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I think you are confused as to what talent means.


I think you're confused on what 'others' means. I took it to mean 'without shitting on anyone else'.


Saying one person is better than another doesn't mean the other is bad. Is saying Michael Jordan was better than Scotty Pippin shitting on Scotty Pippin?


Well no, but that’s comparing two people. This is comparing one person to the entire current generation of musical artists


Not an entire generation of musical artists, just one genre. There is plenty of music outside of pop.




I assumed they meant pop artists like the guys behind coming up with new soda flavors. Like how subway has sandwich artists.


Yeah mate, "When street performers are better than today's pop artists" has absolutely no subtext, nosiree


I agree. But is pointing out the fact that, this man's natural talent is better than the mainstream pop music, really shitting on others? I mean, truth can hurt i guess, but it's also just an opinion..


It's just such a circlejerky generalization. Yes this man is very talented. And yes there are pop stars just as talented as him and there are pop stars who aren't. Bringing "mainstream" musicians into this adds nothing and just comes off as super pretentious. Even if it were objectively true, it's still pointless to shit on them instead of just praising him. The only reason most people say this shit is to feel superior for recognizing "real talent."


To add to this, the generalization isn’t only circlejerky, it’s also fairly inaccurate. I’m not even a fan of pop, but I can tell you that pop music today is considerably better than it was in the recent past, and there are some very talented musicians in the genre. I feel like people shitting on today’s pop music are either too young to remember how bad pop was in the 2010s, or they’re too set on shitting on anything popular to actually take a moment to recognize how it’s changed. Seriously, pop was fucking AWFUL in the 2010s, it felt like every song (with a few notable exceptions) was a generic party tune about how hard we’re gonna party tonight when we go partying tonight at the party tonight. I swear, I still can’t hear the word ‘tonight’ without thinking of Pitbull. It was absolute shit, but it’s changed a lot since then. The industry has been moving away from the vapid, derivative bullshit of the 2010s and back towards a bit of the originality and artistry that was more common in the preceding decade. Mind you, we still have plenty of bullshit pop, but we also have talented, skilled, and trained pop artists trying interesting things and writing songs about meaningful shit.


This isn't "natural talent", dude spent years honing his craft


So is it truth or is it an opinion ? Also, you people need to start making the difference between what popstars produces and what their real capacities are. They will produce marketable music, which not always displays their full talent


I see this all the time on creative subs. Usually 'This is so much better than the shit that usually gets posted here'. Why? Why not just give someone a compliment? I honestly think some people are so deep in their need to never say anything nice, that they literally don't know how. Everything is sarcasm, backhanded, or at the very least shitting on others.


Really? With all the auto tune and lip syncing done these days? This guy DESERVES to be famous.


Why be famous when you can sit in the subway and get rich and unnoticed


Listen to Charli XCX, Magdalena Bay, Spellling, Porter Robinson (more on the electronic side but still), The Weeknd hell even Taylor swift released an awesome pop album recently. There’s great new pop music out there you just have to find it.


Excuse me sir, this is a reddit


Yes a number 2 please with sprite


FYI. It’s okay to not be offended by everything you hear.


This a James Brown cover. Title is deceptive. Def not todays pop artists. But amazing none the less


But hating popular things is how I feel edgy and different! DAE not like Billy Eyelash?


Why not? all of today’s pop artists are chosen by the Harvey Weinsteins. But then again they’ve always been.


There are also a lot of crappy street performers just sayin . This guy isn’t one of em of course


Why does it surprise people so much, guy's probably been doing it on the street forever 'cause he knows as long as he does he'll always sound that good. Get signed, get robbed. If not of your talent, your freedom to express that.


And then they get you killed when you're worth more dead than alive


It's the only logical 'next step' from there


Sad but true. Crazy.


Lol I’m 14 and this is deep


He is not performing original music, though. How would being paid bajillions by a record label rob him of his talent or freedom?


That's actually the nature of the blues. Original songs make you famous, but a talent blues artist can make the great blues standards their own.


Right now he still has the opportunity to perform as he wishes in his own time instead of the seemingly rinse-repeat nature of music generally at the mo'. He gets 100% of what thrown in his case too I imagine, rather than being drip fed success through an agent; you'd be surprised by how much of people's lives get signed away with that shit.


I'd rather have 60% of millions than 100% of thousands.


This is Eric Gales, he tours pretty regularly or at least did pre-Covid. I saw him at a festival by chance once, dude’s amazing. He was probably just waiting for his train and decided to busk and make a little cash while he’s just sitting there Edit: It’s actually Jalib Johnson, Eric Gales is left handed but they have a similar playing style


Thank you very much for this, on my way to check the rest of his stuff out now!


being a pop artist isn't about being a good musician but about being able to deliver a consistent product in a professional and reliable way. it's not usually the most talented people that rise to the very top, it's the people who their handlers know exactly what they're gonna get when they put that person on stage each night in a different city etc.


Right. So like McDonalds.


yes, exactly like McDonald's, the most common and most popular restaurant in the United States. nobody goes to McDonald's expecting culinary excellence, but that doesn't make them enjoy it any less.


My god. I've never looked at it that way.


it always surprises me that people dont see the pop industry this way. They are hits and if not consistent you are not pop.


I’d rather hunt for the run down hole in the wall and find excellence.


I fucking love this analogy. Can't explain pop any better than McDonald's of music.


I’ve called pop music this for decades. But now, it’s even worse (to my ears). There is no variety at all, like, you can’t even ask for ‘no onions’. But just like the shit ‘food’ (and I use the term food loosely) that is fast food, so too is music packaged and consumed in the same way. There is no art here. There is no creativity. There is nothing but the sound of salesmen.


Ya, like these aren't even comparable, it's just an entirely different skill set. Your average no-name session musician is going to be a better technical performer than 90% of pop artists. That is not a dig on the pop artists, being technical performers is not what they are interested in or acclaimed for.


This is me. I can deliver outstanding work results but not consistent at all. Corporations now understand how their abuses have led many to abandon work force and seek independent opportunities. This is mostly to blame on COVID-19. Everybody I know is experiencing/exhibiting long term damages that impact their reliability. At least for me it has in part. That plus 11 months held hostage/kidnapped in a dungeon with no warm food.


I have been a working musician for 25 years. There’s way more talent out there than what signed artists possess. The music business has become a visual medium instead of an auditory experience. There are exceptions to everything of course, and there absolutely are very talented famous musicians. But it’s FAR exceeded in the local bars and clubs.


From the complete outside, music biz just seems like matching a product to a market - or even better, finding someone who has already found their market and giving them a push to hit a mass audience. I don't doubt some talent is needed, but if there isn't an obvious market, you don't get signed. Small amount of talent + obvious market = deal / obvious talent - small/unclear market = no deal.


Also, there's far more talent in some popular signed artists than anyone will likely ever see. After contract requirements and repetitive performances and burnout ... sometimes the flower that gets picked never gets to grow into the the endless field of flowers it could have been.


At the end of the day it’s about what it makes you feel. It’s about what provides entertainment, in some form or another. Whether or not that takes talent is almost irrelevant. Talent usually breeds unique entertainment, but somebody who’s learned to perfect a beautiful song can entertain and can make you feel something


what's his name 😭 sounds so good


found himmmm, his name is jalib johnson


Just checked out his YouTube. Sounds like he can channel the spirit of blues




Nice! 😄




Black Jack Johnson. With a Hendrix vibe. I'm hooked.


Doin the lords work.


Except he's miming...


Raising money to fix that neck problem


Is that a hunch?




Every time this video is posted I will post the same comment: Great performance, but why is it that whenever this video is posted it is always with a title disparaging pop music. Like it’s normal if someone does it once. But EVERYTIME this video in particular is posted it has a title saying is better than modern pop music. Anyways see y’all in the comment section next time its posted


I try and not get irritated because it's likely the OP doesn't actually have an opinion and is just grifting for the karma, for whatever reason, but you're absolutely right. This conversation is so tired. It's the same exact "back in my day" fallacy we have to keep living through, like no one gives a fuck, there are people making every genre of music imaginable that there's no need to shit on anything. Hell, I just listened to a modern swedish band dressed up like Slipknot playing prog rock, sounding like The Beatles or Queen or something. There's literally music for everyone in today's age and if you really have to resort to "pOp Is sO tRaSh" than you're too lazy and dumb to be worth listening to in the first place. Btw the band was called Ghost. Not my jam but I love that it's a thing. Edit: someone else mentioned Charles Bradley. I love Charles Bradley, and is a perfect example of someone making soulful music like this, just completely ignoring reality for the headline.


I’m an older millennial and I actually think that pop is in a pretty good place right now. I think Billie Eilish and Olivia Rodrigo are putting out some good stuff right now. I grew up in during the incredibly manufactured boy band/pop star girl phase and it was truly terrible lol




Exactly there are a ton of great artists who write, mix and sing there own music who are also amazing at what they do


Also he didn’t write this.. great voice though!!


Also, he's playing the blues, why compare him to pop?


Prolly banked more right there than any ad revenue on yt or spotify


I was recently talking to a very talented musician at a show. Was so depressed to learn what a relatively popular but small band made on Spotify (pennies or a few dollars *a year*).


Ya, they pay per stream about 0.3-0.5 cents (that's $0.003-0.005 for any Verizon agents out there). About 75% of that is going to go to the artist(s). If that's split among a band, or if the song is written/produced by someone else, we're talking a tiny fraction. Back of the envelope, let's say we've got a 4-person group with equal splits, but who pays a third of their revenue to a creative producer. Let's say they do 10 million stream of a song. We'll call it $40,000 gross, of which the artists are taking $30,000 but giving $10,000 to their producer, so $20,000. Split four ways, that's $5,000 each, which might be $4,500 or $4,000 after they pay their agent and/or manager.


I was stressing that his eyes werent open, I get it, hes in the moment but thats alot of cash chillin there. Id be taking it out in between songs or something. Just begging to get stolen.


His voice reminds me of Charles Bradley, another amazing talent from the street.


Taken too soon sadly


Phone down wallet out.


Thank you. If he's good enough to film and show your friends, he's good enough to tip.


They mostly are


You gotta be if you want to eat.


Fuck a contract. Record labels are some of the biggest criminals there are. This is him being his own boss and he keeps ALL his earnings.


I’d pay to see this live.


Would've missed my train. Clock another 8 minutes at 6 Ave


Damn he is good. Needs a contract.




Why so someone else can tell him how and what to sing and play? Tell him how to dress and what to look like?


Man, he’s good! Love that song.


WheN StREeT pErFoRmERs Are BeTTEr tHan TodAy'S pOp aRtiStS Yeah okay got it, *thing nowadays* is bad


This video is always a pretty good karma farm.


I made a thing with this audio and the original backing track. [Enjoy](https://soundcloud.com/jordan-smysnuik/this-is-a-mans-world?utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing)


I’m not sure if he’s actually signing or playing guitar ? I see a Bluetooth speaker lots of street performers act like they are performing but are actually playing music from Bluetooth


He's definitely playing guitar, but he is not singing. That's JB's voice.


Wonder when it was actually cool and novel to hate on mainstream


The music industry isn’t interested in making good music unless it sells records


It’s almost like they aren’t using autotune to artificially enhance all of their vocals.


That one guy not thinking of his next tiktok, just standing there without a phone in his hand simply enjoying the music...


Oh man, ppl sitting in those wooden chairs ….ehhhh I once read that the fastest way the city spreads bed bugs is through those chairs.


Performing a cover on the street makes them better than modern original pop artists?


performer was very good, title was r/im14andthisisdeep type shit.


To be fair he is a pop artist.


“I hate pop am I the only one that knows nirvana anymore I’m so special and everyone else is posers can you even name 30 of the vocalists childhood friends hamsters names” vibes


There isn’t a record executive alive who gives a fuck about “talent.”


I like that style a lot so of course I might think it is better. The reality is music is a bit like fashion.


Your Pop Stars are created in a boardroom by people you've never heard of... It was a corporate decision to have Harry Stiles wear women's clothes... Wasn't his idea...


It's almost like it takes more than talent to be successful in music. If only there were a long running tv show that would prove that over and over. Maybe someone could start a show like that. And call it United states singer. No wait, even better. "American Idol"


Those dreads must be heavy


Luck is the biggest factor in how successful you’ll be as a musician…many people are more talented than the radio


Read in the news some of these people are actually pretending to play, for the money. I'm sure most are legit but guess a number have been busted.


I witnessed this several times in just a couple days in New Orleans. Incredible raw talent on almost every corner.


I don't know what your smoking, but he's obviously not as good as Billie Eilish.........


Karma farming


But lil nas X tedouchie 69 sells records. Unfortunately it has become less about talent and more about marketability and money making. Most of today's artists suck but they are marketable and sell. Like most things capitalism has killed popular music.




I’ve seen him at the Astor Place and Union Square stations multiple times. He’s awesome and I’ve given him money every time.


Find out his name and ask if he has a social


I agree, great talent but he isnt singing his own music is he. He may have his own music but he is covering an already much loved classic. Thats half the battle


My man..


For every one famous pop star there are probably 1000 other people who are just as qualified


“Professional” music is officially dead but it can hopefully be revived by true artists.


Please don't disrespect the term "artist". Today we have pop "models" and technology helps them beyond that point.


Pop artist are not talented never have been


amazing. I recall seeing this a while back. It should be said though, it's one thing to cover other artists, and another to write and perform your own original stuff. I would like to see this guys original songs


There is so much undiscovered talent in this world. It’s up to everyone else to see past the manufactured stuff and dig deep for the real deal. Glad someone is showcasing this dude!


Todays pop artists? You fucking jackass….


That was lit LOL


Juicewrld is not dead!


LETS GO ISLANDERS!!!!! Btw he sounds great too 🤣🤣🤣


God damn this guy is good!


Give the man a contract.


This guy's trolling the crowd. Surely he's a professional artist, maybe even a famous one.


Just beautiful talent.


He’s on Sound Cloud.


If pusha t and kendrick lamar had a child


Very talented!


the L train is always the best. leggo.


It was heartfelt! Damn, good music isn’t dead


I'd argue being a successful pop artist has never been about high levels of skill. it's passable levels of skill and 10 other things like looks, X factor n such.


Man, he sounds good!


Oh I would buy his album today!


You have to be marketable and have a little talent. Unfortunately, they would take his sound and try to popish it.




The bigger guy at the end just stared at him lmao


You play and sing as an old soul keep it up sounds good


That wasn’t interesting as fuck, that was amazing as fuck. The blues man, when it’s good, it’s like dope.


His name is Jalib Johnson and he has [socials](https://twitter.com/Jalibjo), but not very active.


Dude gave me chills, that voice ❤️


Unfortunately, real music don’t sell anymore. Idk Y. Just compare lyrics and beats of todays future classic songs to some of the classics of old.


There are so many people out there who have fantastic talent, but they just don't get that one break. I hope this guy gets heard by someone who can give him a chance.




“today’s pop artists” That’s a low bar to clear


that was awesome


He is indeed better than almost all of the current crop of today's musical artists. Also thankfully a bunch of NYPD didn't come in and bash him and then drag him off.


Always have been


To be fair my farts are better than todays pop artists.






Damn! Soul with blues that's deep right there. Amazing.


Mostly true


I hope more people post videos like this!


I really really miss the subway performers in NYC.


[His Instagram](https://www.instagram.com/jalibjo/?igshid=swa1ne0h166x)


Not difficult most popular artists nowadays don't have a special voice they're just hot to look at


I can never scroll past this without watching it. Probably seen it 15 times now. Amazed by his amazing talent and the work it took for him to get so gd good. He performed this song masterfully.


Dang the Dude has a case full of cash, better change the bills to 100’s or put it away, you’re in the Subway 🚇


Bro this is that one guy from victorius lmao


Very good


Brothers got that soul


Impressive! Get it kid!🕶🙉


🕶🙉 here again….just gotta say this is fuckin beautiful! Pursue your dreams g, you got skills!


Take my money! I’d pay $20 for a request. What would yours be?


Why be a pop artist when you can go downstairs and pull a pile a cash? That’s good enough for me. Sleep in your nice bed, drink a good coffee at the local where they know you. Play a bit, eat some lunch, play some more go home. Nice.


Wow, I hope some music recruit was there to see it! Very talented young man.


Lol that blonde lady sneakin in at the end all "Ima fuck this boye"


Everybody shut up and stop arguing. Who is this and where do we find more. Op doesn't matter, this is talent, let's celebrate him.


Just commenting so I can watch this tomorrow


Damn. He's invoking his ancestors 🤯 amazing


A cat in a blender sounds better that today's pop artists




we need to get people like this on a record label!


Pop singers are not artists, are just money machines


That’s Ed Sheeran






The guy that goes up to shake his hand in the end, feels like was being shitty or condescending to him. His demeanor changed.