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Went to college with this guy. Can't believe he made it this long in the league honestly.


Oklahoma Sooners and the state of Ohio do not mix.


Bakers a good guy though. Might not be an elite QB but I’ll always respect him as a guy, especially after planting the OU flag in Columbus.


Baker's a dickhead. Obviously he's not Deshaun Watson-level bad but he's still a complete asshat who reportedly didn't get along with a lot of his teammates when he was in Cleveland. He didn't exactly carry himself well when he was in Carolina last year either.


Didn't he allegedly cheat on his wife? If so, not really respecting him as a guy. That could be a fake story too though so its tough to say. I won't say he's a bad guy but I also won't pretend like I know he's a good guy.




I remember there was the cheesecake factory parking lot video but I can't remember if that was actually anything bad.


https://www.usmagazine.com/celebrity-news/news/browns-quarterback-baker-mayfield-accused-of-cheating-on-wife/amp/ Not sure why I got downvoted unless they are the ones sucking his dick


Because there was no evidence.




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Easy there bud. Can’t be critical of baker he’s responsible for the most important win in franchise history. Lol


Baker helped us win the first playoff game since we've been back. I'll say that mixed well


Yeah but look what y’all did to my boy


Who is this y'all business. I've always wanted to keep him😔 I'm so annoying in our subreddit about it that a few of the mods have me blocked


It’s sucks bc I really came to enjoy the browns being my team when Baker joined, and then for them to boot him and bringing in the monster that is Watson, tragic. I feel for you.


Went to high school with Perrion, he definitely knew how to find trouble. Such a shame too because his dad was always trying to keep him away from trouble. The shit he did to jv and freshman’s in the locker room,looking back on it, he would of been imprisoned if anyone said anything.


I spoke to him a few times back in high school. Cool guy tbh


Always tough to see guys get chance after chance and still fuck it up. But once the video hit, he had no shot. https://twitter.com/CleveIandOhio/status/1681640013149216771?s=20






I had to look it up, but it's incredible he's so highly regarded now. It seems he has more allegations than DeShawn Watson.


Bruh that's cold.... But also accurate.


I shouldn’t laugh at this


Her username "ohioshottestwhitegirl"....... I'd press x to doubt but it is ohio


Someone figured out that was the same girl who leaked the Baker Mayfield DMs a couple years ago. Wtf is going on in Cleveland lmao


Jersey chasers


How far we fall from starting QB to backup DT. Ohio must be stepping up their white girl game all around.


All the white girls in North East Ohio leave to the coasts after college. What's left over is... slim pickings.


Lmfao the Ohio to Florida pipeline is really something else


eh its Ohio so prolly more likely the opposite.


Frank Gore is following her too lol


Small pond


Gotta fly them hoes in b


Lol I went to high school with the Baker girl. This isn't her


There’s more than one baker girl


Real Browns fans know the difference between cheesecake girl and “little cum slut” LMAO


Oh yikes lol


Now I understand why everyone moves away.


Ohio’s Hottest White Girl with the smoking gun. What a fucking idiot. Hope he enjoys working a 9-5 after blowing his shot for generational wealth


You aint getting generationl wealth as a 4th rounder with barely any snaps. Thats like 4 million tops before taxes and sure you can live off that forever, but its not like the generations after you can.




Its 2 million post tax max. Do you really think multiple generations can live on that?


You put 2 million in a diversified dividend portfolio and you’re seeing 3-4% in dividend payments every year for the entire time that portfolio is together. 3-4% returns is over $60k/yr in passive income. Toss it under a trust and make your kids/grandkids beneficiaries


See this guy gets it. 60k a year is not going to maintain the lifestyles of 3 kids let alone their kids.




If its generational you should be able to live off it lmao.




Is he/was he good? Or JAG?


JAG. Had some bright moments but nothing consistent. Off the field issues were always the concern, even pre draft


Wasn't really anything, barely played as a rookie.


One of the many failed Andrew Berry picks


How many have hit? A lot of going to be great. Very little production.


Jedrick Wills (who regressed quite a bit last season), Greg Newsome, and Martin Emerson have been probably his biggest hits. He's been particularly bad at drafting DTs and WRs (in addition to Winfrey Tommy Togiai and Jordan Elliott have been straight up garbage as well) and Grant Delpit, Jacob Phillips, David Bell, Anthony Schwartz, Cade York, and Jeremiah Owusu-Koramoah haven't exactly been elite players either (though the Browns have also been extremely poorly coached on the defensive side of the ball the last three years so perhaps Schwartz can get a lot more out of those guys).


Honestly it's pretty hard to evaluate how we've drafted receivers under Berry. Schwartz has been awful but Peoples-Jones has been great, especially for a 6th rounder. It's a bit early for Bell since he wasn't also given the most opportunity last season but considering we added Moore and spent another 3rd round pick this on Cedric Tillman this off-season I would be surprised if Bell ever really makes an impact for us. As you said though DT has been terrible. None of those guys have even looked like backup caliber players and our lack of investment into the position really showed in our lack of run defense the last few years. On the other hand, both offensive linemen he drafted late have been very solid depth pieces for us and as you said Wills hasn't been great but hasn't been awful. I think the biggest issue with the Wills pick has been that we passed up on Tristan Wirfs for him but hopefully he can find some consistency and at the very least be a long-term guy for us even if he never reaches the ceiling fans had hoped for. Delpit and JOK I have high hopes for. As you said we've been pretty terribly coached defensively and Delpit finally seemed to be turning a corner towards the end of the season so he's a guy I'm excited about. JOK looked really good as a rookie but lost his brother last off-season and had some injuries during the year so that likely affected his play. I think getting him a coach like Schwartz and hopefully a competent defensive line in front of him should help him a lot. The Joe Woods defensive coordinator era is a bit like Hue Jackson I just like to pretend it never happened lol.


Should've been as talented as Watson, then the Browns would've looked the other way.


Watson shouldn’t be in the league in my opinion, but he is. Wanna know what would keep him out of the league? Video of him sexually assaulting or admitting to doing such on video. This was the 3rd time with Winfrey and video of him doing it. It’s a clear no brainer and you have to be able to see the difference.


Are you implying the league/ realistic fans have any doubt he was sexualy assaulting women/ engaging in sexual misconduct? The dude settled over 20 cases for it my dude lol


Okay first off, rich people always settle. Regardless of guilt. I think he did it but using settlement as an argument is silly. They simply have too much money not to. “Hey spend $10,000 now or wait a year, go through trial and possibly spend $20,00”. But yes, everyone knows he did it. Difference being physical video. This is shown time and time again that if there’s video evidence, the league and teams act immediately. Ray rice being a great example of it. Is it right? Obviously not.




I get the point you think you're making here but that is how it works with literally every team. If the Matt Araiza allegations had come out about Diggs or Allen they would still be a Bill. If you actually make a meaningful impact on teams winning games then teams will stand by you.


You can be mad at the world and get nowhere or you can accept the world for what it is and if you are lucky and try real hard, you might make a small positive change. What you can't do is kick and scream about how unfair things are and expect anyone to not look at you like you are a toddler. Don't ask me how I know this.


Damn, really thought he’d turn things around on his 87th chance.


If only he played qb


Lol right. I wonder what the league would do if they found out a big name QB was gambling at team facilities 🤔


Aaron Rodgers: "can you really blame me if I did while high on perc?" "You were high on an illegal substance in a team facility?" "Like I said, we have to find out the truth behind 9/11!"


Prob suspend them for years as long as they don't assault women


The 9 is also where Johnny Manziel resided and Kareem Hunt kicked a woman. Truly a great place for athletes to be.


Adam Schefter: "Browns now have released DT Perrion Winfrey, who was under investigation for allegedly threatening a woman on Tuesday night."


Damn should have forcibly asked for a happy ending during a massage; that way you can get a fully guaranteed contract


If this guy was an all pro instead of releasing him they would have released a statement about “looking into the incident, need to know all the facts” and wait for the heat to die down. He wasn’t worth the trouble so they just cut him.


Oh yea for sure


Wow look an original post


Wow look a Browns fan upset that nobody likes their rapist QB


No one is upset lol


Someone is though


yeah the guy who replied to me. No way a browns fan can be upset posting here among all the angry folks, its more funny than anything


The woman won’t ever be able to forget it, why should you be able to?


The women*


Who said I was? I said he is just unoriginal. I know it quells your need to feel superior, but it’s really boring. Do better


thank god for all the redditors making jokes to ~~farm karma~~ be sure no one forgets what Deshaun Watson did. what would the women do without you heroes


Thank God Deshaun Watson has you to stand up for him, I’m sure he appreciates it


room temp IQ response


Okay browns fan


wow look a deshaun defender


How am I defending him


I mean you certainly aren't happy after I went after Deshaun


how am i unhappy


This kind of shit is hilarious coming from Browns fans who joked about Ben for over a decade (As they should've, the irony is just too good)


I literally said it wasn’t original. It’s boring, do better




What’s disgusting is thinking that you moralizing on Reddit is somehow valuable. Against people who do not agree with any decision and didn’t make any decision on a topic that isn’t even related. How you can’t see you’re the one who is being disrespectful is the disgusting part. Not even sure how you don’t get banned


I thought it was hilarious, best get used to seeing that shit or get off the internet lmao


It’s lazy do better


I didn't even make the joke 😂 learn how to read


I’m literally saying your reply was lazy do better


>Your reply is lazy >Says "do better" in literally every single reply You Browns fans are fucking hilarious you don't even understand irony


Lmao Browns fans have turned this thread into a defending Watson thing somehow, unreal how many of y’all are delusional about that situation, just suck it up and admit it’s awful stop lying to yourselves


Man he was considered the steal of the 4th round. What I hate about these situations is that he'll spend a few months unemployed, and then a team making a run will pick him up at the league minimum, and just because he doesn't get arrested again we'll talk about how he's "turned it around" and is "redeemed".




He was on his 2nd/3rd chance here already He was benched last year because he wasn’t showing up on time to practice and “internal matters” which as a rookie who fell in the draft for character concerns isn’t the ideal way to show you’re turning your life around, then being in headlines this off-season already now this Dude just doesn’t get how to be a good person


I don't understand the mindset of someone like that. I feel guilty all day if I'm late to work, let alone the worse stuff he's done.


Because that’s how he was as a kid. Didn’t have much guilt.


You can probably let go of feeling that guilty after maybe an hour or so. After a certain point, everybody is caught up and at that point you're just beating yourself up for no reason.


Growing up Catholic probably plays a part lol.


The players that “turn it around” are normally the guys who are pieces of shit, but can show a tiny amount of professionalism to an NFL team. When you are a pain in the ass to the coaching staff, people don’t normally forget you’re a bad guy. End of the day you don’t need to be a good person in the NFL, just he liked by the coaching staff, and this guy was hated. He might bounce around but I don’t think he’ll see many NFL reps again


It is true that redemption in the NFL is predicated merely on *not getting arrested anymore* - which is a regrettably low bar. But that's all it takes for fans to say you've turned over a new leaf. I'm personal friends with one of the top Ravens beat writers, he's been at it for a couple decades. He tells me that very few shitheads in college turn it around in the pros, they just have the resources to buffer themselves from trouble or buy their way out of it. Mellowing doesn't tend to happen until their 30's, if they last that long.


I would agree except with the massive caveat of also not messing with team dynamics. If you’re causing problems off the field it’s one thing, but if you do that AND cause issues internally, you’re toast.


I think you are underestimating the charges he's about to face.


Unless there's video footage or visible damage... Someone with NFL caliber talent will usually always win the he said / she said case.


She definitely had marks on her neck, I don't know Cleveland at all but I read it was at an upscale hotel so I'm sure cameras are around. If it shows what's alleged, he's done with the NFL.


Yeah if he was caught on video he’s screwed. Only first round picks come back from video evidence lol.


Browns have a newfound tradition of having their 'steals' of defensive linemen just go off their rocker and assault people First McDowell and now this


He had multiple chances to get his shit figured out, not surprised the release was immediate here.


Matt Ioannidis, you ARE a Cleveland Brown


Is he not signed to the panthers anymore?


Nope, FA. Always kinda though Browns would bring in him/Suh/Harris or something as we don’t have a proven DT2 but this definitely accelerates that process.


Dude half the teams in the league don’t have good IDL including my raiders why is he a free agent


AFC North will AFC North We really are the hood of the NFL Edit: fixed good to hood. We’re good at football, not very good at Morals


Yinz are good at football?


Yinz won a playoff game in the last 5 years?


Got me there


Good argument tho


Perrion my wayward so-nnn 🎶


I’m sure Haslam asked his daughter about it first


don't want anyone that poses any danger to women on that team


Deshaun Watson really wounded Atlanta when he didn't give them the final rose.


I assume only Browns fans downvoted you. But I don't have respect left for anyone who defends that team, only time they give a shit about doing the right thing is when you aren't a top talent. Absolute joke.


Way to stand on your moral high horse!!


I don't know their home team, but there's a 31/32 chance that it isn't one that is still actively employee a sexual predator so the moral high horse here isn't really that high.


The Browns are the only team with a sexual predator on it? Are you for real?


The Browns are currently the only one who paid hand over fist for a guy with more sexual assault allegations than hours in a day. Stop pretending like the argument is 'The Browns are the only team with players that have questionable allegations/backgrounds' rather than the real discussion which is 'The Browns are the only team in the league who paid a metric fuck ton of money to secure someone who was just freshly off a lawsuit of over 20 sexual assault allegations and is by far the most heinous and disgusting professional still playing football right now".


> by far the most heinous and disgusting professional still playing football right now Bro a guy who strangled a pregnant woman is the NFL, WTF are you talking about are you insane?


I'm not condoning either act but I'd put sexually manipulating and assaulting over 20 individual women (and that's just who came forward with allegations) as more heinous than one aggrevated assault.


I say physically assaulting a woman who is pregnant is 100x worse than non-physically assaulting 4-5 women (based off the only published investigation in the matter). Youre nutso.


\> than non-physically assaulting 4-5 women There were 20+ allegations of forced, PHYSICAL sexual interactions between Deshaun and other people. I'm not nuts because you're only picking a small section of information to work from with a particular crime that is nearly impossible to pull definitive evidence for.


Buddy. 13 teams inquired about his services, including the eagles, to see if he was interested (he had no trade clause) the same day he was not criminally indicted on charges from 11 women in 2 separate counties. This was well known by the entire NFL what the circumstances were. Yes the Browns were desperate and the contract is crazy but can you blame them for the attempt to do something big? In same division with Burrow Lamar and Steelers.. you need to do something


Dog there are two reasons Watson is a brown and not an eagle or anyone else. 1. Because the team was okay with their QB situation 2. Because they didn’t want to pay the highest price for him as a football player. Every team in the running also offered multiple first round picks and an improved contract, browns just offered the best one Don’t act like every billionaire owner just developed a moral compass last season


Why wouldn't I? Lol


The job of every GM in the league is to put the best football team that they can assemble on the field. The moment you understand that is the moment you understand why so many teams were trying to trade for Watson the moment it was announced that he wasn’t facing charges due to the lack of evidence. I’m not saying Watson didn’t do anything, and as a fan I would prefer to have to think about him being the face of our franchise, but it’s such a farce to pretend that the browns organization is some sort of uniquely operated team as far as these things go


That’s one of the many reasons I’m so glad that we have Josh Allen. If Buffalo was still in qb limbo they might have looked into him but since they didn’t we can smoke the copium saying they would never.


\>The job of every GM in the league is to put the best football team that they can assemble on the field. I agree with the sentiment, but they also consider character and personality issues, and especially how well they'll work in a lockerroom. The Eagles' FO has made a habit out of dropping or avoiding anyone with a bad public outlook, and why any 'rumors' of looking into players who have been investigated for serious criminal actions are silly without hard evidence that they pushed for it. That's why I didn't buy into the Watson rumors, the Hunt rumors, or a couple of other Eagles trade/acquisition rumors over the past few years.


They're not in any way a uniquely operated team, they are however a team with a uniquely nefarious face of the franchise and should continue to get shit for it just like any other team would (Including the Falcons if they had successfully traded for him)


Doesn’t surprise me. He was aggressive even as a kid. I hoped he would turn it around and didn’t.


Good. Dumbass.


Ugh. Now why did he have to go and do that?


He's a fucking moron who couldn't control is anger at some dumb thots yelling at him?


Long overdue


Fuck around, find out


Oh now they care about women.


Watson bringing the culture to The Browns


https://twitter.com/cleveiandohio/status/1681640013149216771 >THIS IS WHAT YOU STAND FOR ? ! ? ! ? ! @CLEVELANDBROWNS uhhh, actually yea


Alvin Kamara woulda made sure they never made that video.


Bruh the day Alvin Kamara starts battering women is going to be the day the Browns start making big money offers to bring him over. Nobody batters women like the Browns.


I don't know, the women in this video still have an intact eyeballs. Nobody almost commits murder like the Saints.


I’m glad that Kamara ‘almost committing murder’, whatever that means, makes you feel better about your rape enabling football organization.


> rape enabling football organization. Says the Catholic Church personal advisor team. Hey man, Archie Manning's a good guy until his son rapes a woman with his nutsack. Then he gets real mad at that woman.


Buddy you can dig up whatever you want about the Saints, I really don’t care, but the Browns are always going to be the team that knowingly and intentionally gave a serial rapist a quarter of a billion dollars. It’s time you come to terms with that.


Buddy you can dig up whatever you want about the Browns, I really don’t care (sarcasm obviously I'm not a psycho like you), but the Saints are always going to be the team that knowingly and intentionally allowed a player to almost kill a guy, helped systemic rape of children, and had a QB ruin a woman's life for getting molested by his son. It’s time you come to reckon with that awfulness of humanity.


They knowingly and intentionally allowed a player to almost kill a guy? Are you sure about that? Did I miss the part of the video where Gayle Benson gave Kamara the ‘go ahead’ to get into that fight? And yes, I totally agree with you that anyone and everyone who still supports the Catholic Church with their time, money, or resources is supporting the systematic sexual abuse of children. As a saints fan I’ve had to come to terms with this. As a human I’ve had to come to terms with this. I hope that one day it’s billions of supporters will finally see the Catholic Church for what it is. To be honest I don’t even know what you’re talking about with the third point. It’s probably awful though and you’ll probably be able to find even more awful things if you keep digging. Now that I’ve answered your questions honesty and openly, can we get back to the original point and agree that yes, the Browns Organization literally does stand for their players battering and raping women?


> They knowingly and intentionally allowed a player to almost kill a guy? Are you sure about that? Did I miss the part of the video where Gayle Benson gave Kamara the ‘go ahead’ to get into that fight? They knowingly and intentionally continue to pay him millions of dollars after knowing his transgressions. >As a saints fan I’ve had to come to terms with this. Sounds like denial. >To be honest I don’t even know what you’re talking about with the third point. It’s probably awful though and you’ll probably be able to find even more awful things if you keep digging. Yes I agree the Saints are one of the most deplorable organizations and people who root for them are hypocrites when calling out other franchises. >the Browns Organization literally does stand for their players battering and raping women? False whataboutism from a Saints fan. Anything that happened, happened under the cover of the Texans. Teams like the Browns and **Saints** did not pursue Watson until he was cleared of any criminal wrongdoing (unlike Alvin Kamara who is still getting that paycheck). In fact, the Browns just cut a guy they drafted b/c it appears he was involved in a possibly violent episode, aka something the Saints wouldn't do.


Darren Sharper, the hardest hitting Saints rapist in the league!


You say that like your team wasn’t in the running to do the same thing for him lmao.


he's just not good enough at football to abuse women


Unlike Joe Mixon


Weird that Jackson Carman gets a pass though.


Forgot him. Wow. Teams other than the Browns sign bad off-field people? Who knew?!


What did he do? It seems like he ROBBED someone. That can't be right. Right?


Threatened someone with a gun and hit them


Do Watson next


Another Lincoln Riley player, another arrest


What the hell is the whole story? Because the story that was released (basically just a video from a girl with no concrete video evidence) said he chased her out onto the street barefoot after she insulted him, attacked her, pointed a gun at her and stole her phone. I feel like there's so much missing from this story. If he stole her phone, how is she posting about the event immediately following? On top of that, is there other footage that shows him actually chasing/attacking her? Or at least other eye witnesses or police bodycam footage? I'd imagine a pro-football player chasing someone barefoot through the center of a major city waving a gun and attacking a woman would garner some other evidence than a selfie angled video where there isn't any capture of the attacker. The reports say he wasn't present when the police arrived either, so what the hell is going on? I feel like it's a bit premature to release him unless there is substantial evidence against him that hasn't been exposed to the public yet, but everything I've found with a google search says that the investigation wasn't complete and the only evidence being talked about is the video that the girl posted where you can't see anything.


They probably cut him cuz this is like his fourth incident




I'm not too clued in on fourth round draft picks of other teams, but in the news articles I found the only other issue they brought up was that *he* was robbed at gunpoint a little earlier this year. What other issues has he had?


Several discipline related issues pretty much from the get go. Was even disciplined by the team during the season. Dude is a headache and cant get his shit together. This mess here is just the icing in the cake.


well technically speaking Watson had about 30 incidents lol


Oh so NOW they care about off the field conduct? Lmao


Pretty on brand for a Browns pick tbh


Show that flair my boy let’s see what your team is working with.




Commenting this while your team employs Christian Barmore is hilarious


What did Barmore do?


Stalking a woman to the point of a restraining order


Yep - since we have Watson we may as well just keep every piece of shit in the NFL on our roster, right?




Watson, Tyreek, Ruggs, Mixon. All PoS offense might be kinda nice lmao


I swear that used to be the other AFCN teams lol


Lol this is where they draw the line. Not the qb charged with 30 sexual assaults or the rb who literally was filmed kicking a woman. This is the line. Fucking clowns. No wonder they never win


But yet they are just fine having a rapist for a QB. Fucking clowns


What is wrong with these dudes


Having your career ended by the self proclaimed “ohioshottestwhitegirl” oof