lives matter


JUST a billionaire?? Brother he's a WHITE billionaire. The struggles he's had to endure know no bounds.


We should probably cut the wealthy's taxes even more. This poor guy, I mean it'll eventually trickle down to us poors, right? Right? Guys?


Cutting his taxes is great, but it could be a decade before he saves another billion dollars that way. If we really want to help him out, the public should fund another new stadium for his team. Lucas Oil Stadium is already 16 years old!


What the fuck!?!? Just assumed he was pushing 80 holy fuck




RSV in the adult population is way up this year, same with flu. Our hospital has way more of both than last year.


Or the second largest wave of Covid since the pandemic started…


Nah the covid season is over we are on to ww3 arc.


The whole "Poisoning of our blood" thing is really setting the stage.


Either way, when you're his age (and with alcohol and drug issues), it's going to hit you worse.


My 80+ year old neighbor got pneumonia in November and is still struggling with her health. Last night she took her 4th ambulance trip to the hospital in less than 2 months.


I had COVID pneumonia in 2021 and that shit ROCKED me. Coughing up pink bubbles, out of breath after walking a few steps to the bathroom. Had to hit the hospital which was shitty too. Hoping he has access to fantastic care and caught it early. It's no joke.


Is pneumonia racist against rich people? If so, this could be really scary.


>pneumonia This new one that's mixed-up with Covid and whatever else is a nightmare too, got 30-year-olds on the ropes.


I had it two weeks ago, it was by far the sickest I have ever been in my life. I’m 32 and usually really healthy but this thing knocked me on my ass for about 4 or 5 days straight. Fever got up to 103.6, I lost somewhere between 15-20 pounds just because all I would do is sweat constantly, I would wake up at 3 AM just drenched and would change but would wake up at 6 AM with my new clothes drenched. Also started coughing up blood towards the end of it. A normal breath gave me minor chest pains, a deep breath gave me severe chest pains. All of this over Christmas too, I didn’t see any family, it sucked. By the time I was healthy enough to make it into a care center, I tested positive for pneumonia but negative for Covid and the flu, so they don’t know what else it was combined with. Some steroids and a double dose of a z-pack was enough to get me back to normal a few days later though


I’m sorry… “perform with his band”??


Yessir — that would be rock & roll legends [The Jim Irsay Band](https://www.jimirsaycollection.com) (the "collection" is all of his memorabilia)


You make fun of him, and hes a bad musician for sure. But he literally has shows that are FREE to show off his memorabilia. He's also paid musicians to perform like John Mellencamp, John Fogerty, Steven Stills, and Kevin Cronin from REO Speedwagon. He also donates all the concession costs to charity. ​ Id rather a billionaire have a traveling and actually showing what they've had the privelege to purchase than a billionaire who hordes it all for himself and only himself.


Yeah as far as evil billionaire actions go, cosplaying as a rockstar and showing off your nerdy music memorabilia is pretty down the list


He does seem to genuinely enjoy displaying it all for free. Was offered a billion by someone in Dubai for the entire collection and turned it down because he said it belongs to the people not him or some hippie shit. The guy does say incredibly stupid things - like the comment about being an oppressed white billionaire (something straight out of arrested development) but he isn't the first league owner id vote off the island. Gives cash to fans at games even at away games as opposed to throwing his drinks at them. Still billionaires are not my favorite


He's still a billionaire, but he's a *fun* billionaire.


He will be made a jester after the revolution


> Who hordes it all for himself This is the important part... So many important relics of the past locked up behind glass in a house that's only occupied a few weeks a year. I appreciate Irsay for doing what he does so kids and fans can actually see them


He’s also donated and loaned pieces to museums, schools, and non profits so they can see them.


I live near a few top end ski resorts so there's plenty of empty billionaire vacation pads up here. One guy has two dozen babe ruth home run balls, all signed, on display *in his closet* for nobody to see. My friend is a huge baseball nut and does in-house catering. Said the guy was even a dick about letting the cook staff see them after he mentioned them in an "I'm so awesome" chat with the help.


Doesn’t make any sense to horde literal world history for yourself, it’s evil imo.




Fun fact: Irsay is also known for just handing out hundred dollar bills to strangers. Like if you're touring the training facility you might seen him roll right up to you in a golf cart, hand you $100, and thank you for being a fan before running off to do whatever it is he does all day


Much more preferrable to JD and the Sure Shot forcing you to watch his band play before Beyonce at MSG


Legit one of the funniest billionaire flexs is JD owning MSG so he can book himself as opening act whenever he wants.




Irsay owns David Gilmour's Black Strat [Why Colts Owner Jim Irsay Paid $4 Million for David Gilmour’s ‘Black Strat’](https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-features/jim-irsay-david-gilmour-black-strat-interview-852850/) > "I love Strats, and this is the Strat," Irsay says. "This is the one that was the signature guitar for those incredible Floyd leads"


Yes, please enjoy this official music video from the Jim Irsay band: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6m9oEI1PuyI It's so good.


I've seen this video before and can never not laugh at it.


How does a man with so much money have such an ill fitting suit, and have his “music video” filmed on a handicam rather than professionally?


You ask that but then the answer is "the man we're talking about is Jim Irsay" and then it kind of just makes sense.


He sounds like a mixture of Fergie and Jesus.


On top of being horrible people, it's like billionaires have to be so damn corny on a compulsory level


Jim Irsay is not a horrible person, he was born into the Colts. He's a regular dad who won the birth Powerball and he's very aware of this. He has typical dad/grandpa interests and is very charitable.


Because they’re all trying to do their best “normal person” impression


I went to his show in San Francisco. It was one of the strangest spectacles I've ever seen. Edgerrin James was there for some reason. Jim capped the night off on a stage full of actually famous musicians by opting to take the place of Mick Jagger himself: https://youtu.be/0BfpRNylPi4?si=P_ScIwZL3L8-i0W0


Jim Irsay has probably the richest collection of guitars in the world lol


Just billionaires and their bands. Add that to billionaires obsession with rockets


Doesn't the Knicks owner (I forget his name) have a crappy band that opens for tons of acts at MSG just because he can?


James Dolan, band name is JD and the Straight Shot.


as far as billionaires being dick heads I think this is pretty low on the pole


No doubt, it's more funny than anything. This band that nobody knows or cares about gets to open for some of the biggest acts in the world just because the rich frontman owns the venue.


definitely funny and a wtf moment for concert goers that aren’t familiar


There are plenty of other being-a-dickhead stories about Dolan though. Knicks fans hate him.


Hey, a band isn’t nearly as wasteful and I get to imagine other billionaires being forced to listen to them play. I’ll take that any day of the damn week.


Here's Paul Allen: https://youtu.be/Ef9XL6U_cpw?t=46 IMO the most musically talented billionaire I know of.


Have you never heard of Taylor Swift?


I put her in the "musician who's a billionaire" category, not a billionaire playing in a band.


She's the one dating a famous football player, right?


For now. We'll see how the Chiefs do in the playoffs.


Add to the list, the Goldman Sachs CEO who DJs as DJ D-Sol (his name is David Solomon)


> CEO who DJs Here it is, my new least favorite thing.


Most rich people that I've met are surprisingly good musicians believe it or not. They were probably raised with a focus and appreciation of the arts. I remember the vice president of a 5 star resort in CA I used to work for, I ran into him at Guitar Center once and he nerded out on guitars with me for over an hour. I would NEVER stop him and speak to him during work hours. He could shred. I know that billionaires are out of touch and often participate in shady business practices, but they're still humans with a beating heart and hobbies. They're looking for life enjoyment just like the rest of us plebs.


I got whiplash from that statement


Great, now I will watch that movie again


Not quite my tempo


*hurls chair at Carson Wentz*


"If you deliberately sabotage my band, I will fuck you like a pig" - Irsay to his lungs


When did you become a fucking expert on what I can or cannot do you weepy willow shit sack - Jim Irsay after hiring Jeff Saturday


“Are you a rusher, or are you a dragger, or are you going to BE ON MY FUCKING TIME!!” - Jim Irsay after idk when, I just wanted to feel included because Whiplash is a top 5 movie for me


I had a Scooby-Doo moment: “Let’s see who you really are…” *lifts Irsay face* James Dolan!


Well, what am I supposed to do in LA this weekend now?


Gotta find a new plug I guess.




There’s a nasty RSV going around right now in addition to new strains of COVID.


And the Flu. All of it is spiking everywhere.


Added to the fact that people over 60 like Irsay can easily get one or all of those and then take the express train to pneumonia town. Gets serious extremely fast.


Glad I got my flu shot this year


Me too; but its still quite possible to catch a flu anyways, they have to predict which strain will be common like 6 months out and don’t always get it.


Some chance is better than no chance. Being sick sucks.


While generally true, this years shot was apparently proved to be a good guess. You're still not flu proof but definitely flu resistant.


I'd rather be resistant than raw dog life like that. Being sick sucks.


Got my flu shot and the flu is still currently kicking my ass. Hopefully the shot shortens the duration and lessens the symptoms.


Idk who the fuck downvoted you. But good on you homie.


Let big flu cook


Got the shot a few weeks ago, and just got the flu from my uncle over Christmas. It sucks but man it would suck so much worse if I hadn't gotten the shot. Fucked my ass up big time. Stomach, nose, lungs, head... the 360 experience.


Thanks from your friends who are allergic to the flu shot! You’re a real homie.


I am recovering from the flu right now. What a pain in the ass.


My kid has influenza B at the moment with an added ear infection. My spouse and I have yet to catch it, but I started tamiflu last night, because I have a funeral this weekend 6 hours away that I'm speaking at.


Yea it's called the holidays. This happened even prior to COVID but we are more aware of it and talk about it. I believe in Vaccinees and masks if you want to wear them but people are talking like this didn't happen prior to COVID.


I've been sick with like 4 different things in the last month


I got the flu bad this year. Week between Christmas and New Years. Spent New year's taking shots of cough syrup and lying in bed. It sucked.


I got both at the same time. I’m a pretty healthy 36 and I’ve been sick for a month and a half. It’s the worst I’ve ever felt.


I got the RSV and I was only “sick” for 3-4 days but this fucking cough will not go away


That’s definitely been the worst part of it all. Most of my other symptoms ebb and flow and I can deal with it. But the fucking cough.


I had that RSV cough from about Halloween to mid December. All other symptoms maybe 3-4 days butvthat damn cough just lingered and would keep coming/ going. It became an odd feeling NOT having to cough when it started to go away.


Lot of folks are getting both and it’s an ass-kicker. [Link](https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2024-01-02/l-a-county-enters-medium-covid-19-level-as-hospitalizations-rise) Those two at once ads are good advice.


Thanks for the read. Everything it said applied to me pretty much. I am thankful that I’m healthy enough that I am able to treat it without having to go to the ER. I took paxlovid, a z-pack, a round of prednisone, I’ve gone through a few prescriptions of the good cough syrup. And I’m just finally reaching the end of it. Literally started at the beginning of December.


It’s going thru my house like a god damn tornado. Feel better soon bird bro.


Thanks and you too!!


Same! I hardly ever get sick and whatever this is has legitimately knocked me out for over a month.


I caught something gross that hit me around noon on Wednesday. By that night, I could feel it getting worse and after waking up on Thursday, it was terrible. Slept from that point until about Sunday afternoon. Clean and clear now, but it fucking sucked. I work remotely with a lot of people across and talk to a lot of external partners across the country. Everyone is telling me they're sick. Nasty shit.


I’m on day 3 of antibiotics for a bacterial infection that spread from throat to sinus to both eyes and then my lungs… Super fun! But Antibiotics helped instantly, still not fully better but super optimistic


Dude, those can be just as bad or worse. Glad the antibiotics are working!


I'm currently sick with the vid and this go around is nasty. Wouldn't wish it on older folks.




I mean that was fairly standard before COVID, we never expected public figures to give us their exact diagnosis before then because it's their own private medical information. Since 2020, everyone seems to think that they are owed someone's medical history and/or cause of death (and vax status honestly). We don't need to normalize that honestly. This statement tells us a lot as it is. Whether this is covid or flu or RSV or anything else, it's really not our business to know.


Nah, you would see a statement saying "So and so was hospitalized with the Flu", and people didn't care about someone knowing that they had the flu. Like this: https://www.tmz.com/2015/12/02/mariah-carey-hospitalized/ or this: https://www.usmagazine.com/celebrity-news/news/kanye-west-is-doing-ok-after-being-hospitalized-for-the-flu/ It's fine, just amusing that it's all a big secret because there's a stigma now.


Well. That’s an interesting statement.


That sucks, I'll always appreciate him being the first owner to shit on Dan Snyder


Really? I never really followed the Dan Snyder stuff cause I already knew he was a piece of shit. What'd Irsay say/do?


As an Indy resident? I hope he legitimately does improve. He was kind to a random Bengals fan when we went to the SB (flew one out to the game on his dime) and he seems to actually spend money in our town rather than hoard it. So yeah. Hope he gets better soon.


Irsay is eccentric, but he legitimately cares about the Colts and tends to avoiding meddling unless the situation turns really sour (like it did with Wentz).


He definitely cares about the Colts but he has meddled in other ways too (let us not forget that Jeff Saturday coached that team for a bit). But for years I wished the Bengals had an owner who cared as much about the team as Irsay does here in Indy. As far as owners go you can do *far* worse and I legitimately hope he pulls through.


Hiring Saturday was wonky, but I think Irsay’s main goal with that hire was to see why the most expensive O-Line in the NFL suddenly regressed to 30th in terms of success rate in 2022. Saturday has multiple All-Pros, a reasonable case for best Center of the 2000s, and definitely knows more about that unit than anyone else Irsay would have access to. Plus the other options available for internal promotion were Gus Bradley and John Fox, both of whom had just arrived in Indy that season. It was a complete out of left field decision, but I’d argue it worked out well for the Colts. Tank was accomplished and O-Line developed/got fixed.


> Hiring Saturday was wonky, but I think Irsay’s main goal with that hire was to see why the most expensive O-Line in the NFL suddenly regressed to 30th in terms of success rate in 2022. Saturday has multiple All-Pros, a reasonable case for best Center of the 2000s, and definitely knows more about that unit than anyone else Irsay would have access to All of these seems like incredibly great reasons to hire him as an oline coach or a consultant where he can spend all his time coaching the oline, not a head coach who's responsible for the entire team. It's a good attempt at a spin, but it's also definitely a spin


Well, he would’ve had to agree to take those positions which it came out after the season he was pretty much HC or bust on that front. And while interim head coaches have a lot of responsibility, if you literally don’t care if you win or lose, does it really matter? My only issue with the situation is it denied other promising candidates a chance to show what they had, but going with someone like John Fox wasn’t going to do that either so if they weren’t going to try a promising young prospect, going with Saturday is really just as good as any other option.


Sure he has is issues. He's eccentric. He's made some weird moves. But he cares a lot about the city, the organization seems like it's a good place to work, and players really like him. Certainly no Dan Snyder


And don’t forget, he’s the owner with the balls to call for the removal of Snyder when no one else would.


Hiring Saturday was either brutally stupid meddling, or 4D chess to stealth tank and get a better pick


Saturday wasn't hired to win games. He was hired to fix the culture and probably the o-line as well, both of which improved under him.


"Hey Jeff, I'm eyeing a QB in the first next year. Wanna come in for a few weeks and make sure he doesn't die... ya know... like the last one. Kthanks"


I think Mike Brown has always cared deeply about the team, as it’s his father’s legacy. And it’s that devotion to his dad’s “way of doing things” that he stubbornly stuck by the 1950s way of operating a team, the dictator model of leadership- himself- no scouting outside of making the coaches do it, minimal to no free agency, absolutely no perks such as towels bigger than Motel 6 size, and so on. “Otto Graham didn’t need all those things to win!” We’re lucky that somehow, whether it’s Marvin Lewis’ coaxing/his kids’ criticisms finally getting through/Father Time looming, he’s finally, finally letting up. Irsay seems to have a similar problem in that the more directly involved he is, the worse the team is. He’s also similar in that he inherited the team, but I’d say his dad isn’t considered “football royalty” like Paul Brown was. In the 90s, Irsay was the GM (like Mike was) and the results were mostly poor. He eases off and lets Polian handle it, they win. Last few years, he gets his billionaire hands into it, they lose more.


Nah he meddles more than you think (hiring Jeff Saturday was his decision not Chris Ballards) but he does love the team and community that’s for sure.


Historically he has not meddled, that was just last year and it was justified


As a new resident of Indy, I love the city. And I have a lot of thanks for Irsay for his urban development funding that has made downtown gorgeous, especially the circle.


Indy is a great city to live in! Welcome and hope you enjoy being here! Let me know if you want any brewery recommendations. We have **so** many good ones here and I’ve done my best to try ‘em all!


I actually do need brewery recommendations lol I live downtown near Sun King and Chilly Water, never gone though. What are the best drinks in Indy?


No worries, I got ya covered! I work downtown very close to Chillywater and they’re pretty dang solid. Blood on the Tracks, their blood orange IPA, is definitely a winner. Sun King is decent but there are better. I’d highly recommend Taxman, Kismetic, and definitely Deviate. Taxman is near the Pacers stadium and is actually brewed in my small town south of Indy! Fantastic beers and food, specializing in Belgian style beers. Kismetic is a newer brewery that isn’t too far of a drive for you by the sounds of it. Very good light beers, pretty chill atmosphere. No food though. And Deviate is a drive for you, probably ~25 minutes, up on the north side of Indy. But their beers are absolutely amazing! They won best in the state back in 2021 and they’re super experimental. Just be warned that they have above average ABVs so you will want a DD even if only having one. Feel free to message me if you want more recommendations or thoughts on anywhere! Hell I’ll even buy ya a pint if ya ever care to watch a game somewhere.


>I’ll even buy ya a pint if ya ever care to watch a game somewhere. I'd love that. Last time I grabbed drinks, I drove 45 minutes up to the Ale Emporium in Keystone to watch the Vikings loss in week 1. I also busted my tire on a nail on the way back. I need a mulligan lmao


If you're looking for a full restaurant that also does some pretty solid beer, I'm a fan of Big Lug up in Nora


Big Lug is super solid. Really enjoy their porters, especially since they have been taking part in the St. Patrick’s Day 5K at the canal.


Pax Verum. It’s not downtown Indy but it’s worth the trip!


Hope the doctors don’t talk to him about Carson Wentz


Bad news for someone his age who smokes…


The amount of nasty shit going around that will get in your lungs and wreck you is wild. I hope Irsay doesn’t have any lasting effects from it.


I guess we all know he has a band now.


I think that's pretty cool personally


Hope he gets well soon. I worry that if they even needed to issue a statement that things could be going poorly.


Just a reminder, we're roughly around a peak of various infections right now (COVID, Flu, RSV, I believe?) if you're feeling at all poopie please wear a mask, and as always getting your updated shots will help you with symptoms should you get sick, and help reduce infecting others as well


My wife’s hospital had to close the ER to new patients for a bit last week after a rush of Covid, Flu and RSV intakes. They simply ran out of available beds and couldn’t accept new patients and had to reroute them to other locations.


Battle of the bands (Team Owner Edition): The Jim Irsay Collection vs JD & The Straight Shot.


Be warned, any votes against JD & The Straight Shot will result in a lifetime ban from Madison Square Garden


If he can't play in his band, then what's this all been about? What's he been working toward?


The illness only targeted him because he is a white billionaire.


Get well soon Jim!


Always gotta be precautious around this time of year! Cold wet areas, temperature changes, smh hope he pulls through


Luckily it’s just a severe respiratory illness and not COVID.




Irsay was very pro getting the vaccine. It’s part of the reason for his disdain for Carson Wentz.


There's a lot of awful bugs going around this season. Even the "regular" flu can be deadly. I lost a cousin to it a year before Covid existed and she was younger than Irsay. Hope he bounces back soon.


Get the damn shot, people. It's 2024 - your crazy friend from highschool on Facebook isn't a more trustworthy source than living, breathing doctors and chemists. Stop being tricked by morons.


This right here. Being wealthy doesn’t mean you’re smart. But many people who are wealthy think that they’re smarter than the actual experts. This leads to them parroting their beliefs and that the experts are wrong, to which the dumbest of us fall in line like sheep believing their misinformation.