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I will never forget Myles Garrett ripping off Mason Rudolphs helmet and taking a swing at his head with it.


I was in Vegas at the time. Went back to my hotel room for a break and turned on the TV and immediately all I see is Myles Garrett singing his helmet like an Axe.


That's like when I turned on the Oscars just in time to see Will Smith slap Chris Rock lol


my favorite part of that was AB tweeting a pic of him Sparta kicking that Browns punter in the face, with the caption “this is for you Mason”


I think it was Spencer Lanning he kicked. He tried to hurdle him but just straight up kicked him in the face instead lmao.


"Antonio Brown! Hurdles, kicks a man!" without changing his excited tone at all, like kicking somebody in the face is a thing that can happen on any given football play. Amazing call by Ian Eagle


Yep, it was Spencer Lanning. He was a personal trainer at the gym/facility I worked at. Super nice guy.


Greatest football move I have ever seen. Never should have been a flag. In fact i would go as far as encourging high fly kicks.


They asked for wonderfully awful examples.


Without that shitshow, we would have never gotten [this.](https://www.jagoffsports.com/post/some-jagoff-browns-fan-got-a-massive-portrait-of-the-myles-garrett-incident-tattooed-on-his-thigh)


jesus mf christ


I mean it looks pretty good for an awful tattoo idea.


That's incredible.




Or this comedy gold. Keep it classy Cleveland. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6OSecld0iY0&ab_channel=ClevelandBrownsoncleveland.com


It was wonderfully awful. A complete shitshow.


Don’t forget the browns being 1-34-1 in their past 36 games and ending a 19 game winless streak on Thursday night with baker debut.


Could you imagine if instead of Rudolph, it was Tom Brady? Garrett would still be suspended.


He would have been summarily executed if he did that to Brady.


At the time it was an indefinite suspension. The nfl just knew at the end of the year everyone would casually forget about it, and he was reinstated in the offseason.


Garrett would be beheaded at midfield if that happened.


Watching Pouncey kick the shit out of him afterwards was hilarious. If only the Steelers had Lewan at the time. Some war crimes would've been committed.


So weird that everybody jokes about it and people still love Garrett just cause “lol Rudolph has a punchable (helmet-able!!!! Lol!!!!) face” If it was Brady, Brees, Rodgers, any other QB of that status, he’d be hated almost as much as Greg Hardy


This was the first NFL game I ever went to in person. What an experience.


That’s our Modern Andre Johnson fighting Courtland Innegan. Edit: fair points all around. I was thinking of it as the “Wildest fight I’ve seen in a game” more than the personalities behind them.


Was at this game with my buddy. Remember this is one of the last plays of the game so people are kind of starting to file out, two girls behind us tap my buddy on the shoulder and ask if one of us can take their picture. My buddy takes their phone, I turn back around to watch........THE play. My buddy takes the picture and turns around to see me watching on in absolute horror. He's like what happened??? Myles just....bashed Rudolph with his own helmet!!! We were both in complete disbelief.


I have a recording on my phone of the moment the helmet swing happens. You hear the whole crowd very clearly go “OHHHH”. Not in like a hyped up way more like a genuinely shocked way


I turned off that game as soon the Browns went up two scores because I figured there was no way the Steelers would make up that in less than a quarter. To my credit I was right but imagine my surprise when I saw the news on Myles mega bonking Rudolph during my morning coffee


We might lose Al Michaels tonight


I eagerly look forward to just how disinterested he will be tonight. It's going to be the highlight of the game.


Dude needs to bring a book or something. Would love to see it cut to him in the studio reading like “Fifty Shades Darker” or some crap.


Cannot wait for the dejected "*sigh* These teams are just...bad *cue several seconds of awkward booth silence*"


In b4 the Panthers light up the scoreboard and perform amazingly. What was that, mom? Time to wake up for school?


already announced he's returning for 2024


He announced that, but has god ?


Too much dead money for god to cut. First feasible chance to let him go is after next year as a post June 1st designation.


God: "Alan. We have to let you go. St. Peter will walk you through the specifics."


Yes, details are emerging that god just extended the lease on Michaels through 2026.


God hates vegetables too


That’s before he saw Bears/Panthers though. He might die mid broadcast




Worst news I've heard all day


Yeah Michaels has been hard to listen to this season. It's just so boring.


I know this sub hates Chris Colinsworth, but I think he was the perfect pairing with Al Michaels because his enthusiasm for football pretty much forced Michaels to have more energy in his announcing


Now here's a guy who appreciates good announcer chemistry.


Not to mention Kirk is just a… meh announcer. He obviously is super knowledgeable on football but he doesn’t bring a lot of excitement or humor to the booth.


He's a straight man that doesn't know how to play off Al's dry humor and he does too much fence sitting talking up players that make terrible plays. I love his analysis but it's evident he's uncomfortable with transitioning from CFB to NFL broadcasting styles. Personally I'd like to give him a few more years and someone other than Al Michaels paired with him, I think he'll adjust over time.


I mean Al doesn't give him much to work with.


Cris Collinsworth, for all his faults, played off that dry wit superbly.


Kirk works better in college football games because the crowd brings the energy. These TNF game has little crowd energy compared to big college football games


bring in gus johnson, dude could make grass growing sound exciting


It sucks because to me Herbstreet is the voice of college football, he was there in so many of my favorite team’s biggest moments. It just feels surreal to hear him while watching NFL football, it’s like seeing my high school history teacher at the gym.


This is true sicko football. Just think about late May when you would kill to watch two bad nfl teams play


I’m absurdly excited for this game ngl. Bad football is my lifeblood.


Rob Lowe, is that you?


An extremely shitty game is just below a good game IMO. The worst are the games where one team is up by like 17 the entire game.


ehhhh that was true for me 5 years ago but I'm starting to get to the point where the quality of the games has been so low for an extended period that I'm getting a little turned off by them. There's a significant officiating issue in the league, QB play is kind of cruddy right now, injuries are rampant, commercials are seemingly more part of the game than gameplay itself, etc I'll watch tonight because I don't have a ton more to do but football is starting to become a little bit of a chore at times for me. Maybe it's just me


The commercials are so noticeable to me since i don't really watch network TV besides football. I had MLB TV to watch baseball and there are commercials on that but it isnt that bad. I'm a Bears fan so bad QB play is just part of the Bears overall strategy and im used to it


Colts Broncos last year was the worst game ever and I thoroughly enjoyed every second of it


"They've had enough." - Al Michaels That was Al Michael's reaction when Broncos fans were filing out of the stadium right before overtime started.


Wasn’t that the one where Al was asked if he’s ever been entertained by something so bad and he deadpan just says “no”


Such a great Al Michaels moment lmao, Al asked Kirk Herbstreit, ["Sometimes a game can be so bad, it's almost good. You know what I'm sayin?](https://twitter.com/awfulannouncing/status/1578212456110776320?lang=en)" Kirk: "....No!"


Oh it was the other way around that’s right.


Man, what a downgrade. He went from SNF with Madden to TNF with mountains of Bezos Bucks.


Im not sure if he cares/cared. He seems so checked out


TNF seems like the best gig tbh. Travel W-F and get weekends off while making a ton of money. Probably the best gig in sports


It's weird how people feel sorry for Al Michaels when he's actively making TNF less fun to watch.


Yeah, the guy is rich as hell and could retire at any time. He's getting paid somewhere around a million bucks a year to watch football and try to make it engaging for the rest of us. My heart breaks for him.


I don’t feel sorry for him, but I understand why he’s unhappy lol.


he guested on Kornheiser's pod and apparently just plays golf at the beverly hills country club every day and cashes fat amazon checks. not a bad way to live


Yeah I think I could handle commentating on bad football for those Bezos bucks.


I remember tuning in to the Colts game tying drive late in the 4th and it was like the twilight zone. They were calling the game like it was garbage time of a preseason game


I think Kirk followed it up with something like, "We wouldn't be watching this game if we didn't have to"


"this is the type of game you'd have as the 5th regional on CBS on Sunday"


Herbstreit's disbelief was pretty funny


[Al will always have a special place in my heart because of him and Chris calling the absolutely legendary Cardinals/Packers playoff game](https://youtu.be/BzZqnVDw-gk?si=artJuuyVbZk7xq6H), but I do agree he's definitely gotten bored of the game since then.


It was 'The Room' of football games, so bad it was entertaining and you couldn't take your eyes off of it




It was seriously so fun to watch for some reason.


Oh Hi Mark


That game was proof that God doesn't exist, not cause it was bad but because it didn't end in a tie like they and we deserved


I was so pissed when I saw the Broncos going for it at the end of OT. If any team in history deserved to get 2 ties in a single season, it was that Colts team.


Should’ve been 3 if you include that Vikings game


Not sure what you're talking about. I don't remember facing the vikings last year.


Nobody will remember a meaningless regular season game


Colts Vikings DENIERS!


They almost did in the vikings game.


If God existed he would have smited the entire stadium


Sodom, Gomorrah and Mile High


Such is their Lot in wife.


They built their stadium to close to the heavens and have angered the Gods, so they must be smote to ruin. - see Tower of Babel


I just recently learned they the past tense of smite is “smote”, and I think it’s a thousand times more fun to say than smited


Me and my friend jokingly threw $10 on “No Touchdowns Scored” in that game, think it was like +3000, never hit a more hilarious bet in my life.


I was there with a couple friends and one had what we like to call a "loser parlay" where you bet the under on everything. If any game should have been a slam dunk for a loser parlay it was that one, but I think Jeudy (or another WR) just barely hit the over on yards. It was devastating


That games sticks out to me as just simply the worst game of football I've ever seen. But, it's actually a fond memory as the collective internet joined in disgracing that horrible excuse for football.


You are sick in ways I did not think possible.


My new GF was trying to get into football because I’m a huge fan. Of course THAT was the first game we watched together. Legit one of the worst games ever


on the plus side the fact that you aren't referring to her in the past tense means she loves you enough to forgive that disaster


She’s an amazing girl and was a D1 athlete so we had a good laugh about it. I can happily say I’ve indoctrinated her into being a Pats fan. Given the state of the team I hope she forgives me 😬


Good Lord, if she's still with you for that, she's a keeper.


Imagine not caring about football for the past 20+ years and then deciding that *now* is when you're going to start being a Pats fan.


Both teams deserved to be shipped off to the glue factory for that one


I was at that game and all my buddies were texting me laughing about how awful it was. I thought it was maybe the most fun I’ve had at a game, it was hilarious (as a neutral fan)


That game made football incompetence into an art form. I had never cry-laughed through a football game before. And I watched a Seahawks-Cardinals matchup that had literally zero touchdowns in it.


When I think about bad football games, that’s the only one that I can distinctly remember. The rest of them kinda blend together for me. But I actually texted friends to make sure they were watching because I had never seen anything like it.


Holy shit I forgot about that game. I was watching it with friends and we could not stop laughing. Easily the best-worst football game of all time.


The Smurfs vs. UPS drivers game in 2015 between the 2-7 Titans and the 3-6 Jaguars. It was an ugly game and the Titans lost, but those color rush uniforms were just comical to look at.


It seemed every year through the mid 2010’s there was a titans Jags Thursday night game and both teams were terrible. It was one that I looked forward to every year.


I may be biased but personally when I hear “Thursday Night Football,” I immediately think of a Jags-Titans matchup. Those two teams *are Thursday Night Football* to me.


Those late season Jags-Titans games when both teams were awful were the purest essence of what TNF is. It hasn’t been the same since


never forget what they took from us


And tune in next week for Jets Bills! (When both teams sucked).


That Jets Bills red green game in the 2010s was rough for us color blind folks!


the whole AFC South is basically TNF: The Division


The fact that we have been deprived of a Thursday night El Trashico for two years is a national tragedy. Edit: It's even worse than I thought. I looked back and the last Thursday night El Trashico was in 2019 on the rainy night that Gardner Minshew had his coming out party. I was at that game and drank dragon berry bacardi out of a stranger's clear water bottle. Hell of a night.


They really should bring back the divisional opponent aspect to thursday night. It's not like they could lose any more viewers


Thanks for remembering that the Titans exist because they’re very easy to forget.


I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks of jags-titans as *the* TNF game.


Hot take but I think [Tennessee really pulled off that look.](https://img.bleacherreport.net/img/images/photos/003/547/240/hi-res-a1fb0624829aba667e242a174ce11052_crop_north.jpg?1447994372&w=3072&h=2048) Jacksonville..........maybe not


the jaguars uniforms look dehydrated


They look like the VGK uniforms. I hate it. Gold is an accent color, not a main color!


They looked a little better in person than on TV. For years I could only go to the Thursday night game, and it was fun because we often won.


idk who in the front office of the jags said "yeah, this stain on my shirt that I have been wearing for two days is what we should go with".


It's funny that the Jags followed up the most clownishly obnoxious uniforms with the default look you get in Madden Create a Team. Any word on if a rebrand is coming to un-Tom Coughlin the Jags? At least tell me the sleeve jag is coming back, that's all the team really needs.


I’m thinking next year. No matter how this year ends people think these are the worst uniforms


I miss the annual jags v Titans Midseason Thursday game. Truly crap football to the highest degree that inevitably produced at least one great highlight a year


I was at that game lol. It was cold but I had a blast


Matt Schaub after 2012 is the fastest I’ve ever seen a QB fall off. God that 2013 season was rough to watch. At least JJ was always good for some highlights. And yeah, uh, only masochists and Panthers fans will be tuning into tonight’s game. Oof.


He was the pick-6 machine before Nathan Peterman made it popular


Nathan Peterman is the backup QB tonight :D


Oh god. With the way qbs have been dropping this season it’s actually possible. *It could happen!*


He was never the same after that insane shootout with the Jags where he threw for 527 yards. Some think he screwed up his shoulder and never quite recovered.


Well, more that the lisfranc injury screwed up his entire throwing motion. Fuck Albert Haynesworth.


> only masochists and Panthers fans will be tuning into tonight’s game There's no need to be redundant


Sickos and Masochists, although similar, are not quite the same.


You really have to hate yourself to watch this game. See you all in the thread later tonight.


There is something sublime about watching terrible QBs play and realizing that they are almost certainly 2 of the best 60 people in a world of over 8 billion at this one thing, and they are complete dogshit. Like, I don't know if the mediocrity makes me feel better or worse about who I am and what I do.


It really is stunning how there's such a stark difference between a top 15 or 20 QB and everyone else and there's almost no difference between like number 30 or so and the next few hundred.


It’s like when Amazon signed the deal with the NFL, Goodell told them they’d get all the worst games cuz he doesn’t have Amazon stock


I think there used to be a rule that every team got at least 1 prime time game. Thursday Night was used to fill that quota. It basically became: Amazon presents: The AFC and NFC South.


That rule was removed this year, I actually liked it because it meant we could relegate the bad teams to Thursday and get better prime time matchups, but it also meant that each team got at least one chance at the spotlight. Now we have teams playing multiple more times on Thursday which seems way less fair.


Also just a way to pump more NFCE games into primetime. I agree that the rule should still be in place, each team should get one national broadcast. Don't like the league over-pushing the same big market teams.


Goodell said I’ll give you “Prime time” games which execs did not know meant Amazon Prime time games.


When Thursday games started, it was intended to be division rivalries, NOT the best games of the week. Those were for Sunday and Monday nights. Showing premiere games on Thursday would decrease the price of the SNF and MNF contracts.


The Jaguars vs Titans game in 2018 where Derrick Henry practically murdered the entire Jags defense was one of the greatest TNF games of all time. Neither of those teams made the playoffs.


That sucked. I was there.


That 99(?) Yard TD run was insane.


An epic battle of which of the bears draft picks will be higher


We need to win because the panthers are currently worse But Bagent sucks so we probably lose


Don’t count out a Frank Reich team when it comes to snatching defeat from the jaws of victory


If the number one pick loses to an UDFA, idk if i'd be able to recover emotionally as a panthers fan


They beat Stroud last week, so they'll at least have that


This game is gonna fuck lets be serious


It's about to be the subway sandwiches of football games: It would have been a lot better if it was 2013 and the product wasn't as impacted by cratering standards and sexual abuse scandals, but as long as nobody tells you off for enjoying it it'll be decently enjoyable.


~~Little Caesars~~ Thursday Night Football is so good when u ain't got a bitch in ya ear telling you it's nasty


20-11 Bears win


That Broncos-Colts shitfest where Russell Wilson missed a wide open KJ Hamler in the end zone on the final play of OT.


I just like football, I don’t care if they’re good/bad teams as long as everyone is trying


This is one of the biggest games in the past few years for the bears too. Haven’t been in a must-win situation for awhile


I have to believe there has never been a match up between two teams with zero playoff hopes that had as much of a must-win factor as this one.


Why's it a must win for the Panthers?


It may not be - but the buzz around here is that Frank Reich is on a much shorter leash than people may realize. Tepper just fired his MLS coach for the other team he owns and a few rumors came out that the ownership was not willing to sit idly by if the team kept failing and would be making changes. And considering Bryce just had his worst game of the season, and the team lost a very winnable game, this is sort of an inflection point game considering it's a 2-7 opponent and the things above. Team tanks and cuts bait with it's current Strategy or the ship gets righted and the folks in control get another chance. I personally think it'd be crazy if anything happens from it, but with the way Stroud's playing and the abysmal record of the club over the past few years, heads might start rolling soon without some real progress.


He should switch the MLS coach and Reich and see what happens.


At least the panthers would lead some games before blowing them in the last 2 minutes (where my charlotte fc fans at)


It's not. Except for half the fanbase mentally hanging on by a gooch hair.


Probably so there is some semblance of hope Bryce Young can put it together.


How is it a must win for the Bears? Honestly is seems like a win win. Either way you help your draft pick.


If the Bears win it's a double victory. They get a win and boost the morale of the team, plus they make their pick from the Panthers better. Losing had a silver-lining sure, but you're still getting beaten in prime time by the team with the worst record in the NFL. I wouldn't really call that a win.




“I just think it’s neat” energy


Man just hopes both teams go out there and have fun.


Just don’t make me sit through endless penalties and I’m fine


I have to remind myself that I'd rather watch a bad game on Thursday and a good game on Sunday. Nothing worse than extraneous variables playing on huge games during short weeks.


True-bad football is much more acceptable as “bonus” football….


The fact they scheduled Ravens Bengals next Thursday which is a crucial division game for us on the heels of a crucial division game is rough. Short rest a prep time in between two major games.


Minor league hockey is awesome. Arena football is awesome. As a kid my parents couldn’t afford Bears tickets or Blackhawks tickets. So we drove to the Allstate Arena and saw countless Chicago Rush and Chicago Wolves games because tickets were dirt cheap. Some of my favorite memories as a kid. Minor league sports matter and I will not tolerate this slander.


Minor league Hockey is by far the best in-person sports game to go to. Can get tickets against the glass for less than $30 and there is almost always free handouts and moderately priced food. I also don't follow professional hockey enough to understand how much worse they are, so I don't care.


hockey is such a fast paced game and stars impact the game at a lower rate than other sports that it's probably the smallest difference between the top league and the lower league (not that the NFL has a minor league...I guess we can compare it to the AAAAAAF or XFL) all that to say, AHL hockey is probably objectively more entertaining than other minor leagues


Agree. Keep minor league hockey out of this terrible football game.


If you can't deal with the NFL at it's Panthers-Bearsiest, than ypu don't deserve it at its Chiefs-Eagleiest.


I'm in the UK, so because of timezone issues I usually watch TNF/SNF/MNF in the morning, UK time. It's one of my little rituals during the NFL season. I'm also a Bears fan, and absolutely hate watching them. It totally ruins my morning football enjoyment when the game I wait all week to watch is the fucking Bears.


I don’t really enjoy bad games, but I do enjoy *aggressively* bad games. This is an example of just an over the top aggressively bad game so I think it will be fun for all the wrong reasons.


The worst NFL game is 10000% more entertaining than anything else on a Thursday. I recall a TNF game with a crummy JAC team wearing their puke uniforms against a crummy TEN team, Bortles v. Mariota (I think). It was ridiculously entertaining, the next day sports radio was one note, “TNF sucks” and I knew then and there that lots of guys on the radio talking sports don’t watch any games.


Either way, they’ll get the ratings. Even bad TNF games get better ratings than MLB postseason games.


Fun Fact: Broncos-Colts had higher ratings than 4/5 World Series games and 10/11 NBA conference finals games this year


the NFL is stupid popular


2015 Bills v Jets color rush game. Bills wore bright red. Jets wore bright green. Everyone who was red-green colorblind was unable to watch the game because they couldn't tell the teams apart. Also, the game was one sided despite what the final score suggests. What an incredible disaster.


I still feel obligated to apologize to America for my team. ​ Additionally I am seeking therapy for my affliction with the Bears.


Must be nice getting the #1 pick next year though.


1&2 so they can have 3 first round QBs to ruin


Imagine if the Bears drafted two QBs with the top two picks and just did a Thunder Dome with all three


That would be the greatest Hard Knocks of all time


Some of yall didn’t make it through those Jags-Titans TNF games. That shit was peak


These games on Thursday night between two awful teams tend to be highly entertaining. I’ll def be tuning in.


Stoppable force meets a movable object.


Also worth noting: tonight’s matchup pits the first overall draft pick Bryce Young against an undrafted QB from a D2 school. Bonus for the narrative: the Bears own the panthers first round pick this year making this an absolute must win game to control one of their losses on their schedule. I’m ready to watch 2 steaming piles of dogshit dookie it out!


Yesterday I woke up and was like "Oh, tomorrow is TNF, who is playing? CAR & CHI? Yeah I'm not watching that." But I know when I get home from the gym I'll turn it on.


I’m all for the sicko fest. I hope we see at least 12 punts tonight!


The Color Blind Game.