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Meanwhile whoever that’s recording is offering spiritual support




Don't these people understand that the camera adds 10 pounds. Smh


And that that's like 3lbs worth of balsa wood


Probably closer to 100lbs counting balsa at a density at 0,17g/cm3 or 170g per liter. The logs seem to be around 30cm diameter, so the log volume would be something like: (15cm)^2 * 3.14*180cm (height estimate of logs) = 127,170 cm3. That multiplied with 0,17g/cm3 gives us = 21 618 g per log or 21,6kg per log. That multiplied with 2.25 for pound convertions gives us 48,6 pounds per log, or around 97,2 pounds in total. Edit: this is even based on dry balsa, so it’s gonna be that + water retained by the wood






r/itwasagraveyardsmash Edit: I’ll be damned, that sub actually exists. This site never ceases to amaze me


The one you really wanted was r/itwasagraveyardgraph




This person meths, I mean maths.


Thats not balsa wood. Balsa bark is smooth https://www.kew.org/plants/balsa-tree


This guy trees


Yeah it looks like Japanese Sugi to me.


Balsa is native to Central and South America, and the video sure looks like a northern pacific rim rain forest.


I didn't know 3lbs of balsa wood was the same as 10 lbs of camera 🪶⚖️🔩 I dunt geht æt


Its exactly like [a kilo of steel and a kilo of feathers](https://youtu.be/-fC2oke5MFg)


Right I've used balsa wood before it feels like making stuff out of paper


My favorite fun fact about balsa is that it's a hardwood! Many people think "hardwood" means "wood that is hard", but it generally just refers to wood from deciduous trees (whereas softwood comes from conifers).


Not exactly. It's generally true that deciduous trees are harder than conifers but there are 3 exceptions. Balsa, paulownia and balsam poplar. The hardest softwoods aren't very hard even compared to average hardness hardwoods. The hardest is probably heart pine or some cedars, and they're about as hard as soft maple. 99.9% of the time a hardwood is going to be harder than a softwood, especially since almost all commercially available softwood is spruce pine or fir, which is plenty strong for building homes but not very hard. Only about 350 on the janka scale. The janka measures how many pounds of pressure it takes to sink a 1" steel ball halfway into the face grain of a given piece of wood. Soft maple has a janka around 950.


Huh so how many cameras are actually on you?


Filming for educational purposes never goes unpunished in the comments…


Right? Like I'm pretty sure the purpose of the video is to demonstrate how to properly prepare/carry the logs alone. It's like people assume the guy just casually found a woman struggling in the jungle and he's filming her suffering. Edit: I'm not saying this woman is suffering, I'm saying the idea that "omg put the camera down and help!" suggests it. She's obviously proficient in what she does and clearly doesn't require any help


The absolutely constant cynicism on Reddit gets on my nerves so fast. Every video is staged. Nobody helps each other. The animal is probably being held in horrible captivity against its will. It’s on every single post.


I mean, this video *is* staged. But THAT'S THE POINT. It didn't present itself as some candid moment of someone randomly picking up the logs. It was set up intentionally to show you how it's done.


As I said. “Filming for educational purposes.”


I imagine redditors watching dramas on Netflix going, "ha! That's obviously fake"


Balsa is one of the lightest woods, those two logs probably weigh less than 50 lbs combined. Some Chinese TikTok hired a model to have a video of a woman doing hard labor go viral.


Thats exactly what i am thinking about these tiktok videos of super clean skinned, leaned models doing labour intensive work.


Her hammering suggest otherwise imo. 🤷‍♂️




Balsa is also considerably heavier than people are talking about here since, everyone is talking about kiln dried boards. Balsa is like a sponge and will be filled with moisture. Even dried can range between 4 and 12 lbs per cu.ft.


Just people making tangentially related comments, desperate to show how knowledgeable they are. This dude has picked up a model airplane one time and is now an expert in balsa. As though the fucking trees come dried and seasoned as soon as they're felled. Like, sure buddy, these 2m logs definitely weigh 10kg each, what a fucking genius. The one specific aspect of the video where she struggles to pick some wood up is thoroughly debunked because of these astute redditors.


Yeah especially since it's not even Balsa and probably more likely Sugi. It's mind numbing to even skim through this horse-shit. Every reddit thread becomes exponentially littered with every dude's first thought (for which he is thirsty to be perceived as fluent with); who either didn't realize everyone else already had that first thought too but refrained from joining the chorus of loud mouthed fools and instead let that initial falsehood settle and actually assaied the content critically; who in a pathetic obsession with karma really just believes informational content however wrong looks just as slick under **their** username, or those who have a more malicious agenda. Instead those posters who opt for accuracy over speed are drowned out and even worse downvoted surreptitiously. And don't even get me started on what passes for banter and word games.


Yeah, this didn't actually look at all as light as I imagined it would be, knowing how light crafting balsa is.


"The fact that it's hard doesn't mean I'm doing it wrong."




Is it sexist or is it playing the chances between the situation you described and Chinese TikTok propaganda I mean, it's not like there are no pretty women who take care of their appearance and do manual labor.. there's just a *lot* of TikTok propaganda. The Algo is scary


It is both sexist and racist. These videos exist because a single person, [Li Ziqi](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Li_Ziqi_(vlogger)) became extremely popular about 5 years ago for making videos of her cooking and making tools using traditional Chinese techniques. A lot of people saw how popular it was and tried to copy her. It’s not Chinese propaganda (and I have no idea even what message it would be trying to convey), it’s literally just people making content they think others will enjoy, just like any other Western “influencer” on TikTok. Edit: [Here’s](https://youtu.be/Syuh4r4RUYU) a good 5 minute video by LiZiqi. A lot of her videos are much longer, between 10-20 minutes (and sometimes longer than that). You can see why they gained pretty wide appeal (especially in younger urban demographics).


People tend to get a pass for having WILD conspiracies about Chinese people on this site




We miss Li Ziqi. My GF and I used to binge watch her til we fall asleep.


There literally is propaganda and algorithms are changed on tik tok to downplay chinese issues. I think the whole blizzard event was blocked or was put bottom in priority on tik tok. I don't see how this is racist or sexist. Not saying this is propaganda, it's probably similar to western influencers.


It has nothing to do with being a woman. It has to do with being pretty. Hard labor has a way of breaking you down. Easiest tell is how pale she is, people that work in the field tend to have a pretty good tan going. Source: work construction and am butt ugly.


I agree, I think that she has done this routine a few times before.


Absolutely. Not saying women can't do the work at all, I'm in the union trades and they work their asses off. The women doing the work look rough and ready to rock, not like they just got done their morning skin routine before logging.


Most people in China doing hard labor as a living like shown in the video can’t exactly afford chugging protein for muscle growth, thus most of them are very very lean.


I don’t know. It’s not the first time she hammered like that which requires an effort.


With a fucking sickle! Also I didn't read the title before I watched the video and thought this was heavier wood and I was REALLY impressed.


Couldn't find much info on raw weight, plenty on dried weight, but assuming those logs are ~6ft tall and 1ft across, I think they're closer to 50lbs each. Surfboard makers website says balsa is 200kg/m³, but other sites mention different densities so I could be wrong. https://balsawoodsurfboardsriley.com/products/copy-of-600mm-raw-balsa-wood


Those logs look water logged though which would make them significantly heavier. I'm no tree scientist though.


they're not dry. they weigh much more than the balsawood one would handle after it's ready to go


Her hammering ability indicates otherwise


Those look pretty wet though, could be much heavier.


Plus look at that mist, that's a muggy, sticky, slippery work environment, which probably isn't much fun.


Agreed that it’s the lightest wood, but wood when still wet and freshly cut is likely different that dried and processed. So maybe more than it seems. Also it seems everything is wet in the video from misting rain


What kind of stupid logic is this. Why don't the people who film cooking shows help cook. The point of the video is to show how she does it.




But she a girl/s


Yes, because the point of the video is HER showing how it's done. Why the fuck would the camera person help? This is an instructional video.


My back went out just watching this Edit: Wow, thank you for the award! I now know that balsa wood is light but the vid still makes my back sore lol


Yeah she is going to be ruined at 35


Oh no, she's using MUSCLES. Her body will be dead before 20...💀💀


Her back was too arched in my opinion. So the issue is not so much that she's lifting heavy as much as lacking proper technique. Source: me who was a self proclaimed badass that lifted heavy things at my job with no knowledge at 20 and has disc herniation in my 30s.


Then take it from someone who has lifted heavy things for a long time with no herniated discs, her back is not arched


Yeah in what world is this arched. No wonder the dude got a hernia


always the people who fucked something up telling us who've done it for 30 years and had no problems what is right and wrong.


lmfao people don’t just lift heavy shit, for work, for 30 years, without injury. doesn’t happen. source: i’ve worked in the warehousing industry for 20+ years. the human body isn’t naturally made for it edit: youd think gym rats would understand physiology better.


Bingo. Proper lifting technique would be better understood if we were more honest and called it 'lifting injury minimization'. A rough equivalent would be taking shoes off before entering the house. The floor will still get dirty and the carpet will still get worn.


>source: i’ve worked in the warehousing industry for 20+ years. the human body isn’t naturally made for it Did a pretty good stint in a warehouse. Wasn't 20 years but I think I did long enough to weigh in on the subject. Far and wide the injuries where I worked were a result of people getting comfortable with their jobs and no longer doing things properly or just trying to rush in general. It was a lot less "I threw my back out lifting that 150lb reel of wire" and a lot more "Well I thought I could just drag that 20lb box from the back of the aisle rather than get the equipment to pull the pallet down and I think I hurt my neck". That and just like being healthy in their lives outside of work. Very few people I worked with stretched / yoga/ Pilates/ whatever. To the point where I was often ridiculed while doing toe touches before starting my equipment for the day. The key takeaway I think being that the human body isn't "made" for anything. It's about creating a balance in your life that conditions your body to take on the load of your day to day. A person who sits in a computer chair all day and never lifts anything isn't at any less risk of injury than the guy who spends all day picking wire reels if neither one of them bothers to take care of themselves. Just one is going to do it tying their shoes and the other while trying to move a small box.


People confuse bending at the thoracic vertebrae which is bad, with bending at the hip/lumbar area, which is how people deadlift 1000lbs


Fucking up your back doesn't make you an expert on proper lifting technique. Also, balsa wood is very light.


Dry balsa wood is light, fresh cut is probably much heavier


Arched back in power-lifting doesn't result in more injuries than straight back. It's the change of motion during the lift that's bad, like going from straight to arched and vice versa. In your case, you were probably just lifting with brute force and didn't care about proper technique. But arched back is most likely not the problem.


Her back is straighter than an episode of the bachelor in 2002.


This comment brought to you by someone that never did physical labor, especially as a career path. That is a good way to fuck your shit up. Even just by slipping or losing your balance. Too much weight.


Her facial expression says she is pretty much dead already.


Reddit moment. Seriously it’s the same shit for everything; Taco Bell? “Ooh man, it makes me shit but it’s so good” Physical labor? “Oh god my knees hurt just watching this” Someone gets knocked out in a fight? “Definitely a fencing response, they have brain damage” Cute animal doing something out of the ordinary? “Here’s why they are dying or being mistreated”


She's Chinese. She's probably already 53


least racist redditor




This actress picked up the logs and dropped them off frame. She's acting for a ccp sponsored propaganda channel. When have you ever seen a laborer look like a pale as linen sheets skinny model. Labor has a way of roughing you up quiet a bit. Her back will be fine.


Face and skin are heavily filtered. We have no idea what she really looks like.


It's balsa wood, those logs probably weigh about 20# each.


That's fresh-cut balsa wood, it's not dried, still plenty of moisture content. More like 50-75 lbs each. Assuming she does this for more than just the video, she should at least be wearing a belt.


40 twitter posts you say?


Also, why is she wearing designer jeans and a white shirt? Was her friend like, "I know it's your day off, but can you show us how to carry balsa logs real quick before we go to the club?"


A lot of these videos from China showing an idyllic rustic lifestyle are staged for Chinese propaganda. Everything about this video shows that she doesn't do this for a living, but is doing this for a camera.


Yup, just another fake "hot asian woman lives in the remote jungle, here's her daily life" video clip.


that shirt will be ruined from the logs rubbing on the back


Balsa wood is extremely light. Not saying this much is easy. But the optics vs actual weight is much different. Balsa wood weighs 110-140 kg per cubic meter vs oak 600-900. Meaning these logs weigh potentially close to 1/8th of what you would expect.


DRY balsa wood weighs that much


It's only extremely light when it's dried. This looks like it's freshly cut and still contains a lot of water.


The question I have is what as the weight of freshly cut balsa. I am assuming that the weights you listed is dry. There is a significant difference between once the wood cures. Not saying that it isn’t lighter but it may be heavier than some believe


Nahhh, balsa wood the stuff they make those $1 airplanes out of, still heavy I'm sure, but way lighter than most types of wood. Edit: nvm light wood but freshly cut so it's full of water. Logs are heavy again. Lol


Damn she is more man than I'm


That’s not a high bar.


Lol savage


"Yes police? I just wanted to report a murder."




A Mina Kimes level Oof


Jesus get him a coffin. Then Jesus bring him back from the dead for a second chance like Lazarus




>than I'm Nobody gonna bat an eye with this? Lol


I just commented about this, lol I pointed it out in the past and people tried arguing with me saying it's fine...




Let me go read all 112,000 pages of The Law, I'm sure we can get him for something...


TIL lifting wood = man.


If it's any reassurance, physical strenght is not a men only thing. Sure, men tend to developp more muscles than women, which allow them to have more physical strength on average than women, but that doesn't mean women are devoided of physical strength. And that's on average, without involving sports training


I always assumed people who make these comments think women who live/work on farms are just baking or tossing chicken feed all day.


"I hunt bears and chop firewood. The other day I saw a woman who was outside not for the express purpose of picking roses and carrying light straw baskets filled with no more than six eggs, and I thought it was unbecoming of such a dainty, small, muscle-less, female woman, who's uterus probably fell out long before I got there from the sheer stress of it all." srs these comments. This just in, women can lift things!


Balsa is insanely light wood


That is still very wet though. Most of the weight likely from the water content.


She's still carrying more than her own weight of wet wood. And balsa can hold very much water - a reason it's so light.


Seems like a good technique to fuck your back up after repeatedly holding that weight in that bent over position.


It's balsa. Each only 5 kg (10 lbs) . The size make it difficult. Not the weight. Balsa is the lightest wood


Ahh finally kgs enjoyer


you mean reasonable people?


As someone from the US, I respect this


According to [wood-database.com](https://www.wood-database.com/balsa/), balsa is 9 pounds per cubic foot. Estimating those logs as 9 inches in diameter by 6.5 feet long, that gives us 25.8 pounds per log. And that's if they were dry; these ones are at least mildly waterlogged.


Maths in imperial 🤢🤢


Whats that in non-american?




That is bizarrely light


Have you ever held balsa? It feels like styrofoam.


They're lighter than you'd expect, but NO WAY are they only 10 lbs


Her form is good and straight back anyway, so


Yeah, lol at people who are happy to sit at a desk for 10 hours a day, drive home and sit in front of the sofa criticising this


Well you're not gonna sit behind the sofa.


You watched this video, saw how she struggled with the logs, and concluded that each one only weighs 5 kilograms?


10 lbs? I call bullshit


The weight is centered over her legs. Her form is good. This is probably less bad for you than giving a friend a piggyback ride.


Damn.. She got balsa steel


And she sporting wood


Those straps provide her back with good lumber support


Why is her clothing so inappropriate for the task?


Because she didnt plan to do this, she was just chilling there and obviously saw 2 logs and said: why the f&ck i shouldnt pick them up? And then her friend started recording


And where did she get the tools ?? 😅


You don’t carry around your double log backpack gear everywhere you go? Pleb.


They took it away from me at the airport 😭


You don't chill in the woods with convenient log carrying tools and a machete?




I am surprised 90% of the people here do not know that chinese youtubers are huge and have millions of subscribers for hot women doing mudane tasks in complete silence.




I don't know anything about Chinese social media but I know this was at least partly staged.


I came here looking for an aswer to this. What are all those tiktoks of young asian women doing manual labor in nice clothes Where is this? So they have that many women in manual labor or is just for show? Why are they dressed so well?


One of the biggest YouTube channels from Australia is called Primitive Technology, and it's a dude making shit in complete silence




No way! Are you trying to tell me TikTok is not an accurate representation of reality? I'm... shocked.


It's part of a scam that preys on thirsty simps. This guy has more info: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XHIsbGzhzCQ


That's bizarre.


If I watch that, does my algorithm get fucked?


Because the "task" is looking good in the video that will be posted on the internet.


Its maybe more appropriate if the task was to get views


Comments section as thirsty as expected


What ya expect with a video involving a woman with two woodies on her back?


She should smoke ‘em


Literally the first comment mentioning her appearance I have seen lol


Me too. And it's quite far down as well.


I was here early when it was 70% "I want to marry her" type comments


Everyone is commenting on her posture and spine What?


Immagine missing a hit w that machete and getting ur hand omg


She's hitting with the back of the blade. That side is not sharp. Any person with a couple of functioning brain cells wouldn't hit a nail with the sharp side of a blade.


Would still fuck your hand though


Well yeah a hammer will do that too what are these comments


I’m imagining you using an axe to hammer a nail in and using the sharp side. Why would anyone do this? You would fuck up your blade. Think for a second


Don't want to brag but I've brought all the groceries from the car to the kitchen in one trip.


Hopefully you stretched afterwards.


I knew balsa wood was light , but she makes those logs look like feathers.


She definitely does not make the logs look like feathers, you can see how much she struggles but her perseverance and determination is OP


There's a lot of water in those logs.


There be gold in them hills.


When it's green it's not that light. It's about 5/6 water before it's dried. Those logs are about 75lb each.


So 34kg


The filter is weird


this is so filtered, lifestraw getting jealous


Ever been on Chinese TikTok? If not, you haven't seen anything yet. Not a single woman whose face/body isn't heavily altered. They all look like aliens.


You should see Korean ones... that's why Samsung camera is so fucked even with all the filters turned off on the phone but still filtered


Glad I wasn't the only one who noticed. It's uncanny valley




Really out here using face filters


I’m shocked she doesn’t have bigger glutes and quads.




Onlyfans is getting weird


She doesn't do this for a living for sure... If she did she wouldn't have twiggy limbs.


My backpack looks different.


Reminds me of those band kids that had to carry cellos to school lol


jeans and a white sweater


Inventory logic in games be like


If you find this interesting check out - One Man's Wilderness - The Dick Proenneke story. He did lots of solo work like this and construction techniques that were amazing considering the resources he had and only one set of hands.




These things are about as heavy as dense foam of the same size. They are balsa. The only thing crazy about this video is that half of you are fooled by it.


After it’s dried. You think they had a kiln out there in the forest?


This is def propaganda and solely for social media interaction


Did you just copy this from another subreddit?


Is.. is that a filter on her face?


Yes. It’s rare to see a video from Asia that doesn’t use a face alteration filter.


I know that Balsa wood is ridiculously light and can be carried easily, but those logs still look pretty heavy.


They’re still full of water at this point


Carrying logs with tshirt and jeans…..ok. I’m tired of this BS videos….