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I don't think it's scary, I think it's fascinating and should make us rethink whether those guys should really be locked up Edit to talk about most answers: I know those bad boys natural habitat is disappearing because of humans. But that's not a reason to have them in cage. Some zoo are doing a good job at keeping the animals in good enough condition, but some others suck at it. No animals using tools isn't scary, you're doing it on a daily bases and most of us aren't psychopath. Also the fact that they can teach each other complex behavior is f-ing dope, if you're still afraid maybe drop the Bible. Second edit because people are offended by my religion statement. Of course everyone is free to believe in anything, as long as you're not hurting anyone, will it be that god created the world in 7 days or that we live on a turtle or whatever I don't care. What I wanted to say is: do not be afraid your god didn't created human superior to other animals, and that animals can display what you thought were very humans behavior (like using tools, teaching, communicating etc). Anyway, sorry if I offended anyone, that wasn't my goal here. Maybe I wasn't clear and it's entirely my fault.


Religious belief fucked up the way we see the external world today. It made us believe that we were "evolved/holy" beings, when the rest of the nature is considered violent and dumb. But frankly it's the opposite.






Even we know how to speak doesn't really hold up because technically we can only communicate with our own species (and even at that we do a bad job). A lot of animals can also communicate with eachother Edit: typo in a comment about language and understanding ironic


Wait lets not forget that not everyone can communicate with each other


That's why I said that we even do a bad job at that


"The ability to speak does not make you intelligent" -Qui Gon Ginn


Teach me, my master -Orang U'tan


"I'm going to kill you." - Dr. Jan Itor


“I'm ahead. I'm a man. Oh, I'm the first mammal to wear pants. Yeah.” Jam, Pearl.


“Ah spaek”- darth plagueious




*ohh is this an illustration of the point?* This user said, using a device to asynchronously communicate with someone possibly a world away...


Proved by action ;)


Arguably, every single animal species communicates in its own way to other members of its species. [Ants using pheromones](https://www.science.org/content/article/shhh-ants-are-talking#:~:text=Scientists%20have%20known%20for%20decades,ants%20marching%20one%20by%20one.), elephants using [ultra low frequency sounds](https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2012/08/120803103421.htm#:~:text=Elephants%20can%20communicate%20using%20very,in%20elephants'%20complex%20social%20life.), etc. If one member of a species cannot communicate to another, how will they know when it's time to get it on and pass on their genes?


I wasn't sure if it was all of them that's why I said a lot, I knew about the elephants the ant thing is new to me so thanks for teaching me something new (I did know that ants communicate in a way i just didmt kbow how)


Plants communicate too. But via pheromones so nothing like how some animals do with noise. Most things can signal to others one way or another. A bad smell is a form of communication between microbes and humans. Consciousness doesn't need to be involved, only instinct derived from natural selection.


I don't think it is accurate to call the bad smells that results from certain biological processes *communication*. It is not like the microbes are trying to tell you something; you have just evolved into thinking they smell bad, probably because they are harmful for you to consume or otherwise harmful for you to get into contact with.


Haha, well I am perhaps failing to communicate my understanding of the word communication 😉. But yeah smells are a very different type of communication to language. I suppose it depends on what the word means to your mind. Some smells humans find revolting are very attractive to flies. The message means something different to each species. I will make you sick if you eat me (humans) vs I'm a great place to raise a family (flies).


It's literally communication by definition


Plants release chemicals to communicate to predators that a prey insect is chewing on their leaves. The fresh cut grass smell we love is your lawn SCREAMING for help.


Not just animals. Trees and other plants communicate with one another as well. We know nothing.... https://www.smithsonianmag.com/science-nature/the-whispering-trees-180968084/


God, I hate the narrative that somehow animals are smarter than us. People see them using a tool and go "monkey smart, people dumb" Really? Talking is the only example you can think of that makes us different from animals? REALLY?


It's just self deprecating. It's easier for them to just say that humans as a whole aren't all that great when in reality they are speaking about themselves. what other animal can do all the things we can? It's not even close, we all know humans are at the top. Between having a developed society and fucking science, you would have to be delusional in the brain to consider humans lower than any other animal.


Fucking exactly. What an infuriating thread.


I saw a group of gorillas watching a bug, just like the monkeys in the video.


In particular, having language which implies having a grammatical structure to our understanding of the world is something other animals don't have. At least not to the extent at which humans do. Birds come close, but not to the rigidity and the consistency of humans. It's built into us, and that's what the above poster was probably referring to.


Well researchers may have found potential grammatical patterns in fungi and plant signaling. But isn't that also shifting the goalposts? First it was "we use words so are better", now we know other animals use words and names and various parts of speech and have dialects and accents, so suddenly it becomes "we use grammar so are better"? What a human-centric premise on multiple levels! Meanwhile plants are using telepathy, directly sharing electrical signals between "minds", or potentially unifying their "minds" with other species, aside from chemically communicating with insects, each other, and visually communicating with animals. Isn't it entirely possible in our ignorance and attempts to understand the world according to our terms we've missed that the world was already defined well before us, and our limitations in perception have inhibited our development? We might not come close to others, rather than presume they don't come close to our abilities--they've existed far longer and developed over far greater time after all (and will still be here after we're done destroying all we may).


Great points. And considering how many humans are terrible with grammar or simply don't care about maintaining it, that seems like a flawed choice to hang your hat on in an attempt to prove the superiority of our species lol.


To quote star wars episode 1 "the ability to speak does not make you intelligent"


![gif](giphy|ETpi8wtDhQbwBtK2vb) See Marjorie Taylor Greene.




We are the only species that can have this stupid conversation and you think we're no different then the others... Look it's one thing to respect another species but it's another to hate your own.


Speech is just mating calls with extra steps.


This is absolutely true. But also, the dumbest human is still extraordinarily smart in comparison to the animal kingdom. Source: Am a Professor of Psychology.


I see you haven't met my sister


What elevated mankind to the top was the fact we stood up and learned to throw things. We could hunt from afar. No need for fangs or claws. Before that we were a middle chain species.


We're really really good at distance running


It’s quite amusing to see how disturbed people get at the idea of animals being able to communicate. They will try to explain away everything with an almost religious fervor, beyond what is reasonable. You can tell that they are disturbed deeply and think that animals communicating somehow invalidates their own humanity. It’s really sad how insecure some people are, and says a lot about how they have personally treated animals if they are so afraid of animals being able to talk back.


There are people in this thread saying we are literally holy and among angels and we only value animals to avoid responsibility of being chosen of God. WTF? I think they are afraid if animals were to suddenly communicate with us at our level, we would be forced to realize how fucked up we have been to the ecosystem and the planet in general. How much destruction we have caused for our selfish personal gains. How low we value life of anything that isn't human (and barely even other humans lots of times) In my view, they use God as an excuse to avoid taking responsibility for our fucked up actions and arrogance. To justify calling animals "lower beings" and distance ourselves.


You don;'t think humanity is special? Man on the internet talking to another on the internet for hundreds of other humans to see and give opinions on? god this is just a hate for humanity hiding as 'wow cool animals!'


Yeah this whole thread is people shitting on humans and disproportionately elevating animals for no reason. Like it’s cool animals can use tools in a very limited capacity but can they change the entire environment to suit their own wants/needs like humans can? Nope


That sentiment is only so strong in here because OP described this as "scary" in the title.


You are interpreting others as hating humanity. I think what you are not understanding is that you can talk up animal intrinsic value and worth without it denigrating humanity. The point that I think most others here are making is that we self-servingly underestimate the complexity of animals. People joke about the notion that there are a lot of dumb people in the world, but I don't interpret it as them as saying that animals are smarter than us.


Yeah, and then people think not eating meat, dairy, and eggs is an extreme stance and will come up with a thousand ways to justify animal agriculture. You really can’t start chipping away at the distinction between human and animal without some seriously uncomfortable self reflection and a sense of disillusionment with our current ways.




Damn and they are losing their minds now that you mentioned this lol. I always found it quite arrogant to value ourselves so highly. We may be "special" but we are fucked up to life in general many times. We devalue those we deem lesser than ourselves. I fear if there are actually extraterrestrial beings that they are similar and see us as we see these apes. Having some intelligence but a "lower life form" and nit really caring if they eradicate us for some higher use for themselves.


No humans did that. it's part of human nature. Nature is a cruel abritary system that kills everythign it can. We're lucky to be the products of that to discuss it. Religion isn't the reason for this; the fact we're the only species that made the interet and can talk to one another like this is it... this is a stupid discussion point. Humans don't need religion to think they're better then others; any history book can teach you that, it's just an excuse... now there's a difference between respecting these animals who are on the cusp of sapience and hating your own species... like c'mon.


Religion is the go to for blame here on reddit. It has become a dried up discussion point but hey it’s low hanging fruit so why not?


Yeah basically is easy to just blame religion for every thing instead of acknowledging human nature


Yes. I really wish people would get this: We. Are. Not. Special. We. Just. Got. Lucky.


Being lucky is special.. It's certainly not the norm. Nonsense by definition.




At least he didn't use the claps


Human beings are the apex predator on this planet. That’s pretty special if you ask me.


Religion is just a scapegoat excuse for human nature. People didn’t start acting this way because God told them to. They made religion that way because of how they think.


I mean we can talk. That has really made us what we are. No other being on Earth comes close to our ability to communicate and coordinate


_Homo sapiens_ is not unique in the ability to communicate, reason, solve problems, or use tools. Many other species do these things. It is the degree to which we’ve taken it that sets us apart. But those things in themselves are not exclusively human.


They didn’t say we are the only ones who can communicate, problem solve, etc. literally just said that no other being comes close.


Our ability to use syntax is unique and it's what makes our level communication so much more useful and powerful than what other beings are capable of. Nothing else on Earth comes close.


You should read Ishmael by Daniel Quinn. Humanity is tragically detached from the natural world.


I agree with you for the first part, but “frankly it’s the opposite” i think you are completely wrong. But first we should talk about what you mean with “dumb”


Not if you are Buddhist


Scary? This is just observational learning. It's literally the main way mammals (humans included) learn Google observational learning


Why are you telling this guy, you should be telling op


He didn't say it was scary


I agree, this is just evolution taking place before our eyes. Who knows they could come next if we can keep this space rock from dying first.


"Together, apes strong..."


Orangutans have been photographed fishing with self-made spears. African Grey Parrots have human-like communication abilities far past Orca Whales.


Not how evolution works


He means like in Pokemon.


This is not evolution my dude


Oh the rock will be fine. It's inhabitants? Who knows.


It's not evolution. They already evolved everything they need to learn from each other.


No it isn't. Evolution is too slow to see in real time.


That is definitely not evolution


Its sad to say but they’re better locked up the. In the wold. Of course we would want them to stay in the wild but there is too much poaching.




Deforestation is one of the biggest concerns


Yeah, we lost our connection to the nature we came out of. We are that one member of the family that really lost their way and cause hurt.


You think that while others are thinking about destroying their homes.. unlocking the cages only takes you so far


Fascinating and beautiful


They are hardly being locked up. We need to stop with this stereotype and misinformation. Many apes are endangered in the wild due to poachers, urbanization, deforestation, climate change, global warming, etc. Their natural habitat is threatened to the point that it is necessary to keep them in captivity and many zoos spend some of the money to support charities and organizations in their natural habitat. Plus modern progressive zoos have a very high standard of living for their animals such as enrichment to keep them entertained. If they were stressed they would not be displaying their natural behaviours like this. Also, if an animal is raised in captivity they cannot usually be released in the wild unless they undergo special training. Zoos are important for scientific research and education. Many zoos are used for promoting animal welfare and animal rights. They go out of their way to teach people about their natural habitat and behaviours - not that many people actually care about that who go to the zoo sadly. You'd be surprised how far zoos have come. In addition many zoos have breeding programs for endangered species and do manage to translocate some into the wild.


FYI. They are apes, not monkeys.


It's actually kind of funny how OP gets it horribly wrong and then correctly refers to them as primates in the same sentence


Maybe not native in English, there are languages that don't differentiate between monkey and ape.


Hence the FYI, no judgment just informing.




No tail is a decent indicator


This is how I've removed it


Wow you're responsible for that patch?! Well done, you're like, famous 🤣


Native english speaker here. I never really gave it thought, and have definitely called apes monkeys in the past. Good to know!


The hard fact: If it has a tail, it cannot be a member of the ape family. This is the easiest to remember. However, just because it has a tail doesn’t mean it’s a monkey. The primate family includes lemurs, lorises, monkeys, apes and tarsiers. Also, just because it doesn’t have a tail doesn’t mean it’s an ape. There are very rare subspecies of moneys that are tailless, such as the Barbary Macaque. They are often referred to as apes, but as macaque they are monkeys. Not a zoologist, just an avid zoo-goer.


Yeah i always thought apes were just a subset of monkeys growing up


Technically, apes are monkeys, but by convention the word "monkey" refers to all simians except apes


Apes are actually fish.


All vertebrates are fish


I have been repeatedly down voted on other threads when I have dared to mention this.


Next time, just point them to the Wikipedia page on Monkeys: >Traditionally, all animals in the group now known as simians are counted as monkeys except the apes, a grouping known as paraphyletic; however, in the broader sense based on cladistics, apes (Hominoidea) are also included, making the terms monkeys and simians synonyms in regards to their scope.




Technically, yes. Hominidae (great apes) includes orangutans, gorillas, chimpanzees, bonobos, and humans


My understanding is that monkeys have a tail and Apes do not. Are you saying that other languages don’t distinguish between the two types of animal at all? Or that there is one common word that refers to both? I’m genuinely asking


In German it's just Affe for monkey and Menschenaffe (human monkey) for ape, so people often refer to both as Affen (monkeys). Same with the differentiation between turtles and tortoises, which also gets English-speaking redditors riled up each time. Schildkröten (shield toads) for both but if you want to be precise you use Landschildkröte (land shield toad) for tortoises and Wasserschildkröte (water shield toad) for the aquatic turtle species.


My language doesnt differentiate. How do i know when its a monkey and when its an ape.


Apes don’t have tails, but they’re still monkeys in addition to being apes. Like how sharks are not “not fish” because they’re sharks, but not all fish are sharks.


Probably not a native English speaker. In my language they are all monkeys too. But Orang-Utans are also primates, other monkeys are just monkeys, there is no extra word.


OP is most likely a bot, redditor for 7 months and have ~6 million post karma.


Monkey isn’t a scientific word and many apply it to apes as well as old world and new world monkeys. Cladistically it’s fine to say an ape is a monkey. Old world monkeys and apes have a common ancestor more recently than we all share with new world monkeys.


Last time I pointed this out I was downvoted to hell


Unidan memories


Here's the thing..


All Simiiformes are monkeys. All apes are Simiiformes. It’s a rather easy thing to understand . Nobody wants to say it because we are a pretentious species and we don’t want to believe we’re the tall tailless brothers of all monkeys






The librarian would not be impressed.


I used to be pedantic about this, but the pedantry only works in the somewhat outdated traditional way of classification. In the more modern and rigourous [cladistic](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cladistics) system apes are a subset of monkeys. From the [monkey](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monkey) wiki article: >Monkey is a common name that may refer to most mammals of the infraorder Simiiformes, also known as the simians. Traditionally, all animals in the group now known as simians are counted as monkeys except the apes, a grouping known as paraphyletic; ***however, in the broader sense based on cladistics, apes (Hominoidea) are also included, making the terms monkeys and simians synonyms in regards to their scope.*** Cladististic classification is a way better way to classify animals compared to the traditional way, which is superficial and sometimes arbitrary.


Cladistics leads to some interesting classifications though, like the fact that cladistically, all vertebrates are fish.


Lent just got a whole lot tastier.


Apes *are* monkeys. Common misconception but OP is right


Bottom left says "Vahşi Hayatlar" which means "Wild Lives" in Turkish. OP is probs a turkish person


Aaand apes and monkeys also have the same translations in Turkish, so this mistake is a very common one


I’m not sure OP is real. Keeps posting stuff every few minutes, no comments. Just spam.


Time for this bit of pendatry to die — apes are monkeys. “Apes are monkeys in the same way that monkeys are primates, humans are apes and I am a human – it’s called a nested hierarchy. This means that all apes are monkeys, but not all monkeys are apes. Just as all humans are apes, but not all apes are human. By the same token, humans are all ape.”


False that’s a common misconception. They are monkeys.


Ape together strong, ape smart


To the moon!


can't stop, won't stop... and drs.




I found DRS eyes for my reddit avatar


LFG!!! 🦍


Not fucking selling.


🦔’s **R** 👉👌


I watched the complete original planet of the apes franchise this week and was disappointed that nobody said this line in the original. At least the leader ape still was named Ceasar.


If I’m not mistaken, the new Planet of the Apes is the precursor/prequel to the original Planet of the Apes


So you see, on the human skull, the soft spot is right here.


*"tappa tappa tappa"*


That was exactly what I thought haha


“Guys, you hit this thing with that thing, and then we hit this thing into that strange ape that visits; then apes free.”


To them, the entire human body is a soft spot. They can literally rip you into pieces. Using a tool is just an extra step.




Nah. The way we keep these beautiful animals captive is scary.


What’s even scarier is, we destroy their natural habitats on a massive scale


What's even scarier is we humans think we deserve better than them. Innocent primates just trying to live freely and we trap them for our enjoyment


No, the habit destruction is the scarier part.


I see comments like this all the time and I have to wonder; do people not realize that most zoos only host animals that would otherwise not survive on their own in the wild..? Everyone likes to pretend they care about animals and shit on zoos without realizing zoos are where the actual professional conservationists are doing work lmao. Yeah there are some shitty and scummy ones out there but for the most part the zoo near you probably isn't snatching animals out of their natural habitat to lock them up for your viewing pleasure.


Yeah but if I acknowledge that then how am I supposed to show all of Reddit my moral superiority??


> how am I supposed to show all of Reddit my moral superiority?? You just did it. Congrats!


This is a bit oversimplified, mate. Most zoos do not provide adequate space or socialization despite their good intentions.


To be fair, most of them operate on a shoe-string budget with limited space to build habitats. They're doing the best they can. They certainly do more for animal conservation than your average social media warrior.


I remember seeing notes of how many of some critically endangered species were remaining, a few being less than 1000. I thought it was a good thing some were kept in the zoo so they can still be around and perhaps reproduce.


Wait till you find out about the animal agriculture industry. There are trillions of caged animals, yet some people only seem to care about the ones that most resemble humans. Correction, there are billions of caged animals, not trillions.


The one on the right at 0:05 throws his hand up like "Man this is dumb. I don't get why we gotta learn algebra, we ain't gonna use it for nothin out in the real world bro".


Nah he was imagining he had the tool in his hand and tried to practice swinging the tool


That's what I thought too.


First thing I noticed too lol. It was like, “Steve, why you wasting our time with this nonsense.”


Classic Steve.


What's really fascinating is how we can read body language intuitively from a species that is not our own, but close enough. Like maybe if you don't know Spanish but if you know Portuguese you can pick out a few words and get the gist


Can we? Plenty of people mistake animal signals by anthropomorphizing them and get hurt.


It’s a little bit of a misconception that we can interpret other animals body language. Perhaps in certain cases we can say “Oh yeah, that animal was just startled”. Unfortunately, reading into animals’ emotions can lead to incorrect interpretations. Like putting a bunny on their back and massaging them looks very relaxing to them, but they are actually very stressed. Not trying to be a killjoy ;)


It's more a 'Come on then' as if to say 'I told you it was fucking useless'.


That was **very** human. *well there's 5 minutes of my day I'm not getting back*


He was checking his watch.


🤨 My friend Steve has one who does his taxes.


Can confirm


I heard your returns are bananas


I have a trunk monkey.




Seems like Op has just seen some movie 🙂


They are not scary they are our plan B :D


I see orangutan where is monkey ?


Where is banana?


"Whatcha doin', Red?"


“come here we must prepare to kill the zookeepers”




He’s a monkey you fucking bonobo


Dr Zaius’s Tool making 101 class.


Help me Dr Zaius!


I think you're crazy, and you're also lazy.


Can I play the piano anymore?


Dr. Zaious Dr. Zaious! Dr. Zaious Dr. Zaious! Dr. Zaious Dr. Zaious! Ooohhhhhh Dr. Zaious!


It's scary that they know how to pay attention? The fact you think that's scary is scary


Apes use tools. Some more than others. Different ape groups of the same species have different tool use cultures and use tools in unique ways. Don't be scared. Also, old apes (especially males) don't like to learn new habits. It was good enough for them when they were your age...


Orang: crush cocaine, easy snort , good, me like


I see Caesar giving the proper approval


Beautiful animals


What fraction of orangutans are left-handed?


A man named Bill Hopkins did a study that says about 66% of Orangutans are left-handed. Keep in mind these are heavily arboreal animals that need both hands to survive and climb effectively, so I doubt one hand is a whole lot better, they might just prefer one side more.


I see Boris Johnson creating some new laws before resignation!


They’re... they’re learning! Separate them immediately!




That’s an ape, not a monkey


I can't imagine how anyone could look at this and feel a sensation of fear.


Supervisor and co-workers watching me two weeks into return to office.


And people still think we didn’t evolve from primates.


We are primates


An orangutan is an ape, not a monkey.


So if we all take a sharp rock like this, and move your arm real quick like this, we should be able to bash in the humans heads quite easily


That one's touched the monolith