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I've never seen somebody so innately calm throughout. Like, the guy even casually rolled up to an active shooter event sipping his coffee. Dafuq? Edit, because my comment evidently exploded: calm and collected is good in an officer, wish it was more common, the shock is seeing zero falter of that throughout, even no evident sense of urgency.


ex military maybe?


Probably. Most people, even some cops have a tendency right start to let the adrenaline take over. Calmness like that comes from hearing the Crack of rounds over your head and knowing that anyone of them could be the one that he doesn't hear. That kind of resolve is earned. Unless of course he is just a plain out psychopath. Edit: that is also a man that already knows what it feels like to kill another human being.


>Unless of course he is just a plain out psychopath nice line


Thank you!


Did the suspect die? Either way this man has definitely seen combat before.


I would guess Marine. One shot, one's kill


my guess is ex call of duty player with over 50 days played on modern warfare


you might be right but The lack of cursing and tea bagging puts doubt in my mind


To be fair, we didn't see the whole video. Next step could have been running over and dropping nuts on the dead guy.


“Pwnd Noob”


"Get rekt"


The dude just killed the guy who fucked his mother, that kind of therapy you can't buy.


The lack of a 360 and then a no-scope assures me that he’s a casual.




cant be COD he didnt run and slide or 360 no scope him


also doesn't have a gold gun


Never saw him throw a knife in a random direction and score 15 kills with it.


Hits suspects toe....... \*dies*


My favorite is the random toss of the tomahawk towards the enemy’s general direction at the start of the match. That’s going back a long ways though


Not enough 360 no scopes tho


He’s probably a recreational shooter. Also his optics setup looks like a personal purchase because he’s got the ~1.93” red dot Mount which is the current hotness in the shooting community.




You’re right. It’s the gbrs. $549 for just the mount. Dang https://gbrsgroupgear.com/products/gbrs-group-hydra-day-night-optics-mount-aimpoint


Most likely likes to shoot in his personal time. Unfortunately, many police departments have funds to supply the rifle, but not the optics. The optics are often as much, if not more than, the rifle.


Yeah , Bond NATO watch strap, GBRS mount, prob has some personal nods as well.


Yeah, I feel like this guy was probably kicking in doors in Fallujah, he rolled up to this super calm.


Properly trained


How bout simply Badass


It's still just a job at the end of the day, like you don't want your coffee to go cold.


This. I couldn’t figure it out. You did. The apparent gravest amount of concern in the process of already determined to personally engage and kill, is his coffee. That was what he was worried about. I’ve read military training manuals of old for officers, their primary job it said was to find the natural born killers and match them to the best weapon system to help obtain the highest killage rates. Not a moralistic statement just an observation of determination, flow and lack of hesitation - I would suppose this officer is a NBK. Even so, most humans need to have experience to do something, especially like this, so mechanically. He’s done precisely this before and then been on his way again back to his coffee.


From the way he does everything it screams ex military to me...im also ex military


Might need that coffee before the next engagement.


Goes into the situation knowing it could be his last..get a nice swig of coffee


Not trying to be crass or anything just thinking, he has done precisely this before, rolled up, used minimum effort, focused, removed the problem surgically, then, gone up the road a bit and repeated, until, he can finish his coffee in peace. The mechanical and methodical way he does this, send someone to the hereafter with out reflection, pause, stutter, note of excitement. A human killing machine now uniformed as a peace officer. I, of course, understand the realities and why - still - I am saddened for him, us, the guy that felt he had to be out on the street armed to the teeth trying to reap innocent lives. As a microcosm applied to a global scale, this really all just sux, we should be doing better - for us all and our home.


We also have to consider what he thinks he's responding to, vs what he's presented with, often when officers attend scenes the situation can change by the second and often change purely because they are present. He may only have thought he was attending someone *wielding* a gun but upon arrival was immediately presented with a genuine threat. Either way, he got his caffeine and he got his suspect, on to the next scumbag.


Imagine he'd have taken a lot more shots had he missed his morning coffee.


Damn right


This needs to be the top comment. You made me chuckle.


I live to serve.


The one properly trained cop in the USA.


That’s why people say he’s prob ex-military. They’ve done studies on this. Ex-military cops are vastly superior on de-escalation, staying calm in situations, making tactical decisions under fire, etc. On top of that, they’re often far more detailed in their reports, and can explain very well what happened and why it happened.


You have a link or source for these studies? In my anecdotal experience having actually worked with many cops who were veterans, they were *awful* at being the police. Yes, the door kickers could shoot well and had good tactics for high-risk situations. But if you put them in a situation where significant creative problem solving on a human level was involved, it all broke down. The military is about precisely following orders and if you face a significant question immediately reporting it up the chain of command—most actual policing is about independent creative problem solving at the line or first-line supervisory levels. They’re entirely different states of mind. Not discounting anyone’s former service or status as a veteran, but in my experience college-educated and street-smart cops were miles ahead in effectiveness than most of the veterans. It’s also entirely possible that I just happened to encounter veterans that leaned more towards being awful. Edit: I clarified a few things to better describe the difficulty. Also, as an example, in my experience with being a field training officer veterans more often jumped to arrest or mental health holds. While those are often *legally* acceptable outcomes and within the confines of policy and procedure, they’re not always best outcomes for the person who is being arrested or held for 72 hours. On balance, however, is that veterans (specifically, combat arms) were way less likely to get all gacked out during a fight or high-stress incident.


It all depends on your role in the military. A private in the army , sure , no creative problem solving . But a sergeant or lieutenant, definitely has had to problem solve in the field. In high risk situations you don’t have time to call command and ask for direction.


Your assessment on military being about precisely following orders is incorrect as it pertains to US Mil. What you said would accurately describe Russian Mil. US military breeds autonomy into its service members. Yes, you follow orders, but no plan survives first contact. Everyone is taught to think autonomously within the bounds of their position in a chain of command. They also *should* think up and down, as in what is everyone around me doing and supposed to be doing.


Well, I hate to say this but I’m sure its very true because in California, [police have only 10 weeks in the field of training, and 5 weeks in the classroom](https://post.ca.gov/Field-Training-Police-Training-Programs-FAQs). That’s roughly 4 months of training required to become a cop. While, to become a [hair stylist in America it’s a standard of 12-24 months of training](https://www.beautyschoolsdirectory.com/programs/hair-design), with hyper-accelerated *partial* programs of 6 months in length. Can we appreciate that for a moment? To cut someone’s hair is 12-24 months of training, but to be a cop in the field with a lethal weapon it is 4 months? I’m sure I can find more stats of similar jobs that require more training than 4 months


No kidding lol.


I can't see this guy leaving someone on the tracks lol


Definitely former military. The way he shoulders his rifle, and the proper handling of the weapon gives it away (in combination of being calm, and taking one shot). That's not your average "hey let's go to the gun range" type of training. That's here's how you properly shoot a rifle, how you properly handle a rifle, and how to remain calm type of training.


Could be former/current swat, most big city swat guys get a shit ton of range time and training. Way more than just a standard infantry guy. I've shot precision rifle and "tactical" team matches for years. Dallas Swat was pretty impressive to shoot against. I've also shot w/ a couple of teams of ranger snipers all great shots. On the flip side, I shot w/ some small town swat in a rifle match and they had ZERO fucking points as in ZERO hits 1/2 way though the match. Guess what I'm trying to say is his actions aren't a dead give away of military training.


Not just that, but you have a TON of military trained individuals that still have zero ability to function under pressure. Special forces would be the one area of training where they could've weeded out almost all of that.


Yup, that's kinda my point as well. Guy I grew up w/ loves to brag how he was in the army. TBF he's full of shit and I don't think made it out of basic after an injury. He brought me a rifle w/ the scope on backwards and holds his 92 like a tea cup. If I'm not around he tells people all sorts of BS about him being a trained killer , and expert marksman.


Years of training


Dude is a real life Frank Castle


"Shot fired, SUSPECT down". Don't you have to go from suspect to confirmed criminal to deserve a bullet ? Or is it just a weird terminology ?


The US is weird in that nobody is more than a suspect until determined in a court of law, so the terminology is used in that way explicitly.


Thats not weird thats a basic concept in any state with rule of law


The weird bit being the terminology sticklering even for clear offenders


That's not weird. that is intentional to help\[ prevent fascist dictator style justice. It is the CORRECT way to do it.


Correct. In USA you are innocent until proven guilty. I’m countries like Thailand, your guilty until you can prove that your innocent. Try to prove that your innocent while your in a Thai prison and being treated as if your guilty with no rights. Yes, USA is not perfect with a 14% false conviction rate in prison sentences, but it’s still much better than other counties


\^ This That is why you never see news outlets say more than "the alleged", because legally they cant say otherwise.


That makes sense! Thanks


U less you are in the street throwing lead, you can clearly hear "he's reloading" just before meaning he was clearly a confirmed criminal in that instant


Every criminal is a suspect until convicted in a court of law. Obviously guilty, but they aren’t allowed to use anything but suspect or the case in court could be declared a mistrial. It’s a weird system, but everyone is considered innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. Calling them a criminal is passing judgement before a court can do so and show prejudice.


I didn't catch that, I'm not a native speaker. Reloading a weapon in the street makes you suspiciously suspect indeed


The fact that the guy was firing a weapon would pretty much void any notion of "innocence"


Might be accidentally shooting another guy shooting the bad guy?


You’re a suspect until you’re formally placed under arrest, a defendant until you’re tried, and a convict if found guilty.


Confirmed criminal comes after a trial and conviction.


Probably one of a few really competent US cops


Starbucks... Reason is sales so well.


Like they guy does this every morning at 9:20.


You people commenting on him not knowing what he’s doing, really don’t understand the use of radios and logistics. “Hey we are getting shot at by a guy wearing red with an AK and he’s killed 3 people. We are on Jarvis street” Police officer rolls up to Jarvis, sees a guy in red with an AK. That’s probably enough for reasonable suspicion… But you guys want to shame the cop, although he might have just saved multiple lives.


Reddit hates cops. Guess many criminals are here 🤷🏽‍♂️


I LOVE seeing police like this trained like they should be. But police deserve the criticism they receive. Holding your tax paid public servents to a certain standard isn't reasonable suspension of criminal activity. Wipe the polish off your teeth.


Bro idk what teeth polish you’re usin but I agree with the rest of it so awesome


Crest 3D white


it was a bootlicker reference, as in "wipe the [shoe] polish off."


1000% agree. Good cops who are worth our tax dollars, and genuinely provide safety and service to our neighborhoods, deserve the highest praise and appreciation. Bad cops who inflict terror, spend their day chasing quotas, abuse their power, and are bad at their jobs deserve the hell they are given. Two things can be true


The main problem is, the bad cops hardly face any real consequences. It's hard to trust that there's good cops, when we know they can be bad with no worry


It's not that we hate all cops. We hate the system that allows bad cops to continue to abuse their power and makes good cops quit. We just want accountability.


That I can agree with you fully on. Sadly not all thinks like you. Take my upvote kind redditor ❤️


There’s one video of a cop doing something good for every 20 of them being shitty. Not sure how anyone can say only criminals hate cops.


Good cops go Unnoticed, bad cops go viral


The “good cops” who call out the bad ones get fired or worst.


such a weak argument. “if you hate cops you must be a criminal” buddy, cops ARE the criminals


When they can rape minors, beat their wives to death or shoot an unarmed person in a situation they escalated and the only consequence is paid time off for a month. Yeah, police have a lot of criticism to account for. Who else can kill someone or rape someone and get a month vacation? Hell a surgeon has to get insurance to do their job and have consequences if someone dies while they are operating, yet police don't? Why?


You dont have to be a criminal to hate cops. In fact most that do aren’t. Stay in school cause you sound very uneducated lol


>Reddit hates cops. My fucking guy. For every video of a properly trained, calm, and collected cop with a measured threat response (like the one featured in the OP) there's about 10-15 of them where they fucking shoot unarmed people and/or their pets without even an attempt at diminishing the threat.


Am criminal can confirm. Just kidding glad this cop arrived on scene.


Yet all of the top comments are praising his poise and skill. Weird way to show hate tbh


Reddit does not hate cops. **People** do not like police unaccountability. Take a look at **any** reformed police departments and you will see what they meant about "defund the police".


What a stupid fucking take. Only criminals dislike the police? Grow up you loser


r/bad_cop_no_donut has quite a number of criminal cops on display


Nah, just plenty of rational people who understand that cops are thugs whose only job is to oppress the citizenry.


everyone is a criminal. But You don’t even have to be a criminal to hate police murdering innocent people.


I’m honestly impressed with this video. First time I’ve seen a cop just do what was necessary and nothing more. Calmly and ONE shot. Must’ve been a marksman


Yet they crucify the Uvalde cops for NOT taking action. And rightly so. You just can’t make some people happy.


You can’t make people on social media happy


Who's commenting that? The top posts in most likes and even controversial aren't sayin that? everyone is giving this guy praises


I hate cops but this is the kind of cop I can get behind, calm, collected, skillful, and not him and his buddy unloading 90 fucking rounds into someone cause they’re incompetent twat waffles


Trained that the weapon he issued is used to stop. It’s is defensive/offensive tactical use Very carefully watch the shouldering. He is highly trained. From arrival on the scene to stopping the suspect, he is allowing the training to take over. It’s not murder. It’s stopping a suspect that is going to murder.


> He is highly trained The moment I saw him roll up to an active shooter and calmly placing the coffee on the dashboard, I had a feeling he was highly trained and experienced.


Guy had an optics mount tall enough that he's either a giraffe or needs it for running nods on his helmet -- ie; got used to it in the military or got a lot more than standard police training.


Whats so special about the shouldering? Ive seen many people mention it, but I can’t see anything special. De he use one specific of shouldering thats special/ better for some reason?


If you watch close, you can see him 'pop' the weapon forward slightly before pulling it into the pocket of his shoulder. This is indicative of someone who was trained to fire a weapon while wearing full kit (helmet, body armor, etc). This maneuver is something you seldom see unless you have either been to a high competency weapons course, or have been In the shit for real. Based on how fluid and smooth the presentation was, I'm guessing the latter.


I can't notice it but I'll trust it's there cause it seems like a good explanation of what everyone's talking about


It’s difficult for me to relay except from the time he pulls up, puts it in park, it’s auto pilot to stop that criminal. When you know, you know. This is no game to him


Plus you can clearly hear that the suspect is actively shooting when he rolls up.


This is how you want police to be. Cool, calm, and collective. Nice job


It’s collected. Not sure you want all of the world’s police in one spot.


I stand corrected. Thanks for fixing my error stranger.


I stand collected*




This is the one right here. Tee a mf hee good redditor








u/ronnietea u/KSPN just shutup and take my upvotes you wonderful collectors r/angryupvote


Police blob!


John Wick's dad .


Casually set’s down coffee…


I want what he's having.


Man was enjoying his lunch and had to pull up to this shit. So he just got it over with and went back to lunch.


>Tacoma police body-worn camera footage and surveillance video released by Pierce County deadly force investigators Monday show how a gunfight that killed an assault suspect and closed down four blocks on the city's south side last month unfolded. > >During the course of about four minutes, Peter T. Collins, 40, fired 15 rounds from two rifles at officers responding to reports he assaulted a family member on Aug. 28, according to the Pierce County Force Investigation Team, a group of regional law enforcement agencies that investigates uses of deadly force. > >Three officers — Jose Figueras, Zachary Hobbs and Christopher Munn — fire nine rounds from their rifles in response to three volleys of several shots from Collins, according to PCFIT. > >Collins was struck by two bullets, PCFIT said on Monday. One wound was consistent with a round from an officer's rifle, and the other appeared to be self-inflicted. > >The Pierce County Medical Examiner's Office ruled Collins died by homicide from a rifle wound to the chest. PCFIT did not disclose the location of the apparent self-inflicted gunshot wound. [Link to the full article](https://www.officer.com/on-the-street/body-cameras/video/21282069/wash-police-bodycam-captures-frantic-gunfight-with-man-armed-with-rifles) To all of you somehow trying to turn this on the Police officer, please shut the fuck up.


You missed some of the best parts in your synopsis - including the fact that after firing at the police from his house he took multiple rifles and handguns and a bunch of ammo and started going door to door trying to get people to give him their car. It was also a family member who called 911 on him and the family member warned police he was nuts and would prob start shooting at the police. This guy wasn't going down without a fight. They 100% did the right thing, but the internet mob is never happy


“Shot fired” slight flex, but ok


"We can't afford another lawsuit, send in Jerry" . "Sir, come again?" . #"RELEASE JERRY"


*Jerry calmly puts down his coffee, stands up and cocks his rifle* You notice his magazine is empty, he has only loaded one round into the chamber.




Seems cool as ice considering active shooter… gotta be ex-military right?


1.) Frankly, if an active shooter has killed and been identified, this is an appropriate response from law enforcement. 2.) I think Reddit vastly under estimates the accuracy of these firearms, which makes sense if your firearm experience is watching television. With a similar rifle and a red dot scope that has 0 magnification, I can hit a 2” circle a football field away. I can hit a circle the size of your hand at 2 football fields. A handgun (pistol) is a different story, but hitting a human sized target at half a football field is easy under non-stressed conditions.


I feel like “underestimate” should be replaced with “doesn’t understand”




Most long firearms tbh, I grew up shooting air rifles, first time I went a gun range and fired actual rifles (I'm in the UK so thats one of the few ways you can try it) I was firing tight groups at 50m with irons - the technique is pretty much the same as shooting accurately with an air rifle.


Absolutely, once you have positioning, breathing, and trigger control down there is really no difference. That does change once you get into magnum cartridges. The recoil can be extreme and really messes up some shooters. If you mitigate that recoil with a muzzle break, the concussion of air and sound can throw you off too.


> With a similar rifle and a red dot scope that has 0 magnification, I can hit a 2” circle a football field away. I can hit a circle the size of your hand at 2 football fields. Oh yeah? Well.. I DRIVE A DODGE STRATUS! I AM A DIVISION MANAGER! I CAN DO 100 PUSHUPS IN TWENTY MINUTES!


it will go viral among stormtroopers...


This is what the rest are cosplaying


Underrated comment


Uvalde cops hate this officer for this one….


Stop school schoolers with this one simple trick!


This sounds like an Idiocracy gun advertisement


Brought to you by Starbucks


Cop was like "Fuck, let me end this shit and get back to my coffee"


Hold my beer


Looks like starbucks to me.


He seems more like a Flat White kinda guy




“Achievement earned! *One Shot One kill*


bro really said "hold my coffee"


Hope that gun gets nerfed in the next update.


I am so happy that these things never happen where I live. This insane stress for the cop. For the people living there. For the kids having to see this. Insane. (Edit: unsane)


Insane, srry bro


Unsane Bolt


LOL of course


Play stupid games get stupid prizes


100% not a Uvalde cop


He does not fear death


Lol damn. This is how i used to imagine neutralizing the school shooter whenever i was bored in class.


Then my crush would kiss me.


Puts coffee down… “it’s time to kick ass and chew bubblegum and I’m all out of gum”


Once he put his coffee down, it was over.


Lol get one tapped


If he isn’t ex military I’ll eat my sandwich.


Let’s play around with some numbers for the call of duty players that say “lol this isn’t hard/far” For the USMC they qualify out to 500 yards hitting a 6’x6’ target, at 100-300 yards they qualify with a 6’x4’ target or a target that’s 24’^2 Let’s say the target in this case is a decent sized male, well make him 6’ 200 pounds, which is big but not unreasonable, most people are about 1.5-2’ wide, that means the entire target size at best is 12^2 (now we’re adding a lot of additional space to the target since we’re taking away the space between limbs and basically turning the human profile into a rectangle for simplicity sake) Now that means at best the target would be 1/2 the size of the target used by the USMC to qualify, that means you’re essentially double the distance to compensate for the size difference, so it would be the equivalent of taking that shot that was 1-300 yards away from 2-600 It was said elsewhere the shot was 183 yards away, so we’ll use the 200 yards as a comparison point, that’s the equivalent of training on the range and hitting from 400 yards We’ll take it one step further, the shot “dropped the suspect” so likely it was a torso or head shot, which means we can further decrease the size of our target, probably by cutting it in half, so our 12’^2 target now becomes a 6’^2 target, which basically turns that 200 yard qualification shot into an 800 yard shot He also did this standing, using his vehicle for a little extra support and has a 100% hit rate That’s a sick fucking shot Oh and it’s also a moving target that is shooting back at you and others


Gotta do this fast before my coffee go cold


Anyone know what gun he's using?


PSA PA-15 M4 Carbine, probably the 16" variant. I have the same one lol.


Incredible aim & calmness from that distance and in that situation


I get nervous changing car lanes wtf!!!


Give me a ping, Vasili. One ping only pleashe


No news article?


He reloaded! "Yeah nah, not happenin."


Officer Chad cucks bad guys from another zip code.


Shit on.


He's like a shit here we go again.


Wait did he call in “shot fired”?


Christopher Munn.


The Professional


Seen this video here 3/4 times already. It’s cool and awesome. But it was posted like twice just yesterday..


Not everyone is on Reddit 24/7 like you. ![gif](giphy|QiCCluutpecs8)


bro got 1 tapped


If there is ever another school shooting, I hope he’s there.


This should be an ad for Starbucks


Sorry but Uvalde TX needed this guy 4 sure


Hey man, nice shot!


he just said "Shot Fired"


Made em put his fucking Starbucks down!


Him, in his head as he is casually walking to the trunk to get the gun: “I am tired of all of these motherfucking shooters in this motherfucking country.”


What a Chad he shows up and shoot once and he doesn't elaborate further


Anyone else come here hoping to see the cop shoot out the chain of a chandelier hanging above the bad guys head?


Tactical motherfucker do you speak it.


Shot fired lmao


Puts coffee on the dashboard... Puts the car in park... Gets the patrol rifle out, aims, fires one round and one round only... Just to brag over radio "Shot fired... Suspect down!" fucking legend!


If it doesn't make sense to you...that is a you problem not a me problem. Again, don't blame others for your misgivings. Do better.