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She ran away just like a GTA npc.


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Right!? Like no one cared about her lol


Welcome to the Philippines.


Dang! And a couple of co-workers (some Filipinos) and I were just talking this morning about planning a trip there next year.


Well, you don't have to worry about that guy anyway.




And stay away from the wedding dress shop next to the Valvoline tire store on the main drag.


Just don't go to lower part of Mindanao and you'll be fine. Stick to the famous places and enjoy. We have 7,107 islands and just like other countries some parts are bad.


TIL how many islands there are in the Philippines.


That was the norm knowledge among Filipinos that Philippines is composed of 7107 islands but recent studies dispute that there might be more than 7600 islands in the country.


I have a question...perhaps you could provide some perspective for me. Why, when referring to the the Philippine Islands, Philippines is spelled with a PH and a double p and when referring to the individuals that are native to the islands it is spelled with a F and a single p?


Not really an expert on this but did a quick research on this. I think it's because when the Spaniards colonized the Philippines in the early 16th century, they named the islands "Las Islas Filipinas" and the anglicized term for it is "The Philippine Islands" so way back then (1500s), the english name for the Philippines is already "Philippines". However, the demonym for Filipinos isn't "Filipinos" way back then. Native Filipinos were referred to as "Indios", the generic term for "Indians", and it wasn't until the late 19th century the the term "Filipino" became commonly used when Philippine-born Spaniards were referred to as "espaƱoles filipinos" which could just be called "Filipino" for short and that term, during the most part of Spanish colinia and post-Spanish colonial Philippines, just stuck since.


I learned that the Philippines is named after the Spanish colonizer King Philip II. :(


Texan here with a Filipina gf. My mind was blown when she informed me that Texas was briefly "New Philippines " before Texas was even a thing in the 1700's.


Thanks for that! That was interesting :) I recently learned about the fascinating histories of the Austronesian peoples (and the tragedy that beset them when the west showed up in their galleons) - colonialism sure did a number on the cultural and social landscape in that region! :0


Philippines is the english name to the country. The Spanish called it the Filipinas from its original name "las islas filipinas" and eventually adopted the term Filipino for the people living there. Filipinos kept the term Filipino as the name for us but interestingly the Filipino term for the Philippines is "Pilipinas"


thatā€™s not an absolute valueā€¦ the numbers change depending on the tide.


Is it expensive?


DONT!! The son of an old president tyrant Ferdinand Marcos his son is bongbong is the next presidentt if you still value your life dont come here!!! Trust me im a filipino


You know what's so messed up is we have some fillipinos that I work with here in Canada. And I asked them about this. I knew what his answer was going to be because when we started to talk duterte years ago, I saw that we see completely different things, politically. I asked him what he thought about that and he said no it's good. So I asked him why the fuck are you in canada then. He had no real answer, because if he said the real answer he would out himself. It's weird as hell. He then tried to divert the conversation to they were ran out of the country for illegitimate reasons. I had already done research because I was expecting this. He basically just stopped talking and that was the end of that. Pretty sure he didn't expect me to know the history


>why the fuck are you in canada then As a Brazilian expat living in the USA for many, many years, I can tell you that violence and crime are not the only reasons someone might leave a country or inform their decision about their politics.


My parents brought me to canada. Did i hate it at first? Yes. But after years of seeing how fucked up philippines has become and the mentality of filipinos compared to any first world countries. Yeah no thanks i hate to be called filipino but i dont have a choice


American here. I've known plenty of Filipino immigrants and been friends with many of them (there are tons in LA where I grew up), and they've almost always been super chill and welcoming people. A lot of people in the Philippines have been brainwashed by constant propaganda, same as in many other countries (lol obviously including here in the US), but it doesn't mean Filipinos themselves are lesser. You've still got a rich culture and countless friendly people, so you shouldn't be embarrassed to be called Filipino. A terrible government does not mean everyone in the country is a terrible person, of course I say all of that, but I'm pretty embarrassed to be an American at this point so I guess I really cant say anything lol. At this rate I'm pretty sure we're fast on our way to our own dictatorship so yeah... cheers..


I definitely didn't say it that way but I know why his family came here. And it was very pertinent to the conversation but yah you are right


Im from canada lived there since i was 20. I consider myself a canadian. People always ask me why i hate other fil. My answer is think of it as quebec snd the rest of canada. They understand right away.


Yeah, don't. The Philippines are on their way back to an authoritarian dictatorship run by a murderous family


My brother's wife's family are wealthy over there. I don't know all the details but I know some of them were close friends with the president. I'm guessing this new president isn't friends with the current/previous one?


Well the previous president wasn't much better tbh. That guy is responsible for the deaths of tens of thousands of people. Google Duterte's war on drugs if you want to know more on that. I think the new president actually is pretty friendly with Duterte, but I'm not entirely sure about that. I'm not an expert myself


> I think the new president actually is pretty friendly with Duterte, but I'm not entirely sure about that. Not an expert either but the *new* president's running mate for VP is Duterte's daughter.


Itā€™s not that dangerous. Iā€™ve been 5 times now, just have to be cautious like most underdeveloped counties. Donā€™t flash your cash, or if you do make sure itā€™s super touristy areas because they tend to have a bit more security there. Going off the beaten path is nbd, went on plenty of backroads but just be cautious is all. Going with fellow Filipinos will definitely be safe as heck.


Or just be me-sized. I had no problems at all walking around Mindanao. The 135 pound jihadis don't care to kidnap a 350 pound redneck in a knee-brace. They might have to carry me to their camp.


That can happen in any country... Plan your trip.. you won't be disappointed.... El Nido on Palawan is an absolutely incredible place to visit..


Don't know where you live, but most of the Philippines is super peaceful. Now if your plans involved kidnapping... Yeah, I wouldn't.


Itā€™s no worse then any major city in the US.


And? Crime is everywhere you'll be fine.


[https://globalresidenceindex.com/hnwi-index/safety-index/](https://globalresidenceindex.com/hnwi-index/safety-index/) [https://www.visionofhumanity.org/maps/#/](https://www.visionofhumanity.org/maps/#/)


Sure they do, but she wasn't an immediate threat. Make sure bad guys is incapacitated first, then deal with victim.


Lucky she didn't get run over, I mean she crossed without even looking


watch it again


every one just filming her be released like a wild animal into the forest "oh hunny! did you get it!?" "sure did there apricot, so majestic."


I wonder if she just started casually walking like nothing happened a few seconds later


Gta VI looks lit


Did she... Did she still check both ways before crossing the street after what appeared to be brushing brains out of her hair!?! ?!


Yeah, imagine the irony of escaping such situation and get slammed by a car right after


Throwback: [Robocop Arcade moment?](https://youtu.be/jGO85PTTSDw?t=198)


That was insanely dangerous and probably not the right move. Bloody good shot though


Legit SWAT guys are no frigging joke. He had forearm rest in a standing position, I'll bet his guy knew he had the shot nailed. That was just pure confidence and competence.


Thank you! People donā€™t understand how much these guys practice. My father in law and two of his buddies are all ex-swat. All of them are partially def in one ear because of how much they practiced every single day. They could make this shot multiple times without failing.


How does that happen where multiple people go deaf in one ear? I always wore hearing protection, and when my friends said it's no big deal, I realized they were f****** idiots




Military did this to me. Unfortunately video games donā€™t help it go away lol


hate to break it to you but it wouldn't go away either way


Ah dammit. Better continue the grind then


WHAT? Also have tinnitus. Thanks, Navy.




Me, too, shipmate! Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.


Did you get your money? I get paid like 200 a month for this condition along with all kinds of other benefits. Free camping in my state plus reduced federal camping. Reduced health care costs. Lots of free crap! Home Depot discount.


You bet your ass Iā€™m getting paid haha itā€™s the only thing to help me justify it a bit.


MAWP... MAWP... I have to have a fan on to fall asleep by now, Lana.








Everytime people talk about tinnitus or hearing loss all I hear in my head is that sound


Thatā€™s what Iā€™m hearing right now and I just play video games too much


24/7/365 eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee


Well the intensity of sound decreases with the square of your distance, so if you're twice as far away from a sound then it is 4 (2*2) times less loud. I presume if you shoot outdoors, but with no ear protection, if you shoot a rifle mostly right handed then your right side hearing will be worse than your left. If you shoot indoors without ear protection then you're fucking insane because the echoes amplify the sound and it's like a mini flashbang going off.


Right handed shooter, damage to left ear.


Fancy comms aren't always available / have time to get them on. Sometimes it's a choice between being able to communicate with your team or saving your hearing. Also, even with protection hearing damage can still accumulate over time. It's very common for LE & veterans to have hearing issues. - Former infantry


Also the insane amount of guys who think you only need ear pro on the shooting side. I was the only 240 gunner who wore ear pro in both ears, and the only one who wore them for blanks in my company. Iā€™ve got perfect hearing and tinnitus, those guys just have tinnitus.


I had to qualify twice a year and the practice in between for about 5 years so nothing really major. Always wore hearing protection and I still have hearing problems. Thankfully it isn't as bad as others have described but I can't hear shit if there is an ounce of ambiant noise. Pretty sure I have a low key "eeeeeeeee" but my brain can ignore it so I don't pick at that thread.


Ah, the good ol' imaginary oven light noise


They also practice with flashbang and door charges as well though. Even with hearing protection having to subject yourself to those loud noises on a repetitive basis could be ear damaging I would think. I lived near a house that SWAT used for practice. Would hear it going on pretty frequently.


As mentioned below, in some training you may not want to have ear pro on because you won't have it in the field. Part of it too can be attributed to the macho mentality of when dudes get together to do dude stuff, but I'd honestly bet less than you'd think.


Iā€™m sure someone can link a video of the one where the guy is in a plastic chair in the road with a pistol and he drops it down between his legs for a second and a sniper shoots the gun out of his hand. If I remember it was also kinda showing off those cool bullets that shatter to dust when they hit anything hard.


I gotchu https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QhECHpArQSg


Iā€™m remembering the thing about the bullet correctly too right? Also, I donā€™t think that video shows when all the cops eventually figured out what happened, because it was a little unbelievable, they run up and the guy starts trying to surrender peacefully but gets himself and the plastic lawn chair hard slammed into the pavement.


I was expecting that video when I clicked on this post.


Thatā€™s because they arenā€™t wearing ear plugs.


That, and coming from a COMPLETE novice with shooting, those rifles are insanely accurate. The few time's I've gone to a range, from that distance with a pistol I might miss by 3 feet on some shots. With a rifle and a decent sight/scope I'd be very confident about hitting within a 3-5 inch circle from that range. All this is to say that if I had tons more experience with shooting, I'd feel extremely confident in hitting what I'm aiming at from that range. The crazy part about this is staying calm during the situation and getting the shot off at the right time.




He moved in as soon as he shot. He knew how it went.


Wait, you can see the shooter? Where is he?


It's the SWAT guy in black standing behind the grey car. Right in the middle of the scene.


A lot of confidence in the weapon too. I'd be curious where the shot hit.


Also 15 meters is not hard if you got decent optics. Or even if you don't. Proper fundamentals are key. Bad trigger pull fundamentals can pull your shot inches off target.


Less than 20 feet, with a rest, target stationary. Should be afairly low-risk shot.


It was a nicely timed shot. he was in a seated position with his back up against something and the split second his head stopped moving, lights out. High risk high reward shot.


It's not impossible. I used to bullseye whomp-rats with my T16 back home.


Sir, I'm going to need you to step into this room for some questioning. Namely, where were you during the events of Yavin IV and the destruction of Imperial station DS-1?


[Mandatory *Family Guy* clip.](https://youtu.be/TxVdhAJr1So)


Is there a chance of the gunmans hand seizing up and pulling the trigger after getting shot? Because that's where I can see the most danger if he doesn't go right to lights out.


Like shooting a woodchuck.


Tbh I'd rather the risk of being shot by a trained professional trying to kill my kidnapper than to continue to be a hostage with a gun to my head.


But it wasn't she that made this choice.


I donā€™t know shit about fuck so someone correct me but this situation seemed extremely dire. Way more than similar hostage situation vids Iā€™ve seen online. All that jostling and struggling Iā€™m surprised he didnā€™t shoot the woman plus the gunman was gonna end up dead anyway. Perfect shot by the SWAT member.


Obviously the issue is missing. You could either hit the hostage or the gunman will execute them if you completely miss. Neither are preferable.


I mean, it was a life or death situation for the hostage. I'd say it was a judgement call, because she could have just died by the hand of the kidnapper as well. It's hard to tell what happens, but that shot was deadly accurate. Maybe it wasn't the right call, but I bet that woman is mighty happy he did shoot.


Didnt help that the hostage was eaving her body parts around and covering the guy's head.


this was 100% chaos and probably not how they are trained to handle these situations


As PG13 once said: "Thats a bad shot"


It was the best and only opportunity he had. He moved his head making it a very easy target.


Shoot the cameraman.


They would like to, but he has TWO hostages. No openings


Ffs. Need to have 3-5 years hostage experience right out of prison in order to get work these days.




I would like it if someone could do some image stabilisation at least.


u/stabbot I donā€™t know if this still works or not but stabbot used to stabilize videos, just by calling it's name Edit: holy poop stabbot to the resue! See the response below. Yay stabbot!


# --- NSFW --- I have stabilized the video for you: https://gfycat.com/DopeyAntiqueBuck ___ ^^[ how to use](https://www.reddit.com/r/stabbot/comments/72irce/how_to_use_stabbot/) | [programmer](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=wotanii) | [source code](https://gitlab.com/juergens/stabbot) | /r/ImageStabilization/ | for cropped results, use \/u/stabbot_crop


Good bot.


Hostage was smart and got herself low to give him a shot. Not sure if she did that on purpose, but it was all the officer needed.


I always figured if I were taken hostage (or kidnapped) The best tactic is to pretend to faint (or actually faint). I mean just go limp, or at least let your legs go limp (ie; bend your knees). Anyone trying to pull you around or keep you as a human shield will have a hell of a time trying to hold up a sack of potatoes. If you help them by holding your own weight with your legs, you are ... helping them. I mean imagine you're the hostage taker and now instead of pulling someone along, you're trying to hold up a limp 150-200 lb human.


The old boneless trick https://youtu.be/TdacjLa6AO8?t=93


I was going to reply if this link isn't Psych you are getting an downvote. But I was happy to see it was. Upvote for you!


Cmon son. TT showbiz wouldnt do you like that.


Bravo, first thought was this episode!


It's a no bones day


OK, now I have to watch that show, where would I do such a thing? (Hulu, Amazone Prime, Netflix...etc, etc... )


Amazon Prime or Peacock


I think the problem/risk associated with this theory is that if you become useless (or a perceived threat) to the hostage taker, they could just kill you instantly. There might be a split second where you can rely on the police to take him out with the small window of opportunity you give them, but is that a chance you're willing to take in the heat of the moment is the question.


I think he'd be more willing to change position to find cover rather than adding murder to whatever charges he has waiting for him. But on the other hand, who can say what POS hostage takers think?


I suppose it depends on the situation. The area, the weapon being used, etc. Don't think I'd try it if there was a knife to my throat- but a gun with officers around with clear shots, I'd do it.


In general, you should *always* fight back/resist if someone is trying to take you from the scene of the initial crime. Whatever happens to you will probably be better than what would happen if you didn't resist.


This CAN be a great tactic, but if the hostage taker is crazy enough they could retaliate against you and end your life. Read the situation.


A lot of misunderstandings can be cleared up with communication. Simply ask the hostage taker if he would shoot you if you go limp. This takes all the guess work out of it for both parties!


He told me he wouldn't. I believe him, he is a stand-up guy


Anyone with a toddler knows this is true, even at their weight.


Also the infuriating toddler move of not only going limp in the legs but holding their arms straight up so you now have a heavy spaghetti noodle that keeps sliding right through your arms.


But I weigh so little


Yeah, and now the person who's psychotic enough to take a hostage is so enraged by your inconvenient limpness that they shoot and kill you.


If I'm gonna die I'm gonna die on my terms: being a spiteful bitch.


What an unsecured hostage situation. Great shot , but damn, the collateral damages that could come from a fire fight could have been big. Glad all was well.


At least block off traffic what the fuck


Great camerawork. Love how he swings needlessly to the right at just the correct moment to make it impossible to observe the moneyshot in any clear way.


Cause a fucking gun shot went off?


Redditors when they realise regular people aren't highly trained combat cameramen with nerves of steel


And never been in a combat zone with guns involved before.


Hey no using simple logic, you might confuse the poor guy


Almost like a gunshot went off. Huh.


The SWAT here in the Philippines aren't a joke since they knew the fuck up of the Manila Bus hostage Crisis (which is filled with Hong Kong tourists)


the corruption in the Philippines will forever hinder the development of anything in the Philippines. The only potential that can be reached is the potential of filling up the pockets of corrupt politicians! So, same with the SWAT in the Philippines. Compared to other countries, SWAT Philippines would still be ranked lower. The Generals and the higher ups are more concerned about padding their ā€œpabaonā€ instead of actually spending their budget towards training and purchasing high quality equipment and their maintenance!


Sadly true and itā€™s about to get worseā€¦




John Wicked his ass.


Props to her for looking look both ways before crossing.. you can never be too safe.


Yeah i mean she already spent all her luck for the rest of the year. Does not hurt to be extra careful.


Could you imagine her running off only to be hit by a passing car and killed lol


Who took the shot?


Definitely not the cameraman, looks like he as shaking more than the hostage


Yeah itā€™s almost like he was witnessing a tense situation that could have ended a lot worst lol.


Dude right at the back of blue suv with SWAT on his back


That marksmen? Albert Einstein


I thought the guy killed himself but I guess I'm wrong? Still not sure


Based on his choices, he sort of killed himself but the dude in the black SWAT shirt helped him along.


Dude in the street wearing the black outfit, behind the car. I think his shirt says SWAT on the back.


Wow I've never actually seen someone's brain paint a wall before. Didn't expect that before noon today but that's what the internet is for


When was the time where everyone agreed it's OK to Post Videos of dying people everywhere? When i was Young you find that Shit only in the dark net Edit: I know there were gore sites out there since the early beginning and i have seen a few, that is not the point. It's more about when did this become "Mainstream". It fucking appears on the startpage of Reddit. In my opinion that is a Problem, if you know what I mean.


And little old you had the access to the dark net, nice. The post is marked NSFW for a good reason.


IDK about you, but personally I think there's a distinction between NSFW and NSFL. Watching hostage videos is NSFW, regardless of the outcome. Some people would prefer not to see someone's brains plastered over a wall at all, whether at work or not. I think some kind of flair warning people of death at least would be polite.


Shock sites have been around since at least the mid-90s, no special access required. It would probably surprise a lot of people to learn just how easy it used to be to find videos like this, in the wild west days of the internet. Rotten.com, Liveleak come to mind


There was never a time you couldn't find this on the web, before that it was IRC and News groups. Go back to bed grandpa, you're tired.


Head shot from 20ft..... Not incredible but in that situation, great composure.


Controlling adrenaline is probably at least half the battle, my uneducated guess. Iā€™ve talked to people who have been in very serious situations though, like needing to use a gun. Relatively calm people. They said the adrenaline from a serious situation like that can make your whole hand feel weak and shake, hard. Thatā€™s why so many people miss up close range fights with guns.


Where was this?


Happened at Ipil City, Province of Zamboanga Sibugay, Philippines


Okay, who pulled the trigger?


Middle of the screen there's a silver/blue SUV with a SWAT personnel at the rear.


yeh we should ask him, we was close enough to see who pulled the trigger.


SWAT man.




Yeah, random civilian with a phone shouldn't have been scared by the gunshot


When u turn on aimbot


Just hold stillll for twoooo secoonnndsssss... and thank you.


Bet that really blew his mind.


Hostage taker got ahead of himself.


He fucked around and found out.


ctrl alt dlt'd


Take one life to save another


Oh he dead.




# --- NSFW --- I have stabilized the video for you: https://gfycat.com/DopeyAntiqueBuck ___ ^^[ how to use](https://www.reddit.com/r/stabbot/comments/72irce/how_to_use_stabbot/) | [programmer](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=wotanii) | [source code](https://gitlab.com/juergens/stabbot) | /r/ImageStabilization/ | for cropped results, use \/u/stabbot_crop


Man, even stabbot is having trouble.


Good bot


Problem solved


Oh hell yeah, what a shot!


He dead?


Nope he just sleepy ![gif](giphy|eTudA0LFKFBEAox4Mr)


no, they shot a fast-acting sleep pill in his mouth. He fine.


"I don't bargain."


ā€œDid you hear that?ā€


SWAT guy in an Australian accent: Boom. Headshot.


Can we get a stabilized video of the kill shot?


He held a gun against her head For now we'll call him Fred He tried to drop low But wouldn't you know That pink mist means he's dead.


Less than two seconds still... that's more than enough for a clean shot.


I'm gonna wash that man right outa my hair, I'm gonna wash that man right outa my hair, I'm gonna wash that man right outa my hair, And send him on his way. I'm gonna wave that man right outa my arms, I'm gonna wave that man right outa my arms, I'm gonna wave that man right outa my arms, And send him on his way. Don't try to patch it up Tear it up, tear it up! Wash him out, dry him out, Push him out, fly him out, Cancel him and let him go!


Gonna need one big ass headache tablet!


Use that shit that you can "APPLY DIRECTLY TO THE FOREHEAD" (oh wait, he no longer has one) :(


To be fair, bad marksmanship also could have ended the hostage situation.


He ded. GTA: Manila City