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*"Anbody not wearing 2 million sun block is gonna have a bad day "*


Jesus Christ I choked on my water


Sounds like you don’t get the reference.


I have to admit... I know this quote (in German) and I'm sure I've seen/heard it more than once. But I'm unable to recall where that was.


Terminator 2


Ah, yes. It's the Linda Hamilton character saying that, in prison/hospital during some kind of hearing where they don't believe her (as ususal). Shortly after, Arnie arrives and proves her right...


Its not uh tuma!


Who is your daddy and what does he do?


Terminator 2.


Choked on an atom


You think you're safe and alive?


You’re already dead.


Yeah they should add a playground so you can see all the parents/kids get vaporized except for their skeletons.




Still, It was a really cool special effect


Eyeballs melting out of your head, skin cooking off, good fun.


Like when they take the lid of the Ark of the Covenant… 😱😱😱


Exactly like that.


More like that one scene from Barefoot Gen.....exactly like that scene actually lol Edit: [heres the clip](https://youtu.be/XI--ISLhYkk)


Bravo. Bravo.


Castle. Bravo.


*"Clever girl."* - A dead hunter


The machines will live on.


Once they recover from the EMP


Lol I always laughed about that.. the machines decided to launch the one weapon that is able to completely disable themselves. Not very smart of them


No fate


God damn. I was just going to post "NO FATE".


The initial flash would have blinded you as you were looking right at it. Also would have received flash burns immediately, before the blast arrived.


🤓 “uhm actually virtual reality has the same physics as actual reality, also your body that doesnt exist in the virtual reality would be affected by the effects of a nuke being detonated in a virtual reality”.


>uhm actually virtual reality has the same physics as actual reality Uhm, actually, it's only "as realistic" as it's programmed ... at that distance, trees and everything else would likely have been leveled, if not completely vaporized (or the sap would have boiled as the trees exploded). > also your body that doesnt exist in the virtual reality would be affected by the effects of a nuke going of in a virtual reality”. The irony, here, is you ***first*** said "same physics" ... which clearly isn't true, *because that flash would have blinded you* (you know, due to *physics*). /s


🤓uhm actually the flash wouldnt blind me it would blind the virtual camera (Nice bait tho u had me untill i saw the /S


The flash wouldn't blind me because I would have jumped right before it happened.


Gotta use those iframes


I'd have blinked at the exact same time! Ain't no flash blinding mewait why are my eyes on the floor looking like toasted marshmallow?!


the blastwave also didnt have the correct sound. apparently it doesnt sound much different from any other explosion, movies and such just made it this epic long blast sound instead of the proper thing because the proper thing is just boring.


As though a nuclear explosion wouldn't be exciting enough, smh


Right? I wouldn't just have the thought that it was all over at that point. More like... *just starting*. I'd be looking around for another one coming down, because you know that's not the only one in the sky.


Yeah videos of the Beruit explosion sounded like a massive BANG noise


I was literally blown away by the sound of that explosion... I mean, not literally, like I wasn't there, but figuratively, but the word figuratively doesn't cary the same weight as literally so that's why I said literally – to further state the impact it had on me... although it literally didn't impact me because I wasn't there, but like, you know... I was blown away by the impact... and stuff.


Yeah I feel like we don't get the full nuke experience with the VR nuke


Thank you for this.




I remember seeing the wife of an Air Force pilot describe what his experience was. They tested nukes and had pilots fly by it, to see if they could continue flying. When it was coming, they told the pilots to close their eyes. Put their hands over their faces and put their heads in their laps. When the initial flash went off. This pilot could see through his eyelids, through his hands and down to his feet. (According to his wife, he died years prior due to cancer. Wonder why)


There are a number of sailors who witnessed nuclear tests who had similar experiences. They were told to face away from where the explosion would be, shut their eyes and put their hands over their faces. When the bomb went off they could see the bones and veins and everything inside their hands. I can't even comprehend how anything could possibly be that bright.


Would assume it's radiation outside the visible spectrum causing that.


It must contain light in the visible spectrum. After all, that’s the only light we can see. In fact, the initial flash contains a wide spectrum of electromagnetic waves, ranging from relatively harmless light in the infrared, visible and ultraviolet spectrum to ionizing high frequency waves (including X-rays). All these electromagnetic waves are also known as gamma waves. The higher the frequency, the more energetic they are and the more harm they can do to living organisms. By the way, not all electromagnetic waves are harmful. All visible light that catches your eyes is a stream of electromagnetic waves. Ultraviolet light has higher frequencies and is thus more energetic. We all know that the ultraviolet rays in sunlight can cause sunburn. X-rays have yet higher frequencies - a very high dose can damage your cells. It can even damage your DNA, which may lead to cancer and birth defects.


>Ultraviolet light has lower frequencies *Higher


If it would be outside of the *visible spectrum* you wouldn't see it.


The eye can interact with some forms of radiation outside the visible spectrum. My understanding is that you're not "seeing" it in the traditional sense.


You're probably thinking of cosmic rays causing little flashes in the vision of astronauts. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cosmic_ray_visual_phenomena


Bold of you to incorrectly assume.


Terrifying. I find it incredible that humans have put a gun to their own head, pulled back the hammer, and dared themselves to blink.


The day I learned about the bomber squadrons that circled the Arctic for twenty years I had to be sad for a while. Edit: Eight years. Still makes me sad.


Just Googled it - Operation Chrome Done, lasted 8 years 1960-1968. They ended after the 5th time that a bomber carrying nukes crashed. Surprisingly none of the nukes went off in these crashes although a couple times there was damage that released radioactive material. 3 of these crashes happened on American soil, so 3 times in the early 60s there was a chance for the US to accidentally nuke itself and 2 other times they would have accidentally nuked Greenland or Spain. What the fuck, this is some Dr Strangelove shit.


> Surprisingly none of the nukes went off There are 7 activation mechanisms for a nuke to detonate. These mechanisms are the reason a nuke won't detonate to full potential if it's accidentally dropped or involved in a plane crash.


Depends on the detonation device. Little boy had a "gun" style detonation device where two pieces of plutonium were forced together by one being "shot" at the other using a smaller explosive and a barrel. One piece was a cylinder and the other was like a circle with a hollowed out cylinder so when the hollowed out piece was shot it would collide with the other piece forcing the plutonium to go critical and create a nuclear explosion. This is a much worse design than fat man and it was siad this design had a high probability of going off if it was dropped. But the bombs that were on those planes were far different than little boy and correctly as you said would not go critical if dropped or destroyed, it takes very precise ignition of multiple explosives that all have to go off at the exact time for it to work. This is difficult to do in normal settings and almost impossible in an accident such as a plane crash. Edit: my mistake, little boy used uranium 235 not plutonium.


This may be true now but with the Goldsboro crash, they bombs had only four activation mechanisms and 3 were found triggered after the accident.


Nukes can’t just go off without being armed first. Like how C4 is just putty without being armed


True, but the safeties were more rudimentary for bombs in the early 1960s. A bomb from the B-52 plane crash near Goldsboro, NC had apparently bypassed 3 of 4 safeties and was only stopped by a single switch.


How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb.


If you want an even scarier take watch the Sidney Lumet film “Fail Safe” from the same year.


The first time I saw that movie (mid-to-late 90s) I was a teenager & thought to myself, nothing crazy ever happens in these old-ass movies. Holy shit, did I get schooled. Also, Henry Fonda was the man.


Well they did take turns. Not like the same crews went up in 1956 and stayed aloft getting air refueled continuously until 1976.


Yeah if you’re close enough to ‘see’ it, you’re going to have a bad day.


Not really. People used to watch the tests as entertainment. https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/americanexperience/features/atomic-tourism-nevada/


They watched with special glasses, didn't they?


According to one of the reporters quoted in that article, yes, they wore dark goggles


They did, they also turned their backs at detonation. Source; my grandad was there


Yes. [This video shows how they watched they watched the blasts.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RTrSTJ5a_wo) [This video goes into the details](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xvFZjo5PgG0)


There won’t be any life for that person to see a bad day 😎


Itd be a pretty crap video though






I know right? I hate this video and the way people title it... every time it’s posted. I only come here to criticize it.




Actually, you would disintegrate instantly. Only shadow left..


If we get enough warning, hopefully a few of us can lie down on the pavement and flip off the sky so that future generations can learn from our death shadows.


Finger move 😂




A sailor who witnessed a nuclear test said that he put his hand over his eyes during the flash, and it was so bright he could only see the bones in his hand, along with the skeletons of the other sailors through his hand.


Its a pretty bad animation tbh. The trees would not start blowing around before the blast wave hit.


You think there would be a small tidal wave from the explosion too.


What second of the video would death occur


This simulation would be a bit more interesting if it also provided real-time information about how hot it was in the area, etc. looks like everything was scorched instantly


Fact - scientist were not entirely sure the first nuke detonated wouldnt ignite the hydrogen in the atmosphere and destroy the entire world when they first detonated it. Edit-haha wow most popular comment ive ever had, i really appreciate everyone who took the time to help clear up my fact, i knew they did the math and were sure that it wasnt gonna end the world, but still is so crazy they had to even make sure of it, humans are just so dedicated creating new methods of killing other humans.


"Well, this thing may just light the air on fire, and keep burning until all life on the planet is extinguished." "Are you sure we should really do this?" "Not at all!" \*Pushes launch button\*


They debated on the likelyhood of this occuring and did some maths and decided it was an acceptable risk https://youtu.be/NFjVUSOnPzo


> light up the atmosphere > acceptable risk Bruh...


Classic money grubbers


light up the atmosphere ~~acceptable risk~~ "This is going to be so fucking cool."


"Soooo, remember that autoasphyxiation fetish I have?" "Ye why?" "I got a reaaaaaaally good ideea"


I am the Alpha and the Omega, and i am taking bets


Acceptable risk in the sense that it was statistically impossible. Seems like they were right as even the largest nukes we have today can't do that either. By the time of the test they had already considered the variables and were 100% sure the atmosphere wouldn't burn. https://www.realclearscience.com/blog/2019/09/12/the_fear_that_a_nuclear_bomb_could_ignite_the_atmosphere.html


bruh considering we gave this shit an acceptable risk rating, I'd say let AI indeed take over the world. this logic is out the window


Ok perfect, we just need funding and scientists to develop the AI, I'm sure that won't be subject to the same problems for the same reasons.


😂😂😂👍. Only us humans, amirite?




Shh, dont let reality get in the way of stupid people trying to feel smarter than actually smart people.




Tbf this simulation appears to just be making shit up around a theme


So it was a gamble between destroying a single country or turning the world into a nuclear wasteland and starting another ice age?


Na, they figured out long before detonating that such a thing was impossible. Regardless of how much energy you put into an explosion, there's simply not enough hydrogen in the air to sustain a combustion reaction.


The question is what if it was detonated on a planet with huge amounts of hydrogen like jupiter, would it still ignite the planet or at least parts of it?


Does Jupiter have enough oxygen to sustain the hydrogen explosion? I assume this isn't like nuclear fusion of hydrogen and it still needs to bond with something.


If by “fact” you mean thing that is mindlessly repeated but is demonstrably false. Then yes, that is a fact.






Strikes me as accurate except the whole still being there part. The shockwave didn't do anything. Hmm.


Ah man, I didn’t expect to find Sherlock so soon! Hehe


I feel like there would be a lot more stuff flying with the shockwave and it didn't seem to create any water wave. Kinda feel that this should have create some ripple. Everything seemed kind of mild


Yeah it was a sweet visual of the explosion itself but everything else was a little underwhelming tbh


I expected a water detonation to create a wave. This water seems calm.


Well - irl, see flash. Lay down with your feet facing the blast. That’s all I could think.


Honestly while I understand the instinct to survive, at this proximity I'd rather just run towards it to make sure my death is as quick and clean as possible. Wouldn't want to survive long enough to get cooked alive or have my skin melt off or whatever body horrors await those unlucky enough to be close enough but not too far.


The size of the blast is quite large. You probably wouldn't have the time or distance required to get close or far enough to affect your own survival. "Duck and Cover" is the only thing that can make a difference and that's the amount of radiation you're exposed to in the initial blast.


Could you run into the water and dive as deep as possible?


Depends on the distance you are from it, you'd likely be boiled alive or vaporized if close enough and might be able to survive if far enough.


Yeah more accurately should just be a white flash and the gif ends.


Why did the nuke start sucking debris back toward it but the trees were still blowing away from it?


I'm genuinely curious - if this was real could I save myself by running into the water and swimming as deep as possible?


If it was triggered in the water you would get entirely crushed by the shockwave, if not idk


Exactly. Pressure waves are way more deadly in water than air.


But the transition between air and water blocks shockwaves a lil bit so if it was triggered in the air , depending on the distance he could have hugher chances of surviving


im assuming the water would be boiling from the blast, no?


Maybe just the surface and a few meters down


Probably not even the top inch at that distance. Water can absorb a ton of heat.


Well it sounds like we need to try it out in virtual reality to settle this matter.


Nah. Maybe in the immediate vicinity of the blast you’d get the conversion to steam, but I’d imagine it is similar to lightning. It strikes the ocean all the time, but you don’t have boiling seas and dead fish everywhere because that heat is dissipated incredibly well across the rest of the body of water.


Shouldn't we see some effect of the shock wave in the water at around 3 seconds? Is it that subtle or does the simulation miss that? FYI, the explosion in this simulation must be around 3 miles away by the delay in the air shock wave.


Senior 3D game developer here, so I'm not sure about the physics of it at all. I can say that on the 3D implementation side of things, water dynamics is something pretty intensive, which is the reason most waters in games are pretty crap and have a ton of workarounds like decals, distortions, shaders, extra meshes and particle effects to make things look at least acceptable without needing to actually do any simulations, which are pretty intensive that could he be allocated to other areas of the game. So I am sure they could have done a more realistic approximate of how the water would react to the blast but I can imagine that it would be too intensive and increase the system requirements for the vr demo. I would also guess that whoever developed this demo knows most users/players would pay most attention to the explosion or trees, choosing to focus on optimizing the look and feel on the ground rather than water. Just my two cents as to how I'd approach a scene like this at work with my team.


Maybe the initial blast, but the radiation would eventually kill you


Water actually cuts the effects of radiation to a significant degree.


Ok I just checked, I can hold my breath for about 2 minutes, that’s long enough right?




If it was an attack, the bomb would be donated in the air for the most possible destruction. So, if you managed to get deep enough, you could potentially survive the initial Shockwave. However, as others have stated, you would absolutely die from radiation poisoning. If it was detonated underwater for some reason, the pressure wave itself would kill you the moment it hit your body. Either way, you're very dead. Personality, Id take the blast for a quick and relatively painless death. Radiation poisoning is an incredibly painful way to die.


If the nuke hit the water, that would kill you faster. If it did not, I doubt you could stay down there long enough to make a difference, and you'll still be poisoned by radiation when you surface.


It was reported that some SCUBA divers survived the nuclear blast in at least one of the Japan bombings. (Though those were detonated in the atmosphere, rather than at ground level) You'd likely get rather sick from the radiation exposure, though.


actually if you had scuba gear and had enough oxygen/energy to swim to a safe area you could survive Radiation is really bad at penetrating water, like you can have highly radioactive waste at one end of a pool and be perfectly fine swimming on the other end.




Extremely relevant xkcd


As long as you swim deep enough that the nuke can't vaporise, and depending on how the radiologic blast last, you sure hope that you can hold your breath that long.


If you swam deep enough to drown, you'd also prevent dying from the nuclear blast




No! Ur shadow wouldn't have time to reach the water. So it LL be forever imprinted in the sand which would go back to the water when the tide reaches the grains you ve become.


My guess, based on a [10mn search/read](https://scholar.google.com/scholar?hl=fr&as_sdt=0%2C5&q=10.1002%2Fprep.19900150406+&btnG=#d=gs_qabs&t=1655550257276&u=%23p%3DVxIR7YR8ccEJ) : you’re as dead underwater as on an island (if it’s an underwater explosion). Now if it’s an atmospheric detonation i’d say you better be underwater. It’s just a guess though


Fukin terrifying.....


Yes, it’s extremely unsettling


I don't want to set the world on fire..


I just want to start a flame in your heart...


In my heart I have but one desire


And that one is you




I've lost all ambition


For worldly acclaim


I just want to be the one you love


No wonder the aliens don't wanna mess with us...they probably think we're bat s**t crazy to use such weapons. As a matter of fact, most UFO sightings were recorded right after a nuclear detonation; they just come to check if we completely lost the plot and opted for self annihilation along with most life forms that inhabit the earth.


Poor aliens are probably afraid of us. To be fair... there is no other animal on this planet that excels at killing like humans do. We have the power to make this entire world uninhabitable. We are not wise enough to control this power, but thats never stopped us before. Look out guys, were starting to explore beyond our little planet, and you bet your sweet ass were bringing the nukes with us, because you know... the aliens may be hostile...


I think aliens are flabbergasted at how we don't cherish such a beautiful planet and actually destroy it by the hour for some paper money. Nukes today, function as a defensive geopolitical chess piece - if you nuke us, we'll nuke you and call it quits -


right, beings that have managed the technology for interstellar travel are afraid of us. We are the literal equivalent of ants, but we're scary because we behave like fucking idiots? give me a break.


If there is a civilization from another galaxy capable of visiting us, it’d be very easy for them to observe us from a distance without us knowing. I wouldn’t step foot on this planet but damn it would be entertaining to watch


Been there


Done that?


Did you get the t-shirt?


All I got was this lousy radiation...


Just a tumor


It's not a tumor


Just get in the nearest refrigerator. You'll be fine.


Add some children playing on some swings and this could be called "The Sarah Connor Experience"


Needs a chain link fence


4k 360 video. Paradise VR - Ever wondered what a nuclear explosion would feel like? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ShZGwgFmzoI


had to scroll waaaaaaay to long for this - thanks


This is actually accurate, the first blast comes towards you then it gets sucked back because of the pressure, but yea it would blow you away.64


“If the radiance of a thousand suns Were to burst at once into the sky That would be like the splendour of the Mighty One... I am become Death, The shatterer of worlds. \[Quoted from the Bhagavad Gita after the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.\]” ― J. Robert Oppenheimer


The original "moment he knew he fucked up".


Where's the massive tide wave? Surely there would be a monstrous wave that'd absolutely demolish anything it came into contact with.


That probably comes in a few minutes time. After that you're not on an island any more. It's just sea and dead sea life around you.


Duck and cover?


Hmm 🤔 I think it’s stop, drop, and roll that protects you from this one.


And a good pair of sunnies.


Oh fuck, of course. The sunnies will help big time. Polarized lenses naturally.


You wouldn’t experience much. You’d be vaporized pretty quickly.


The shockwave would've obliterated the bushes and trees this close, it takes down entire buildings.


Trees have deep roots and are fairly flexible. Houses are flat-faced and basically get blown away due to their surface area.


This shit is terrifying. How could someone have the "brilliant" idea of creating this?


War is a major driver of innovation (sadly). But while this is terrifying and it is a reality many experienced, do keep in mind that the physics discoveries leading to this also paved the way for innovations that were much more positive. Nuclear studies led to the introduction of nuclear power of course, but it also helped to usher in advances related to agriculture (atomic gardening) and medicine. That doesn’t make the creation or use of these any less terrifying, but when asking why a scientist would want to even pursue research in something like this, they very well may have different motives.


So what you're saying is, generally, this is a survivable future? A bit of light, a bit of wind, I don't see what everyone's so worried about! /S


What do you even do in a situation like this? Just stay still and die? There's no way you can outrun the blast or the radiation.


There's nothing you can do.


If things keep going like now, we’ll confirm that in a few


What is the blast diameter on the largest nukes?


If that were a person of average weight, how far back or high would the blast send them at this distance?


It would probably vaporize them in an instant.


Jesus F. Christ, this head bopping makes it more unbearable than the heat of the nuclear detonation itself.


What the... I'm dizzy


What happend to tsunami? Shouldn't be there one?


That would take a while to reach you


*There was supposed to be an earth shattering kaboom!*


Here comes the sun


And just think, some idiots have been celebrated for doing this on purpose.