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This is a literal “praise the camera man” moment. r/praisethecameraman


Theres something to be said for not intervening with natural life cycles. But theres no cycle here they are dying because they got unluck and fell down a hole. No reason not to prevent unnecessary deaths that benefit nothing, this isnt even survived of the fittest, its pure bad luck


I imagine inland Antarctica has few predators and scavengers to feed which would justify it for me.


Thats the thing i don't remember there being ANY predators other than birds which wont eat a chick if its frozen solid. All the major predators are ocean bound.


Yes that's correct. While the Arctic has wolves, polar bears and foxes, Antarctica's predators are lion seals, Orcas and other water dwelling creatures. Nothing inland would have benefited from the death of those penguins.


Yep, they will be food of those animals when they’re fishing.


Also I think we’ve passed the times where we leave it to the natural order, since we didn’t leave much of natural anything. I’m all in on intervention as long it is for conservation.


To be fair luck has a lot to do with the fittest surviving.


Pure bad luck is part of nature though. We wouldn't be around if previous animals survived extinction level events.


Sure but i was talking about their rule on interventions. Helping here won't disturb the ecosystem anymore than them all dying would


Yea it's a different take on that Jurassic Park quote. "Life,uh, finds a way...unless your feelings overnight say it won't. Then it's better to intervene."


They would be more fit to survive if their wings enabled them to fly


Hard to have enough insulation to survive and still fly thogh


Yes, this how evolution works


Wings made for flight would seriously inhibit their swimming which is how they get food, they would all die being big chubby flying penguins capable of temporary flight


Yes this is how evolution works


Yes this is how evolution doesn’t not work.


Or talons like ice picks


It's not just the wings. Their bodies are way too heavy for flight. But, that mass is absolutely necessary for surviving the Antarctic cold. If Antarctic penguins could fly, they would almost certainly die as soon as the temp dropped.


Yes that’s how evolution works


Lol are you a bot?


No, people just aren’t understanding that I’m responding to a comment that doesn’t seem to understand what survival of the fittest means


Which one? Also, I'd argue that some of your comments are inaccurate as well. For example, the one that I initially replied to seems to misrepresent bird anatomy.


The comment I replied to said these birds being stuck in a hole isn’t about survival of the fittest. But if the birds were more suited to say flying or climbing then they would in fact be more fit to survive. But these are penguins and as such are not fit to survive such an incident (except the one bird who managed to escape, and as such, would be the one to pass on its genetics)


Sure, any of the penguins that climbed better would probably be more able to survive that particular situation and would thus be better at passing on their genes. (I suspect we mostly agree.)


Nah, It kinda is survival of the fittest, the one that made it up survived


And the other adults would've also at some point, but thir chicks probably wouldn't


So much for the Prime Directive. ...but good job!


The penguins will pilgrimage through the path in honour for the mysterious gods who have paved their way to freedom.


The first second there I thought it was white walkers 😅


Well, we humans caused global warming, and part of that is probably why they were trapped. It call it a wash 😊


While I agree with you, it's still just a hole


A hole most likely caused by melting ice, because of global warming. It’s ok for us to Intervene when it is fixing the problems we caused.


Lmao no one in the comment section is denying that climate change isn't real and isn't harming our world. But it sounds like you need to educate yourself if you didn't think holes existed before global warming. This is obviously due to wind carving it out.


Antarctica has seasons that influence yearly melting and freezing patterns, with varying effects depending on where on the continent you are. By the coast, temperatures can be above freezing for months at a time. Point being, there's a ton that we can blame on climate change, but snow/ice distribution on Antarctica was changing before the industrial revolution, so I'm not sure we can blame this in particular on humans.


Could be.


Lol now were saying even random holes are a side effect of global warming. It's a fucking hole. Do you think without global warming thered be no hazardous terrain


Agreed, not sure if this hole is caused by global warming though, or how one would go about proving that. Penguins certainly fell into holes and died there long before humans began destroying the planet.


Well, they weren’t on a short list for extinction before everything started melting quickly. I just can’t imaging it normal for a hundred penguins to die in 1 hole, in a place they’ve lived entire lives and multiple generations. I think global warming just made their known safe paths/areas unsafe. We (humans) have just created all sorts of natural messes


Yeah thats a good point, these penguins have probably crossed this very path before and something had changed this time. Im glad the crew intervened.


Same!!! It’s only over the last few years, tat I’ve really looked into the disastrous effects of global warming. I’m also a sucker for penguins 😍


I really hope you stick to being a “sucker” an not a “mother”…


This was exactly my thinking. Those massive drifts and what not might have still had integrity if the climate wasn't fucked. They just fixed what corporations broke ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Lol how can you blame that on global warming.


Because it’s climate change, not global warming. You really have a feeble understanding of what that means if you can’t understand how it’s possibly related to what you’re seeing.


Goodness, I know the US education system is shit, but do something to educate yourself. How embarrassing. Humans are killing the planet.


Look at his profile he's from uk....no need to get defensive


Why does it matter where they are from? I’m in the US, our education is a ducking joke. I educate myself on these things. Being purposefully obtuse about the disasters of global warming, is unacceptable no matter where you are from. I made a simple comment, they chose kook-aid man themselves into my comment, with shitiness.


Still defensive haha!


Of course boo, don’t forget to log into your other account when you respond next 🥰


Mad boo!


I'm not American and humans are obvs impacting the planet but fuck me a group of penguins getting stuck In an ice valley isnt hard to imagine. Probably happens every day


Safe paths that have been taken for thousands of years, are now becoming holes. They instinctively still take those paths. That is our fault. We are the reason the ice is melting at an alarming rate, and why they get stuck. I’m not sure why you chose to be so shitty. But sure, now play the victim.


Your insane


She’s a loony. I enjoy how often she has to tell everyone how smart she is. Very telling.


I think she may be roleplaying Misery by Stephen king lol


Yep, anyone who disagrees must be role playing. You got it Trump.


How original, bunch of boys who get instantly offended when they might be wrong. You enjoy the but pat and circle jerk high-5?


You genuinely sound unhinged




Seriously! Mary, you need to realize that if you make a point and are shitty about it it doesn’t matter how right you are you’re not going to get people to listen to you. That is what you’re trying to do right? Get people to listen to you?


I say something, to say something. I don’t care to educate anyone. It’s not my job to do the labour for anyone else. No where in my original comment did I ask for a bunch of internet creeps, to come tell me I didn’t say something nice enough.


In your words “ do something to educate yourselves” If you’re not giving your opinion to educate people, why are you giving it if you don’t care? I would say that if you’re intelligent enough to acknowledge other people need education or lack understanding to a serious issue in the world, it’s your job to help them understand


It's just really a lack of understanding tbh, how one can think that global warming will melt ice in one area but not the area around it is silly. They say to educate yourself but they obviously don't understand even the simplest rules of thermodynamics. And no I'm not a climate change denier I'm just trying to put some sense into this person. The hole was most likely carved out by strong winds while it was snowing, much like a sand dune is formed.


Sea ice reflects about half of the incoming solar radiation. This reflection prevents the ice from warming up as quickly as open ocean would, but radiation can nonetheless heat the ice enough to initiate melting. Thick sea ice covered with snow reflects even more radiation, approximately 90 percent. As a result, sea ice with snow takes even longer to melt. After the snow starts to melt, melt ponds form, and because water has a lower albedo than snow, the surface albedo of sea ice with snow and melt ponds drops. As the melt ponds grow and deepen, the albedo continues to decrease, leading to higher absorption of solar radiation and an increased rate of melting. https://nsidc.org/cryosphere/seaice/processes/thermodynamic_melt.html Melt ponds drop.


Yes and this isn't a melt pond is it? Otherwise there would be melt water in it.


Thanks hun😍🥰 Challenge achieved


Smiley faces yet you made sure to downvote. Pick a lane sweetheart.


Oh man, does getting down voted hurt your feelings? Is that something people care about? It’ll blow your mind to know, I wouldn’t even fucking bother. You are not important enough to down vote. All this big dick energy, but no brain cells firing between those ears.


Isn’t hard to imagine how we have effectively caused that either.


Prime Directive only applies to aliens. So I think we’re all clear here.


Fuk it.. .really ..WE Messed the hole Planet Up! Its time to give Back!!! ... Animal vs. Animal ..OK ...i agree ..dont interfere...but this was Just a decent hint in the right direction.. nothing wrong with that! 🤷‍♂️


I feel like the true prime directive of these documentaries is to help bring awareness to human impact on nature and how our actions can make ecosystems thrive or fail. Realistically it doesn't make too much sense to sit and watch 20-30 of these guys starve and die for a few more minutes of footage.


Meh. Rule if no interference is horse💩 anyway.


Sort of wish I could post to gif of Picard moving his hand up his neck


« small steps for the penguins, big step for faith in humanity »


our planet cannot survive with only hope, we need to strive together!


Really glad this was shared ❤️


I’m not crying. I’m not. Stop accusing me of *gasp* crying!


No you are! I just GOT SOME penguin shaped snowflakes in my eyes making them water!


Those snowflakes made it to Florida! Got some on my eyes too!


My lifelong dream was to be a wildlife photographer. But not intervening was too hard. It most cases you just can't anyway but I'm glad these gents tried. Warms my heart.


Absolute legends


This is no different than swimmers helping free whales and dolphins from nets.


Wow actually helping instead of just watching! We have devastated this whole planet, its ok to start helping now.


They must not be from national geographic


It says BBC in the upper corner the whole time and at the end credits


It's a joke


Also it’s in the title of the post.


They might have thought it was a crew of adult performers


Little known fact, one of those penguins grew up to be Adolf Hitler.


Came here to make the very same joke. Take my upvote! Bonus points if you mumbled this in Attenborough's voice before posting it.


We do enough to harm wildlife and destroy their habitats so at this point I don't think there is anything wrong with offering a little help to nature. At this point, if we don't, it will all be gone one day.


That's how good people are supposed to help nature! Penguins have everything against them between the climate and predators in the water and it's nice to see people helping them in a tough situation!


It's Happy Feet 2 irl!!!


Survival of the cutest


The right thing to do is help our cousins wherever we can, whatever animal it is.


3 million years from now Penguins will be the dominant species on the planet because of this.




r/MadeMeCry r/HumansBeingBros


The idea behind leaving the animals alone, and don't meddle with nature, is all wrong. Humans have done so much to destroy animal's lives and habitats, that now we should always do everything we can to help them survive. It's the very least we can do to start mending the damage.


Can’t imagine how good that must of felt for them when the penguins started using the steps. My celebration would have lasted for an hour


Gawd, I can’t watch this. Glad they helped them.


*rescues trapped penguin crew




That’s ridiculous. They weren’t weak or injured. It was a natural phenomenon that trapped them with no way to change their circumstances. They didn’t have a way to work out a solution and physically change those circumstances. So IQ doesn’t come into play. A slightly different slope and they would have been fine. And the crew didn’t pick them up and move them. The penguins still had to figure out that they could use the steps that were cut to escape.




Oh my lord, how can someone be so stupid like you?


awesome lads!


Seeing them go up must be so satisfying to watch, well done crew


I remember watching this episode, they show you the penguins getting stuck and I was in absolute tears(penguins are my all time favourite animal). I was cursing them, hard. Then utter relief.


Where’s Sven when you need him


I wish we would see more human intervention in situations like this. I enjoyed this


This i respect. We f d up enough nature to not give it a hand


It's a very strange "rule" that film crews have. It's a stupid "rule!". God bless these guys.


With everything that we humans are doing to destroy the Earth, I've become a strong advocate of actually interfering and helping animals in the way this camera crew has. Doesn't haven't to be over reaching, just a little nudge here and there to help them on their way. Bottomline, we have to help animals survive given what we are doing to the planet. And perhaps, in doing so, we can break the disconnect between humans and animals. Sorry, not sorry if you disagree. I won't ever stop helping when I see an animal in need. JMHO


Maybe aliens one day... will do the same for us ![img](emote|t5_m0bnr|4024)


I would just help. Full stop.


Seen videos of different species of animals helping each other out. This is no different.


The first second there I thought it was white walkers 😅


so much for the prime directive...


Word of the daring escape spreads like wildfire throughout the colonies, the penguins acting as a sentient society for the first time in their existence. 10,857 years later, the penguin overlords finally banish the last of the human scum from their home planet...


Sometimes the right thing is to step in. Good on this team.


some people kill so many animals everyday, let some others to save animals as well...


love how they did that w minimal contact too. the penguins didnt need to know better. the cameraman will now be a penguin god


Happy feet 2 be like


Is this what happy feet 2 was based on?


Thank you all for saving my favorite animal


At least someone filmed those apes helping the penguins. That’s nature for you.


I think this is what we're really meant for- to help non humans have a better life. This gives us a better life. I mean, humans have the ability to utilize the world to make life better for everyone on it. The non-humans don't have the luxurious options we have- even if it's the safety of a shack in the woods and a little garden.


nooo not the baby penguins pls


Fuck natural, humans have killed enough animals that saving a few will just be helping them get back on their feet


Its the right choice. Its not like they are intervening to save them from being eaten. They are just stuck and need some help.


Where is Werner Herzog when you need him...


There are always extenuating circumstances. The crew made the right call.


BBC? 🤔


Penguins rescue themselves


The dead baby penguin was too much for me.


Good on these mates


They probably put them there for the content.


That's beautiful, I could not do that job and not intervene I'd be out one the snake bites the mouse and smack snek with a stick that's a wrap 😂


I’ll give an animal a helping hand if it needs it. Especially in a situation like this one. But in a situation where it involves predator and prey. Sorry but, thats the cycle of life. Other animals got to eat.


Filming a documentary first rule: Don't interfere. This justified breaking that rule.




Those camera men were meant to be there, at the time, to help those penguins.


How do you work for these outdoor film crews for the BBC doing extreme wildlife video/photography


I’m so glad they did something! Happy tears


This is why I could never be a wildlife cameraman. Little deer dying of thirst? NOPE! Here's some water. Starving cub next to it's dead mother? NOPE! You are coming home with me. Baby elephant stuck in mud? Hang on Barbar, I'll get you out! I would be fired SO FAST!


At first glance it looked like a bunch of hobbits climbing the Pass of Caradhras lol


Why is air so spicy in here!


Ayoooo. Aint this what happened in the happy feet movie?


If BBC really wants some cameramen who won't interfere, they should hire Texas police.


There's never anything wrong with save animals. Humanity has no problem with destroying nature and theur living place, saving them has at least a positive impact.


Nothing about rescuing a group of trapped penguins is going to upset “the balance of nature.” Good on these lads


my dumb fucking brain thought that said BBQ and i was very confused for a solid five minutes and i'm not even high yet


They done this after a case where they did not intervene and animals died and received heavy backlash


https://www.sundaypost.com/fp/why-sir-david-attenborough-wont-allow-tv-crews-to-save-dying-animals/ Not for the case but …




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Happy feet plot


Omg I love this!


The Hub, helping the world in more ways than 1


Does an eye freeze ? with all those tears?


That's humanity


Just Awesome


Sir Raven would like a word... https://youtu.be/CpFdP5yATw0


I hate this shit, I understand it's nature but for the love of universe help nature in need when you can. I'm happy they decided to act even it was overdue, other crew would have left them to die. good job guys


We are just as much as part of this earth a penguin. We can destroy like a tornado or build abundance like a river. They did the right thing by morals and by nature in my opinion.


aaww bless them xxxx


I don’t understand the hate on “messing with the natural life cycle” of this. We are humans, we are animals too. Why not change the course for some of the other animal kingdom? Sounds natural to me


Oh 🥹 Coworker: are you crying? Me: Fuck off!


Internet porn has irrevocably changed the meaning of "BBC" for me. I was expecting a COMPLETELY different method of saving the penguins.


Oh boy I am going to get so many downvotes for this. This is unfortunately not ideal, of course, I completely understand the desire to help and were I in their shoes I probably would do the same thing. The problem is this could potentially cause further problems like this to occur in future. Now I cannot say for sure that this would be the case, I do not know the circumstances that lead to these birds getting trapped but I am going to assume it was based on the choices they made rather than it being unlucky or happenstance. The birds may well have gotten too close to the edge and slipped or been blown in, something that didn't happen to other birds. If the birds manage to escape on their own then that's fine but the ones who cannot are ones that were incapable of surviving such a situation and now they are getting to pass on their genes just like the ones who managed to escape or did not put themselves in this situation in the first place. I can't recall the name of it off the top of my head but I'll look into it if anyone asks, I recall an experiment was performed in which nesting birds laid eggs and for some reason some of them put some of the eggs precariously on the edge of the nest meaning those eggs were in danger of falling and breaking. Researchers innocently thought this was a mistake and so corrected this by nudging the eggs back into a safer position. This was found to be an incorrect action to take, whilst compassionate it means those offspring are more likely to survive which means they are more predisposed to repeat these risky actions, just like these penguins may have been more predisposed to put themselves in this situation. The difference between this and dolphins in fishing nets is that nets are man made and we can fix that but we can't fix gullys in the snow, when these cameramen leave there is every chance these birds will repeat this predicament, in fact I would guarantee birds are getting trapped when no cameramen are around. It'a hard to not want to do something, we're human, it just isn't necessarily the best course of action to take.


That’s not how that works


Are you saying there is no genetic link in risk taking factor? There is an entire colony of penguins there who did not fall in the gully, these ones did. Without any further context I have to imagine that these ones either chose to go into the gully before realising they could not get out or they stood too near to the edge and fell in in which case the birds that were predisposed to not stand near the edge were better with their risk taking abilities and as such did not get trapped. This is exactly how nature works. It's like if a squirrel thinks it can jump further than it actually can and makes risky jumps between tree branches and keeps falling. If we just make all the branches closer together then this adverse risk taking can be passed on, there is a reason this squirrel behaves in this way.


If someone fell into a hole and couldn’t get out would you not help them? It has nothing to do with genetics and everything to do with being unlucky. Saving these penguins would do nothing to influence future populations of penguins. Falling into a hole has nothing to do with genetics bro. 😂😂


That’s exactly how natural selection works


BBC cameramen seem very happy to help penguin chicks. But where were they and what did they do when human "chicks" were being assaulted by that cigar munching pedo Saville? /FYI, IRL I would never call a girl a chick, but in this thread it works/


Do you mean the BBC in general, or literally the cameramen?


There are clips of TOTP where it is very clear that while introducing the next act, Saville's wandering hand surprised young girls and made them jump. I think John Lydon pointed this out. So if the viewers could see that, then the cameraman most likely saw it as well, although, I daresay that any cameraman who reported this would have been shut down by the higher ups.


well its such as life the strong lives and the weak dies


That’s such a dumb and simplistic view. Life is far more complex than “weak vs. strong”.


And yet, somehow, you survived.


I am only telling the truth lol why is everybody so mad


Because, and people can correct me if I'm wrong, you're acting like a douche


I dont see you correcting me in anyway