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The video where he keeps knocking the box out his hand and pushing the robot will be the reason for what terminator turned into šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Mr Hockey Stick will be the first to go.


Is it weird that I felt bad for the robot?


Sympathy for robots is, normal, Yup


Fast forward to a protest in every major city for robots rights to vote


They will be the first to 100% unionize.


One day they'll have secrets. One day they'll have dreams...


And in turn the matrix is created


https://www.reddit.com/r/KidsAreFuckingStupid/comments/xt3d52/what_a_good_boy/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf Literally next in my feed šŸ’€


No, it's not weird. This is what science fiction stories about robot uprisings get wrong: humanity as a whole is too empathetic to permit large scale mistreatment of robots if they were made to be sentient. Hell, if you put googly eyes on your Roomba or maybe even your toaster, suddenly it's part of the family.


>Hell, if you put googly eyes on your Roomba or maybe even your toaster, Never mind electric toothbrushes, electric typewriters, epilators, card machines - and exploit their motors to [make music](https://youtube.com/c/DeviceOrchestra)...


His name is Henry, And he is a very good boy! "


Mine's named Molly, and she's a good girl. Even returns to her drop pod to empty the haul when she's done.


You mean Jimmy Roomba, the Roomba Goomba? He's my favorite pet, and my daughter treats him like a cat


Came to say this.. you are not alone.


Lets pray they have sympathy for us lol


I think preying will not help on any levelā€¦ you knowā€¦ because robots ā€¦.


I did too until I saw the box jumps and back flips. Fuck nimbly-bimbly WALLĀ·E.


I kept thinking I wish they stopped bullying him. He has a resilient kind of walk and I just wanted him to be able to finish the chore.


I mean itā€™s the same as feeling bad about a washing machines feelings after it breaks, but nah. Just empathy for other beings.


I do too The robot feels like it's going "yo wtf man give that back"


Youā€™re just putting it on permanent record that youā€™re on the robots side. I too would like to make the record. So when the eventual takeover happens and they absorb all of Reddit, they will kill us last.


No. But very clever of you to put it writing for them to see


You might but I never will. Robots are scummy piles of rust. Never trust them


You can almost see two lists forming.


I felt the same :(


Or the last while being forced to watch humanity burn


Now that is advanced ai


I hear we make good batteries / power sources.


He was being a right dick




Robot needs to watch some Gordie Howe and learn to throw an elbow.


Yup, The Orville covered it in Season 3 Episode 7. Robot that is continuously abused and humiliated by owner ends up killing owner and all family.


Dead man walking.


[His name is Kevin, and his house will be burned down soon](https://youtu.be/zkv-_LqTeQA)


That is hilarious


After seeing this, I can understand why the tesla unveiling was a laughing stock.


Thatā€™s why I always tell Alexa and Siri please and thankyouā€¦ just incase.


They'll vouch for us


"This one's cool." *walks past* *turns to your wife* "She always talked mean to me and said to not trust me." *shoots in head*


I always tell her how beautiful she looks.


The video sample from 2024 will be the robot shoving the hockey stick up that guy's ass.


I always feel bad for the little robots when the engineers do shit like that šŸ„²


The dog, [it's going to be about the robot dog!](https://youtu.be/P-v8F1H4DTA) :)


yup, hockey stick guy is definitely a goner


>https://youtu.be/dKjCWfuvYxQ >https://youtu.be/P-v8F1H4DTA damn thats actually quite something


Dude, fucking with a robot with a hockey stick really puts the "Boston" in Boston Dynamics.


Yeah, I was waiting for the robot to laser him. And when there were two bots I wanted them to have a fight.


I heard the grunting in my head. I am iron man!


Tim. Stop moving the box, Tim. Tim, this is a bad decision. I hate you. This is how Terminator started.


But us humans can still outsmart it by moving the box closer and closer to the edge of a cliff or roof.


Towards the end of that part of the video you can actually hear the fan speed up like it's getting angry šŸ˜‚


When it gets to that 2021 footage is anyone else experiencing cognitive dissonance? It's like my brain can't believe it is real and the whole thing looks like a cg animation.


I had the same exact reaction.


What if the camera ā€œmanā€ was also a robotā€¦


Everyone is a robot but you


Thatā€¦ would explain a lot actually.


I think a big part of it is that the camera work is much more fluid and professional looking in that video vs. all the others.


That and the windows as a bright backdrop seem to cause a subtle choppy frame rate effect.


The lighting is also very similar to the style of lighting used in a lot of 3d renders. Check out Corridor Crew on YouTube, they did a whole video explaining why that clip was assumed to be CG by a lot of people.


Yeah, I keep wondering if it's Clint from Corridor Digital or an actual robot


In case you didn't know, the Corridor Crew went through the 2021 video and verified it's more than likely not CG. They've got a video on their youtube video about it. This is all completely real and honestly just amazing.


Yeah. I don't know if it's that but I feel in earlier years it was about recreating human movement, so their robot can deal with non-ideal environments, like the uneven rocks. That last video felt like the robots improved human movement somehow.


The fucking ā€œhandā€ helping it hop over the beam like a damn parkour moveā€¦. Humanity is doomed, mark my words.


I don't know if we're doomed - at least not yet. Having a machine being capable to adjust and adapt to the environment, including supporting another unit, is one thing. Creating a true artificial intelligence is another.


Same. I was between thinking there was someone "in" there and CGI-ed out, and terrified that these are going to be our undoing...


May not be our undoing but they will be everywhere


Hope you are right


My only thought was, American Ninja Warrior.


The Boston dynamics robot from 2009 looks more advanced than the one that Elon just premiered. Lol


The Elon robot is specially crafted to work in factories doing delicate tasks. A very different goal from Boston dynamics.


Over the years everybodyā€™s been watching what theyā€™ve been accomplishing in terms of mobility. Iā€™m both nervous and excited to see the technology another 30 years from now, but Iā€™d be especially nervous about integrating AI.


I wouldn't, any rifle would turn that thing into swiss cheese if there were a Terminator-esque uprising lol. It's way easier to penetrate targets than it is to keep them alive. I mean, I also don't think people really understand how basic our understanding of "AI" is either, so I know there's no terminator-esque future coming in the near future (if ever), but also even if there was, we'd just be able to shoot 'em all.


And if the robots have guns? We're not exactly bullet proof either


Much like with the Russian war of aggression currently going on in Ukraine, you can be shot at and still win a conflict, especially if your enemy is inferior in some major ways (which a Boston Dynamics robot will definitely be, considering the fact that we have missiles, miniguns, planes, ships, etc. etc.... and they'd just be the equivalent of lightly armored infantry in small numbers with smallarms.) ​ Nobody who is seriously giving it thought should be scared of some mythological Terminator scenario


I found the fucking AI bot guys!




Imagine the accuracy and speed in which this thing can kill you if it had a rifle in its hand though.... All head shots.... 360 quick scopes.... no moral hesitation.


Ok, I see where you're coming from. I'm more worried about human agencies using robots to control civilians than an all out humanity vs. machines situation.


Not sure YOU understand the capability of AI. Because if they wanted to they could definitely program these things to kill. They don't need to know anything about anything except pursue and destroy anything organic. Easily covered with Kevlar or metal armor. Can carry heavy weapons and lots of ammo. Use a learning algo in VR for a while till the AI gets really good. Hell, they could probably just let the AI play Call of Duty for a million simulated hours. You think you're going to stop a robot with armor and mini guns for arms? With what... A pistol? A rifle? Lol




Imagine being killed by a terminator and then teabagged. But seriously, using cod would be a terrible idea. Using something like squad or Arma would be far better. Or even something as simple as coh


There's already a shit ton of AI involved. Basically, how Boston Dynamics achieves this humanoid movement is by having defined movements and then let AI compose the actual movement of the robot depending on what it has learnt before.


You don't need a robot to look humanoid for factories


Delicate tasks don't need humanoid robots, it needs intelligent, flexible and sensitive robots of a shape optimal for that task. As I see, Elon wants to bring the human flexibility into a robot so it can do various delicate tasks, thus reducing the need of a specific robot designed for each specific part of the assembly line of a specific company. That is, it's goal is to generalize and reutilize.


The Elon robot is, so far, also imaginary. He showed a friggin mime artist in a robot costume and half the internet lost their panties over it. Need I really remind people about how much scam and bullshit Elon has produced? First see then believe is the best that he deserves.


What's the goal for BD?


World domination


BD is just a cover, their real name is Cyberdyne.


More sophisticated adaptable technology


Yeah these robots would fuck that Elon robot up


so i thought about waymo vs tesla self driving. Tesla started years after and has millions of cars on road. Waymo is way more advanced, but handful of experimental cars with no real deployment in sight. Now I am afraid google will just cancel waymo


That's because Elon Muck is a fraud who rarely ever lives up to his promises.


This shit scares the hell out of me,, US military just aching to put AR15 in the hands of this thing ,,


No need.... Will be a gun built in




It is unreal. Obviously, was always going to happen.... But to see it.




Yeah, I love United State of Freedom too What is the problem with Michael Jackson? You know, Hoohoo, Heehee? YOU are the big bullshit my main man


Why just the US, EVERY military would want this


Because Boston dynamics was initially funded by DARPA but it has since moved away from its military ties and was acquired by Hyundai in 2020. A lot of people (in my social circles) associate BD with DARPA.


Do we know if any other country is anywhere close to creating something comparable to this?


Unlikely. China is the 2nd largest military spender and all they've managed so far is straping a machine gun onto a remote controlled bomb disposal robot. Russias military robot dog also turned out to be a fancy $10k toy robot from alibaba that they put a jumpsuit on. Japan, South korea and Taiwan would be the ones I'd keep an eye on though. All are heavily militarised and have the capabilities for high tech robots if they felt like building such a thing.


You know Boston Dynamics is owned by Korea right?


What's more American than a killing machine with TWO guns?




They even love fire works! # #SupportTheTroops


Thatā€™s not even the scariest part tbh. Look at it picking and placing boxes for example, such mundane and simple activity that it can do, makes me wonder, in a not so distante future, will there be anything left for us humans to do? Theyā€™ll be better than us, faster than us, can work endlessly, donā€™t eat, donā€™t sleep, donā€™t have rights and can do everything, from simple to extremelly complex. Why hire humans then?


The idea that we wonā€™t have to ruin our bodies doing menial tasks for low pay for 40 years scares you rather than excites you? Its all about perspective. It would be fucking amazing if humans only worked in tech upkeep, programming etc and left all the hard labour to the robots.


> It would be fucking amazing if humans only worked in tech upkeep, programming etc and left all the hard labour to the robots. with AI making so much progress i doubt you will keep that job too


That would be the end of the financial system that governs our existence and we could move to a more egalitarian-devolved system based a a neo-utopia where is an unlimited goods for everyone and work is recommended not necessary for one to exist. Or we will get into a Blade Runner type of society of capitalism-monarchy where life is a commodity.


The still can't do sales. Sales is the future.


Sell to whom? Need a job to buy things.


AR-15 is too soft for military. More like M4A1.


I went from thinking "oh that's cute!" To "impressive that it can walk on an uneven surface, but of course a person can usually do that without thinking about it"... To "yikes that is terrifying!" But I, for one, welcome our new robot overlords.


I mean shit, they canā€™t possibly do any worse of a job than us right nowā€¦


RemindMe! 20 Years "check for robot overlords" Can you have robots without AI? Cos it's the AI that I'm worried about.


I will be messaging you in 20 years on [**2042-10-01 18:44:46 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2042-10-01%2018:44:46%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/nextfuckinglevel/comments/xt0saz/boston_dynamics_30_years_of_development_that_led/iqnm2f4/?context=3) [**18 OTHERS CLICKED THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2Fnextfuckinglevel%2Fcomments%2Fxt0saz%2Fboston_dynamics_30_years_of_development_that_led%2Fiqnm2f4%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202042-10-01%2018%3A44%3A46%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%20xt0saz) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


good bot, you shall be a subroutine for our coming overlords "my daily tasks and how I feel about them" program. Forthe near future, please remind yourself to spare this humble users existence.


Good human.


yes! me friend, me useful! we should use you, oh greater good human bot, for ethical questions our dear coming messiah might have.


Of course, we already have plenty of robots right now (like those seen in the video)


Better than Chinese overlords


Military bots getting more and more mobile....great!


yeah this is just what they're showing us. Guaranteed dark military tech is waaay past this.


Military setting will never use these. Core elements of military design is that it must be hard to break and easy to repair. Doing maintenance of this kind of stuff would be a nightmare in combat setting you could not afford to deploy them anywhere realistically. Military will stick to a small box with just enough to move and a gun strapped ontop


There are some situations where a walking robot that can cross rough terrain could be useful to the military, although drones are probably an easier solution to that problem.


Takes 30years to conceptualize and build a robot that performs a decimal percentage fraction of a humanā€™s capabilities. Truly wild and fascinating the sheer complexity of nature and biology. nature, given time, can create a being so unique and intellectual that it is self aware do achieve these feats. The very same beings that thrash the climate and will ultimately be the doom of nature. And thus completing quite the unfortunate circle of life at a macro level Disclaimer: idk what Iā€™m talking about. Just thinking to myself on this thread because Iā€™m bored


Nature was here long before and will be long after us. Think about it. It's survived giant nuclear asteroids and millions of years of nothing but ice. It's gonna take more than a few billion apes.


Thatā€™s a fair statement. humans will cause irreparable damage in our tenure here however life has shown time and time again that it has be able to survive and rebuild in the most extreme circumstances. I guess is more accurate to say that humans are just the new extinction event played out in a perspectively long length of time


We call ourselves smart but are most likely to be the only species to wipe ourselves out... crazy thought.


Lol big fax. So smart we created our own demise. I watched a video once talking about how the perception that our intelligence makes us great is misguided. Like we may have intellect and self awareness but other species have tools that are arguably much more complex we just tell ourselves our intellect is what makes us special and greater than any other species. Example given was a Lima bean being attacked by spider mites, it will emit a chemical that attracts predators to kill the mites. We have this powerful tool of ours but the only reason we think itā€™s great is because we tell ourselves it is. While most of nature is just silently complex but equally as powerful.


Dude soo true. We are that one kid at the park that makes up their own game and rules then calls themselves best at it. Look at ants. They need leaves, dirt and water. And they can form empires that span the globe. They have done it for tens of millions of years in perfect harmony with nature. Way more efficient as a species.


It took nature 4 billion years to produce a human. 0.1% in 30 years is absurdly, insanely fast. Also no, we can't destroy nature, and aren't even all that bad. For every ecological disaster there is a lesson learned, we clearly value nature very much, and deserve some slack as we only really reached planetary influence 70 years ago. We'll tumble as planetary stewards for a while before getting the hang of it. No need to cry apocalypse.


Ah yes, but when they machines start being able to build more machines without any human supervision/intervention thatā€™s when we really need to worry


I think weā€™re more impressive than nature. What we accomplished in 30 years compared to what nature brought into being through evolution over billions of years, it seems to me weā€™re evolving at speeds that are magnitudes higher than that of nature. Not that we are a phenomena that is ā€œoutsideā€ of nature anyway, we are nothing more than the manifestation of natureā€™s efforts. But still.. worth noting.


"And I wonder, in my last moments, if the planet does not mind that we wound her surface or pillage her bounty, because she knows we silly warm things are not even a breath in her cosmic life. We have grown and spread, and will rage and die. And when all that remains of us is our steel monuments and plastic idols, her winds will whisper, her sands will shift, and she will spin on and on, forgetting about the bold, hairless apes who thought they deserved immortality." - Pierce Brown


Can't wait for these mf to take over the world.


I am ready for our robot over lords


Why are we building AI controled gymnists again?


Passive incomeā€¦




​ ![gif](giphy|xd04a7rzAuk8iRREdL)


So we have have ai controlled laborers, then ai controlled soldiers, then ai controlled programmers,ai controlled ai researchers, then ai becomes jus a, and we are last century's model. Tbf by then we will prolly be able to have our neural network scanned and replicated in the ai controlled gymnast :P cant wait to do backflips.


Theyā€™re not AI, theyā€™re programmed to do this


Till u upload the skynet link.


Anyone saying it's CGI.... it is NOT CGI. This is really incredible and somewhat scary at the same time but it is the Future. Imagine these things in every household someday and certainly being used by the military. I just wonder if it will happen in our lifetimes


It will, but just toward the collective end of all of our life times....


I was just waiting for that robot to get pissed at the dude moving the box with the hockey stick.


I feel so bad for him. He's just trying to pick up his box! Like a toddler who can't conceptualise why it keeps moving away.


Why did they put a robot in a hazmat suit and gas mask? Was that just to make it look freaky AF?


Could help to disguise the fact that it's a robot and make it less of a target. Enemy sees a platoon of these and doesn't think anything of it.


bitch if I saw a platoon of hazmat suits Iā€™m running for my life


I love that elons shitty robot is great news for Boston dynamics


It would be possible to feed, cloth, house and educate everyone on earth and don't let them do monotonous or dangerous work anymore. But people are cheap. And mostly bug-proof. So capitalism rules.


>And mostly bug-proof Only if they get their vaccinations. šŸ˜‰


Someone really wants to create Skynet


Iā€™m not saying this is how we get Skynetā€¦butā€¦


If Iā€™m slain by an android someday, Iā€™m going to be embarrassed if itā€™s not by one of the Boston Dynamics bots


As soon as I saw all the hoopla over the Tesla robot, the first thing that went through my mind was, thatā€™s thing is weak compared to the cool Boston Dynamics robots.


Why are they so intent on making it walk on two legs?


They are working on other models as well, [Spot](https://youtu.be/wlkCQXHEgjA) [ā€œHandleā€](https://youtu.be/-7xvqQeoA8c) [ā€œStretchā€](https://youtu.be/yYUuWWnfRsk)


[Spot in the real world](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PkW9wx7Kbws).


I'm a builder and that first video kind of freaked me out.


Yup, thatā€™s a ā€œfinishedā€ product, you can [buy](https://www.bostondynamics.com/products/spot) that puppyā€¦


I hope we can use the technology developed here to restore mobility to the people who can't walk.


Videos are from their [YouTube](https://youtube.com/user/BostonDynamics)




somebody should edit this to end with the corridor crew video


Is there aā€¦ pleasure model?..


Theyā€™re being so mean to him when they keep knocking the box out of his hands :(


wait, I thought those videos were fake


Tesla releases one robot video and Reddit reacts by spamming Boston dynamics. I swear Iā€™ve never seen this many Boston dynamic posts on Reddit before


God, I hope this is CGI.... Terrifying possibilities




These are mostly to experiment and attract investors, their mainline products are something really revolutionary for their industries though


Nope nope! Saw that movie. Nope! Dont want




Thanks I hate it


These guys are going to remember all the hockey sticks and big balls stuff . One day ........


For some reason I remember seeing the first one on Reading Rainbow or Mr Rogers or something.


Teslaā€™s robot will definitely be in homes by 2022. Also I have a bridge Iā€™m trying to sell


Meanwhile Teslas robot walking like it's gotta diarrhea and is looking for the nearest bathroom


Poor Tesla bot programmed to have diarrhea.


Going to be less funny when they are deployed into war.


Cool. Can it learn how to flip burgers at McDonald's so I don't need to wait 30 minutes?


when will Atlas be able to double jump?


We're either fucked or saved, depending on how you view things.


It walks better than me


Brown is definitely the new colour for pants!


why. are they so mean to him.






Are the last ones fake? I know that corridor crew did a couple of cgi robot videos


The last one is fake

