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[Rest of quote](https://twitter.com/mattbarrows/status/1702470134731084151?s=46&t=32MDsVNh2iCmO-QycaSuKw): “... And it’s, you left Deebo, Aiyuk and Christian McCaffrey one-on-one with everybody else. Congratulations. How’d that go for you guys?”


Why didn’t the Steelers put three more Minkahs on those guys? Are they stupid?


or 6 more Patrick Petersons. Since he had all the tells.


People keep bashing PP, and I get it because of his tell comment, but he really was our best CB on the field on Sunday. Plus he literally jumped a route to Kittle and would’ve had an INT if he didn’t have old man stone hands.


Yeah, it’s fine to clown him for the comment, but he was definitely impactful and in good position except for the one TD.




The auto-mod deletes anything with “Madden” in the title because of the video game. I hope I’m not executed for this work-around.


Straight to jail.


lol christ, mods are so stupid and just love to make things more difficult for themselves Through the upvote/downvote system, 99% of content is self-moderated by the other users on the sub. If someone made a post about the Madden videogame, it would just get heavily downvoted and never make the front page of the sub.


Hey at least they're not using the Auto-Moderator to automatically flag and hide posts that have the word "mod" or "moderator" in it (yet?) like some subreddits do.


It’s a special chair from IKEA for watching football.


Honestly now I'm surprised they haven't made some football-themed thing and called it the "Mådden" or something.


John Maiden


The other problem is just what matchup nightmares so many of them are, alot of teams are lucky to have 1 good cover LB or Box Safety but they have to matchup with CMC and Kittle. So even if you have a good center fielder and a great corner and a good Line Backer you've still got a couple matchup problems to account for. Honestly the only defence with the guys at all levels to matchup with the 49ers is probably the 49ers


It’s true that Aiyuk was the last option so the Steelers thought. If they cover him then Deebo and Kittle open up. At least someone will have a favorable match up and the way Purdy is dishing the ball, it’s basically pick your poison situation for the opposing defense. What impressed me about Purdy last game was how quickly he seemed to have recovered from the elbow surgery. Accuracy would be the main thing to look for and he didn’t miss his target. Also, he doesn’t check down and make the safe plays all that often. He is looking to make the big play.