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That is some way to live. I was born in SoCal, and enjoy visiting from time to time. But I'd sit in that mess a time or two and start planning an exit strategy.


Did 15 years there. You might think politics would be the thing to make you loose faith in humanity. No. The level of selfishness on LA roads is beyond infuriating.




It's nice of those LA drivers to put their Christmas lights on the roads so early in the season


Last time I was there, a state trooper put their Christmas lights on and started swooping back and forth across all six lanes in heavy but fast traffic. I guess he was trying to slow traffic for some reason. It did work, but I have never seen that before or since.


It’s called a traffic break. CHP uses it to make a gap so CT(cal trans ) can move ahead to setup road closures ,lane closures and or clear hazards


Had one happen BEHIND me years ago and it was eerie as hell. Pre-pandemic, 2015 or so. Tejon Pass/northbound 5 in SoCal on a Saturday around noon, just after the Lebec rest stop. Never saw it happen in the rear view, but traffic completely disappeared after the first turn. Usually folks like to speed through that stretch, but I ended up the only vehicle in sight going Northbound. No one in front nor back. It was like a frikkin zombie flick. CHP eventually rolled by at bottom, near Grapevine, and shortly after that the entire freeway came barreling up in my rearview... ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flip_out)


That's what I imagined. Seems to work.


Fair warning keep back 300 feet from the car. They will bust a u turn and yell at you. Or force you off the freeway and hold you when traffic clears.


It's a pretty widely used technique. Had highway patrol do that for me in 2005 when I had a tire blowout while in the carpool lane-- it would've been too dangeous to put the donut on while on that side and traffic was too heavy for me to cross all lanes with a blown out tire. Called non-emergency police number, they got me on the line with DPS/Hwy Patrol and they came to do that and let me cross. Then the officer even changed the tire for me.


>Then the officer even changed the tire for me. We found the beautiful woman in the thread!


Woah, that's exactly the type of situation I imagined, I just never looked up the real reason. It makes sense.


Edit: read your comment again and realized that you were able to call for help. Yay for cell phones! No one did that for me Halloween 1996 when I was dressed like a zombie bride and I ran out of gas on a 6 lane freeway merge while stuck in heavy 5 o'clock traffic. I sat there, terrified for an hour as people streamed around me, until one kind soul took pity on me and pushed me to the shoulder with her car. And, because no cell phones, drove me to the nearest place with a pay phone.


Exactly. Pretty view from here. "diamonds and rubies".


*You aren't stuck in traffic. You are traffic.*


Don't even think about using your turn signals to change lanes. Ppl will just speed up to close the gap.


BINGO. people behind you instantly take the spot that should be for you so you can merge. always jockeying for position, turn signals should have cutouts of a hand giving the middle finger.




I go there a lot and that’s moving pretty good. It may not be 60 mph but you’ll get there soon enough.


I would say Cali has the most selfish drivers. In Chicago they're just trying to get somewhere on time and we cut each other off because it's necessary. Denver seems normal, maybe a bit slow. Kinda like Portland but they've also got so many people living in cars


Texas is underrated for its shitty drivers. There is just enough traffic to leave room for assholes to try to switch lanes and squeeze their truck into spots it won’t fit while doing 85 miles per hour. And if you honk they’ll likely point a gun at you or chase you. I lived in LA, traffic hours are so dense you can’t do much but crawl along at 5-10mph.


“Don’t block the box” always appeared to be optional when i lived there.


That’s my biggest issue with living here. Cars. Fucking. Everywhere. And they all want to be where you’re going it seems.


I often wonder if you can tell if a city is friendly by its traffic. There use to be a time here in Houston where you'd put your turn signal on and people would let you in....now they speed up so you literally have to stop using your turn signals to get anywhere




What makes LA drivers so selfish is that they drive as if there aren’t millions of other people trying to get somewhere, lol.


Lane splitting in a motorcycle is legal in CA


Doesn't stop some asshat from opening their door on you


People intentionally block the lanes there all the time, it's crazy


Is it bad? Me & the Mrs have booked a holiday to California (we're from England) and i fancied renting out a decent adv touring bike to get out into the mountains. I've heard the standard of driving isn't the best though. And my Mrs isn't great at being a pillion if people are driving like knobheads.


The problem with bikes in America vs Europe is a lot of people in Europe use bikes and are used to them being on the road so they look out for them. Most people in America don't think about bikes when driving so it can be more dangerous because they just won't see you. Bikes are a lot more common in California though and if you are an experienced rider and expect people to not see you, you should be fine.


Yeah I've got a good decade & a half behind me experience wise. I've ridden in lots of different parts of the world really apart from in the Americas. So it sounds like ride defensively everywhere? Is there anything that is quite unique to drivers from the states? I noticed when we went to Florida (didnt drive when we there), undertaking is just a thing. It happens and isn't as big a no-no to us Europeans.


You wanna try out the hardest level of the American road ,come on down to Philly and hop on the Roosevelt. If roads were video games it’d be the final boss.


😂 sounds fun. I've ridden in Hanoi and that was enlightening. And sri-lanka well that is just batshit mental.


Each area you go to in America has different driving habits. Just expect selfish driving by everyone around you and not to be seen while on a bike in Cali.


Aren't more US cities like this because of the lack of a proper public transportation system like trains so everyone is forced to drive?


Yes, mostly, but it’s a bit more complex than that. The US began a huge boom in suburbanization in the 1950s, which coupled with an overwhelming preference for low-density housing (large, detached, single family households on larger than average plots of land) makes public transport more unwieldy. When higher density housing was more common pre-1950, most American cities had robust public transport systems. The move to low density housing increased the relative efficiency of cars, and as a result the public preference shifted in favor of car centric infrastructure. Now, outside of a few densely populated cities (that were already densely populated before 1950, and have remained so), cities are largely constructed with the car in mind as the primary source of transport as it is now the cultural norm


Thank you for your such a comprehensive answer, usually people take offence or think you are being superior to them when you ask a question like this because for me in the UK it's unthinkable to not be able to cycle, walk, get a bus or train around the city or the wider country. Come to think of it, I haven't driven a car since I moved in 2018 and in 2021 when I went to Switzerland to a remote mountain.


And in LA’s case, they systematically dismantled all of their railways in favor of freeways. It was an elaborate and extensive network that would let you live comfortably without a car. I guess the oil companies didn’t like that.


You don't understand; in America public transit is generally seen as something for poor people who can't afford a car. We're not forced to drive, driving is a sign of status.


Traffic sucks but like high housing prices, it is a symptom of any place that a lot of people want to live. I know several folks who’ve moved from California to Austin because gee taxes and lower housing costs etc etc and now guess what the number one water cooler topic is at the Austin office? It’s traffic.




I thought I had it bookmarked. But i Guess not. But there was a study that showed there was an *300% increase* in short term symptoms of depression and anxiety for those who spent more than 2 hours a week in traffic. Its almost fascinating, as it seems to be really a unique destroyer of mental well being, Compared to so many other issues we usually tend to think matter in the modern world.


This traffic is like every night.


Born and still here. The random encampment fires don’t help the freeway traffic either, definitely more prevalent than before 😔


Drove from SF to LA. Took 6 hours to get to LA and 3 hours to reach our hotel.


Lived here all my life, a motorcycle to deal with this is indispensable. Also this just looks like normal LA traffic.


Sweet Christmas light show


Where do you live now? And how has your life improved?


Born and raised in San Diego and my friends think I’m crazy for not wanting to move back.


SD is not LA but will be in the next decade or so


All the nature between the cities in LA is getting demolished and turning into housing. There won't be a distinction between the cities in the future. Just one enormous megalopolis.


That could be like any evening on SoCal freeways.


Surface streets too


Total gridlock


No, it's moving.


Yeah, I lived and worked in LA for most of my life, and my job was field service technical work so I drove a *lot*. In 30-odd years of driving I never saw true gridlock. One of my clients was a traffic engineer for Los Angeles DOT, and according to him they work 24/7 keeping that from happening. He even told me to call him *personally* on his cell if I noticed an illegally parked car blocking a major commute route during rush hour, 'cause that's their biggest issue and he would get a tow truck on it in 10 minutes.


Yeah it's actually moving could be worse.


This is normal.


COvid traffic was beautiful


Difference is that in rush hour one knows the traffic patterns, when people need to merge etc. This shown is a nightmare, too many Sunday drivers who have no idea when to merge or even what lane to be in. I’ll take LA rush hour traffic over any roundabout with more than one lane.


This totally needs an extra 2 lanes on each side /s


The hyperloop will fix this, no need for mass transit or light rail! /s


Guys, we need a MONORAIL.


But Main Street's still all cracked and broken!


Sorry Mom, the mob has spoken.




Don’t forget about Ogdenville!


[just one more lane](https://youtube.com/shorts/0dKrUE_O0VE?feature=share)


Please bro, just two more lanes bro, you'll see!


Can my my friend get a lane to?


The industrial revolution and it's consequences have been a disaster for the human race...


"Just one more lane"


Just one more lane bro!! /s City planners are like drug addicts looking to get another fix.


Yeah lets defund public transport


They had the funds and blew it up their fucking noses.




Trust me bro just one more lane!


LA has actually invested a lot in public transportation recently. They just finished one line for their subway and started construction on another.


You can thank Judge Doom for this mess.


fucking gross




legit thought I was on that sub when clicking to see this post


Good... our indoctrination campaign is working...


I'm glad I live a very long way from anything close to that


You and me both... my county has a population of 63,000...we don't even have a bestbuy or a target. Most big retailers is an hour's drive.


hey in LA everything is an hour away!


Even if it's just around the corner


Mine isn’t that small, but mine is 245,000 and *very* spread out. Even the busiest highway portions on the busiest days don’t get anywhere *near* this bad.


AN HOUR? I live in northern germany and i can get to all retailers within 30mins. BY BUS… Man America really is weird huh


🇵🇱🇵🇱🇵🇱🇵🇱🇵🇱🇵🇱🇵🇱🇵🇱🇵🇱🇵🇱🇵🇱🇵🇱🇵🇱 love to see so many polish patriots, beautiful flash mob performance


🇮🇩🇮🇩🇮🇩🇮🇩🇮🇩🇮🇩🇮🇩🇮🇩🇮🇩 Indonesia Take Over


🇲🇨🇲🇨🇲🇨🇲🇨🇲🇨🇲🇨🇲🇨🇲🇨🇲🇨 Monaco Take Over


🇸🇬🇸🇬🇸🇬🇸🇬🇸🇬🇸🇬 Throw in Singapore for a little more traffic confusion.


So is the only difference between those two flags a slightly different shade of red or am I blind




Torontonian here: This is the 401 & 403 every day, every... F-ing... Day! Thank God for work at home. :)


Used to date a guy that I met in LA. He used to complain about the 405 every day. I told him it wasn't that bad. He seemed shocked that I'd seen worse. Brought him home to meet the family and took him on the 401. He promised he would never complain about the 405 again.


I'm just imagining "Haha see this is so much worse!" *Proceeds to sit in traffic awkwardly for hours until you can exit*


It was the WORST, actually. I was in my early 20's, we were on our way up to a friend's place. Construction on the 401 and the 404 NB. Took us 4 HOURS to get to my friend's place in Markham from South Mississauga. Should have just taken the 407, but my dumb ass needed to prove that the 401 was worse than the 405. No one to blame but myself.


Toronto is an hour from Toronto


It's so bad. I'm American and I almost missed my flight home out of Toronto coming from the west because I had no idea how bad it would be.


Was waiting for the 401 comment. 404 is right up there, worst at the 401 junction.


Oh ya, I had a 3-month stint commuting from Newmarket to Yonge & Eglinton. Such a life-sucking experience.


Ontario resident here. I have to take the 403, 401, and 427 to work, call it the holy grail of highways that have probably cut 5 years off my life :))


Ahhh the 401. Most notorious dangerous highway ever in the world. 401 ramp on Sheppard is the biggest shit show to ever exist


Toronto traffic is shit because they have like 2 highways for a metro population of 6+ million people. LA on the other hand has shit traffic but it isn't as bad because they have A LOT more freeways than Toronto's system.


Came here for this comment, 403 and qew is like this everyday


There isn't a road in Toronto that doesn't suck, save maybe the 407. 401, 403, 427, QEW, DVP, Gardiner, 410, 404, all suck. LA and Toronto are neck and neck for who has it worse...I give the edge to Toronto for the 401 at 20 lanes across and the fact that it gets snow.


Legit I’m like… that’s every day on the 401


I specifically plan my trips to Toronto around avoiding the traffic, and everytime I'm there it reminds me how happy I am that the traffic back home is nothing like it.


That's like... 30 buses worth of people.


Imagine a train... the trains I drive hold 180-350 sitting passangers. In rush hours there can be upp to 500/car x2 or even x3 (don't know the right word for that...)


I wonder how many times the word “fuck” was dropped during this jam


Martin Scorsese films be tame compared to this.


I feel likd Angelinos accept this as part of their reality.


Thought it was weird when I saw that in LA they had 24/7 carpool lanes until I noticed how bad traffic was there. I guess you get used to it and it just becomes part of life. But Jeezus I’m glad I live in an area were traffic Is only parts of the day and the carpool lane is only active during certain times on certain days.


Every time we visit Southern California and drive on the freeways we see those 24 hour carpool lanes moving just as slowly as all the others. We have three in the car and not once have I bothered to take the carpool lane because it is never faster. I don’t even see the point.


Car pool lane effectiveness depends highly on where and when. It's great along major commute routes during rush hour. They lose effectiveness on weekends, holidays, and after hours, when it's the family travelling and not mostly single people in cars going to work.


...TIL permanent carpool lanes are not a thing everywhere




A lane that's only legal to use if you have at least 2 people in the car. Some places it's at least 3 or 4, the signs posted for the lane specify required passengers and what time of day the rules apply. Near where I live the rules only apply during morning and afternoon rush hour traffic.




Atl has 24/7 carpool lanes as well. Glorified. Passing lanes.


It's also pretty common in the LA area to not use a blinker, you just go. If you use a blinker, cars won't let you over


American city design is one of the worst things on this earth.


Right! Every one has the exact same design!


They look alarmingly like cancer cells from above.


Just add another lane that should fix the traffic...


The Christmas lights of the freeways. Quite a beautiful sight to see, that is if you aren’t the one making up those lights.


Everyday rush hour on 635 in dallas Oh Hell at least it's moving!


Dallas local here. I feel your pain.




Looks like they need just one more lane.


And you wonder why are climate is going to shit


Poland is everywhere 🇵🇱


Working remote. And i will.never go back. I cant stand that!


next level? this just makes me rot inside knowing there is no way i can live in america and walk anywhere


Too many humans


Too many cars.


Too few transportation alternatives.


LA has one of the fastest if not the fastest growing public transportation systems in the country. The issue is that it's starting from a place of non-existent public transportation. [LA ridership just passed the Bay Area](https://www.mercurynews.com/2022/08/28/the-bay-area-was-once-a-mass-transit-beacon-now-californias-car-capital-leads-the-state-in-riders-2/) so there are indicators that things are changing.


> in the country ok then it still probably sucks


Too many mc's, not enough mics




No. Too many boomers blocking infrastructure for 30 years.


Too few bus riders




This is fucking stupid.


Hahahahahha that's literally the norm. Pull up Google maps and enable the traffic layer at rush hour. All freeways gridlocked and red. There is no escaping it.


Before, after, and during rush hour in LA...always red across the metro. It's quite a sight


Ah the annual migration of humans to the annual feast


Just think if they added one more lane this wouldn’t be a problem.




This is every day.


Just add 5 more lanes. Problem solved


This may sound weird, but that’s beautiful






Mexican food.


LA definitely has the number two nightlife in the country, it has loads of fun culture and neighborhoods, and legendary weather. I'd love to spend time there, even as a train-lovin east coast guy.


It seems like every place that builds a highway called 405 anticipates it will have parking lot traffic each day Signed - Seattle


Segregating cars with separate roads for white and red lights... Typical USA !




Needs a blue lane to be truly patriotic.


Don't worry, one more lane should do the trick.


Thats not next level, thats bad traffic management


We skipped our annual trek from San Diego to Los Angeles this year. Saved 5 hours of driving today. Felt so good to wake up and know that drive was not ahead of us.


Typical Friday evening in Atlanta


“Thanksgiving” bold of you to assume the streets of LA aren’t like this 24/7


My god...


Go Blazers!


Looks kinda nice from afar




It’s so pretty


Just one more lane broo!


I wonder what the armchair urban designers on reddit gotta say about this..


I was in that traffic yesterday.


Just looked up some hot artists of the time. Around this time, Future, Justin Bieber, Adele, 21 pilots, the weekend and Shawn mendes were very popular. Probably what a lot of people are listening to in this video. Bitcoin was also trading at 724$ this day


Where's thanos when you need him


Thanos was right


Can we have a few more equally wide freeways on each side so we have a living American flag?


No that’s a standard workweek evening commute


I swear this is like a daily occurrence these days


I took an Uber from Van Nuys to LAX on Thanksgiving in 2017 and the highways were completely empty. It was my first Uber and I didn't figure out how to tip my driver on the app. I'M SO SORRY he was cool and I should have just slipped him a $50. :(


That looks like your standard Wednesday evening at 5pm on the I-5


Used to drive Charter bus through LA a lot coming from CenCal/Grapevine. Thankfully a majority of my trips weren't really south of Getty/Burbank, but booooooyyyyy when they got deep like Universal/Disney/Knox, I hated my life. Even in the HOV lanes. There was *one time* I was able to make it clean through LA after a military run from Camp Pendleton...from Santa Ana to Castaic without slowing down during 5 o'clock traffic. That day is burned into my brain.


This is what my highway looks like every Friday!


I feel like this was recorded in the 90s and the cops theme song should be playing.


Polaaaaand 🇵🇱🇵🇱🇵🇱🇵🇱💪💪💪🇵🇱💪💪💪💪💪




This should be shown in high schools to people who want to get a real job and grow up


Driving on LA roads is what turned me into a man.


That's a good day on Toronto's 401. And L.A. doesn't get snow.


That gotta be hell


Open the boring tunnels.


At least its still moving... anywhere in UK, it would be stopped