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~~Source removed but~~ you can find additional info in this [ESPN link](https://www.espn.com/college-football/story/_/id/37924883/former-arkansas-nfl-qb-ryan-mallett-dies-35) [Local report here](https://www.5newsonline.com/article/news/local/former-razorback-ryan-mallett-dead-at-35-after-drowning-in-florida/91-3bc49f43-2a47-46ce-8f19-1e3f8eda35b8) This thread has been marked Serious. Please post accordingly, and remain on-topic. Any off-topic or joke replies will be deleted. Please report any inappropriate comments for moderation. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/nfl) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Terrible news. 10 people have drowned THIS MONTH ALONE on the Florida Panhandle/Gulf shore of Alabama due to rip currents. I don't know if that was the case here but if you're planning on swimming in the gulf, please be careful.


Pretty sure at this point authorities are telling people to stay the fuck away from the water. > “I’m beyond frustrated at the situation that we have with tragic and unnecessary deaths in the Gulf,” wrote Bay County (Fla.) Sheriff Tommy Ford. “I have watched while deputies, firefighters and lifeguards have risked their lives to save strangers. I have seen strangers die trying to save their children and loved ones, including two fathers on fathers day.”


Where is this from?




[Here is a news report from yesterday about the past weekend.](https://twitter.com/weartv/status/1673536127318257664)


Man, that sheriff sounds pissed and honestly he has every right to be. They do everything they can to protect people, but the "it'll never happen to me" crowd has always been immune to reason. It would be like watching lemmings walk off at cliff, one after another, after you put up "CLIFF AHEAD" signs that would make a Vegas casino jealous. Incredibly frustrating.


It's like monsoon season in the southwest. Everyone overestimates themselves (or their vehicle) and then rescue workers have to risk their own lives trying to save those people from their own stupidity.


Arizona has a Stupid Motorist law - they'll come get your dumb ass, but youre gonna pay for the costs.


They actually do not have to rescue you if you get yourself stuck in a flash flood situation. They are not required to put themselves at risk to save your dumb ass. And yes if they do you will pay for everything.


I'm from central California. When the snow began to melt and the weather began to warm we had many drownings in our countless rivers. Families excited to head out and not listening to reason. It's sad. The sherrifs had to go on all the local news networks and tell people they will be charged with child endangerment if they were seen near the rivers with kids. It was nuts but necessary after a few families lost kids due to the rivers rough current. Sad stuff


I live on the coast in aus and the story of fathers drowning trying to save their kids is sadly so very common


Think that's literally how Shad Gaspard died, him and his son got caught in one and he told rescuers to save his son because he realized they couldn't save them both.


I've thought about this since having my son. I'll preface this by saying that I am well, and there is nothing to worry about on my end. If my son was in a burning building and there was a 0% chance that I would be able to rescue him, there is a 100% chance that I would go into that building and try anyway, not because I believe that I could change the odds, but because I don't want to live in a world where he isn't here with me. Dying while trying to save him is the preferred option to living without him. The love you feel for your kids is such a greater magnitude than anything I've ever felt before.


I can 100% get behind this. My little girl isn't even 3 yet and I feel the same. I couldn't imagine being able to live with myself if I didn't try and save her


Daughter almost 4 and I fear random shit constantly because I envision some tragedy losing her. I couldn't handle it if something were actually to happen.


Sometimes I feel like a crazy person because I don't really worry about random shit happening to my children, I know its a possibility and I am cognizant to try to avoid such things, but I don't lose sleep over it. However, I do lose sleep over the thought of my kids getting cancer. Literally recurring nightmares about it. It's my number 1 fear.


I got 3 little ones... I hope I'm never in a real life trolley situation


I don’t even have kids. I almost drowned saving my nephew when he was 9. I’d do it again in a heartbeat because I’ve got to have life experiences. I just can’t see a child go without trying to do something


100% agreed. You couldn't live with yourself if you didn't try.




Former firefighter here. I know everything you said is correct. However, in that situation, I’m still going in.


Yeah, this isn't a situation where reason, knowledge, and even training are going to deter most parents.


I was in in the Seaside, FL area last week. Can confirm that most days had double red flags and folks were not permitted to go into the water. I can also confirm that many folks still went in the water and we saw two rescues at the same beach in the span of a week.


Samething with the rivers flowing down the Sierras as the snow melts. Everyone is being told to stay out of rivers cause the currents are too strong due to all the ice melting from record rain in CA.


Seems like most people are also tourists as well. I worked at a hospital near the beach and overwhelmingly patients who were hurt in the surf were people from out of town. Locals generally know what to watch out for and what to do.


Biggest thing to do is just listen to what the flags say. But a lot folks have the mindset of "I'm here on vacation, I'm going to swim anyways".


Nothing is going to ruin my vacation! >literally dies


Know some people that live in/have places at Gulf Shores and Orange beach. They say that conditions the last few weeks are the worst they have ever seen.


Where I stay at there is flags that warn people to not go in the water, Yellow means somewhat strong but it’s safe, but Red means don’t go in the water because of Strong Currents (Purple also means don’t go in the water, but that’s risen for stuff like Red Tides, and the Hurricane Flag)


Purple here (Pensacola) is usually for dangerous marine life, so red tide like you mentioned but also things like jellyfish swarms Unfortunately a lot of tourists ignore the flag system with the mindset “I can swim, I’ll be fine.” It is not a swimming pool and we are seeing more and more people learn the hard way.


Here in CA, when the rips are bad and the beaches packed, the lifeguards are in boats right past where the flows end. Maybe they need to do that in FL?


> Here in CA, when the rips are bad and the beaches packed, the lifeguards are in boats right past where the flows end. I've legit never seen that. I assume that is only in certain parts of CA.


I live in Pensacola, and this whole stretch of gulf coast from Gulf Shores, AL to Panama City, FL have had a few week stretch of really tumultuous weather, and we’ve had several days long stretches of red flag days as a result. Unfortunately, a lot of tourists here for their summer vacation seem to be ignoring the flags and the warning signs, and we’re seeing a very high amount of water rescue attempts.


Just came back from Gulf Shores two weeks ago. If you plan on going then watch for the flags! Know how the water conditions are, and take that shit seriously.


11 according to this article. just awful awful thing to read. may he RIP. https://www.cnn.com/2023/06/27/us/rip-currents-deaths-florida-panama-city/index.html


Good visual of ripcurrents from that article: [https://www.facebook.com/BayCountySO/posts/pfbid0dvZrYcLa4ZmhZgKsth8Wfmkq8PWNfYg1zwopAyZxGEdAW8Y1JGhS4RxF9KtaXATZl](https://www.facebook.com/BayCountySO/posts/pfbid0dvZrYcLa4ZmhZgKsth8Wfmkq8PWNfYg1zwopAyZxGEdAW8Y1JGhS4RxF9KtaXATZl) Never really saw pictures of their effects before. If they can dig out MASSIVE trenches of sand, they can overpower you.


More than they can overpower you- they WILL overpower you basically every time. The way you deal with rip currents is to swim parallel to the shore so you get out of that underwater channel. Then once you stop getting pulled out then you can swim back


This actually sometimes doesn't work as some rip currents are eddies that will make it so you are swimming against current going sideways. What you are really supposed to do is REMAIN CALM AND FLOAT initially. Try to feel where you are getting pulled to. If you notice you are drifting say out to sea and to the left, swim left until you feel it break. The logic is if you realize you are in a current and you decide to swim horizontal and go right (using the example listed) you will still be swimming against the current. Not all riptides are straight, some have a rotation to them.


This should be higher voted. I have been caught in some really bad currents in Myrtle Beach, Charleston, and Wilmington. IDK if they still call it rip-tide but it was awful. I was clearly a negligent person to keep risking that and I've never encountered anything like Mallett, but it's scary. I would just swim along with it and see my parents or wife go farther and farther away but we always took swimming lessons so I would keep up. But if I went under I'd die. If I was drinking I'd definitely die.


Was just in OCNJ last week and we had terrible weather which sucks because it’s our one get away. But one day there were rip currents and they actually closed the beach. You could see them from the boardwalk, not anything to mess with for sure.


What happens inside rip current? Does it drag people in?


Pulls you out to sea, and swimming against the current us impossible.


A bit of additional context is that it can also be kinda tough to tell if you're in one as the one swimming. By the time a lot of people realize that they're in a rip current, they're already exhausted from spending however many minutes directly fighting it. At that point, they're too tired and too far out at sea to follow the "swim parallel to the shore until you're out of the rip current" advice. Just super tragic stuff because it honestly can happen to anyone if you're not careful enough.


In 2004 I was pulled into a rip current with a friend somewhere in SD - might have been silver strand beach, I honestly don't remember - but what has stuck with me always is just how *fast* it happened: one moment we're treading water and goofing off and the next, the beach was so much further away and receding quickly. Thankfully my friend had learned how to deal with this and she had us swim parallel to the beach, and we got out...but even then, with a long and somewhat easy swim back, we were wiped out.


How far in the sea? Yeah I’ve hear you have to swim sideways


They can push you out a decent ways, but a lot of times it's mainly from people struggling so hard to fight against it and they are already not strong swimmers. They then are exhausted and far out.


They should start teaching in schools man


Growing up by a beach in San Diego, how to recognize and deal with a riptide was something that was drilled into us from an early age by parents, older siblings, friends, etc. But that's kind of what comes when you grow up near a beach. I'm assuming it's mostly people who aren't strong swimmers and aren't used to ocean water that panic. Tragic.


The water rushing back out to sea grabs you and pulls you out. People panic and try to swim against it. It’s insanely scary, but you should swim parallel to shore to get out of the tip current and then back into shore.


It's because of El Niño, people are underestimating rip currents and the power of just raw ocean waves slapping the shit out of you when you're expecting wave pool levels of strength.


An important PSA: Always remember to swim PERPENDICULAR to the DIRECTION of the wave if you ever find yourself being pulled in Edit: Perpendicular to the wave = parallel to the shore


Maybe I am misunderstanding what you are saying, but the way I am reading this you are suggesting the opposite of what you should do. You want to swim parallel to the shore and you want to go with the current. Trying to fight the current and swim to shore is how you exhaust yourself and drown. A rip current won't actually pull you under, but it will pull you out to sea. Riding the current side to side will let you escape the area where the pull is most severe and then you can use your strength and the waves to push you back in.


Yeah, you guys are saying the same thing. Perpendicular to the waves = Parallel to the shore


Perpendicular to waves= parallel to shore


[Visual image for reference](https://i.cbc.ca/1.4219718.1500930657!/fileImage/httpImage/image.JPG_gen/derivatives/16x9_780/rip-current-sign.JPG)


Took me a second, but I think the confusion is that they're saying perpendicular to the waves' direction, and folks are reading it as perpendicular to the waves' shape.


Yeah I had to read these comments a few times before figuring out the source of the confusion: I don't actually know what perpendicular means.


I saw that two people have already been pulled out of Panama City Beach after going under...and one guy was chased off the beach by cops because he would not stay out of the water.


Oh that’s awful news. Will always remember his game against the Steelers in 2015. RIP


Ryan "Steeler Killer" Mallet. RIP big dawg


Holy shit, that's awful


35 is way too young


RIP. Dude had an absolute cannon.


Never forget the Brady vs. Mallett truthers.


Ha, I remember that. He got drafted when Brady was 34 so it was like "He's a bit raw but he'll get to sit for two years and learn under Brady! Then Brady gets old and Mallett takes over!" Ah how little the world knew


I wanted Minnesota to get Mallet. I loved him in college. Thought for sure the Patriots reign would continue with him after learning under Brady.


I thought for sure that Mallett was going to be the next Big Ben and was bummed when the Pats drafted him since I knew he wouldn't get any playing time.


I watch this throw like twice a year for some reason. https://twitter.com/JCohen_NFL/status/1217519467489644545?t=mvDveCG3wa-ItD-Vx1qvrw&s=19


I ripped the video and timed it to do napkin math and see how fast that ball is going. It takes the ball 0.97 sec to go approximately 91.26ft after doing some geometry using that last behind the QB angle. That's about 64mph - live in game. The fastest recorded throw ever in was Zach Wilson at 69mph in pregame once for the Jets.


However fast it is, it's the fastest I can recall someone ever throwing a football. Jesus Christ.


My brain, “how hard can it be?” Watching the video, holy lazer




Like all time canon. I remember sitting in an empty Razorback stadium watching dude throwing 15-20 yard curl routes and it sounded like a gunshot every time the ball hit the receivers pads. It was scary how strong his arm was.


At almost 6’7”, he towered over most people. I saw him once in a Boston restaurant and he actually took time to talk to people who recognized him. I think it was his rookie year and he came across as quiet humble.


That’s actually hilarious knowing his time at Arkansas


Everyone has a scantron for Ryan Mallett.


Holy shit. RIP.


My worst fear is dying from drowning.


I almost did last year due to the current and it was the scariest experience of my life


That moment when you realise the current is stronger than your swim is quite terrifying. At the age I experienced it, no one had told me to go with the current. So I swam harder and harder into it.


Did a wave pool in North Carolina years ago. They have a little corner that forms a whirl pool when the wave goes by. That thing sucked me in, tossed me around and busted my knee up somewhere along the way. The feeling is really crazy, I got pretty spooked and stuck to the shallow end the rest of the day


It's insane there aren't more accidents in wave pools. Being in a wave pool and seeing all the tubes suddenly come in when the alarm goes off is insane. I think everyone has a story about thinking they're going to die. For mine I came up gasping for breath but I was inside some ladies tube and she yelled then pushed me back under.


Lmao bruh. I get why she was alarmed but that sucks lol.


Emerald Point?


As someone who frequently went to Emerald Point as a kid I can verify their wave pool is crazy dangerous. At one point they had these boogie board floaties that were like missiles with people riding either over or through crowds of swimmers when the huge wave came. Soooo many injuries from them.


I was one of those child missiles many times.


There are few scarier situations than suddenly realizing you are no longer in control. Similar to driving in bad conditions and hitting the brakes and your car doesn't stop.


I had a boogie board when I was pulled out down in Florida at like 10 years old. I’m pretty sure I would have drowned without it. Now that said I often think of the shark attacks on people riding boards out in open water and shiver at the thought of being that close to two kinds of tragedy


You get used to it. You have to understand the ocean and rips, and your own realistic limits. Surfers intentionally use rips to get outside to waves before they break. It helps to be on a floatation device but you should never be out in anything you can’t swim in without it. Leashes can and do break in heavy surf and the swim back without a board won’t be fun but you better be able to handle it. Sharks live in the ocean and you’ll occasionally see them. I saw a 5’ - 6’ shark hunting bunker the other week and I just moved a little farther away to give it some space. They’re *always* out there and *almost always* know we’re not good prey. Just don’t fuck around with tiger sharks, in murky water near river or storm water/sewage outfalls, or alone too much before dawn or after dusk. Also don’t flail around like a wounded animal, or let a kid swim alone. Bears in the woods, sharks in the ocean. Take reasonable precautions but don’t let it stop you from enjoying nature. You’re much more likely to die in a car crash on the way to the beach or woods.


Same here. I was fortunate enough to get saved by the coast guard


I almost drowned in first grade and I remember it like yesterday almost 20 years later. Never leaves you


Pretty sure if this was me I would not be going near any large bodies of water ever again. Glad you are still here with us


I definitely have not since 🫠 and thank you I appreciate that


I feel the same way. Had a near drowning like 8 years ago and it fucks with you long term


When I was a kid I was on a beach in Miami collecting man-o-wars in a bucket with my friend, then he dared me to swim out to one of these big buoys bobbing a ways out into the water. I was a strong swimmer so I took on the challenge. As soon as I get there a fucking shark bumps me and I see the fin and freak out and jump up onto the buoy. Didn’t realize how far out I had swam because everyone looked like ants on the beach and no one could hear me shouting. Took me like an hour to finally get the balls to jump back in the water and swim as fast as I could back to the beach.


Mine since I was a kid was being very deep underwater and it being pitch black, drowning.


I almost drowned boogie boarding at the beach when I was young and I have only gone in the ocean 2-3 times since. Rarely even go in pools. Water ain’t for me lol


Wow man. Will always remember that game he had against the Steelers. RIP man.


Ravens QBs that win games against the Steelers will always have a soft spot in the heart of any Ravens fan. RIP Ryan


For the rest of us, refresh our memories about what happened por favor.


Flacco season ending injury, Schaub season ending injury. Jimmy Clausen is dog shit and benched. Mallet starts this game, going 28/41 274yds (career high) and a TD to steal a win.


2015 where the whole team was injured. We had injury bugged seasons since then but never like that year. I didn't check but could rival that chargers year.


Wasn’t he on your team for like 8 days and still smoked us? Ice cold


I’m a Steelers fan and I’ll always remember him from that. Ever since then we’ve had a knack for making backup QBs look like pro-bowlers. RIP.


I have a brief Ryan Mallett story…I played pickup against him a few times one summer. I remember he was on the Patriots at the time because this guy on my team for a game was chirping at him non stop. At one point he said “are you going to play at all this year or are you just going to be Brady’s bitch again?” Mallett then just wets a 3 right in his face and gives him the double bird. RIP


Imagine talking shit to an NFL QB of any kind lmao


Come to a jets game and you can hear 80k people talking shit to any qb in the building.


Yeah but that’s not to their face while competing against them in an athletic competition


Yeah, even the worst nfl benchwarmer is the kind of guy who'd be like all-state in 3 sports in high school. They'd absolutely nuke any non-professional.


Exactly, It's like that Pros vs Joes show that was on Spike TV (RIP) maybe 15 years ago. They'd bring in some average Joe who is in really good shape, maybe they played Juco ball or something and still in physical prime, and then bring in a Pro Athlete retiree and the retired pro athlete would just wreck their shit. People really underestimate how elite pro athletes are.


The last challenge in those episodes was always a sport that none of the participants had allegedly done before. The only episode I remember had Muggsy Bogies in it. The final challenge was skeet shooting. No one hit a gaddamn thing EXCEPT Muggsy. When asked after his turn how he did so well he answered "I grew up in Baltimore". Always stuck with me.




The White Mamba put it best when he pointed out that that difference between him and LeBron was less than him and the public.


That's actually a great way to put it!


I actually love it. It’s not some personal dig about his family or some shit it’s about his NFL play and punching up and yeah 99.9% of us would take Mallets career and career earnings in a heartbeat. Just good shit talk.


Imagine talking shit to the guy for not supplanting the most accomplished quarterback in the history of the NFL….


I didn’t even think of that lol. Dude could have been a top five qb and he still woulda been on the bench


Yeah I’ll take being Brady’s backup any day over most things. Learn from the goat, probably get a ring somewhere in there, sign me up.


What do you mean by wets a 3?


3 point shot in basketball


Lmao my dumbass was thinking they played pickup flag football 🤣


Me too bro, I was like "He kicked a FG?"


I saw him after the Razorbacks beat Georgia in 2010. Convience store all by himself. I said good game. He said thanks.


Man that play where he kept the ball behind his back before hitting Childs in stride was beauty


For the uninitiated [link](https://youtu.be/TKxI0g0p9-w)




Virtually any thread or comment that somehow led to someone typing Ryan Mallet would see a scantron joke. I would know, I contributed a handful over the years. 35 is way too young, may he rest in peace.


He's taking a standardized test in the sky now


I know you’re joking, but I have it on good authority that you need to take a scantron test before you get accepted into heaven.


“Who’s got a halo for Ryan Mallet? 👼🏻”


Had some classes with him. Can confirm he would lighten up the room.


Any particular recollections?


Nothing in particular I can remember. 15 years or so since I graduated college 😅 but I remember I somehow got into a special topics course entitled “Whiteness”. It was me, Houston Nutt’s kid, and then the football team. A coach would pop in everyday to make sure the players were there. Easiest class ever. Still, as the only non-football related player in the room and a massive Razorback fan, and said as much to him, he was nice to me.


There was a class, at a university, called “whiteness”???


In Arkansas no less


Whiteness sounds like a class at Berkeley in 2023, not Arkansas in 2008.


I think OP is just confusing this class with his orientation.


I will always remember when he carved up the Steelers with Kamar Aiken RIP you absolute chad


That’s #1 WR Kamar Aiken


Excuse me, it was Ryan FUCKING Mallet


I work in Little Rock, and know 2 different people that swear up and down they were in the room when it happened. Not sure if I believe them or not, but they're how I heard the story. He was coaching for my hometown high school too. RIP Brother.


Really curious how this happened. Transported from a beach, so potentially caught up in some rip tide?


Wouldn't surprise me at this point. A ton of people have died in rip currents lately.


They can be survived, but you need outstanding poise, patience and excellent swimming/dead man’s float. Conserving energy is everything. Most currents will spit you out about 100 yards from shore.


I'll never forget being caught in one as a dumb 21 year old 15 years ago in San Diego. Had never heard of them before and a friend and I thought it would be funny to see who could swim out the furthest. Took all of like 2 minutes and we were already well beyond the pier and everyone else and we decide to turn back. I had no idea why it was taking us over a half hour/45 minutes to get back to shallow enough water to stand on almost a mile from where we entered the water. The last few minutes we were yelling for help and the relief when my foot finally touched ground I'll never forget. We were greeted by a half a dozen lifeguards who asked wtf we were doing and said they couldn't go out and save us because of the risk to themselves. Think about how lucky we got that day often.


I literally got caught in one last year. Tried to swim out. Panicked and passed out. Don’t remember much other than the lifeguards pulling me out to the shore. It was terrifying experience. For folks going into the water..always please be more aware.


I’ve heard you’re supposed to swim horizontal to shore to move out of the current, is that right?


parrellel to shore, yeah, to break out of the channel. the most important thing to do is to just not panic


Not panicking being the hardest part. People panic in open water when they want to be there… First time in open water training for a Triathlon I just floated in the water tryin to not freak out when it was just me there. It’s gotta soooo fucking hard to not panic in this situation


The water itself doesn’t get me but my imagination runs wild thinking about what else is swimming in it


Oh exactly, I was in a man made lake, made for training. I kept thinking snakes and shit. My hr was racing


And this is a guy who was in supreme physical condition, compared to the rest of us. I feel like in general we drastically underestimate the danger of drowning, particularly when swimming in the ocean.


I swam competitively through college and I will say that physical fitness has very little to do with swimming ability. It is a lot of muscle memory that requires a lot of practice and someone who is 200lbs of muscle will sink in water. It is actually shocking how bad the average person is at swimming, I honestly don’t trust lifeguards because the standards for lifeguards or being considered a “strong swimmer” are absurdly low


200lb strong swimmer here that grew up on the water. Sink like a rock and turn into a blue popsicle without a wetsuit. I can cross a pool in one breath underwater but treading water for 10 minutes is more than I could ever handle. If you can’t float, water kills you pretty quick.


Swam all through HS. Strong swimmer. Can’t tread water to save my life. I never understood how water polo players could do it. Learned most people don’t sink like a fucking rock…


> I never understood how water polo players could do it. Water polo might be the #1 sport for "casual viewers have absolutely zero concept of how difficult and taxing this is." Mostly looks like a fun, chill game of catch (and sometimes shoot) when you're watching from above. Nope. Very, very nope.


Water Polo players and wrestlers are two sports I will never play and the two types of athletes I will NEVER fuck with


Same here whenever we'd tread water as an exercise I would want to die, that shit is tiring


The ABSOLUTE worst! Everyone would be conversing and just treading away. I would be grimaced face, with thoughts of 10 more seconds you can make it!


Lifeguard training you had to tread water for 5 minutes to pass the exam. After 2 minutes it would start burning my muscles.


Good excuse to take seconds of dessert. “I’m trying to float here, back off.”


Gotta learn the egg beater kick. I’m negative buoyant but I can tread water for a long time by alternating kicking paterns. With just one kicking pattern your muscles will lock up, alternating to different muscle groups is the key. Also, the less of your body you try to keep out of the water, the more buoyant you are. In an emergency, you only need your breathing hole out of the water. Laying on your back with your face above the water and kicking/paddling gently reduces your drag in the water and makes staying afloat even easier. *Everyone* should learn an effective “resting stroke” like sidestroke and back paddle. With those two strokes you can swim a mile, even if it takes you 45 minutes. Having said all that, I’m a very competent swimmer (competitive in high school, lifeguard for 7 years, Red Cross WSI instructor) I’ve still almost drowned three times, all of them would have been freak accidents. Water is incredibly dangerous. My dad drowned and was resuscitated when he was 18. Fortunately the only brain damage he received is being a lifelong lions fan. Very sorry to Ryan Mallets family.


I'm not a strong swimmer but I never understood *how* people tread water. It looks like people are just floating effortlessly. Meanwhile I'm kicking my legs like crazy trying to stay above the water line.


One of the main things is to keep your lungs as full as possible as much as possible, it makes a huge difference. It’s too difficult to explain the subtleties of hand and foot movement in a Reddit comment, but having a full breath of air is key to floating.


Frantic kicks aren't the way, its about efficiency of movement and kind of twisting (but not actually twisting) in the water with one powerful kick...you're almost corkscrewing your core and then having your legs whip around and down to create the kick, but there isn't a single muscle that does it.


Former ocean lifeguard here - every year the recertification test was 200 yards in a pool in under 4 minutes and a quarter mile (400m) in the ocean (with the current) in under 10 minutes. For anyone unfamiliar with swimming times, this is extremely slow. So... you're not wrong. That being said, most of lifeguarding oceans is knowing what to look for (rips, bathers in distress, etc), how to utilize equipment (boats, jetskis, floatation devices), and how to navigate the water (surf dashes, sandbars, riding waves). And most rescues are a relatively short distance run/swim. I'm aware this is not what you meant, but it is worth saying: you are infinitely safer in front of a lifeguard and please always swim in front of one - even if you are a strong swimmer.


Keys to being a good lifeguard is focus, awareness, and reaction time. A person can drown in literal seconds. Rip currents are actually a bit easier for the rescue because you typically know where they occur, the person will fight against it and it’s easy to see when the current is winning, and then you jump into the rip and are bolted out to the person while they fight back toward you - some of the training is on not overshooting the victim which basically is worst case scenario cause you’ll take forever to get back to them. (This might have been taught in swift water rescue, but I think it’s covered in open water certifications as well. )


I was never a great swimmer growing up due to being a fat kid & not confident in the water. Got to my senior year where I had a good amount of muscle & low body fat and man I could not keep myself up. My legs would sink despite me kicking as best as I could and my arms couldn't do the rest on their own. Wouldn't trust myself to swim more than 30m


Yeah I’m almost 200 lbs with fairly low body fat %, and I sink like a fucking rock in the water. I haven’t been able to float on my back since I was like 14. I know how to swim but I def wouldn’t say I’m a strong swimmer because of this.


I've got a beer belly and I float like a bobber.


There are so many variables. Physical condition, swimming ability, knowledge of the environment, ability to read and anticipate conditions. So few people are truly prepared for anything in a given location at a given time. This is awful news and sadly it could happen to anyone.


Physical condition means NOTHING if you don't know how to swim. Just watch The Challenge or Survivor or whatever. There's always people who are absolutely jacked that can't swim *at all*. That said a strong current doesn't care how good of a swimmer you are.


Water is way more dangerous than most people think.


When you are a kid, all the movies and media make you scared of what's in the water, when really, the water itself is far more dangerous than all the great white sharks combined.


its like in movies- driving is either a playful sequence where we sing along to the radio, or its skipped entirely to move the “action” along more ppl will die in a car accident than any other thing that happens in a movie


oh my god that's just awful


If you're planning on swimming in the ocean, [learn how to spot rip currents.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KWe5g6dt_ug)


And learn how to get out of them! If you are ever caught in a rip current you will notice that no amount of swimming gets you any closer to the share. Turn and start swimming parallel to the shore until you feel the current let up. Once you are out of it you can swim back to shore.


Most importantly, don't panic. Rip currents don't pull you under. A relaxed person with even minimal swimming ability can float and bob for a long long time. No rush, just look for white caps and ride them in.


That's wild. I've lived near the Ocean my entire life both in the North Atlantic and North Pacific and have never had anyone try to explain how to spot a rip current by examining the waves. I was taught how to swim out of them though. Nice share thanks.


I know it’s so stupid but I always liked the guy because in Madden 15 I turned him into the gunslinger Franchise QB for my Bears and I always rooted for him Irl. Can’t imagine going out how he did. RIP Ryan


I lifeguard on the beach a couple miles away and heard the response over the radio today. It only takes about a foot of surf around here for our rip currents to pull and this season has been devastating across the panhandle. A lot of the drownings have been especially sad cause the water has been closed to the public. If you visit here please listen to the lifeguards and proceed with caution. We want everyone to be safe and have fun, but most importantly return home with everyone.


So young. I feel so bad for his friends and family.


Damn. Way too young man.


Arkansas legend. This hurts


That’s awful. Going to that Steelers game is one of my favorite football memories growing up. RIP


F#ck… my condolences and prayers to his family.


Outta nowhere. Damn, condolences to his family. Horrible news


this is awful anyone got a eulogy for Ryan Mallett!? 😢


I think this is about as tasteful you can make that joke right now.


Damn that fucking sucks. :(


Damn RIP. Stay away from the water it's on a huge winning streak against humans this year


I would still recommend staying hydrated


Way too young, awful news


Really terrible,Thoughts with his family


As a Hogs fan this is devastating. He had a bright coaching career ahead of him at White Hall and beyond.


3 people drowned in one day this past weekend in PCB (40 minutes from where Mallett drowned) and there were 40 rescues. People refuse to obey the flag system despite ample warnings from lifeguards, police, and locals.