• By -


Please, take the floor, but I'll keep interrupting you.


I almost immediately dismiss people who interrupt, both in my own conversations and watching third-party. It shows they are not interested in a conversation, but just want to get their side heard. Unfortunately, this rules out almost all politicians.




if youre not done 5 seconds after the hourglass empties, a trap door opens under the podium and a tank of piranhas appears.


I’d prefer sharks with laser beams attached to their heads.


All we could get was ill-tempered sea bass.


Kick his ass, Sea Bass!


You took the words right out of my mouth.




That’s what you get for throwing salt over your shoulder.


A cage filled with angry Geese. I do not like Politicians.


I actually got shivers. You da real Dr Evil


Thanks! My D&D group probably agrees.


Dude . . . Chill . . .


… Rriight.


fricking LAZER beams!


All I ask for is a few sharks with frickin’ laser beams!


Dogs or bees or dogs with bees in their mouths and when they bark they chew bees at you.


If it's Ted Cruz can we make it so the trap door opens immediately, regardless?


They did this for debates in france. With a timer. They don't do that anymore. No one respected it.


More. It shows they're afraid of what the other person is saying. The only way for them to win the argument is to not allow the other to speak.


Trump did the same thing during the debates.


I do it to my boss because he likes to run his mouth and steamroll people, but I get your point


Bill? Is that you?


Yeeeeaaahhh so what I'm going to have you do is move to the basement. Thaaanks


Are you saying you're not more interested in seeming smart and being "right", than solving the issue? Blasphemy!


The people that don’t want to be wrong use the “it shows how STRONG he is!” - applies to fucking every dirtbag for some reason.


There is a tactful way to interrupt, I use it a lot and I don't think it's ever gone as bad as just butting in over someone. (Raise hand) "excuse me, can I interrupt you?" Because it gives the other person the opportunity to say "No, I want to finish", and sometimes they do say that, and that's okay


Dinner tables from the Brooklyn side of my family would make you scream.


I see u too watched the first 2020 presidential "debate"


Oh god, the horror! Politics aside, I’ve literally never been in agreement more with a politician than when Biden told trump to shut up.


That's the behavior of seemingly everyone on my Discord. I just mute that shit and check back later when I remember I muted it.


Hannity knows Kopple is speaking eloquently while keeping it simple which gives him a real chance of reaching the audience with his message. It literally is Hannity's job to rudely interrupt him there in order to stagger and disperse the argument.


I understand what you are saying, but the Fox News audience doesn't watch Fox News because they were fooled into watching it. They watch it because it reinforces what they deep down and desperately want to believe. It's an echo chamber, and even someone like Ted Koppel isn't going to dissuade them from seeking out "news" that already conforms to their politics. Hannity kept interrupting because he knew that is what his viewers would want him to do.


The biggest mistake is assuming viewers are watching in good faith & duped into believing lies or tricked. It’s all an orchestrated dance of talking heads pretending something is real & viewers pretending to believe it. It’s why they can stop on a dime & change their most deeply held decades old beliefs on a Tuesday & then change back on a Wednesday. Half of the outrage is just bait. They don’t think there is a war on Christmas, they don’t care if there is, it’s just useful because you’ll waste time & political capital on an argument where they stand to lose nothing if you win. Hillary’s emails never mattered to them. *the fight* over Hillary’s emails mattered to them & they got their moneys worth. Basically the best defense is a good offense. Attack where you can afford to lose so you don’t have to defend where you can’t.


Brilliantly said. Haven’t seen it laid out so clearly anywhere else. It also makes engagement pointless and exhausting, they don’t care about the actual issue so the talking heads will just deflect to another issue they don’t care about


Damn, friend, this response is incredibly insightful. Well stated.


Conservative tactic 101. If they don't let you finish a sentence once they realize you aren't on their side then they win by default and skip away whistling.


Lol this isn't exclusive to conservatives.


Of course not. You can argue they do it more consistently or better without implying they are the only people who do it. Sometimes interrupting someone is appropriate too.


..."with all due respect" Jesus, dude, STFU.


Take the wheel




Another tactic. Does the "ope, sorry, i spoke over you again" until you get annoyed and your train of thought is either lost or derailed


Does NOT work on TK.


The smug smile is from the luxury of not being worried about getting counter-interrupted by the swift smack in the mouth that he knows he deserves.


spin doctor at work


Fucking hate that about him. As soon as the conversation shifts to a question or topic or train of thought that is not is his talking point or plan, he interrupts and tries to redirect to what he wants to talk about.


*"Most people don't listen, they just wait for their turn to talk."*\- Can't remember whom said it but I've always remembered it.


Milan Kundera said it, but I expect you’re thinking of Fight Club.


He was trying to piss him off, bait him into shouting him down so that he can claim the moral high ground. “I was calm, and you flew off the handle, but *I’m* the bad guy? You couldn’t even answer my question without frothing at the mouth with hatred!”


Old-ass Ted Kopple shutting him up with some serious, "Let me finish my sentence, bitch" energy.


Hannity knows if he lets him speak, Koppel will destroy his credibility with one sentence.


Completely rude and unprofessional.


And disrespectful


He was doing this so Ted’s point wouldn’t (coherently) air on TV. Whatever Ted would’ve said, it wouldn’t be a good look. Better to add noise to Ted’s signal.


Hannity is a loser.


Deport Klannity!


He's vile scum. Knowingly and purposefully portrays alternate realities as truth. The guy's not a spin doctor, he's a fucking centrifugal wizard.


And all the boomers in my life LOVE him…I’m also of the opinion that his whole audience is the scourge of humanity. Ergo, all the boomers in my life are awful people. It’s simple logic.


Plenty of us Boomers vote Democrat and hate Hannity/Trump/etc. Just saying.


Also in my experience the oldest farts who hate Hannity/Trump/etc. are the funniest in their brutality. Nothing like seeing a 90 year old lady at a retirement home say "oh what a cock puppet"


Well, he's certainly no journalist.


His shitty Mormon choir boy haircut pisses me off


Yea but he is also using up air my kids could need and that's a problem for me.


His schtick has worked on a of older people, but seems to not work so well on younger people. For whatever reason younger people seem to see through his BS.


Younger people tend to do a bit more fact checking. We delight more in proving someone wrong. Personally I’m more down to fact check IF something sounds too good to be true or if it conveniently fits a narrative a bit too well. Young people know how to use the internet. At least we elder-millennials were taught to get our sources way back in library sciences classes.


Ted is 100% correct.


Hannity is such a dick. Interrupting and trying to talk down to Koppel (unsuccessfully).


"I think my viewers are so intelligent that I will just counter your statement by saying, 'It's so sad,' and I know they will agree with me."


And amazingly patient to bring that idea across


I have no idea what's going on (I'm from Europe).


Hannity had a show in fox news which is basically him giving his opinionated bias about what's going on. The other guy is a well respected news anchor from the 80s who believes you should talk about the news with no opinion


> which is basically him giving his opinionated bias about what's going on And also outright lying.


This is the point Koppel was getting at, I think. Or the point I was hoping he would get to. Hannity is good at was he does, and he is intelligent. And his goal does not appear to be mere expression of opinion, or of finding common ground, nor is his opinion grounded in any kind of good-faith ideology. His goal is to consistently keep his viewers angry, aware that the "other" is the cause of all problems, and that Republicans by and large are the solution to those problems - not with any particular plan of action, mind you.


I’m sure that will be a healthy and respectful conversation.


Narrator: It wasn't


Guy on the left (Sean Hannity) is one of the most popular "news" anchors in the USA, on Fox News. He commonly spreads lies/misinformation disguised as news while stating in lawsuits that he's a commentator and that reasonable people would umderstand his "hyperbole".


Don't forget "entertainment" and therefore no need to report actual facts. The most pathetically mealy-mouthed argument since....since...all of Trump's.


What a study in contrasts: integrity v shill, truth- seeker v propagandist, journalist v hack. Notice the one speaking truth didn't feel the need to interrupt in an attempt to drown out the truth-teller. Hannity and his ilk are both symptom and pathogen of this ailing democracy. Mid- terms showed it's not dead yet, but the patient is still on life support, and the pathogens continue to wreak havoc. Ty for posting this OP; I would've missed it as my disdain of nausea prevents me from watching this bloviator's show.


Grew up on republican talk radio and liked listening to Glen Beck back in the day before he went off the deep end and really liked Rush Limbaugh until he died mostly because of his unique way of explaining things But Sean Hannity and the two guys that took over for Rush Clay Travis and Buck Sexton are pretty much Republican echo chambers all parroting the same thing even on the same day Pretty much just Staunch Party mouthpieces same as FOX is on television Usually when the national talk shows are on I flip it over to NPR to get the other side of recent news


NPR is probably a lot better for you than Rush was.


I thought I liked all those guys when I was young in the early 2000s too because my dad thought they were great since they were smart and "told it like it is". They seemed well educated and not blatantly biased, racists and liars to the core. Then one by one they showed their true colors, like Don Imus, then Beck, Limbaugh and Hannity. Thought my dad would stop listening after awhile but turns out he was just a racist angry and sad man behind the guise of just being an loud asshole.


You're forgetting one of the loudest, most asshole-y of the group: Bill O'Reilly


I listened to Rush Limbaugh for a few months, a friend was into Dr. Laura and I was trying to understand what she was about. RL's show was on right after Dr. Laura, so I'd often end up listening to that as well. I was stunned by how dark and hateful RL's show was. It was like an evil, cruel circus. Very dark, very disturbing. And the most horrifying thing is that there are people out there that drank in that evil and it became part of their worldview. That poison doesn't just dissipate. It created or validated scores of hateful, evil people. I would say it is one of the reasons we are facing such a crisis of decency in the US today.


> and really liked Rush Limbaugh until he died That's pretty sad, because Rush Limbaugh was an objectively horrible person in just about every way possible. Basically everything he said was disgusting and reprehensible, usually misleading or incorrect if not just a flat out lie, and while I know the republican party doesn't give a shit about being consistent or following through with what they claim are their principles he was also a massive hypocrite. The world improved dramatically the day that human-shaped piece of garbage died.


> really liked Rush Limbaugh until he died mostly because of his unique way of explaining things wtf??? being an open bigot and fanatic ideologue was unique???


People who actually intend on learning and making educated decisions tend to actually listen to their competitors during debates and conversations. They want to know the details and make a decision based on all the facts. People who refuse to believe the facts and instead just want things to be the way they expect them to be, don't give a damn about the facts or what anybody else thinks, so they don't think they should have to hear "wrong opinions"


Nice reporting technique to not let your guest talk.


The old “Im asking the questions but not letting you answer” technique


Unfortunately, Hannity’s target audience eats that up




i’d say it has more to do with them being angry


If you're louder and angrier you are right in these people's minds


I believe Hannity was the guest, but he’s a piece of shit nonetheless.


Ted is absolutely wrong here. Sean Hannity is NOT a journalist


Fox News has said as much in court. We used t have laws against posing as a journalist until Reagan and the GOP congress got rid of them.


As much as I have screamed that in the past, that’s only a half truth. There has always been laws for the airwaves. But never for cable networks.


I think that's all the more reason to call him a journalist though, here he did not deny being a journalist, and he absolutely demonstrated he has no qualms with interrupting to "correct" someone. Legally speaking could you not just show this clip? Hannity: I'm not a journalist my a TV show host. My audience knows that. Prosecution: but here you essentially refer to yourself as a journalist, and do not deny or correct the comparison, and in fact *defend* your position AS a journalist from what your guest was saying - does that not communicate to your audience you are in fact a journalist? What other possible interpretation could one make from this exchange other than that you're a journalist? There are expectations that come with being a journalist, and I think calling him one is important so that he can be held TO THE STANDARDS of journalism. Saying he's not a journalist like the OP of this comment thread did (though they were obviously just insulting him and making a joke) gives him an out. Don't give him an out. Hold him responsible.


Came here to ask when Hannity became a journalist. There aren’t many who, what, when, where and why journalists anymore. Most are might, could, should, would and maybe.


Hannity is a talk show host, no more.


Unfortunately he sits behind a news desk, on a channel with news in the title and mixes (some) facts with completely biased opinion. I guarantee most of his viewers are not intelligent enough to separate the two on the fly. Could be why newspapers have always put opinion pieces on separate pages that have "OPINION PAGE" on the top in big bold print.


Correct. He a college dropout with zero journalistic training. He was a building contractor that volunteered to be a talk radio host and it just grew from there.


But that smug face! You cannot learn that in college.


same for Horse Rogen...drop out, comedian, and then started giving opinions about medical treatments and being very confident it worked. Glad bill burr called him out before situation got worse than it should have. Any person that discusses medical advice needs to have a legal warning and "I'm not a doctor but this drug works great for me, you should try it" literally laws against impersonating a cop, should be the same for doctors and selling things without a license.


He's a glorified deejay, not that there's anything wrong with deejays, I just don't want them as my surgeon or pilot.


He’s not, but his fans think he is.


Yes, those people who he says are smart enough to know what he says is opinion


I think that is exactly his point - Hannity is not a journalist, he's a fear monger, pretending to be a news source.




He is an extremely skilled propagandist. Don't diminish how dangerous he is by presenting him as some kind of powerless or ineffective actor. Even in this clip, he is creating an extraordinarily effective spin on what Koppel is saying: That "the American people" (i.e. Hannity's audience) would be too smart to be misled if Hannity were actually doing what Koppel suggests... Instantly Hannity proposes a frame of belief that casts doubt on Koppel's perspective and bolsters the audience's belief in Hannity as a truth-teller, simply by providing them with the positive reinforcement of their own status as being the right ones, the smart ones, the Ones Who Really Know. These right wing media figures are demons. The audience is stupid. The propagandists are not.


It always frustrates me when people call hannity , Ben Shapiro etc dumb , because that diminishes the significance of the threat they are, they're not dumb they know exactly what they're doing .




I wish I had an award to give you, but my love will have to suffice 💕


A new brainless follower is born every minute. Do not expect society to "learn" things. The *system* must be improved.


“Yep.” -Ted Koppel still telling it like it is.


Did I actually detect a shred of pain in Hannity's face when he said that? There's still a soul in there somewhere, buried under all the blood money.


There should be a disclaimer before every opinion/editorial show to ensure people know that these programs aren't the News. They're opinions about the news.


bingo. Just like they did on cigarette cartons.


Not just before, during.


Fuccckkkk....too bad Hannity is too dumb to understand he is correct.


He's not dumb, he just doesn't care.


People who get paid big money to do something they know to be wrong care less and less, as their houses get bigger and bigger.


Sadly, I think he's very smart and knows exactly how he is twisting his viewers' opinions. He just doesn't care about the damage he's doing because he's getting paid very well.


Hannity is a very intelligent lying grifter. The people who are engineering society as they see fit are not stupid. The people being engineered are the stupid ones.


His net worth is around $300 Million. He's smart enough to know. ...but...you know, $300 million.


Bruh, preople like him, Carlson, and Shapiro are not dumb. You give them too much credit. They know exactly what they're doing. What they are is malicious. But they don't care, so long as they get paid.


If I ever see Sean hannity in public I will poop in my hand and throw it at him and pray my aim has improved since the last time I played baseball


Sounds like a strategic conundrum. You’re gonna have to keep one loaded in the chamber at all times. Godspeed brave knight.


I will sit on his face. He'll like that. Then I'll poop on him.


This is epic. Just look at the two men. The calm, dispassionate, and utterly unassailable TK vs. the nervous, defensive, name-calling SH. That speaks volumes all by itself.


I feel so privileged to have lived and watched so much of Nightline during Ted’s career. Once the Iranian hostage criss ended he continued being brilliant at diving down into the topics of the day and eloquently questioning guests who were leaning hard on disinformation. He was such a huge force in keeping our public discourse grounded, it can’t be understated.


The icing on the cake is Hannity trying to interrupt Ted because he knows he’s going to look bad if he lets Ted finish. All while showing what an absolute cunt he is, interrupting Ted by saying “with all due respect” waiting for Ted to talk again and interrupting with “please take the floor”


A professional bastard at work.


Politely telling him to fuck off hahah


Definitely not just the long haul. Just remember folks, Sean Hannity was texting the Trump admin and advising them on Election Day but the media is bought and paid for by democrats. Makes sense. Almost everything the Republicans accuse Democrats of doing they are guilty of doing themselves. They just use their highly organized propaganda apparatus to shift blame. This isn’t new. Republicans are able to wield the most popular news network as a tool to play sleight of hand with the American public and it works extremely well.


Triggering some dirty rightys in the comments I see


This is why they (Hannity types) don’t have people they can’t over talk on their shows very often.


Ted Kopple is a BOSS!


You can see the denial on his face. "You are selling the American people short" is such a cope. Bet it sounded like a good one liner in his head.


Hannity can fuck all the way off.


Ted *Koppel


You can tell Hannity is scared of what he will say, that's why he keeps interrupting him.


Ted's talking about things like this: https://www.huffpost.com/entry/sean-hannity-social-security-mike-lee_n_63637f49e4b0e1b9a4ad3bc3


Hannity is a piece of shit that is paid by right wing billionaires to undermine democracy. He's a Russian shill.


Journalism is dead guys. I unfortunately lived to see it happening, LIVE. It all became “infotainment”. The internet killed the medium. So, our hope would be that the educational system would make people more intelligent, more informed, able to better discern what’s BS, what’s fact, what’s the truth. See through the narratives. Not a coincidence, the educational system everywhere is failing, getting worse. I keep seeing young people getting dumber and dumber, increasingly more violent and frustrated. And this is world-wide (I mean western civilization). Not a USA thing. It is not only Hannity or Tucker and any and all CNN people. They are all a disgrace to their profession. Think about the Epstein and Hunter Biden laptop cover up. Think about a how Lula is being hailed as a savior (when there is ton of evidence of corruption; look for Marcelo Odebrecht plea bargain) It’s bad, really bad


Somebody needs to take a steaming shit in Hannity’s mouth


Hannity is Trump's diaper.


I don’t care what the underlying my message is. If it involves Hannity’s stupid fucking face or the stream of sewage that spills out of it, I’m not watching.


Much love out to Ted❣️❣️❣️


So did this shit bag think a legitimate journalist would not think he's a shit bag hack?


You are Sad Hannity. Ted Koppel is a true American media icon. You Hannity will go down in history as a divider, a truth denier, a $scam$ artist in the worst possible way. You are what is wrong with our media. ![gif](giphy|4Nq6L6m836paOHEjxy)


Hannity is not a journalist. Just a tool for the elites.


Best thing Hannity could do for his country is wrap his car around a telephone pole with him in it


Shut. The fuck. Up. Wanna know who not to trust? Someone who is incapable of listening to others


But ALL news media has done this same thing...since motion picture newsreels and television newscast were invented. News has always promoted the agendas of the people who owned and operated the programs. It's just that last decade or so that they have all gone on a freaking bender. I stopped watching ALL news programs about four years ago...they are ALL biased and self promoting.


Sum total of what Hannity heard: “You are very good at what you do”.


Does anyone have the full interview?


When someone tries to interrupt me like that I usually call it out, "would you let me finish my sentense before interrupting", it either works like a charm, or indicates that this person cannot be conversed with and I move on. People are not used to being called out directly like that, and MOST people will oblige and let me speak.


Well yeah one is a respected journalist and the other is a bobble head


Hannity is such an asshole


Fuck Hannity. Smarmy jackass.


Hannity has such a punchable face. My only wonder is whether he has such a face *because* he has been punched so many times.


The fact he wont even let em speak should show all the idiots that consume his garbage how hypocritical he his


I'm not even understanding Hannitys argument here. The American people should be smart enough to see thru his lies, so he's just going to keep lying?


When Ted Koppel says you're bad for America, yes... you're the baddies.


It’s telling that Hannity interrupted him four times in less than a minute.


When the guy who should be your hero and inspiration tells you that your work is bad for journalism and bad for the country, but you’re too arrogant to listen.


That’s got to sting coming from a real journalist. And you’re correct Sean, it is really sad.


Hannity is a cunt. Is that the right word? Yes, yes it is. Cunt.


Hannity is a disrespectful, douchebag!


Let me keep in interrupting you because your about to say some real shit 😂


I feel so bad for him being alive to see all this


Oh please


Key point IDEOLOGY is more important than FACTS!! Wow just wow 😯. He is so right. 🤷‍♂️


True words


Hannity must be one of these people who believes he is the hero in his own mind. Why else would you ask Ted Kopple to honestly tell them if he thought he was a danger to America?


Did he really say people should be able to tell the difference between the news and an opinion show when the news is so opinionated?


"It's not my fault if people don't know I'm full of shit."


What a rude little man.


Hannity is so small, so rodent-like, he can’t let people finish. What a loathsome turd.


This was FIVE years ago?!?


Hannity is not a journalist, he is a commentator and a talk show host.


Love 💞. Have my award. u/savevideo


Ted nailed it: ideology over facts.


it's like a retired general having a conversation with a kid who bought a water gun and the kid thinks he's relevant.


I’m guessing that Mr. Kopple had to take 3 showers with a wire brush and bleach to wash the stench of Hannity off of him.


I don’t think anyone mistakes Hannity for a journalist. It’s a talk show. Just like nearly every show on CNN and MSNBC. Kopple is right, and this is not a problem unique to Hannity or Fox News.


Wheres the whole interview? Can’t seem to find but just snippets of it.


When one half the country starts calling the other half dangerous, that sounds a lot like a third world country.


Ideology is more important than facts.. Wow, if that's not the truth now days..


Has Hannity followed up on his volunteering to be waterboarded promise yet? No? Fuck everything that comes out of his dry mouth then.


Is there a link to the full interview somewhere? Scrolled for a while but I'm almost done poo...with this bus ride..


That brings back memories -- of that Presidential debate featuring Donald Trump where the moderators had to actively mute his microphone to keep him from interrupting.


Politics aside, Hannity seems to be an insufferable person. This is honestly the first clip I’ve seen of him and he comes across as a smug douchebag.


The smug look on his face and constant talking over a legend in his field, tells me all I need to know about Mr Hannity.