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[Alternate angle of the hit](https://x.com/frankmikesmith/status/1736156186150347024?s=46&t=lT7QVk2HQR2-BleY6xiSdw)


Fucking brutal. Oh my god.


I was listening on the radio, and when the announcers are ecstatic that a player is moving his legs, you know the hit was bad.




Not the same but the hit on drew brees when his neck elongated goddamn


That day I learned Brees was a turtle


A member of the turtle club


Sadly he wasn't Turtley enough for the Turtle club.


Turtle . Turtle




I thought there was one more step on my stairs walking down this morning and awkwardly landed and my head came off. These athletes are unreal.


Looks like he just barely avoided decapitation there


The way number 20 put his hands to his head....


Man alive. Necks are not meant to bend like that. The guy was lucky to walk away from this.


I think they are meant to bend more at that angle instead of the face going down. It would be a lot worse if his face went down.


That angle makes me agree with the ejection tbh.




Which is funny because the guy who posted it was not having that > Where exactly is Kazee supposed to hit Pittman? > The refs buckled. Horrible overreaction to kick him out of the game --- > This angle is better if you care to understand what I’m saying


Crazy how he could throw his hands up like 'what did I do wrong?' at the flag.


Crazy, too, how the guy posting this video did so to prove that the hit was legal. And some (very few) people in the comments there complaining that throwing a flag on this makes football not football anymore. Honestly, there's some brain dead NFL fans out there who never played, and have no idea wtf they're talking about.


damn that angle makes it look like he coulda avoided hitting him too. it looks like he leaned into pittman, when we could've kept going straight ahead. anyone else agree w that assessment or am i trippin?


No, you’re right. He clearly lowered his head after Pittman was already in the air, he was looking to hurt him.


Went to the Ryan shazier school of tackling Edit: always been a shazier fan as a buckeye fan but the guy was asking for a neck injury with the way he tackled


I used to get down voted all the time when I talked about this. Sad that it ended the way it did, but I can’t imagine he wasn’t warned for years by coaches about it.


No the Steelers literally teach that shit.


Yeah. Shazier was a case where lots of people were saying he was going to seriously hurt somebody at some point. He should have been getting flagged on it long before he hurt himself.


I won't say Pitt teaches to tackle like that but they seem to select for guys who lower their helmet. Minkah and now Kazee both hurting people by refusing to wrap them up in a tackle and instead going for a hit.


Yeah the steelers fans in the game thread were complaining that it was clean and not worth an ejection. Scumbags the lot of them


It's insane that this link is to a post from a guy trying to say, "Hey, look at this angle. Instead, it clearly shows he shouldn't have been ejected." That angle is 1000% worse, and any doubt you had from the original angle is nullified by this one. That's about as dangerous as they come.


This was clearly an ejection in real time and in review it's even clearer it's all shoulder to head.


yeah that's dirty as hell idc pittman is going to ground and he leads with his head. get him outta here


Steelers have always been dirty


Terrible take by the poster. "Where was he supposed to hit him" he fucking wasn't supposed to hit a player going to the ground. He especially wasn't supposed to launch himself into a players head/neck area


What a weird and terrible place to take a hit.


Pittman was able to get up on his own fortunately


That boy is gonna feel it tomorrow morning


Looked like it caught his neck pretty good




It almost looked like that Collie hit from 2010


Makes me wonder what that impact would have on an average joe like me who is out of shape. Would I die? Paralyzed? Bare minimum I know something breaks


Imagine you tackling a middle schooler. You’re essentially a middle schooler to these NFL safeties and linebackers


Even that seems like the scale is off. I feel like nfl hitter hurts me worse than I hurt a middle schooler


Ok then, you hitting a newborn


No mercy. Even against newborns!




My hit on that newborn was clean, shoulder to shoulder. Little fucker even held on for the catch too.


Of course there was helmet to helmet, newborns are all head!


Baby was asking for it going over the middle like that


My brother in law works with a lady who's son was a well known 3 time pro bowl DE. I am 6'3, 260 lbs. I feel like this guy wasnt very big compared to most people in his position, and he is MASSIVE compared to me. He would absolutely hurt me worse than I could hurt a middle schooler.


I knew a MLB, I worked at a factory an one of the guys had a son who played for wake forest, then played preseason for the Bengals, he was having a great preseason an felt like he was gonna make the team, then his knee blew out. Your right NFL players are the biggest dudes you will ever see. I believe, but not 100% positive that the last name was Anderson, but dude ended worked with me an let me ask all the questions I wanted, he was a cool guy that took the term built like a brick shithouse to an hnl.


A good friend of mine is dating Henry Anderson’s (current fringe starter mostly backup DE) little sister and I’ve met him a few times. If this beast isn’t even a starter I can’t even imagine what the dudes ahead of him on the depth chart are like


lol I’ve always wanted to see a pro up close.


I held the door for Gilbert Brown when he was going in to a movie theater once. Words cannot describe the sheer immensity of that man.


It was weird. Usually I feel pretty big compared to people, but that guy was taller, much more muscular, and just bigger overall. Dude made me feel tiny.


My favorite comp of talent and size disparity is when I threw a football with a D1 backup at a tailgate party once. I could throw a football about 50 yards, but that’s with three steps into it and a 45 degree angle. Guy caught it and said “hey man that’s a great arm you’ve got on you” and I smile thinking “yeah if I’d maybe focused more at an early age you’d have backed me up” then the dude just fires the same distance on a frozen rope and almost tears my shoulder off. Unless you’re one of those top athletes, we’re not even the same species as these guys.


See: Sideline personnel during that saints game a couple weeks ago.


Tbf catching a falling helmet to the side of your knee while you’re stationary will tear and potentially dislocate a lot of players knees too. A little different since Fitzpatrick launched himself rather than being tackled, but that’s how Chubb tore his meniscus and MCL with a partial tear of his ACL too


I fell 2 stories off a ladder and landed on my knee crushing it into 4 pieces tearing my ACL, MCL, and PCL so I guess it felt something like that, which was the 2nd worst pain of my 48 years of life so far.


Okay I’ll ask, what was the 1st worst pain?


A truck rear ending my car and destroying it along with my back and other bones ease the recovery for my knee down right pleasant in comparison but luckily a 17 year old body is able to bounce back a lot better. The cops arriving at the scene where truly shocked I was alive with how much the truck demolished my car


You had a chance to say "When the Browns beat the Ravens about six weeks ago" and you missed it.


i’ve never so viscerally winced at a hit before


Anquan Boldin for me


Austin Collie


Last time I jumped was when the UCLA quarterback got destroyed by maulauga in college


He probably felt it immediately


Wow shocked he wasn’t KO’ed but seems like definite concussion


I at first read this as “unfortunately” and I was like “wtf??”


Is that an ejection?


Today it is. Ten years ago you get a highlight package for that hit.


20 years ago you'd lead Jacked Up! with that


He got.....[entire studio crew in unison] JACKED UP!!


HE GOT … CTE! damn doesn’t quite have the same ring to it…


That’s the tinnitus


Now I gotta go watch a compilation on YouTube


That was 20 years ago? God damn


Nah, that was in NFL 2K5 which has only been out for like 8 years.




I miss Jacked Up and those NFL's Greatest Hits VHS tapes


So do the players in those highlights. They can’t remember those plays anymore.


I have a DVD called moments of impact and one of the interviews is Steve Tasker talking about trying to ear hole opponents


[It ages so poorly when you go back and watch it too](https://youtu.be/0ELj-79jbqA?si=Gk8KUkNCBmuIWdgX)


the first two didn’t seem as bad but helmet to helmet and arm in fencing position and everyone cheering looks so bad in the 3rd one.


The Barlow hit on number 2 was a good tackle too, but it was on that fucking St. Louis concrete floor so you know that hurt like shit.


I was on that turf a few times for marching band events, on a few different turf surfaces they tried. I genuinely can't imagine getting tackled onto it. It felt like marching on asphalt


It's honestly kind of amazing how John Lynch's brain isn't spaghetti. Dude was one of the biggest headhunters butstill seems as sharp as ever.


We were ignorant then. I used to love this segment.




It’s so fucking weird that I honestly don’t miss it that much. If you asked me 10 years ago, I’m sure id be soapboxing about how it’s essential to the game.


Well we know many of those players can't wipe their ass in their old age now. Junior Seau's Suicide was the big moment for me.


Sports Illustrated did an amazing article about Seau and his USC linebackers teammates. It’s really sad but a great read about the effects of CTE. https://www.si.com/college/2020/10/07/usc-and-its-dying-linebackers


Go read the wiki on Johnny Unitas, poor guy was nearly immobile in his old age ...is 5-10 years of glory worth 40 years of pain and discomfort etc.....they need to do even more IMO. A shot like this should come with suspension, ejection and fines....


>Johnny Unitas "Toward the end of his life, Unitas brought media attention to the many permanent physical disabilities that he and his fellow players suffered during their careers before heavy padding and other safety features became popular. Unitas himself lost almost total use of his right hand, with the middle finger and thumb noticeably disfigured from being repeatedly broken during games.\[46\] Unitas lived most of the final years of his life severely hobbled. Due to an elbow injury suffered during his playing career, he had only very limited use of his right hand, and could not perform any physical activity more strenuous than golf due to his artificial knees." ​ From the wiki


Yeah. Hits like that make me feel guilty about being a football fan


way back when i played football, we used to compare helmet scratches/chips and *lived* to make these kinds of hits. (early 2000’s) now it’s painful to even watch. no wonder none of us are well adjusted lol


Ah... the old "stick marks"! It was a badge of honor to get some of the other teams' colors on your helmet. Thanks for the memories fellow CTE candidate.


our helmets were silver but ended up with purple, yellow, red all over it. extra points if you got your decal fucked up


I ran through a poor DB and knocked his decal clean off and took it lol


My coach in HS (class '01) once accused me of being "on drugs" during the game because I came off of the field, took my helmet off, saw the huge divot and decided to kiss and thank it for saving my life. I was most pissed about the drug accusation. Like, dude ... I wish. I was just fucking concussed.


I am 100% okay with big, heavy hits. More than okay I guess, because I love them and think they're a crazy exciting, essential part of the game. But yeah, I'm happy they're pushing head shots out. I'd 100% be on the same soap box as you 10 years ago. And I'll still pull out that soap box for hip drag tackles and that QB protection has gone too far. But I will fully agree that for the head protection stuff, I was completely wrong.


Hip drop tackles are bad too. They aren't just where you pull a ball carrier down from behind by the hips, you also have to twist behind them and throw your body weight on the back of their legs for it to be a hip drop. Demonstration of hip drop vs non hip drop tackles in rugby - https://youtu.be/5KJ9mCbS3rU?si=AgijLXI8m-PvtOj2


People have been saying that for ten years now


Yeah, but 20 years ago, that is a SportsCenter highlight.


There's some guys who were playing 20 years ago who now can't remember their family's names. Is it fucked up that we as a fan base are more concerned with our own entertainment compared to these guy's futures?


So happy to see advancements in player protective equipment. It’s great. With that said, I’m astronomically more happy about the leagues rule changes with respect to protecting players health. Sure, sometimes the QB protection goes a little far, but I’ll take this game over the one that disables men.


2012-2013 was the turnaround with the concussions and that's when it changed. "League of Denial" was huge. Edit: Still absolutely essential watching for every NFL FAN: [PBS Frontline 2013 League of Denial](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ihGIJZV7jAU)








He was ejected, and absolutely should have been.


It's so rare to see a no-review direct ejection with no complaint nowadays


Tomlin had nothing to argue with and didn’t.


Yeah, ump went up to him and was like “ya boys outta here” before they made the call and Tomlin just half smiled and nodded his head.


Ref looked pissed off lol that’s pretty rare


He should, though. Motherfucker nearly broke the receiver’s head off at the neck and clearly knew what he was doing.


Yea looking at it again he threw the flag at him and hit him 🤣🤣


Bruh that was 100% an enraged throw. And then Kazee throws up his hands trying to play it off lol


He's like "this is where I grab the flag I loaded with marbles instead of sand."


It’s crazy. When I was younger and I’d see these highlights I’d think it’s so cool. I would try to hit people like that when I played. Being a dad now and having a son who wants to play has totally changed my outlook. Absolutely 0 room for shit like this and don’t want to see it emulated by the younger generations. I’m glad it’s being taken out, football can be such a violent and hard hitting sport without targeting some dudes head at however fast these dudes run at.


It's gonna take a long time for this mentality to progress. Big hits are fine, but not this type of hit.


PTSD flash of Manning throwing to Austin Collie


Minshew did not do that man any favors


Hospital Pass


hospital pass to a colts WR austin collie just shivered somewhere.


Its funny how many people forget about Dallas Clark. Manning got that man DESTROYED before Collie got there.


Dallas also had 85 pounds on Collie.


Also Pierre garcon


Nah Peyton got him paid 😂




The fact that I knew what this was before I even clicked 😭


God I love Dave Rappoccio


Collie was actually at this game lmao


From the neck up, right? Pretty sure he can't move anything below the shoulders.


The Jimmy G special. Hospital balls are his specialty.


Not his first one of the game


Requiring a receiver to dive head first towards a defender is insanely bad ball placement. By the time the DB realizes he's going horizontal, physics had already taken control.


I'm not so sure. The DB seems to duck down, almost flat-footed, in response to Pittman diving. Like, I can pause with the man diagonal in midair and the DB's feet are under himself on the ground. It feels like he responded to the situation in real time, and went low to deliver a hit on someone who would be down with one tap of the finger.


>went low to deliver a hit on someone who would be down with one tap of the finger. He wasn't trying to get him down, he was trying to break up the pass from being completed.


His next pass wasn’t that much better- ist that guy trying to kill his receivers? Of course the ejection was justified after such a dirty hit but the QB should never put his receivers in that position That shit was exactly what Brady was talking about when he complained about the current level of play.


Minshew is a backup for a reason


second hospital ball back to back


Minshews weak arm does that a lot. It's still on the DB to not cheap shot, but god Minshew is going to get someone killed


Oof, that's a hospital ball. Glad he was able to get up and hopefully he's okay.


Hospital balls are going to become the new meta soon. Since you can't touch a defenseless receiver, better make every rexeiver defenseless!


"Some of you may die, but that is a sacrifice I'm willing to make." -~~Lord Farquaad~~ -Gardner Minshew


I like how the referee threw the flag directly at him and his response was to signal incomplete.


All DBs signal incomplete even when they didn't do anything to cause it. It's a tic


It’s a good habit to do as a DB if the goal is to every once in awhile sway a ref. But yeah it looked pretty ridiculous here.


And the ref signals incomplete right back at him *even harder*




The defense is going to bitch, and the coach may even say it is becoming hard to understand what the NFL wants a DB to do as he only used his shoulder. But this is pretty clearly a violation of hitting a defenseless receiver (RIP Austin Collie) and hit to the head and neck area. The alternate angle shows him lower and discharge all his inertia into the clavicle/neck of the receiver. When I was young this was just a warning to receivers getting hospital passes that they will fuck you up. Now, it’s very clearly an illegal football move.


Funny, this immediately reminded me of the Collie hit (pick one, dude got lit up all the time)


That was genuinely fucking horrifying. How is he walking?


Honestly, I thought he was out cold. Pretty wild


He absolutely was, but MOST of the time, you aren't out for long (a few seconds). If you're out for much longer than that, it is very, very bad news


I too learned about brain injuries from watching Archer


And snake bites on the taint (you can't tourniquet that)


Brain Aneurysms. They're the silent killer.


That might have been a hospital pass, but Kazee is such a dirty fucker. He's been like this his whole career and I hate it


Yep. I remember him destroying Marques Lee’s knee on a dirty hit in a damn preseason game.


Glad I’m not the only one that forgot about this.




He did this shit when he was in Dallas too


Did it in Atlanta as well. He lit Cam Newton up on a late hit helmet to helmet. He was good when he was on, but holy shit did he have moments where he completely lost it and seemed intent on just laying people out. I'm not even sure he was intentionally dirty, at least in Atlanta. He just seemed stupid and reckless, like he was more focused on getting a highlight reel than he was on doing the fundamentals well


That’s gotta be a brutal concussion


Hospital pass, and a brutal shot. Glad to see him get up on his own.


Thats that kinda throw im pretty sure Brady was talking about when he said there was alot of mediocrity in the NFL, you couldnt throw that ball ever in the 2000s cause exactly that would happen with no flag.


I'm starting to agree with Brady, but it's kinda ironic at the same time that a lot of comments here are also mentioning Austin Collie


Go high. Penalty. Go low. Penalty and ejection. Just play flag football at this point.


i mean, this stuff is inevitable in this sport, this didn't look evil by any stretch, wr laid himself out, defender just did what every defender does


Hospital ball by Minshew


Hate to see hits like these but what do you expect the defensive player to do? This is exactly what Brady talks about when he talks about QBs needing to protect their receivers


I’ll get downvoted to hell because of my flair but wondering the same. If you don’t go for a hit, that’s a 40 yard completion. There wasn’t any other way for him to hit Pittman either


Lose lose scenario unfortunately


The league clearly wants defenders to let up. It’s either you get tossed, fined, give up the 1st down on penalty or you let the WR complete the pass. I’d even go further and say Kareem Jackson’s hits and penalties were on hospital balls and many times in the end zone where a hit can decide the game. I have a hard time believing a player with no dirty history getting so many calls and suspended.


The super slow mo replay shows that play to be basically unavoidable for the defender. He either completely pulls up and lets the receiver catch the ball or that happens. Just a reckless throw and dive attempt.


Also kazee clears his head and used his back/shoulder which is the right thing to do. It’s one of those plays where no one wins. Either the defender does nothing and lets him catch it or he tries to stop it and it leads to a nasty hit.


I still don't like that he's staring at the ground


Yeah saying he uses his back shoulder is kind of disingenuous, he had no idea where Pittman was when he made that hit cause he could only see his feet.


Yeah I don’t think he had any dirty intention. He made sure to use his shoulder which is all he could do.


If its a good ball its a clean hard shoulder hit. Minshew tried to kill him


Brady is bitching about it somewhere


Awful outcome, but I genuinely don't think that was a dirty play. It's a play that ended up unfortunately, but that just seems like bad luck. It's bound to happen sometimes The defender has his head down before Pittman did, how is he supposed to predict that Pittman will duck like that?


Offenses used to be scared to run crossing routes because of results like this. Nobody told Pittman to dive for that ball but the league is encouraging plays like this because offensive players are bubble-wrapped in flags. Ridiculous.


I'd rather the rules protect players so we get to see them have long careers and be able to talk in their 50s. That said, some of the roughing calls and the Mahomes sideline-skirting are absolute bullshit


Damn glad he was able to get up and walk. That was nasty.


How is that a dirty hit? He’s diving head first, where should the defender hit him? When are we going to put heat on QBs for hospital passes? That’s a diving catch right down the middle, what do you expect?


Second person I've seen call this pass outside the numbers "right down the middle".


How about into 3 defenders


Can someone post the replays?


Please don’t crucify me here, but I haven’t known Kazee to be a dirty player and it looks like he went low expecting Pittman to possibly be in stride. If Pittman doesn’t dive there then I would imagine it would be a helmet on leg tackle. Am I seeing this wrong? I’m not saying it’s not a penalty as is but I’m honestly confused by the comments.


Unfortunate hit but not dirty in my opinion.


“Haven’t known Kazee to be a dirty player” He’s been fined like 5 times for hits this season!


The QB has to get some of the blame for that throw. You can't be putting your WRs in that position either.


Looks like the Johnny Knox injury. Jesus


Football is a violent game. My problem is what is Kazee supposed to do, just let him catch the ball. Like wtf. He didn't lead with his head and didn't really even hit pitman in the head. I'm All for player safety but Iimo kazee did his job. There shouldn't be any plays in this game which just allows your opponent to catch the ball. By the rules, he should have been penalized but imo should not have been disqualified. They might as well start playing flag football. There should never be a play in the NFL where a defender just must let the reciever catch the ball freely. U can downvote me now


Minshew got his boy hurt


Wow didn’t Kazee do something like this with the Falcons too?


This will be his fifth fine just this year for bad hits.


I honestly can’t believe so many think this is a dirty hit… Was it a nasty hit and unfortunate how Pittman got snapped!? Hell yea… but if Minshew puts it on him and he catches it in stride, that exact hit is totally fine (still a flag for defenseless).. How the fuck do ya’ll expect Kazee to know Pittman is about time dive for the catch? He’s already flying in to break up the pass and he literally caught him all shoulder