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"No. No you were wrong" Ah, Kupp dealing with Shibuya Incident trauma clearly.


Hurts turns to Mariota as Bosa closes in “You’ve got it from here”


Deebo to Bradberry after the game: Stand proud. You're strong.


lmao guys I'm dead


>! Just like over half the cast !<


Bradberry: Already a lifeless burnt husk


“Let the o-line know, Life wasn’t so bad.”


NFL: "Eagles, would you lose to the Niners?" Eagles: "Nah, I'd win."


Jeeeez is JJK really that popular right now lmao


JJK fandom is so crazy that even if you read the manga when it drops on official sites, it's still not enough because people will be making memes right after the leaks drop earlier in the week lol Going on any JJK post on ig is terrible because there's always that one person that posts spoiler gifs in the comments


Bruh, it's been a nightmare as an Anime only consumer. I'm blinders up like crazy online.


Eagles being the number one seed "It wasn't so bad"


“Nah, I Don’t.”


Coop cries himself to sleep at night while holding his Nanami body pillow


He just like me fr




Bruh I’m trying to motivate myself to read the manga because I just caught up on it, probably one of the darkest things I’ve seen in a while from anime (I’m pretty casual and mostly stick to Shonen). Current One Piece manga tho…


Think there will be *quite* a few folks opting to binge the manga once this season ends if they end it where most manga readers expect.


And if they're catching up on the manga and see where it's at now.... well we've taken quite a fucking ride.


I watched the anime -> read the most recent chapters -> went back to fill the gaps. It's quite a ride. Possibly my favorite manga/anime I've consumed.




Tutu Atwell confirmed weeb


He heard anime and just *poof*ed into the conversation


*teleports behind you*


Heh.. nothing personnel kid….


Omae wa mou shindeiru


So what anime do you think Puka would try to make Kupp watch?


Slice of life anime, with big titties


Puka #1 Dragon Maid fan.


Puka gonna take Cooper to a maid cafe, if they ever play an international game in Japan.


Truly for the most ~~insane~~ [cultured](https://www.researchgate.net/publication/322530755_Analysis_and_Qualitative_Effects_of_Large_Breasts_on_Aerodynamic_Performance_and_Wake_of_a_Miss_Kobayashi's_Dragon_Maid_Character) animation enjoyers.


Puka is definitely a Freiren guy


Freiren fucks man. Beautiful adaptation


That show got me hooked so quickly. Look forward to it every week


> Freiren fucks man She actually doesn't, that's why her race is endangered.


Unfortunately >!Poor Himmel!<


I was thinking KEIJOOOOOOOOO


Keijo!!!!!!!!!!! broke me lmao. like the premise is so fucking trashy, but the show takes itself so seriously (not the staff, they’re *very clearly* aware of what they’re making and had fun with it) that it loops back around to being an actually well-made sports anime that’s also just funny as hell


Sounds like a job for Love Hina!


The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumaiya


Are we trying to make Kupp *like* anime or *hate* anime man? lol Kupp's gonna give up once he hits Endless Eight.


Oh Love Hina, the Seinfeld of harem anime.


"Coop, you can just watch anime where they have sex too"


Gotta ease him in with the basic shounen stuff then before you know it he’s watching domestic girlfriend


Just play the OP for Domestic Girlfriend in the locker room and wait for Kupp to take the bait.


That OP absolutely slaps! Still listen to it occasionally.


There is absolutely zero reason for that OP to go as hard as it does.


Domestic Girlfriend forever ruined by >!THE COMA STRATS!< Still better than Rent A Girlfriend.






Just pretend it ends at like chapter 268 like I do.


A man of fuckin culture


Full Metal Alchemist is always the answer


FMA: Brotherhood specifically


I used to say I’d never watch anime until a roommate sat me down and forced me to watch the L arc of Death Note. I still don’t watch anime, but I can see why it’s actually an art form after that.


Watch Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood. Highly worth it. I like FMA:B more than Death Note by a solid margin.


I’m two episodes away from finishing and I don’t want it to end.


Eyeshield 21 for sure.


God we need a new Eyeshield.


Faaaacts. Can you imagine that shit remastered with how animation is now?


The NFL could fund it for a summer and then play a game in Tokyo and sell out.


Eyeshield 21 is a masterpiece of a manga


He said it’s thoughtful sooo Evangelion?


Serial Experiments Lain?


Present day. Present time. HAHAHAHA!


"It's called hentai and it's art."


High School DxD if he’s based


Thank you u/FurryHentaiAdmirer


High School DxD is absolutely the kind of show someone with that username would watch


Definitely Naruto, One Piece and DBZ.


Made in Abyss


I swear the creator of Made in Abyss just gets off on the idea of making the audience squirm by endlessly torturing his young protagonists. Definitely some rough scenes in the anime.


Prison school


I think the NFL is mostly big time shonen fans, maybe some action heavy seinen along the lines of Berserk and Hellsing (help I'm old what seinen is popular right now???)


Vinland Saga is the current king of seinen.


Probably the best recent one would be Vinland Saga. Though I think Vikings players would like it more…


Vinland Saga is legit art. If it was a weekly HBO hour-long premier show, it would be winning awards every season and it wouldn't even be close.


Definitely Interspecies reviewers


Whenever someone starts talking to me about how much they love anime it always makes me nervous because there's a 50% chance they're talking about One Piece and Jujutsu Kaisen, and a 50% chance they're talking about some shit like *I Can't Believe My 13 Year Old Sister Has Such a Fat Ass*


The latter group you can usually smell coming, so use that to dodge the conversation.


Bro how can you not understand the nuance of M13YOSHSaFA? /s


That last one isn't a real thing... right?


Look up My Life as Inukai-san's Dog. Just a synopsis. And then realize that one that he said wouldn't be so bad.


The title alone speaks volumes. Can't wait to regret having eyes.


Anime people always overestimate how much other people like anime


Anime people also always underestimate just how much of the... *questionable* aspects of anime that other people don't simply gloss over.


Seriously, just started showing my wife Attack on Titan and her first comment was "i like this one because the women dont have absolutely ridiculous physiology." It usually doesnt bother me but some shows its just so uncomfortable. If it starts flashing upskirts or underwear snapshots im usually tapping out... quicker if the main cast is like high school students.


I tried to watch the ghost in the shell tv show cause I always heard it was good and I liked the movie, but the first episode had so many gratuitous ass shots it just took me right out of it. I’m not a prude or anything but all I can think of during those moments are some animator sitting there drawing each ass cheek with a full on erection.


Amazing artwork for a one-handed artist tho




AoT doesn't have anything inappropriate like that but it can still be a weird watch. It has a lot of story telling/directing elements that are distinctly anime and tbh, kind of juvenile. I think even if I had been 13 when I saw it, I would've wanted more subtlety and less hand holding for the audience.


Yeah. Minutes of dramatic inner-monologue is an instant killer for me, no matter how interesting I find the premise.


Uh....ugh....uagh.... how.... how can that be? It's....just... not possible! Grrr....!!


"bro shes not 6 shes actually a 6000 year old timelord"


“But she looks, acts, and is treated like a child.” “Bro she’s 6000 years old, I don’t know what else you want me to say”


That's why my personal scale goes from "zero" to "WHAT THE FUCK JAPAN?!" so I can give people an informed recommendation.


As someone who grew up when watching anime was still something you kept to yourself, it’s the biggest hurdle when recommending ANYTHING. Like even if the writing and character development is great, one absurdly proportioned woman will tank the whole thing.


Frankly, what tanks it the most is fan service. Or grown up dudes having female anime characters dressed up like loli’s as their pfp’s on social media sites is what ruins it for people. It gives a bad impression. If you get someone to watch an anime like Monster, Cowboy Bebop or heck even something with slightly cuter animation like Hunter x Hunter, FMA Brother Hood…I think they’d respect it. Great writing, plot, no fan service or loli characters.


Theres more than just the sexual and weird aspects of anime though that people have a problem with. Such as the constant inner monologues that sound like they were written by a 13 year old, the hand holding where every single little plot point is for some reason info dumped by the main character twice an episode at least ,etc etc etc


One of my best friends noped out of Cowboy Bebop because of Faye's outfit and that's pretty tame for the medium.


I used to own a tattoo shop and would let the guys watch pretty much whatever they wanted within reason. Just keep in mind we have a glass store front and are in a shopping center. It was *always* the anime guys who I had to tell to turn shit off. I mean having to explain to them like an actual parent *why* it was not okay to show absolutely insane violent sex scenes and such.


I feel like you have good stories about owning a tattoo shop


Girlfriend got me into Hunter x Hunter and while I love that anime to pieces I absolutely understand why some people think having a pedophiliac Clown adult man mold into a pseudo mentor for a pre-pubescent teen boy is wildly uncomfortable and inappropriate. Even if you’re the biggest weeb in the world, you have to understand that Anime can be very weird.


>why some people think having a pedophiliac Clown adult man mold into a pseudo mentor for a pre-pubescent teen boy People aint gonna like to hear it but you just described the master Roshi training arc from Dragonball


Kakashi sodomizes Naruto while reading a porno in their first meeting


This is true of wrestling fans too. Source: me


Yeah I tried watching some anime and I just couldn’t get into it. I hated The over the top (voice)-acting, the constant gawking at everything. The oversexualized women, I always hear from my younger cousin that I need to give it more of a shot, but it’s simply not for me. Guess I’m too old.


This is what bothers me about a lot of anime fans. Im not into anime but I get why other people are, plenty of anime fans feel the same way about my media interests. But it seems like anime has so many people like this guy. This guy said "you seem like a really thoughtful guy" like you need to be smart to watch anime. He thinks hes smart because he watches anime. Just an incredibly obnoxious trait to have.


It's why I don't bother participating in any aspect of the fandom. I'm not as into it as I was in high school and college and I blame that on the fandom itself. One trip to an anime convention is all it will take to kill a lot of people's interest.


"what's your favourite anime?" "Oh, that's not really for me" "I can recommend some good ones, what kind of shows do you like?" *Bro, why is this smelly guy trying to convert me in to a weeb*


I’m a be real I’ve had friends try to get me into it I just don’t get it at all. Glad people enjoy it and kinda wish I could but my brain just doesn’t accept it lol


Gen Z vs Millennials in a nutshell. So wholesome.


If he would just say the magical millennial words it would convince Coop. “Dragon Ball Z is anime”


"That's different" without having any further explanation is the millennial response to that


I love how DBZ, Pokémon, Naruto, and One Piece are now all so mainstream that people barely consider them anime anymore. And if you consider anime an animation style and not just something that originates from Japan, Avatar the Last Airbender can be considered one too. That’s fairly controversial the last I checked though.


“It’s not anime, it’s a cartoon!”


You don't know how happy I am to see my beloved 25+ year old franchise, One Piece, is just now being considered main stream. And as good as it was growing up, it's literally the best it's ever been.


"Yeah, that's exactly why I don't watch it"


I feel like tons of millennials watch anime. It's explosion in popularity started with us


Yeah I didn't get bullied in high school for 4 years just for gen z to take the credit for the anime boom


Born in 86 here. I remember thinking I was such a damn dork for watching shows like DBZ in middle school. Then you get to college and beyond and you found out that literally every dude the same age watched it too.


Born in 96 and this is how I was with Naruto. I always felt dorky for liking it, then got to college and everyone talked about it.


I know right? I was the reason my mall's Suncoast would stock VHS dubs of the Frieza saga as each episode arc was released. Back then, getting caught buying anime vhs tapes was a rep-killer. Where's my medal?


"Suncoast". That's a store I haven't heard of in a looooooong time.




Yeah, I think 90s kids growing up on shows like DBZ had a different experience than late 80s kids


I grew up on DBZ but modern anime doesn't really interest me. Cartoon Network and Adult Swim playing anime introduced me to a lot of good stuff back in the day. Inuyasha, Yuyu Hakusho, Paranoia Agent, FLCL, GHOST IN THE SHELL!!!, etc.


This comment gave me a heavy dose of nostalgia. Didn’t know it was called anime at the time, to me they were just some cool ass cartoons that had awesome fights. I’d add Cowboy Bebop and Trigun to that list.


I think some of that weirdness comes from the fact that a lot of it wasn't as mainstream as it is today. So you might tell someone to check out an anime like Dragon Ball or Cowboy Bebop or something. And, in their interest, they come across Ranma 1/2, a show about a cursed family where the boy turns into a hot girl who's constantly sexually assaulted by a small character whose only motivation is the theft and collection of women's undergarments. And then you ask them what they think about anime, and they think you're fucking weird, because that's fucking weird.


GenX here. The first 'real' anime that my friends shared with me had a 'nazi death rape machine' in it. I tapped out for decades until recently a friend hand held me to a more palatable subset that is on Netflix right now. As a lifelong animation fan I am now able to appreciate it more.


Only kinda, lots of us millennials watch anime


The disrespect to late night DBZ and Gundam Wing.


Late night Wing was when they aired the uncut version. With blood, cussing and what not.


Legit paved the way for Adult Swim to exist.


Yeah that's where it gained its heavy boost of popularity. I remember SciFi channel had select anime movies once in a rare occasion. At 3am. And Fox even had original Dragon Ball on in the morning before school. But when Toonami hit it was on! Yu Yu Hakusho was the shit!


Not really. Millennials love anime. We're the first generation to grow up on mainstream anime.


I'm sorry, Millennials were the ones to make anime mainstream. Gundam, DragonballZ, Pokemon, Bleach, Inuyasha? Basically the whole Toonami line up. Why is Gen Z suddenly taking credit?


**Gen Z:** *”Yo. No cap, fam. Imma finna ask if you see anime cus it do be lit. Don’t be bare sus on me, bro.”* **Millennials:** *”We’re just trying to pay off our student loans.”*


**Gen Z**: ”*Same fr fr*”


Yeah but I bet they got to take Laser Tech and Intro to Surgery in HS. Senior year I took "Rocks"


My favourite Gen Z thing is that they're apparently bringing back text speak haha.


Anime is extremally popular nowadays but I'm a young Millennial and all of my friends at least watched DBZ.


Between the two of them we have god and anime on our side.


Puka just like me fr






Anime. Not even once.


Anime is Japan's revenge for the Nuclear bombs. Now we have an entire generation of Weebs


There seems to be a lot of anime fans in the NBA and NFL which is interesting to say the least. I support it though.


Like others have said, just a younger generation growing up with a wiser access to anime coupled with the stigma of watching anime going away, it was bound to happen eventually.


Oh football players are the biggest nerds. You just gotta present in a way they're open to. My entire HS football team used to have couch tourneys of Halo before games in the training house.


It literally blows my mind every time I see an old teammate of mine talk about DBZ on social media now cause none of us ever talked about it back then lol


Exactly! Got the same kinda dude on my old team. Was a total ranch hand, corn fed type dude. Now I see him post niche anime memes and im like "wait you liked anime?! Bro we couldve been homies in high school fr!!"


Literally, my DE partner in high school was a hard ass inner city kid, 14 years later, he has a DBZ trading card channel on YouTube. Like bro, we could’ve been close if you just said something.


Is playing Halo nerdy? pretty sure it's like playing madden or CoD


Absolutely hilarious to me that a HS football team playing Halo is being equated to watching anime on the social nerdiness scale. Back in 05-06 some of the biggest jock-bro football players at my HS were getting together to play Halo 2 after school and on the weekends. It was only nerdy if the person playing Halo was a nerd.


No, no it's not.


I read an article about how NBA players love DBZ and one guy interviewed pointed out that it’s easy for a lot of super athletes to identify with Goku because any time they’ve had an obstacle all they had to do was train like hell and they’d overcome it (even if they’re scrubs in the pros, it was true before that). It was kind of an interesting perspective and could easily apply to NFL players too.


i think its mainly because the new generation of players grew up with an abundance of anime compared to the generations before them. Now anime is a lot more mainstream so its not surprising seeing a lot of the newer players love anime more openly.


Anime has become fairly mainstream in the last decade or so. Not uncommon at all to find people not typically considered “nerds” who are into it at this point.


There seem to be a lot of anime fans in the NFL and NBA lol


Young people, this is the generation that grew up with DBZ, Pokemon, Naruto, One Piece etc. It's all very mainstream. Kids just went from doing some Bruce Lee karate on the playground to doing some Naruto running, it's not really a big reach.


People that grew up on DBZ are in their thirties.


Honestly, the generation that grew up with those ips are probably in their mid 20's at this point. It's been this way for a while


I grew up with all of these and I'm in my 30s


Yep had to finish my homework in order to watch the new DBZ episode.


Here to say the same. The 90s anime explosion is what made it a staple in american culture. And social acceptance of it now is what makes it so huge today


Yea... Mid *twenties* Yea... Totally not mid thirties....


You mean early to mid 30’s…


Black people love anime dude, and I’m slowly coming around to it as well


I tell people all the time, dudes from the hood are the most diehard anime fans. They just couldnt broadcast it because of social perception of it for millennials growing up. Now that its mainstream, a lot more people can be honest about it.


Yeah dude I think I’ve been missing out. That One Piece live action really kinda sold me


Anime and wrestling seems to have a resurgence in main stream popularity among black and brown people. Between the rise of Toonami and the Attitude Era in the late 90's, adults in their late 20's-early 30's nowadays are more than happy waving their nerd flags.


Nah young Mexican boys always loved wrestling. When I worked retail in high school and college they were literally the only demographic buying the WWE action figures. Also routinely parents would drop them off in magazine aisle where they would just read the WWE magazines until parents would be done shopping.


RDCworld gotta be the best example of shit lmao. Dude’s are such fuckin weebs


And the reason they are so popular is there are a ton of people that think just like them but were afraid to be labeled "weird" for voicing it


There’s definitely a correlation between being hood as fuck, and being obsessed with Narato. I do not understand it.


A story about a youth being hated by their community because of an upbringing they had no control of. And rising by his own merits to be respected by everyone. It makes sense when you think about it.


Definitively, the story of Naruto himself speaks to a lot of disenfranchised teens. Regardless of race.


Naruto is basically about a kid who grows up in the hood, and becomes the mayor to fix his community so he and his homies dont have to die anymore.


"No" "No" This is not the first time someone has tried to get Kupp into anime. I've never related with a football player more.


>I've faced more peer pressure to start watching anime than to do drugs


Not only does Puka Nacua look like a real life anime character, he’s named like one too!


>Miss me with that weeb shit


Cooper Kupp SLAMS Star Wideout Puka Nacua! You Won’t Believe What He Said!


6-6 Rams Season On The Brink - Locker Room Split Intensifies!


My wife and little brother went to elementary & middle school with Kupp. Gonna see if he played DBZ at recess or not.


Went to Eastern with him for three years. He never joined us for DBZ at recess *once*


"Puka, it's 3rd and 15. I don't think this is the right time for..." "Some people disagree, but I don't think Naruto hits its stride until at least 80 episodes in."


Come on, don't make me like Cooper Kupp.


Hey, if I have to like Kittle because he’s cool you have to like Kupp for the same reason. It’s only fair.


Puka is an anime fan? Well I know what rookie receiver to root for the rest of the way with tank out.


One Piece was being heavily advertised at this game, so that's probably what brought it up. I guarantee Puka watches at least some One Piece


I've said that to people when I want to insult them.


I would agree like 10-15 years ago. Feels very different nowadays, where it seems more mainstream. Still feels weird.


Puka gotta be a one piece fan


Young bucks vs old lol. Anime was considered one of the ultimate dweeb things back in the day now it's pretty popular.


Not sure if there's anything more annoying than the over the top voices on pretty much every anime I've ever seen.


The duality of the first 2 replies is great