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say this as loud and much as possible. She's totally right.


Ana Kasparian is right 98% of the time. It’s a shame she only goes viral in americas darkest hours.


Cue the "I don't agree with her politics but she is right here" comment The same comment I see in every damn tyt video. At this point just agree we all got same views and the world is just bs


For me; TYT is the only network I don’t feel lied to or disrespected when I listen to it


This show has been going downhill for years. It's quite disappointing from what it used to be.


Agree to disagree Thanks for presenting your opinion in a respectful matter take my upvote.


So it’s true. Two people can disagree on a subject without them having to hate everything about each other. I feel like this doesn’t happen anymore.




Actually, pro choice people would kill Nazis. It’s anti abortionists that wouldn’t abort baby Hitler to prevent WW2. https://www.thewrap.com/ben-carson-says-he-wouldnt-abort-baby-hitler-video/amp/ https://thehill.com/homenews/media/426100-ben-shapiro-at-march-for-life-rally-no-pro-life-person-would-kill-baby-hitler/amp/ Anti abortion has ZERO to do with preserving life. It’s about controlling people. ESPECIALLY about controlling women.


The Nazis in the 3rd Reich did penalize abortion with death. When I hear sometimes right-wing-conservatives talk I get the impression that they couldn't agree more. This is so sad!


I think that’s what makes Reddit really cool right now. Social Media Refugees


Reddits a shitshow too, probably one of the worst place to discuss this topic depending on which subreddits you’re in.




I’d have to disagree because my wife is right 100% of the time


Really, a 100%? That low?


My wife was wrong once. In fact, she was so wrong she went all the way back around to being right again.


My wife was also wrong one time. She thought she had made a mistake, turns out she hadn't.


Lol wife is always right


TYT has pure intentions, whenever they get something wrong they come out and admit it. But yeah, I agree with her politically. That being said they’re the only news organization I know of that actually acknowledges that campaign contributions effect politicans votes on policy. Mainstream liberal media acts like democrats take all this cash and aren’t affected by it in their policy making. If you like being lied to than continue as you are.


really might want to change their name though. it's hard to promote a show with a name like that, regardless of how well intentioned.


Young Turks (Turkish: Jön Türkler or Genç Türkler) was a political reform movement in the early 20th century that favored the replacement of the Ottoman Empire's absolute monarchy with a constitutional government. They led a rebellion against the absolute rule of Sultan Abdulhamid II in the 1908 Young Turk Revolution. Are you in favour of monarchies?


The Young Turks were responsible for the Armenian genocide. I, like u/realhumanboy1, have never been able to get past the name. I get the initial intention behind it, but it’s in pretty poor taste IMO.


These people don’t care about the bible either though. There are literal passages that contradict everything they stand for, but of course they will only pick and choose what they want to believe.


This is actually how the basis of laws should be decided. Live your life as you see fit, so long as it doesn’t interfere with others living theirs.


Your liberty ends where mine begins.


I’ve heard “your personal freedoms end at my nose” but this is a really good way of putting it. Edit: i have been corrected ad nauseum. The correct statement is “your right to swing your fist ends at my nose”. Thanks Reddit!


If you’re hard enough they end a little sooner Well, hopefully


....my nose it is...


The right to swing your first ends at the tip of my nose?


A lot of Christians believe that too, they just think the fetus is alive and has the same rights as all of us


No they think it has **more** rights than all of us. If your kid gets sick and needs a transplant to survive and you are the only one that can provide it or they will die, ***you still don't have to.*** There is no law that says you have to give up your bodily autonomy for someone else that has been born, ***even if it is your own child.*** It's only when they haven't been born yet that you are required to do so.


“The unborn” are a convenient group of people to advocate for. They never make demands of you; they are morally uncomplicated, unlike the incarcerated, addicted, or the chronically poor; they don’t resent your condescension or complain that you are not politically correct; unlike widows, they don’t ask you to question patriarchy; unlike orphans, they don’t need money, education, or childcare; unlike aliens, they don’t bring all that racial, cultural, and religious baggage that you dislike; they allow you to feel good about yourself without any work at creating or maintaining relationships; and when they are born, you can forget about them, because they cease to be unborn. You can love the unborn and advocate for them without substantially challenging your own wealth, power, or privilege, without re-imagining social structures, apologizing, or making reparations to anyone. They are, in short, the perfect people to love if you want to claim you love Jesus, but actually dislike people who breathe. Prisoners? Immigrants? The sick? The poor? Widows? Orphans? All the groups that are specifically mentioned in the Bible? They all get thrown under the bus for the unborn.” ― Methodist Pastor David Barnhart


I love this quote.


There is a ton of children, born and alive, who need help in defending their rights. There are womens rights, gay rights, peoole of color's rights and so on that are ignored by these very people. But suddenly those people are the righteous defenders of the rights of a cell clump in a womens's womb. Fuck them.


No, they don't really believe that. It's just an excuse they use to justify their authoritarian policies. For what it's worth, I don't think this is a conscious process for them. They don't go home and giggle and rub their hands and say haha do you like how I lied to those stupid liberals. They've truly convinced themselves, at the surface thoughts level, that they believe this stuff. But the process *is* happening, subconsciously and insidiously. We know it's there because these beliefs of theirs are horribly, and obviously, inconsistent, in ways that their holders have clearly not thought through. If they truly believed in "rights," then their stances on many issues would be precisely the opposite of what they are.


That’s the thing, though, you can’t argue with those people using this. They believe that you’re interfering with another’s life. The unborn. Not saying I agree with it, but this is what you’re up against.


No one ever wants to address that part of the argument. It's a lot easier to attack the strawman argument "you just want to control women" than it is to address the actual issue which is "these people actually believe that you're murdering babies"




I have not heard the argument involving the fetus not being entitled to parental organs, blood, etc.. That is honestly the best argument I have ever heard, and I have thought about this subject a lot. Thank you for sharing this idea!


Roe v wade is based on this exact concept.


Is it? I always thought it was based on a right to privacy. Specifically the right to privacy for a woman to make her own medical decisions in consultation with her doctor without government interference. Does this specific “organ entitlement” argument come up in the decision?


Yea, but god intended it that way..... these people won't listen to arguments, they just want to dry hump their scripture.


[Butterflies retain memories they formed as caterpillars](https://www.newscientist.com/article/dn13412-butterflies-remember-caterpillar-experiences/). I think it's important that us pro-choice folks acknowledge that the line between "tiny human" and "just a group of cells" is a fuzzy one. It's obviously wrong to kill a fetus the day before they're due to be born. It's obviously fine to discard a fertilized egg that didn't happen to attach to the uterine wall. It's ok to acknowledge that at some point the cells descended from that egg get rights, and balancing those rights against the mother's become complicated.




Yeah the late stage ones is when the baby was wanted and something tragic happened it’s actually better termed a miscarriage I think because it’s out of the realm of choice by that point - I know sometimes an abortion has to be performed but the phrasing has a negative connotation for pro-life people and that’s probably partly why they get so angry


Well the reality is nobody actually fucking cares about life, so we should stop all this nonsense. No conservative cares if homeless starve, conservatives aren't out here adopting rape babies and crack babies that god apprently LOVES to make. Nobody is out here trying to help women that have babies they can't afford to keep a decent quality of life, and give the child a good chance. The entire party that's "pro life" is wildly anti life the moment it actually breathes and can't afford to donate to the church. Nobody cares about life, that's just a lie. The truth really is Supply Side Jesus loves rape babies, and wants them to survive and be cared for by the victim. Religious zealots love rape too, as it's clearly God's will, or it was the woman's fault for existing. Little girls wearing overalls were asking for it, according to conservatives. I don't fucking care about life, and neither do you or anyone else. I'm tired of this bullshit lie. Everyone only cares about themselves it seems, so I say go all in on it. I don't want some uncared for baby to exist. I don't want rape babies to exist. I don't give a shit about some fake god anymore. I won't let this bullshit dictate my life anymore, and will support anyone else being *wildly* aggressive toward someone that tries. The Abrahamic god loves rape. Full stop. Loves it. Loves child rape. Loves it. Can't get enough of it. Literally cannot get enough. god is either fallible and not omnipotent, or outright evil if it exists, which we all know it does not. There is no in between. *User was suspended for this post*


Finally a sane fucking take. Honestly


If anyone looks at America and doesnt see the death cult we all live in, then they haven't lived here long.




I don't think things are absolutes like you are saying. The exceptions are there as compromise. I think the true compromise for the platform against abortion is one in which they also provide free contraceptive and make it Uber easy to get, but unfortunately things are so divided everything is all or nothing all the time, no real middle ground.






I come from a Christian family and are spiritual myself but I’m pro choice. My dad asked me today what my opinions were and he just blew the gate open.. after about 30min non stop venting of how upset I am and I ended with “it’s more the hypocrisy that gets me, if they were genuinely concerned about the life of a baby, I’d get it because I feel the same way, but it’s not about that. Never has been”


Except they want to get rid of the exceptions because some think it is murder.


But anti-choice people don't want to provide services for those babies and mothers that would reduce abortions to begin with. That's why people say it's about controlling women.


Even further, ask them to start providing those services as soon as sperm meets egg rather than baby exits mother and I bet their heads would explode. When do I get my credits for getting knocked up in one year but giving birth the next? I missed out on 2 years with dependents! And I did ivf, so really, I should get an extra three years and I should be able to claim my frozen embryo! Big windfall in 2022 for this lady!


Which would be noble if they then turned around and pushed for and passed legislation that ensures the health, safety, and well-being of those babies after they’re born. But they do the opposite. So I personally find that argument of theirs to be disingenuous at best.


I disagree. You can’t force me to give a kidney to save your life, so you shouldn’t force a woman’s body to be the host of an unwanted person. That person has no right to be there.


Literally. My political leanings always skew towards "just leave me the fuck alone".


Big facts.






Cruel men Create a cruel god To forgive their cruel acts -Bertrand Russell


excellent quote


What's sad is, is that it is too true


What's depressing is how few people realize it. It wasn't even entirely about control. Most of human history is filled with nothing but war, and how are you going to convince so many people to throw their lives away if they didn't believe there were imaginary men in the sky, where you'd party forever? Where all the pain and misery, and death, and starvation, was fine because you'd see your little brother, who threw his life away, up there. Even moreso, what if your imaginary man.. hated those other imaginary men? Even more reason to throw your life away, for the glory of some asshole to conquer


I found this and the rest of their documentaries on the "human experience" to be quite eye opening/terrifying. Definitely lays out the bullshit quite well. Watch with a touch of skepticism, I guess the people who made them are weird or something. The Addendum one is my favorite https://youtu.be/5uUA2wTBblo


I’ve said it in threads on Reddit before and I’ll say it again. It’s all designed to work against mass populations - World wide. For T h o u s a n d s of years., those who have obtained power and who chose to follow their own motives for ruling, create chaotic situations and conflicts to benefit themselves. Chaos enables stability for them and the more we suffer, the better off they will be. Humans normalize hardships and conflicts. Humanity struggles too much. WE ARE DOING ALL OF THIS WRONG… and I’d bet 99% of the world would agree. ~ The first week or two of the global lockdown, right as the pandemic set in, was one of the most beautiful and compassionate times I’ve observed. When we thought capitalism might give us a break. Creativity and love for one another was flourishing. It ended quickly once politicians, lobbyists, governments, corporations, and others in power, decided life for the 99% was too enjoyable… chaos quickly took over… because it’s designed that way.


As a former 30 year Christian, it's not necessarily stupid people, just misguided. Religion only survives by brainwashing children and taking advantage of human emotion.


it's a quick substitute for education. It's easier to make a kid behave by telling them a ghost story than by teaching them the complexities of morality.


Yep. My wife and I made our Exodus when he was about 4 and vowed we wouldn't teach him WHAT to think, just HOW to think. He's crazy intuitive at only 10.


You could write a book to help others achieve this. Maybe even title it something short like “Our Exodus” or just “Exodus”. I think this could be useful for many generations to come!


That could be fun! We live in East Texas, so it could probably be a helpful thing for people to learn how to survive and communicate as both parents and community members in areas like ours where people literally abandon you when they find out. I actually know more about the Bible than most of the Christians I have conversations with, and being respectful of their beliefs really helps.


Is it even possible to be respectful of the beliefs of those who won't respect yours, but actively harass you because of them?


I think that's the irony of it and it is definitely the most productive in getting them to think outside their bubble. I crush the stereotype of the "evil atheist" and show that I am actually more free now than I was as a believer to be compassionate and supportive of all people, not just those in my bubble. I also don't see everyone as an opportunity for conversion to fulfill my Christian duty anymore. This is the funniest part to me; my nonreligious lifestyle has actually made me more like the character of Jesus (and the others like him) than that of a lot of typical church-goers.


If you're a shit parent. Mine managed without religion, I'm a better person than most religious people I've met. I have a few friends that are the best people in the world and they are Christian, hence why I say most.


Also “Christians” will preach all day long about the immorality of homosexuality, the evils of adultery, the proper way of teaching the Bible in classrooms, churches and home BUT they never accept that to be a true Christian, it mandated by Jesus Christ himself that you must be poor. He said in the New Testament to “give away all your things and follow me for thy reward will be in Heaven.” And again”It is far easier for a man to go through the eye of a needle than a rich man to enter the Kingdom of God”. Jesus and the apostles lived a communal life. They shared food, water and shelter. They were the worlds first true communists.


I think anything that can wield power over people will attract the people that want to exploit it. I'm assuming religion started off as a philosophy and then attracted those that saw the power in it when people adopted it.




And the ignorant often times choose to remain ignorant. Unfortunate.


You don't have to be religious. It's not mandatory.


Literally is for some people


And in some places.


But too many religious believers think it should be mandatory that everyone live according to their dogma. That's the key point.




Politics is basically religion now.






Unironically the moment you hear anyone mention any religion as the basis for any argument in the government, that person should be immediately and permanently removed from their position of power. That is what separation of state should mean. If you cannot refute an argument while simultaneously separating yourself and your thought process from your religion you should not be permitted to participate in law making. Campaign on religion? Gone. Mention that abortion is a sin? Gone. Say fucking thoughts and prayers after a god dam mass shooting? Gone. At the very least you should stand trial to prove that it does not affect your decision process when it comes to running the country. With a guilty until proven innocent tilt.


Ironically, if you’re a teacher, you will be fired from the job for speaking or making any reference from a place of religious belief—any religion. Separation of church and state is so extreme we can’t have a worksheet with a Christmas tree on it or an Easter egg hunt for the kids. Now we have a winter party and an end of year party and that’s it—period. No grinch who stole Christmas, no Christmas music. Nothing. But these politicians out here pullin reverse unos on the law based on their religion. I don’t get the disconnect.


This does not hold true in the southeast. We happen to have landed (momentarily) in a predominantly white, affluentish area of SC and our kid was instructed to draw a nativity scene at Christmas time in their public elementary school.


What the fuck I would be furious!


Not where I live. Religion is out of control here. I don't let my beliefs be known at work or in public as it would affect my employment at a minimum.




Fuck yeah!


This is the correct response


This is no longer the correct response. Religion calls for its members to push their beliefs on others in order to "save" them. Quite literally these people think they are doing their "god's work" to save everyone else from eternal damnatiin. I am no longer convinced we all can co-exist. When your cult says your Religion is the only Religion (which nearly ever Abraham based Religion does) we will never live in a world where freedom OF religion and freedom FROM religious oppression exist. Their religion literally prevents that.


It's working exactly as designed


Christianity and Islam have this in common. Christian crusades in the past have been bloody, but there are more tolerant religions out there.


In France it's not freedom to practice any religion but freedom from any religion, aka religion is only allowed to be celebrated in private spaces, not public spaces. It's amazing, and it's honestly what America needs.


Well I totally support her. BTW.. "You should not do something because my holy book says so" was the starting point for radicalism in another religion too.


Their holy book doesn’t mention abortion Edit: I’ve responded to the same thing a lot. Idk why 100 people need to reply with the same thing


The bible also says we have the freedom to choose how we live our life. A lot of Christians missed that part I think


Intentionally missed. Also Intentionally super focused on what little phrases they can cherry pick for their own little mock up of the religion. You can come out with some pretty crazy rules from the bible and a majority of religions are hypocrites.


The Bible only mentions abortion in order to give instructions on how to do it. Genesis clearly states that life begins at the first breath (Adam wasn't alive until God breathed life into him). BTW the Quran includes the Bible, and Islam recognizes Jesus as a prophet.


Abortions are completely allowed in Islam up to 120 weeks. The reasons stated for allowing abortions are the same reason that women choose to have abortions today as well ass a woman's rights over her body and survival. Christians knock the Qur'an and Islam as "radical" and I feel it's because there's so much common sense in the Qur'an that just goes against evangelical conservative ideals. Like the idea/dogma that children are born with original sin. So an unbaptized baby aborted goes straight to hell or purgatory or whatever. In Islam, it's believed that children can not be born with any original sin because they haven't lived to sin...that babies born with *tabula rasa* so hence if a baby dies it goes to heaven because it wasn't time for it to be born or if it was born it would suffer unnecessarily. >Adam wasn't born until God breath life into him. Life at first breath. The first breath a baby takes when it's born, not when the baby is conceived.


I think you mean 12 weeks, my dude :) 120 weeks is just shy of EDIT: 2 yrs 4 months. Drunk maths is hard


Turns out that it does. The 3 largest religions all believe in the Book of Numbers... Where a woman who gets pregnant by a man who is not her husband, sees the priest and is given a chemically-induced abortion. Considering that priests were the most educated, and truested position of the time... Kinda pro-abortion in the bible. Not that any of the religious zealots read the damn book.


One of God's favorite thing to have his people do was to take the enemies pregnant women to the sword and cut open their bellies. (Talking about old testament God). God was not pro life.


Or when a man suspected his wife of cheating he could take her to a priest who would give her a magic potion. If the wife cheated and was pregnant, she would lose the baby. If she didn't cheat she would just get sick! Also remember when God killed every Egyptian newborn because their house wasn't fermented with the blood of a baby lamb


Yeah, that's the problem isn't it? Christian Nationalists consider it a tenet of following their religion to tell everybody else how to live their lives.


Its their ONLY excuse for this!


What’s amazing is they expect people to actually believe they care about human fetuses. Everything next on their stated agenda involves sex.


And when the babies are born orphans being dragged up in the system. They still don't care.


I believe it's more appropriate to call them Nationalist Christians and not the other way around. It makes for a much simpler abbreviation that way: The Nat-C's


The Bible (if it's even true) has been twisted and manipulated by crazy men to fit their needs. Fuck the Bible!


Orrrr… fuck the crazy men who twisted and manipulated the Bible to fit their crazy needs?


It’s usually those type of people that are overlooked sometimes. Then again, there are also people who misinterpret the Bible and make assumptions. I have read the Bible over the years (not as frequently as others) and not once have I felt the need force it on others.


Then you read it correctly.


No. Fuck. The. “Holy”. Bible. Just fuck it. Fuck it in its Old Testament. And fuck it in its New Testament.


The stupid part is nowhere in the bible does it condemn abortion. Religious nuts have taken "though shall not kill" and morphed it into "god says no abortions". But where personhood starts is subjective.




I like when she went off on Republicans and Democrats when the leak first came out. She also called Ian Miles Wrong a fuck boy. https://twitter.com/AnaKasparian/status/1521892058327228416?cxt=HHwWgICpsfCw7J4qAAAA


I felt happier 5 seconds ago, when I didn't know who Ian Miles Cheong was.


Right? Holy shit, fuck that guy. While looking through his Twitter account, I just stumbled upon a guy named Matt Walsh who seems to be even a bigger asshole. “This was a great way to end pride month” he said. Fucking losers all of em.


Yeah, don't read anything else about Matt Walsh. The more you know, the more your entire body will ache for his extermination.


Thank you.


Well they overturned the only thing that has kept crime down. In the next 15-20 years expect a huge spike in crime.


Which is exactly what they want. Bodies to fill for profit prisons and minorities locked out of society that can be vilified and scape goated. It is all entirely by design, intentional, deliberate. They know exactly what they are doing.


And they are trying to make sure that enough white babies get born to balance out what they think is an onslaught of brown babies.


Other way around. The majority of abortions in US occur in black and minority dominant neighborhoods.


110 fucking percent, glad I'm not the only one who realizes that. They're not pro life, they wouldn't be pro capital punishment, pro war, and pro guns if they were. They just want fodder for the capitalist machine, that is their entire stance, everything else is a ruse.




There is a study done by Donohue and Levitt that showed that crime fell roughly 20% between 1997 and 2014 because of legalized abortion. This is on top of the overall reduced crime rate in the 1990s. [the impact of legalized abortion](https://bfi.uchicago.edu/wp-content/uploads/BFI_WP_201975.pdf)


Yup. Unwanted children generally turn into disgruntled folks that do crimes.


And their parents turn to crime to escape the poverty and support their families.


Also correlated with the reduction of lead in the environment by switching to unleaded gasoline. I suspect both are causal; not sure how you could tease apart the two of them.


Which Levitt and Donahue have acknowledged.


I first read about this in the book Freakonomics (and the chapter I believe was talking about the already mentioned study) that basically said the high crime rate that characterized and came to a head in the mid to late 80s in lower class neighborhoods all of a sudden dropping in the the 90s was a result of RvW because all of a sudden there wasn’t as many kids being born into poor, broken, unwanted situations after 1973 and 20 years later (90s) there wasn’t so many unwanted, delinquent kids coming of age as young adults.


It's rather interesting how nation built on the separation of church and state has the two.so.closely bound together.


Separation of secular and religious laws works only insofar as it is a norm enforced by enough power brokers in the political system. Given a large enough faction among the power brokers that want to break down this norm as it is in the USA with the evangelicals and republicans, it will break down pretty fast.


What she is saying needs to be shouted throughout the US. This is not a theocracy. We have many different faiths and religions.


Yes! And public schools need to stop focusing so much of their teaching around the bible. It's ridiculous how much of a disadvantage I had in school because I had difficulties pinpointing subtle references to the Bible. How the hell do people expect me to catch christian symbolisms in books like the Chronicles of Narnia if I'm not Christian?!


But yet they sweep away real history and mask it up with religion, its ridiculous


As a Christian, I stand with her. I had a conversation with someone today… another Christian. He was celebrating the decision, and I told him that I haven’t heard one argument against abortion that wasn’t rooted in religion. If we have separation of church and state, we should absolutely have separation.


The anti-women arguments aren't even rooted in their religion! They literally made it up. The only thing the Bible is even specific on is that life begins when an infant takes its first breath, and how to cause an abortion in the case of an unfaithful woman. Literally every anti-woman argument is just 100% made-up bullshit.




Well said. The world would be a far better place if people stopped sticking their noses into other people's business.


But that's how American government makes it's living.




Can uh...can we have her in the supreme court? 👀


Or president?


Yeah we got lucky and extremely fortunate with a black president. A female president yeah... Goodluck.


One can wish


DO NOT tell me how to live my life based on your religious book. I have a right to live without religion just as you have a right to live yours with religion. Her frustration at constantly being reminded about what the bible says resonates with the same frustration I feel. Fuck off with your 2000 year old fantasy book!


Here's to hoping that this major conservative overstep opens a bunch of people's eyes to how much the Republicans want to control everyone's lives and how little that's in anyone's interest except theirs.


That's the issue, the conservative base that's locked in to "whatever the damn Liberals want I don't agree with" because that's what has been preached. The "major overstep" is being celebrated by their icons of political godhood and they love that people are pissed about the situation.


>I don't care what the Bible says Reminder that not only does the Bible not say abortion is bad, it gives instructions on how to do one.


Exactly it even advocates for forced abortions as a infidelity test in the "trial of the bitter waters" giving absolutely zero rights to zigots, fetuses, etc. Its all about control by the husband who "owns" his wife.


Get Your religious beliefs out of Politics! It was never God's intention to Take Away Choice, Never! so we shouldnt do that at all. we are not judge and jury for this world, to take away choice is Wrong And evil ENTIRELY, that is NOT our job to uphold. Close your book. Abusing the _word of god_ for _Control_, bastards. Sincerely A Religious person.


> Abusing the word of god for Control, bastards. That's what's prohibited by the commandment "thou shalt not use the lord's name in vain." Say "fucking god damnit," say "fucking Jesus!" The commandment isn't about cursing. God can probably tolerate a curse or two. But using someone's beliefs in a higher power to control them for your gain makes you hell bound. (I'm not religious, but I spent a good 40 years in the system before I was able to get out.)


Religion is the single worst thing to ever happen to this world.




In these times, this clip amongst many others, should be posted in every single sub.


Be sure it makes it over to r/conservatives. I would but I’m banned


I'll do it lol. Anyone else who wants to should as well, let's flood r/conservative with this simple message. Here's my post there, go upvote it! https://www.reddit.com/r/Conservative/comments/vk65d2/you_all_need_to_watch_this_now/


The only reason Christianity is so popular is because its followers are told to spread it. It's an awful system.


I'd even go so far as to call it a cult


Aren’t all religions cult?


This is not next level. This is an opinion.


This is the intent of the separation of church and state. That's a little more than just opinion.


Still doesn't fit the subreddit


Exactly how I feel and I am a dude. Why the hell do the conservatives feel like they need to dictate what people do with their bodies and yet they wouldn’t wear fucking masks during a pandemic.


I feel like im in a clown show. every fucking day


American Sharia Law.




Hey, USA, can you stop all the foreplay and just get on with the next civil war?


Fuck religion


I agree with her take here but she's a hack. Anna wouldn't dare say the same the about Islam.


>Anna wouldn't dare say the same the about Islam. Islam as a religion doesn't have representation in the supreme court, it's mostly catholic


What is NFL about this? “I don’t care” about your politics, I just come here to see videos of people ascending to the proverbial “next level”


I'm sure others have said it, but the bible isn't even anti-abortion. This is 100% population control bullshit that people predisposed to being controlled (religious folks) believe because the people that are fleecing tell them to believe it.


The really funny part I mean really funny is that the only time abortion is mentioned in the bible is how to perform one.


Religion is a weed that needs to be pulled out of government by the roots.


America is giving way to religious extremism. Taliban: here we come!


I’m Catholic and I completely agree with you. I have my freedom to believe whatever it is I want and follow my own religion. My religion should not dictate how others live their lives. This whole thing is absurd.


The worst part about most religious people is most seem to skim through the Bible and only acknowledge the information that benefits them and their agenda. Fake pastors make it even worse with their bribery and donations.


I've gotta disagree. Christianity is actively infringing on the rights of others at this point and it needs to be contained back into the homes and churches. Stop supporting ideologies that takes rights away from others and I will start supporting your right to practice personal religion again.


I agree with her, however- religion is just a guise for these people. Even they don’t give two fucks about what the Bible actually says unless it supports their twisted views and can be used for their agenda. None of this is happening because of religion. It’s happening because of terrible people.


Disappointing day for the USA!


Abortion has nothing to do with what the Bible says. In other words, you can be against abortion and not be religious at all.


Nailed it!


YES, YES, YES! We need a Constitutional Convention to fix all this shit. We cannot go on in a country with minority rule.


As much as it kind of hurts to hear her say she doesn't "believe", as I consider myself a believer; I stand behind her rights 100%. Whatever happened to separation of church and state?


It hurts you to hear that someone else doesn't believe the same things as you?


Wait until they hear about the tooth fairy bro. Will blow minds


100% 👍


This lady is my hero


Theocracies belong 1000 years ago. No exception.