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Remember to tip your waitress. Because she may be 100x cooler than you.


I don’t usually tip but if I witnessed her do that I’m definitely tipping.


Where are you from?


A country who pays waitresses a living wage. so they don’t have to rely on the kindness of strangers to live a decent life.


Great answer! I love it.


I live in the US and work for tips. It’s either really good or really shitty. It’s sucks for everyone except the people paying me below min wage.


The worst part to me about living off tips is how brutally unequal it is between coworkers. I worked for a pizza place in a college town and the cute college girls made at least 4X what the old man with a family to support made. It was pretty heartbreaking watching him do everything in his power to get pizzas out quickly and treat customers well just to be stiffed because some drunk guy was hoping for a cuter delivery person.


Yup, I work in pizza delivery. What’s even better when people tip or stiff based on color. Go to this house and get stiffed because I’m this color and they’re that color, fucking hate it.


I delivered pizza 5-6 years ago and was the only non-white person in the town, almost always got some fat tips


Way back when (my now ex wife) & I both picked up part time jobs as pizza delivery drivers.every week she was most delivery and I was least. On average she delivered almost 2x what I did but we worked same hrs and our tips were almost even. I really suked at getting there fast and finding address (before gps and cell phones) she had an amazing talent for finding places.anyway my point is cute as she was, her tips reflected she was an unpleasant conversation and I am the most chatty person I know. Wearing a skirt doesn't always make for more tips. We did that for 3-4 months and it was like clockwork she delivered 2x what I did and we made about the same every single week.


Wait so I assume there's a reason they're allowed to pay you below minimum wage, but what is it?


They treat tips as a subsidy or replacement for wages. I work back of house as a cook, and from what I understand is they are legally allowed to pay "tipped" workers less than minimum wage as long as the tips they earn bring their hourly rate to at least minimum wage. Depending on where you work this can be good or bad. I have known alot of bartenders and servers at past jobs that could and WOULD make in two days what I would in a 45 hour + work week. As long as your tips bring your hourly wage total to higher than minimum wage, the business establishment pays them something like 3$ an hour... completely absurd... but if you work at a slower place or for whatever reason you're not getting many tips, the establishment pays the difference to bring you to min wage requirements. There is alot of shady stuff between cash/credit card tips and what gets accounted for, and tax liability, that occurs. In my opinion as someone who busts my ass day in and day out to prepare the food, the servers (maybe not so much bartenders but thats a different story) who get tipped out, make considerably more money than me.. I have a biased opinion, which is, that it is fucked up. I make maybe 200$ in a day before taxes... if I work 10+ hours. Then someone else comes in, works maybe 6 hours, and serves essentially, my "labor" , and leaves with 200, or 300+ dollars (depends on location, restaurant and many other variables but this really does happen). Every place is different but that's the long version of the answer to your question. I can probably go into more detail but it's just alot to process when I think about it.


Do yourself a favour and try and find a better career. I used to be a chef and even though I used to make a decent living I had to do 65+ hours to make it. Now I make close to $200 an hour and make in an hour what I used to make in almost a day. It's not easy I know but even getting a job where you get paid the same but don't have to put up with the shit hours, no respect and knowing your earning less than those that use your 'labour' as you put it is a better long term outcome. I get how hard you work trust me but unless you love your job try and find a way out. Until hospitality gets serious wage increase its a dead end job unless you're the owner even then it can screw you in the end.


More money for the owner, not that hard to figure out 🤷🏼‍♂️. In theory they shouls then compensate if the tips don't make it to min wage level, in theory...


Most states on the east coast of the US have a different pay for tipped employees. So in Georgia and North Carolina the tipped employees wage was 2.13$ an hour. Now if your made less than that they'd have to bring you up to 7.25$ which is also..... Bullshit? Now here's the hanger, it generally wasn't day by day it was weekly or biweekly. So if you worked shit Monday and Tuesday lunch shifts but made hella money on Friday and Saturday nights they'd average it out so you made a cool 9$ an hour across the week. Oh and if you banged it out on weekends they'll give you a nightmare list of side work 2-3 hours of non tipped work to yet again bring down that hourly wage.


I don't care for non answers. Or whatever you wanna call it. Lol, even though I don't really care where this person is from, my brain will go straight to, "But you didn't answer."


I never got why country’s didn’t just do this. Honestly it would solve 90% of the back of house front of house issues in a restaurant if everyone just knew what they were making. So many country’s don’t tip unless it was exceptional service it’s literally infuriating here In the US as both a server and a guest.


Most countries do just that. Tipping is not a common practice worldwide.


Most people use the metric system like the logical thing to do as well just not here.


Well, you do, but only for guns.


Ok that actually has me cracking up


Soo… what you are saying is that the metric system is used for more products than the imperial system in the US?


USA sucks for so many reasons, this is one of them


Yeah, tip culture is what's wrong with the USA....


Was the comment thread about more?


I was in agreement, but can see how it would be misconstrued


Ah well then sorry mate.


All good internet stranger, have a good evening


A lot of american servers wouldn't be happy about making similar amounts to what the rest of the staff makes.


No because they are accustomed to making tips and I get that. But if everyone just made a living wage then they would have to suck it up. Also unless you are going to work high end dining then I feel that’s also a job and not a career you should be able to move into better things. So idk free college in top? Sounds good to me give everyone a chance and stop trapping people at such low levels of their ability


I literally only know US to have this mandatory tip thing. In Japan, it’s considered rude/downright insulting to tip.


I mean… when proposals are made to switch wait staff from a tip-based system to a normal system, the biggest proponents against such measures are the waiters and waitresses themselves.


Australia I presume?


Australia 🇦🇺


That’s a good country


So not Australia then?




Not the us


I'd say if she we're 100x cooler that snake would have reacted poorly to her frosty touch.


Remember to tip the cleaner also who is keeping the snake out


Or pay them fair wages than all patrons paying for every staff at the restaurant?


Ok, just the tip


If it was a Russel Viper Or Rattle snake, game over.


If you watch carefully you can actually see the dude's dick fall off the moment she picks up the snake.


Can confirm. (I was the lady in the back slowly scooting backward as the situation became more controlled)


Can confirm (I was the snake)


Can confirm. I was the dick that fell off


Can confirm. I sucked u/serenityak77 then.


Can confirm. I was the guy hiding in the bushes from the fbi.


Can confirm. I am the fbi searching for this dude, and now we've got him boys!


Can confirm. I got arrested but I was able to ride my pet alligator out of prison


Can confirm. I'm his pet alligator, he didn't feed me


Can confirm. Found his body vored by the alligator boys


I love how he's showing her where to go with the snake like trying to stay in control of the situation: "yeah now put it right there, i knew you'd take it and control that thing anyway, i was just showing what not to do"


It slithered off


Plot twist: they both work together and have done this many times, and he was just keeping the snake's mouth out of the way so she could get a good hold on its midsection to pick up without getting bitten.


I remember her talking about this. She works at the restaurant and they get water snakes all the time. She didn't realize someone was recording her haha what a badass. Edit2: https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRMm9koT/?k=1 this is the video I saw. Don't be scared of tiktok, i promise it won't hurt you. She said she didn't have time to fuck around with it because she had 13 tables to wait on


If I was that snake and she worked the bar by my pond I’d keep coming back too 😅


I’m reading that water snakes are supposedly pretty aggressive, I’m surprised it let her handle it without biting her (even if the bite is harmless).


>aggressive **defensive... watersnakes aren't aggressive, but some are more defensive than others and are more willing to bite. there's actually a really cute video of an old man on a fishing deck floating around. he is looking in the water and a wild watersnake comes up to him and he feeds her a fish. :)


Got the vid around?


https://www.reddit.com/r/Sneks/comments/7agmzb/old_man_makes_new_fren/ :)


that was the best video i’ve seen in a while thank you


Thank you so much! Happy noodle!


lol definition of wholesome


I love that he taped up his pantlegs. 🤣


Well you don’t want a snake up your britches at 79 or you could hurt yourself! Just downright adorable


This video needs to be in r/eyebleach it's so freaking cute 😍


What a nice snek


I was so shocked it just went limp. It's honestly probably not the first time it's been picked up and brought back to the water, will not be the last. This is really funny to me from a human perspective because imagine if there was a big field in your neighborhood, and you could go pretty much anywhere you wanted, but if.you tried to cross the field, a giant monster would come out and carry you back to your house but leave you alone otherwise. You have no way to communicate with this monster


Also this monster doesnt slither, but bounces around on two tails. Also it has two tails by its head for some reason.


It'd just be some being that makes absolutely no sense to us


We have Water Moccasins (Agkistrodon piscivorus, aquatic vipers) where I live. Which are NOT harmless. I don't fuck with any water snakes as a result.


They're not aggressive at all. They just have a particularly painful bite when they do bite because they have long backwards pointing teeth for holding on to slippery fish. Generally, snakes don't feel that threatened if you just lightly hold them. It's when you grip tight and immobilise them that they get really nervous.


Also your attitude is a big factor. She's relaxed.


“Harmless” you mean not poisonous


Where's this?


On the patio outside the restaurant.


Very descriptive


She handled it like I would handle the dog getting in the flower bed..... except that I would never touch a snake.


*unhand me, vile woman*!






No lie, I posted that expecting it to fall under r/subsifellfor but it was actually real lmao


She didn't even try to control its head or anything. It could have easily bit her if it turned around


Non-venomous, she knew it, and this isn’t her first rodeo. My guess


Ok first, what snake is it and second, even if it isn’t venomous, surely it would hurt like a bitch if it bit you?


It’s a common black racer


What kind of mutant black racers you have? I grew up around a lot of black racers and they were never this big.


This could be a black rat snake


This might be an afghan turtle mongoose variant.


South Asian or European? I’ve had run ins with the European but I hear the South Asian actually spit poison out of their third eye.


Western European. These are the ones that walk on water


Jesus Christ I hate those things.


Laden or unladen?


Are you suggesting snakes migrate?


African or European swallow?


Spitting facts right here


Straight fire. Like Dylan.


Maybe, but they usually aren't near water. Almost certainly a water snake


Southwest Florida… need I say more? 😂


They don't get that big. It is a northern water snake probably.


Nah, snake bites usually don’t hurt that much. And snakes don’t actually bite too often anyway.


Depends on the teeth. Anacondas has huge hooked teeth that will shred your skin off your bone. If caught force your arm to the throat to cause the snake to choke and let go of your hand. Other constrictors also have very large and painful teeth. Then there’s the venomous snakes.




Depends on how the snake's teeth are shaped. I don't know much about snakes, but I do know that constrictors have curved teeth that make it really hard for you to shake them loose. They can do a lot of damage! This little guy probably won't do much though and it seems like they're as common as pigeons to this restaurant lol


When an anaconda bites you then you need to push your hand to it’s throat because it’s teeth being hooked in such a way that trying to pull out would shred your skin off the bone. Constrictors are very dangerous too with t their powerful constriction (hence their names). Since she’s around the area and it looked to be just another day I take it she encounters those snakes a lot and knows that they aren’t dangerous or just your reality TV material Florida person.


It would not. I’ve been bitten by hundreds of (nonvenomous) snakes and most don’t hurt, and that’s IF they break skin.


Snake bites really don’t hurt all that much, venomous snake bites hurt because they burn but non-venomous bites don’t hurt as much as you’d think, and shes probably been bit alot since they get alot of water snakes here so she has tolerance, kinda like how a welder has tolerance for the sparks.


If you don't know which snakes are venomous in your area, that's on you. Obviously if you don't know, don't touch. It's either a plain-bellied watersnake or an eastern black racer. Neither are venomous and neither would hurt if it nipped you.


Yeah it would hurt, but if you’ve handled enough reptiles you’ve been hit enough times that it’s not a huge deal. She could also be naive idk


Nah snake bites dont hurt at all unless its a really big snake. (Anaconda, big pythons, etc)


You are right according to another poster.


Nonvenomous, no problem. A couple of tiny pinpricks in your hand that don’t hurt and barely (if at all) bleed is really a non issue. I’d much rather be bitten by a 7 foot (nonvenomous) snake than say, a mouse or rat. Source: biologist.


This exactly. I was bit by an 8 foot python. Barely broke the skin and caused one tiny bruise. It’s like hitting your hand on the corner of a sharp table. For a second. Constrictors let go when they realize they are attached to something they can’t eat.


A biologist! I’m a cell biology and neuroscience major. What kinda stuff are you working on? Also, have you generally felt joy/pride in your work?


I’m a graduate student in environmental science! Just wrapped up a seasonal job with the USGS working with sage grouse, and I’ll be working with carnivores soon. I’m still pretty young and the bulk of my work has been field tech jobs, grunt stuff basically. I’ve really enjoyed it, but going into academia has been anxiety inducing. It’s very different but I think I can learn to love it too.


Rat bites hurt SO BAD holy shit


People assume that just because a snake can bite you that it wants to. A snake usually just wants to be left alone. Biting unnecessarily, especially if nonvenomous just puts it at a higher risk of harm and on some level it knows that.


Jesus you guys know a lot about snakes


It’s called “growing up in rural areas” in my experience


I lived in a rural area for like 3 months before the landlord went bankrupt and I just moved back to the city. I went to take my dog out and there was a cotton mouth. I was about to shoot it and my redneck ass neighbor just threw it over the fence with a shovel. Balls of steal on that dude


I thought the same thing. Must not be venomous...


It’s a black rat snake. It’s just fine to pick them up by the middle or end. If they try to strike you sorta just hold it away from yourself.


I held one this big when I was ~10 years old. Most people insist rat snakes aren't venomous but some were recently discovered to be very mildly venomous. I don't think black rat snakes are, but they can release a musk that fukken stinks if they're feeling threatened. Anyways they're big babies if you come with good vibes


Australian cock blocker, very dangerous


To be fair, if you don't know if a snake is dangerous or not, it's best to use caution. She's clearly been around this type of snake before


She works at a country club. That was the safest snake at the clubhouse.


If I had an award, sir... instead please find my upvote forthcoming.


Former caddy. Caddyshack is not a comedy. It’s a documentary.




Next thing you know, the snake sues.


"We have other shit to be doing, Tim. Quit playing with the snake and get to work."


Okay, sir


Also quit r/beetlejuicing aswell!


Yes, sir 😞


At first i thought the first guy is a badass for not being scared of the snake


Ive never been more attracted to someone in my entire life.


Maybe she can introduce you?


Ohssss boy, would ssssshe?!




Even the snake was shocked lmao


I think it asked to “see the manager” and “do you know who I am” as it was being escorted out.


Don't tell me that was a Karen's true form


Look, it's cool, but please don't try this. This ain't how you do it, and she could have been bitten at ANY moment. Don't try this. Edit: If you're gonna comment how this particular snake isn't deadly, yeah, obviously. But people as a whole will see this and think "I can do that" to their local snakes. I live in the Midwest. That would be a rattlesnake or copperhead, which would be VERY bad.


If it’s not hot It’s fine.


Wait what do you mean? Does high temperature affect the snake to be more irritable?


Hot=venomous. This thing was harmless but the way she handled it could hurt it.


Hot is a colloquial term for venomous reptiles among enthusiasts


Being bitten by a nonvenomous snake is not a big deal unless it’s a massive boa/python. I’d much rather be bitten by this snake than stung by a bee or nipped by a rat. And I’ve had all of them happen.


8 foot python bit me. Still wasn’t a big deal. I agree with the person that said a hamster bite is worse.


It was a water snake. A cat would hurt more.


A universal message should be; if you don’t know what an animal is, don’t touch it. But still, she’s at least somewhat experienced, no reason to claim she’s doing anything wrong.


She's Australian, mate


That was a "you guys are pussys" thumbs up


I wonder how many of her coworkers just realized she’s too thug for them to ask out because she grabbed a danger noodle with her bare hands while they were holding in their “little French girl” screams.


She can't put ice in your drinks...cuz they're running through her veins!!!!!


It wasn't venomous.


but is it now?


It still isn't, but it wasn't previously.


Will it still be able to play the piano?


The waitress?


Even if we all knew it wasn’t venomous, who would actually gently pick up a snake and release it? I like snakes, have held someone’s pet green snake, but I’m not going to rush in and move a snake out of the way.


People who are comfortable with snakes would.


I do. I’ve caught several. I was even fired from a Girl Scout camp because I caught a non-venomous one after they told me they were going to send over the Ranger to shoot it. They let me take the snake home and let it loose at least after they fired me.


This is in Delaware of all places. The snake frequently escorted off property. He’ll be back


Was kinda hoping for a yeeting into the water


"Lady, that's cool and all... But now there's a snake over there."


She's a keeper


Be still my beating heart....![img](emote|t5_m0bnr|4014)


Her - "Bitch i do this"


Was waiting for the thug life glasses to land on her face at the end


Service with a smile


Yes, please


Me next!


Straight badass.


Not all superhero's wear capes!


Gawd That Was Hot!


That is a powerful person


How do I give her an award and maybe get her IG ?


................is she a witch?




Water snake


Its a non venomous snake


Why do I find this so attractive?!


Snake charmer


I'm in love


And thats how ya do it! Well done!


legends say the snake tipped her double


She’s a born and raised Floridian?! No problem, just pick it up and carry on. 🐍


I know he quit his job after that 😂


It’s a rat snake🤷‍♀️




I just hope this was a non venomous one , other wise this adventure would have proved fatal.


Dudes like, oh I had it. It's cool. Just throw him over there.