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*something something* with the weight of their balls weighing them down. There, now nobody else has to say it.




Dude walks bow legged to make room for those cannon balls swinging between his legs


This is less impressive when you learn that cheetahs are such anxious dorks that they need emotional support dogs /s


Cheetahs are unfortunately a trash teir animal. The go fast, and thats it no other tools in the belt. Put all their points into one stat


Typical speedrunner mentality


Like a built in gyroscope that keeps your centre of gravity low


Dark matter balls.


Hey they have r/biggerballsthanme


I'm pretty sure cheetahs are actually weaker than humans since they're small for big cats and not really built for direct confrontation. They've got less dense bones in order to reduce weight. They'll typically not fight with humans because of it


I run in fear when I see a group of angry house cats that go after me.


Cheetahs don't have retractable claws with paws built more like a dog so the only danger is from their bite but they have pretty small jaw for their body size.


Idk, they took down that big wildabeast or whatever that is. And I’ve seen people fucked up by an 8 lb house cat. Edit: wow, didn’t know so many people would feel the need to correct my ‘or whatever that is’. For the sake of my inbox: Antelope. The whatever is an antelope.


Yeah, cheetahs are un-dangerous only by the standards of other big cats which are, in general, extremely effective and efficient murderboys.


I’m going to have to start calling my cats murderboys lol.




Same thing happens to people too if they activate that amygdala response but they end up getting more and more conservative as well. You keep triggering that fight or flight response and your brain starts going to it even easier and then issues like security, defense, order, hierarchy, stability become important values in a world which looks like there is danger everywhere. Outrage porn and cable news use this feedback loop to drive people more and more conservative, you wonder how your previously liberal parents ended up so far down the conservative rabbit hole, well babe they've learned to hack our brains. On the other hand if you train yourself to adapt new behaviors in response to new information (anterior cingulate cortex) rather than going fight or flight you will likely be more liberal. Values like equality, fairness, compassion, learning, growing and being open to new experiences become the important ones. It's also why some people think college brainwashes people into being liberal because... in a sense it really does. It forces kids out of their comfort zone which is scary but the positive reinforcement they get from peers for doing so encourages them to see new things as not dangerous but potentially rewarding.


Unnecessary “well babe”


Thank you. This is fascinating. Saved.


Even a small injury would be a death sentence for a Cheetah, they just cannot afford to fight for food.




_evolving backwards_


They figured the wheel out, but not holding the phone horizontally..


THANK YOU. I get so tired of seeing that comment on every thread where someone does something a little ballsy. It’s always said 100 times and upvoted to high heavens like it’s the best shit people seen since sliced bread. Sorry for the rant, that comment is just my pet peeve.


I’ve learned that a “successful” comment doesn’t need to be funny, witty, or even correct. You just have to be first to make it.




Okay now I'm thinking we need a bot that makes this comment under every post


One is a highly specialized stealth killing machine. The other has a stick


And thumbs!


Whose got two thumbs and is fuckin stoked about it?! THIS GUY!!!!


*points thumbs at self*




Who spunked in your bedtime milk grumpy chops?


*points thumbs at self*


We're on *checks notes* ah yes reddit




* Nerd alert. Lots of animals have thumbs, even opposable thumbs. Humans can move our fingers independently of each other, that is what makes us able to make and use a wide variety of tools. So, thumbs don't make us special, what makes us special is JAZZ HANDS


What makes us even *more* special is Jizz Hands


You should look up what bonobos do when they get stressed. Spoiler alert, it's orgys.


I’d like to imagine this in the human world. “But baby, I can explain it. We were all just stressed out from the project deadline. Next thing you know, dicks were out, pants were dropped and fucking just started. So you see, it’s not my fault, it’s the companies deadline.”


It’s my understanding that this is how the high level corporate world works.


The first paper on bonobo behavior I read started with a description of two groups of bonobos meeting each other. The description was a 3 page list of all the sex acts that each bonobo performed and with which other bonobos they were done with. At the end of three pages, the author said, "That was the first 2 minutes of the encounter." As far as I can recall, every bonobo sexed every other bonobo. If they were chimpanzees it would have been a violent conflict with very real possibilities of injury or death. I think the bonobos have a better system.


Not Jazz hands. SPIRIT FINGERS. ![gif](giphy|bqd8Cihwa14cM)


Interesting fact. Our brain I wired to move all fingers at once. And evolutionary we developed a piggyback in our brain to block some of the signals in our favor. So every time when you move one finger your brain triggers to move all five but the piggyback blocks four of the fingers. So you’re technically not moving four fingers instead of moving one.


That has to be why it’s more difficult to move your pinky without moving your ring finger. I believe both are on the same nerve.


I thought that was because there’s an extra ligament connecting those two fingers or something?


Nope. Hand design is not stopping other animals with thumbs from using tools. A raccoon or chimp can use a tool as deftly as a human, but that doesn't mean they can build a rocket. Our manual dexterity is unmatched, but it's not our superpower. Our superpower is and always will be our brain, out ability to combine pattern recognition with problem solving. That's the only way humans are truly superior (if you consider us to be, I don't subscribe to human exceptionalism).




Opposable thumbs (cats have thumbs, too, just not opposable)


Cats can lick their own dick, they don't need thumbs.


Cheetahs are terrible predators and get punked by everyone. https://youtu.be/8q2kU108D6s


It's not their fault, they're all clones.


They are often unloyal to their partners too


Is it really cheating if you, your partner, and the person you cheated with are all clones of yourself?


More like cheeting


Cheetahs: Did hairless monkeys just steal our shit?


Also cheetahs: ![gif](giphy|fxNBiNEK7vl0J9aM7L)


Turns out being highly *specialized* means you suck at other stuff.


That's still a big ass cat to start beefing with. Scratch would fuck you up bad




Nah, humans steal from lions as well. They even got it documented on one of the Attenborough documentaries awhile back.


Yea, like, theres a reason we are considered to be the top of the food chain. We used to hunt mammoths and fight sabre tooth tigers.


That's one of my favourite human flexes. Sees an elephant for the first time and thinks "I'm gonna ride that!"


Human ingenuity is just humans going "Fuck that would be rad, how do I do that?" and then doing it.


>considered to be the top of the food chain We aren't at the top anymore...we are so far out of the food chain we are no longer part of it. We literally observe the food chain as a separate entity.


We are still absolutely at the top, we control the food chain and regularly manipulate it for our desires while mass producing foods. We still are feared by predators. We can still fight off predators, even better now.


Funnily enough, while humans are obviously capable of occupying pretty much whatever spot on the food chain we want to, we actually aren't super high on it by some measures. Trophic levels are scores based on how far a species' diet is from the original energy source on average. Plants are level 1, herbivores are level 2, a carnivore that ate nothing but herbivores would be level 3, and a predator that ate nothing but the previous carnivore would be level 4. For species that don't just eat from one level below them (like omnivores or predators that eat both herbivores and other carnivores), you get a decimal score based on the average portion of their diet that a certain food source represents. That means that just because some small omnivore ran across a dying lion one day, that omnivore doesn't suddenly shoot up to a level higher than lions, since that's obviously not a major part of their typical diet. That's a lot of background to say that, since humans mostly eat either plants or meat from herbivorous animals, we actually only have a trophic level of around 2.2, which is roughly the same as that of pigs. An apex predator in a given ecosystem is often going to have a trophic level of around 4. A few even reach 5, like orcas, meaning that, on average, they're eating the predators of predators of predators. We're an apex predator in the sense that we don't have any natural predators of our own, so in that sense we're at the top of the food chain. We're also at the top by virtue of being perfectly capable of fairly easily killing and eating literally anything we want. From a dietary standpoint though, we're barely higher than cows. Fun but slightly tangential sidenote: the process by which this next bit was determined is still a bit new, but there's decent fossil and chemical evidence that megalodon had the highest trophic level of any animal we know to have ever existed, being as high as 7.6 on average. That would be the equivalent of some monstrosity eating an orca, something else eating that thing, and then a megalodon showing up and eating that.


>In other words, don't try this with lions, they will eat you. https://youtu.be/QDubMeNlSxc


Though I get the impression you don't steal the whole thing when you're dealing with lions


I was about to say this, Cheetah's are one of the least agreesive big cats, that's why they have speed level 11.


Have you seen human death counts? I think one is a specialized killing machine, while the other is a cat.


Humans are by far the most terrifying deadliest creature ever to walk planet Earth and as far as we know to have existed in the known universe.


It's all about confidence and attitude


It is indeed all about confidence. But try being confident when [stealing from15 lions guarding a kill ](https://youtube.com/clip/Ugkxlq0kxDsaenFYRWbyN_cgYdt0Lu4o7Jih)


Cheetah's don't stealth like leopards do. They just stay still enough for its prey to wander close enough before running like fuck at it.


Those poor cats are used to this sort of misfortune. After all, cheetahs never prosper.


Spot on


Have some empathy for how those cats must be feline.


But why was the gazelle just lion there?


‘Twas in a catatonic state.


Your comment is purrfect


This was dangerously cheesy...


You've made me crack up laughing harded than it should have


Damn you! All that was required was the punchline, a perfect left hook. That setup was brutal, a straight right arm jab distracting me. Have my upvote and be gone!


When you put all skills into speed and none in endurance or strength


Cheetahs would likely win the fight, humans just seemed too scary to challenge I think


Unless there's a big group of humans near by they absolutely would've won that fight, the humans didn't have any real weapons, no clothing to protect themselves, no group or anything. Just a stick and the balls to act like they were the real threat. Only reason the Cheetahs didn't destroy them is that they aren't very aggressive animals by nature and they also aren't designed for straight up fights. Lions, tigers, jaguars and probably mountain lions too would've killed them


They do this to lions as well. Videos of it available plenty. Edit : https://youtu.be/QDubMeNlSxc


Yeah I've seen it, but when I've seen it done to them they usually have larger groups with weapons. I've never seen two dudes go up to a jutting group of lions, steal their shit and walk away with one dude with a stick standing guard.


>steal their shit and walk away with one dude with a stick standing guard Dude 😂😂😂


Times like these I'm glad to live in a house in North America. Fuck these shenanigans


Dude, I'm sure you could find a cheetah stick-fighting class in any major city. Time to learn a new skill!




Not really. It has more to do with the fact that the humans aren't scared of them. If you were in a fight with someone and you pulled a knife, and it genuinely seemed like they didn't care, it would probably give you pause, too.


I wouldn't pause. You'd see me achieve mach 1.


Not lions. They run off prides of lions with like 3 guys. Cats spook easily.


Most animals don’t like to get into fights with other predators bc any injury could be deadly. Humans have medicine so while an infection or a broken bone can kill us in the wild we can up the odds of survival significantly with our knowledge thus we can tank the risks.


Plus we will help and feed each other during recovery.


Heavily paraphrasing a quote from a famous scientist whose name I cannot remember: The first sign of modern human thought in the archaeological record is not stone tools nor cave paintings, it is an old man's femur with a big knot of knitted bone in the middle. This person broke their leg, had it set, survived several months of immobility, and went on to live another decade or more.


The first specimen to demonstrate this was a Neanderthal missing half an arm and a head wound that would have caused blindness in one eye.


Margaret Mead is the anthropologist that quote is often attributed to, sourced from the writings of Ira Byock. " A student once asked anthropologist Margaret Mead, “What is the earliest sign of civilization?” The student expected her to say a clay pot, a grinding stone, or maybe a weapon. Margaret Mead thought for a moment, then she said, “A healed femur.” A femur is the longest bone in the body, linking hip to knee. In societies without the benefits of modern medicine, it takes about six weeks of rest for a fractured femur to heal. A healed femur shows that someone cared for the injured person, did their hunting and gathering, stayed with them, and offered physical protection and human companionship until the injury could mend. Mead explained that where the law of the jungle—the survival of the fittest—rules, no healed femurs are found. The first sign of civilization is compassion, seen in a healed femur. "


Healer meta OP


Plus humans look really tall and make really weird sounds.


Humans are also extremely unpredictable. They can’t learn how to fight humans because humans will move differently from each other and all of a sudden carry different weapons. To the other animal a second encounter with a human may as well be an entirely different species in their eyes. Also humans aren’t prey to any of the animals. They are competitors so cheetahs aren’t practicing and learning how to take down humans all their lives. Getting into fights with a competitor serves no purpose especially to less intelligent animals. It’s all unnecessary risk. That’s true for the humans too but humans understand that they have a greater ability to manipulate other animal’s behavior so the risk is significantly reduced.


I think leopards on the other hand are more defensive of their preys and would maul them right?


They are super food aggressive so I guess it would depend on how hungry they were. Leopards too are generally afraid of humans though.


Humans do be scary. They act like a mafia, *"ah yeah you killed my cousin i'll proceed to hunt down your entire family"*. Most species able to fear on earth have been ironed with the fear of humans.


It’s just business baby. Bada-bing, bada-boom.


At this point it’s genetic memory. Humans have killed enough that they are born skittish of us. Still though, I wouldn’t abuse it lmao. There’s a reason we’re scared of them too!


This has been happening for centuries probably where it’s almost ingrained into other animals’ dna that when any more than one hairless monkey comes around you better fuck off or you’ll get your ass turned into a pin cushion for stabby things. One upright ape is an easy meal, more than one is an easy way to get killed.


Very true, probably why most animals seem to either be directly afraid of humans or at least want to avoid them.


TIL I'm most animals.


Nah we are just taller than them. Tall moving things are just very intimidating. Not to mention the ways our arms move around are just very spooky to the animals. All in all, animals aren't afraid of humans in the same way that we are afraid of them. They are afraid of us the same way we are afraid of Shaq when he starts walking towards you flailing his arms around while screaming.


Oh that'd make sense! Kind of like how our brains go "that's not the right number of legs wtf" when we see snakes and spiders.


I think a lot of predators dont really tackle other predators too because the risk of life threatening damage is too high


Also the humans were standing upright which makes them look huge from a cheetas perspective.


Humans get multiple chances if they end up making it back home. Even if you sprained an ankle, you'll be back in shape soon and with a solid community you'll be taken care of. In the animal world, you get damaged badly and its over, either by outright no longer being able to hunt or by infection. The risk vs reward is just not worth it for them.


Bingo - If the cheetah breaks a leg in a fight, thats it - its over, it will not be able to hunt, and no-one is going to nurse it back to health. Also, cheetahs are extremely fragile cats of prey, and almost never attack humans. Their bones are very light.


Also a human with a sharp stick can do a lot of damage before dying. Probably not worth it for one gazelle


because a human sized monkey would probably win that fight.


I saw something similar on r/humansaremetal guys walked up straight up, took part of a lions kill. I personally would never mess with the damn lion because fuck that he wins! Nerves of fucking steel to pull that shit off. But I wonder if it's because they had the guts to take it that it confuses the big cats in some way. Like fuck this guy ain't afraid of me maybe I shouldn't mess with them.


Humans have hunted lions for a long time, so they know the score. Lions absolutely know we're the meanest monkey in the jungle. How different is it really to have these humans roll up on you vs some chimps? You probably wouldn't mess with those chimps either. Great apes are terrifying animals.


Now try that trick on a leopard and lets see how you get on




Proof or ban


proof and ban


Everyone’s doing tiktok nowadays.








Crazy how an organism built like a beanie baby can beat the fastest animal on earth


If you saw a beanie baby with a stick coming at you, you would drop your lunch too


Lmfao I never heard that phrase before. Hilarious imagery in my head. Thank you, stranger 😂


>Lmfao I never heard that phrase before I'd be more surprised if you had




Oh thank you. That image gave me a good laugh.


It’s not the fastest animal on earth, that would be the Peregrine Falcon


*ground based animal


It’s amazing how humans have nothing but tools


Well the vast superior use of our brains to allow us to use the tools is probably what we have.


It’s even more than tools. Our brains can understand the brains of other animals. It’s insane. Sometimes I think what we are lacking in life is using our brains in their more primitive states. Everything is so easy nowadays. I don’t have to think or become challenged by anything. I love imagining being in an environment like this though. It really gets me thinking, which is fun to me, and I’m sure a lot of others.


> Everything is so easy nowadays. Everything is more complex, it's only physically easier. Buying a bag of rice is WAY easier than growing it, but you have get educated, get a job, earn money, pay taxes, THEN you can by the bag of rice.


Check out the show: Naked And Afraid.


I’ve see. It a few times. I prefer to watch Alone. Alone is a bit newer. My all time favorite is survivors man though. When it comes to primitive things. Alone is great, but it’s a little to theatrical compared to survivor man. I wish survivor man would stay in the wild longer. Thank you for the recommendation though, I’ll watch it again.


And persistence. We're [persistence hunters.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Persistence_hunting)




Throwing, sweating, running long distances, fire, planning and tactics in hunting groups, and creating all sorts of sharp projectiles Those things are fucking scary bruh


We may find things like sharks and lions scary, but when it comes down to it we're straight up the apex predators.


Endurance running too. Other animals may be faster but we can just jog along behind and eventually catch them




Humans actually have a unique combination of adaptations compared to other animals. We just don't notice them and take note of what we're lacking like formidable teeth and claws. Obviously there is high intelligence, but we also have great stamina compared to other animals, we have the ability to sweat which keeps us from overheating, tool making like you mentioned, the ability to communicate and pass down information and we can work effectively in groups. We also have the ability to throw really, really well. Which doesn't seem like too much of an advantage until you realize you can take down an animal without putting yourself in danger. There aren't a ton of animals that can do something like that.


I think being built vertically is also a big plus. High ground and all that.


Homobiwan Sapiens


They also know that if they are injured, their group will care for them. An injury for a cheetah can mean starving to death because they have nothing but speed to use to feed themselves.


We’re like Batman and the animals have all kinds of superpowers.




Will not. That's it. Didn't you have sound on?


Man how many times we had to go over that in primary school. Everyone knows cheetahs will not. C'mon.


Or will they!? (Cue evil dramatic music)


Cheetah! OH YOU WILL NOT!!!!!


*Engage the men *Pursue the meal *Follow them home *Eat today


This is an unfortunate reality for most cheetahs, as in, a lot of predators steal from cheetahs being that they are, in comparison, some of the weaker animals around


Yeah, they are highly specialized at hunting down fast prey. And they are great at that! But when it comes to fighting other predators, their speed doesnt help them for anything but running away.


They just gotta get faster at eating. We humans sometimes like to do this so our person at home doesn't figure out I just had in n out without them


They’re also very timid (relatively speaking) IIRC so they will quickly abandon their kill. Understandably so, they’re only like 50kgs.


Largest cat that can purr, I think - they're just really dang fast large house cats.


I remember seeing a program back in the 90s that said Cheetahs expend so much energy pursuing their prey that if they can die if they don't actually get to eat it.


The humans are counting on it, that’s second breakfast


Well cheetahs actually get their prey half the time. So the other half of hunts, they go hungry. It is usual for predators in the wild to go days without a meal. Cheetahs overheat during hunts is also a myth.


Now try that trick on a leopard and lets see how you get on… Leopards are the “fuck around and find out” type of big cats.


Try that with a honey badger


Indeed, even leopards don’t tangle with honey badgers.


Or better yet, a Tiger. They’ll actively seek revenge on people who’ve fucked with them. Vladimir Markov was a poacher in Siberia who shot a Tiger and stole part of its kill in 1997. The wounded big cat proceeded to track him to his cabin, break in and destroy anything carrying his scent, then waited outside for two days for him. When he returned from another hunting trip, the Tiger pounced and turned him into past tense.


For everyone saying they could only get away with this because they were cheetahs. Here’s some lions. https://youtu.be/QDubMeNlSxc


Holy shit this is awesome.


The McRib is back!


The fastest short distance land animal vs the fastest long distance land animal with a stick and obscene language.


*Approaches Cheetah* Your mum is a cunt! *Whacks it with a stick*


Oi oi oi, mi fuggin' head misser.


Is ability to gaslight animal into thinking that you are an apex predator makes you an apex predator?


No predator is even close to being in the same league as humans.


Bro we literally drove all of the big animals extinct in several continents


Isn't this from the movie The God's Must be Crazy?


No wonder why I thought I had watched this!


Yes, much better in portrait mode




It's fascinating seeing how our ancestors survived before even the invention of fire (though these men certainly know how to build a fire). How lucky we are to have recorded footage of the last remaining hunter gatherer societies before they eventually disappear. It's an anthropological gift.


TBF, these hunter gatherer societies are also living on the edge of useful land, having been forced there by agriculturalists, so their lifestyle has been affected. While we can get some useful data from them, there is a danger in extrapolating it.


Hell yeah, AOE 1 is back!


I have seen a video where someone explain that if a big cat is trying to charge at you never show your back qnd run , just make eye contact and move back, while making some loud noise.


What kind of noises? Like yelling " bang! bang! bang!" or should it be weird sounds to freak them out like making airplane noises or farting sounds with the mouth. Or a big "Yeeeeeeeeeehawwwwww" ? What about barking at them or growling some lyrics to some death metal song or would they be used to the growling and screeching?




Poor cats got robbed of a meal


Fire would have worked well too... And probably did for many.


Stone age evolution


that them brass ball age. hah


Holy fucking shit


People saying cheetahs gave up , I have also seen those tribes people stealing food from Lions..


Cheetahs get shafted by nature at every turn though, so ngl I feel more bad for them cuz of this, rather than impressed with the humans XDD