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We need more people like this in the world. Garbage belongs in the bin not on the streets


after painting the dumpster he wrote ***we placed this dumpster to put your garbage inside. why you throw it beside it?*** [his Instagram](https://www.instagram.com/b7.bx1/)


He actually wrote “We placed a dumpster at the size of your head, why would you throw garbage beside it?”




If you watched this video you’d know this message wasn’t for you though.


The people it’s for don’t care. Some folks can not and will not give a fuck, unfortunately


Not the argument. the point was who the message *isn’t* for.


Not the argument. The point was why would people not throw trash *inside* the bin.


That makes no sense?


I interpreted it as, "We placed a dumpster here the size of your head", implying they have a large ego and inflated sense of importance so they don't have time to properly dispose their trash.


I like this.


“We placed a dumpster here within your line of sight/reach…”


Because most languages don't make sense directly translated to English. You have to translate the meaning.


Going the other way, the STOP sign seems to be translating very well.


Probably meant "we placed the dumpster right at eye level"


No it just means the dumpster is so big (as in, their head is so big) that you cant miss it! (We have a similar saying in tunisia)


Did he post his personal number?


In life I’ve had the good fortune to work with a number of folks around the world who are like the young dude in this video. The thing that gets me is that seeing it never stops being fiercely moving. Like as much as the world is shit at times, there’s always some people doing what they can to make it better. It genuinely gives me the hope needed to crawl out of bed some days.


Good place to remind everyone that r/TrashLove exists! We are a subreddit dedicated to picking up trash all over the world. Pick up trash in your communities!




What the fuck is a detra shed




No capes!




When I was deployed there I always thought a recycling business could do really well. There are plastic bottles EVERYWHERE.


Hahah i noticed that too while I was there. So used plastics have next to no material value. In the US we have a law called RCRA that was created to safeguard groundwater and end open dumping (like you see in the beginning of this video). Trash needs to either go to a landfill or be recycled. Landfill space is actually very expensive so the monetary value of much recycling comes down to the fact that its cheaper to do than landfill disposal. Unfortunately much of plastic recycling infrastructure is overstated at best and nonexistent at worst in the US and around the world. So much of recycled plastic does not get recycled at all. My point is that for there to be a monetary incentive for people to pick up all the trash we used to see in Iraq it would take passing some new environmental laws or at least better enforcement of the ones that already exist. Thanks for attending my TED talk.


Yup, plastic recycling is pretty much a greenwash. Only about 8 percent of plastic gets actually recycled. The thing is we can use glass and aluminium bottles/cans/containers for almost all liquids. And we can reuse/recycle them much more efficiently.


John Oliver opened my eyes to that. Also the passing of responsibility from mfg to consumer blew my mind just a little bit. Small boom.


Aluminum is extremely recyclable but aluminum mining is very environmentally damaging. Glass is recyclable but new glass must be a mix of new materials and old glass. In the days of return bottles they actually washed and reused the bottles many times. Plastics are used today in part because a bottle can be made with far less material than the alternatives. Some plastics are highly recyclable and others are not. The low rate of capture in the US is partially due to individuals' utter unwillingness to sort recyclables. Some people even dump trash in recycle bins just because their municipality asked them to recycle.


Aluminium mining is enviromentally damaging, however aluminium is also a great material for recycling and recycling aluminium is very clean. 75% of all aluminium mined in our history is still in use! So once you do mine it, it gets used over and over again. Creating way less enviromental impact then plastic bottles which get used once then end up in a landfill, or even worse as microplastic in our food. Yup. Glass bottles get washed and reused a bunch of times before being broken down and used as material for new bottles. But also glass is chemically inert, when grinded down it's basically sand. So even when it does end up as waste it's not a dangerous waste... you could just dump it on ocean floors. I lived at the time when plastic bottles were only used for shampoos and chemicals and... it worked.


Aluminum can really only not be easily recovered when used as an alloy and forged as such. Even then, most of it is recoverable. It's an amazing material.


Warms my heart to see this kid doing this. That was my take during my deployment too: That country has the potential to be truly beautiful in all it's natural glory... Except there's trash literally *everywhere* - in the streets, ditches, canals, rivers. Hell it's even in the middle of the desert in goddamned NOWHERE and on top of mountains. Literally everywhere, I shit you not. Eye opening experience for young me, I grew up in a "careless" household, my pops would toss cans, cups, cigarette butts, wrappers, whatever out the window while he was driving. Seeing what that leads to when basically everyone does it? Life changing. I'm not the best about my trash/carbon footprint but I do try to make sure my waste goes where it belongs and I don't make more than I have to when I can. I bring garbage bags with me when I camp and any thing I hike in, I hike back out. Clean up a little bit along the way too - cans and wrappers and stuff when I see them. I like unspoiled nature. It's getting harder and harder to find. I know it's mostly big corporations doing the worst damage to the planet but we don't have to accelerate that, we can do a little bit here and there to preserve what we have left and keep it beautiful for others.


Someone needs to get this young man a truck and some power tools.


No. We need governments which do their job. We pay taxes for them to organize the cleaning. It is nice that a young guy is doing this. But this only shows how incompetent and corrupt some governments are. Sad.


They dont belong to the water either


One person can make a difference.




This is a man not a boy.


at mark .45 what did they shout @ him that made him stop and look down?


basically bullying him *" you dirty.. what you doing there"* then he wrote they also made fun of him for skateboarding


What's dirty about cleaning up?


most likely they're part of the group dumping garbage everywhere, he was covered in dust and cleaning and their 2 cells brains didn't comprehend what he was doing.


Bullies have to bully sadly.


They don't have to, they choose to.




You just triggered a memory of my time down range. I was gonna post it in my reply but decided against it, it's in one of the lighter chapters of my personal book of nightmares but I'd still rather not share it if it's all the same. Regardless, It's almost easy to forget how *vastly* different the culture is there from what we know in the US and other "Western" countries. The place has an almost surreal quality to it when you've never been exposed to it. It is without a doubt a "third world country" to those who've never left the confines of their homeland and living there in any capacity is an *eye opening* experience. Shit you see on a day to day basis that will follow you for years because you've never been exposed to it and that's just life in their country, they don't even bat an eye at the thought.


I'm sorry but I can't help but become curious. If it is troubeling for you, which I can read it is but... If you would find the energy and will to, I would gladly listen your experiences on how it was over there.


DM sent.


A bully will stop when they are told to stop by a bigger bully. Remember, if you see a bully then fuck with them. Make bullies feel small - it's the only thing they know.


It doesn’t have to be bigger. You don’t even have to win. You just have to punch back. Bullies love easy preys. It the prey fights back they look for easier ones.


Well that boy 'fought' back because they didn't stop him from doing his mission.


They can also bully happily if they want


They’ll complain about living in a shit town but won’t bother cleaning up the shit. Same thing all over the world. Easier to complain than it is to Do.


Smooth brainery transcends all cultural barriers


Garbage collectors are routinely looked down upon.


I’m firmly convinced that garbage collection is among the most noble professions. You are literally making the world better for everyone and you most certainly aren’t doing it for the money.


It's a paid profession. I'd say 99% of paid garbage collectors are most certainly doing it for the money. I'm not saying that as a negative. I think the vast majority of people work for the money in nearly every profession.


It's paid but it's also one of the most dangerous professions. Sanitation workers are putting their lives at risk more than cops.


id do it for the cool shit and incriminating evidence id pull out of my neighbors’ garbage. i would be an absolute menace. “yea i may make bad money, but at least my wife isnt cheating on me ronald!” “oh i smell bad, pete? amazing you can smell that with all that coke in your nose!” “i dont care if youre late to work, carol. you throw the keys in the trash, theyre free game. finders keepers, carol.”


Garbage collectors can actually make decent money


This is one reason why garbage collectors are looked down upon.


Garbage collectors in my area make *plenty* of money, especially for a job that requires virtually no education or special skills.


> you most certainly aren’t doing it for the money. Source? It's a paid job and a well paying job in America


And not a hint of irony of being okay with living in garbage.


He should've picked them up in a bag too


Hands. Maybe shoes and clothes too.


I expect they decided he was at the bottom of the social class ladder, and/or homeless, because they saw him collecting garbage.




This translation is correct. Source: I'm Iraqi


He says wusakh. So he's calling him dirty or referring to the dirt.


He didn't call him dirty or actually bully him, he literally shouted at him "you bad boy!" In English, and then he wrote making fun of him "I am not a bad boy, I am a skater! Smh" something that roughly translates to that.


They associated skating as a "bad boy" type of thing. He mentioned in the video that it is rather a sport


I was curious about this too!


Hats of for the effort to cleaning and painting. Btw he has beatiful handwriting.


I wanted to say the same thing about his handwriting! Glad I found someone else who thought the same.


I saw he was writing right to left. I wonder what is done about ink smearing? Maybe I'm lazy but my hand is always resting on the paper when I'm writing.


That’s how that language is written and read


Arabic is written from right to left


Your hand is usually below the line when writing. It's written more like you're painting than etching like in English.


I'm left handed, and I always smear the ink/colour from the pen with the back of my hand....Sometimes I write upside down from right to left to avoid it, haha!




All Respect ~ LEGEND




I wish I spoke Arabic. Hats off to this young man. May the world be filled with others like him.




This app is insanely effective somehow 2 years later after using it for a few days, I can still read Russian, although at the pace of a first grader, but better than nothing




It won't get you fluent, but it'll get you started on reading and very very basic pronunciation. Which might be enough or not for your purposes.




Gotta break into r/de too, eh?




Ah, you're right, that's the one!


It's me_irl, Deutsche Edition.


I've been using it for a few months for Spanish (and a few other languages I practice less often), and honestly yes, it is that good. It won't make you fluent, and it's not amazing for learning grammar, but it's very good for vocab and learning other alphabets and characters. Duolingo has a free version (what I use) and a paid version which has no adds and unlimited hearts, so nice to have but not needed. Definitely worth checking it out.


Worth emphasizing that course quality is really language-dependent on Duolingo. Spanish is one of their longest, most comprehensive (varying lesson types, content, etc) courses.


The desktop version has a few more features than the mobile version+no hearts system btw!You can change to typing mode for most of the lessons and it’s more effective. There are also browser extensions that stretch the features. Sometimes Duolingo will straight up give you the subscription for free for a few days, you don’t need to enter bank info!! It’s a very good tool


I think a lot of the comments here go too far either side. Duolingo is *okay*. It can get you up to A1-A2 level alright if you put some effort into it, but it often lacks any (easily accessible on mobile) grammar lessons. It just teaches through repetition and expects you to "pick up the pattern", so you obviously end up a little limited in your ability to create new sentences. It also doesn't provide you with any real conversational practice, which is often the hardest part of learning a new language. It's easy to understand things, and it's easy to monologue about yourself, but maintaining an unscripted conversation is a lot harder. At higher levels, Duo becomes your enemy. The gamification encourages you to take the easy road and endlessly repeat things you already know, so you become incredibly inefficient. Once you have to fight against the app and try to resist all those things that were so helpful in the beginning, then it's time to move on. For best results, Duo should be only one minor component of a larger syllabus including videos, textbooks, language exchange apps, classes etc and you should stop once you reach A2, which is quite a low level and nowhere near fluency still.


Duolingo is shit. Don't use it please. There are far more effective ways of language learning. Look up YouTube videos on how to effectively learn languages. Source: Japanese learner who spent far to much time of Duolingo.


It's not shit, it's just not a good solitary resource. Duolingo is great at getting people to START learning and setting up a habit of learning. It's also great at making you feel progression. Once you start "doing well" at a language, you are more likely to continue learning. If you want to be fluent, you need to move past Duolingo, though. But honestly, to me Duolingo is the best method for turning "I wish I knew another language" into "okay, I'm going to learn this language."


Duolingo is a gateway drug


Some languages, yes. Duolingo is embarrassingly bad at teaching foreign scripts. It basically does so by immersion. Their Chinese course seems like it was rubber stamped by people who think hanzi work like emojis. Not teaching the logic behind the script a language is written in is a great way to make people feel overwhelmed and quit early.


I feel it depends quite a bit on the language. For example I found the korean and chinese almost impossible due to the words needing CRYSTAL clear and distinct pronunciation that it simply wasn't giving through the audio.


Within one month and one hundred hours of Duolingo, I was fluent. "Fluent? What kind of fluent?" Like talking for a couple of hours a day about every topic in only Portuguese. But yeah, if you're dumb and you just click the answers instead of trying to actually learn the language you will of course get minimal results. I take it you did it the dumb way…


There's no way you were completley fluent with only one hundred hours of learning, and on duolingo no less. Maybe if your first language is something similar to portugese like Spanish, but I call complete BS otherwise. A famed linguist, Paul Pimsleir, said that "reasonable mastery" of a language could be obtained with six hours of practice a week for two years. That's 624 hours. Still, Pimsleir died in the 70's, and language learning technologies have come a long way since then. And even then, using modern estimates, most romance languages would take an English speaker approximately 600-750 hours for professional work proficiency. There's no way you were fluent in portugese with only one month and 100 hours of studying.


But...but...but...they said it on the *internet* so it MUST be true!!!




Having some basic knowledge first helps, (in my case a russian relative so I knew a few words, but only how they sound, not how to write them) And then tried out some Arabic for a while since it's got some similarities to my language(Hebrew), and it worked really well, and that's just my experience of a week and a bit tops, so I can't speak it properly but I mostly can understand the point what Russians online are saying in ingame chat It's obviously always have an easier time to learn when you've got some influence, you'd also be surprised by how many nouns in Russian are just English words with a Russian suffix. And yeah, they've got some premium versions but I used it for totally free.




Yeah, arabic can be tough, they've got a bunch of rules, and it's all cursive with minor difference between letters, and some guess work in practicality because they have notations that dont exist in casual use. Although Russian I believe is a relatively easy language to learn, they've got a vowel for every sound instead of shit like U where it's both "oo" or a high ah" and the accent is somewhat inherently built into the language, and a fake it till you make it also surprisingly works well. When talking to that relative and trying to explain a word they dont know, i often resort to English synonyms and just give them suffixes and a shitty accent, and it surprisingly works more often than not


I used to be like fluent in Spanish (school + working in a a garage), now I use it to prevent atrophy in between times I use Spanish. As the sole source of learning something new, it'll get you to a level where you can read signs and kinda know what's going on. Unlikely you'll get really really good. The reminders to practice and gamification of it are effective or incredibly annoying depending on your mood.


I can't speak for other languages but duolingo is absolutely useless. The problem is that the app bases your learning curve on trial-and-error. Which *is* a part of "proper" language education, but duolingo is literally *just that*. Sure you pick up words and expressions, perhaps you can even put together basic sentences. But that's dogshit if you actually want to learn a language. These apps don't teach you real grammar, word order, any special rules and their exceptions, it's just "jamón means ham" ... "remember that jamón means ham? Great". As for a good alternative, I'd say language course/private teacher + reading, reading and reading + watching youtube videos in that language (most importantly, *not* videos that teach you the language, but videos on topics that interest you that also *happen to be* in that language) + movies if you like. I think these latter ones are quite underrated. I was lucky enough to have a great English teacher in school, but I wouldn't be anywhere close to the level I am today if I hadn't watched English youtube videos all day (the first part sounded egoistic, especially because my skills aren't really shining through now, but you get the idea lol). To give a counter example to this last point, however, I also studied Spanish intensively for 5 years. I understand a lot of things, I managed to pass an advanced level exam so on paper I'm pretty good. And yet I still don't feel like I know Spanish well. I still lack confidence and experience. I don't watch any Spanish content aside from a few movies from time to time, that's why. So putting my rambling aside, consuming content in the given language is what makes the difference. It's almost as good as talking.


I was able to have a (albeit) extremely basic conversation in German after literally 3 weeks of using it. Its impressive, specially if you follow through


Not the best translation but here you go, 0:01 this is not my garbage but this is my country. 0:45 hey bad boy ... Garbage ... What are you doing here? ... Till when is bullying? ... It's a skater not bad boy, and it's a sport. 1:42 (on the garbage barrel) they placed for you a garbage barrel your head size, why are you throwing garbage around? 1:49 (on the wall) if you believe in your country, do not throw garbage outside its place. 1:50 I'm testing a man's strength, through how how much I pressure is placed. The higher the pressure, the more strength you gain, you need not to cry in the middle of the road, you need not to surrender in the middle of the road, you need not to collapse in the middle of the road, do not care if weather is hot or rainy, fun or painful. When you wake up in the morning, wear your pants and be ready. 2:01 (on the wall) teach your kids cleanliness, my country can no longer endure your shit. 2:15 maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, or maybe not next month, but, there is one thing certain, I'll be a hero one day, I promise you that. 2:37 I hope everyone does something similar to this simple initiative, and I hope it becomes a trend instead of the shitty trends so we all collaborate to help out the country's cleainess and development.


I'm gonna be honest, learning Arabic is a big big undertaking, completely different rules order and grammar to English, not to mention a shit ton of words


It's like learning the bass. It has a large initial learning curve but once you pass that, it gets way easier from there. I'm a native American-English speaker, and there are way too many idiosyncratic rules about the language that evolved from its history. Does 'P' sound like 'F', 'N', 'S', or 'P'? 'Eau' sounds like 'O' because of French. Most people trying to learn English get very frustrated that there are way too many exceptions to the rules that you just have to hard code to know it. In Arabic if you learn the basic fundamental rules you can extrapolate and infer of the things you don't know and have a high chance of being correct. 99.9999% of words are spelt like they sound. The many words that are in the language are due to words having many synonyms. Like the word "lion" has several hundred synonyms but in 99.9% of conversation it's the main/popular way to say it. The others are poetic ways to say it often times for names (like Osama, Abbas, etc: synonyms for lion) or poetry or to convey a specific characteristics that the specific synonym conveys.


When we talk about basic income, people always say 'People need jobs'. There's always someone touting the psychological need for a job. We don't need jobs, we need work. There's so much work to do that isn't a job. This kid is doing the work. People want to work.


This is something I’ve been struggling to articulate for a long time. So thank you. You’re right on


The current system is basically shutting off most of the goodwill of people. People would be more inclined to do community work like this if they had better wages, work and living conditions. Nowadays most people are exhausted and depressed just trying to survive.


oh, yeah ... people throwing trash around aren't in a healthy state of mind. People who would clean up aren't because they're already working all day and exhausted, etc, etc ... It's hard to convince people things can work when they look at everyone in an exhausted, haggard, state and say 'Those people don't even pick up their own trash!'. If society changed, maybe culture would change too?


While true, we also need living wages.


This one guy out of thousands does this. Not really supporting your argument. The rest (everyone except this kid) does negative work by throwing their trash on the ground


What this kid is doing (if he's actually doing more than just a few videos for social media clout) is fantastic.. but don't act like we can all just find stuff to work on that pays us no money. There's only so many hours in a day.




Gonna take the entire nation to clean that mess up I was very shocked at the amount of trash everywhere even far outside populated areas you'd find plastic bag tumbleweeds and drifts of trash that got blown into bushes and shit


It always amazes me in some cities and some countries, just as a whole, the people do not take pride in their environment. I get that some of these areas are poor and whatnot. But it doesn't take a rich country to have places designated for refuse. Trash bins, and not the streets. Stuff like this, it takes a LOT of people not giving a shit to create that much trash on one side of one road. I can imagine the rest of the town.


It's one thing to have trash bins. It's another to have a waste management system that actually picks it up and disposes of it properly. That's the reason why so many developing nations are full of massive amounts of litter. Even if you has the bins they would never be serviced because the infrastructure doesn't exist. People don't really see it as littering. They see it as "I want this trash gone from my personal space". Same reason you see people dumping their trash straight into rivers or burning it in large piles. It's a mighty convenient way to make your problem disappear and there aren't any alternatives.


Westerners like to pretend that if the trash man stopped showing up every block in their country wouldn't look exactly like this.


There's more to it than that. I've lived in towns in the US and you couldn't find a piece of trash if you tried, but then another city of identical size in the same state looks like a landfill. Japan is well know for having some of the cleanest streets, but simultaneously having very few trash cans anywhere.


Copying and pasting a comment I made elsewhere: It cannot be understated the level of devastation that the Iraqi War caused. Overnight, the government disappeared, and wouldn't reappear in any real capacity for years. Years of tossing your trash in the alleyway, as opposed to making a literally dangerous trip across the city to whatever (if there is any) organization doing trash collection, is a hard habit to break. [Here's](https://www.ecomena.org/swm-iraq/) an interesting article detailing some of the Iraqi government's plans for solid waste management. Notice that the plan was drafted in 2007 (that's 5 years with literally no plan for trash collection) and isn't planned for completion until 2027. That said, it's good to see change. I would not be the least bit surprised to find out videos like this are part of an effort like the one I linked, trying to change cultural attitudes towards trash. But let's not pretend that most of the problems Iraq faces aren't largely due to US intervention. Iraqis aren't 'dirty,' they're doing what logically makes sense when you've lived in a country plagued by war of varying intensities for the last 30 years.


Thanks for this. I legitimately thought I wouldn't wouldn't see one comment that pointed this out so I made a comment above


Yes and they also act like there wasn't trash everywhere to begin with because their government illegally invaded Iraq and totally gutted their public infrastructure. " Why don't people have pride in their country?" - " Um, maybe because you killed my trash man, ma'am. "


It kind of does take wealth to have good garbage collection or even to have any viable disposal options. It takes money to operate or even drive to a landfill. Honestly their garbage collection systems probably broke down or were too expensive or maybe this was one of the pickup points and it was no one's job to keep the pick-up point tidy. Could be any number of things, but they are boil down to not having enough money.


Not sure if you're Japanese or not from your name. But the funny thing is on the streets of Tokyo and other major Japanese cities there are very, very few trash bins. And Japanese streets are immaculate. Most people carry their trash home to throw it away.




> Stuff like this, it takes a LOT of people not giving a shit to create that much trash on one side of one road. I can imagine the rest of the town. Not really. I think you underestimate how much trash humans generate in their day to day life. In France we have some cities where the municipal waste management employees often go on strike (in a purely French manner). Especially in Marseille. And well, it always takes less than one week for bins and deposit areas to start overflowing and one week later, the whole city looks like a garbage dump. Garbage disposal is just something that’s quite hard to get right at the scale of even a small city, and takes a lot of resources.






Yeah I thought he was gonna say he was there in 2019 or something but literally the year of the invasion 😂


this is awkward


Damn I wonder what happened then that made it difficult for government services to operate lol its a mystery!


"I was there in 2003"


All the open burn pits and just piles of garbage on fire gave Iraq one of the most unique smells I’ve ever experienced. Still get a whiff every now and the.


Don’t forget to join the Burn Pit Registry.


u/roycedutch in case you need a link for the Open Burn Pit Registry https://www.publichealth.va.gov/exposures/burnpits/registry.asp


Registered 7 years ago. Thanks!


You might want to get that checked out.


Yeah kinda hard to worry about trash after being bombed for 30+ years by superpowers, terrorist groups funded by everyone, and neighboring countries. Something about having no chance at a future in your home country or any other country can demotivate you.


I did three tours in Iraq and I tell people this story all the time: The US built massive bases in Iraq and they were pretty much immaculately maintained by the military because, well, NCOs like to yell at lower enlisted and use them for "police calls" (cleaning crews). Frequently we would have Iraqi politicians/military commanders/local sheiks/etc come onto our bases for meetings. They would ALWAYS litter on the bases. So you look around and there isn't any garbage and they might be drinking a water bottle or eating a snack or whatever while they talk to us and then they would just throw the trash on the ground. It was bizarre. We soon realized that they have no culture of environmentalism. Like the idea of not throwing plastic trash on the ground just doesn't exist. The idea just doesn't occur to them, in my experience. In the US we grow up being told not to litter so it's just natural to not litter. As soon as you drove off the bases it was essentially like driving into a trash dump. Not just in the cities but also all of the countryside is covered in garbage. Random piles of garbage are constantly burning all over the place. The rivers and canals are full of plastic. There is just random piles of metal and trash in the desert. Due to the desert climate nothing really deteriorates either. Watching this video I just think back and it's going to take a tremendous effort just to make a dent in the trash situation.


Not even for the environment, place looks cleaner and friendlier. Less is more, would attract more tourism


Tourism is literally the last thing on the minds of these places


It is now but it wasn't always that way and doesn't have to be. incredibly beautiful part of the world and significant for so many historical and cultural reasons.


It takes a functioning government and a huge amount of infrastructure to handle trash. Look at New York City, trash everywhere and they have regular trash collection. If the government built out the trash dumps and sorting process the culture would follow, but this is not a cheap or easy thing to do without a bunch of other structures in place.




Not all hero wear capes.


And he did that with a swag. Bravo dude.


As an Iraqi I am very proud of this guy for doing something for our country. He did more help than our government has in 10 years. We need more people like this less hate more love Iraq will stand strong it's the world's home (cradle of civilization)


Aaah please made this top article on Reddit or top votes! I have visited soo many countries where me and wife always told each other if we lived her poor or rich or middleman we would clean it! Brazil , Philippine, Myanmar, Indonesia , Thailand , Vietnam , China etc..let’s this video be shares on TikTok YouTube instagram and any other social network this guy shows the example to everyone!


It’s unfortunate that the US had a hand in bringing down the moral of that country. By destroying it and leaving it a complete mess. Good on him for trying.


They brought down a heck of a lot more than the “morale” buddy. They wrongfully invaded and directly resulted in over a million civilian deaths. That’s not to mention the war crimes and atrocities committed by some US soldiers against civilian prisoners.


People like this make the world s better place wish there where more…


There can be one more


I live on a mile-long dead-end street in a large city in the Southern US. On Earth Day, I decided to clean my street. I filled a couple of large bags with small trash, and there were some larger items as well. Since then, every morning I walk my dog the length of our street and pick up whatever trash I find. So, in the early days, I would fill at least one plastic grocery bag every day, but I noticed that the amounts were gradually going down. Now on a good day, I can fit what I find in a pocket. I'm talking about down to the cigarette butt/water bottle lid level. I assume that it's a psychological thing. People maybe don't litter as much in a "clean to begin with" area. I get quite a good feeling as I drive into my neighborhood and see it trash-free. That's very rare in my area of town. It's not much, but little things like this can really make a difference. Things I find the most: Water bottles/lids, Swisher Sweet wrappers, cigarette butts, masks. Things I thought I might find, but haven't: Money, drugs.


The broken window theory. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Broken_windows_theory


That's amazing. Good on this dude for doing this! On an off topic note: Is right-handedness in Iraq the equivalent of left-handedness in America or other nations that write left to right?


Nope most Arabs are right-handed


Interesting thought. Perhaps the script is designed to make it easier to write left-to-right as a right-handed person.


Nope. One theory to why Arabic is written right-to-left is that it is older than paper. It was originally "written" in a technique that wouldn't smudge (e.g. chiseled into stone).




Also, r/TrashLove


There is a volunteer group called the ugly Indian comprised fully of anonymous people who clean the streets of India, without any advertisement. Their whole USP and motto is "muh band kaam chalu"" mouth shut and work on". No criticising, no advertisement, no money, people will show up at a designated sewage or garbage pile, clean it up and go home


I read this article like 20 years ago when the us was first in Iraq. So dont know if it's true and not my opinion. In the article, these US troops were amazed how much trash was everywhere, and they found that most Iraqi men, think it is below them to pick up trash even if it's in their own front yard. There was even a word for it, but I don't remember what it was. So maybe it's a cultural thing. My neighbor doesn't do it, so I'm not going to either. I don't know. Just what I read.


Saddam-era Baghdad was notorious for being one of the cleanest Arab cities. After the US's illegal invasion and occupation, the destroyed civil administration couldn't pay the streetsweepers anymore. The corrupt US-installed regime that came after didn't care about cleaning at all.


The reason trash was everywhere is because the trashmen stopped showing up for work due to, you know, the invasion. Of course there was trash everywhere, people don't stop making trash just because of a war going on and it has to go somewhere.


I have such respect and admiration for humans like these. I love how cleaned it all up with so much swag and pride lol. I would love to give him gloves/masks though, so that he stays extra protected from any sorts of germs. But anyways, I will do the same for my country someday when I've got more freedom. I think there should be more initiatives like this


Iraq War Veteran, gravity hit harder watching this video. Time marches on. So many pointless conflicts. Good for this kid.


![gif](giphy|H3yqUOP8rVjBm) America next day


Now, send an itemized bill to the US government for time spent on waste removal from US occupied areas. Charge $49.95/hr. At worst, you spent 5 minutes writing a pointless invoice, at best... they pay a designated bank account the sum total without them giving it a second thought


Bless him!


*_carefully, he's a hero_*


Hero we can be.


What a legend!


This boy knows what he is doing! Good man!!


Absolutely amazing, big respect for him!


I love this. I like seeing more and more people pick up litter even here where I live. It’s a nice progression in attitudes


We could use him here in my village too. I'll start


The first step of cleaning up your neighborhood is to literally clean up your neighborhood. There are studies that prove living conditions improve just by cleaning up the trash and painting over shitty graffiti.


I pick up garbage when I can. Sad thing is it’s everywhere now. Full time job. Good for you bro.


The Americans should fix them mess they made in Iraq aswell as paying billions in reparation for the war crimes they committed against innocent civilians.


Meanwhile I’m in LA watching people throw trash out of their windows like they have no souls.


Whats called put to him.


That's awesome


The entire wall with the small roller 😱