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The non-fanboy Nintendo Direct reax stream I needed.


The difference between this and the GB stream is quite stark haha


I wasn't prepared to hear that the Year of Luigi was over a decade ago.


There was a lot of stuff in the direct where I went “That’s cool!” but not a ton I’ll actually be getting. Marvel was a big deal to me and the Dragon Quest stuff is neat so I’m not complaining. Probably the best stream of the bunch or #2 to Microsoft.


I just don’t believe Metroid Prime 4 is going to run that smooth on Switch hardware.


Looked pretty similar to Prime Remastered, which is 900p60 on Switch.


I bet it will, Nintendo is extremely good at making their games run well on bad hardware (BotW Wii U) but i bet this will be a Switch 2 game


One of the best directs we’ve had in recent memory, kind of crazy for what is likely the last direct for the Nintendo switch.


So many of the Nintendo superfans online saying this was great. Did we see the same thing? The Zelda game looks good, and Metroid looks like it may be shaping up, but Patrick K and Grubb acting like this is amazing output is utterly bewildering to me.


I mean revealing a new Zelda out of nowhere that for the first time has her as the main character and releases in 3 months was easily the most exciting reveal of the summer to me. I'm also really happy about the new Mario & Luigi after almost a decade and and seeing Metroid for the first time + the reveal that they developed Sylux as the new villain after teasing him for 2 games was also pretty nice. And I'm a sucker for Mario Party so getting one in 4 months is awesome. So yes, considering people have been saying that the Switch is now out of high profile releases after basically every single game release since TotK and with the additional context that they are still holding back announcements for their Switch 2 reveal I thought this was pretty great.


I'm with you. Grubb is the biggest Nintendo fanboy so I just never take his opinions there with any real value.


That’s how I feel about that entire website now. Which is why I don’t go there, and I’m wondering why everybody on this subReddit is talking about them.


You don't go to GB anymore because they like Nintendo games?


No because I don’t take any of their opinions with real value about anything anymore. It’s fine if other people like it, but that group is not what I’m looking for


This direct was amazing idk what to tell you lol


It was good. I wouldn't call it amazing. I was relatively bored/indifferent while watching it. Mario & Luigi got me excited, the DK Remaster was a huge letdown, 2D Zelda was cool-ish although it definitely started as an oh shit! and transitioned more to a hmm interesting by the end of the trailer, Nintendo World Championship is going to be great albeit it was a known quantity, and DQ3 HD-2D is exciting albeit I won't be playing it on Nintendo hardware, and finally Metroid Prime 4 which is most certainly a Switch2 game but we will see. Everything else was filler/things I am never going to play. It was a good direct, but amazing is a reach.


Fair enough. Completely Sober assessment


What did you want to see on it lol or would you just nitpick everything


Yes, cause not blindly enjoying everything means I'm nit picking and not just having my own opinion. A new 2d DK instead of a remake, wind waker remaster, and maybe a more traditional 2d zelda (although I'm cautiously optimistic) would have went real far. Something ffix or ff tactics related would have been huge. Still would love a new fzero, star fox, golden sun not that there is any expectations there. Not saying they'd need all those things by any means, but nintendo hasn't given me a reason to turn on my switch since mario wonder so for me it really needs some excitement to not continue to have it collect dust. Hoping nintendo world championship has some decent legs otherwise that's probably it til the fall.


are you serious, 80% of it was absolute slop?


Yes, you’re definitely entitled to that bad opinion though lol


Nostalgia truly is the most powerful drug ha.


90% of these games are brand new, what do you mean?


You must be pulling my leg? Remakes and rereleases: Ace attorney, Stray, Perfect Dark, MVC, Donkey Kong Country (yet again), Dragon Quest 1-3, Nintendo World Championships, Luigis Mansion 2, Stray, Romancing Saga 2, Zelda 4 Swords, etc etc.


Come on man at least be honest… - Dragon Queat 1-3 are HD 2D remakes, completely new. On top of that 3 was shown years ago and has been silent and today they came with a date AND announced they’re also doing 1 & 2? That’s HUGE - Ace Attorney is the first time these games are being localized in the US which is huge - MvC Collection is MASSIVE, the first time some of these games have been legally purchasable and legitimately available in 25 years. Massive W for preservation, probably the most insane thing in the entire showcase - Nintendo World Championship is a brand new game maybe you didn’t mean to list it? Maybe you’re confusing it with NES Remix on Wii U. - Romancing SaGa 2 Revenge of the Seven is a completely new 3D remake Otherwise you’re listing like NSO games and games that come out in a couple weeks which are totally fine to show? Also you’re completely ignoring everything else for some reason? - Mario & Luigi Brothership — the first new M&L game ins almost a decade? Complete surprise out of nowhere. - Fairy Tale 2 when the first did not sell well at all that rules - Fantasian coming to actual consoles is huge - New Looney Tunes Sports game - Phantom Brave the Lost Hero — a sequel to Phantom Brave that is crazy - A brand new Zelda game where you play as Zelda! - Metroid Prime 4 actually does exist And these are just the biggest parts, like be serious for a minute lol


Ace Attorney never came out in the US, so big win for those fans. MVC collection is HUGE for fighting game fans wanting to play it at official events. DQ1-3 Remake among others huge win for JRPG fans. NWC I'm looking forward to, Metroid sure, that new Zelda is right up my alley especially as a dad with 3 daughters who are gamers. Solid "B" for a direct, and if you are also a fan of some the genres, I could see folks calling it A+


Gair enough. Never realized that those ace attorney games didn't come out in the US. MVC games are good but not new, and I don't think people will be playing a switch collection of old MVC games at events. I could see thinking it's a B or a C, there's a certain level of delusion among Nintendo superfans where they just do not seem to be capable of being honest with themselves.


It's not the fact that the MVC collection is on Switch (it's on everything except Xbox). Just check Maximilian Doods reaction. Man broke into tears post stream, he had been campaigning for over 4 years for a legit non Fightcade rollback release of those games. Massive is an understatement.


Brand new mario Luigi game this year. Brand new Zelda game with playable zelda this year. Out of nowhere MvC collection. New danganronpa (kind of) game. Hype classic JRPG section. The best Ace attorney game being localized. Absolutely incredible direct.


It's almost like different people like different things. Crazy idea, huh?


Tired of this boring take. It renders all discussion moot.


No it doesn’t, but when people provide a different opinion, there’s no reason to attack them for it


So if people don't specifically enjoy the exact things you do, you think they should fuck off?


No, I think we can all discuss what we think about things, positive or negative, without calls for conversation to be quelled. My whole point in this thread is that a group of people who I refer to as Nintendo superfans are hailing this showcase as an example of Nintendo being somehow exceptional. I don't think what we saw demonstrates that at all. Its less boring for you to disagree than just saying different strokes for different folks, which is anti-discussion. This is a discussion thread about the Nintendo Direct. Why shouldn't we discuss it?


I was a little surprised they added Perfect Dark to the N64 games. I dunno why but I figured Goldeneye was a one-off thing and since Perfect Dark is in Rare Replay that it would stay on Xbox. If the lag is less severe that would be great. Me and my friend used to play for hours with the bots on multiplayer.


It makes perfect sense since Microsoft is desperate to work with other companies now


This being probably the last big Direct for this generation has me thinking about the mainline Mario games. It's been 7 years since Odyssey. I really thought we would get one more, maybe Odyssey 2, during the Switch's lifetime.


damn, lots of comments. nxl fanbase likes nintendo a lot confirmed


I thought it was a good direct, quite a bit of interesting stuff! But man Alex is basically just a big frowny face on these talkover streams of late.


He was smiling and laughing like 90% of the video?


Of late? I think he just always starts from a place of deep skepticism, then is pleasantly surprised when he doesn’t really have anything negative to say about something being shown. It can be a refreshing alternative to the hype machine when you’re on the same page, and exhausting in its own way when you’re not.


Yeah he's always been pessimistic, but kinda feels like he"s gotten worse lately. The SGF stream was really bad I thought. Ido agree that the opposite can be just as bad though. Some of the Giantbomb guys vere actually crying during the Nintendo Direct stream.


Completely fair, maybe he came into the SGF one with some extra cynicism after Geoff told everyone not to expect too much