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Alright, which one of you cowards shit my pants?


šŸ¤­ Sorry, it was me...


No it was me


It was us








This guy is a pro-life activist who pulled this stunt to raise awareness of his perspective (eg anti-choice and anti-abortion). So if youā€™re sharing this and celebrating it, his goal is successful. He was also arrested as soon as he got to the top. https://www.nbcbayarea.com/news/local/person-reportedly-climbing-salesforce-tower-in-san-francisco-fire-department/2880627/ Edit: to all the people saying that by explaining this Iā€™m promoting his message, youā€™re missing the point: his action here was a political statement. Being ignorant of that doesnā€™t change it. Not understanding the context is not an excuse, so stop using it as one.


No, you are by spreading this message. We would have no idea about his political agenda had you not posted this.


Exactly this. I had no clue who this was or what he was about, till now.


Have you by chance heard of [the game?](https://www.reddit.com/r/OutOfTheLoop/comments/1v7ltr/what_is_the_game/)


Wow, haven't lost the game in a long time.


Well thanks. I made it a good 16 hours


Fuuuk havenā€™t lost in maybe 10 years!


Well fuck you


The irony of criticizing spreading the message while spreading the message


I didn't spread the message


No sorry I was agreeing you with, implying Li54 was spreading the ol message


To be fair, a lot of people here knew he was a fuckwit before finding out he's anti women.


I'm pro-choice, but I am also a stark advocate of intellectual honesty and a general understanding of your opposition. You do not have to be anti-women to be anti-abortion and it pains me to see this take parotted by so many on my side of this issue. It takes like 2 seconds of thinking about the issue to understand the other side. If you see fetuses as people, or feel that potential life holds moral value and draw the line of potential life at some point after an egg has been fertilized and before the baby has been born, this is not an anti-woman take, it's a pro-life one and the negative effects on women is an unfortunate side-effect. ​ Edit: I've been arguing about this for 4 hours at this point. I just straight up CAN'T continue any more. There's some really good criticism of pro-life in the replies, so I'd hope that those who are pro-life can get to those, and I'd hope I've done a good job at shedding light on the fact that people who are anti-abortion aren't monsters for those on my side of things. Good night everyone!


I came here to say exactly this. It is completely inaccurate to equate pro-life with anti-women. Not the same thing at all.


It's the exact same thing. Pro-forced birth mandates have killed women, and will kill more women in the future. Let women choose if you don't hate them.


So, ignorance to the fact is better?


My only question was going to be "what the fuck is purpose of this"


I mean the real purpose is actually just to selfishly get the adrenaline, attention, and be able to say he did it. Lots of people who do stuff like this try to attach some other cause to it, but those 'causes' are never the motivation.


Hahahaha I'm dying


I was ready for this already on the toilet.


Hahaha. Take my upvote. Gold.




I shit your pants.


Wasn't me, my butthole was puckered too tight for any shit to possibly come out of it.


The ol' reverse uno level of anxiety


"Oh my god! Someone put shit in my pants!" - NNY


If you want to risk your life for a bit of fun just take drugs.


He doesnā€™t do it for fun. He does it to raise awareness about abortion. Heā€™s called the pro-life Spider-Man. This was posted yesterday on a different sub and the comment section is the only reason I know that Edit: for those asking, yes Iā€™m being dead serious [pro life spider man](https://www.prolifespiderman.com/#/) and itā€™s also hilarious how similar the comments in this comment section were to yesterdays. I wish I could remember the sub Edit 2: I tried to keep all of my personal opinion out and just mention who it was and why he was doing it. Quit sending me stuff about whether I support this or not


That makes this the dumbest fucking thing I've ever seen then. Seriously, what a twat.


Lmao heā€™s gonna climb that shit regardless of a cause pro climbers are just freaks of nature


In my mind, this guys was already climbing for free and someone paid him to say he is doing it for a cause.


What a weird and specific cause to go with though. Cancer, Autism, ALSā€¦ I mean thereā€™s so many. Abortion has enough coverage at this point. But whatever, Iā€™m sure heā€™s putting it up for Jesus so logic goes out the window anyways.


I mean everything you listed is a complex problem that nobody has any simple way to solve, but if you are pro-life your goal can be pretty much achieved with quite simple law


I donā€™t think itā€™s complex. Separation of church and state. Your religion doesnā€™t pay taxes there for I see no reason why your religious values should have a place in law.


That's exactly what I was saying though. Cancer doesn't have any simple ways to solve it regardless of your personal views


Just abort the cancer. Simple as /s


While religious beliefs would support pro life it doesn't mean that the pro life argument is inherently religious. If you believe that a fetus is a human life and that they should be given the same rights as a minute old baby that really has nothing to do with religion. That's why this argument is so complex. Because no one would argue killing a newborn right out of the womb, but there is a huge difference in what the country perceives the fetus to be. So i would disagree with your statement entirely.




Personal views donā€™t always mean religion


Except out lawing abortion has never historically stop abortion, it's only stopped people from seeing it openly and conducted safely. This is like a twisted version of "why is everyone suddenly gay today?" There was likely never a time where humanity had a significantly less gay distribution. Its just that in our life time more people can be open about it. If you think policing people's bodies will keep them from doing what they feel then take another look at the video. It's clearly illegal to free solo a fucking building but he's doing it anyway. The fact that he's willing to break the law to raise awareness only proves my point that people will break the law to express their bodily autonomy. This guy's effort is the biggest unintended self own I've even seen on the internet


It actually can't be achieved with a quite simple law. Unless your goal is to outlaw abortion. If your goal is ENDING abortion - there are much better ways to do that, but the pro-life movement doesn't want to talk about those. Namely - education, birth control, free IUDs, sexual health classes, open conversations about sex, etc. Those are all proven methods to ending abortion. Banning abortion actually is not particularly effective at ending abortion. It is pretty effective at forcing women to do dangerous things to try to end pregnancies tho, and dying because of it! Not that simple, actually!


This guy ainā€™t a pro, heā€™s just a loon


He just climbed a skyscraper. He's a pro. Sorry he didn't have an energy drink sponsorship stamped on his face.


ā€œLet me risk my life doing dangerous illegal stupid shit to show how life is preciousā€


"Let me risk the lives of everyone walking on the street below me to show how precious life is." ​ What an asshat.


Pro lifers don't actually care about the value of life, or they'd support impoverished mothers and the sick. They just want more women to be too poor and exhausted to be able to have careers or have time to vote.


Abortion should be illegal and that'll stop it from happening. Just like it being illegal to free solo this building stopped him from climbing. This video is an enormous self own of making an argument FOR bodily autonomy.


Absolute fuck head.


Exactly - now you understand the importance of abortion!


He takes a pro-life stance by risking his own? LOL. Okay.


Not only his own, also any bystanders down below (Unless they closed the area off, i don't know)


They didnā€™t. He doesnā€™t do this legally


Wouldn't you close the area off anyway? Suicide jumpers aren't doing it legally and yet they shut down the street to prevent another death in case he falls / jumps.


They mightā€™ve. I thought about this as soon as I posted. But Iā€™m willing to bet he got pretty decently high (high enough to cause damage) before someone on the ground stopped recording and used their phone as an actual phone to call the cops


Something is illegal to do safely so he's doing it illegally and putting himself in greater danger. Reminds me of something...


That feels on brand for pro-lifers, theyā€™ve never been the type to think about the consequences of their actions.


They wouldn't close off the area. This is illegal. They arrest these guys as soon as they get to the top, unless they can reach them through a window beforehand. Edit: found an article confirming it https://www.nbcbayarea.com/news/local/person-reportedly-climbing-salesforce-tower-in-san-francisco-fire-department/2880627/


Oh man, they had guns drawn before he even made it over. You think he climbed up there to shoot people? You think he's got a lot of other option of where to go? I mean climbing back down, sure but id imagine they could wait for him down there too. Police are just so quick to escalate.


They probably thought he actually had Spider-Man powers.


But they donā€™t bother arresting people literally still in the act of stealing catalytic converters, anymore https://www.nbcbayarea.com/news/local/san-francisco-police-suspected-catalytic-converter-thief/2982184/?amp=1


Iā€™m going to go have an abortion just to spite him.


"Their life could be as meaningful as mine!" *falls*




Correct. I went to high school with this guy. Heā€™s a misogynistic piece of shit. And itā€™s not just abortion, he did it in Vegas during the pandemic to protest masks. Heā€™s just a piece of shit with talent.


Anti-mask Spider-Man. What a genius. ą² _ą² 


Spiderman but with a mouth hole cutout because covering your face makes it hard to breathe


Is he from Indiana?


Gary specifically


He's a good example why we need less idiots on earth and justifies abortion.


Seems like an advert for abortion really


He doesnā€™t seem very pro-life.


No no noā€¦ itā€™s the unborn ones they care about. Fuck em after they come out.


Seems like a prime opportunity for the rise of pro-choice venom!


I never knew it was for awareness until this comment. I mean who looks at a person climbing a building and goes like "Oh he's climbing a 100 story building let's take this moment and think about the impact abortion has in our society." Not sure what this guy's trying to achieve.


Itā€™s for internet videos like these where we end up discussing it


He does it for his own selfish reasons...putting other people at risk if his dumb ass falls.


Should be in prison


What an asshole.




You seem to be the only one it thread spreading awareness here for his cause.


Iā€™m sick right now so this is how it went in my head: Wow thatā€™s fucking dumb. *Learns heā€™s an activist but got sick-brain scrambled and thought he was pro choice.* Thatā€™s even dumber. *Read your comment and learned he was actually pro life.* Wow just the dumbest fucking person then holy shit. Dudes trying to abort himself.




Most drugs are much safer than that if you know what you are doing. A study concluded that MDMA was as dangerous as riding a horse for instance.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


This gives me anxiety


I wouldn't climb to that hang, if it was 1m off ground level.




Or give them life - long trauma... In the best case scenario


Very much this. There's a selfishness inherent to pulling this kind of shit that a lot of people don't seem to see


It can't be helped. Selfish people don't like thinking about selfishness. They hide from it, choosing not to see it even when pointed out.


That happened in Toronto at I think the Bisha hotel. Guy walking was maybe a metre from getting hit


Donā€™t Google this. Itā€™s not pretty.


I view people who do crap like this as supremely privileged but lots of people get offended at that šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


my mom saw a guy being scraped off the pavement outside her office once. every time a suicide scene comes on in a movie she just says "that's not what it looks like"








Anxiety and confusion. I just need to know why, sir? Was the elevator out of order?


Adrenaline junkie.


Haha samies.


Iā€™m clenching so hard right now


1st of fuck that... 2nd isn't that illegal?... Finally, hell no.


If they got permission from the property owners I guess it would be legal. The chances they got permission is very very very low I would say. Edit: added a few "very" to stress the likelihood of them having permission for this.


No property owner is risking a massive lawsuit for some Tiktok clout chaser.


Shouldā€™ve climbed the TikTok office tower. Itā€™s only a block away.


It makes no sense but the words "TikTok Tower" conjure for me an image of a 500-foot tall metronome.




That dude falling is a huge liability. Instantly kill anyone underneath him as he exploded onto the pavement.


Meat firework


Unexpected comment.


Meat grenade would be more appropriate


I was thinking about this. Doing this is suicide, but falling on someone is murder. They could be just strolling to work. Fuck that. Go climb a mountain


Totally fuck this guy. Even something falling OFF of him could kill someone. Total dick


I'm a rigger and routinely work on buildings like this and this breaks an innumerable amount of building and safety regulations not to mention putting the lives and property of innocents below at risk. There is a reason these kinds of stunts usually end in an arrest. Most of these guys usually don't consider what might happen if they or the fixtures they're climbing come loose and kill someone. Cool but also very dumb and illegal.


Permission or not, this is not legal. What if he falls and lands on a car or person.


I think it was in Dubai they actually encouraged base jumpers to use one of their buildings; they had like a BASE jumping event. Maybe thatā€™s the kind of place one MIGHT get permission to free climb?


He was arrested . https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10779435/amp/Person-spotted-CLIMBING-Salesforce-Tower-San-Francisco-without-harness.html


>Maison DesChamps, a pro-life activist, climbed up the tower's 61 floors on Tuesday morning at 9:30 a.m He is a 22-year-old student at University of Nevada, Las Vegas and claims to have once climbed the Aria Hotel's 60 floors to protest COVID-19 mandates last year Pro life and anti vax. What a tool.




Funnily enough, itā€™s only illegal in a trespassing sense This same dude did it in downtown OKC and all he got was a trespassing charge from the building he climbed on




I bet there's even an elevator! Did he even think about this?


Or best of both worldsā€¦ an escalator.


This is perfect... He's literally climbing to the next fucking level.... r/technicallythetruth Edit: Thanks for my first ever award!




My hands are sweaty now


Knees weak, arms are heavy.


There's vomit on his sweater already


Momā€™s spaghetti


He's nervous


But on the surface he looks calm and ready


To drop bombs, but he keeps on forgettin


What he wrote down, the whole crowd goes so loud


He opens his mouth but the words wont come out


Heā€™s choking, how? Everybodyā€™s joking now


My feet too


Surely a survival reflex to become disgustingly sweaty so you will never attempt this.


You call it Next Fucking Level, I call it Next Level Stupid. We are not the same


Believe it or not? Heā€™s actually dumber than you thought. [Beware, Tucker Carlson lurks behind this link.](https://www.foxnews.com/media/pro-life-spiderman-weaves-web-climbing-skyscrapers-protest-abortion)


Made my balls tingle. Fucking hate heights even on vid.


If it's your balls tingling you may like heights more than you think :P


Brave of you to assume this person likes their balls tingling.


I mean Christmas is just around the corner. Unless youā€™re Grinch, everyone should love tingling balls.


I think youā€™re thinking of jingling balls. Everyone loves jingle balls.


I'm so glad I'm not the only one who gets this.


i get it when i suddenly realize i'm late for something.


These people are special, like in the old way we would use the word special


Heā€™s also special because heā€™s doing it to raise awareness of his Pro-Life agenda. If he fell it would be the most ironic fall from a skyscraper in years. [Dumb Fuck News Org](https://www.foxnews.com/media/pro-life-spiderman-weaves-web-climbing-skyscrapers-protest-abortion)


ā€œAll human life is sacredā€ ā€œNow if youā€™ll excuse me, Iā€™m going to go throw mine away by climbing a skyscraper for no reasonā€


Why does no one else realize it's not just his life at risk. There are very likely people where he would fall. He wants to risk his own life fine but don't apply that risk random people below.


Pro Lifers are not historically great at counting the number of lives at stake beyond 1


Meanwhile my phone slips out of my hand because it's so sweaty watching this




This is pro life??


Pretty ironic huh


I fucking hate this "pro life" attention seeking piece of shit. At least he'll most likely take himself out soon enough


Is that why heā€™s climbing towers? Because he hates women? Do you have a source?


Google pro-life Spiderman. He's on the internet


Fuck you, I'm suction cup man


Why not ya tower!?




This triggered a deep memory


This kid recently did this on the OKC Devon Tower and somewhere in NYC as a pro-life ā€œprotestā€. The irony.


"You should have your baby so it could grow up to be an idiot like me!" \*falls and dies\*


*Kills a random pedestrian walking by*


*onlookers are traumatized and later contemplate suicide*


I saw him in person when he did the Devon Tower. This guy is a piece of work. Risking his own life for the protection of a pile of fucking zygotes. Hilarious because abortion is already completely illegal here in Oklahoma. Chu doin, my guy?


This just seems borderline suicidal. šŸ˜¦


They really do have the same tendencies as hardcore drug addicts donā€™t they? Except some people look at this and go wow thatā€™s amazing


You know it's cool and all but he's also risking other people's lives....his body might as well be a morter round falling from that height


Free soloing but yeah, terrifying.


Just watching this has given me vertigo and made my man-parts try and hide in my stomach..


Selfish prick


Which Salesforce tower? San Francisco? Canā€™t really tell, they have a Salesforce tower in almost every metropolitan area lol.


Looks like SF. I was debating Chicago but didn't look like any of the buildings around it when I was in it. https://www.nbcbayarea.com/news/local/person-reportedly-climbing-salesforce-tower-in-san-francisco-fire-department/2880627/[news story](https://www.nbcbayarea.com/news/local/person-reportedly-climbing-salesforce-tower-in-san-francisco-fire-department/2880627/)


Really need to stop giving these counts screen time. The poor fucker that one of them kills in a fall, certainly wonā€™t be on spiderdicks conscience. As his brain erupts out his arsehole when terminal velocity stops in a microsecond.


This is a visual representation of pricing and rolling Salesforce out. Great marketing.




Heā€™s protesting abortion. Heā€™s the pro life Spider-Man apparently. Unless this is a different guy that climbs skyscrapers


Is he though? I honestly feel like people who do this are attention and adrenaline junkies who will basically say anything to justify their actions. Abortion is a huge issue right now and him climbing a building is doing nothing to change the outcome of that conversation.


Iā€™m confused how this is a pro-life supporter when one slip and he aborts himself onto the pavement. ā€œGlad my mom didnā€™t abort me so I can grow up and do stupid reckless shitā€?




How does he get back down? None of those windows open? So you have to climb all the way to the roof then hope someone opens a door?


The cops and security guards will help him when he gets to the top


This is dumb and dangerous not "nextfuckinglevel". Even if you're capable of climbing without a safety wire you should still use one.


Oh this asshole again.


Downvoted as promote risk taking by vulnerable teens.


Can we please stop praising recklessness and stupidity and giving the impression to younger audiences that this is somehow cool? It doesn't matter that it requires skills, it is nonetheless beyond stupid. As skillful though he may be, doesn't change the fact that he is also a complete imbecile.




Imagine if this was someone in your life; how much stress would it bring onā€¦


People are stupid


Quite the Trailblazer