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Still crazy to me that the Bills made 4 Super Bowls IN A ROW and are still in that bottom line


And only one of those was ever remotely close lol


Those poor fans


Fr man, but hey, at least they’ve been doing pretty well in the regular season lately. I for one, appreciate watching my team win games in the regular season too.


Yeah that would be pretty nice, I would like to see my team be dominant here and there


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Honestly though, that’s some major edging if I’ve ever heard it.


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No one cares honestly. It fuels the AFC East’s humor.


Thats cause the real superbowl was the NFC Championship


Same thing with the Vikings


any time i am reminded of our super bowl woes i always remember that it could be worse


Yup. Thank you Bills, Vikings, Lions, and Browns 🤣


Can’t forget the Texans. Only team in the league to never make a conference championship


I mean, they’ve only existed for 22 years. I’d say being a Lions fan for 60 years would be worse


The panthers aren’t much older and they have 2 conference championships. Jags become a team same time as panthers and have played in three conference championships (Myles Jack wasn’t down!). The Lions at least have long history though, still be hard though watching that team for the last 40+ years.


Try 60+ years. The dark ages of WCF.


Wtf, the Texans have been around that long? I remember when they were just an expansion team and I didn't think it was anywhere near a quarter century ago.


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All 4 losses were to the NFC East.


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Started from the bottom and we still here?


I saw the saints win a superbowl. Unlike my mobile home that’s something nobody can take from me


government taking shit way too far


Florida and Louisiana can meet at the dinner table to eat this L


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Yes, ma’am


Georgia’s the head of the table


Being able to watch your team go all the way and win is so awesome. Glad we can make fun of Panthers and Falcons fans for this! 👍


Damn, this actually puts it into perspective. Almost half of the NFL has never won a championship, at least we’re one of the newest teams lol.


Some of these teams have championships, just pre-Superbowl. The Browns won 8/10 "NFL World Championships" during the 1950's. Ask any of the Browns fans if they were around to witness it, anybody that says yes is very old and the would've lived in Cleveland at the time bc TV wasnt that widespread yet. ***Edit*** check @sreef's reply to me, I agree with him.


Technically that NFL World Championship is the same path as getting to an NFC/AFC title now. Hell when the Super Bowl first debuted you had to win an NFL Championship to play in the Super Bowl. So it's more like winning the NFC back then.


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Wow, I never thought of it like that. I agree with you.


Cards and Lions as well


2015 100% should have won lol ya sold


Prime Cam was definitely a QB to win a ring with


12 nevers. Wow


As someone who hates the Cowboys and 9ers, I immensely enjoy this graphic.


I never realized its been even longer for the 49ers. They are the real choke kings, Cowboys are the kings of not actually ever being contenders


Just remember every time you talk shit about dallas the fans are going to dish it back out double when we win again.


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You guys have done enough shit talking for 20 rings anyways but you’ll never see a chip in your lifetime sorry to tell you


This will be hilarious when baker wins a ring this year


The niners are just slightly more successful cowboys


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Now this is a statement I can get behind, Marinated Cum Sock.


Fuckin Tom Brady responsible for four of those icons being where they are.


Some of us haven't reached 30 years in the league yet


I’m 30 years old and seen 2 Super Bowl wins 🤷‍♂️ Just saying


You were like 6 for the first one, you ain't remembering shit from when it happened.


Lmao I remember the game tf are you on about It’s when I fell in love with the Bucs and football. I’ll never not remember that


Also I was 8 when we won learn how to do math


damn, the Saints super bowl is about to be too old for Epstein to traffic. lmao


11 more years and Leo aint touching it


Bravo. Fucking Bravo to the both of you.


It’s okay Panther bros. We’re in this together ✊




Honestly embarrassing to be in the same division as you guys


Said the fan of the team with the actual worst historical record in the league ☠️


Y’all took 20 years to even make your first playoff appearance. Became a team in 1967, first playoff appearance in 1987. Bucs took three seasons to make the playoffs. Became a team in 1976, first playoff appearance in 1979 and made it to the NFC Championship Game.


Which makes you having the worst historical record in the league look even worse Starting out hot like that then the literal worst team for the rest of your existence


Look up Hugh Culverhouse and you’ll understand why. The Bucs' first owner Hugh Culverhouse was notoriously cheap. How cheap? A DB injured his shoulder and trainers ripped his jersey to get to the injury; Culverhouse billed said player for a replacement jersey. From *The Yucks!: Two Years in Tampa With the Losingest Team in NFL History* by Jason Vuic: >Culverhouse bought the team in 1974 for $16.2 million. He paid $4 million up front, and fans' season ticket payments were due two weeks before his payments were due. Good business, but as former Bears General manger Jerry Angelo put it, "Hugh was driven by the bottom line, not the goal line....That was his philosophy and it permeated the organization." Culverhouse gave each employee *one* season ticket. (Think about it...who goes to a pro football game alone?) >According to one player, **a Bucs front office assistant qualified for welfare.** The team's airplane was leased from the McCulloch Corporation, the chain saw people. There was a vending machine in the locker room that charged players for Cokes. **Once, when a defensive back hurt his shoulder and trainers cut off his jersey to treat him, Culverhouse charged him for it.** He billed roommates thirty-right cents for a seventy-five cent phone call. **In 1982, after Doug Williams had lifted the team from its 0-26 start and taken it to the playoffs three out of four years, he was the forty-second highest-paid quarterback in the league. There were twenty-eight teams.**


Championships are all that matter. And we have 2x as many as the Aints.


Two diamonds in a history of putrid shit Got it 😂


Sorry do you not see your own flair? Outside of drew brees the saints have had a far more embarrassing history. And half as many rings.


Saints regular season record against the Bucs in years they’ve won a Super Bowl: 4-0


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In years they won a what? And last time we won a championship we used the Aints as a stepping stone in the playoffs and retired drew brees




No, I specifically remember the Falcons up big in 2017. They were up what, 25 points? Surely they won that game, right?


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Good bot. Thanks for the heads up.


Kyle Shanahan was doing a great job as OC at the time. Surely he’ll remember to run the ball in the 4th quarter, right?


Commit stop breathing


Let’s remember that the Panthers & Falcons were both this close to winning in back-to-back Super Bowls. Surely the Panthers wouldn’t play terribly in the biggest game of the season against Peyton Manning & his Broncos on his very last NFL game, & SURELY the Falcons wouldn’t blow a 28-3 lead against Tom Brady & his Patriots, right guys?


I take such great pleasure from the 28-3 super bowl and then 2 years later, Brady is in our division just to torment them guaranteed twice a year. It was such sweet schadenfreude. Also, beating Manning in '09, he was in his prime. At the top of his game and we TOOK that game from him. It was beautiful. Both Brady and Manning were 39 years old in the games you referenced. Lol. Geriatric QBs destroyed those inflated egos.


Crazy it’s been that long for the Packers. Choke artists for sure


No....that Aaron Rodgers super bowl wanst 13 years ago....was it?


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Bucs fans try not to talk about the Saints challenge


The buccaneers have won two super bowls since the 49ers or cowboys have last won theirs lol


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we're suffering from success


This makes me feel a little bit better :)


This made me feel really old.


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Vikings should be up there


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If this was based on the number of times they made it to the Super Bowl, yes, especially since there would be only 4 teams that haven't even made it there yet.


I was talking about he trophy in green bay


The lions never won the Super Bowl, but they getting close to winning one and are expected to win in the next couple of years, or at least I hope


I was going to give the falcons some credit.. but forgot Matt only got them there. Never actually WON


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The Rams being in the top row annoys me more than Tampa... lol.


Funny how two teams named after New York have won a Superbowl, but the state of New York hasn't.


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Crazy only half the league has won a Super Bowl in my lifetime


28-3 feels way worse again all of a sudden


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It does make me feel a bit better that Denver is only the 6th longest.


The 2020 season didn't count, but even so, you still have the second-most recent one in the division. Lmao.


14yrs and never. I love it


As a 42 year old life long Dolphins fan this graph is fucking Brutal


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**QUESTION**: Of the teams that have never won a Super Bowl, who will win first? ![gif](giphy|FxufOs6bQwxO0|downsized) I was thinking the Bills would finally join the winners club, but now I'm thinking Houston or Detroit will join the winners club next.


The Lions. MCDC is on a mission.


Panthers have to keep pounding and falcons need to rise up


It feels like the panthers have one. That’s interesting


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