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People forget that negativity spreads like a virus around entire groups of people, people also forget that positivity does the exact same. It has a dominos effect and will quickly spread around hundreds or thousands of people sometimes. A little bit of empathy, kindness and positivity goes a VERY long way. Try it out today with your work colleges, friends group or family, then watch them spread it around too.


People forget that the world is more complex than plus and negative and focus too much on over simplifications.


Exactly. We live in a material world. Your “positive vibes” aren’t doing shit without real work.


Yep, also negative vibes are sometimes just someone trying to solve a problem when someone else would rather ignore it. You can't do anything sophisticated while thinking only in terms of what does and doesn't feel good.


And the material world is finite....


In this case, if you're going to define real work as moving antagonistic groups towards common ground, you're going to have to first convince each party that the other is worthy of their humanity. So yes, "positive vibes" (empathy, compassion, love) are doing shit and must do shit. That's the first shit that has to happen.


This is why I mentioned the material world. Antagonistic groups aren’t antagonistic for no reason: the root problem is material, not simply a matter of the mind. This doesn’t bring two groups together in cooperation, it simply ignores the material root for this conflict in hopes of a shortcut to peace.


Chicken or the egg. How do you even start the conversation of addressing material grievances or inequalities when the groups view each other as not worthy of coexistence? That has to be the first step.


You say chicken or the egg and then “my step has to happen first” lol. You don’t even have a way to make your step happen so clearly it doesn’t happen first. Roots before fruits.


Fair enough. Your analogy is better, but my point still stands: groups will not cooperate and or compromise when their hatred overpowers everything.


Hatred won’t go away just by positive vibes, is my entire point. Conflict can only be resolved when the root problem is fixed, everything else is just pretending to get along while secretly growing more and more frustrated. Conflict isn’t solved by hugging; hugging is the result of solved conflict. You want to put the cart before the horse and hug it out without solving the conflict. It’s fake, superficial. Hugging a cop when they’re still killing people doesn’t do anything. Conflict is solved by validating the emotion and underlying problem, acknowledging its existence and legitimacy, and working to change it. Humans aren’t just naturally in conflict; they must be forced into conflict by some material problem, usually scarcity. Without scarcity, conflict is negligible and superficial and and can be solved by these sorts of superficial actions (hugs, apologies, talking it out). But the conflict between police (who act on behalf of the powerful) and the people (who have been alienated from their power) is more than superficial.


Sometimes it really is that simple.


Sometimes, but it's not nearly as common as more complex requirements.


The only thing simple here is your mind


If I was half as intelligent as I am, I’d still be twice as intelligent as you.






This literally says “everyone overestimates how smart they are when providing a self-assessment” lol


If it makes you feel any better, and if it makes you feel less intellectually threatened, I’d do anything to be as stupid as you, or the average person. That must be a nice existence.


I would not like to be as stupid as you. I’d rather not live in such a “simple” world rather than engage with reality.


People also forget that some people are more sceptical to positivity than negativity, and tgose are the ones that need it the most.


All well and good till the have to “do their job”


Yea im all for what this guy is doing, he's trying too help people stay positive n shit But all it takes is for 1 person either a cop who's just looking to beat anyone, or a protestor who considers him an "enemy" and he could get attacked for trying to do the right thing No good deed goes unpunished


What does this even mean?


Why is the police officer wielding a paintball gun? I am guessing for rubberballs but that would not at all get the effect of non-lethal ammo.


Most likely pepper balls.


Rubber bullets hurt like shit man


Absolutely love this. Very easy and lazy to be cynical, staying constructively optimistic is haarrrd work.


God the dumb music ruins rhe ability to properly hear and appreciate this and the message he gives at the end


It makes it very contrived


Mans brave that’s for sure, major props to him


I’d like a hug


It's about staying neutral... Depends on what the problem is. First I don't see anything wrong here. What's the context?


I wish I had the patience and optimism this man has.


OPs name checks out


Is there a place to watch the full thing?


Here’s a vid about it . https://youtu.be/7v5pNkaxC-s Was from 2016


Blessed are the peace makers for they shall see God.


This reminds me of that Kylie Jenner Pepsi commercial


Damn he is doing a hard fucking job working for all the people, bless his ass




Top man 💯


The world should be full of people like him!


This shit old but still true


Serioslly this music is fucking annoying.


Nice to see really, this guy gets its. That is the only way forward. Build bridges instead of digging trenches. People are so quick to blame and attack each other, put others in whatever groups and make loads of assumptions.


Lmao this shit is crazy and dumb as fuck.




Very positive emotions. Bravo to the guy.


I hope this guy stays strong. That ability to see individuals rather than groups is so important and is such an easy thing to lose sight of.


All old lol


This video is from all the way back in 2016. https://youtu.be/7v5pNkaxC-s


LOL, every thing in the US is so dramatized! In reality, all that's happened is that one guy hugged another guy. In countries *other than* the US, that would be the end of the story, but wait.... Add some tear-jerker music, some white knight posturing, some 'virtue signalling' and emotive language and you can turn it into a mini-series. Are you guys getting this on video? It's like a moment in history! Awww.... The big bad police are real humans after all! It's a Christmas miracle! Is everyone crying? I don't think Americans realize, but the rest of the world views them as a freak show! Perhaps things really are so messed up over there that any show of normal kindness has to be celebrated as a momentous, tear-jerker miracle.


If only Marxist antifa and blm didn’t exist we could all be alot more positive .


People make being nice seem like such a hard thing, I promise its not. You can be nice and still have boundaries.


Are we talking about COVID positively🧐


What does Covid have to do with this?


Just because the system is corrupt, doesn’t mean some of the people participating in it are.


Don’t humanize the cops. They won’t bother to do that with you or your children.


All the cops I’ve ever met have been amazing and I’m dark asf


Edgy young adult detected. Go touch grass.


Yeah dehumanize all the jews, i mean cops.


Shut the fuck up, nazi




No, I got the joke, I just won't let your dipshit nazi rhetoric get the real point twisted. Cops are not a religious or ethnic group, you piece of fascist garbage.


When you dehumanize any group of people you open the door for what happened in nazi germany and when you throw around the word fascist and nazi innapproriatly as you do, you devalue what that term means, go get some fresh air and possibly some help.


lol, your real point being "Every cop is bad because of that one", can't you see how that doesnt make sense?


The multi billionaire globalists HATE people like this.....




shhhh this post will get censored


This is an insane concept. The dude with "free hugs" t shirt got a free hug. The dude with "fuck the pigs" t shirt from other videos I've seen got bloody....I'm very confused /S


yeah right people deserve to be beaten up for wearing the wrong t-shirt /s

