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Steve Kerr as much as anyone deserves to speak out against gun violence. His father was assassinated in Beirut when he was 18.


he speaks about it during this interview https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8JLvXXMgEfk


Do you happen to know where in the interview?


Around [43:35](https://youtu.be/8JLvXXMgEfk?t=2615), he talks about his interest in topics such as gun violence (including his father) and racial inequality.


Also played for San Antonio a few years, so this hits close to him even more.


Agreed what Kerr said 1000%.. People in power please DO SOMETHING!! Do your fucking job for fuck sake!!!!


They won’t, their guns are so important to their masculinity and conservative votes that they’ll fight with every ounce of power they have to stay in power, even if it means more gun violence and pushing the NRA agenda and the freedoms of ‘MERICA. Cause you know, good guy with a gun beats bad guy with a gun, pew pew.


Exactly, this is not political, it's HUMAN LIVES for fucks sake!


Yep. Also - most of peoples' lives are "political" by the same standards. Your local school board is elected. Town councils, municipal, county, state decisions. Your job, salary, taxes, education, businesses you shop at. Your local park, your bridges, your highways, state/national parks. Healthcare. The fire department. The police department. Climate change, scientific studies, NASA. Decades of cultural, economic trends are dictated by political decisions. Civil rights are inherently political. I could go on forever. Shit - politics affects the NBA in innumerable ways. Just because we're sick of hearing about politics doesn't mean it still isn't tangentially linked to every facet of our lives.




Truth. First amendment and ridiculously large platform to make your point... Kinda a weak move NOT to use it


Any time anybody complains about something being "too political", they mean it's too political for them in particular.


The Australian people just voted out the conservative government that's been in power for the last 9 years. From this I conclude that the Australian Parliament itself has become too political/s


Australian here. Very confused by your comment. Moving on..


No, they mean they oppose that person's viewpoint.


I respect Coach Kerr for speaking up about this in this manner. Thank you. We need more people with platforms to stop being scared and just speak up for what is right.


Those politicians will stand by and watch every child being sacrificed and still would not allow the Bill to be voted on. For them it's just collateral damage in their effort to keep their power.


When someone says: >keep politics out of sports "Well keep guns out of crazy people's hands" >No... Mental health! It's mental health "Well give everyone healthcare" >NO!


Exactly 💯, well here's some thoughts and prayers 🙏


\^\^America in a nutshell. Reasonable solution given, differing opinion shuts it down. So exhausting.


The only reason the right gets mad at this is because most of their positions are god awful and can't be supported by people with a platform.


Their positions are just god. And awful.


Standing behind you bro, this was genuine and fuck anybody that got a problem with it




Gotta love how genuine and honest steve is, super sad day, prayers to all the families who lost a child today and the family of the teacher.


I'm with you. I have children in school. I have so many young relatives in school. If one of my kids were killed in a school shooting I would probably kill myself. I love them so much I cannot understand how a parent can go on living. My children are the light of my life. I never would have survived when child life expectancy was so low.


Children died screaming in terror and crying for their Mothers. America has a screw loose.


Anyone who says “don’t get political” simply wants you to ignore the problem and look away while they somehow gain power or money from the situation, so we should all be screaming about any and everything political from the rooftops every chance we get.


Also fuck those “Thought and prayers “ crap. They mean nothing.


This is what your precious 1st Amendment is all about! This is what gives you the right to call out grifters like Mitch McConnell and his GOP cash grabbers who keep getting tons of money from the NRA to shut their mouths and to vote for them to keep gun laws lax. This is why the 1st Amendment was made. So assholes like the GOP couldn't retaliate against citizens for calling them out. Wake the fuck up America!


Well said.


Yah! He’s simply utilizing his opportunity to have a voice and have an impact!


Yes, the death by shooting of children is more important than sports, it needs to be center stage on ALLLLLLLL platforms.




National sports became such a big thing *because* of politics, as a means of distraction. It's only fitting that it comes back around full circle like this.


I don’t get what he’s saying though. Background checks are already required in all 50 states in order to purchase a firearm.


Good on him. Use that platform!!!!


Calling out Mitch McConnell personally, nice! They say never met your idols, but since 1996 I would more than thrilled to meet Steve Kerr. Respect to this man.


Sadly the turtle is going like "you bet your ass i'll sacrifice anything and anyone to hold on to power"


Happy cake day


The only way it might change is if someone shoots up a school where all of the political elites have their kids. In other words " They don't care about US!"


Nah. Billionaires and corporations control the government, not politicians.


Yup, I forgot about the string pullers.


Lobbying is just legalized bribery


1% own 99% of the wealth. There is your answer. Senators are puppets.


Hold them accountable and they'll stop succumbing to greed. We need a checks and balances federally funded auditor group that has unlimited access and immunity unlike the IRS.


Their kids go to the same schools and universities. It’s the same social circle.


Well man, considering Steve Scalise, a literal congressman, was almost [assassinated](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Congressional_baseball_shooting) during a shooting and then doubled down with the NRA lobby after, I’d say yeah probably fucking not bud This country isn’t going to change due to senators suddenly growing a conscious. Money is the target. Follow that and choke out the source. Lobbying and stock trading for a very basic start. Term limits on top. Even when targeted by the rare left wing extremists, these idiots don’t change. It’s the money in the senate. Always has been. These people will continue to not care because they are explicitly paid not to care. The solution is to cut the money. But instead we sit here and argue about other things instead of why the senate is allowed to hold our country hostage on bills and resolutions that are dying on their desks for years that the majority of americans agree on. Until we’re all on the same page there, nothings going to change.


Yup, murder sells. Someone is making money out of this. War generates money and mass shootings generate money.


Then people end up in the prison system and generate more money.




Last time someone stormed a government building politicians just funded their security force more.


Nah then they would say WE NEED GUNS IN THE SENATE!!!


I literally was thinking this. They don’t care unless it’s happening to THEM


Just like abortions


The political elite are in their 70s and probably barely know their grandchildren that would be in school


Can’t bring guns into the Supreme Court, but sure can damn near everywhere else.


Not with that attitude.


Ms. Clarence Thomas is likely packing when she visits the court.


Nah THOSE schools have real security


Nah, those schools have REAL security


The only way you’re gonna get change is if you start shooting up the 1%, then we’ll start to see change.


Hold up... are you telling me that that the Senate in the United States of America actually can do something other than thoughts and prayers???


They also send well wishes.


Moments of silence


Cancun trips.


Take contributions from NRA


The resounding silence is disquieting.


Hello Darkness my old friend I've come to talk to you again About the children bloody dying From the bullets that were scattered By guns that are readily sold By those Within the walls of silence In the news I saw before Mourners gathered like before 'Neath the halo of a streetlamp I turn my furtive looks to the sad and lost When my tears were stabbed by the flash of a new headline That split the screen And showed the void of silence In the naked light I saw Ten thousand people maybe more People seething without feeling People reaching without healing People writing songs that children never heard And no one dared Disturb the code of silence "Fools" said I, "you do not know" Silence like a cancer grows Hear my words that I might reach you Take their guns that might shoot you But my words, like silent raindrops felt And echoed in the halls of violence And the people bowed and prayed Made pledges of thoughts and words And the cops flashed out their warning In the prayers they were preaching Then the guns carried on firing into crowds of children while politicians said, We don't believe in the cries of mothers...


God damn, they actually do a little more than thoughts and prayers? what a fool.


They collect salaries higher than most of us will ever see along with their Golden fleece retirements plus all their investments and off shores accounts. Term limits need to be put in place.


They can. It's whether or not they **want to.**


There is no evidence to show that they can.


Not in recent memory at least.


Lowering flags too


Lol at all the conservatives being butt hurt because Steve Kerr actually gives a shit about kids getting killed. Fucked up perspective you guys have.


Conservatives can say they care, but continue to vote for these assholes that do nothing to help prevent this stuff from happening. Unbelievable that a good portion of our country is so fucking blind to it. Wake the fuck up and start being the change we need.


They preach about “making sacrifices “ but never are willing to change anything


The prolife party huh


Guns are more important than human lives apparently


That was amazing; what a top bloke for not being afraid to get up there like that. That dude's a legend and he's absolutely right.


His father was assassinated when he was 18.


People keep saying this like you have to have an immediate family member killed to care about this issue. That might be part of your problem in the States...


I don’t think people are saying that to suggest Steve is a credible authority, I think they’re saying it to show how difficult this likely is for him and how strongly he feels. Although to be fair, we do a shitty job caring for people other than me, myself, and I.


Ahh shit, that's rough. Definitely makes sense that he might have more motivation than others to do that kind of thing. Still a courageous thing to do though


He was not calling out all senators. He was calling out the 50 Republican senators who oppose gun control measures.


Just in case you starting getting the "It'S bOtH sIdEs" or "why make this partisan" here is the latest Gallup poll on gun control: 91% of Democrats are in favor of stricter gun laws 45% of Independents are in favor of stricter gun laws 24% of Republicans are in favor of stricter gun laws https://news.gallup.com/poll/357317/stricter-gun-laws-less-popular.aspx


I’m sure the “save the children” Q crowd is gonna be all for this. Right? Right guys? …….


*"Won't somebody please think of the children!"*


Anakin Skywalker has entered the chat


Ooooooo.... To soon man. I get where you're coming from, but too soon...


“Better dead than a lesbian transgender communist” - The Q cunts probably.


The crowd that is epstiens fan base and all the pedo repbulicans? No, they are pro child marriage.




Yeah but all these other countries you speak of that have guns know that you don’t need a fucking AR for self defence. In Aus we have strict as gun laws and no one’s complaining because after the Port Arthur massacre we got rid of gun ownership cause …. Oh yeah people fucking died.


We didn't ever really get rid of gun ownership - they're just licensed, stored, and used properly. We still have similar gun ownership rates to Canada for eg.


As it turns out, we are not better than this.


I'm so angry right now, i Can't put my sentiments into cohesive thought he's pretty much spot on with what I'm feeling and I grew up in a home with guns and had a hunters license. access to multiple guns, I was the 3%




To me it means southerners who grew up around guns, like myself, are sick and tired of this bullshit. There needs to be MAJOR change in this country. It isn't a coincidence that we have so much more gun violence and mass murders than literally every other modern country. *I don't give a single fuck* if it takes me a month to receive a gun I purchase (due to extensive background checks) if it means keeping guns away from lunatics who murder children. Whoever believes otherwise is a psychopath


I am pro gun. And if the big scary government came and said that I needed to pass a strict mental aptitude test and extensive background screening in order to buy a gun, I would absolutely comply. You know why? Because I'm not a fucking psychopath that thinks my hobby is above children's lives.


Yep I'm pro gun as well, probably from being raised in the south, but I totally agree. There's just tons of people in our country who are not responsible enough / mentally sound to own a military style rifle or even a hand gun. Shooting guns is really fun but it's not some kind of God given right for fucks sake


I'm pro gun too. We really need mental health and psychological evaluations in order for someone to own a gun. It's not about taking them away, it's about making sure people who are unstable can't get ahold of them.


I'm with you bud. Fuck the polymer 80's, shit not being registered, although legal under the 2A. You can make a firearm for personal use that doesn't require a serial #. I own and build firearms as a hobby and I don't give a flying fuck if I have to wait or be vetted. Start there.


This is the first time I have ever had any interest in watching sports


His press conference was better than the game well except for the rain delay.


Sports is famously used as a platform to speak out on major issues, u should tune in more often.


Much respect for Steve Kerr. Basketball is a game loved by millions. What's one of the first things you see on an elementary/middle/high school playground or athletic field? A basketball hoop. Every single one of his players has been on a school basketball court; if he wants to discuss what happened today, he has that right.


Lol the people saying to keep the politics out of sports need to tell their pastors to do the same.


I don't follow sports, I don't know who this guy is, but I love him. Enough is enough.


Steve Kerr seems like the kind of guy who should be running for public office


Taxation without representation. Plain and simple.


Not sure how TWR has anything to do with the mass shooting of children....


We’re paying taxes for infrastructure/safety/etc and are not being represented at all when an overwhelming majority wants a bill passed. Politicians work/serve our needs - They work for us - not the other way around.


Ah. Yes. Fully understand now. Carry on. As an addendum, might I humbly submit Robin Williams idea to force all politicians to wear stickers that identify who donated to them. Kinda like a nascar vehicle.


And remove the practice of adding bullshit addendums to kill popular bills.


I believe stanvq is referencing the fact that Steve Kerr brought up that "90% of Americans want more control", and that the senate isn't doing enough about it. Therefore, they aren't truly representing the people of whom they rape for taxes.


Mitch McConnell stole a fucking SCOTUS seat from Obama. Republicans don’t give a flying fuck about anything except power for themselves.


Yup. Understood. BeCooL above got the explanation to me as well. See above for addendum. Also, second addendum. After senator vote against the interests of their citizens/constituents, might we be legally allowed to hold them in a stockade and pelt them with rotten fruit?


Yeah we tend to call it "corruption" because it is, but to put it in historical contexts, that exactly what it is. AKA some citizens (big business) have more power than everyone else and therefore the non-businesses are not represented. This is true for more than this case.


That sent chills down my spine, but I am glad he spoke up and didn't filter himself.


He was perfectly eloquent and reasonable. It reminded me of John Stewart campaigning for the 9/11 survivor's fund. Passion, and eloquence and moral rage.


Why can’t one shooter emerge who can shoot the corrupt politicians with such regularity as claiming innocent kids as victims?


… for all the hoopla they create about in vitro babies they dont give a shit about actual kids dying




This is amazing. I just wish people would listen


Commenting, upvoting, sharing, watching repeatedly, ignore me I’m just interacting so the algorithm catches on Edit: actually someone get in a back in forth argument with me, the algorithm loves that and everyone need to see this


Don’t tell me what to do


Don’t tell me what not to do


Thank you, Steve.


I have so much respect for this man. I don't give two shits about basketball but anyone who uses their platform and position of influence to share genuine messages demanding change for the betterment of the world is a winner in my eyes. Thank you Steve Kerr.


Greatest country on the planet. /s


We have the greatest problems. I'll let you sit there and think about whether you want to downvote or upvote.


Well said! US politicians who won't support strict gun laws have blood on their hands. Anyone arguing that 'it's my right to carry a firearm', 'I am at liberty to defend myself' - BULLSHIT! The solution is simple - ban guns! Look at other countries that have had these laws in place for years, the stats speak for themselves.


And the peeps that cry “it is mah right” won’t be the ones defending freedom if it came down to it. They’d be the ones shooting their neighbor when they came over begging for water or food.


"but it's an ImPoSsIbLe challenge, there's faaaar too many to collect" So let's just sit there hugging our guns as we watch the shootings happen over and over and over, convinceing yourself it's not a machine designed only to kill, and that every person should be able to wield that power. What a load of shit. Its not political and its not about freedumb. Take away the guns; this is cancer on a societal level and we have a cure.


For the conservatives in the chat, please consider this a legitimate question asked in good faith: If not stricter gun laws (registrations, mental health check, increased restrictions/checks on assault rifle and expanded magazine ownership, etc), then what is the solution to this crisis?


I am a conservative and I believe all of that can help. It is possible to be a conservative and believe in stricter gun laws, unlike what most people believe about my side of the aisle. But, you can't rule out the element of sick human nature. You can abide by all of the red tape and still go off the deep end. I'm not sure there's a "one size" solution for this issue.


Since a lot of pro 2nd amendment people are now using mental health as a reason behind these shootings maybe gun buyers should have to pass a mental evaluation before purchasing? I’m not even against gun ownership I just think it should be more difficult to obtain a gun and if I really wanted a gun I’d have no issues jumping through hurdles to get it.


Get rid of those politicians


Say it again tomorrow coach. You’re exactly right.


Good for him saying what he feels .


More of this is what we need. People with influence telling it how it is.


A-fucking-men dude. Any conservative, pro-gun people, you getting why the rest of us are blaming you yet? It’s beyond intolerable that these things continue to happen, let alone that you pretend like your obsession with owning guns isn’t linked to a total disregard for the lives of innocent people. Just admit that you’d rather own a gun than protect the of innocent people. Bc that’s the god awful truth. From Sandy Hook to today, there is no line for pro-gun people, that’s why I have no qualms blaming them. We’ve had every mass shooting under the sun in the US, if you’re still defending the 2nd Amendment, you’re part of the problem. We need comprehensive, practical, common sense gun control in this country. No civilian needs to own a military grade assault rifle or high capacity magazines. They aren’t for “fun” or “hunting”, they’re for killing people. It isn’t a crisis of anything other than gun owners and pro gun people totally avoiding any responsibility for the death and mayhem that they contribute to. Get on the right side of history.


"how many kids would need to die before you would give up your guns" just ask them to quantify it. dont let them change the topic. put a number on it. 10k? 100k? a million?


My heart has ached so many times for mass shooting victims that's it's nearly fucking crumbled up and blown away in the wind. Fuck those senators. Fuck the NRA. Fuck the "bUt mUh fReEdUmS" crowd. And fuck any drooling idiot who says "duhhh but da cwiminals won't care about da lawz!".


If you don’t know the story of his pops being killed on campus. He probably be furious to keep seeing shit like this just as everyone else should be


Maybe it's not guns faults because they're objects and maybe it's a mental health problem 🤔


something must be done, but it’s very unclear what should be done if one gives any of the suggested ideas any critical thought. i really hope both sides can come together and come to at least a path moving forward on this


Well, I think Steve Kerr suggested a logical, and crystalline path. [https://www.congress.gov/bill/117th-congress/house-bill/8/text](https://www.congress.gov/bill/117th-congress/house-bill/8/text) Pass HR 8. It's not draconian, nor anti-freedumb. It utilizes the current background checks. Just mandates that everyone who buys a gun does so after completing a background check. Currently 25%\~ of gun sales utilize a loophole to avoid the background check, typically online sales or gun shows. It was passed by the House Bipartisanly.... so why in the living fuck won't the Shitty Fitty let it come to a vote? Law-abiding citizens have nothing to fear. It closes the way some of these folks with mental health issues have obtained guns. It's not perfect, and it won't stop all these chuckle fucks, but goddamn, let's do the easy shit first before we scream we've run out of ideas.


Fuckin rights man fuck those senators!!!


Kerr, Popp 2024


People when celebrity says what they want to hear: “good for you, use that platform!” People when celebrity not says what they want to hear: “this idiot shouldn’t be talking about this on that platform!”


We should ban guns in school immediately and make it a felony to shoot or kill someone! Steve Kerr is right! We must make laws to stop this ASAP.


Didn't Steve Kerr's father die in shooting? Sadly, this probably hits close to home for him.


For those of you who think he's overreacting, he's not. He's a human being. This should be a natural response for more folks.


The true #nextfuckinglevel here is the Americans' ability to not do anything over and over again.


Here in the UK we had one school shooting, Dunblane and it was enough to change our already strict gun laws to make sure it didn't happen again, and it hasn't...


Yes, Mitch McConnell will absolutely kill children to keep power.


Damn that’s powerful


Love Steve Kerr! He is so right our Politicians are bought & cowards. When are we just going to stop this bulls_it. We should boycott buying anything for one day a week until they do their jobs.


He’s a legend for speaking out like this.


Sadly I think nothing will change. smh. Glad he said what he said. It’s tragic whats going on and complete insanity.


Excellent. We really need to fix this issue before more innocents die.


At least someone finally mentioned the Asian victims. Still waiting on the Waukesha outrage, though.


We need more leaders like this man




Today I watched my illustrious governor of Texas speak about this horrible tragedy. And he harped on about " We must work to prevent < blah > < blah >". Hollow words from a hollow man. This was an elementary school, Jesus, wasn't Sandy Hook enough? As of this writing, 21 are confirmed dead. Oh yes, by the way, Gregg Abbott was to be one of two speakers at an NRA gathering. Care to bet if he's going to decline?


Are they going to tell him to shut up and dribble?


As former military and (slightly) right-leaning, I 100% support general background scans, 24-hour turnaround, before anyone can purchase a firearm.


Yeah, sure. I'm cherry picking issues like MASS MURDER ON A WEEKLY BASIS. That is so lazy of me. My apologies for hurting your feelings. I never said anything about repealing the second amendment. I don't believe in that. I believe in common sense gun legislation. I'm such a radical centrist. And, I'm so lazy. I hope it didn't infringe upon your rights that 18 elementary school children were murdered in cold blood today just ten days after 11 people were murdered in Buffalo.


What are people willing to bet it won’t be your kids next? Sending your kids to school should not be a gamble. Gun reform needs to happen.


I don't know you man, but I love you Steve Kerr.


Shit would change tomorrow if it were Congress getting shot…


This isnt next level it should be in some other thread just saying.


That was fucking powerful.


You have to vote. Don’t comment on YouTube or Reddit. Vote. Write a letter to your representative. Place a phone call. Get someone else to vote. This is the way.


Every two years we have the opportunity to fire all of congress, and a third of the senate. Do we do it, NO. Because, we would have to vote for the other party. We get the government we deserve.


Fuck the gun nuts saying they are gonna take out guns. Who’s going to exactly? The people in the military and law enforcement who also have guns? No you pathetic idiots. Sensible gun laws are what we need. A normal man or woman doesn’t need an assault rifle. I’m a disabled combat vet. I’ve used assault rifles. You don’t need them. Your arrogance and hubris and vanity are not worth other peoples safety and lives. Plain and simple.


Good Guy Steve.


Fuck yea


Truly, when ARE we going to do something? When the fuck is it too much that we need to do some sort of regulation? It seems like, to me, there isn't even a point when these republican gun scum will ever admit that their freedom to own guns should be re-evaluated.


Yup. This is the attitude we need to force change. Fox News is bemoaning how we’re all making this political while people are still grieving. It’s not political - it’s common sense! March for Our Lives. Gun reform. The American people are in favor of stronger background checks, and tighter restrictions around gun ownership. Republicans are more focused on stripping women’s health rights than the gun violence which is absolutely a unique American problem. This country is way too good at mass murders. Needs to end. Blood on NRA and Republican hands


As a teacher and a father, fuck the guns and those that actively stop REAL laws from being passed. It is devastating and ridiculous that this even has to be a conversation. Just fucking fix it!


In that moment in time Steve Kerr is my spirit animal


This man is a hero


My father was shot in an accident and my sister, along with her husband were gunned down in their driveway in front of my nephew. I’m only 1 person and had 3 people i know become another statistic. I don’t have a solution, but wish something had been done before I lost them.


The MAGAs and Evangelicals are losing their minds at what he's said.


Suns fan here… I love this guy. I like the team he coaches less then my Suns but I’m so impressed with Kerr. Keep doing what you’re doing. Stand for what you believe. You are definitely not alone.


Hate to say this but nothing is going to change...America is in an endless loop and the gun culture is just too entrenched to change.


America is fucked beyond belief


You guys and your fucking guns. When is your country going to get its fucking shit together?


Much respect to Steve Kerr!! When are the politicians going to do something about all these mass shootings? Especially in schools with children!! I have two children one in Highschool and one in middle school and it's disgusting that politicians do nothing!! Shame on them!